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Fresh air & frolics

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By *reagle OP   Man  over a year ago


The open fields were perfect for clearing the head, great views, fresh air. I often came here for a walk to clear my head. The air was chilly and crisp and as I followed the trail wrapped up warm I spotted a person in the distance walking towards me. I couldn’t believe it as she got closer, I hadn’t seen her in years, I must admit I had a crush on her back then, when I worked with her she was in her mid thirties, long blonde hair, a sexy figure. I remember she used to wear dresses to work that showed off her shapely legs and always wore heels. As a young bloke at the time I would have given anything to get my hands on her and I’d had many a play over her. Ten years later she’s walking towards me with a dog in tow. “ I can’t believe it!” I proclaimed “I haven’t seen you in years! She looked at me and smiled trying to activate her memory. It was then I realised my mistake. “I am so sorry, I’ve got you confused with someone else, I’m so embarrassed” the woman stood in front of me was just as sexy as the woman from my past, her blonde hair a little shorter, probably around the same age 45-50. She was wrapped up warm in a wax overcoat with a pink scarf, she had black leggings on with brown knee high leather boots caked in mud. She laughed “no problem, I was racking my brain as to who you were” she said “my apologies again, enjoy your walk. “You too” and with that we continued on with our walks going in a different direction. For the rest of my walk I thought back about Jane all those years ago seeing her strut across the office in those heels or sitting at her desk with those sexy legs crossed. As I walked my mind drifted to more sexier thoughts of Jane, what would it have been like to see her naked, the sounds she would have made as I slipped inside her from behind, what her nipples looked like. I got myself all worked up and on my return to my house I enjoyed a long slow play picturing her. I liked the freedom that being self employed offered which gave me the opportunity to clear my head whenever it got too stressful. It had been a few days since I’d last been for a walk so I headed down the same route again, lost in my thoughts I was happily meandering along when I recognised the chocolate Labrador from the other day. Legs caked in mud he was happily bouncing around. I looked to my left and there she was again sat on a log pouring coffee out of a flask. “Hello again” I said. She looked up and smiled, steam from her cup rising in the air. “Oh hi, you know I’m still not her right?” she giggled. I laughed “yep, although you are the spit of her, you don’t have any sisters do you? She smiled “afraid not” she took a sip of her coffee. “I must remember to do that, a warm drink would go down a treat”. “I don’t have a spare cup but I do have a lot so you are welcome to some after this” she said “very kind of you, but no I wouldn’t take your drink, Im Gareth by the way. “Nice to meet you Gareth I’m Rebecca, you can sit down if you like” I sat next to her on the log as we chatted, she explained that she was there most days walking her dog and that he would run around for ages while she sat there freezing, but it was nice to clear her head. I found her sexy, the way she carried herself and spoke she sounded a bit posh and was an older woman which I’ve always preferred. We made small talk but the subject of her marital status never came up and as she was wearing gloves I couldn’t tell if there was a ring or not. “Right I best be off, it was lovely chatting to you Rebecca and enjoy the rest of your coffee” she thanked me and I walked on and headed home. I returned to the fields every so often over the next couple of months but never bumped into Rebecca, the weather had improved greatly and we were now heading into summer, which meant less layers and lots of sunshine I could even get away with shorts some days. I was walking the trail when low and behold the return of the chocolate Labrador. It was a lovely warm day and I spotted Rebecca sitting on a blanket reading a book. I approached the blanket and said “hello stranger” she looked up and on recognising me she said “hi, erm” “Gareth” I interrupted. “Sorry I’m useless with names” “that’s ok I haven’t seen you here for ages” she smiled “ah did you miss me” and she smiled. She explained that she had been abroad working and had recently returned. To the uk. She placed the book she was reading onto the blanket and I noticed that she was wearing a wedding ring which was a bit disappointing. As she told me about her trip I sat on the grass next to her. “Did you go by yourself or did your husband go too?” I enquired. “How did you know I was married” she asked. “The wedding ring is a giveaway” I told her. She laughed and agreed that it was but explained that she went alone, and added “ not that he would want to go anyway” “oh really” I asked “how come?” “Oh that’s a very long story, short version late forties under appreciated, unfulfilled stuck in the daily grind of a marriage that offers security and not much else” I wasn’t expecting such a revealing answer to be honest and didn’t really know what to say. “ why so unfulfilled” I asked her. “Well Gareth” she said with her posh voice. “When you marry early like I did, you are unsure of your likes and preferences, you grow into them and if you either don’t reveal those preferences or your husband doesn’t care about your needs then you become unfulfilled” I decided to push my luck a bit and said “Rebecca who would not want to fufill your needs I would grab that opportunity immediately” she laughed, that’s very kind of you to say Gareth, but you should really enquire what ones needs are before announcing your ability to carry them out” I was intrigued now, the mind boggled at what she meant. “I’m a fairly open guy, you are an attractive women I’m sure that a mutual benefit could be reached. So what are these needs?” She began packing up her things “ that Gareth is the question, I may reveal to you one day” she stood up and lifted her bag. “Tell me tomorrow, here at 2pm” I said she pondered my invitation and said “maybe” and walked off, her dog following her as she left. I breathed out sat on the grass and watched her leave, such a weird encounter. She didn’t seem to object but was being very elusive. I’ve always loved an older women and never had any complaints I was sure I could have my wicked way with her. As she disappeared into the distance I wondered if she would be there tomorrow.

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By *reagle OP   Man  over a year ago


I didn’t know what to expect from today, I was unsure she would even be there. I’ve spoken to her twice and there was a veiled conversation about needs of an older woman. I arrived 15 minutes early, it was a warm day, enough to get away with a t-shirt. I arrived at the log that Rebecca liked to sit on and there was no sign of her. I sat and waited scrolling through my phone. Rolo the chocolate Labrador announced their arrival before I saw Rebecca ruining up to me and off again bounding off into the grass. Rebecca approached me, her blonde hair tied in a pony tail wearing a white t-shirt and jeans with a pair of brown ankle boots she smiled and waved and sat down next to me on the log. “I wasn’t sure you would come” I said. “Why not? You said 2pm and rolo needed a walk” “ I was very intrigued about our conversation yesterday Rebecca, I was just thinking maybe I went to far asking” Rebecca laughed. “Well it’s true that we don’t exactly know each other do we, can’t be revealing all my secrets to a stranger” she said. “Maybe that’s half the fun, no judgements” Rebecca looked at me “what exactly do you think is going to happen here Gareth, We had a conversation about our lives and you asked a question and I answered it. “ I have no expectations Rebecca, like

I say I say I was intrigued and would

Like to get to know you better that’s all. You mentioned that you had specific needs I just wanted to know what they were” Rebecca pondered this, I may have misjudged this situation let my mind run away with the possibilities an expectation of something happening so quickly. She softened a little “ being married so long things become routine Gareth, spontaneity disappears, no edge no fun, no risk, like I say fulfilment. “Sexually you mean” I asked. “Well everything really but yes especially sexually”. So it’s risk and excitement you crave?” I asked. “ excitement yes, risk, maybe who knows” I thought about my response “ so what does that look like, an affair?” I asked. She laughed “an affair! Gareth we have practically just met, we chat in a field while I’m walking my dog I wouldn’t say we have built a sexually charged connection would you that would cause me to enter into a so called affair with you” this was such a confusing conversation, I was having difficulty deciding what she wanted. “Rebecca, I’m really confused what do you want” she sat and thought about my question “ I want to be desired, wanted, to feel that buzz the excitement of doing something I shouldn’t” finally I thought something I can work with. “ I can show you all of those I guarantee that you are desired and wanted, I live alone why don’t you come back to mine and we obtain that together. “ Gareth, you are like any other man, offering a sexual encounter as the cure to my problems, I want to feel real desire not just to have sex, connection is important, lust is easily resolved but I want something different, I want to feel wanted, really really wanted, with a sexual connection that makes you want to burst, and that cannot be achieved by just going to your place and having sex” “Rebecca! I’m going to need your help here I still don’t understand, maybe this isn’t a good idea, I don’t think you want to be wined and dined in secret so I don’t know how this ‘ultimate desire’ can be achieved. Maybe have a think about what you want and then maybe we can discuss it” I got up to leave. “I’m going to ask you of things, things that I want, things that I need” I stood there even more confused. “Ok?” She looked at me and pointed to a spot “ stand there” she said. This woman I was pretty sure was crazy. I looked at her with a confused look on my face. “You can stand there or go” she repeated sharply. Jesus I thought time to go I think, but I was just so intrigued. I walked over to the spot that she pointed to and held out my arms, my body questioning her. She sat on the log facing me, almost thinking over something in her head. “Rebecca what am I doing here” I asked. “Show me your cock” she demanded.I laughed “what” I asked. “I want to see your cock, show me” she said in a letter of factly. “what just whip it how here what and we roll around in the grass” she looked at me, “ you claim that you desire me, so let me see the result of your desire, show me your cock, I won’t ask again” this was mental, a

Woman demanding I just get my cock out in broad daylight, this is so fucked up. I looked around, there was nobody in sight, and to be honest the thought of getting some action appealed to me. I looked at her as I unbuckled my belt, she didn’t move, just sat watching me. I looked around again and still no sign of anyone else, I unbuttoned my jeans and lowered them, I was stood in a field with my jeans around my ankles my cock nowhere near the erect state required to perform, I’ve never been one to suggest I have a massive cock but I’ve had no complaints and have been told it’s thick by women I have slept with. I lowered my boxers revealing my cock to her. “There you go” I said. She stayed silent, I beckoned her with my finger to come to me, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on her. “Make it hard” she demanded. “You desire me but you stand there with a soft cock” what on earth was going on here I thought to myself. But she was right I wasn’t going to get to fuck her with a soft cock, I had an idea “why don’t you come here and help” I said touching my cock to entice it to hardness. “Make your cock hard now” she demanded again. This woman was fucking crazy what on earth have I got myself into here now, but my cock was beginning to react to my touch and the risk of it, I looked around and still was clear, I played with my semi hard cock until it become to rise, looking straight at her. This was the moment I wanted, fully hard cock jutting from my body ready for action I wrapped my hand around it and slowly wanked it to show I was ready for her. “Good” she said standing up from the log. “See you tomorrow at 2pm” she called her dog and began walking away. I was shocked, I was ready to go, ready to fuck her and she walks away leaving me in a field with my clothes around my ankles. With a demand to return tomorrow, well we will see about that I was furious.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *he Ring WraithMan  over a year ago


Interesting start ..... I am hooked already

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By *reagle OP   Man  over a year ago


I arrived home still perplexed about the situation I found myself in “see you tomorrow at 2” pah who does she think she is, faced with a hard cock and she bottled it. It nagged at me all evening I sat deciding if to go tomorrow or not, pointless starting this and ending up wanking myself after the fact seems like a waste of time, but if if she doesn’t bottle it I get to fuck that sexy older woman. With my mind made up I locked the door behind me and headed for our spot, again a nice sunny day I arrived early and sat on the log, to be honest I had a bit of nervous anticipation. This time I saw her coming she had her hair tied up this time, she was wearing a long skirt dark red with what looked like a split in and what looked like black boots, she had a white shirt on that was quite tight across her breasts. She smiled and waved as she got closer as rolo dashed off into the grass. I stood up as she approached and she hugged me, well this is a good sign I thought, she seemed totally different. “Thanks for coming” she said. “Well I wasn’t sure after yesterday, you know it’s very poor form to leave a man fully loaded like that but it’s ok I understand your nervousness” I said. She looked at me funnily and leant forward on her toes and kissed me, she smelt amazing and I felt her hand slip to my groin feeling my cock through my jeans “ half way there already are we” I nodded “ I can’t wait to fuck you I whisper in her ear” she looked at me and laughed and just pointed to the same spot. I held her hand to lead her to the spot, this time she was going to help me and then the fun can really begin. As we passed the log she pulled her hand from me and sat on the log, “ok” I thought, maybe she wants to see if I will do it again, I’ll play her game and then take control and get what I want. She looked around and there was nobody about. I stood there looking at her “show me” she said. “I want to look at your hard cock” I knew the drill now and didn’t hesitate in pulling trousers down my semi hard cock on show for her. “Very nice” she said “ now make it harder” I was already turned on with the anticipation of sliding into her mouth and her riding my cock in the outdoors that it didn’t take long for it to fill and thicken, I tensed my muscles and my now rigid cock bobbed in the warm air “wank it” she demanded “slowly” I curled my hand round my hard cock and began slowly stroking it up and down. “You have a nice cock” she said intently watching me “tell me you want to fuck me” fantastic I thought she is getting turned on “I want my cock in your mouth” I said wanking my cock looking around to see if anyone was about to catch us “mmm my tongue over that thick cock, closing my lips around you” she said “fuck yes” I said then I’m going to taste you, roll my tongue over your clit” I was getting turned on now and was wankimg my cock harder, this was very sexy and erotic. “ mmmm wank your hard cock for me” god I wanted her I was really horny now and needed to fuck her I kept wanking my cock but was aware that if I go too vigorously that I wasn’t going to last long when I slide my cock inside her. “Come closer” she demanded. Now hopping over with my jeans around my ankles was going to be difficult so in for a penny in for a pound I kicked my shoes off and kicked my jeans off. I was now able to walk freely towards her “stop” I stopped immediately was there someone coming? “Did I say to stop playing with your cock” I laughed but obeyed I walked the few steps towards her pumping my cock “that’s close enough” she said. I stood about 6 foot from her wanking my hard cock, eager to get my hands on her. “I bet you would love to be in my mouth right now wouldn’t you, your thick cock fucking my mouth?” I nodded as my cock pulsed in my hand. “Your cock wet ready for my pussy, I bet you want to fuck me hard wouldn’t you?” I was enjoying this way too much and my cock was throbbing in my hand. “I’m going to fuck you so hard” was all I could say as I wanked my cock, I had to slow down and slowed my pace “wank it harder” she demanded I picked up the pace again. “Look at you wanking your hard cock for me, mmm you naughty boy, keep wanking that cock for me” this was all getting too much and my body was reacting to this big time, pre come glistening trickled from the tip and coated my cock as I wanted for her. “ I bet that wet cock would feel so good in my pussy” she said to me. Oh fuck I thought I’m going to come if she carried on “pulling my hair as you fuck me” I just nodded I was so close what the fuck, what was she doing to me. “I’m going to come soon” I said panting and pumping my cock, now wet and my fist making noise. “Good” she said “come here” finally I thought I’m going to feel those sexy lips wrap around my cock. “How close are you” she asked “fucking close” I said. She smiled and she opened the split in her skirt revealing her black knee length boot and a stocking clad leg, it was a horny sight, I caught a glimpse of her underwear and the flesh between stocking and hip, “come on my stockings” she demanded. I was Too far gone to even consider another option and the alluring sight of her stockinged leg was too much, she beckoned me closer and watched intently as I pumped my cock for her, now groaning with delight pre come pouring from me.”that’s it come all over my stockings” she said, that was it I couldn’t hold on anymore I groaned as a thick rope of come spurted from my cock missing her leg and firing on her skirt “fuck” I gripped my cock and leant in closer and let go another spurt fired on to her thigh and stockings and kept on firing. I looked at her as my come was splashing against her the look on her face was just so sexy. I gripped my cock and wanked every last drop into her leg, there was a long strand up her stocking and was now dripping down her thigh. Panting and puffing as my cock glistened. Her leg covered in my come and some on her skirt. She ran her finger over it scooping it up, “ I hope this doesn’t stain and she placed her finger in her mouth tasting my come “mmmmm” and she adjusted her skirt covering her leg. She stood up “see you tomorrow” she said and walked off. I was stood there with a now softening wet cock totally spent, my mind blown as to what the fuck just happened if anyone saw us now it would look like I’d jumped out of the bushes and flashed her, I had to get my jeans back on and quick. By the time I had fastened my belt she was gone. I tried to compute what had just happened but my mind was not capable of it. I went home in a daze but I couldn’t get her out of my mind.

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By *he Ring WraithMan  over a year ago


She has you ! Hook line and sinker !

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

WOW, keep this going please

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By *asyGent75Man  over a year ago

Doncaster South Yorkshire

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By *reagle OP   Man  over a year ago


My mind was a total middle and I couldn’t think of anything but 2pm today. I got ready and headed for the usual spot. It was a belter of a day, hot and sunny so I went with shorts and a T-shirt. I sat on the log and thought about the events of yesterday. The sight of her stockings, her sexy posh voice urging me on, the feeling as my come exploded over her stockings, my cock stiffened and pulsed in my shorts. It wasn’t long before Rebecca arrived she looked fantastic, she was wearing a summer maxi dress, her blonde hair flowing over her shoulders. She had a big beaming smile as she approached and as like yesterday she hugged me, I pulled her close as our lips connected and her tongue snaked into my mouth. We broke our kiss and instinctively I headed to the spot that she demands I stand. I was programmed, I wanted to please her and hear her words of encouragement. “Good boy” she said as she sat on the log. Without request I lowered the waist of my shorts and my already hard ridged thick cock sprang from my shorts. “Oh my” she said “ I’m so fucking hard for you” I replied. “I can see” she said in her posh sexy voice “ I love watching you play with that sexy cock of yours, you made quite the mess of my stockings yesterday you naughty boy” without even noticing I had instinctively started playing with my cock for her, slowly moving my hard up and down. “ I’m going to fuck you so hard” I said as I stroked. “I’m going to bend you over and pull you into my cock” she watched intently and said “your balls slapping on my clit as you drive your gorgeous cock into me?” My cock pulsed “fuck yes” was all I could say “gripping my hips fucking my pussy” what on earth had happened here I was in a field legs in a wide stance wanking my cock while a sexy older woman watched me “I love the way you wank your cock” she purred spurring me on. “I bet that cock would make me come so hard” I nodded unable to say anything “taking you in my mouth tasting all my come on” licking every drop. I began to wank harder “oh yes, perfect wank that cock harder for me” my mind was just blown concentrating on nothing but her. Then sliding back onto your cock feeling how hard you are” I was wanking furiously now I’m a trance hearing her words. “Do you know what I did yesterday” she asked. I shook my head “tell me”. I got home and I lay on my bed with your cum wet on my stockings” my cock pulsed in my hand, “ I took off my panties, my pussy was aching and wet needing attention. I scooped up your come and I rubbed it on my clit, I slipped my fingers in my pussy and pictured your cock fucking me” her words turning me on more and more the thought of my come on her clit made me wild. Her words had the desired effect as I felt my orgasm building, pre come oozing from the tip of my cock. I gripped my cock and glided my hand up and down. I watched as she looked around and with nobody in sight she undone the material around her neck, her dress fell to her waist revealing her sexy full breast, her pink nipples hard, “I bet you would love to slide your cock between my breasts wouldn’t you?” I nodded “ maybe I could lick the tip as it gets to my mouth” “fuck yes” I responded. Disappointingly she tied her dress back up. She smiled and asked how it felt. “So fucking good, I want you” I said feeling the come building “are you going to come? She asked. I nodded knowing I was close. “Come here” she said “don’t stop playing with that cock” I walked towards her pumping my cock and stopped like yesterday, “no closer” she said. She stood up, and I was standing in front of her, she lowered herself down, oh my god I thought she’s going to suck my cock, she wasabi close to my cock, I wanted to feel her tongue me, those lips wrap around my cock. But she grasped the hem of her dress and lifted it up around her waist. The disappointment evaporated when I saw her underwear, black and sexy. My cock twitched in my hand. “Do you like what you see” she asked as I continued to wank my cock “oh god yes” her dress gathered under her arms I wanked. “Take them off” she demanded. I stopped stroking my cock and placed my fingers in the sides of her underwear and pulled them down, revealing a sexy trimmed pussy, my cock bobbed up and down, I lowered them down her legs my tongue almost within touching distance of her pussy. She stepped out of them. The moment was here, I was going to fuck her, my senses high genes my cock aching for her. I stood up, “pick them up” she said sharply. She let go of her dress and it fell down her legs again. I picked up her underwear, I held them in my hand waiting for instruction. “Do you like them” she asked. I nodded “what do you want to do to them” she asked. “ without thinking about it I answered. “I want to smell them” “ I wonder if you can smell my pussy on them” she asked. “Smell them and wank with your other hand” she instructed. I raised her underwear to my nose and breathed in deeply, my hand gripped around my cock I started to strike my cock. “Can you?” She asked. I could, the smell was intoxicating. “Come in them” she said. I looked at her “you heard me” she said wrap them around your cock and come in them, do not and I repeat do not spill a drop” her demand turned me on so much and I was so close I wrapped her underwear around the tip of my cock and continued to wank. She leaned into me her mouth so close to mine. Wank that sexy hard cock into my panties until you come” she breathed. I looked into her eyes and she mine. “Can you feel all that come building” I nodded. “ you horny little fucker” she hissed. “Come in them like it was my pussy” she whispered. That sent me over the edge I stood there as my orgasm exploded, my cock pumping come into her underwear, my body jerking as spurt after spurt caked her panties, I groaned and pumped every last drop I had. She stepped back smiling with a devilish look on her face and held out her hand. “Give” she said and I placed the come sodden panties in her hand I watched as it dribbled over her fingers. “Lift my dress up” she demanded, I bent down and lifted her dress up exposing her pussy. “So much come” she said as she bent down and placed her legs in each hole pulling them back up her legs. She let out a little sexy noise as the panties touched her pussy soaked with my come. “You can let go now you naughty boy” and I followed her instruction. “ see you tomorrow” she said and turned and walked away.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Brilliant story

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By *he Ring WraithMan  over a year ago


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By *reagle OP   Man  over a year ago


I was shin in total shock, this sexy woman is controlling me like a puppet. I pulled my shorts up and stumbled home, I have no idea what is happening. I am totally distracted my thoughts concentrating on her, those sexy nipples the way she spoke about us together. The feeling of the fabric around my cock and her scent. I wondered what she was doing right now, my come all over her pussy. It was such a strange feeling. The next day 2pm could arrive quick enough, I was only concerned with being there, to see her, to touch her to kiss her, but most of all I wanted to fuck her. We have been so lucky with the weather and again the weather has been good to us. It was shorts all the way for me as it’s hot and I can get my cock out almost immediately. 2pm arrived but there was no sign of her I started to get nervous with a weird knot in my stomach. I waited but decided if she wasn’t here by 20 past I would leave. I kept checking my watch looking at the minutes ticking away 10 past, quarter past, disappointment filled me, why was I feeling this way it was crazy, a women cycled by on her bike and I didn’t even realise she was coming, I thought she would be getting an eye full of this was any other day, I just made the decision to leave when I was greeted by the sight of a chocolate Labrador bounding towards me. There she was blonde hair tied up on top of her head, wearing a flowing skirt and a black vest. She approached me “ Gareth I’m so so sorry, I got delayed” I told her that it was fine and I realised that I was just pleased to see her. We embraced each other and our lips connected her sexy tongue dancing against mine, I pulled her closer to me and felt her breast against me. We stopped kissing and I headed for the spot, almost like a loyal dog waiting for my treat. “Did you think I was a no show” she asked “ the thought did cross my mind” I replied “what and miss out on that gorgeous cock” she said. “ the question is though is why am I not seeing it right now, get that fucking cock out now” my cock twitched at her demand and I lowered the waistband “ that’s better” she said “ play with it” she demanded. I wrapped my hand around the shaft and slowly stroked up and down, I noticed that I didn’t even look around to see if anyone was around just concentrating on pleasing Rebecca. “ beautiful” she said as I stroked my hard cock. “You had quite the affect on me yesterday Gareth “tell me” I urged her. My pussy was covered in your come I didn’t even make it up the stairs, I rubbed my clit there in the hallway feeling you all over me” I thought about you fucking me with that thick cock while I rubbed all that come over my pussy, it was down my legs on the floor it was everywhere “ I want to fuck you, let me fuck you” I pleaded. “Mmm” she moaned that nice think cock sliding inside me” I nodded. “ my pussy clenching that cock, making you want to come inside me” that triggered me to wank even harder. “ look at you, even wanking for me even though I was late, you know good behaviour gets rewarded” with that she looked around and after checking there wasn’t any one around lifted her vest off. Her breasts were so sexy her nipples hard again “ fuck” I said staring at them as my strokes increased in speed, her hand moved to her breasts treating and pulling her nipples as she didn’t take her eyes off my cock.” I love my nipples played with sends a signal straight to my clit” she said “ when I’m riding your cock hard and playing with my nipples I’m going to come all over you” the feelings intensified as the thought of her riding my cock. “ you are so fucking sexy” I said picking up the pace of my hand. Rebecca placed her best back on and stood up and started to walk towards me. What was going on she never came close, she stood in front of me “ that’s it wank that cock” she walked behind me, She whispered in my ear “ are you going to fuck me” I nodded, are you going to fill my pussy with that thick cock, I nodded continuing to wank, “I want your cock inside me” she whispered. The come was beginning to boil up inside me. She walked around my front again and she leaned up and ran her tongue over my lips. “ I need a closer look” she lowered herself down until she was on her knees in front of me, if she stuck her tongue out it would touch my cock. “Don’t stop” she said. I looked down and she was looking into my eyes it was so fucking sexy, I watched as leaned back a little and stuck her tongue out, it was so close to my cock she moved slightly forward and her tongue lightly touched the tip, my brain exploded “mmm you taste good, I bet you want me to take it in my mouth for you don’t you? “Fuck yes” I said. Rolling my tongue around you? “Fuck i need to come” I said. My strokes getting harder as I felt her hand wrap around my cock. I let go and she began wanking my cock her mouth open. “Give me your come” she said and with that my hips bucked and my come exploded out of my cock, spraying the first spurt over her face, she held it down and the remaining spurts filled her mouth. I couldn’t believe it, she looked so fucking sexy my come all over her face. She was pumping my cock hard milking it for everything she swallowed every drop that was in her mouth then sunk her lips over my cock sliding her mouth up with a pop. “Holy fuck” I proclaimed as she smiled and stood up, without wiping the come off her face she turned and said “tomorrow at 2”

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By *0 Shades of RedCouple  over a year ago


Hot story... 2pm it’s a date

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *oss25Man  over a year ago

Flitwick and Fakenham

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By *he Ring WraithMan  over a year ago


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By *rouble 50Man  over a year ago



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By *iscoman7771000Man  over a year ago


More please

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By *uddle4uMan  over a year ago


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By *ormladMan  over a year ago

ayr / glasgow

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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


What a lady, such a tease ,


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By *ary1001xMan  over a year ago


amazing...more please

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *reagle OP   Man  over a year ago


I couldn’t quite compute what was happening to me, all I know was that I wanted to put on a show every time for Rebecca, throughout that evening my mind would wander to the acts that I had performed, coming over her stocking, wanking into her panties and now my new favourite her milking my cock into her mouth. All I could think about was fucking her, pleasuring her. I arrived at the log the next day, would today be the day I get to fuck her? Her words just get me so wound up that she gets me to the point that it’s too late to fuck her and I just end up coming. I closed my eyes and let the breeze drift over me. My mind drifted to those eyes looking up at me, the tip of her tongue sending shockwaves through cock and the way my come sprayed over her face. My cock stiffened in my shorts desperate to be touched waiting for Rebecca’s arrival. I opened my eyes to check my watch and saw Rebecca walking down the track. She had a black pair of leggings on her hair in a pony tail and a pink sports vest top, the outfit of a woman just taking a walk in the fields with her dog. I stood up to greet her, my cock evidently hard in my shorts “what a welcome” she said smiling and kissed me, her body pressed against mine, my hands slipped to her waist and then her arse, the Lycra leggings feeling so smooth, she stepped away my hands falling off her arse “naughty” she said looking at me “I don’t remember saying you could touch my arse” I smiled “sorry couldn’t resist, such a gorgeous arse” she smiled and span her head over her shoulder “you think so?” “Fuck yes” she smiled “I bet you would like to bend me over right now wouldn’t you?” She asked. My cock pulsed the moment I craved so much now was here “ I’m going to bend you over that log and fuck you” I stepped towards her, she placed her hand out and placed her hand on my chest. “Well you should have thought about that before groping my arse without permission, go stand over there and take your cock out, but don’t even think about touching it” I looked at her with disbelief it was just a stroke as we kissed and now she’s behaving like this. “ what?” I asked “go stand over there and get your cock out or I walk away now” my mind was a muddle, I didn’t know what to think but all I wanted to do was obey I couldn’t put today at risk. I walked over to the spot and lowered my shorts, my hard cock springing from the waistband. She stood looking at me from the log “you will not touch your cock today at all” she said curtly. I was totally bemused now, well why the fuck am I stood here with it out I thought. She walked towards me and stopped in front of me “look at that nice and hard” I nodded “sorry I didn’t mean” she looked at me and said “schhhhh” I stopped talking “ did you enjoy my tongue on your cock yesterday?” “ yes” I said as she circled around me, I felt her closer to my ear “ I bet you wanted to fuck my mouth didn’t you” she whispered in my ear. It sent a shiver down me and my cock bobbed up and down in the air. “ my lips closing round you tasting you” I nodded as she walked to my front “how badly do you want to wank your sexy cock right now?” She questioned “ I looked into her eyes “badly” I told her. “It’s so hard” she said. She reached out and placed her finger on the top of my cock, my heart pumped. “I bet you would love me to wrap my hand around your cock?” I nodded “fuck yes, wank my cock” I replied. She laughed and pushed down with her finger forcing my cock down and let go watching it spring back up. “Such a hard thick cock” it felt strangely good and it was still bobbing as she continued talking to me. “You may only touch it when I say you can, not before” I didn’t protest I just nodded, what on earth was happening to me. “ she held the tip of my cock and lifted it pointing it to the sky “ nice full balls too, full of your tasty come “ did you like

Coming in my mouth? I nodded “spurt after spurt into my mouth?” My cock twitched, it was pulsing aching to be touched. “Me on my knees, wanking you into my mouth” I looked at her “loved it” “so much come you must have been turned on” she said “I was” I said. She placed her index finger on the shaft of my cock and slowly ran it to the tip, my cock dancing in the sunlight with her touch. “I come so hard thinking about you yesterday, playing with my pussy, I was so wet, I’m wet now I can feel it” my mind was being sent into overdrive, my cock straining, picturing me coming in her mouth the thought of her playing with her pussy. “I bet you would love to taste my wet pussy wouldn’t you” she said “ oh god yes” she took a step back and placed her hand down the front of her leggings, her eyes fixed on my cock, her face changed and her eyes rolled slightly as I presume her fingers found her pussy. “So wet” she said. She removed her hand and held out her hand to show me “soaking” she stepped closer to me and raised her hand and ran her finger around my lips, coating them with her wet finger. I had to taste her and my tongue licked my lips for the faint taste of her I was so turned on. This had never happened before but my cock was reacting massively to her and strangely I could feel pre come start to drip from the tip. “ ooh” she said “a thick wet cock now, so you like how I taste, does that turn you on tasting me?” I nodded at her desperate to grab my cock and wank it hard. “I’d love your tongue on my pussy, teasing my clit sliding a finger inside me while you do it, I’d come all over your tongue I’m sure of it” her constant teasing, the taste of her pussy on my lips the look on her face was a heady mix and I felt my balls aching god I needed to come I thought to myself. “ wank it” she said out of the blue, my hand rushed to my cock, the sensation was unbelievable, I slid my hand along the length and back down again “fuck that’s good” I said “stop” she demanded. What the fuck I thought but I was under her spell and I released my cock. “Good boy” she said with a wicked tone. She placed her thumb and finger on the tip of my cock and squeezed “mmmmm” it felt electric. Her fingers enclosed around my shaft tightly and she slowly moved her hand down and up again and let go, “so sexy” she said. I just wanted to grab her lay her down and fuck her my mind was blown. “Would you like to see my wet pussy” she asked. “Oh god yes” I replied my cock twitching. She looked around and with the coast clear she slowly rolled her leggings down her thighs revealing that she wasn’t wearing underwear and her sexy pussy. “On your knees” she demanded. I didn’t think twice and lowered to my knees “I bet you would love to fuck me from behind wouldn’t you, while I play with my clit” is this it? I know know to question the moment never knowing. “Yes, let me fuck you” I said. She lowered herself to the ground and turned around onto all fours. Oh my god the sight, she wriggled her arse from side to side with her hands and knees on the floor. She parted her legs slightly and showed me her glistening pussy. “Would I be like this” she asked “yes” was all I could muster and even that got caught in my throat. “Don’t you touch that cock” she said and I watched as her hand slipped between her legs, she let out a little moan as her middle finger slipped in her pussy, my cock had literally taken a life of its own and was pulsing and twitching and moving. “I bet you would feel good sliding inside me” she purred playing with her pussy. I was ready and I couldn’t take anymore I just needed the words and I would be inside her. “God my pussy is wet, wank that cock real slow she said as she continued to play with her pussy” I gripped my cock and started wanking as instructed, my eyes fixated on her fingers dancing over her pussy. “I’m going to make myself come and you are going to wank your cock but don’t even dare think about coming before I do and when you do come on my arse” I slowly wanked watching her tease her pussy her fingers over her clit, her body moving and swaying I had to stop several times as the build up was getting too much as I watched the sight in front of me, her moans were such a turn on and I could tell she was getting close “ tell me you want to fuck me” she panted “ I want to fuck you” I responded. I was so close as she she said “fuck” and brought herself off “fucking come on my arse” she spat and with that I was at the point of no return, jerking my hard wet cock hard looking for that sexual release, the come exploded from my cock firing over her arse spurt after spurt running between her cheeks and down her arse. My head went funny and I felt dizzy totally spent. She turned round and looked at me covered in sweat my hand wet my cock red and glistening. “You sexy fucker” she said as she stood up wobbling a little pulling her leggings up. “See you tomorrow” and she wakes off.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *he Ring WraithMan  over a year ago


wow what a bitch .... i love her already !

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

She's definitely building the passion up, making you really want her, her feeling desired

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By *rouble 50Man  over a year ago


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By *ary1001xMan  over a year ago


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By *im69000Man  over a year ago


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By *vbikerMan  over a year ago


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By *iscoman7771000Man  over a year ago


Yes yes please

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By *ornynhappy23Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *udepaulMan  over a year ago


Loving this

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By *reagle OP   Man  over a year ago


I spent the whole night in a daze, her demands of me, using me, teasing me but I’ve never been more turned on in my life. I want to please her in every way. I think about our meets most of the day and night just waiting for my next realise in the hope that I could fuck her.

The next day I sat at the log expectantly I saw her walking towards me with purpose, quicker than normal and no dog in tow, she was holding something in her hand. I stood up as she approached “Gareth I’m so sorry somethings come up I have to go away for work for a couple of days I leave in a couple hours I can’t stay” my heart sank but these things happen right “Rebecca it’s fine, look don’t worry” I said. She leant into me and kissed me I felt her hand move to my groin and squeeze. She moved her lips and looked at me “I’m going to miss this gorgeous cock” and she held out an envelope “this is for you” I took the padded envelope “what’s this” I asked “ you’ll see, open it when you get home, I’ve got to go” and she turned and walked away. I was gutted, but understood, to be honest my work rate had vastly reduced now I was spending my afternoons wanking in a field! I watched her vanish in the distance and took the walk home., I obeyed her instructions and didn’t open the envelope but I was so intrigued. I closed the door behind me and sat down on the sofa and opened the envelope, I peeked inside and my heart immediately started beating faster, I removed a piece of paper which had writing on it.


Unfortunately life has got in the way of our mutual enjoyment and I for one are very upset that I don’t get to see you playing with that beautiful hard cock of yours, so may I suggest a solution. This is my email address, Skype it at 11pm be naked and be hard and I know that it will be difficult not continuing today and your cock will be desperate to be touched but please avoid doing so until tonight. I’ll be in France but fully expect to be ready for you.

Ps a little gift to help you along! And yes they are worn. Xxx


My hand delved into the envelope and just the touch of the fabric made my stiffen, my heart pumping and my cock reacting, stiffening at the thought of her. They were black and sexy with ornate designs, I wanted to wrap them around myself immediately but I resisted with her instruction not to wank until tonight. The one thing I couldn’t resist though was the act I did next, I’ve never really been one to sniff underwear but I just couldn’t resist...”and yes they are worn” she must want me to right? It felt a bit weird, a bit well perverted as I raised the fabric to my nose...says the guy that has been wanking in a field every day! I breathed in deeply desperate to feel some connection to her an obvious scent, my cock was now straining in my shorts, rigid, demanding attention. I ignored my compulsions eager to please her later. The hours dragged by and finally the time arrived, as instructed naked and as I’d spent the last few minutes running the material over my cock lightly I was hard as can be. The weird Skype noise rang the email address and the anticipation was almost too much. The video kicked in “ bonjeur Gareth” she purred, the screen captured her head from her bare shoulders up “ fuck she’s naked” I thought as my cock twitched. Her blonde hair free and flowing. “Hello Rebecca, how was your flight? “Boring as hell but I had something to concentrate my mind” she smiled. “Did you like my little gift” it was my turn to smile, and I held up the panties and waived them in front of the camera. “Good boy, I hope they have the desired effect” I laughed “very much so” her eyes widened and a cheeky smirk appeared on her face “ show me” I placed the laptop on the bed and stood up in front of the camera “ god I love your cock” she said “did you manage to leave it alone today” I laughed “with real difficulty yes” she smiled “good boy, to apologise my rushing off I have a treat for you” my heart skipped beated faster. “Close your eyes” she said. I closed my eyes for what felt like ages, my hard cock pulsing at what I might receive. “Open” I opened my eyes and the sight before me was just sensational I didn’t know what to look at first. She stood in her hotel room far away from the laptop that I could see her head to toe, her arm stretched leaning against the wall, she wasn’t naked but her hair fell over a blood red basque, her breasts pushed up and, my eyes scanned down her body her pussy encased in a black thong, her thighs encased in stockings and the most wonderful sexy black heels which I even recognised the red bottom soles. She was a picture of pure sexiness. “You like? She said as she turned around slowly and ran her hand down her legs seductively bending over “ oh fuck” I proclaimed “you look amazing” she smiled “don’t be shy, show me how much you like it” my hand wrapped around my cock not taking my eyes off her and slowly slid it up and down “ I wish you were now, your hands all over me” she said “I’d let you kiss from my ankles to my lips” she said “ feeling your kisses all over me” my cock throbbed in my hand, I delighted at the feel of it as I took in the site of her teasing me “ you on your knees in front of me, pulling my panties to one side and showing you how wet you have made me” I continued stroking my cock not taking my eyes off her picturing me on my knees “ speaking of panties” she said. I looked at them on the bed “get them” she demanded. I reached down and picked them up. Hold them to your nose while you wank” she demanded. My hand returned to my cock as I held the underwear to my nose. “That’s it smell my pussy as you play with your cock” I watched her as she said “ I don’t think I need these” as she seductively rolled her thong down her stocking clad legs and they fell to the floor. “I’m going to play with my pussy while I watch you wank” and with that I watched her hand fall to her pussy, sliding her fingers over her pussy “mmmm” she moaned “that’s nice” her middle finger played with her clit as she watched me wank my cock. “I’d love you cock rubbing over my clit right now” she said “tapping that thick tip on it” I watched as she slipped her finger inside herself letting out a moan as it did. She slid it slowly in and out of herself and then slipped it out and slowly slipped it into her mouth. “You look so fucking sexy” I said. Her hand returned to her pussy teasing her clit. “I need you inside me” she purred as she walked out of view. I stopped “you ok” I said “very” she said returning into view holding a very realistic looking cock toy She rolled her tongue over the length of it “I wish this was your cock” she said as she slipped it into how mouth enclosing her lips around it. My cock pulsed and twitched as I returned to wanking I watched as she lowered the toy and rubbed it over her pussy bending her legs slightly. “I’m going to sit on this like it’s your cock” she said as she lowered her body down to the floor on her knees, she positioned the toy between her legs and I watched as she lowered herself on to the toy, the look of pleasure on her face was just amazing, her eyes closed and she hit her lip as she raised up slowly before lowering again. “ it feels so good in my pussy” my body was reacting to the view, I wanted to enjoy the view but I also wanted to come. She changed position and sat on the floor her legs bent and her feet on the floor and lay down on her back. The toy slipped inside her pussy slowly “oh yes fuck me gareth” she moaned as she picked up the pace so the toy was fucking her. I wanked my cock harder and harder, pre come now oozing from my cock. Her other hand moved to her clit as the toy pleasured her at her desired speed. The noises she was making were spurring me on as her orgasm built. “Don’t you dare come” she hissed “ I want to watch” as she fucked herself faster “ I was close to coming and getting to the point of no return, I lay on the bed and positioned my laptop so my cock filled the screen. She stopped and stood up and walked closer to the screen and positioned herself in the same way on the bed giving me a close up of her glistening pussy as the toy slipped inside her again. The toy was soaked as it slipped in and out of her, her fingers running over her clit, her thighs wet. “Fucking come” she said. I wanked my cock hard and fast up and down, pre come covering my shaft as it exploded firing come over my chest, it poured out over my hand as I kept going, as she came at the same time moaning and swearing. My cock was covered in come, as her orgasm ripped through her. Her body shuddering, “fuck” I said. “If only, she panted. The screen returned to her face as she licked her fingers “ I’m back on on Wednesday night see you Thursday at 2, don’t play until then” and she blew me a kiss and the call ended.

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By *vbikerMan  over a year ago


Getting better every installment

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *im69000Man  over a year ago



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By *iscoman7771000Man  over a year ago


Really enjoying this

Will you ever get to fuck her!!

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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *ary1001xMan  over a year ago


luv it

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By *reagle OP   Man  over a year ago


I lay back panting, my cock covered in come, “wow” she looked amazing, all dressed up. The outfit was pure perfection, the way those heels elongated her legs, the way the basque pulled in her waist but pushed up her breasts. The shade of lips it was intoxicating. How in earth was I going to avoid not playing with myself for 2 days until she returned. I thought about emailing her now that I had her address but she didn’t say I could. What a change, here I was thinking about what I was or wasn’t allowed to do. I resisted the urge to email her and just tried to get on with things. Over the next couple of days my cock would demand attention as I wisp of a flashback would arrive, my cock exploding over her stockings, watching her out on a pair of cum soaked knickers. The way she would talk to me, it would all just creep up on me out of nowhere and I’d be hard again. Thursday arrived and it was finally time to head to our spot, as I walked there I thought about what she would make me do, would she touch me, would she take me in her mouth again, I had no got used to expecting the unexpected, her demands but I was also used to obeying her without question. I was going to be early as usual, but as I approached the log I saw that she was sat there waiting. She was wearing her summer dress again her hair was tied in a pony tail at the back, she looked gorgeous, a natural beauty. “Hello you” she said standing up walking towards me and she hugged me, I held her close squeezing her against me. “Hello gorgeous” I whispered in her ear. She looked into my eyes and smiled “ did you miss me?” I told her “of course” she laughed “good to know” “you looked amazing the other night just the epitome of sexy” I told her. “ you looked great yourself, I love those noises you make as you get close to coming, all the grunts and groans makes me feel so sexy”. “ it’s all your fault” a little wet smile appeared on her face “ and have you left yourself alone as requested?” She asked. “Do you know how hard it is not being able to touch myself after all the things we have experienced, with a pair of your knickers just laying around the place, watching you come the other night” she laughed “ I absolutely did not leave myself alone, I’ve made myself come several times since then thinking about your hard cock” just her words were turning me on, my cock stiffening in anticipation. “I’ve craved seeing your hand sliding up and down your cock” she purred. “ I’ve craved showing you” I replied. “ show me” I couldn’t get my cock out quick enough, I lowered the wait band and my cock sprang out.,”oh yes” she said “ looks delicious” her arm reached out and to my surprise her hand wrapped around me

“ so hard” her hand moved slowly down my shaft “fuck that’s good” I told her as she slowly wanked me “ I think about your cock all the time” I closed my eyes as her hand pleasured me “ I think about you all the time too” I responded. “Tell me” she said. “I can’t concentrate, thoughts of you play on my mind, the way you tease me, the way you talk to me, that time I came on your face, it just drives me wild, and the way you looked the other night wow” I told her. “ if you were there what would you have done?” Her hand was caressing my cock twisting her hand as she got to the tip of my cock before sliding it down again. I would have kissed you, your mouth first, then down to your neck” her grip tightened and she picked up her pace a little, “ mmm I would have liked that” she said. Then I would have lay you down, and kissed every inch of you, then opened those sexy legs and teased your pussy with my tongue” I opened my eyes and looked at her, she looked up at me “ Mmm teasing my clit?” “Flicking my tongue over it, sucking it” her hand wanked me harder and faster “tell me more” I closed my eyes again enjoying the sensation, while my tongue is on your clit I would slide a finger inside your wet pussy, sliding slowly in and out curling it. I was snapped out of my thoughts as her lips wrapped around my cock, I opened my eyes and she was crouched down in front of me her eyes looking into mine. She removed my cock from her mouth and wanked me “ don’t stop” she said and her lips gripped my cock, she moved her head up and down slowly. My mind tried to think but it was having trouble.”my tongue and lips covered in your pussy and lean up and kiss you on your lips” the slurping noises from her were driving me crazy. She released my cock from her sexy mouth. “ you sexy fucker” she said “you are making me so wet” my cock was wet and pulsing. She leant her hands back on the grass and sat down from her crouching position and rolled up her dress, I watched as her sexy legs were revealed from her ankles raising higher and higher over her knees then her thighs until she revealed that she wasn’t wearing any underwear I stared at her pussy as she widened her legs “ lick my pussy” she demanded. I lowered to my knees and as I crawled between her legs I planted kisses on her inner thighs “mmmm yes” she said as my lips moved over her thighs I moved my face close to her pussy, mere millimetres away from her. She let out the most sexy sound as my tongue up her pussy slowly to her clit with the flat of my tongue I pressed against her clit “yes” she hissed. I lightly circled my tongue over her clit before stopping and then sliding my tongue over her pussy again. I felt her hands clasp my head pulling me closer into her pussy as she moved her hips. As my tongue flicked over her clit she raised her head slightly and untied the tie from around her neck and lowered the top of her dress I looked up and watched her fingers tease her nipples, rolling around the nipple then pulling them, her chest was heaving up and down as I pleasured her pussy and her fingers teased her nipples. “Run your cock on my clit “kneel between my legs and wank” I did as I was told and kneeled sitting up between her legs, one of her hands slipped to her pussy as I wanked. Her fingers teased her clit as I wanted harder and harder both of us getting to the point of the heavenly release. Pre come was dripping from my cock dropping onto her body “ are you close?” She asked. I nodded “ rub it on my clit” I lowered myself and held my cock and pressed it against her clit her hands slipped to each nipple as I ran my wet cock over her clit. “Oh god” she panted. I tapped my cock on her clit “ fuck I’m going to come” I said “ come on my pussy” her fingers moved to her clit as I wanked my cock hard and fast her fingers moved over her clit fast “give me your come” she moaned my body jerked as come fired from cock over

Her hand and pussy, it felt like it wasn’t going to stop as the spurts stopped but poured out she furiously rubbed my come into her clit, it was sliding down her lips and thighs her orgasm ripped through Her, moaning loudly my come

All over her. I smiled at her as it subsided her chest still pounding up and down.,she smiled back doing her top up again, “look at all that come” she said I can feel you all over my pussy”. She sat up and lowered her dress I remained on my knees my cock softening “ooops” she said as she scooped some come formed on the tip of my cock about to drop “ missed a bit” and she placed it in her mouth. I knew the score by now, I pulled my shorts back up as Rebecca stood up. She bent down and kissed me her tongue in my mouth “ mmmm” she looked at me “tomorrow?” I nodded “fuck yes” and with that she walked away.

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By *hef2475Couple  over a year ago


Omg...... this is so horny

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


A very teasing lady ,


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By *ussetlickerMan  over a year ago


Wow. This is so good.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Love this thread

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By *im69000Man  over a year ago


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By *iscoman7771000Man  over a year ago


It’s going to happen soon

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By *adbullMan  over a year ago


Very erotic thread...loving it!

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By *ary1001xMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *uddle4uMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I do hope there’s more, fantastic story and definitely one of the best I’ve read on here

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By *ormladMan  over a year ago

ayr / glasgow

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By *uralRobMan  over a year ago

village life

Outdoor fun ??

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By *oseph soapMan  over a year ago


Great story and well told

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Such a great story

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By *lymouth nice guyMan  over a year ago


Very hot story

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By *angtidy42Couple  over a year ago


Great story so what going to happen next?

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By *ary1001xMan  over a year ago


More plz

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *titch69Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *appyhereMan  over a year ago

East Mids


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Is it just me who thinks this is the best post ever on here???

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By *iscoman7771000Man  over a year ago


100% agree

Well written

The trill of the chase

Looking forward to the next episode

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By *oth0712Man  over a year ago


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By *titch69Man  over a year ago


"Is it just me who thinks this is the best post ever on here??? "

Can’t believe how good this story is. Loving it

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By *lossie 42Couple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *reagle OP   Man  over a year ago


Thanks for all of the comments, much appreciated. I will add another chapter in the next couple of days.

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By *ucksguy2000Man  over a year ago


So enjoying this

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By *asyGent75Man  over a year ago

Doncaster South Yorkshire

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By *opilotMan  over a year ago


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By *angtidy42Couple  over a year ago


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By *onesmrMan  over a year ago


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By *ikeKateCouple  over a year ago


Super story where does it go from here?loving it the both of us

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Great story. Hope there will be more

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I need more please

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By *ooking4othersMan  over a year ago

Here ...

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By *ogan WillowCouple  over a year ago


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By *reagle OP   Man  over a year ago


Firstly happy new year everybody, apologies for the delay unfortunately real life got in the way.

I sat in my flat, thinking about today’s events, my cock so close to her sexy pussy and not being to slide into her delightful pussy. Strangely the frustration had been replaced with a want to constantly please her. I’d been programmed, her rules, her way, I was in a constant state of arousal, not just my cock reacting but my brain too, she was in my mind consistently. All of the experiences we had shared on a chance meeting. I couldn’t pick a favourite, they were all horny as the other. My cock stiffened at the thought of her in her hotel room dressed up to the nine’s bringing herself to orgasm, the sounds she made as she come. The urge to wank was returning but I had also been programmed to save myself for Rebecca, like a horny puppet, her controlling the strings. The next day I paced around willing the time away until it was time to leave, we had been so lucky with the weather and the warm sun meant I wouldn’t be looked at twice leaving my house in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I tried to think what on earth today would bring but I was useless at anticipating her. I sat on the log eyes peeled for her arrival, and my eyes took her in as she approached. We embraced as usual our tongues darting and dancing with each other’s. The affect she has on me is intoxicating as I start to stiffen in my shorts. Her hand slipped to my groin and she bit my lower lip softly and she said “mmmm ready as usual, I loved your cock pumping all that come over my pussy, I could feel you all over me in the way home” she squeezed my cock and then removed her hand and placed it in mine, pulling me to our usual spot on the grass. I took in her outfit she had her skirt with the split on again and black ankle boots with what looked like thin tights, a bit warm for this weather but you wouldn’t take a second glance at her and think it were strange just a woman on a walk. She instructed me to sit on the grass with my legs straight. My hands went to my shorts to lower them down. “Not yet” she said and she lowered herself into the grass in front of me so we were sitting opposite each other. She moved her leg up and lowered the zip of her ankle boots and slipped each one off. “Open your legs” she said and I did what was instructed. She opened the split in her skirt to reveal her incredibly sexy stockings and to my amazement no underwear. My eyes fixated on the view “they just get in the way sometimes” she purred. She stretched out one stockinged leg and slowly ran it over my crotch. “Lovely” she said as her foot ran over the length of my cock through my shorts. I stiffened as any man would with the sexy sight ahead of me. She removed her foot and opened her legs wider, and traced a finger up her stockinged thigh. “My pussy has been tingling all day” she said looking at me. She placed her middle finger in her mouth and then moved it between her legs, she began pleasuring herself in front of my, her finger slowly rolling over her clit not breaking eye contact with me. It was such a horny sight my cock demanded attention in my shorts, but she hadn’t told me too and I was in this situation of instruction and obedience. Her finger slipped inside her pussy and she closed her eyes briefly in pleasure “ I bet you wish this was your cock don’t you, slipping inside my wet pussy” I nodded it, my cock straining for release. “ my legs in your shoulders as you thrust inside me with your thick hard cock” she was so right, I needed to be inside her, feeling her on my cock. “ fucking me nice and slow, with long strokes until your whole cock is inside me” she purred. My brain was now muddled with the sight in front of me and her sexy voice teasing me. “ then fucking me so hard, making me come all over your cock” I nodded and said “more than anything” she stopped playing with her pussy and slipped the finger in her mouth again. “Fuck you are so sexy” I stammered. She placed her hand in the floor behind her and outstretched her legs one stockinged foot ran up my leg as the other pressed on my cock. “ mmmm so hard” she said. “ show me” she instructed. Without even looking around I placed my feet on the floor and raised my waist and hurriedly pulled at my shorts down. The warm air felt great as my cock sprang from my shorts, hard and pulsing. I’ve never been one for feet but when her stockinged foot touched the tip of my cock and pressed it downwards it felt electric. She raised her foot and it sprang upwards waving in the open air. She giggled as it took on a life of its own. Her other foot joined my groin as she softly rubbed her feet over my cock and balls. Her toes wriggling sending sensations that I had never felt before. She placed her feet together and slid them down my cock slowly, the pressure perfect as if by hand, I had never had this before and it felt amazing as her feet wanked my cock, stopping, then rubbing over it before resuming the up and down motion. She then pushed up with her foot so it was against me and she expertly used the one foot and the pressure to tease the tip of my cock, up and down, the toes moving. “Fuck that’s good” I moaned. I don’t know if it was the excitement or the sensation of something new and I suppose kinky but when she enclosed my cock between her feet again my body reacted, I came, come poured from my cock over her stockinged feet, she didn’t stop and the come ran from me like a tap. My cock twitching as she milked me with her feet. “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t expecting that” she smiled “don’t be sorry I love watching your cock explode” she lowered her feet from my groin and shuffled towards me between my open legs, she placed her legs over mine so they were almost around my back. My wet cock close to her pussy. She lay back onto the ground, her legs open. “ make me come with your fingers” she said. I ran my hand over her stockinged leg slowly, I turned my hand sideways and teased her lips with the tips of my two middle fingers slowly running up and down before pressing them against her clit, she arched her back slightly and moaned. “Inside me” she breathed as I slowly slipped my two middle fingers inside her, she groaned as I curled my fingers towards me. “Yes” she hissed as my fingers moved backwards and forwards. “ I need to come” her own fingers slipped to her clit as my fingers pleasured her “faster” she instructed. Her fingers teasing her clit moving fast over it, her breathing becoming louder. “Yes” she panted as she started to moan. She placed her feet in the floor and raised her hips of the floor, my fingers fucking her fast and her hand rubbing over her clit and her orgasm ripped through her her body twitching she lowered her hips my fingers still inside her curling towards me “stop stop” she panted “too sensitive” and I slowly removed my fingers from her pussy as she made the sexiest sound, a deep groan. My fingers soaked with her I couldn’t resist and I slipped them in my mouth. She sat up and wrapped her arms around my neck, her body against mine I could feel her breathing thumping against me.she kissed me as I held her up. We stayed still for what felt like ages but it was merely seconds. “I’m working tomorrow” she whispered. I was disappointed as it meant no meeting tomorrow but understood. She let go of her arms around my neck and lay back on the grass moving her skirt over her legs. “Wow” she said as she sat up and looked at her come soaked feet before placing her boots on and zipping them up. I pulled my shorts back up as she stood up. Brushed herself down and said “check your email later” and she walked off leaving me sat there.

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By *hef2475Couple  over a year ago


Good to see your back

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Love it

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By *oth0712Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

My clit is twitching at this read, luv it

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By *ary1001xMan  over a year ago


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By *ogan WillowCouple  over a year ago


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By *rego69Man  over a year ago


Yep it’s good to see you back

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By *j47Man  over a year ago


Wow amazing story

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Such a good read, glad you're back

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By *lymouth nice guyMan  over a year ago


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By *uddle4uMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Amazing story

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I’m so hard reading this

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By *angtidy42Couple  over a year ago


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By *yTreacleMan  over a year ago


Bloody hell!

Hope that your internet hasn't crashed!

What did the email say?

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By *reagle OP   Man  over a year ago


I returned home, showered and checked my emails, nothing. I pottered about every 10 minutes checking. This beautiful sexy older woman had latched onto not only my body but my brain too, she had me wanting more all the time, thoughts of her filled quiet moments. My mind wandered to what the email might be, As mentioned before it was important to expect the unexpected. After a few hours and the prospect of bed loomed my phone pinged with an email, I opened it up and the subject simply read rules.

Hello you,

I am very sorry about having to work tomorrow, I will miss our daily little session but rest assured you and that gorgeous cock of yours will be on my mind.

I have prepared a video to focus your mind the first part you will get now the second part tomorrow, but and I say this with the upmost importance do not come, that’s today and tomorrow, and I will know if you have.



I read the email, my cock already stiffening at the thought of her, my phone pinged. The anticipation was already at a high, but no coming? I would have thought it easy a week ago, but now she has such a control over me that she could make me come by just talking to me. I moved into the bedroom resisting the urge to get undressed. I pressed play on the blue circle in the middle of the screen. My heart beating fast I watched in delight as Rebecca’s naked body came into view, laying on the bed. She smiled and softly said “ I watch you get undressed at the foot of my bed, my body aching for you, my clit tingling in anticipation, I watch as you lower your trousers, god I want your cock” my cock hardened with her soft sexy voice. “ you crawl into the bed and over me” she runs her finger up her chest between her breasts onto her neck as she lowers the camera to the soft skin of her neck “ I feel your lips kiss me here, feeling them makes me want you even more, my nipples hard and desperate to be caressed, licked and bitten” her arm extends to show me more of her body, her nipples hard. “ you kiss my lips, mmm so sexy, you lower down my neck to my chest planting soft kisses on my skin, my pussy is so wet for you, I need you inside me but you tease my senses even more” my cock is now demanding attention that it actually hurts in my trousers, the thoughts of her instruction still in my mind but I just had to touch myself, I lowered my trousers and my cock was free, hard and pulsing needed attention. “ your lips brush over my nipples and I quiver as I feel your warm breath over them, you send a spark right to my clit as your teeth enclose around my nipple, I whisper please fuck me as your tongue circles around my nipple. I want you so badly, I want to feel you inside me” the sensation as I slowly stroke my cock, up and down listen to her words. Your lips trail down my body to my wet pussy, I’m begging you to fuck me, to slide your cock inside me, make me come all over you, but you resist and my back arches as your tongue slides over my clit” the camera lowers to her fingers slowly circling her clit “ mmm your tongue feels good on my clit, mmm yes” I can already feel the urge to wank hard and fast “your tongue bringing my orgasm closer and closer” watching her finger pressed against her clit as she talks me through every thought and motion. “ you sit up on your knees between my legs, your hard cock pointing at me” she raised the camera to her upper body again as I saw her free arm slip under the pillow and she pulls out a toy, it was glass, with lots of ridges, the camera zoomed in on her face, it was like her eyes were looking directly into mine as she licked her lips and slipped the toy into her mouth. My cock twitched in my hand. She lowered the camera as she lowered the toy skimming her skin with it, I watched as it slipped between her breasts and down her chest as it lowered and stopped on her clit “ you slide the tip of your cock against my clit, sending me crazy” I watched as the toy slid over her clit, hearing her breathing as she did it. “ you slide your hard cock down to my pussy” she moved the toy so the tip was ready to slip in. “ you move your hips forward” then the video stopped. I couldn’t believe it, but to be fair anymore stroking from me would have broken her rules. My phone pinged and there was an email from Rebecca. Hope you enjoyed and you better not have come.

I lay back on my bed, my cock still hard begging to be worked until the sweet relief is obtained but I resisted, I couldn’t get her sexy voice out of my mind the way she spoke, the tone, sexy but direct. her breathing and her little moans as she toyed with her nipples and clit. I looked forward to tomorrow when I would receive the next video.

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By *ogan WillowCouple  over a year ago


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By *nglianmanMan  over a year ago


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By *ormladMan  over a year ago

ayr / glasgow

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By *udepaulMan  over a year ago


Wow. Loving this.

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By *ogue OneMan  over a year ago


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By *hef2475Couple  over a year ago


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By *ary1001xMan  over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

good story

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Wow!!just Wow!!

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By *uttkiss156Man  over a year ago


Fantastic story please keep going

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

need more, this is soooooo hot

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By *untanedMan  over a year ago


Can't wait for more, very erotic.

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By *parklesueTV/TS  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

More please

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By *oss25Man  over a year ago

Flitwick and Fakenham

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By *reagle OP   Man  over a year ago


The affect she had in me was immense, the way her sexy tones erotically told me what she wanted and the video traced her movements, her hard nipples, the skin in her neck where she wanted to be kissed. My cock literally ached, as instructed I didn’t come but god knows I needed to. I spent the day in a haze waiting for the second instalment, I was hoping it would be early but I was not so lucky, even without being here she was teasing me, building up my sexual tension. I busied myself throughout the day but Rebecca was never far from my thoughts. It was at 2pm that my phone pinged, I laughed at her timing, normally 2pm would be when we would meet in a field and I would be at her call. My cock stiffening with anticipation. I took my phone to my bedroom and lay on the bed and opened the email. It

Just said “you know the rules” and I certainly did, but it was not easy to abide by, even harder when I started the video, it picked up exactly where the video went dead last night, the tip of her glass toy pressed against her pussy. “I want you inside me” her sexy voice explained. “But you rub your sexy hard cock against my clit” I watched as the glass toy moved over her clit, her moan of pleasure turning me on instantly” I look down and see your cock rolling over my pussy, so sexy, give me your cock, slide it in really slow” the two fingers on the base of her toy slowly pushed the toy inside her, the tip pursing her lips and she breathed heavily as it entered her. “Slide your cock all the way inside me” her hand slid the toy inside her deeper, before sliding it slowly out “oh god look how wet I am I’m all over your cock” the toy glistened as she slowly slid it out until the tip was just inside her.”don’t stop give it to me” she breathed “your cock feels so good” she pushed the toy deep inside herself and started to fuck herself with it slowly “ yes that’s it nice and slow, tease me with your cock” I couldn’t resist and undone my trousers releasing my rigid cock and slowly started to wank matching her movements. “ I look into your eyes as your cock pleasures me, the look of pure lust makes my clit tingle, I love how your hard sexy cock feels inside my wet pussy” she slides the toy out and rubs it over her clit “oh good your wet cock on my clit feels amazing” the toy rubbed over her clit, with the perfect amount of pleasure she required. “I want to mmm you to lay on the bed,I want to slide down your cock” she purred. She’s sat up on the bed and raised her self up on her knees, holding the phone in front of her, this would be your view as I ride your cock” she said “ pulling my nipples as I grind against you” the camera panned down and I watched as she slipped the toy inside her with the base on the bed her fingers went to her clit “ my hands on your chest as I raise myself up and down your cock, your fingers pulling my nipples” my cock was so hard and I desperately wanted to wank it hard and fast and come, I needed to come. Her words strong in my mind “do not come” you raise your hips and thrust your cock into me hard and fast” her hand lowered and she held the toy and pleasured herself with the toy like my cock was driving into her. The noise her pussy made was so sexy as the toy thrust inside her. She began to moan “yes give me your cock my come all over you” I had to let go of my cock, otherwise rules would be broken. She placed the phone on the bed underneath her, I could see closely the wetness of her pussy as the toy slid inside her, I watched as her fingers pleasured her clit. Her moans got louder and louder her hips moving as she brought herself closer to orgasm “ make me come, yes fuck, I’m going to come all over your cock” the sounds she made were the sexiest I had ever heard, a pure sexual release. She collapsed on the bed and picked up her phone “mmmm hope you didn’t miss me too much today, normality shall return tomorrow, I have plans for you” the video went dead and I sat there in astonishment, I’ve nerved experienced feelings like this before, the need to just explode, my hard cock still demanding attention, I wanted to watch it again but I know I would come. I was glad that tomorrow I would get to see her again and couldn’t wait for the plans that she had.

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By *knick45Man  over a year ago



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By *vbikerMan  over a year ago


Getting better all the time can't wait for next part.

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By *ary1001xMan  over a year ago


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By *nglianmanMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" "

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By *ogan WillowCouple  over a year ago


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By *osyredcheeksWoman  over a year ago


"My clit is twitching at this read, luv it "

Mine too... would love to be licking her clit as well!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *appyhereMan  over a year ago

East Mids

Amazing story

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By *ormladMan  over a year ago

ayr / glasgow

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By *reagle OP   Man  over a year ago


I was glad that normality was returning today, Coming everyday had became a normality and with her demands to to play with myself for a day and half was frustrating me, especially as my mind would always wander to her sexy voice and the noises she made.I had a spring in my step, she had plans for me! I gave up anticipating what that might be after day 3 to be honest as if learnt that she would come up with some way that I hadn’t thought of for using me for pleasure. British summertime was being kind to my needs and the weather was warm as I headed to ‘our spot’ I watched as she walked along the trodden grass towards me, her hair untied and flowing over her shoulders, a white maxi dress with large floral print on it and a pair of sandals and her handbag over one shoulder. my immediate thought was no stockings today. Just the sight of her stirred my cock. She approached me and said “hello you” leaning up on her tip toes and kissing me, there seemed a bit more passionate feeling to her kiss today, her hands slipped from my shoulders, straight my cock in my shorts. “I missed your cock” she said looking into my eyes. I smiled about to respond but she beat me to it “ I started without you, I’ve been teasing my pussy all morning, little nipple here, little stroke there” I laughed “good for you, I haven’t come at all, I dared not touch it. “Good boy” she said as she held my hand and pulled me to the grass, I say pulled I was almost running there myself! I stood in front of her, the anticipation growing as to what might be in store for me today. “Sit down” she demanded. I lowered myself to the floor, my legs out straight and my arms behind me with my palms on the grass. She walked behind me “no peeking she said as I felt her hand place something over my eyes and everything went black.it was a really weird feeling I’d never worn one before but I trusted her. “Lay down” she said I had no choice but to obey and I slowly lowered myself so I was laying flat on the ground. With my senses heightened I heard the earth crunch beside either ear. I felt something touch my head, material. I then felt her hands on my chest, her fingers pointing in the direction of my feet as they lowered down my legs. I felt a weight on my chest as she sat on it. I felt pressure on my thighs as she manoeuvred her body backwards, the weight lifted off my chest slightly and I heard her say “ lick my pussy”. My cock twitched as I felt her pussy touch my lips. I thought fuck me she’s riding my face. Her body gyrated over my mouth as my tongue slipped from my mouth to explore her. She wasn’t lying when she said she had started without me, her pussy evidently wet as she used my mouth and tongue to pleasure her, flitting between hovering above my tongue so that I could explore her to grinding against my mouth. It was hard to breathe at times, I didn’t care. I felt one of her hands slip to my cock over my shorts, rubbing it and squeezing it. It was an all out sensory overload. My cock desperate for attention, my tongue flicking, darting and rolling over her pussy, Rebecca grinding her pussy against me it was just amazing. I felt her hand grappling at my shorts and then the hit of air on my cock as it was released. “Look at that hard cock” she breathed, I felt her lean forward my fingers disconnecting from her pussy, I could taste her, my cock pulsed as I felt a finger lightly run up the shaft of my cock. “Fuck” was all I could say has her fingers wrapped around the base of my cock squeezing my cock. She moved her body back, her hand still wrapped around my cock, and I licked whatever my tongue could touch of her, she positioned herself so that my tongue found her wet pussy again and her hand moved up and down my cock wanking me slowly “ I love your tongue on my pussy” she said the sensation was unreal, I couldn’t see a thing and it was so erotic my tongue searching for her as it lost contact with her pussy as she moved. My mind was blown as I felt a different sensation on my cock, warm and wet as her tongue flicked over the tip of my cock flicking and rolling around the ridge of the tip of my cock. I moaned as her lips wrapped around my cock her mouth moving down my shaft and up again. My tongue no longer in contact with her pussy I moved my arm and felt fabric, eventually I found the gap I needed and my hand connected with her arse inches from my face, I traced my hand down her sexy arse and my fingers found her wet pussy, she moaned as my fingers brushed over her pussy, her juices coating the tips and she sucked my cock harder as I slipped two fingers inside her. It must of looked a horny sight, this sexy older woman with my cock in her mouth while I pleasured her pussy with my fingers, sliding them in and out before slipping them out and rubbing them over her clit. Her mouth lifted from my cock and the sensation of the warm air and my spit coated cock was just heaven, even better when she wrapped her hand around it and wanked me hard and fast. “ fuck that’s good” I said “I need to come” her hand lifted off my cock “oh me too” she purred. I felt both her hands on my thighs again, sliding down my legs as I felt her body shuffle. I lay still wondering what was happening “make me come with your mouth” I pleaded” I felt her hand wrap around my cock “no” she said “make me come with your cock” she said and I let out a groan as she plunged herself down on my cock, her wet pussy engulfing my cock. She began sliding slowly up and down my cock at first teasing herself with the tip inside her slipping down half way before repeating and then sank down on me until my whole cock was back inside her. By her hands on my legs she must be facing away from me her back to me grinding on my cock. “Your cock feels amazing she panted as she used me for her own pleasure, gyrating, grinding and raising up and down. I could hear her moans as she fucked me, her breathing and her sexy moans clouding my mind. “I’m going to come all over your cock” she panted “don’t come yet” she began slamming down on my cock as her chased her orgasm, her pussy clenching me “fuck yes” she cried as she got what she wanted. A sound so perfect that it took every fibre in me not to come at the moment, a loud moan as she shuddered on my cock. I couldn’t take it anymore “ I’m going to come” I told her. I expected her to get off me, but she didn’t, she began grinding me again, raising up and down, her moans taking me closer and closer “give me your come” she breathed as I lost all control and I exploded inside her. “Oh my god, I can feel your come” she said as she slowed the pace until she was sat on my cock still, both of us breathing heavy both deliciously satisfied. I felt her rise up off my cock and I felt come dribble down my cock “ wow” I heard her say and I groaned and my cock twitched as her lips engulfed my cock again, sucking, squeezing out every drop of my come and catching the bits that had dropped from her. Her mouth lifted off my cock. “You can take the mask off now” my hands reached up and raised the mask from my eyes, my eyes stinging with the sunlight. I looked down and looked into her eyes, she smiled and she had that just been fucked look. “ that was amazing” I told her. “I didn’t think you were going to stop coming, I could feel you pumping me full of your come, it was amazing” I watched as she stood up “no mask tomorrow, I want to look into your eyes as you come” she said “see you tomorrow” and she blew me a kiss and turned and walked away.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Rebecca sounds amazing

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By *nglianmanMan  over a year ago



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By *ormladMan  over a year ago

ayr / glasgow

Wow finally

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *ary1001xMan  over a year ago


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By *vbikerMan  over a year ago


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By *ogan WillowCouple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Love this.

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By *ackman23Man  over a year ago


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By *evil boy 49Man  over a year ago


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By *nglianmanMan  over a year ago


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By *ary1001xMan  over a year ago


More plz

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By *aptain22Man  over a year ago


Fabulously written!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *cottish guy 555Man  over a year ago


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By *lorious xWoman  over a year ago

the back of beyond

Oh my goodness!! I’m enjoying this hugely, thank you

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By *titch69Man  over a year ago



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By *M1712Man  over a year ago


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By *j47Man  over a year ago


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By *an4Fun121Man  over a year ago


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By *oukevCouple  over a year ago


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