Ooooh yes, my cock was inside of T's vagina, And yes again, I was watching my cock going in, just so that I avoided making eye contact with J. As I felt my sperm pumping into her vagina. I sped up my thrusts, then stopped, then pulled my cock nearly all the way out. Then rammed it back in, then stopped again, withdrew my cock to the same position again, T had orgasmed, I rammed my cock back in, for another frenzied thrusting. When I pulled it out slowly again, I could see that my cock was coated all over, with my spunk, along with her vaginal fluids. I quickly got down on my knees, between her legs, and started eating her pussy.
I just love doing that to a woman, when I have dumped a load of salty seed inside a woman's cunt. Love the taste, and love the feel of a woman's body shuddering, as you push her over the top. As I have had various women say, plus my, stop stop stop, my fanny is to sensitive. T did not actually say that, but she was thinking it, as her hands were trying to push my head away.
Anyway, I did fuck J later on, as she wanted. But I got to admit, J's fanny was not as fuckable and as tight as T'S.
I hope that you enjoyed the story folks.
Have a nice Christmas, and a happy fucking, forthcoming new year. |