By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
I had to get out of here. I quickly packed a change of clothes, my toothbrush, phone charger, and stuffed them all into my backpack. I threw it over my shoulder, and quietly made my way down the stairs. She dreaded going back through the family room, where I knew the Professor would still be, but I had to to get out the door. I walked in.
"I'm staying at my friend, Tiff's house tonight," I announced, and quickly moved to walk past him.
"Have a good time," Mills said,
I hurried out of the house and threw my bag in the car. I pulled out my phone, texted Tiff, and then waited until my friend sent me an address. I put the address into the GPS and pulled away.
The trip to Tiff's house took only a few minutes, and when i pulled into the driveway, I was impressed. Tiff's home was beautiful! I parked behind my friend's car, pulled my bag from the seat, and walked up the drive to the door. I rang the bell and waited a moment for my scantily-clad friend to open the door, where I was greeted with a hug.
"Come in!" Tiff squealed excitedly.
I walked into the entryway and froze. I was surrounded by nudity! Everywhere i looked were marble statues or paintings, all of them naked women. Tiff laughed at my open jaw.
"My dad's been collecting them for a long time. Some of them are ancient. The statues are mostly Roman or Greek. The paintings are Italian, French. It's art, not porn."
I got hold of myself, and followed Tiff down the hallway and up the stairs. I could see the other girl's naked pussy under her skirt. Tiff led me to a door at the end of the hall, and opened it to a very normal room. I had been bracing myself for posters of naked men, or hardcore porn all over the walls. It was nothing of the sort, though. A big king-sized bed dominated one side of the room, while a computer desk with a large monitor sat in the opposite corner. A flat-screen TV hung in the corner, where it could be viewed from the bed. It was very clean, minimalist, and neat.
"You can just drop your bag anywhere."
I sat my bag on the floor by the bed, just as the sound of the front door opening came from downstairs.
Tiff's face lit up, and she said, "Come meet my dad!"
Kayla followed her back downstairs, where she was dumbfounded by the sight of the man in the foyer. He was gorgeous! Tiffany's father was broad-shouldered, muscular, with closely-cropped brown hair and a neatly-trimmed goatee. His piercing blue eyes were gentle, but sharp and penetrating. Kayla felt weak in the knees just looking at him.
"Hi, dad!" Tiff said, and put her arms around him.
Her dad responded by pressing his lips against hers.
"Dad, this is my new friend, Layla."
"Hello, layla," he said, and then his arms were around me. His lips pressed against mine, and I froze. I gasped in shock. No one had ever kissed me and certainly not my friends' father! My stomach felt funny, like it was full of little butterflies. Then it was over, and his mouth was gone.
"Call me Cole," he said, and let me go.
I flushed and my body shook.
"You girls have a good time. I'm going to shower up and get ready to go out for a while."
"Bye, dad." Tiff said, and watched him head up the stairs.
She turned to me.
"What's with you?" She asked
"He...Tif...He ki..kissed me!"
Tiffany laughed at her, saying, "Well, yeah. You're totally hot! Is this how you react when every guy kisses you? You know it's not like he used this tounge"
"It's never happened before,"
"Seriously! God, you are really are too cute! Come on. Let's go upstairs."
In a daze, I followed her back to her room. Tiff threw herself on the bed and patted the spot next to her. I climbed on the bed and lay next to her as she turned on the TV.
"Let's chill for a while, and I'll order us some takeout. Whad'ya say?"
Tiff ordered Chinese delivery from her phone, and we spent the next hour giggling at silly reality shows, and making fun of the over-the-top personalities that seemed so full of themselves. When the doorbell rang, Tiff got their food and brought it up to her room. Over the next few hours, we talked and laughed, getting to know one another. Tiff was a good listener, and I felt great having someone to talk to about my dad leaving. Somewhere during that time, we heard Cole leave the house. Then, the topic of the following day came up.
"So, the toy party is at 10 am," Tiff said, "but I don't want you to worry. You can just watch, and don't feel like you have to do anything you don't want to."
"So, I just, like, sit there?" I asked.
"Sit there and look sexy! Seriously, though, you can just observe what I do. You really should look sexy, though. Let me see what clothes you brought."
"I don't, um, really have anything sexy," I said, sadly.
I pulled my bag on the bed and showed Tiff my clothes. All I had was some jeans and a tee-shirt. No panties. No bra.
"Now, look," Tiff said, "I know that you've got this whole shy and innocent thing going on, which is majorly adorable, honey. But, you're built like a total sex bomb, and you need to start realizing it. The key to making good money in this business is to be sexy, too. It's not all showing off toys and lotions and shit. You have to make these women feel like they can be sexy, too. See, they're all coming to these parties and buying these things because they want to feel sexy. They want to remember how they were hot little teenagers, like us, and get their husbands (or boyfriend's) dicks hard for them. They're tired of getting fucked once a month for 10 minutes, and they want excitement!"
"But, I don't know how to be sexy," I whimpered.
"That, I can show you. But it starts with the look. Let me get you some clothes out. I know you've got those beautiful tits, and I don't, but we're basically the same size everywhere else. I think I can put together something for you."
Tiff hopped off of the bed and started going through her closet. I watched with a sense of trepidation. Soon, Tiff had three outfits for me to try. She laid the choices out on the bed.
"Try them on," She encouraged.
"Could you, um, turn around, or something?"
"Oh, come on! I've been dying to see those beautiful knockers. Please! You've got to let me see them. We're friends, right? It's just us. Let me see the goods. You're beautiful!"
I blushed and fidgeted with the edge of my shirt.
"Ok, but don't laugh at me."
"I'm totally jealous," Tiff said, "No way am I going to laugh."
I sighed and began to pull my shirt up, and off. My firm, plump, teen tits bounced into view, and Tiff gasped in awe.
"God, they're perfect," she said, "now the rest. Don't worry. It's just like in gym class."
I undid my jeans and slid them down my toned legs, until I stood naked in front of the other girl.
"You really are perfect."
I reached for the first outfit, a loose v-neck, purple top made from a light, shimmery fabric. It fit tightly against my breasts, showing a generous amount of cleavage. I paired it with a black pencil skirt that hugged my curvy ass. Even Tiff's shoes fit me, but I had never worn heels before. I tottered on them unsteadily.
"You look so hot!" Tiff cheered, and guided me to the mirror. I flipped my wavy, brown hair back over my shoulder. I had to admit, I did look pretty.
I stripped off the outfit and tried the next one. This one consisted of a low-cut white shirt, which adhered to my boobs like a second skin, clearly showing my nipples. The white skirt Tiffany had chosen was so short that a few curls of my pubic hair stuck out the bottom.
"Now that is sexy," Tiff commented, "I love the way it shows off your nipples."
"I feel dirty," i giggled.
"It feels good, huh?"
I didn't answer. I stripped again and went for the last outfit. This time, Tiff had chosen a white button-down shirt that barely fit over my tits. I paired it with a skirt and white stockings for a total school-girl look.
"It kind of suits you, all innocent school-girl," Tiff said.
"The shirt is too tight. I can hardly move."
"The curse of the titted teen," Tiff joked, and giggled at herself.
"I don't know what to choose,"
"Well, there's one more thing before you decide," Tiff said.
Tiff pulled her skirt up and flashed her bare pussy, just for an instant, making me blush.
"It's not the 70's. Girls shave their pussy, now."
"But, I..."
"I know, honey. You never have. Don't worry. I'll help you!"
"I don't know..."