
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Stories and Fantasies > Melanie an James, two stories in one(fantasy)

Melanie an James, two stories in one(fantasy)

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

As soon as she sent the message she thought.

What the fuck have I done?

She took a big glug of red wine and headed upstairs to freshen up,after all she only had 55 minutes to get ready then the stranger she had just sent her address to would be here.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Melanie and James had a nice life,nice house,nice cars,took 2 foreign holidays a year,no kids,no money worries and up until 8 weeks ago a fantastic sex life.

They only saw each other about 3 full days a fortnight,Melanie was a ward sister in the NHS,James was a truck driver and was away all week,when Melanie was rosterd on at the weekend James would do an extra shift to show support for her and pay for their holidays.

Like I said they never saw much of each other but when they did the sparks flew,their weekends off were like a honeymoon,they nearly always spent most of Saturday morning pleasuring each other,toys dirty talk lots of love making and fucking.... a middle age couple very much in love.

She used to be the envy of her friends when they got together and discussed their sex lives like girls do when they've had a drink.

"Oh yeah James is an animal,always horny when he's home,I'm sometimes glad when he goes back to work so I can have a rest" she would laugh,the last 8 weeks she noticed their sex life had tailed off,all they seemed to have now was oral,he'd spend ages going down on her making her come multiple times but all he wanted from her was a blow job,she missed the feel of his cock inside her,their bodies entwined,his kisses,looking into his eyes as they screwed,the feeling she got as he climaxed inside her.

They still got on well,he still was affectionate, told her she looked great,that he loved her but something was missing,she put it down to pressure of work or the fact they'd been married 18 years.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Melanie was a fan of Find it fix it flog it on the telly,it inspired her to scour the charity shops and her local selling site on Facebook to buy stuff upcycle it and sell it on,she was really good at it,so much so that James had built her a workshop in the back garden for her,it was insulated,had electricity so she could have lighting and heating so she could be comfortable. It kept her happy during her week days off and made her a bit of money too, when her project was completed she would post it on her local site and it wasn't long before it was sold,she would often sell her no longer wanted clothes on there too,everything was going fine until she got a message asking if those boots were still for sale.

The boots in question were black patent leather, they came just below her knee and had a 5 inch spike heel,god knows why she bought them,she couldn't walk in them,she couldn't do anything in them except lay on her back with her legs in the air.

She had got home at 10.30 that night after a long late shift at the hospital, she had spoken to James during her break but he would be fast asleep parked in Scotland so he could get away early,she missed their nightly video call.

She had got out of her uniform into her dressing gown,opened a bottle of red and switched Naked Attraction on the tv,it was a girl picking from the naked guys,she looked at the cocks and gently stroked between her legs.

She'd not had cock in 8 weeks,a finger went in as she looked at the screen.

Her phone pinged,it was a message from the selling site,a guy Paul was asking if the boots were still for sale.

She replied they were.

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By *eepfill999Man  over a year ago

South Cheshire

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By *untooMan  over a year ago


Hope this continues

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By *orthampton jamesMan  over a year ago


Mmmm interesting

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By *stingxMan  over a year ago


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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *ezzaandJane1973Couple  over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

8 weeks previous. ....

James walked in the door at 10.00,he only worked Saturdays if he could be finished mid morning, Melanie was at the sink washing up,she had her robe on so he knew she was naked underneath,he nuzzeled her neck as he slipped his hands up her gown onto her naked ass cheeks.

"I'm horny fancy a quickie before work?"

"No I don't want to go to work tired,you'll have to wait until I finish tomorrow".

He didn't argue, she didn't start until 2 but he left it,she wouldn't be home until 10.30 and had to be back at 06.00 Sunday, they would make up for it tomorrow when she got home.

"I'm out with the lads in the morning but I'll be home in time to get your lunch ready for when you finish".

Sunday morning James met up with the lads at the usual place,they had all been mates for years,they met when they could,they were a bunch of middle aged men hooning around on big motorcycles.

James noticed a newcomer,he was a lot younger than the rest of them,he was wearing a pair of blue and white leathers that fitted him really well,not the usual baggy round the arse type that looked like the wearer had shit himself like his mates wore.

"I'm Dale"

"I'm James nice to meet you".

The pair shook hands,James thought to himself that Dale was nice looking,good physique too.....

Before meeting Melanie, James had been bisexual, enjoying fun with men,as a younger guy he was bottom but as he got older he topped,he'd not been with a guy since he'd been with Melanie, that had been 20 years.

They all stopped for a drink after blasting round the country roads,James found himself sitting with Dale.

"Your leathers fit well"

"Yes they're bespoke, thanks".

James looked at his watch.

"Christ I better get going".

"That's it,run home and get the little woman's dinner ready" one of the lads barracked him.

"Fuck off and it's lunch not dinner you thick twat"

The others laughed.

"It's ok for you cunts you get to see your Mrs every night".

The group let out a collective groan and started laughing,mates for years.

"See you again Dale".

James got on his bike and headed home,he had a tingling in his cock when he thought about Dale.

That night in bed Melanie and James were kissing and touching each other,nice gentle foreplay,wanking and fingering.

James rolled on his back.

"Oh baby suck my cock will you?".

She got between his legs taking his cock in her mouth,she licked him from his sack to the tip then took him in as deep as she could,her mouth felt lovely on his cock all warm and wet,he pulled her up and kissed her so he could taste himself on her tongue then pushed her down again,he closed his eyes and thought of Dale,it wasn't long before he exploded in Melanie's mouth.

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By *j and c 2Couple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

James had left for work,she didn't mind that they hadn't had their usual Monday morning quick shag before he left for the week,they'd had a 69,James was very skilled at oral,he knew what to do to give her intense orgasms and she had come several times before she'd coaxed his seed into her mouth,they would make up for the lack of fucking next weekend

Wednesday night during their video call Melanie informed James that she was needed to do an extra morning shift at the weekend.

"I'll be home by half 2".

"No worries I'll see if the lads want to come out to play".

He sent a message on the group chat,the replies ranged from its gonna be too hot,I'm working and I'm out with the Mrs.

James called them a bunch of faggots, I'll be at the usual place,usual time if you gays change your minds.

He turned up Saturday morning,only Dale was waiting for him.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Melanie's phone pinged again....

That's great,I want them for my girlfriend,do you have any pictures of you wearing them?

No sorry I don't....... Sent

Reply... could you take some? I'd like to see what they look like.

Melanie may have drank half a bottle of red in double quick time but she had sussed what Paul was up to but she thought she would play along to amuse herself.

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By *stingxMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

She went to the bedroom and slipped on a pair of black hold ups and put the boots on,she stood in front of the full length mirror and took a picture, being very careful to only get not much higher than her knee,she sent the picture.

She received a message.

Wow they look great,why are you selling them?

Melanie told him that she couldn't walk in them and she nearly punctured the mattress trying to have sex in them.

She had one leg across the arm of the chair,her hand was rubbing her pussy.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Ohhhh great start. Can’t wait read some

more of this

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Her phone pinged again

Are they tights or stockings you're wearing in the picture?

Stockings,I never wear tights. She replied.

Her phone pinged again.

I dare you to show me.

Melanie smiled to herself,she was enjoying the attention of this young lad,she'd looked at his profile and he was 28 so she sent him a picture of her leg hanging over the arm of the chair,her thigh,stocking top,leg and boot clearly visible.

Oh god thank you came his reply.

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By *stingxMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

The lads were right about the weather it was scorching, James and Dale stopped for a drink,as they sat at the table Dale asked James

"Do you have a problem with gays? I noticed you called the guys faggots for not coming out today"

"God no,that was just banter, you're not gay are you?.


James wanted the earth to swallow him up.

"Mate I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you,do the others know?".

"No and I don't want them to either, Trev would make my life hell at work".

James put his hand on Dale's and said.

"Don't worry your secret is safe with me"

He quickly pulled his hand away,James confessed the secret of his pre Melanie days when he enjoyed sex with other men,Dale listened intently to him then James,feeling a little embarrassed changed the subject.

"I'm sweating like a bastard,I'm drenched"

He removed his jacket his faded blue t shirt dark with sweat patches.

Dale laughed at him

"This top is breathable,I don't sweat in it,you feel I'm dry as a bone"

James reached across and put his hand on Dale's chest,god he was firm,James's hand lingered a little longer than was polite,his fingers caressing Dale's nipple.

He realised what he was doing and pulled away.

"Is that the time? I better get back to get the Mrs her lunch ready".

Dale's house was on James's way home so they rode back together,they pulled up at Dale's.

"Coming in for a quickie? Coffee I meant".

As soon as they walked in the door Dale pinned James against the wall and kissed him passionately, James responded, pulling him close to him,then pushed him away.

"What's wrong James?"

"I can't do this".

"Why not? I know you fancy me"

"I need a shower".

Dale led him upstairs to the bathroom.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *nneedoffun2020Man  over a year ago


can't wait for next installment

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Paul had gone quiet,she hadn't received a message from him for 5 minutes so after pouring herself another big glass of red she took the initiative.

My husband prefers to see me wear something strappy on my feet,he says I've got lovely calves and ankles,he gets turned on by the curvature of my foot when I'm in stiletto sandals,he bought me some a few weeks ago.

Would you like to see?

She sent the message.

She cast her mind back to when they were shopping together and James had spotted them,he told her she had to try them as just thinking about them on her feet was making him hard in the shop.

She always took James shopping,she knew if what she was trying on made him hard she should buy it.... it had passed the cock test.

He'd bought her the shoes,when they'd got home she went upstairs and called him up to the bedroom, Melanie was standing there naked except for the snakeskin patterned shoes, James dropped to the floor and began licking and kissing her feet, running his tongue along her curved arches, kissing her ankles, sucking her toes,trying to get his tongue underneath the strap that went around her ankle,he liked her to be on the bed and dig the heels into his shoulders as he pleasured her with his mouth and fingers. As they had fucked she had her feet resting on his calves and dug the heels in as he shot in her,he loved it.

She had 2 fingers in herself as her mind wandered.

Oh yes please came Paul's reply.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

She quickly went upstairs again and put the shoes on,she stood side on to the mirror and took a couple of pictures, she chose the best one,the one that showed the full length of her leg and a bit of bum cheek.

I really do have good ankles and calves ,James was right she thought to herself as she studied the picture of her in the strappy shoes and hold ups

She sent the picture to Paul.

No sooner had she sent the picture then she got one from Paul

This is what you're doing to me!!!!!!!

She looked at the picture of his hard cock,it was about the same size as James's, god she missed his cock.

Another picture message came through, his time Paul had his hand round his cock,his foreskin was pulled back exposing the end of his cock.

I'm wanking looking at your picture lol.

Melanie sat on the edge of the bed,laid down,opened her legs,inserted 2 fingers in her very wet pussy and with her other hand took a close up picture then sent it to Paul.

Oh wow your shaved down there,what a lovely photo,fuck you've got me turned on you're so sexy. Came his reply along with a naked full frontal of him self,Melanie thought he was a good looking guy with a nice toned body but she was more interested in his cock.

She took 2 full length photos of herself, 1 with her facing away from the camera and the 2nd a full frontal,she would send them when she was ready,time for more wine first.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Dale had the shower running as he and James undressed as quick as they could between kissing and groping each other, they carried on kissing as they soaped each others bodies,the water falling on them from the rain drop shower seemed to make things more erotic, Dale washed round James's cock and balls as they kissed, James returned the favour,he started to lick Dale's nipples as he wanked Dale then ran a soapy hand down between his bum cheeks and started to rub round his hole,Dale sighed,James took this as a sign to insert a finger then another, Dale grabbed James's cock and gently wanked him,James fingered Dale slowly but getting deep,he turned Dale so his back was against him,he reached round and continued to wank him while kissing his neck,Dale loved it.

"I really wanna fuck you".

"Go for it,get it in me,fuck me in my shower"

James withdrew his fingers,offered his cock to Dale's hole,Dale had pulled his cheeks apart to make it easier, James gently slid into Dale.

"Oh fuck that feels good in me"

James had forgotten how good fun with another guy felt, he carefully eased all the way into Dale then pulled him up so Dale's back was against his chest then started fucking him slowly,James reached for Dale's cock with one hand and started wanking him again,his other hand rubbed across his chest,brushing his nipples.

It wasn't long before Dale climaxed, James got a handful of spunk and rubbed on Dale's chest,he felt his orgasm building.

"I'm going to come Dale"

"Go on come in me".

James did and it was one of the most intense orgasms he'd had in years,he pulled out,turned Dale to face him and they kissed, James licked Dale's jizz off his chest,they rinsed themselves off,stepped out of the shower and dried each other off.

"Let's have that coffee now" Dale laughed.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

There any pictures for me?

Melanie smiled to herself,she had him hooked,she sent him the rear view picture,it was the classic pose,feet crossed and looking over her shoulder.

Wow! You look fantastic, you've got a lovely arse!?

James had always told her this,he loved it,her arse was big but not fat,her tiny waist accentuated it,James would slap it while doing her doggy,he would nibble it while rimming her,he would sometimes get carried away and bite it hard,she often had random strangers walk up to her in the street and tell her she filled a pair of Jeans well,he was telling her something she already knew but it was nice to hear it.

She sent him the full frontal picture, she was conscious that age and gravity had conspired against her large breasts but her husband had told her she was as sexy as ever.... if only he wanted to fuck her.

Paul sent a message telling her what he would do to her if he was there.

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By *stingxMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

They sat in Dale's kitchen,neither had bothered to put clothes on and it seemed entirely natural, in the past James had experienced an awkward feeling after man fun but this was different.

Dale got up to make the drinks and James's eyes followed his butt,James got up then knelt behind Dale,he parted his cheeks and started to rim him,he could taste his own spunk in Dale's hole.

"Mmmmmmmm that's nice".

James reached round and started to wank Dale hard as he tongued his hole.

"Let's go to bed James".

They lay kissing and touching each other on Dale's bed when James flipped Dale onto his back,got his hands behind his knees, lifting and opening his legs, James then buried his face in Dale's ass.

James worked his was up,licking and sucking his balls then running his tongue up Dale's shaft to the top,James took it in his mouth.

"Oh fuck yeah James, you know how to get a guy going".

Dale pulled him up,kissed him.

"Let's go for it again"

They kissed as James felt Dale's hand on his cock,guiding it into his hole again.

They fucked for the rest of the afternoon until they were both satisfied, James lay back on the bed,Dale cuddled up to him,it perfectly natural.

"That was wonderful James,I'd like for this to be a regular thing,I really feel we have a connection"

"Me too mate but I better get going to avoid any aggro at home".

James got his gear on and looked at his phone there were 7 texts from Melanie and 2 missed calls.

He raced home trying to think of an excuse to tell her.

Melanie wasn't very happy with his tardiness,he kissed her on the cheek and rushed to the shower,he didn't want her to smell Dale on him.

James phone went off later that evening, a text from Dale.

Can't wait till we fuck again xx

James couldn't either,over the next 7 weeks any spare moment he could get he was fucking Dale, neglecting Melanie's needs.

That's why she did what she did next.

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By *stingxMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

You're all talk lol. She messaged him.

I know roughly where you are,I could be there in 20 minutes, I just need your address. Paul sent back.

I need an hour to freshen up,you better park round the corner and walk round.

She typed her address,as soon as she pressed send she thought

What the fuck have I done?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *stingxMan  over a year ago


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By *j and c 2Couple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Melanie took a big glug of red wine and headed upstairs to freshen up,she had butterflies in her stomach,she felt giddy with excitement,she had forgotten the last time she had felt this aroused,as she showered the water on her rock hard nipples felt so good,she gave her nipples a little tweak and felt her clitoris swell,her hand went down and she started to rub it,she'd been doing that a lot in the last 4 weeks, wanking herself off in the shower, James hadn't shagged her for 8 weeks but he hadn't even touched her for the last 4 so she had to take care of herself.

She had a feeling of guilt come over her,she had arranged for a stranger to come over after 90 minutes of messaging, she was going to cancel Paul.

She flicked her clit with her thumb and her body shuddered,she said to herself.

"Oh fuck James,if he can't be bothered, I'll get someone in who will".

She got out of the shower,dried herself then rubbed in her body lotion so her skin was soft and smooth for Paul.

In her bedroom she did her make up and hair,she opened a new pack of hold ups,these were more sheer than the ones she had on earlier,she thought they were more sexy,she put on the shoes then got her silk and lace dressing gown off the back off the bedroom door.

The silk robe was short,it came to halfway down her thigh, she used to wear it sometimes while riding James,her tits hanging out while she worked on his cock,she used to wrap the silk belt round his neck and pull it tight as he came,it would give him an intense orgasm.

She put on the silk gown and tied the belt loosely around her waist,most of her breasts were exposed.

She did see the point of doing it up properly, Paul had seen everything that was underneath it.

She went downstairs,sat in her chair with another glass of wine,she jumped as she heard a knock on the door.

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By *vbikerMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Melanie got up and opened the door,Paul stood there looking at her.

"Fuck you are hot".

"You better come in".

As he walked in he made a lunge for her,she stepped back.

"Can you lock the door for me please?.... Just in case".

Melanie thought he didn't look so good in real life, he could have made an effort to dress a bit smarter but he was there she was horny and judging by the bulge in his trackkie bottoms he was too,as Paul turned to lock the door she let her silk robe fall open.

" Oh fuck" as he saw her,her large breasts exposed as well as her shaven pussy.

He moved towards her,putting his arm around her slim waist as he clamped his lips on one of her nipples, Melanie threw her head back with pleasure as his hand rubbed and squeezed her bum.

He turned his attention to her other nipple, sucking it,running his tongue around it,she took his hand and placed it between her legs,he could feel how wet she was,she reached inside his bottoms,grabbed his cock and started to wank him.

It all got too much for her.

"Let's go upstairs I want this in me"

She had only gone up 3 stairs when stopped.

"I can't wait,fuck me now,right here".

She knelt,Paul slipped his cock in,Melanie was ready for it,8 weeks without cock she came almost instantly.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooo that feels great,get it right in,fuck me harder, slap my arse".

Paul nearly fell backwards as Melanie pushed against his cock,she came again then pulled away from him,she sat on the step and took his cock in her mouth,she tasted her juice as she sucked and licked him,Paul started to groan with pleasure,she looked up at him as his spunk hit the back of her mouth then ran down her throat,she sucked him dry.

"Sorry about that but you've got me so turned on".

"Don't worry about it,you'll last longer now,come on upstairs now".

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By *vbikerMan  over a year ago


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By *lumbercoupleCouple  over a year ago

Vera Playa

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

As she led him into the bedroom she let her robe fall to the floor, Paul just stood there savouring the sight of her beautiful body.

"Are you getting undressed?" She asked.

Paul pulled at his clothes,throwing them on the floor standing naked in front of her.

"Let's get this ready to go again".

She took hold of his cock,wanking him slowly, she started to lick his nipples, she could feel Paul getting harder in her hand,she pulled away from him and laid on the bed opening her legs wide.

"I've tasted you,its your turn to taste me".

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By *stingxMan  over a year ago


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By *vbikerMan  over a year ago


Ad your back

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Great detail. Thanks for sharing it with us

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By *eddy004Man  over a year ago

Toy Town

Love the detail x

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Melanie felt his tounge on her smooth lips as he licked round her,he probed her recently fucked hole and she was loving it,after a few minutes she helped herself apart exposing her engorged clitoris.

"Suck my little cock".

Paul clamped his lips round it and sucked her,Melanie felt her orgasm building up as he worked on her,she arched her body as she climaxed, squirting her juice in his face,she sat up,kissed Paul and licked her juice from his face.

"On your back,let me ride you".

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

She climbed on and took his cock all the way in her,she gently rocked her hips while stroking her clit.

"Pull my nipples".

She started to rock faster then began to start riding his cock harder until she was slamming down on him,as she felt the waves of orgasm through her body she lent forward and kissed Paul before collapsing onto his chest.

"Oh god that was good,let's have a breather. You fancy a beer?".

"I need to be home by 5 as my girlfriend will be home from work not long after".

"That's a shame,I'm not at work tomorrow I was hoping you could stay longer".

He watched Melanie walking out to get the drinks.

"You've got a lovely arse"

"Well seeings you've been a good boy you can fuck it when I come back".

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By *ohn ACouple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *stingxMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Paul laid on the bed,he couldn't believe his luck,he'd only messaged her because he was bored and horny but here he was,in her bedroom,he'd had the best fuck of his life and he's going to fuck her sexy ass after drinking a bottle of her husband's beer!

He gazed round and saw pictures of Melanie and her husband together, they looked happy enough, he wondered why she wasn't getting it at home,still her husband's loss was his gain.

Melanie returned with 2 beers,they chatted as they drank then Melanie got on all 4s,stuck her ass in the air.

"Come on get your cock in my arse and fill it with spunk"

"Don't you want lubrication?".

"No just spit on my hole and push it in then fuck me".

Melanie had liked it like that since she first started having sex,her first boyfriend got the wrong hole during a session, it hurt to begin with but she soon began to enjoy it so a dry ass fuck became her preference.

Paul shoved his cock in her hole.

"Ow oh yeah that's it all the way in fuck me hard".

Melanie reached under and stroked her clit as Paul banged her,it wasn't long before he shot his spunk in her hole,she came as she felt his warm load in her,he pulled out and let out a long groan of pleasure as Melanie took him in her mouth and cleaned him,she loved doing that just to see the reaction,she been doing that since she was a young girl.

"Wow that was great I'd love to do it again "

"I thought you had to get back for your girlfriend"

They both laughed,Melanie showed him to the door,he fumbled in his wallet to pay for the boots,he couldn't get over the fact that she just stood in her open doorway naked except for stockings and heels.

She kissed him.

"Thanks for coming round,I really needed that".

She locked the door and went upstairs to bed,god she was tired.

She spent most of the next day in bed,wanking herself while thinking of the session with Paul, he wasn't that good a lover but he'd scratched an itch.

That evening she sat on Facebook with a glass of wine in hand when a message popped up on market place from a guy called Mick.

Is that leather mini skirt still for sale?

She looked at his profile, he was in his 50s,she thought he was quite nice looking so she replied.

Yes it is,I'll send you some pictures of me modelling it.

She got out of the chair and went upstairs.

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By *stingxMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Melanie lay spread eagle on the bed her wrists and ankles restrained,she turned her head to the right, opened her mouth.

She slurped hungrily on the cock being fed to her.

"You know what these are? He asked pulling his cock from her mouth

"Suction nipple stretchers" she replied

"That's right,only I'm not going to use it on your nipple".

He parted her pussy lips and placed it on her clitoris.

"I'll be very very gentle, don't worry I want this to be a pleasurable experience for you".

He turned the screw on the top,her clitoris rose as the suction started.

He turned it again

"Oh fuck that feels good"

Another turn,then another

"Oh oh oh don't stop,take it all the way ah yeah yeah".

The device had gone as far is it could go,Melanie's clit was well and truly stretched, he blew on her nipple,she felt like she was going to explode.

Rubbing his cock,he knelt beside her head,she could now suck his cock again,he fed it deep in her mouth all she could really do was lick his shaft but he liked it like that.

He picked up a feather tickler and gently circled her nipples,she climaxed almost instantly.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

He released her from the restraints and got her onto all 4s,she gasped as his cock entered her,he angled his penetration so his cock hit her Gspot,that with the suction device soon had her gushing he carried of fucking her,he had hold of her hips so he could pull her onto the full length of his cock,she gushed again.

"You're so wet I can't get any friction to come".

"Fuck my arse then,let me feel your spunk in me".

He pulled out and entered her ass,hefucked her deep and hard for a while before unloading in her.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Oh please take this off me".

Melanie had just sucked his cock clean.

"On your back then".

He released the suction on her clitoris and removed the device,before she could protest he clamped his lips around her stretched clitoris and sucked her he slipped 2 fingers in her hole to massage her Gspot.

"Oh you bastard I'm going to to to to oooooooooooooo".

She squirted, he opened his mouth so he could drink her juice.

She pulled him up and kissed him.

"I need a rest,come lay down with me".

They kissed some more,then he lay on his back,his arm round her as she cuddled up to him,her arm across his chest,her left leg over his legs,she felt completely satisfied.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Melanie was pleased that James had his Mojo back,the last 3 weekends it seemed that all they did was have sex at every opportunity, she loved it her man was his old self again, all he wanted to do was give her sexual pleasure,they'd just played with the latest toys he'd bought and she was spent.

As she laid cuddled up in the after glow she thought back to the extra marital sex she had when James wasn't interested in her.

There was no need to tell him about the guy who came up to her in town while she was shopping,who told her her arse looked sexy in her black jeans,no need to tell him that she'd took the guy round the back of a shop,dropped her jeans and panties,bent over and let him fuck her,no need to tell him how the risk of getting caught had turned her on more than the fucking, how she came 3 times before he spunked in her,how it felt so good driving home feeling his spunk dribbling from her that when she got back she had to strip and suck her panties while playing with herself, no no need at all.

There was no need to tell him that when she'd got into her tightest shortest dress for a girls night out she'd actually gone to a night club on her own on the prowl for cock,no need to tell him that after getting pulled she'd enjoyed sex at a stranger's flat,how they'd fucked until he couldn't manage anymore.

No need to tell him about the taxi driver who was bringing her back home,how she'd been telling about her night,how disappointed she was the guy didn't fuck her arse,no need to tell him that they'd stopped in a lay by on the dual carriageway near theirs and the taxi driver had fucked her arse while she was bent over his car,fucking her hard until he shot in her,telling her she was amazing as she sucked his cock clean.

There was certainly no need to tell him about fucking Paul in their bed,no no need at all,that would only rock the boat,he was back to his best and she was happy.

James lay there thinking about Dale and the ultimatum he'd given him.

"Leave Melanie or I'll take the transfer I've been offered".

He would miss the sex with Dale but that's the way these things go and Melanie was a good fuck.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"How do I look?"

"Stunning baby,just stunning".

Melanie was in an all in one pink short suit and heels,she really did look great,she got James to fasten the buttons at the back and they set off to her niece Ellie's 18th birthday barbecue,all the family would be there,she'd been looking forward to it for weeks,the weather was perfect.

They got to the party said their hellos,gave Ellie her present and it was then when she spotted him.... Paul,her mouth went dry.

What was he doing here? She thought to herself.

He saw her and gave a nod,as the evening progressed he came over to her,James had wandered off somewhere.

"Hi sexy,looking good".

"What are you doing here?".

"I'm Rea's step brother"

Rea was Ellie's boyfriend,19 years old and a nice lad.

"Oh I knew she'd invented his family but didn't know you were related".

"Don't worry I won't say anything to your husband, I was talking to him earlier he seems a nice bloke".

"Thank you".

"I better get back to my girlfriend".

With that he was off,Melanie felt a tingling of excitement throughout her body as she watched him walk away,he stopped and whispered in Rea's ear,he shot her a look and they both laughed.

"Alright baby?" James was back.

"Yes that was Paul,he bought those boots off me for his girlfriend".

"Small world isn't it".

"Yes isn't it".

The evening drew on,more drink was d*unk, Melanie need the loo,James had unfastend the buttons at the back for her and off she went,when she came out of the toilet Rea was there.

"Be a dear and do these buttons up for me"

He did as asked then she felt his hand on her arse,she squeezed her bum cheek.

"I hear you like cock up this,Paul told me all about you,what you did together and I want some too or I'll let your husband know that you cheat when he's away".

Melanie began to panic but she felt the tingling of excitement too.

"No please don't, you're my niece's boyfriend".

"Yeah let's go fuck on her bed,that'll be well cool".

"We can't fuck,I can't let you fuck me it's not right".

"I want something or I'll let him know".

"I'll suck you off but not in here,follow me".

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

The sun was beginning to set and it was easy for them to slip past the guests to the bottom of the garden,there was a tall conifer hedge separating the top from the bottom, they were out of sight.

Melanie had that tingling feeling again,she knew the risk of getting caught was the turn on,her husband,her parents, all of her close relatives were there and here she was about to suck her niece's boyfriend off.

"Get it out then"

She squatted in front of him as he lobbed it out,he was much bigger than Paul,he was hung.

Melanie took him in her mouth,licking and sucking his lovely thick cock,she tickled his balls with her nails,gripped his cock hard as she wanked while sucking him,wishing she had more time to spend with this cock instead of the quick blow job she was giving but she had to bring him off quick because they might be caught.

The thought of being caught made her wet so she stopped wanking Rea so fast instead she wanked him slow using long strokes until she felt the 1st string of spunk hit the back of her throat,she milked him dry swallowing the whole of this heavy cummers load.

Melanie didn't waste a drop and licked him clean.

"Will that do?"

"For now" he replied.

James quietly moved from where he'd been watching and rejoined the party, Melanie walked over to him and he kissed her passionately, his tongue entering her mouth, despite her having a drink he could still taste Rea's spunk in her mouth.

"You ok baby?" She asked

"Fuckin horny, let's go home and fuck,I'll phone for a taxi"

Melanie was up for it as she was horny too,sucking Rea off and perversely the thought he had some power over her was in itself a turn on.

The taxi turned up and they piled in.

"Oh hello, been on any girls nights lately?"

She couldn't believe it,it was the taxi driver who fucked her arse a few weeks earlier, Melanie got that tingling feeling again,she started making out with James in the back of the cab,she put his hand up her shorts leg and he started to finger her,she had his cock out and was wanking him.

"You 2 want me to pull over somewhere quiet?".

"No get us home,I want to fuck my husband".

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Melanie got the phone call at 5 in the afternoon.

"Can you pick me up from hospital, I've had an accident at work".

On the way home James explained how he'd been hit with the tyne and his ankle was fractured,he was going to be off work 8 to 12 weeks and as work had offered to pay him average pay he was going to hang it out the full 12 weeks.

"Best time of the year to do it,I'll be able to work on my tan but cos of this boot I'll have extra white bits".

Despite his pain he still had his sense of humour.

Next day they got out on the sunbeds early, both in their beach gear,after a few hours Melanie said

"Suns over the yard arm" and went inside to get drinks,James watched her wiggle towards the house in her tiny bikini then thought about her sucking Rea off the previous weekend, he felt his cock stiffen.

Back on her sunbed just about to start her 2nd glass of sparkly Melanie's phone went off,she looked at it and saw it was a message from Rea.

Meet me in town,the carpark behind the church in 1 hour.

I can't,James is here and I've been drinking. She replied

Get here or ELSE! Make sure you look nice.

Melanie got up and went inside, she had that tingling feeling again.

From his sunbed James heard the shower running and 10 minutes later Melanie appeared at the back door,she was wearing a low cut white vest top,a short red skirt and heels.

"I've got to nip out baby,there's something I forgot to get".


"Oh something" and with that she was gone.

James heard her car go,he got up off the sunbed,hobbled in the house and switched Melanie's pad on,he hated himself for doing it but curiosity got the better of him,as the pad connected to the wifi another message came in from Rea

Don't wear any knickers either.

I'm not came Melanie's reply.

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By *orthampton jamesMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

He looked through the previous messages Rea had sent.... Fuck she was going to meet him!

James's cock got hard,it was then he saw the message header from Paul,he read through the message exchange between Melanie and Paul,saw the pictures his wife had received and sent,saw their address, saw the message from Paul thanking Melanie for an excellent night,the one telling her how sexy she was,how he'd had the best sex of his life with her,now she was off to meet her niece's boyfriend,James sat down to collect his thoughts,he took his cock out of his trunks,gripped it tight and wanked himself slowly as he read the messages again.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Melanie pulled into the carpark,she parked in the corner near the toilets, no sooner had she stopped then Rea got in the passenger seat,she watched horrified as he took his cock out.

"Suck me off"

"Not here there's too many people about".

"Didn't bother you Saturday,now suck it".

Melanie felt that tingling again as she undid her seatbelt,leaned over and took his cock in her mouth,she worked it with her lips and tongue,taking him right in,giving him a slow wet blowjob,Rea groaned his approval, Melanie was soaking wet.

Rea tapped her on the head.

"Look at this".

She released his cock from her mouth and raised her head,she saw an old guy outside with his cock out wanking while watching her give head,she got wetter.

Melanie got back to sucking Rea,he started to raise his hips meeting her downward movements,his hand now pushing on the back of her head.

"I'm coming".

Melanie felt his hot spunk filling her mouth,when he had finished she lifted her head,opened her mouth showing the guy outside the thick creamy load she had just taken then she swallowed,she watched as his load flew from his cock and landed on the side window.

"You better clean that up before it dries"

Melanie reached for a wet wipe.

"No not like that"

Melanie got out of the car and walked to the passenger side.

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By *stingxMan  over a year ago


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By *ignbeardyMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

As she bent to lick the old guy's mess of her window she felt him pull up her skirt,she opened her legs as his hand went between them,he moved closer,she felt the wet end of his cock touch her bum cheek,she could smell the aroma of stale cigarette smoke on him as he put 2 fingers in her sopping wet pussy and opened them,she took a lick of the spunk,it was salty and gloopy but not unpleasant,she worked herself on his fingers as she licked up the spunk,she was nearly there.

Rea opened the window and told her to get back in the car,all the spunk was gone so she pulled herself away from the old guy turning to look at him,he looked like a tramp,he bought the 2 nicotine stained fingers he'd had up her to his mouth and licked them,Melanie noticed how black his nails were,she also noticed he had a drop of spunk on the end of his cock so she squatted in front of him,moving her mouth towards him,his cock stank of stale piss and cheese,she took him in her mouth sucking the spunk as she used her hand to pull back his foreskin,her tongue working around his bell end,she licked the cheese off and swallowed it,she kept suction on as she drew her mouth away, pulling the skin back up,this made the old guy gasp.

Melanie was back in the driving seat.


"You've had what you wanted now get out".

"Just drive".

"Where to?".

"I'll give you directions and pull your skirt right up high".

Melanie started her car and pulled her skirt above her hips.

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By *orgotten22Woman  over a year ago

out in the sticks in the north east england

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Open your legs,this car is automatic so you only need one leg so open them wide".

"Everyone will see".

"So? Open them".

Melanie opened her legs wide her shaven pussy was there for any one driving a high vehicle to see,there were 4 sets of traffic lights on the dual carriageway they were about to turn right onto and she hoped they were all green,she managed to clear 3 sets but the 4th just turned red,they stopped in the outside lane next to a lorry.

"Finger yourself".

Melanie slipped a couple of fingers in and started wanking.

"He's looking at you"

She placed her thumb on her clit and rubbed it,rocking her hips against her fingers, she was going to come.

"The lights have changed".

She quickly pulled her fingers out and roared away from the traffic lights, she looked in her mirror,the trucker was flashing her.

"Turn right into this gateway and park behind the hedge,I fuck Ellie here in my car at night".

They got out of the car.

"Dont bother pulling your skirt down just bend over the bonnet"

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

He pulled her ass cheeks apart and spat on her hole.

"I know that's how you like it"

She felt the end of his cock against her hole,she felt it enter her,she felt him push it right in.

"Awwwwwwwww fuuuuuuuuck that's big"

He started to fuck her hard,holding onto her shoulders and ramming his cock in deep,she thought he was going to split her in 2,she loved it,his massive cock felt great inside her,she reached under and flicked her clit with a finger,she started to come as she felt his load fire deep inside her,he pulled out,she took him in her mouth, her lips worshipping his lovely cock.

He couldn't hold back no longer, James had been edging himself while looking at Melanie's messages and thinking about what she was doing with Rea now,he let out a groan as he shot his load into a tissue.

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By *stingxMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

They never spoke as Melanie drove Rea back to the carpark,she hoped James was still in the garden when she got home,she could feel spunk oozing from her bum so she was sure there would be a wet patch on her skirt.

She pulled up and just as he was getting out she asked.

"How come you didn't want to fuck my pussy?"

"I've got Ellie for that,when I want to fuck an easy old tarts arse I got you,I'll be in touch".

He shut the door and Melanie watched him walk away.

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By *stingxMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

James was in the kitchen when Melanie got home.

"Baby I need to shower,I've had an accident"

That was all she could think of to explain the wet patch, while she showered James made his way to the bedroom, he took her skirt out of the washing basket and sniffed it,he knew it was spunk before he ran his tongue along it,the taste of it made his cock hard,he went to join Melanie in the bathroom.

"Oooo someone's pleased to see me".

He removed his trunks.

"Fancy helping me shower?"

As Melanie finished washing him she took his cock and wanked him off.

Next morning they were out on their sunbeds,it was 10 in the morning and it was hot. Melanie had to be at work that afternoon so she wanted a couple of hours in the sun.

She whispered to James

"Baby I think Robin next door is peeking at us".

James looked trying not to make it obvious as next doors 18 year old son kept looking over the fence at them.... all casual like,pretending not to actually look.

"Looking at you more like,that bikini top hardly holds your tits in,you might as well take it off".

Melanie liked playing Robin up a bit,she loved to make him blush,his parents moved in 5 years ago and she'd been doing it ever since..

He'd grown up to be a handsome young man and she and James had done a bit of roleplay where James had played Robin and Melanie had seduced him,there had been more than a few times when Melanie had played with herself while thinking about seducing Robin.

"Baby will you rub lotion on my tits if I take my top off?"

The top was off,James sat behind her and slowly massaged lotion onto her breasts,he whispered in her ear about Robin wanking himself while looking at her lovely tits,wishing that it was his doing it to her,the lotion was all rubbed in but James kept playing with her nipples.

"Oh baby make me come".

She could feel his cock against her back,he was as turned on as she was,he grabbed the front of her bikini bottoms and pulled them up using them to wank her.

"Oh baby that's good,faster faster Oh yeah".

Melanie wasn't being quiet.

"Fuck fuck fuck I'm coming ooooooooooh baby stop..... fuckin hell that was good".

James got up and walked across the garden to get a drink from inside, his hard cock poking out the top of his swim shorts.

"Alright Robin?"

"Yes thanks"

The poor boy didn't know where to look, James stood there hands on his hips and it was easy to see the outline on his hard cock,Melanie laying with her tits out,in the end her stared at the floor.

"You fancy earning 20 quid later? I need a hand cutting the grass,it may be a bastard cos o this".

James pointed to the boot on his left leg,Robin looked, saw his cock,looked away and saw Melanie ,so looked at the floor.

"Yeah no problem".

"Cool see you at 2.30".

Robin went indoors, James returned to Melanie and they laughed at the poor lads awkwardness.

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By *onsi69Man  over a year ago



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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

Another fantastic story, looking forward to reading much more

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

As soon as Melanie left for work he checked Melanie's pad,she'd had 2 messages,James read them.


How's your arse?

It feels like you're still in there.

Good I'm gonna fuck it again when I come back off holiday.

I'll look forward to it.

James read the next message.


I hear you had some fun with Rea, I'd like to meet again sometime.

When I'm free you can come round again.

James was stroking his cock slowly, he pulled his trunks down and stood in the lounge, wanking about his wife's indiscretions,he never heard Robin walk in.

" James you about?".

James just stood there like a rabbit caught in headlights, trunks round his knees,his hard cock in his hand.

"Want some help with that?"

James just nodded as Robin walked forward and took hold of his cock.

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By *iss busty 36hhWoman  over a year ago


Great story

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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

As Robin stroked James's cock James released Robin's from his shorts, his young cock sprang out and James grabbed it,James tweaked Robin's nipple as they stood there playing with each other,James put his hand behind the young lads head and pulled him in to kiss him,their lips met,James put the very tip of his tongue in Robin's mouth and withdrew it,to his delight his tongue chased James's,their kissed became frenzied and passionate.

James could resist no longer,he put his hands on the shoulders of his new young lover and pushed him to his knees.

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By *stingxMan  over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

More more more please

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Robin was out to impress,he had James's balls resting on his face as he used his tongue underneath them,he could tell by his moans of pleasure that he was doing him some good,he took his time with his tongue before he took the cock in his mouth.

James thought how good this young guy gave head.

"Yeah that's it,use plenty of tongue, I hope you swallow because I'm gonna come so........ Aaahhhhhh"

He unloaded in Robin's mouth,pulled him up and kissed him,tasting the coating of his spunk on Robin's tongue.

"That was good mate,your turn after you cut the grass.... naked".

James lay on his sunbed with a beer in 1 hand and his cock in the other as he watched Robin pushing the mower up and down,his cock flapping around as he walked, every so often he would call the lad over and give him a gentle suck,then send him back to his task.

When he'd finished they sat having a beer,stroking each other's cocks,kissing and chatting.

Robin explained he only had experience of mutual wanking and sucking nothing else. James kissed him and pushed him down on the sunbed.

James broke away from their kiss,he licked and sucked Robin's nipples as he gently rubbed the lads cock,he ran his tongue down his abdomen then used his mouth to pleasure him,Robin was loving it,he got Robin to move down and lift his legs then started to rim him,after a while his tongue went deep in his hole,Robin was squirming, this was the first time he'd had this done and it was fantastic.

James wanked his young cock while tongue fucking him.

"Now just relax mate"

He wet a finger and slid it into Robin's arse.

"Oh that feels good "

As he fingered him he sucked the young cock,another finger went in and Robin whimpered,his fingers slowly worked this tight little ass until he was up to his knuckles,he opened them,stretching him.

"That feels so good,please fuck me,please fuck me pl.....ohooooooo"

Robin climaxed,James felt his hot sweet mess enter his mouth, it had been weeks since he'd had a full load and he wasn't going to waste a drop,he sucked the lad dry.

He pulled Robin up and kissed him.

"You better get going mate,your parents will be home soon".

"Don't you want to fuck me?"

"I'm off for a few more weeks mate there'll be plenty of time for that,I'll see you soon,very soon"

He gave Robin a kiss and sent him on his way,he did want to fuck him,his cock was aching to take his virginity but he resisted, he wanted Robin desperate for his cock,he hoped Melanie was in the mood for a shag when she got home.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

James was very pleased with himself,he'd been having regular suck fun with his young friend while his wife was at work and fucking his wife when she was home.

Robin was still begging to be fucked each time they met but James told him no.

Melanie came home from work that evening.

"I'm meeting Annie for lunch and shopping tomorrow, will you be ok on your own?"

"I'll manage,it'll be no different from when you're working, what time will you be home?"

"About 5,im leaving at 11,I've had a hard shift, after my shower I need you to lick my pussy".

"My pleasure"

James texted Robin

Fancy that fuck tomorrow?

Yeah what time?

Come round at 12.

He heard Melanie walk to the bedroom, fanny for supper.

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By *ussD1Man  over a year ago


Oh god I’m solid as a steel pole. I need a hand or mouth to help me out now.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"How do I look?"

"Gorgeous baby,just gorgeous"

Melanie was wearing a white summer dress that came just above her knee,it accentuated her tanned legs,her outfit was finished off with strappy heels.

"I'll text you when I get there"

"And when you leave too please"

James didn't want to get caught, soon as she left he showered,he douched himself,dried himself and went to the bedroom,he put plenty of lube on the butt plug and eased it into his hole.

Robin was going to get a fuck but not the one he was expecting, James had always fancied being fucked by a younger guy,Dale refused to do it but if Robin wanted a cock in him he had to fuck first.

Melanie and Annie had a nice lunch,did some shopping, caught up on the gossip but she had to leave early,as James wasn't expecting her home until later she decided to browse around some more shops.

She picked up a black sheet halter neck top when she heard.

"Excuse me Madam would you mind following me to my office please?"

She turned round and it was the store's head of security.

"What? There must be some mistake".

"Please don't make a scene Madam,just follow me".

They went into his office and Melanie sat down,she couldn't think what he wanted but she decided to use her feminine charm to get out of whatever he thought she'd done, she crossed her legs pulling her dress high.

He turned his lap top towards her and pressed play,it was footage from the security camera,she could plainly see it was her being fucked by that random guy a few weeks ago behind the store.

"Recognise anyone?"

She felt that tingling again.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

James was waiting for Robin, he just had his robe on,he took in his arms and they kissed passionately,their hands all over each,James took his shorts down,slowly got on his knees and took Robin's cock in his mouth, using his lips to fuck his young shaft with his wet mouth.

"You'll be gentle with me won't you as it's my 1st time".

"You've got it wrong mate".

James let his robe fall to the floor, he sat back on the sofa and lifted his legs,Robin quickly took his hard cock in his mouth,James pulled the plug out.

"You're fucking me,now come here".

He pulled Robin up,they kissed as he guided Robin's cock into him.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Melanie watched the video in silence,the quality was crystal clear so there was no way she could deny it was her,he had even zoomed in on her face each time she had climaxed,her eyes screwed up,her mouth wide open as waves of pleasure went through her body,he'd got more close action video of her cleaning the guys cock after he'd fucked her.

"What do you want?"

"Some of what he had or it goes on the internet".

"Will you erase it if I do?"


"Let me watch it again"

Her hand went inside her panties as she watched herself pulling down her jeans and knickers,bending over and being fucked.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

It felt having the young cock in him,James had hold of Robin's arse pulling him in deep,Robin increased his speed.

"Oh fuck"

James felt the spunk shoot into his arse,all hot,he kept moving Robin so he was drained inside him,their lips locked again,Robin pulled out slowly, that nearly tipped James over the edge, he reinserted the butt plug then took Robin's cock in his mouth,sucking him clean,they kissed.

"That was fantastic mate,I could feel your spunk firing into me,now suck me off"

"Are you going to fuck me now?"

"You haven't finished fucking me yet,now suck me"

James cock was straining, he was so horny it hurt,he knew he'd be coming soon.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Melanie rubbed herself harder as she watched the video,the security manager stood beside her watching her play with herself,she reached up rubbing his cock through his trousers feeling his hardness, listening to his breathing getting heavier.

"Get your cock out then".

He undid his trousers and dropped them,Melanie took him in her mouth all the way,her nose in his pubes.

"Fuck that's good,I want some of this".

He bent over putting his hand in Melanie's panties, feeling her wet pussy, his stomach was pushing on Melanie's head making it difficult to suck his cock but she carried on,she had to,she didn't want to be all over the internet.

"Fuck me on your desk".

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By *stingxMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

James sucked and licked Robin's nipples while rubbing his cock,they were sitting together on the sofa,James making his young friend hard again,he wanted that cock in him some more, despite Robin's protests James wasn't going to fuck him,not yet.

"Come on let's go outside,feel the sun on our bodies as we fuck".

Robin laid down,James got his cock wet with his mouth,he pulled butt plug out,it was covered with Robin's spunk and James looked him in the eye as he put it in his mouth,his lips cleaning it up,he straddled Robin, lowering himself on the young lads cock.

"Oh god I know I've got that in me"

He started to ride Robin slowly getting used to the cock in his bum,Robin started to move with him.

James lent forward, arching his back so he could suck Robin's nipple, he increased his speed, Robin matched him.

"Fuck I'm coming James".

"Come on boy,fire it into me".

James felt the 2nd load of the day fire into him,he kept riding until Robin begged him to stop, he climbed off,took his cock in his mouth,sucking him,he felt spunk dribbling from his hole so reached round,scooping a handful and getting it in his mouth.

"Mate it just gets better"

James kissed him.

"When you going to fuck me?"

Soon mate but you need to take care of this".

James stood up,grabbed Robin's head and face fucked him until he came.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Missed this one!

And your stories are always so good

Playing catch up x

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Melanie took her knickers off,pushed everything of his desk.

"Hey steady on lady"

"I can't help it I want you so badly".

She hitched her dress up,climbed on the edge of his desk,laid back and opened her legs wide.

"Come on big boy,get your cock in my wet cunt and fuck me good".

He slid his cock,he fucked her while he stood.

"Oh fuck you're so big,I feel like I'm having a baby,I'm gonna come oh yeah fuck you're so good".

He wasn't, his cock was small,he was unattractive but Melanie had to get that video wiped,as he fucked her she mentally chastised herself for being so stupid, allowing herself to be open to be blackm*iled for sex,having sex with men to keep them quiet now that did turn her on,she climaxed for real this time.

"I'm gonna come"

"In my mouth,let me taste your spunk".

He pulled out and she took the lot,sucking him dry.

"We good now?"

"Yes we're good"

She pulled her panties on and walked out.

He smiled to himself as he started to view the footage he'd just recorded.

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By *stingxMan  over a year ago


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By *orthampton jamesMan  over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This is one very hot story, keep it coming please.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Melanie came home,kissed James on the cheek.

"I need a shower baby,I'm all hot and sticky".

She was only hot and sticky between her legs,from the fucking she just had,she thought about the situations she got herself in,how she's had to allow herself to be used by men to keep them quiet,she got that tingling again,2 fingers went into her cunt and she brought herself off.

"Dinner in 10 minutes". James called upstairs.

10 minutes,she thought about the 7 guys she'd been with in the last few months, 10 minutes, enough time to make herself come again.

James was like the cat that got the cream,when he wasn't banging his wife he was having fun with his young gay lover,he and Melanie was still having great sex,he was still having great sex with Robin,he didn't even think about the 2 guys he knew she fucked,he couldn't hold that against her,he wasn't a hypocrite, he knew he'd neglected her while he was fucking Dale, it was his fault.

Over the next couple of weeks he shared his sexual attention between the 2 of them and now it was time to give Robin a good fucking.

He texted Robin

Melanie is on the early shift tomorrow are you free?

No sorry I'm not. Came Robin's reply.

Not even for my cock inside you?

I'll cancel my plans,what time shall I come round?

See you at 10

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By *ussD1Man  over a year ago


Ooh always gets me hard

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *AM2214Man  over a year ago

Manchester Area

Lovin this waiting for the obvious moment to come

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Robin was a bit early coming round that morning.

"Let's get this flushed out,I don't mind getting a bit of shit on my cock but you'll thank me when I suck my spunk out of you and feed you it".

He squeezed Robin's ass cheek as they climbed the stairs to the bathroom, Robin enjoyed the sensation of the water going up inside him,the temperature was just right for him,he told James how pleasant it was.

"You wait till you feel my spunk,now let's get you dry and on the bed I need to get you ready".

James was pleased he'd waited until now,his ankle wasn't giving him any pain and he was more mobile,perfect timing on his part.

Robin was laying on the bed he shared with Melanie, his cock hard,his legs open.

"I'm going to take my time with you,make sure I don't hurt you when my cock goes in".

He put a well lubricated finger in Robin's hole,he kissed Robin,teased his nipples with his tongue then took his young hard cock in his mouth,another finger went in Robin, James worked him upto his knuckles,pulled out,relubed his fingers and entered his again.

"You're ready,on your hands and knees,I'm going to push into your hole then stop,it may hurt a bit but it'll pass,you push back and take as much as you can when you can. Ok?"


"Just before we do this I want you to know once I've come in you you're mine,no matter how many blokes fuck you in the future you're mine,you always belong to the 1st man who comes in you".

With that James squirted lube on his cock and rubbed it the length of his cock,he moved forward,entering Robin's hole with the tip of his fat cock.


"Its ok mate,in your own time,back that sexy ass on my cock when you like"

Robin backed on,the pain had subsided,he felt pleasure as James's cock went further into his virgin hole,he'd took James all the way in,James had his chest on Robin's back,his strong arm wrapped tightly round his chest telling him to keep still,get used to the feeling and size,he was kissing his neck,telling him how tight his ass was.

James started to move very slowly,he had hold of Robin's hip,he moved back nearly pulling out then slowly pushing all the way in,Robin was in heaven,it was as good as he imagined, well worth the wait.

After a while James got Robin on his back and entered him again,they screwed slowly,lots of kissing,James held him tight as he come inside him.

"You're mine now boy"

He pulled out,his cock went into Robin's mouth then he set about felching the lad,feeding him his spunk from his ass.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

James woke up with a start as his phone went off,Melanie was texting to say she was coming home,he and Robin had fucked a couple of more times that day and had dozed off.

"Fuck me Mel's on her way home,help me get these sheets off the bed"

Robin sprung up,James couldn't help looking at his hard cock and smiling to himself,he picked up his phone and looked at the message from his wife.

Sorry baby,things are manic at work I'm going to be at least 2 hours late.

James put his phone down.

"Panic over,Melanie will be another couple of hours, I fancy going for it again".

He got on the bed,pulled Robin to him and they kissed passionately.

Melanie's shift was over at long last,she couldn't wait to get home to James,he would have her a glass of something chilled waiting for her when she got in,she couldn't wait to get a shower and relax in the garden with him.

She walked through the carpark,she always forget where she parked during the early shift,as she looked for her car someone approached her from behind.

"Excuse me Sister,wasn't you in the carpark behind the church a few weeks ago?".

Before she turned and looked at him she got the smell of stale cigarette smoke.

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By *stingxMan  over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

Lucky tramp

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

She looked at him properly for the 1st time,he was fat,unshaven,greasy hair and terrible teeth.

"No you must be mistaken".

You sure? Blue car,white vest top,short red skirt,no knickers,likes public places,ring any bells?

She knew there was no point trying to deny it anymore.

"What do you want?"

"A lift home"

"No way"

He grabbed her wrist,she looked down at the nicotine stained fingers wrapped round it.

"If you don't want the whole hospital to know what you're like you will and as you're a nurse I'll have a bed bath when we get back too"

"My husband is expecting me,I'll have to say I'm staying on".

She had to agree,she knew how gossip spread like wildfire around the hospital,they got in the car and she texted James,she had that tingling again.

She had to open her window as he was stinking out her car,as she drove he asked her what she did with the lad she was when they 1st met,she told him,she also blurted out what she'd been doing behind her husband's back with other men.

"So you're a slag then".

Melanie thought before she answered.

"Yes I'm a slag".

"Here we are"

Melanie parked her car outside his house,she shifted uncomfortably in her seat,her knickers were soaked.

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By *iss DevilWoman  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 12/11/20 15:21:25]

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Melanie looked at his house,the garden was overgrown,the paintwork was cracked and peeling,the curtains drawn,as she walked up the path with him she wondered what she'd let herself in for,her heart was racing.

He opened the door,went in and she followed him,the musty smell hit her,it was like the windows had never been opened,ash trays piled with dog ends sat about.

He climbed the stairs.

"Follow me".

She did to the top of the stairs.

"I'm going for a shit,my bedroom is through that door,strip and wait for me in there".

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By *stingxMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Melanie had trouble finding somewhere clean to put her clothes,she took off her tunic,shoes and socks,the carpet felt sticky under her feet,her t shirt and trousers were next followed by her bra and panties,she stood there naked looking round the room,the bed was unmade, she thought that maybe the sheets were white once.

She stood there thinking about his greasy hair his big fat belly,his body odour and his cheesy stinky dirty cock.

She rubbed her clit as she thought about his cock cheese.

Melanie heard the door open,he walked in naked,she turned and looked at him,she reckoned he must weigh 23 stone,15 more than her,he gently brushed her arse cheeks as he passed her and got on the bed.

"I'm ready for my bath now nurse".

"Ok where can I get a bowel for the water,some soap and a flannel,the bathroom?"

"No you don't need them for my bed bath,you're going to use your tongue".

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By *ary1001xMan  over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

Mmmmmmm how far will she go

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

He lifted his arms above his head.


Melanie moved to the side of the bed and bent over,the smell of B.O turned her stomach as she got close to his armpit,she hesitated for a second, she couldn't believe she'd got in this situation with this dirty old bastard,she felt that tingling again as he pushed her head in.

It was awful for her but she couldn't stop herself,the more she licked the more turned on she got,she climbed on the bed so she could get to his other armpit,her breasts dangling,her nipples brushing against the hairs on his chest,she buried her head in his armpit and continued with the tongue wash,she felt her holes being probed by his nicotine stained fingers,she thought about those dirty nails going in her,she opened her legs to make it easier for him. She felt them go all the way in,she couldn't stop herself working against them,she needed to climax.

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By *ussD1Man  over a year ago


Damn, grossed out by that last bit but my cocks hard. Go figure

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

He slipped another finger into her.

"Oh fuck that feels good".

She was now licking and sucking on his left nipple, pushing back on his fingers,she was nearly there,he pulled his fingers out of her,as she turned her head towards him he pulled her forward his lips meeting hers,as he forced his tongue in her mouth she could taste his terrible breath,she responded, her tongue against his,she couldn't stop herself.

"Please fuck me" she begged

"Lick my arse first".

Melanie moved down the bed.

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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

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By *stingxMan  over a year ago


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By *usin73Woman  over a year ago

now that would telling

Plz plz need more

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By *marcusMan  over a year ago


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By *orgotten22Woman  over a year ago

out in the sticks in the north east england

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Melanie remembered he'd been to the bathroom earlier as soon as her tongue went in his arse crack she realised he hadn't wiped,she thought she was going to throw up as her tongue ran up it to his ball bag,she kept on licking him,she couldn't stop it,she was so turned on by it she lay flat on the bed and stuck her tongue into his dirty hole,the old guy groaned with pleasure.

The bedclothes beneath her were all rucked up so Melanie ground herself against them sticking her tongue in deeper, the rough blanket felt good against her clitoris and she felt her orgasm building.

"Clean my cock now".

Melanie pulled herself up this was what she was waiting for,she eased his foreskin down and smiled with delight when she saw what awaited her.

"I've not washed it since it was last in your mouth".

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

She licked his cock and took the first lump of cheese in her mouth, she rolled it between her tongue and the roof of her mouth savouring the taste,she was disgusted with herself but so so turned on,she went down for more getting as much of this dirty cock in her mouth as she could,licking and sucking his filth off until he was clean,her pussy was throbbing,she begged him.

"Please fuck me"

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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Come up here then"

Melanie climbed up the bed on all fours,the old guy got behind her and she felt his cock enter her,as he pushed deep into he rested his big gut on her ass.

"Oh fuck that feels good,fuck me hard".

She buried her face into his dirty pillow inhaling its aroma with each of his thrusts,she started to suck it,getting it wet so she could taste it,her orgasm was building.

"Don't stop I'm coming"

He pulled out.

"On your back".

She turned over and opened her legs as wide as she could to accommodate his bulk.

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By *ary1001xMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

As he lowered himself between her legs she thought her hips would dislocate,she'd never had her legs so wide apart,his cock entered her soaking wet pussy with ease he then let his entire weight down on her,Melanie thought he would crush her,his weight on her stomach made her feel like she wanted to shit,she loved it,she wrapped her legs around him the best she could, she wasn't going to let him go anywhere until she come.

The old guy ground his cock in her deep,she was helpless under his heavy body,she couldn't move only her arms and head,she was having trouble breathing,she was going to come she grabbed his greasy hair with both hands.

"Kiss me".

She could taste his breath as he opened his mouth to kiss her,her mouth met his,her tounge entering his mouth finding his tongue,her kiss was passionate and that tipped her over the edge.


Her whole body seemed like it had been electrified,she couldn't believe how hard she had come.

He brought off once more before he shot his load deep in her,Melanie felt his big load fire into her,it oozed out as he took his cock out and lay beside her.

Melanie was seeing stars,she couldn't move,her legs were numb from her climaxes and her hips ached from his weight,she just lay beside him rubbing his cock and licking his nipple,occasionally she would reach down and rub the spunk dripping out of her hole all over her mound then lick her fingers clean,watching her do this made him smile.

The feeling returned to her legs.

"I better go,my husband will be expecting me".

He lay on the bed watching her as she dressed,she walked over to him and kissed him.

"Thank you,that was the best orgasm I've ever had".

"You want to come back and wash me next month?".

"Definitely,I'll come round 4 weeks today, don't wash that cock".

She got in her car,she could smell him on her,she hoped she could get in the shower before James see her.

She didn't have to worry, James was fast asleep on the sunbed outside, that last fuck with Robin had took it out of him and he was snoring his box off.

As she showered Melanie thought about what she'd done,her hand moved to her pussy,she had found her kink,she was into dirty old men and she couldn't wait another 4 weeks.

I wonder where the local tramps stay?

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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

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