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Story Anthology
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Seeing as its been a crappy year here is a post of all my story's in one place enjoy.
Zoe was the love of my life we were both young 23 been together since we were 19 .
She was way out of my league she was sweet funny intelligent long flowing blonde hair green eyes a cute smile lips that can only be described as blow job lips
She was petite and so delicate but had tits large for her frame , they were not huge just nice and perky and big for her tiny body
She was the dream girl she would make wonderful squeals during sex always tried her best to please in every way
We were quite sexually adventurous doing a lot in our early years no bum stuff as Zoe hated it but most other things we had tried at least once
Around two years back Zoe had asked me something which shocked me a lot
We had been out for a nice day shopping and both needed rest we lay on the sofa cuddling and Zoe turned to me
“ would you ever want to have sex with someone else ?”
I was taken a back
“ of course not I have you why would I want to “
Zoe smiled but then looked down a bit hesitant
“ not even if it was just sex ... I mean I love you and you love me that will never change but what if we had sex with others ?”
I could see she was serious
“ is there something wrong?”
“ no silly I’m just you know being realistic we are both young and very much together it might be healthy if we slept with others to experiment “
Strangely I felt my cock get hard and it wasn’t at the idea I was being given a free ticket to fuck other women . It was the thought of Zoe getting fucked by others
“ if your serious about it then we should try it but be careful”
Zoe giggled with excitement her boobs always shook when she got excited my cock was hard but couldn’t let on
“ I always fancied your mate Becca ha” I joked but kinda being serious
Zoe looked mad
“ no we can’t fuck people we know it has to be stranger from another place I don’t want to bump into a guy I’ve fucked when I’m with my mother “
I couldn’t believe how fast we normalised it I could tell Zoe had thought this through
“ ok we need ground rules”
We laid them out
Always use protection
They have to live far away
Both of us must approve of the other person
Zoe got so excited I had mixed emotions I didn’t want to lose my Zoe but I was so excited at the idea of seeing her be fucked
Zoe turned back to me kissing me
“ this is just fun that’s all your the one I love”
She grabbed her laptop and felt my cock
“ oh this is exciting you ... feel me”
I put my hand down Zoe’s jeans feeling her shaved pussy it was soaked
Zoe had mentioned a site to look on for people to meet I got the feeling she’s been looking for ages
We both set up profiles being open and honest
About what we wanted
I noticed Zoe had set her age specifications quite high 35-60 was it a mistake or was she looking for an older man
“ it’s like a fantasy babes you have to try and find someone not like me so I’m going for an older guy it’s something I’ve fantasied about”
I saw sense in it but my profile was so bad I didn’t want to really shag anyone else
Once we were set up and uploaded a few discreet pics of us we waited
As usual Zoe got swamped in mail right away
I wasn’t shocked she was a young blonde wanting an older man
She took great delight in the attention and carefully picked through the mail
She knew who she wanted
I got nothing but after an hour Zoe perked up
“ I think I got him”
She smiled so bright and showed me the guy he was late 40s athletic tall looked like he had a
Good job greying hair but a full head nice tanned then I saw the next pic of his cock
Mixed emotions went through me as Zoe beamed at the sight of his cock it was huge both thick and long much much bigger than me at least 9 inches and thick
“ what do you think he’s sent a nice message he lives on York so not far but far enough”
I nodded I wanted Zoe to be happy and told her to reply to him
They chatted for a bit and seemed to get on he knew she had a boyfriend and just wanted some extra fun
Then he got her number and they moved to texting I could no longer see the messages just hear her giggles
“ babes I’m gonna send Richard some nudes that ok”
It was getting real
“ if you want to yeah just be careful”
Zoe giggled like a schoolgirl so excited and ran to our bedroom
She was gone for a while and my cock throbbed at the idea another man wanted her
She came back in just in a silk dressing gown
“ how about next weekend we meet up with Richard?” She said as she looked at me seductively
I couldn’t say no to her and agreed
We made love that night but I could tell she was thinking of him
All week Zoe was so excited constantly texting him
We had planned to travel down to York and meet up for a drink and if things went well to a hotel for sex
The day came Zoe got dressed up in a nice long summer blue and white dress very flowing her hair looked amazing and she normally did her makeup discretions but today she looked stunning she looked like the girl next door type gone a bit bad
I was nervous
We took the train down
“ I’m so wet” Zoe whispered in my ear she raised up her dress to see she had white tiny panties on and I felt it they were soaked
My heart was beating so fast Zoe was constant smiles I was guessing because she was going to get a huge cock
Once at the station we walked and I saw him standing in a casual suit smiling
“ it’s him it’s him” Zoe said as she burst into a run literally throwing herself at him
They hugged and kissed gently on the lips right away
I felt like the third wheel but my cock loved it
“ oh god I’m so excited “ Zoe said hanging off Richards arm
I shook hands with Richard we both seemed okish with each other him going out of his way to make small talk with me as we walked to a bar as Zoe linked arms with him as I carried her bag
Once on the bar Zoe and Richard got a table I got the drinks by the time I’d arrived they were very close smiling and laughing
His hand has went up her dress rubbing her inner thigh
We chatted a bit but soon it was all about then two as they got a bit hot and heavy openly kissing a bit of tongue and his hand went further up
Zoe was loving it
“ ok I think we are all comfortable what sat we take this to the hotel I know a great one”
Zoe kissed him and we set off to the hotel
It was very swanky and Richard breezed up through reception as his hand went on my girlfriends bum
I felt uneasy in the lift as they kissed we made it along to the room it was a fairly big room two bedrooms and a lounge
Richard walked on ahead to the big bedroom and Zoe turned to me
“ it’s going great I can’t believe it ... I love you babes you ok just staying out of the way while me and Richard have fun”
I smiled and nodded kissing her
“ I promise we will find you a woman to fuck when we get back home I love you so so much thank you for this “ Zoe said as she hugged me
She giggled as she ran off to the bedroom and the door closed
I walked into the lounge and sat I could hear the giggles laughed and moans as an older man took my young girlfriend
My cock throbbed harder hearing them I heard Zoe gasp as she must of seen his cock followed by the sounds of her sucking on his cock
Zoe’s moans and Richards grunts soon became louder as I realised he was fucking her
The bed squeaked and I wanted to wank
Richard knee how to fuck as I could hear Zoe mane sounds I’d never heard eventually after a long time I heard him cum in her
Then silence it went on so long I put the tv on quite low
After an hour I was curious then the door knocked I went io open it it was room service with champagne and chocolate covered strawberries and cream
I took it in and wheeled it to the room nervous I knocked
The door opened Richard in a towel smiled and thanked me I saw Zoe in the bed hair a mess smiling covered by the sheets
Richard closed the door as they pooped the champagne and laughed
I’m guessing I was round two we had not made any rules on how long the meet would go for
I heard them go again this tome slower and after that silence again it was late I drifted off only to be woken up by ...
A loud bang I jumped up startled to see Richard naked
“ shit sorry buddy didn’t mean to wake you” he said
“ oh no it’s fine” I replied still half asleep
“ just off to the bathroom”
Richard smiled and headed off I could see he had left the bedroom door ajar I looked at my watch it was 3 am
I could barely make out in the dark that Zoe was in the bed stirring
I stayed out I wanted to go in and see her but I heard Richard come back he smiled as he walked back
His cock was huge even when not erect it swayed I thought Zoe must be having a great tune getting filled
“ il try to keep the noise down” Richard whispered
“ how’s Zoe ?” I asked
Richard always smiling
“ she’s great .. such a little minx” he laughed as he walked back in the bedroom
I could see Zoe sit up putting her arms up to him as he closed the door
I heard faint sounds of kissing then the unmistakable sound of Zoe getting fucked again
Her moans so loud as he made her cum
I wanked slow cumming after I heard them stop I’ve never cummed so much
I fell back asleep to be woken later on by the hotel door clicking shut
It was 9 am I looked around waited to hear any sounds I got up slowly and creeped to the bedroom door
I knocked no reply
I opened it slowly Zoe was sat on the side of the bed hair full on messy she had such thick hair it always got so messy after sex
She was smiling covered in a sheet
“ hey babes thank you so much for last night .. it was amazing I love you” she smiled
I was happy Zoe had had fun and was pleased she’d had a dream guy fuck her
I saw on the floor multiple used condoms full with cum relived a little that they had stuck to the safe sex policy
I walked over to Zoe to kiss her she pulled back
“ oh no babes sorry I just took Richards load in my mouth before he left .. let me shower and brush my teeth “
Wow she had swallowed his seed she rarely did it for me
Zoe got up her body looked so hot so young and firm I waited while she showered and changed
She was beaming again all happy we kisses she thanked me for being so understanding and we made our way to the station
I had so many questions for her but I waited till we got home
On the way back she was hire silent and distant was it regret or something else
Once home I made her some tea and asked her
“ did you enjoy it?”
Zoe nodded smiling
“ it was everything I wanted “
“ what about his cock?”
Zoe moaned and smiled so big thinking about his cock
“ oh baby I love you you know that I love your cock ... but wow I’ve never been so full he really fucked me like super fucked me and to swallow his cock was wonderful his cum tasted so nice”
I was shocked but hard
“ I’m glad you loved it” I kissed her
We agree to try and find a female for me but my heart wasn’t in it I told Zoe I was fine with this just being a one off
She looked at me confused
“ one off? ... no babes I mean like we will be doing this again”
I didn’t know what to say
“ nothing changes between us I don’t mind if you sleep with another woman it’s gonna be ok we love each other “
That was two years ago since then I’ve yet to sleep with another woman however Our relationship has gotten better we love each other more than ever. Zoe still sees Richard we did one more meet at the same place but after that Zoe asked if she could go alone.
I agreed and for two years we’ve been happy Zoe will go down and stay with Richard most weekends she Always comes back so happy
They took a few week long holidays to Spain too I feel more comfortable as a cuck I enjoy hearing what he does to her
Occasionally Richard will come here and fuck Zoe in our bed they still kept to the safe sex policy although she would swallow his cum even telling me one horny night they’d had sex 4 times and she decided to swallow his cum from the condoms as she loved the taste so much
About a year ago though when Richard was around seeing Zoe I was on the sofa listening in when Zoe came through she looked so hot
Hair in pigtails cum on her face and perky tits only wearing fish nets and stockings her pussy glistened she asked me
“ hey babes listen it’s been a while and Richard wants to know if he can cum in me?”
My cock got hard I had always insisted on condoms but this turned me on Zoe smiled his cum on her face
“ if you want him too then yeah “ I said her eyes lit up
“ thank you thank you so much babes I love .. I’d kiss you but I just sucked his cock” Zoe ran back into our bedroom to tell Richard the good news
The next sounds I heard made me cum so hard as I knew Richard was entering her bareback and when I heard him cum I knew he was filling my girlfriend up with his seed
So we’ve all been so happy in our relationship so much so that I asked Zoe to marry me ... and she said yes
I had taken her to Italy and proposed under the moonlight
We decided on a June wedding and weirdly since we got engaged I had not heard Zoe mention seeing Richard I thought maybe it was over once he found out she was engaged
How wrong I was ...
Things were going well planning the wedding still no sign of Richard
Zoe had been a bit distant for a week I assumed her and Richard had broken it off
I didn’t ask but knew she wasn’t seeing him the most she’d gone without seeing him was 3 weeks.
I had worked out he was fucking her more than I was but things back to normal just me and Zoe
Until she stopped me one Saturday afternoon while sitting out wedding invitations
“ babes” she always said that when she wanted something
“ babes listen I want to invite ... I want to invite Richard to the wedding “ she said very hesitant
I was stunned
“ what why?”
“ look he’s a big part of my life and I want him there”
I asked her why again and explained how I thought they’d broken up
Zoe explained that after we got engaged she had a massive argument with Richard, he was unhappy about the marriage
“ I chose you babes over him I want to marry you” Zoe said tearful
She said she hadn’t spoken to him till recently when he called to apologise and had came round to our house while I was at work and they had make up sex he had lavished her with gifts Zoe had disguised as engagement presents from family
I felt betrayed she’d always told me when they were meeting
“ I can’t believe you want a guy you’ve fucked at our wedding are you nuts ?” I lashed out I shouldn’t of
Zoe welled up crying
“ really fucking really just a guy who’s fucked me well guess what ... your mate Andy who’s coming I fucked him when we got together bloody big cock too he’s at the wedding . Oh and my dads best mate I sucked his cock on my 18th birthday he’s coming . What about mike Dennis and Phil my 3 friends at uni who I told you were like brothers oh no they weren’t they all fucked me we used to fuck all the time before we got together sometimes all at once ...they use to cover my face in cum” Zoe cried
We were both upset
“ oh and what about the family friend my old English teacher well guess what I fucked him after I left high school hes coming too I sucked his cock so many times ... so fucking WHAT IF RICHARD COMES there’s gonna be 7 men who’ve all fucked me or had me suck their dick and swallow their cum at my wedding”
I didn’t know what to say
“ I chose you I chose you I just want to the two men I spend my life with at my wedding that’s all” Zoe cried
I felt bad I held her
“ I’m sorry I’m sorry he can come”
Zoe looked up at me eyes full of tears smiled and kissed me
“ thank you”
I helped writes out the invite to Richard..,.
The lead up to the wedding I heard nothing of Richard I guessed Zoe was too occupied with the wedding as was I
A few days before the wedding Zoe had wanted us to go 3 days before the wedding with no contact I agreed but on our last day together before she went off to stay at her mums house she dropped a bombshell
“ babes you’ve been so great with the wedding so understanding ... I just want one more thing”
She was bright I’d done a lot and it was costing a fortune only the best for her
“ what is it?”
“ I’m so happy you said that Richard could come and you know how both of you are big parts of my life” Zoe looked to the ground sad
I could tell she was gearing up to ask for something big
“ it’s just when Richard found out that we were getting married it hurt him a lot .. and I promised I’d make it up to him. I love you so so much and I chose you but he’s a part of my life I only think it’s fair on him if ...”Zoe paused to kiss me
“ go on “
“ it’s only ... fair if Richard gets to fuck me first on our wedding night”
I sighed a Big Groan I wasn’t happy at all
“ hey babes hey it’s just one fuck that’s all then you’ll have me for the rest of the night and the honey moon and babes it’s not like you dint like me getting fucked I know it turns you on”
I was annoyed but she has me I would find it sexy my cock twitched at the thought Zoe kisses me and smiled her cute smile
“ pretty please for me ... il let you fuck my tight bum on the honeymoon if you say yes “
This was a shocker Zoe has never let anyone fuck her arse I’d tried and she’d always said no I’d always wanted to fuck her up there
“ erm ok but it’s just one fuck”
Zoe jumped up and down so giddy and kissed me she grabbed her bags and left the next time I’d see her would be at the wedding
I was so nervous about the wedding and the wedding night.
We had arranged a nice hotel for the reception and place for us to stay before our honeymoon
I had managed to arrange for Richard to stay down the hall from us so he could easily access the honeymoon suite I the evening without anyone knowing
We had all agreed that if anyone asked Richard was an old work colleague of mine I worked for a big company over many sectors so it seemed plausible
Only one other person knew his true identity that was Zoe’s best friend Becca who’s known all along about him
I was having a nightmare with some of the wedding issues constantly having to sort out issues with catering the hotel and band not to mention family and friend issues
I was stressed and to top it off I wouldn’t be able to get stress relief till after Richard had fucked my newly married wife
The day came and everything was going smooth so far
I was excited to get married to Zoe I loved her and couldn’t wait for the honeymoon I needed a break
I was nervous as hell my stomach doing backflips as I waited at the alter I had not seen Zoe in her dress I didn’t even know what to expect
I looked in the crowd of family and friends making out which men had fucked her was quite exciting seeing them there knowing that we’d all cummed in the brides mouth
The music commenced and I waited seeing Zoe was like seeing a sexy angel
Her wedding dress didn’t leave much to the imagination in the boob department it was low cut shoulders bare I couldn’t even work out how it was staying on her I guess she had it tied tight as her boobs were pushed up only covering the nipples
She looked so fucking hot the dress was covered in diamonds and the bottom half was hug all ruffled up with a long trail
Her blonde hair flowed and she looked so gorgeous I just wanted to have her suck my dick right there
I could tell a few whispers from women about the inappropriate dress but all the men beamed with delight
I noticed Richard towards the back looking quite reserved
My heart raced as we went through the vows and when we were announced man and wife I got so excited as we kissed
So happy confetti everywhere we walked down the aisle to smiles and got in the car to the hotel only a short drive away
Some brides I know change dresses but Zoe kept hers on for the reception she loved it the trail detached and she looked so sexy with her boobs out I didn’t complain
I was so busy at the reception speaking to relatives and sorting out issues with catering I hardly saw Zoe
I noticed her talking to a few of the guys who’d shagged her their eyes fixated on her tits
She danced on the dance floor as all the men watched her perky tits bounce I was getting hard seeing others objectify my wife
Becca approached me
“ didn’t know Richard would be here I’m surprised “ she said
She was normally like this always sly digs
“ it’s Zoe’s day and she wanted him so I’m happy”
Becca smirked at me making a big cock sign with her mouth and hands
I was sidetracked by the band with some complaints my best man was too pissed to take care of it
I noticed Richard approach Zoe and give her a kiss on the cheek she looked at him so lovingly her eyes sparkled
The night started to wind down as people said their goodbyes I knew the time was coming
We made our goodbyes to everyone our close relatives were staying in the hotel too
I linked arms with Zoe the first real time we had spent together most of the night
We made our way to our room we were both silent both knowing what was going to happen
Getting out of the lift Zoe broke arms with me and turned to me
“ do you want to watch?” She asked
“ yes il watch” I replied unsure if it was the right answer
“ just don’t wank and sit in the corner don’t say anything “ Zoe demanded
We opened the door to our honeymoon suite to see Richard tie undone sitting on the side of the four poster bed
Richard smiled so wide as I brought Zoe in
Zoe went giddy upon seeing Richard her eyes looked at him so lovingly they embraced so passionately and pulled back kissing each other
I moved to sit in the corner as I watched Richard take my newly married wife
“ I’ve waited for this moment all day” Zoe squealed with excitement
“ you look so beautiful as always “ he replied as he led her to the bed he layed her down in her wedding dress
He unzipped his pants pulling out his thick long cock I’d seen it when it wasn’t erect and it was huge but this looked like a monster Zoe squeaked seeing it so excited
Zoe pulled up her dress with his help I saw she had white stockings and suspenders on and no knickers
“ I’ve been so wet waiting for this” Zoe purred as he spread her legs and positioned his huge cock to fuck her
Zoe normally kept her pussy trimmed but she completely shaved it today
She looked up to Richard in a way I’ve never seen her look as he slowly slid his cock into my wife’s pussy she moaned so loud with each inch
Zoe’s moans got me hard
“ oh god daddy it’s so big” she yelled
“ shhh little one it’s nearly in” Richard replied
Zoe has often said that she never got over how big he is I guess she was right
Richard slid in further till he was balls deep in my new wife Zoe wriggled and squealed with excitement he leaned in to kiss her as he started to fuck her
He pulled off his shirt his athletic body pumping harder in my wife’s young cunt
Zoe moaned louder and louder begging Richard to fuck her harder he obliged pulling her legs up on his shoulders and began to make her gasp as he pounded the fuck out of her
“ oh oh g g g god f f f fuck meeee” Zoe stuttered
Her legs started to shake
“ I’m cumming “ she yelled as Richard grunted
“ IM CUMMING” she yelled again so loud
Richard grunted loud
“ I’m gonna cum in you” he panted as he emptied his seed bareback in my wife’s pussy
They embraced and kissed lovingly and began to laugh and giggle
He left his cock in her draining his cum into her
Eventually rolling off her Zoe pulling her dress back so he could lay next to her I thought ok that’s it he will go and I can fuck her
I stood up walking over to them as Zoe cuddled into Richard
“ you have fun” I said breaking the silence
“ oh babes just give us a minute or two ok” Zoe replied
“ yeah buddy just need a few more minutes here” Richard smirked
Just as they said that my phone rang I looked at the number it was Zoe’s dad
“ it’s your dad”
I answered hearing her dad frantic on the other end turns out some relatives had got into a fight and they needed help in the hotel lobby
I hung up explaining it to Zoe
“ go go sort it out I don’t want my day ruined” Zoe demanded
I made my way out leaving Zoe with Richard
Running down to the lobby I caught the tail end of an argument it was around 12:30
After discussing the situation and calming things down getting everyone home I got stuck talking to my father in law
He could talk for ages and was bending my was about work I tried my best to end the conversation knowing my wife his daughter was getting fucked as we spoke
He didn’t get my urgency and I had to walk him to his room
Much to his wife’s annoyance she thought he was being an arse and told me so she looks the double of Zoe just older and thanked me for bringing her husband back
She hugged me and kissed me on the cheek
“ now you go back to your lovely bride “
I looked at my phone it was 1:45 am fuck I thought I’ve been gone so long
I rushed up to our room and opened the door
I heard heavy sex walking in Richard had Zoe doggy style her dress was off hanging up and she just had on the whites stockings and suspenders her tits flopping back and forth as he fucked her hard from behind
They saw me if looks could kill
“ oh no babes no you’ve been too long ... we are really going here we can’t stop now look just take Richards key and stay in his room”
“ just makes sense buddy we are in a rhythm here plus I’ve cummed in her mouth I’m sure you won’t mind me saving you from kissing her like that” Richard smiled as he had his cock up my wife’s pussy
“ I’m sorry babes il make it up to you on our honeymoon this is too goooooood” Richard began to fuck her again and she giggled and laughed
“ no daddy not yet wait till he’s gone “ Zoe laughed
“ fuck it I’m fucking you “ Richard said dismissing her and fucking her harder as she moaned
I grabbed his key he winked at me as I left hearing Zoe moan for daddy to fuck her harder
I slinked off down the hall into his room where I crashed for the night
I dreamed of a better honeymoon
I woke to the door of Richards room being opened I had fallen asleep on the bed fully clothed
Zoe came blustering in full of life and energy a bouncy ball of fun I used to say
She was dressed in a white flowing dress no bra on her perky tits revealed as she unbuttoned most of the top part of the long dress she had a straw hat on and sunglasses she was ready for the honeymoon
“ wakey wakey sleepy head” she smiled as she jumped on me kissing me
She was like a different person away from Richard Jekyll and Hyde style
We kissed and she smiled
“ we are married I can’t believe it I’m so excited our honeymoon “
I told her I was too I was also wanting desperately to shag my wife to consummate the marriage but I didn’t tell her that
“ come on we have breakfast with my parents and yours before our flight get dressed”
I made my way with her back to our room I saw the evidence of a wild night empty champagne bottles the bed a mess
I didn’t ask what else she did
I got showered and ready and made my way down for breakfast
It was all very nice a bubbly Zoe making everyone happy
I soon noticed Zoe’s mum was dressed in a revealing dress she always dressed so formal and last night I saw how her body was similar to Zoe’s her hair just cut in a bob she did look like a smoking hot milf
I couldn’t believe my mind was wandering to thinking about my wife’s mum they were so close
We finished up breakfast and said our goodbyes
Zoe’s mum gave me a big hug and kiss
“ I’m so glad you married her “ she whispered
It was weird I was curious did she know about Richard Zoe said she told her everything but that I put it out of my mind
We headed for the airport
We were heading to the St Lucia I had spent a fortune on the flight and hotel
It was a long way there both of us tired after the flights.
We arrived at the airport and had a car waiting that took us to our resort
Both of us so tired I barely noticed the driver of the car giving Zoe the once over her tits were on full show so I couldn’t blame him
We got to the hotel only to be met by a problem
The receptionist was very hot tanned slim big boobs out Zoe noticed me checking her out and elbowed me
“ I’m sorry there has been an error on your booking I do apologise let me see my manager”
The hot receptionist left
“ don’t fucking look at other women that way and I knew you’d mess up the booking I told you I’d do it ... this is great” Zoe said in one of her famous childish strops
The receptionist came back all smiles Zoe glared at me
“ sorry it’s not an error you have been upgraded to our luxury honeymoon villa “
We were both stunned I didn’t know how this happened if booked the one just below that level
“ how has this happened?” I asked
“ oh says here a note on the upgrade seems your father upgraded you” the receptionist handed the paper to Zoe
Zoe squealed and jumped up and down handing me the paper I read it
It said
* enjoy your upgrade little one love Daddy x
It was Richard he had upgraded us mixed emotions was this his way of making up for fucking her or was it his way of saying he’s richer and can get better places
Zoe was so happy she hugged me
“ see Richard always pulls through for us” she beamed and kissed me
We got escorted to our new honeymoon villa it was set back off the beach and very huge two bedrooms a large living room and kitchen it was a thing I never thought I’d see
Zoe screamed in joy seeing it
“ this was the one I wanted I had told Richard I wanted this one he must of remembered so sweet of him”
Zoe danced around the villa and we soon made our way to the big bedroom it was a huge bed soft sheets a gentle breeze from the ocean it was so romantic
Zoe layed down on the bed we were both so tired still
I went down grab our luggage by the time I came back she was fast asleep I thought I’d let her sleep our marriage consummation could wait we had 3 weeks here I’m sure we’d find the time to fuck
I fell asleep next to my wife happy and content
The smell of the ocean woke me up early it was sunny and bright Zoe was still asleep I lay in bed
Then I heard a knock on the villa door I couldn’t be bothered I just left it then it knocked again
Zoe stirred annoyed she’d been woken I pretended to be asleep
“ what the fuck is this babes urgh your still asleep il go and see” she said in a strop again I thought I hope she won’t be like this the entire honeymoon
I heard her make her way down i listened carefully
Then I heard her loud shriek of excitement I sat upright and bolted to the top of the stairs to see what caused her to shriek
There he was Richard he’d came all the way here they were hugging as Zoe bounced up and down like a schoolgirl so excited
“ I just wanted to make sure my little Zoe got her perfect honeymoon”
For fucks sake I thought I can’t escape this guy
They kissed and Zoe shouted of me
“ look babes Richard came isn’t this amazing “
I nodded faking happiness and shook Richards hand
“ oh buddy there was a slight problem at the front desk because I upgraded you there was an issue with your credit card they said you just need to pop down to sign something real quick”
“ well babes go get it signed” Zoe said
I left heading to the front desk knowing that I’d get back to Richard fucking my wife again
I got to the desk the receptionist told me she’d told Richard I had to sign it whenever it wasn’t urgent
I was furious I marched back to the villa only to walk in to hear the unmistakable sounds of Richard grunting and Zoe moaning
I waited downstairs till they were done
“ cum in my mouth daddy” I heard Zoe beg as Richard grunted loudly as he cummed in my wife’s mouth
I sat waiting for them to come down
I waited it was just gone noon
They eventually appeared Zoe dressed in a white bikini and a loose sarong thing
“ babes Richard has booked a speedboat to do some water skiing you coming”
I thought about it and thought well it can’t end in him fucking her so I agreed to tag along
We made our way to the rental place I walked behind Richard and Zoe who walked are in arm
“ daddy by the way you got so much cum on the inside of my wedding dress I could of killed you that first time you cummed in my on my wedding night you basically flooded me with cum” Zoe giggled
Richard laughed
“ basically your cum is gonna be stained ok my dress forever haha” Zoe laughed
“ well you always love cum in and you don’t you you little slut” Richard said grabbing my wife’s bum
We got to the rental place Richard had prepaid and asked if I wanted to go waterski first I was happy to get some distance from them and I was quite experienced at it
We set off I was actually enjoying it as Richard steered the boat I could tell he was staring to test my ability but I was too good
He kept looking back seeing I was still there I think he was hoping to lose me and go off with Zoe and fuck her on the boat
Richard was getting frustrated then he took a sharp left I thought fuck that’s nuts he literally openly trying to get rid of me
I couldn’t handle the sharp turn at speed I lost control and flipped into the air
I can remember seeing my legs then the skis then boom I hit the water and felt a pain in my left leg I went under the water and saw I’d hit a rock the pain was incredible
I managed to get to the surface I saw Richard speed off with Zoe they weren’t coming back
Luckily we were in a quite busy part of the beach and some local tour guides had seen what happened
They carefully got me on their small boat and were actually really amazing they told me not to worry I think they knew I’d broken my leg
They took me to shore and I was amazed how fast they had got an ambulance I was pretty relaxed just in pain and wanted to kill Richard
By the time I had made it to the ambulance I’m guessing Richard and Zoe had seen I was actually hurt Zoe came running
“ oh my god babes I didn’t know it hurt you I’m so sorry” Zoe said I could tell she found it funny and was trying not to laugh
“ are you his wife his leg is broken “ the paramedic said
They offered her to come with me
“ oh no il see you at the hospital Richard will take me”
With that I was rushed on my honeymoon with a broken leg to hospital
I couldn’t complain about how they treated me I was seen to double quick and was soon laid up in bed with a cast on my leg dr said it was broken but not so badly broken
I waited and waited for Zoe no sign eventually she turned up on a red tight dress and hair all done makeup done up she looked like a slut
“ oh babes sorry I’m late we got caught up on the boat it was so much fun Richard took me out to the ocean and well we fucked on the boat it was amazing feeling the ocean rock as we made love”
I was furious and more than rightly so
“ why you dressed up ?” I asked
“ oh sorry yeah we have dinner reservations I gotta go il be back tomorrow just get better” Zoe said kissing me on the cheek
I was left there to simmer in my anger I needed revenge but how
I had plenty time to plan and plan I did
The next day still in hospital Zoe never came I was beyond anger I was now in sabotage the marriage mode and sabotage Richard
The docs said I’d be healing up for a while but could go back to the hotel to rest up
I’d have two and half weeks till I could fly home
The next day they let me go with some medication the hotel was great they sent a car to collect me
Once I arrived at the front desk the hot receptionist was there and was very sympathetic
“ oh no what happened let me help you”
She was so hot long black hair a cute smile and attractive accent I couldn’t quite place
She had on a short black mini skirt legs to die for a small fitting black jacket and a tight black top that left her shoulders bare just going over her large tits and stomach
I was using crutches she’d helped me walk to my villa
Once we got there Zoe and running out in a bikini looking mad as hell at the receptionist
“ why didn’t you say you were coming back urgh” she shrieked in her high pitch tone
“ will you be ok from here?” The receptionist said
I smiled and nodded thanking her for the help
“ I tried to call but no answer “
“ well I’ve been with Richard so we weren’t answering any calls ... get in then”
I hobbled in the villa and saw Richard laying on the big sofa naked
“ hey buddy how’s the leg” he muttered no sorry he didn’t even look at me
Zoe went back to laying at his waist playing with his semi hard cock as he stroked he hair
It was like I didn’t exist standing behind them
I saw Richard pick up his phone and enter his passcode
What an idiot well that will come in handy I thought
Zoe giggled as she played with his cock
I decided I’d go stay in my villa that I’d originally booked
“ hey I’m gonna leave you two to it il stay in the other villa “
No response from them as I hobbled out I heard Richard say
“ come on suck it properly “
As Zoe giggling beginning to swallow his huge cock
I struggled over to the villa that I’d booked it was adjacent from theirs I could see over to their villa from mine
Once in it was nice I actually liked it better
I called reception to ask if they’d get my bags from the other villa and bring them over it was the hot receptionist she sounded shocked and sent some bellboys
They arrived the receptionist too with my bags
They bellboys left leaving me and her I was laying down on the sofa leg up
“ oh I’m confused I thought that was your wife ?” She asked
I smiled laughing I’d taken off my wedding ring
“ ah no they are married I’m just their assistant “ I gave a Bullshit answer she didn’t buy it
She looked sad as I probably made her sad
“ well I’m mia and if you need anything at all call me” she handed me her business card
I thanked Mia and asked her for help to get up to bed she smiled and helped me holding my arm close her body up close to me
I looked down and her boobs pushing up against me as we got up the stairs her top began to ride down and I saw her tan wasn’t all over revealing the tops of some creamy boobs still tanned but the shade difference on the tan line was very sexy
She helped me into bed I thanked her again
Mia turned back to me as she left
“ il come check on you daily after I’m done work “
So nice of her she got me so hard
I could watch from my window over to their villa I could see that they were constantly having sex on my honeymoon
The next day I got my laptop and began to google Richard it came up with some interesting stuff
I began to write down all his work associates he worked in hedge funds and other weird shit he had a lot of fingers in pies
I didn’t know what I’d do but I needed to know my enemy
I was recovering well Zoe never came to check on me not once
Mia however was so sweet after work she’d come to check on me bringing me some snacks we got chatting and getting to know each other I’d always just be in loose shorts when she cane over I’m sure she noticed the bulge in my shorts whenever I saw her
After a week she turned up one evening a bit late in her usual black uniform
“ I spend all day thinking how miserable you must be here” she said as she sat on the bed close to me
She took off her jacket I could see her boobs barely fitted into her top
“ oh I’m ok it’s always the highlight of my day when you come”
She smiled and rubbed my arm
There was an awkward silence
“ I’d get into so much trouble for this but I know care” Mia said
She looked down at my shorts I was obviously rock hard she’d noticed
She pulled down my shorts over my leg cast my cock sprang up
Mia moaned and grabbed it beginning to slowly wank my cock I smiled she pulled down her top to reveal she didn’t have a bra on her tits so big and full her bikini line looked so hot
“ you like these” Mia said
I nodded she turned and moved closer letting me feel her huge tits as she pulled her hair back and her lips wrapped around my cock
She looked at me and smiled
“ I hope you like this” Mia purred as she began to fully suck my cock
She was so vigorous and far better than Zoe I stroked her hair as she swallowed my cock enthusiasticly
“ shit fuck feels so good I’m gonna cum” I warned her
Zoe always hated me cumming in her mouth even tho Richard seemed to do it always
Mia clamped down and felt my seed erupt in her mouth as she swallowed it down I could feel her tongue Lap away at the cum I had a huge build up
She pulled back and used her fingers to ease out the rest of the cum that she licked up
“ oh god that was amazing “ I said
“ my pleasure “ Mia smiled
We both smiled at each other
“ I must get back “ Mia said as she pulled up her top
“ don’t worry about with finding out I won’t say anything “
Mia smiled at me kissing me on the forehead
“ so sweet of you... il be back tomorrow that ok?” She replied
I told her it was more than ok she laughed loud leaving me a happy man
My revenge was still yet to play out but at least I was having my dick sucked by a hot kind caring woman
I’d bind my time for revenge
The next few days were amazing Mia would come after work we’d spend ages chatting and laughing
Always ending with her sucking my cock and swallowing my cum she was so sweet about it I couldn’t believe my luck had changed
I managed to slip off her skirt and pull down her black thong her arse was so big and sexy I’d slip my hand in between her thighs and her Pussy felt so tight
Freshly trimmed nice and wet I’d finger her while she sucked my cock
Feeling her legs shudder making her cum as I cummed in her mouth was one of the best feelings
We had talked about having sex as we both wanted to buy Mia didn’t want to hurt me as my cast was quite far up and it still hurt
We agreed to wait a few days and see
She told me she had a family thing tomorrow night so couldn’t make it but would make it up to me
“ would it be ok if I stayed the night with you” Mia aasked so sweetly
I told her I’d like it very much she smiled kissing me
The next night I missed Mia but I couldn’t wait to spend the night with her
My mind was almost off Zoe and Richard
That night with nothing to do I looked over at their villa
I could see clearly into the bedroom they never closed the blinds
I watched as I saw them kiss and undess you could still tell from this distance that Richard was hung like a horse
He threw her on the bed and turned her over doggy position he then pulled something from the dresser
I couldn’t believe it it was what I was promised
Richard had a bottle of lube I watched making out him lube up his erect cock then lube yo my wife’s virgin arse
I felt annoyed but hard
I could tell Zoe was nervous as Richard positioned himself behind her
“ argggghhhh it hurts stop” Zoe shrieked
I could hear her from here she was a loud mouth
I saw Richard stop and pull out adding more lube with a finger then he said something to her he looked annoyed with her
He slid in again
She shrieked again he kept sliding in
“ only go halfway you promised” Zoe shrieked again
I always knew he was an arsehole was Zoe finally finding out this too
He then stopped I saw him say something else to her it made her giggle
And he began to fuck her up the arse her whole body shaking I could see she was slowly enjoying it
Fuck he’s taken her anal virginity with his size she’s be ruined
I watched as he pounded my young wife eventually I heard Richard grunt as he pumped long hard strokes as he let his cream pump into Zoe’s virgin arse
They kissed after I was hard but didn’t want to wank I missed Mia
The next day I decided to pay Richard and Zoe a visit
I hobbled over I was getting better on my feet
Richard was naked and Zoe just had on a pink bikini bottom as they lay together on the sofa
“ hey” I said as I entered
“ hey buddy how’s things?” Richard said I ignored him
Zoe got up she looked grumpy and I could tell she was walking funny
“ you ok Zoe?” I asked she nodded
She didn’t ask about my leg
“ can we chat ?” I asked
Richard got up
“ il give you too married ones some room I’ve got some work to do” he said as he pulled on some trunks and left
I sat down with Zoe
“ hey I was thinking maybe we could you know do that thing you promised “ I said knowing full well she’s already broken her promise of me taking her up the arse first
She looked sheepish
“ erm baby not now maybe when your better I find it weird you on that cast “ Zoe snapped back
“ oh ok “ I said I didn’t want to fuck her anymore I just wanted to see her reaction
“ listen Richards not too keen on you being around us so maybe just stay in our villa we can have fun when we get home and your legs better you need rest” Zoe said
I played along and agreed leaving her and went back to my villa
I was looking forward to seeing Mia I waited then my phone rang it was Zoe’s mother
I answered
“ oh Zoe’s told us about the accident and how she’s been looking after you , it must be horrible “
Zoe the lying bitch
“ oh yeah it’s not been good but Zoe’s been an angel looking after me age takes after you in many ways”
“ oh good and such a flatterer”
We chatted a bit more i found out Zoe had made out that she’s nursing me back to health I made a joke about Zoe’s mother looking better in a nurses uniform
“ you are a naughty son in law” she laughed
We said our goodbyes and she promised to come see me right away when I’m home
I freshened myself up for Mia I was beginning to like her a lot
I waited for Mia to arrive I was very excited to see her
It got late on and I fell asleep only to be woken by someone entering the villa I could hear them creeping up the stairs
I looked at my phone it was 11:30
I watched the door a bit terrified as I couldn’t move fast with my broken leg
Relief struck as I saw it was mia smiling
“ sorry I’m late I couldn’t get away”
Mia was wearing a light white dress buttoned all the way up and a big black belt she looked so hot her tits wobbled as she walked over to me
“ it’s ok “ I said relieved it was her
“ oh I scared you sorry ... I let myself in with the master key ive been thinking about you all day “
Mia leaned in and we kissed slow and passionately she was so kind and thoughtful as well as smoking hot
“ I thought maybe we could try and go for it today ... but if it hurts your leg let’s stop I’ve just been so horny wanting you inside me” Mia whispered
I kissed her more and she stood up undid her big belt and slid off her dress she had black lace bra and panties on her tits pushed up so big
She smiled as I pulled down my shorts my hard cock ready as she undid her bra revealing her lovely large tan lined boobs flopping out and slid off her panties
“ I’m already wet feel” she said as I ran my fingers along her pussy lips she was indeed soaking
She climbed on top of me carefully she took my cock in hand and guided it into her tight tight pussy
It felt so good we both moaned she leaned in to me as I slid in more we kissed her silky black hair caressed my bare chest
“ let’s take it slow” Mia whispered as we kissed and began to slowly fuck
We took it so slow staring into each other’s eyes and kissing as I tried my best to fuck her from below and she bounced lightly on top
I winced as my leg hurt a bit
“ oh no you want to stop” Mia said showing more concern than Zoe ever did
I kissed her saying no and we fucked her tits bounced so wonderfully as I played with them and she smothered my face with them smiling as she did
She leaned back and bounced a bit harder a reached my hand down and began to finger her clit
Mia moaned
“ oh god don’t stop “
She closed her eyes her legs began to shake a little I kept fucking her as she bounced on my cock and fingering her clit
“ don’t stop I’m cumming I’m cumming” Mia moaned
“ oh god of god “ she cummed and looked so beautiful
She leaned in to kiss me as I pushed my hips up as I was gonna cum soon
“ you can cum in me it’s ok” Mia said stroking my face and smiling
That blew me over the edge and I erupted my cum in her tight pussy
I never thought I’d be spending my honeymoon having amazing sex with someone else
All thoughts of Zoe went out my head
“ you comfy “ Mia said as my cock spurted more cum up her
“ yeah god that was amazing “
“ just get all that cum on me “
We kissed as my balls drained into Mia after she slid off and lay on my chest cuddling in pulling up the sheets
“ it’s ok if I stay?” She asked her big eyes looking up at me
I couldn’t say no
We cuddled in together and kissed and talked turns out she was born in Brazil her parents are loaded and have multiple houses all over
She was part of a volleyball team and played some games here on the island she fell in love with the place and her parents got her a place her she only works at the hotel because she wants to be independent
I thought she had a volleyball players bum
We kissed more and spent the night together she sucked my cock and swallowed my cum as I licked her neatly trimmed pussy as she was on top on 69
We fell asleep cuddling and in the morning she left early to get ready for work but kissed my and my cock goodbye
“ il be back tonight”
I was amazed by her
I had one week left with her I felt bad as I hadn’t told her the truth about me but the truth was it was over for me and Zoe
The next few nights were heaven Mia would stay over and we’d fuck all night despite my injury
The last night before I was due to go we both knew it was the end
Mia looked so sad
“ hey i wish I could stay” I said as she sat on my bed naked
“ it’s ok I’m used to it” Mia said looking so sad I didn’t like that look on her face
That’s when it struck me the revenge plot I know what to do
“ hey what if I come back”
“ all the guys say that” she said
I had a plan
“ Mia this has been the best week of my life even though I’ve been in bed unable to move ... I’m falling for you”
Mia turned to me and kissed me smiling
“ if you mean it come back but what we had was special il never forget it”
She grabbed her clothes and left
I knew what I had to do now just to do it
The next day I never saw Mia as I left the hotel I checked out with Zoe who barely spoke to me she just mumbled
I never saw Richard either
We got on the plane I was given extra leg room for my leg and for the hours long flight home Zoe and I never spoke
We both knew things were bad
We got home and I didn’t know what to say to her
“ I’m going to bed I need the big bed for my leg you can take the bed in the spare room” I said to her
Zoe looked at me and burst into tears
“ I’m so sorry I’m sorry” she hugged me
“ I didn’t mean for it to happen this way I just ... I just get carried away with him”
“ look I’m done let’s talk about this later “
Zoe wouldn’t let me go
“ no I’d do anything to make it up anything il suck your cock we can make love you can fuck me up the ass” she tried to sound enthusiastic
“ you do know we have yet to consummate the marriage at all ... and I thought I’d get first go up your arse not Richard “
She held tight trying to kiss me
“ wait no we did we had sex ... didn’t we” Zoe looked confused then it dawned on her that we had not had sex since we got married
“ how do you know about Richard fucking me up the ass?” She shrieked
“ look I know I need to rest let me go” she let me go tears flooding out of her
I went to bed shutting the door hearing her sob the a muffled phone call sounds of her packing and then the door slamming and her car driving off
Was she gone for good?
I woke up feeling free but missing Mia some of the best sex I’ve had with someone who is genuinely nice
I felt crappy about my marriage with Zoe a bit later on there was a knock at the door I opened it to see Zoe’s parents looking very annoyed
Her dad Gerry was always an arse always thought highly of himself and would get strike out with anger . Her hot mother Linda was more calm and measured
“ what’s happened?” Linda said
“ why is is my daughter sobbing in tears what have you done” Gerry shouted
I invited them in we sat down to chat
“ look the honeymoon didn’t go well I broke my leg” I explained
“ yes Zoe said she was so stressed out loooking after you all honeymoon it got too much for her she wanted fun and she had to look after you” Zoe’s mum said
I didn’t have the heart to tell her that her precious daughter didn’t even bother to check on me and was instead sucking cock and getting fucked up the arse
“ you mustn’t get my Zoe upset “ Gerry blundered
I ignored him
“ I need rest and tile to recover my leg is Zoe staying at yours?”
“ yes she is look marriage is hard work I’ve told her to come around and try to talk it over together “
I nodded not knowing what to say
“ Zoe’s going back to work soon il be over to look after you in the mean time while she’s at work “ Linda said
They left in a huff and Gerry ranted about something
I really didn’t want Zoe back
“ i went back to bed to sleep”
I was nice and relaxed I woke up hearing Zoe
“ baby baby it’s me look let’s not fight anymore let me make it up to you”
I woke to Zoe on the bed she was wanking my cock and ready to suck it I was still half asleep my cock was hard Zoe began to suck my cock
She was no where near as good as Mia
Zoe swallowed my cock I didn’t want her too but it felt so surreal having her suck me
She pulled up
“ I just want things back to how they were that’s all we had fun like that” she said going back to suck my cock
I cummed in her mouth wasn’t the best It didn’t even feel good I just cummed
Zoe pretending to like it but she spat out my cum onto the bed
“ sorry it’s just not for me” she said
Strange how she swallows Richard no problem
She had weaselled her way in
The next few weeks were strange Zoe slept in our bed with me we still didn’t have sex she would occasionally suck my cock but that was it.
I was just waiting to get my cast off my leg so I’d be able to get revenge I felt like a prisoner
Zoe still left me alone at the weekends to go see Richard and be with him
Linda would pop round daily to check on me she was actually lovely with me making sure I was ok and recovering
“ you are the best nurse shame you don’t have the uniform “ I said to her as she tended to me
“ cheeky I’m sure I’m past it” Linda replies blushing
“ don’t think so I think you’d be a catch”
Linda winked at me and left the next day she came dressed in a skimpy outfit she as mentioned rarely wore revealing clothes
She had a white shirt on tied at the bottom showing her stomach and a very short white pleated skirt
I knew she’d done it deliberately her body was hot for her age very fit
We flirted more but nothing came of it not that it was part of my plan
The day came to get my cast off Gerry took me to the appointment he was bleating on as usual about my job how I should change jobs
“ you know that Richard I met at the wedding your old work mate he’s got the right idea you should be more like him ... he’s given me some investment tips they are paying off a charm what a guy you should be ore like him” he whined
I hated Richard and I was growing to hate Gerry too
With my cast off and some weeks of rehab I was able to get about again
I’d been biding my time hating everyone moment with Zoe I had my plan for revenge now it was time to do it .
My cast of leg on its way to being normal now was the time to act
I’d seen a lawyer friend and told him I wanted to divorce Zoe he got the papers sorted and said it might be tough but he would get me the divorce
I didn’t tell Zoe yet it was a Friday and as usual she was bouncing around so happy to be going to Richards to get fucked by his big cock
“ Richards doing real well lately he is gonna but a holiday villa in Spain soon” Zoe beamed so smarmy
Zoe said her goodbyes and left I waited a minute then got in my car I never knew where Richard lived so I followed my own wife
It felt weird but I was in the game now I kept a distance and it took a while she was a slow driver
She pulled up to a rather large house and got out it was huge in a lovely neighbourhood Richard was loaded
Zoe even had her own key
I waited a bit I thought I’d wait a few moments for them to start to fuck
I crept up to the house the side gate was open I let myself in I creeped around to the back garden he had a big conservatory
I always thought Richard was dumb and slow in a street sense and he was his conservatory door was open
Boom I was in the house my heart raced
I just wanted to collect dirt on him something I could use against him
He had a huge kitchen I could hear Zoe being fucked upstairs her loud shrieks must annoy the neighbours
I looked around carefully and then I saw it he’d left his phone and laptop on the kitchen table
What an idiot and guess who knew his passcode
I opened up his phone and looked around at his emails messsges and photos
He got an email as I was looking it was from his investment firm
* Hey Richard
These are the insider trades keep them quiet
Sell DSW and GHT
Buy HHT and NMM
Get it done quick we need this one
Bingo I had it I looked at the email address and got my phone out I quickly made up a email address similar to that one just adding a 1 in so you wouldn’t notice unless you looked
I sent the original email to me and then composed an email to Richard but I switched the trades , I looked at Richards investment all he had stocks in all companies so it made sense. So he would sell the good stock and buy the bad.
My heart raced I deleted the original email and added a forwarding script so any email Richard sent I’d receive too
Richard must of forget I worked for an IT firm
Happy that I couldn’t be traced I looked for more dirt I could hear them still fucking I had time
I searched His photos on his phone and found he had made a file on it entitled fun
I opened it and could not believe what I was seeing I sent all the photos to my phone then deleted the trace of it
I then copied all of Richards contacts into my phone
That was it I had everything I needed I left carefully putting things back as I went home I picked up a pay as you go phone I felt like I was in a movie
I got home and I had a fair bit of money saved up I opened one of those all investment apps that I saw Richard had I thought fuck it and invested a big chunk of money into the two good insider trades Richard had received it was a gamble but I thought I was living on the wild side
I sent all the photos and videos I’d got and the contacts to my new burner phone
I knew I had to wait to enact this one
I kept checking the investment app over the weekend nothing changed really
Zoe arrived back on the Monday I tried to see if she gave any indication of how Richard was he seemed fine
I knew it would take more time
I had went back to work part time and arrived home on Wednesday to see Zoe home she looked terrible and was packing again
“ what’s wrong” I said
“ Richard is freaking out I’ve got to go see him”
Was this it
“ why what’s wrong with him?”
“ it’s his work something has went wrong I’ve never heard him like this look il be staying with him for a while I can’t be bothered to discuss it you wouldn’t get it” Zoe snapped
My phone made a weird noise notification I walked away from Zoe as she left and looked at my phone
It was the investment app it was an alert on the stocks I opened it up and my jaw hit the floor
It has simplified it on the return showing how much I’d get if I sold now my stocks price was rising
The return said
£ 3.1 M
I knew I had invested a lot but I thought I’d get a few thousand back this was ridiculous I thought about leaving but didn’t want to risk it I cashed out
I felt the room spin I had to sit down then I panicked the divorce shit Zoe might get half
My mind raced I had so much to lose in the divorce Zoe didn’t know about the money no one knew.
I went to the bank and opened a second account they were extremely accommodating giving the money that was going to be deposited
I then used some of the money to re invest in a certain business that I actually bought so many shares in they contacted to me to say I was a majority shareholder and they’d be happy to meet me . This was all a bit crazy but I was excited to meet
I knew I needed my next steps to be careful I couldn’t play one card before the other I had to get Zoe to sign the divorce papers
I called her I knew she was with Richard she’d pretty much chosen him over me
“ can we meet?”
“ why I’m with Richard he’s very upset he’s on major trouble with work he made a bad investment he swears that he followed the instructions but his boss says he really messed up” Zoe whined
I knew he had as I’d seen the emails back and forth the plan had worked unless someone checked the email I’d sent properly I’d be ok
“ well it’s kinda about him so you can see him more” I said
Zoe perked up
“ oh really well yeah meet me here”
She sent me an address for a coffee shop
I drove down to see her the place was fairly empty we sat down didn’t even feel married I looked at her finger she wasn’t even wearing the ring as I wasn’t either I held the papers in my hand
“ look things haven’t worked o....”
Zoe cut me off
“ are those divorce papers ?”
I nodded
“ ok where do I sign?” She said bluntly
I couldn’t believe it was this easy I handed them across I didn’t want to say anymore she’d flip if she found out I was richer than Richard
She signed and we discussed the rest of the legal proceedings of having to go to the magistrates to sign more
“ ok whatever it takes I don’t care I want to be with Richard il grab my things tomorrow and let’s sign the divorce papers together at the magistrates too” Zoe got up and left
I was stunned I was pulling it off
The next day she turned up packing her things and we went in separate cars to sign
We were now officially divorced she left without saying anything I felt bad and thought maybe I shouldn’t do the rest of the plan
But then I remembered oh yeah I can’t walk properly so I put into action the next step
No one knew we were divorced yet I called Linda
“ hey Linda mind if I pop around?”
She was home alone most of the time
“ oh yes come over Gerry is playing golf be great to see you”
Linda has asked me to wait a bit so she could shower and be decent for when I came over
So I decided to rush in right over I knew they always kept their side door unlocked so I let myself in
“ Linda it’s me” I shouted in a friendly way
I could hear her hair dryer upstairs I made my way up they had a lovely big house
I could see her bedroom door open and hear her humming away
I walked into her room to see her sitting at her dressing table drying her hair and her bath towel was half falling off her
She has amazing tits still pert for her age and a body so tight
“ oh sorry Linda “ I said
As she jumped in shock seeing me but smiled a naughty smile covering up herself
“ oh you gave me a shock”
I didn’t shy away I didn’t look away I smiled as I checked her out Linda got up clutching her towel around her
“ sorry but wow you might put your daughter to shame with that body “ I said as Linda blushed
“ well at least someone appreciates it” Linda said
“ let me see those tits again “ I said reaching out and pulling her towel down I was so blunt it took Linda by surprise and she droppped the towel in shock
She had a lovely shaved pussy and was stunned as I admired her body
“ oh this is wrong “ she said but didn’t mind being admired by her son in law well now former son in law
“ give me a spin “ I said as I got closer placing my hand in her shoulder and turning her she put her hand in mine
She turned her bum was tight she did work out a lot I saw she had a butterfly tattoo on her right bum
I caressed her bum gently as she gasped then grabbed her left tit massaging it as Linda said how wrong this was
I unbuckled my jeans and pulled out my cock
I pushed her to the bed and bent her over doggy style
She was heavy breathing as I grabbed her hips I leaned in and whispered in her ear
“ I’m gonna fuck you hard and rough and you are gonna love it”
She gasped again I held her firm and slid my cock up her tight unloved pussy
Linda moaned so loud as I slid my hard cock up my now ex mother in law
“ this is so wrong” she moaned
I held her tight my cock fully in her pussy
“ do you want me to stop?” I asked
“ oh god no don’t stop don’t stop fuck me please fuck me harder ... just no one can know” she moaned
I smiled as I began to fuck her hard she was a good fuck I held her body tight pulling it into my cock
I pulled her hair back and began to pound her harder as I used her body like she was a slut just like her daughter was
It felt great ducking her I felt kinda bad what I was going to do but then i thought fuck it I want to see what happens
It was a shame because I felt if I didn’t do what I was going to do I could get some more shags out of Linda even when she found out I was now divorced from her daughter I’m sure she’d be up for me sticking my dick up her
I continued fucking her as Linda fowl mouth begged me to fuck her more
I pulled my phone out Linda’s head buried in the bed . I slowed down fucking her hard but slow so I could use my phone
I sent a text to Gerry her husband
* hey Gerry hope your done at golf I’m just with Linda I’ve got some new investment advice from Richard we have to act quick can you come over quick?
I knew that would get him over
He replied right away
* il be right over 10 mins
Yes all I had to do was keep it up till her got back
I put my phone away and pulled out flipping Linda over as she panted hard
“ oh god don’t stop please no one has fucked me like this” Linda begged
“ open your mouth suck my cock” I said offering my cock to her
She frantically gobbled my cock up licking and sucking it as I stroked her hair
I kept track of the time and pulled my cock out of her mouth
“ get back into position “ I ordered Linda to
It was such a pity she was so obedient and willing to please I hated that this was the only time I’d fuck her
We got back into doggy she was begging me
“ please please it sounds so wrong but please cum in me” Linda begged
I slid my cock in Linda didn’t need to worry that was part of the plan I began to fuck her more
She moaned and waited as I fucked her pussy I could feel her pussy begin to tightin and her legs begin to shake she was on the verge of cumming
I looked over my shoulder I could see out the window Gerry pull up this was it the bedroom door was closed
I pushed Linda’s head down sideways on the bed hand over her ear to block her hearing him in the house
She moaned so loud Gerry must of heard her by now
I began to fuck her harder feeling I was gonna cum and she was too
“ oh god fuck me im gonna cum” Linda wailed as I heard Gerry slowly walk across the hall
Pulled Linda’s head up as she cummmed hard and she screamed the place down her legs shaking pussy clinching as i cummed hard up my ex mother in laws unprotected Pussy
Gerry saw it all his face dropped he looked like he’d seen a ghost
“ Linda “ he yelled
Linda was still Cumming as was I as I pumped my seed into her we both couldn’t stop fucking
“ it’s not what it looks like” Linda managed to moan out as she still let me fuck her what a dirty woman I thought she’s been caught cheating but is more concerned with getting her full orgasm in
Gerry in a rage left shouting down the hall as he left
Linda collapsed on the bed I finished off cumming in her pulling my cock out and zipping back up
As I left Linda spoke she looked shell shocked the guilt hit me what have I done
“ promise me one thing ?” She said quietly
“ what’s that?”
“ that you’ll fuck me again” Linda said
What a woman just like her daughter only thins of cock
I smiled and left her laying in the bed my cum on her
Now it was on with the next part of revenge
After leaving Zoe’s mother Linda satisfied but full of regret and cum I went home
I so wanted to enact the next parts of the revenge but knew I couldn’t go overkill
I waited till tomorrow for the next part I thought by now Zoe must of told her mother we were divorced
So I text Zoe
* never knew how cute your mother’s bum butterfly tattoo was
I waited for a reply
* what the fuck are you sick she doesn’t have a tattoo get a life
Oh Zoe didn’t know her mum had a tattoo or how slutty she was
I replied
* ask her or ask your dad
There was no reply well not until my phone buzzed Zoe was calling then left a voicemail then Linda called and left a message too
I listened in
Zoe’s first she was sobbing and full of anger
“ you absolute shit you tiny dicked shit I can’t believe you fucked my mother ... I regret ever meeting you I hate you we have enough on our plate here Richard is suspended from work pending and investigation into his trading ... fuck you and leave my family alone”
The next one was tougher to listen to
“ hello look whatever happened happened I’m going to talk with Gerry and Zoe about it I regret doing it .... but ... if you want to keep it between me and you we can do it again call me back “
Linda was calm and measured Gerry must of really starved her of cock but I wasn’t going to fuck her again better knowing that she was left hanging gagging to be fucked again
I then picked up my burner phone Richard was suspended oh well best see if I could help lift his suspension and help him out
When I’d looked on his phone I’d acquired some pics of him and video
3 videos all rather interesting all of him alone in his office twice and in the boardroom of his work wanking himself off
It was unmistakably him he had filmed himself looking into the camera wanking his big cock
Not that embarrassing if you’ve got a horse cock but pretty embarrassing with sound on
Richard repeated a mantra to himself staring at the camera as he wanked
You are the king
You are the dominant male
All men are below you
All women are below you but want you
You are the shark Richard
You are the dealer of deals no one is greater
You are god among men
He’d repeat this till he’d cum he cummed on the board room desk the dirty fucker
Luckily I had all his emails and phone contacts be a shame if I sent them all the videos
I’d blocked any reply’s to the message being sent so it was anonymous and happily knew that everyone Richard knew were now watching him wank himself to a sad mantra
I had wished there was a way to see the fallout then I remembered the emails I could still see his emails to his boss
I checked them and sure enough he had an email from his boss
* Richard I’m not sure what’s gone one lately but I’m sorry this is unacceptable your employment is terminated ... please seek help
Yes it was done he was ruined Zoe would be devastated as the money would dry up but I had one more ace up my sleeve one final blow to tear Zoe and Richard apart
It would be nice to think of them living in ruin but better to think of Zoe losing everyone
There were some photos that took my attention and I sent them from the burner phone to Zoe just her no one else
The pictures were of Richard getting his dick sucked and it wasn’t by Zoe ... it was by her best friend Becca
No wonder she had been bitchy at the wedding and making reference to his giant cock she knew because she’d taken his cock too
Personal favourite pic was of Richard cumming on Beccas huge tits
Mission accomplished
I would later find out through friends that Richard had been investigated and found guilty of a lot of dealings he was spared jail but ordered to pay compensation and was now in a tiny flat unable to work
Zoe had flipped seeing the pics of Becca she’d destroyed Richards house and smashed his cars up and left him
She went on a vicious online attack against Becca posting all the slutty stuff she’d done but Becca had them replied posting all the slutty stuff Zoe had done
It was good to watch it unfold
Zoe as always I heard had leached herself onto another man soon after didn’t surprise me she was cock crazy and last I heard they were engaged
As for me I quit my job sold up and took the offer from the company I’d got majority shares in
I met up with the managing directors at their top location I was very impressed with their setup
I asked one thing
“ I’m a bit picky over customer service could I chat to your front desk staff?” They agreed and set up meeting in the lounge bar so I could meet and greet the staff
The last member to come was a familiar name I told my assistant that they’d given me if they could send the last one out onto the balcony over looking the ocean
I waited drink in hand the balcony door opened I turned smiling
“ I told you I’d come back” I said
Mia smiled so bright she jumped into my arms and we hugged and kissed
The end
Hope you all enjoyed it as always appreciate the feedback
And yes Richard was a dick
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By *ohn1953Man
over a year ago
North Wales |
Great story, I have cuckolded couples, I had a cuck who loved me to be with his wife she use to come to my house and I would fuck her and that pics and videos and send it to his phone, but the last time we met I took her to the attic sex cinema one Saturday morning, I went to pick her up and he brought her too the car, he wanted me to plus her boundaries so that’s why I was taking her to the sex cinema because she’s never been watched by others while having sex nor having more than one guy, we got to the attic and before we went in I took two photos of her with her little dress pulled up showing her black thong and stockings, I sent the pics to his phone and said when I bring her back home to you she will be well fucked by me and others and smelling of cum and sex . I wrote the true story about it in stories and fantasies. (Taking a friend of mine to the attic cinema for her first time ) . But I also cuckolded other couples that like to watch me with their wife and some enjoy the fun of cleaning up. John |
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