By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
I love to please my man J in any way that I possibly can.
When we have been playing one thing he has mentioned he would like to do is to look down and see two females enjoying his cock. The other thing he has also expressed a desire for is to be, and I quote “the meat in the sandwich.”
He’d just recently developed a liking for me to put my mistress head on, dominate him and to be fucked with my strap-on. Brave guy, I’m not sure I would like 7” of hard thick cock deep in my arse the way that I take him! I’m not gentle with him at all but he enjoys it and after all there is no point in doing anything unless both parties enjoy it and we certainly were.
So anyway, he had mentioned after a particularly fun session that he thought it would be amazing for him to be pegged with a strap-on by one of my female “friends” while he was deep in me, thus making him the meat in sandwich. See where I’m going with this?
Unbeknown to him I had had a conversation with my female friend B. She is a girl that I/we have played with on a few occasions before and was pretty much game for anything. She and I had become good friends as we were similar in a lot of ways in both the vanilla and kink worlds. Both had male partners but both also liked to play with each other. As I’ve mentioned in my previous tales we both we learning to explore our bi-sides with each other and having a ball doing so. She and I had been brainstorming together planning on what we going to get up to when we all met again. The conversation had got a little hot and to be completely honest had got me incredibly turned on.
We were going to give J his meat in the sandwich scenario but throw him a massive curve ball in doing so…..
J probably didn’t recall the conversation we had mid play where I said to him about him being the meat as he wanted but changing the strap-on idea to a real cock. He never said no at that point, so I took his silence as a yes. B’s man who I shall call E was bi and a top so when we were chatting about playing again I had casually dropped in that it would be fun for our men to play as well. She agreed with me so the plotting began. She had spoken to E and he had agreed to join us a foursome with my rule in play in that the males only play with each other and their own partners, no girl swapping.
Us girls had sorted out a date that they would come over which tied in to both mine and J’s schedules but had “accidentally” omitted to tell him. Whoops, my bad. They were both going to come over and be at my house before J’s normal arrival time and wait upstairs for us. I would blindfold him so he would be unaware of their presence until I was ready for him to be made aware. I love to tease him and he loves it back but this would be the ultimate!
D-Day arrived and I prepared myself in the same way that I would do for any day he was coming around. Showered, make-up and dressed in a sexy baby-doll style outfit, minus the matching panties and worn with some killer heels.
The doorbell rang and I opened it to reveal my beautiful friend and her partner. He wasn’t my cup of tea but there again no man other than mine would be as I am totally devoted and besotted with J. After a quick hug and kiss with B I let them in and let them carry on upstairs to sort themselves out. She knew where she was going as she had been over several times before both with threesome play and also just the two of us together playing alone.
I carried on into the kitchen and acted as I would do on any normal day just pottering around until I heard him come in the front door and lock it behind him. Then throwing my arms around him for a kiss and a hug. We are also very soppy together as well as kinky when the timing was right. Pulling away from his embrace I instructed him to strip naked. Putting on a firm tone with him.
He did as he was instructed, his cock already standing to attention. He does get off on me putting my dominant head on and who I am to deny a man his kicks?
I eased a blindfold over his eyes and took him by the cock. “Follow me my love. We’re going upstairs.”
He totally trusts me and followed, although the fact that by being led by his cock he kind of had little option but to do so. I guided him up the stairs into the bedroom where our friends awaited. She had changed into an outfit not dissimilar to mine and her man was totally naked his cock also standing proud.
Motioning for them to remain silent as we entered the room. I led J in. Still using his cock as a lever I led him to an area where there was plenty of space all around him so everyone could get access to his body.
Leaning into my man I whispered into his ear. “Are you ready for the fun to commence?” he nodded an affirmation. Still blissfully unaware of the presence of others in the room.
I let go of him and left him standing erect in the middle of the room. I motioned to B and her partner in crime for them to touch my beloved. We all put our hands on his torso at the same time. The expression on his face even below the blindfold was an absolute picture. Surprise and delight all at the same time.
“How are you feeling darling?” I asked my somewhat bewildered man.
“I have no words.” Came the reply. I’d obviously shocked him into silence.
Time to up the shock factor after all there is no point in doing something unless you do it properly. Dominant head on I signalled for B to drop for her knees and take my man’s cock into her mouth. He would know it wasn’t me as every girl has their own technique for pleasuring a man, although he wouldn’t know who it was as I have never let anyone suck him since we have been together due to the fact that I’m quite insecure. But, as time has gone on I’ve got less so and I know he isn’t going to run away with B so no harm done. Turning up the gas a bit more I motioned for her man to join her in sucking J’s cock.
Whispering in his ear “How does that feel my love?”
“Oh. My. God” was the response. “Who….?”
“Would you like to see who is enjoying your cock?”
I leaned across my friends and kissed him hard on the mouth removing the blindfold from his eyes. He blinked, his eyes getting accustomed to the unfamiliar brightness of the room. Looking down to see who was indeed enjoying his cock then looking back up at me speechless.
“Are you ok darling?”
“Yes, my love. Just slightly surprised but wow! I never thought you would do this for me.”
“You know I’d do anything for you my love. Just enjoy the moment.”
He shut his eyes with a look of pure pleasure on his face. I loved the fact that I could fulfil my man’s fantasy and more besides. His pleasure was very much my pleasure and I was getting soaked. I needed some attention and seeing everyone else was busy I figured the best way to do it was to take matters into my own hands. Literally.
Grabbing my favourite vibrator from the toy box which I had got out earlier before they all arrived (call it a hunch, but I had a feeling that they would be out.). I turned it on to full. Laid back on the bed and placed the head of it onto my needy clit. Fuck, it felt good. Playing with my own personal porn show to watch at the same time.
My beloved loves to watch me play by myself but it was normally only something I did on cam with him when we weren’t able to see each other, but today he was having a front row view while being sent to heaven by our friends.
Stepping away from them he moved to join me on the bed but they clearly had other ideas. Not allowing him to where he was going, which was to get on top of me. E gave him a gentle push so he ended up next to me instead.
Looks like someone else liked to get dominant as well as me. Curious.
He spoke to my man. “Please lay on the bed next to Clara. We have not finished with you yet.”
Had B and him been doing their own planning without me I wondered?
Ever the obedient he did as he was instructed and lay next to me. My toy still buzzing away on my now aching clit. I was getting ready to explode but didn’t want to yet so stopped the toy. Also intrigued by what they were cooking up.
Exchanging a look between themselves it was obvious they had their own plans and were executing them. Strange how the curve ball to my guy has been turned into a curve ball for me.
B dropped to her knees in front of me and her and E positioned himself next to her on the floor so he was directly below my man. Again a look passed between them.
She grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to her and he did the same to my lover beside me. Both of us at the mercy of their tongues. Holy cow! This was hot with a capital H! Looking over to see the love of my life being given oral by another man with his eyes closed and a grin that would not look out of place on the Cheshire Cat on his face.
Laying back with my eyes also closed I figured that I’d go along with whatever they had worked out as I was definitely enjoying it so far. In fact I was in total ecstasy.
I must have been laying there for a good 10 minutes enjoying her tongue lapping at my aching clit before she abruptly stopped. I opened my eyes to see her getting up off her knees and her partner doing the same.
He spoke. “Ok you two. Turn over onto your knees.”
I’m not used to receiving instruction and don’t handle it well but didn’t want to ruin things so did as I was told and went onto my knees like a good girl. My man did the same next to me. We reached across as we did so and gave each other a passionate kiss.
“I have no idea what is happening. B and I did not discuss this before.” I whispered to him.
He was clearly not fussed as he didn’t reply, just shrugged his shoulders, and grinned at me. Maybe it was the fact that someone else was taking control of me he liked…..
Kissing distracted me from what B was up to behind me but I soon realised as I felt the movement of the bed as she climbed on. My strap-on standing proud attached to her. More movement as E climbed on beside her. His condom encased cock also standing proud. Crap! We were both going to get fucked simultaneously!
“Look forward please you two.” E commanded. Totally taking the role of Dominant on. I was enjoying myself too much to argue back. Plus, it was actually rather refreshing for someone else to take the lead and my pussy was literally dripping.
I felt a change in the weights on the bed as she altered her position to give my needy pussy what it wanted. Easing the plastic cock into me I groaned. This was so good. Upping the tempo until she was fucking me hard and deep.
A groan from beside me and I looked over to see my man getting the same treatment from B’s partner. He was also getting fucked good and proper. At least part of what I had planned was coming to fruition. This was incredible and so hot!
B leaned further into me and reached around to my clit. Speaking softly “Cum Clara.”
I didn’t need to be told twice. An intense orgasm took over my body. Shudders running through me as waves of pleasure pulsed through. Wow this was mind blowing!
The movement next to us stopped as the men paused in their pleasure.
Her man spoke again. “B please lay down on the bed. Clara you’re to go on top with the strap on in your pussy.”
He looked at J. “I want you to get the lube and apply it to Clara’s ass. You’re then going to fuck her and I’m going to fuck you.”
My mouth hit the ground. Never in all of my planning had this scenario come up. Oh well, in for a penny….
B did as she was told and lay down. I climbed on top and eased the dildo into my pussy. Feeling the cold of the lube on my ass as the rest of the instructions were being carried out, then pressure of my man’s cock being inserted gently into my ass. Jeez, we’d done dp like this before with B but this was something else! More movement and the weight changed again as E joined the tangle of bodies. A sharp intake of breath from J behind me as he put his cock into my man and began to fuck him, causing a domino effect of movement as everyone was fucking each other.
Well, my guy certainly had got his wish of being the meat in the sandwich only this was more than we’d both imagined as I was also being the meat. Not in my wildest dreams had I even imagined this would happen. My best girl was stunning although a little crafty but wow! This was something else. I was in heaven.
“Guys. I’m going to cum again!” This was going to make me explode.
“I’m joining you Clara!” Was B’s response. Good I wanted her to cum as she hadn’t done yet.
I felt her shudder from under me which then tipped me over the edge and I felt another wave of pleasure overtake me. Only this time the effects of being dp’d in such an amazing way caused me to gush over her. Her pussy getting soaked in my juices. She was being flooded! This caused a chain reaction as she grabbed hold of me tight as another wave of orgasm took over her.
Oh my God!
My man increased his tempo in my ass he was also approaching cumming. Again triggering another wave of orgasm in me. I don’t think I ever have cum so hard! Poor B was getting saturated!
A primal cry and one last powerful thrust from J as he flooded my ass with his warm seed. This was echoed from further behind him as E joined us in our orgasms. Filling the condom with his cum.
Untangling ourselves from each other all four of us flopped onto the bed. Each couple in an embrace. Happy and satisfied. Gathering our thoughts and reflecting on what had just happened. Nobody speaking, just laying and cuddling our respective partners.
B eventually spoke up. “So Clara. What did you make of that?” She grinned at me.
“You lady are a crafty one. I did not expect that to happen but thank you both it was mind blowing.”
“You are more than welcome. We thought that we would turn things around on you and give you a treat also.”
J spoke up. “Yes, thank you both. That was fantastic. I can’t wait to see what you girls cook up for next time!”
Hmmmm. That sounded like a challenge to me. What can we cook up for next time?
Watch this space…..