
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Stories and Fantasies > The Appointment

The Appointment


By *razy Shenanigans OP   Couple  over a year ago


First attempt at an erotic story.

Chapter  I

     Charlie slowly stirred her gin and lemonade with her straw whilst absently gazing out at the quaint view of the local park. She and her boyfriend, Blake, absolutely loved coming here to the pub that backed onto it, a pleasant little watering hole that perched at the pinnacle of a lush green slope that seemed to sprawl out for miles.

     Although she seemed lost in the view, and it was a great view, Charlie's mind was on something else, something new to her, something confusing but exciting, the sort of exciting that gave her butterflies whenever she thought about it. And over the last few weeks, she had been thinking about it a lot. Blake yawned and stretched, momentarily pulling Charlie out of her gaze. "You ok baby?" He asked.

     "Yes baby, I'm fine," she replied with a loving smile. And she really was, sat here with the love of her life, enjoying a peaceful lunchtime drink. Even with this intriguing thing on her mind she still felt really good. Charlie turned her attention back to the lively but serenely beautiful picture that was playing out in full cinematic glory.

     Various and plentiful trees and greenery framed the huge, glistening boating lake that sat at the bottom of the slope, providing weekend activity seekers with various manners of outdoor pursuits, from pedalos to fishing, windsurfing to zorbing and splashing around in the shallows to general relaxing by the lakes shore, book, phone or tablet in hand, taking in the ambience of a beautiful summer Saturday.

     And what a gorgeous Saturday lunchtime it was, whispy strands of fluffy white clouds sat almost motionless against the endless sea of blue sky. It was only just one o'clock but the sun was already coating the park and it's many shorted and shirtless inhabitants in its warm, basking glow and the gentle, late July breeze served not to cool so much but to carry the enticing aroma of several barbecues across the park, tantalising the taste buds of the weekenders with mouthwatering scents and in turn, doing wonders for the pubs lunchtime menu sales. Charlie let out a contented sigh before taking a slow sip on her drink.

     "We should get going after these babe." Blake suggested.

     "Hmm?" Murmered Charlie as she casually pushed her sunglasses up onto her head and turned to face Blake, "sorry babe, I was miles away, just enjoying the scenery," she smiled dreamily as she focused her stunning blue eyes on the man sat in front of her.

     "Blimey, you were miles away," said Blake taking a slow look around, "can't say I blame you though."

     "What do you mean babe?" Asked Charlie.

     "It is gorgeous here, no wonder you zoned out," he replied, "wish we could stick around longer but we've got to go and see this apartment.....we could always come back after I guess?"

     "That might be nice." She said, "oh I really hope you like this one baby, it's so you, finally think we've found what you're looking for." Charlie grinned broadly. She had been doing a fair amount of flat hunting for Blake lately as he was on the verge of moving to her area so they could be closer together. This was what they both wanted, there was a bit of a travelling distance between them and they had made it work very well over the past 18 months but now was the time to be within walking distance from each other and Charlie was so excited. She absolutely adored Blake and couldn't wait for them to be able to see each other every day.

     Charlie took another sip and allowed her eyes to consume her man, God, he looked good today.....smart but casual in the shorts and light blue shirt she had bought for him.....the love and passion she felt for Blake just constantly blew her away, fair enough, she frequently rolled her eyes at his inane daftness but he was kind, centered, hard working and rarely took himself too seriously, she felt loved and protected when she was with him and she knew without a shadow of a doubt that he loved her to the ends of the earth and back again.

     Blake reached over the wooden pub garden table and lightly stroked Charlie's hand, she felt that warm tingle that she always felt whenever Blake touched her and leaned over to plant a gentle, lingering kiss on his lips. "Drink up babe, let's get going," she said.

     "Yeah we should do really," Blake said, "we don't want to keep Alex waiting."

     They finished what was left of their drinks and headed to their appointment with Alex.


     Charlie was really looking forward to seeing Alex again.

Chapter II

     Thank fuck this is the last one, thought Alex as she sat in her car waiting for her clients. It had been a long week and she really hadn't wanted to work Saturday, even less so given the fantastic weather that had crept up on them over the last few days.

     To be honest though, she was quite looking forward to this appointment, this was the sixth property she had shown Charlie and the two of them had formed a bit of a connection from quite early on, Charlie had a very relaxed, approachable and friendly way about her and they had gotten on very well right from the start. She obviously had to keep it professional but Alex could honestly see the two of them heading out for drinks one night.

     You never know, she thought to herself, new friends are always nice, maybe I should see if she's free for a few tonight? Almost straight away, Alex dismissed the idea, telling herself to keep things professional and just enjoy having Charlie and her boyfriend, who she was meeting for the first time very soon, as prospective tenants.

     Alex looked at the time on her phone, almost half past one, she checked herself in her rear view mirror and lightly arranged her straight, auburn hair and stepped out of the car to go and wait by the property for them. As she approached the entrance to the block she saw them both  walking hand in hand toward her from the opposite way, they were both smiling and talking to each other and Charlie gave a friendly wave to Alex.

     They make a really cute couple, she thought to herself, Charlie had obviously talked about Blake to Alex during their previous encounters and she was quite looking forward to meeting him.

     "Hey Alex!" Charlie greeted enthusiastically, Blake gave a smile and a wave as well.

     "Charlie, hi, how are things? This must be Blake?" Replied Alex.

     "Things are good thanks darling, this is indeed Blake, you two finally get to meet!"

     "It's a pleasure Blake, I've heard a lot about you, it's nice  to finally put a face to the voice." Alex smiled politely at Blake and Blake couldn't help but notice the quick flash of the eyes she darted in Charlie's direction.

     What was odd though, was Charlie's subtle change in demeanour, she grinned somewhat awkwardly and shifted her gaze, momentarily, to the ground before regaining composure and smiling at Alex. She looked flustered to Blake, almost embarrassed, her cheeks vaguely flushed, he knew he could turn her into giggling mush so often but flustered? Never seen her like this before, he thought, puzzled.

     "Ok guys, shall we?" Gestured Alex as she fumbled in her handbag for the keys to the apartment, she opened the door and allowed Charlie and Blake to go in first, her eyes automatically drawn to the back of the cute, short, khaki dress that Charlie was wearing. Slightly fascinated by the revealing split up the side that highlighted her pale, well toned legs, she followed them both inside.

     They walked into a light, airy, well decorated and freshly laminated hallway with several stained wood internal doors leading off into different rooms. At the end of the hallway was the front room and the three of them headed into it. Blake was immediately impressed by the size and walked over to the singular large window at one end. "Great view considering it's not too high up." He said.

     "I had a feeling you'd like that babe," replied Charlie, walking over to join him and placing her hand on his back, "how about the space?" She asked.

     "Very nice," Blake said smiling, "should be plenty of room for everything."

     Alex finished sending a message on her phone and popped it back into her handbag. "There's quite a bit of interest in this one guys, but I had to give you the chance to see it." She said, checking her phone quickly and then glancing at her watch.

     "We won't keep you too long Alex," said Charlie, "I'm guessing you've got better things to do on a gorgeous day like this?" She shot a cheeky smile in Alex's direction.

     "Oh no it's fine guys, you take your time, this is my last appointment, once we're done, I'm finished for the day so no rush." Alex returned the smile.

     Once again, Charlie felt herself flushed, what is it about this girl? She thought to herself. When they first met, Charlie had taken a shine to Alex, they just seemed to click right from the start, but over the course of the next few viewings, that 'click' had started to form into something more, something Charlie hadn't felt before. She had always appreciated a good looking woman but had never had these consuming feelings, she'd mentioned to Blake that Alex was a lovely girl and had teased him about how cute she was, but over the last few weeks, Charlie had found herself thinking about Alex a lot. There was just something about her, her beautiful, straight, deep redish brown hair that framed a pixie like face with emerald eyes and such a cute, enticing smile, accentuated by what looked like the softest, pink lips.

     And oh wow, did she look good today, wearing a knee length black skirt and a light, airy, short sleeved, white blouse, finished off with black and silver, sparkly flip flops and a dainty, delicate necklace that glimmered against her soft, lightly tanned chest.

     "The Previous tenants have left this sofa here?" Blake said, again rousing Charlie from her momentary trance.

     "Apparently they have," replied Alex, "I guess they didn't need it? Looks like a decent sofa though, I can arrange for it to be removed if you want or we can include it in the tenancy agreement?"

     Blake sat down on the sofa and stretched out to see how comfy it was before sitting upright again, "it's not too shabby but I think i prefer mine," he said. Charlie parked herself down next to Blake, slipped off her sandals and gave him a tender kiss on the cheek.

     "So, first impressions babe?" She asked.

     "Yeah so far so good, nice size, well kept, I'll go check out the rest of the place." He returned Charlie's kiss, stood up and went to look around the rest of the apartment.

     "You two make a really cute couple," said Alex, "he seems lovely, I can tell you're totally into each other." Her eyes held Charlie's gaze for a few seconds before she seemed to blush and look down at the floor, a cute but sort of awkward smile on her face.

     "Oh totally!" Replied Charlie, "he's a great guy, makes me so happy in so many ways....." a slightly awkward pause followed before changing the subject, "so, are there any more on the market at the moment? Just in case he can't decide on this one?"

     "I don't think there is just yet Charlie," said Alex, "let me have a look," she reached into her handbag, pulled out her tablet and sat on the sofa next to Charlie, Charlie felt a nervous wave of energy flow through her body as Alex's delicate and subtle perfume seemed to somehow fill the air around them. Instinctively, Charlie shuffled closer to her so she could see what Alex was looking at. Alex started searching through her files on her ipad murmuring softly to herself as she did, tapping on various listings, they either didn't match Blake's criteria or she had already shown them to Charlie, Charlie wasn't paying attention to the words being softly uttered by Alex, she was completely mesmerised by her luscious pink lips. This is crazy....thought Charlie, what the fuck is this girl doing to me? 

     She had never felt emotions like this before. Sure, her and Blake's love life was incredible, he made her feel like no other guy had ever made her feel and in turn she knew for an absolute certainty that she was giving him the best sex he'd ever had, together, they were warm, tender and passionate as well as kinky and adventurous, but now, sat here next to this beautiful young lady, the mix of nervous, sexual tension and overwhelming desire to explore these feelings was sending Charlie's head into a spin.

     She couldn't do it....she shouldn't do it....but oh god, did she yearn to do it. She was almost certain that Alex was experiencing similar feelings as over their last few meetings, an air of heat and electricity had formed, they kept having these moments, catching each other looking and smiling somewhat embarrassingly. There had been a few flirty touches here and there, a hand on an arm, a brush of a shoulder, but it seemed to be those subtle exchanges of eye contact that told the story more than anything else and the more it happened, the more Charlie craved Alex.

Chapter III

     Two things happened next, first, Charlie noticed out of the corner of her eye, that Blake had returned and was quietly standing opposite them in the doorway to the front room, arms folded and leaning against the frame, watching them, a curious, almost excited look on his face. And second, Alex had turned her head slightly towards Charlie, she had picked up on Charlie's longing gaze and was now returning the gesture, those amazing emerald eyes seemed to be drinking in every detail of Charlie's face.

     Without even thinking about it, Charlie turned her head briefly and smiled seductively at Blake, then faced Alex again. She raised her hand slowly up to Alex's face and gently tucked her hair behind her ear, then, with her stomach doing somersaults and her heart racing, she lightly stroked Alex's silky soft cheek, she took a quivering breath in as she coaxed Alex's face closer to hers, their lips were so close, she could feel Alex's warm breath on her mouth. Oh my fucking god, she thought....what am I doing? This is it, there's no turning back now! Charlie trembled as she felt Alex's fingers graze her bare leg, their lips brushed ever so lightly together, those delicious, enticing, soft pink lips were now tasting Charlie's own, her hand was now stroking Alex's graceful neck as the kiss grew in intensity. She felt the very tip of Alex's tongue starting to probe it's way into Charlie's mouth and she gratefully accepted this invasion as she allowed her own tongue to slowly dance with Alex's. Damn! She tasted so good! Alex let out a gentle moan of pleasure as they explored each others mouths, her fingers tracing further up Charlie's smooth thigh as Charlie shuddered in heated anticipation.

     Blake stood, transfixed, in utter disbelief at what was unfolding in front of him. His girlfriend, the most beautiful woman he'd ever known, was now engaging in the most beautiful act he'd ever seen, her lips were locked in a passionate, delicate kiss with this relative stranger, it was almost dreamlike, so tender and erotic, he felt rooted to the spot, unable to speak, or move, his only purpose in life at this moment was to witness what was happening right before his eyes.

     Alex very tenderly withdrew slightly from the kiss and put her hand up to Charlie's face, "you've no idea how much I've wanted this," she practically whispered and started lightly kissing Charlie's cheek, working her way down to her neck, leaving a sensational trail of tingles up and down Charlie's spine. Charlie's heart was pounding as she tilted her head to the side to offer Alex as much of her neck as she could and she felt Alex's hand move to the buttons on the front of her dress. Slowly, one by one, she popped them open to reveal Charlie's strapless bra, Charlie watched, amazed at the feelings this gorgeous woman was giving her, as Alex started to undo the buttons on her own blouse. She slipped it off and reached behind herself to unclasp the lacy white bra she was wearing. Charlie took the hint, and, with her eyes burning into Alex's, removed her own bra. Bare breasts to bare breasts, they moved back in for another kiss, both their hands were gliding over each others backs as lips tasted lips, tongues probed and explored and light moans of pleasure resonated around the room.

     Charlie was in dreamland, having this girls sensual touch all over the top half of her body felt heavenly, "why does this feel so good?" She said, almost breathlessly.

     "Because it's so wrong Charlie," Alex replied with a saucy smile, "we all know this shouldn't be happening."

     Charlie didn't care at that moment in time, all she knew was she wanted more, she wanted to feel and taste every inch of Alex and for this feeling to last forever....the fact her boyfriend was stood watching their every move just spurred her on even more. Alex must have read Charlie's mind as she traced her tongue from Charlie's lips, down the front of her neck to her chest and cupping one of Charlie's ample breasts in her hand, she began to gently swirl her warm, wet tongue around the outline of her firm, sensitive nipple, alternating between flicking and lightly nibbling. This sent a shuddering shock wave through Charlie's groin and she twitched and groaned as she ran her fingers through Alex's deep red hair, gasping with pleasure at the differing sensations of tingles and light pain she was experiencing.

     Alex stood up in front of Charlie and unzipped the front of her skirt, letting it fall to the floor, just peeping out of the top her matching white, lacy panties was the bold red colour of a dainty rose tattoo.

     "Oh my god, that's so cute!" Charlie gasped, tracing the outline of it with her fingertip.

     "I'm glad you like it babe," replied Alex with a smile as Charlie slipped her fingers into Alex's panties and started pulling them down, her eyes fixed on the beautiful sight of a neatly trimmed pussy inches away from her face. Alex tipped her head back as Charlie delicately stroked her already moist lips, teasingly probing just inside her. She was so wet, so unbelievably turned on and Charlie was desperate to taste her juices, to tease her clit with her tongue, to make her quiver in sheer ecstasy. Alex laid down on her back on the sofa, lifting one leg up onto the back of it, openly inviting Charlie to quench her thirst, Charlie stood up and shuffled out of her dress and underwear, Alex absorbing every inch of Charlie's pale, soft, naked body with her eyes. Charlie slid up Alex's body so they were once again face to face and kissed her, harder this time, the passion growing exponentially, firmly sucking on her tongue and playfully nibbling her bottom lip. She then ran her tongue all the way down Alex's front, stopping to take each nipple, one at a time in her mouth, before working her way almost down to between her legs. Alex's body pulsed and arched underneath her, revelling in this sensation and as Charlie's lips finally met her now incredibly sensitive and throbbing pussy, she almost exploded there and then.

     "Oh god...." Alex moaned, "that feels fucking amazing," as Charlie's tongue flicked and teased her. She could barely control the convulsions that pumped through her body as Charlie savoured the taste of her wetness. She could tell Alex was right on the verge, but she didn't want her to blow just yet, she had a lot more exploring to do.

     Charlie sat up and motioned for Alex to as well. "Taste yourself on my tongue," she whispered. Alex keenly obliged and they locked into another deep passionate kiss. Charlie turned to Blake as Alex kept tenderly kissing her neck.

     "You coming over baby?" She said.

     "He looks like he's on cloud nine doesn't he?" Alex giggled naughtily. Blake walked across the room to where they were sitting, still mesmerised in disbelief, and slipped off his shirt. He stood in front of them as Charlie undid his zip and let his shorts fall to the floor. He was already as hard as a rock from watching them playing with each other and Charlie, with a steamy glint in her eye, ever so lightly ran her fingertips over his cock. Blake's whole body stiffened as she ever so tenderly kissed his tip, gingerly scratching his length at the same time.

     "Come on babe," she encouraged Alex, "do it with me." Alex hesitated for a second.

     "Are you sure?" She asked cautiously.

     "I'm very sure, help me tease the fuck out of him." Said Charlie, looking up into Blake's eyes. Alex moved closer in and simultaneously they both began to plant lingering kisses on either side of his cock. Blake just gazed in utter amazement as the kisses turned into swirling tongues, up and down his shaft, rolling around the tip at the same time, French kissing each other with his manhood in the middle. He'd never felt anything like it before, Charlie was damn good at doing this but to have an extra mouth on him just accentuated the feeling and sent his sex drive into the stratosphere.

     "Jesus christ," he practically whimpered under the strain of his legs almost buckling from the pleasure as they took it in turns to take him all the way into their mouths as far as they could. Charlie was completely shocked at herself for what was occurring, it was so surreal but so delicious at the same time. Charlie clearly knew when Blake was about to come and just as she had previously with Alex, she eased up on what they were doing to Blake.

     "You ladies are putting on one hell of a show," Blake said, still trembling from the attention he had just received.

     "Baby, you haven't seen anything yet," teased Charlie as she lay down on the sofa, cocking one leg up, just as Alex had done earlier.

Chapter IV

    It was her turn now, she was aching to feel that incredible tongue of Alex's on her soaking, throbbing clit and plainly, Alex was only too keen to oblige as there was no sense of teasing with her, just a wanting sense of urgency. She went straight down and gripping firmly onto Charlie's thighs, buried her face in between Charlie's legs, her tongue almost immediately sensing how open and receiving Charlie's pussy was. She mixed rough, firm lapping and biting with light and tender movements over her pulsing button, occasionally making out, lips to lips, occasionally pushing as much of her tongue inside her as she could. Electricity flowing through Charlie's body, she spasmed uncontrollably, forcing her groin into Alex's face as she twitched and groaned.

     Blake knelt down beside her and started to kiss her, his tongue now teasing and exploring Charlie's mouth just as Alex's had been. Charlie gripped the back of Blake's neck and kissed him back, hard, she was in sheer ecstasy as the feeling of this beautiful young woman sucking and nibbling on her clit, as well as the man she loved and adored, kissing her passionately and running his hands all over her hot, flushed chest sent her into oblivion. She was almost on the verge, so close to exploding....Blake cast his eyes to Alex whose vision was focused solely on watching Charlie's reaction and slid his hand down to rub Charlie's bean at the same time as Alex was bringing her to the edge of a blistering orgasm with her tongue. This was enough to tip Charlie over the edge and her whole body lifted and froze, her eyes rolled back into her head as her red hot juices gushed out, soaking Alex's face, the feeling of this explosive, all consuming orgasm was like nothing else she had ever experienced, Charlie almost blacked out in pleasure as wave after wave of heavenly feeling surged vigorously through her writhing, sweaty body until finally, she collapsed back down on the sofa, her eyes closed, a heavily satisfied, fixed smile on her face, her flushed pink lips, cheeks and chest heaving in time with her breathing.

     "Holy fucking shit," she whispered hoarsely....."that...was...insane...."

     But Blake and Alex weren't done with her yet. Almost instinctively, they switched ends, Blake gently tugging Charlie's legs so that her behind was up on the arm of the sofa, her head on the seat at a lower level, allowing him to stand in between her legs. Alex reached out and lightly gripped his cock, guiding it into Charlie's dripping wet pussy, first the tip, then very slowly, inch by inch, gliding into her with ease, Alex knelt beside Charlie as Blake had done and began rolling her tongue around Charlie's.

     "Now you taste your juices on my tongue baby," she teased, Charlie let out a small whimper as the feeling of Alex's tongue, knowing what it had just done to her, sent her whole mouth tingling, her body tensed once again as she felt Blake's length slipping in and out, occasionally pushing as deep inside her as he could, she could almost feel him in her chest as she wrapped her smooth legs around his waist to pull him in closer. Alex climbed over onto Charlie's face and lowered herself down facing Blake so that Charlie could once again taste Alex's sweet flower, except this time, Alex was in control and was able to grind herself on Charlie's face, her eyes studying the sight of Blake's cock moving in and out, glistening with Charlie's juice, she matched the rhythm of her rubbing herself on Charlie's face with the timing of Blake fucking Charlie as she felt Charlie's moist tongue lapping up and down the length of her pussy.

     It felt incredible, being a part of this sexy couples play time, never in a million years could she have thought this was how her afternoon was going to pan out, and yet here she was, watching a potential client fucking his girlfriend deep, hard and slow while she was surfing and gyrating her sensitive part on that beautiful womans gasping, inviting mouth. She wanted to taste them both together, so leaning forward over Charlie's body, exposing her pussy even more to her in a soixante-neuf position, Alex began to once again tease Charlie's clit with her tongue, catching Blake's throbbing length as she did. Blake started to alternate between Charlie's hot, wet area and Alex's mouth, savouring the differing feelings of both welcoming holes. He felt himself right on the edge of blowing, that insane rush of powerful orgasm exacerbated ten fold by the incredible feeling of these two angels being pleasured immensely in front of him. Alex started to feel herself brimming as Charlie's tongue pushed and probed inside her pussy, gasping as Charlie chomped hard on her delicate lips and as Charlie felt Blake's cock engorging with orgasm, filling her insides with hot explosiveness, she savoured another shuddering, tingly bolt of ongoing lightning as they all came together, hard. Alex's juices flowed over Charlie's face onto her chest as Charlie dug her nails into Alex's thighs at the same time as pushing her groin as deep as she could onto Blake, squeezing every last drop out of his pulsating cock.

     Alex's hot, sweaty body slipped off of Charlie's and she collapsed on the floor, panting for breath. Blake slowly withdrew from Charlie and gingerly, almost giddily sat beside her while she just laid there, gazing up at him, the most satisfied look on her face. Blake smiled, his mind completely blown, "I'll take it," he said with a cheeky grin on his face. Alex propped herself up on her arms,

     "I haven't shown you the bathroom yet Blake," she said, a wry look in her eyes, "there's a walk in shower...."

The End














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