By *onle81 OP Man
over a year ago
Sherborne |
He went on to say ‘I would like you to go back to your room and Sue will join you a short while later, you can trust me Ron, here is my spare room key and my mobile number’ whilst I knew I could trust Eric I really wasn’t keen on leaving without Sue, I was just about to answer to decline then Sue almost launched herself at me throwing her arms around me ‘yes please please say yes, I really want to do something new for you’ I was now torn, what the fuck shall I do? Eventually I reluctantly agreed ‘ok ok if that is what you want, 15 minutes Eric otherwise I will come back to get Sue’
‘Calm yourself Ron please, I need half an hour, go make yourself comfortable, have a shower and before you know it your sexy wife will be with you’ he had a very calm manner and I reckon he almost always got what he wants with most people, trouble is I absolutely hate people telling me what to do and I think Eric could see that in my eyes ‘honestly Ron, I promise I will take care of your precious wife and please try to relax!’
I left the room and headed back to ours, it was strangely quite there on my own, as Eric suggested I jumped in the shower, god that was so refreshing! Then sat on then bed waiting fir Sue. My mind was doing overtime just replaying the events from this evening and just how horny I felt, my cock seemed to be permanently hard all day, so much so it actually ached, and I couldn’t believe just how Sue let herself go and fully enjoyed the experience, I then looked at my watch, 30 minutes had now past, do I wait patiently or go back?
Right on cue I heard a very gentle tap on my door, when I opened it Sue was standing there completely naked ‘I didn’t have my room key’ and she kissed me long and hard whilst we stood in the doorway, this is a very different Sue, more confident just oozing sex appeal and was in no rush to get in and close the door, almost like the danger of being caught was turning her on.
‘Would you like me to shower and remove all this cum?’ Sue said gesturing to her leaking cum filled cunt ‘no babe, I want to enjoy you as you are’ which was absolutely true, I even was getting really turned on thinking about licking her cunt
‘I am so glad you said that’ we lay on the bed kissing and caressing each other’s body which was just amazing, I could still taste on Sue’s lips and mouth the slightest tint of cock and very faintly Sarah’s cunt juices which was very horny. I worked my way down her neck kissing and nibbling which she absolutely loves then I noticed 2 big love bites on her neck, I had no idea who did that but thought they are going to be a challenge to his tomorrow! I noticed on her arms quite a lot of bruising in the shape of fingers where someone had been holding her down tightly ‘are you ok babe, was reality as good as your fantasy’ I thought I knew the answer from everything I had seen but I wanted her to tell me herself ‘I have had just the most amazing night, beyond my wildest expectations’ Sue said excitedly ‘now it is your turn, Eric said you will probably resist what I am about to do to you but will you please promise me to trust me?’