
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Stories and Fantasies > Step by step

Step by step


By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Hi, I'm Yvonne, and I'm very proud of my body. I know that sounds very vain, but I am. At thirty I'm in great well toned shape with firm full breasts and long legs, a waist you could close your hands around and a smooth shaven pussy that Peter, my husband, describes as the cutest he's ever seen. That's a nice thing to say, but the trouble is that he doesn't want to risk anyone else knowing how cute it is. He'll never even go to a nudist beach let alone chance the possibility anyone seeing us doing anything sexy. Unfortunately I'm something of an exhibitionist who enjoys people seeing me naked, especially if I'm doing something naughty - very especially if I'm doing something naughty. So as you might guess I can get extremely frustrated at times.

I first discovered my exhibitionistic streak when Peter and I were having sex one day in the living room with me on top. I could see out of the window although Peter couldn't, and what I could see was a young man standing on the roadway watching. He wasn't close enough to get a good view and when he realised I'd seen him he quickly walked away, but the thrill that went through me at knowing we'd been seen was out of this world. I wanted that buzz again, but more so.

But then I made the mistake of telling Peter about it in the vain hope that he cater for my predilection and do it where we could be seen. Not a chance. Not only did he not go for it, he got really annoyed that I'd not immediately covered myself up when I spotted the young guy watching. The fact that I was bouncing up and down on his cock and on the brink of coming at the time seemed not to matter to him. I got mad and he got mad and we ended up having a furious row about it, and after that he will only have sex with me with the curtains drawn – in whichever room. But I can be a very devious and determined bitch and not so long ago I found a way around his limitations.

He had begun to work a shift pattern that meant that one week in three he was on nights, and I took to surfing the web when he wasn't there. It didn't take me long to find a site where people go on webcam and let other people watch them. Yes, I know now that there is probably no end of such sites, but until then I didn't. The point is that this has given me an outlet for my exhibitionistic tendencies. I can strip off and show myself off on my webcam to dozens of men – and some women - without ever leaving my living room. I have to be careful to make sure that the camera is angled so that it never shows my face, but otherwise everything I have is on display, and I do mean everything, and in a variety of different poses and positions. I even masturbate and use a vibrator on myself on camera, but the best is when I have an orgasm on cam, and that's pretty regular. You can have no idea how much of a turn on it is to know I have an audience, and to read their comments as they scroll down the screen. Most are complimentary, many contain suggestions as to what I should do and how I should do it, and a good number propose meeting up for sex. But that's not the idea; I just get a kick from people seeing me having fun on my own.

I must admit that I wish I could get the communication that would come with looking at my audience in the eye as I play, like I did so briefly with that first young man. But that's not really possible because almost all the cams are pointed away from faces, and seeing someone on a screen is a bit second-hand anyway. God, it would be so much better and hotter if my audience was actually present in the same room. In fact my ideal would be if Peter was prepared to fuck me in front of other people and let them see his cock going up me, but that is never going to happen and as I'm not prepared to let some unknown male from off the internet do it I had to resign myself to making do with playing by myself for all to see.

But then something happened when I bumped into one of our neighbours in the street that I thought would put even that in jeopardy.

'I saw you last night,' Gavin stated bluntly.

I just stood and stared at him, hoping he didn't mean what I thought he meant and scared stupid that he did. I looked around quickly, making sure nobody was within earshot.

'I saw you last night on the internet.' He expanded slightly.

'What do you mean?' I asked, knowing exactly what he meant and feeling the blood draining from my face. I wasn't so much bothered by him seeing me, because that was what I was doing it for; it was the implications that went with it that scared me. What if he'd recorded it and showed Peter. And, how did he know it was me in the first place.

'I saw you showing off on that website.' He named it and it was the right one.

'How do you know it was me, it could have been anyone.' I realised even as I spoke that saying that was tantamount to an admission of guilt.

'Hold your hand out.' I did as I was told. 'That's how. You didn't think to take those rings off and I recognised them. How many people do you know wears a dragon biker ring on their hand along with a Celtic patterned one?'

'Somebody else could do.' I was grasping at straws and I knew it, my choice of jewellery is a bit out of the ordinary.

'Yes, they could.' He acknowledged with a shrug. 'But what would be the chances of them having a fairy ornament on the bookshelf behind them as well?'

I was, as they say, caught bang to rights. Now I was suddenly petrified that he would tell Peter and I would be in a real mess. He must have seen my fear, for his next quick words were obviously intended to reassure.

'Don't worry, I'm not about to make trouble for you.'

'Thank you.' I told him, mightily relieved before I abruptly wondered what he was going to do, and why he had told me instead of keeping quiet and enjoying a free show. If he was thinking of sleeping with me in exchange for his silence he had another think coming. He's a very sexy man, but as I said before, though I love to show off I wasn't looking for anything else. Not right then, anyway.

'I'll be watching again, you don't mind, do you?'

I wasn't sure if the question was rhetorical, I mean, I couldn't stop him, could I, and anyway, as I said before, that was what I was doing it for. I thought about it and the idea that I would know who one of my audience was quite appealed to me. I could look at all the cocks on show and wonder which, if any, was his.

'No, I don't mind. In fact I'd like that.'

He paused and I could seem him wrestling with something he wanted to say, wondering if he dare I supposed. Finally he came out with it.

'How about a private show?'

I hadn't expected that and for a moment it took me aback. But the thought of it sent a thrill down my spine. It would be a hell of a turn on to have a good looking man watching me in real life.

'Just to watch?' I asked him. 'Not to touch.'

'Yes.' He answered, his eyes lighting up at my unexpected interest. 'I wouldn't do anything except watch you.'

I thought about it, part of me wanting to have nothing to do with the idea in case it went wrong, and part of me desperate to try it. You can guess which part won. The thought of a man like Gavin watching me from literally only feet away was too good to pass up.

'There would be conditions.' I told him, thinking about what I could get out of it. 'Absolutely no touching, and I mean that.' He nodded excitedly. 'No complaining if I feel I have to call it off, and...' I paused myself then, unsure if I should say what was in my mind. 'And you do the same thing.'

He frowned as if not quite sure what I meant.

'If I'm going to let you watch me, then you have to let me watch you.'

'You mean that you want me to wank myself off as well?' He sounded part incredulous and part eager, mostly eager.

'Yes, strip off naked and wank, just like I do.' I was feeling more in control now.

His silence seemed to last forever, then. 'Yes, I'll do that, and I promise not to touch you.'

I giggled at that, because it suddenly struck me how ludicrous it would sound to anyone who overheard us negotiating the terms of a wanking session.

'Then you're on.' I told him, seeing his face split in a huge grin, just like mine. 'But if it's going to be this week it'll have to be tomorrow night, because after that Peter will be at home in the evening for the next fortnight.'

'I'm sorry, I can't. I've got to go to a seminar tomorrow and I won't be back until Saturday.' He shrugged apologetically.

I felt my spirits sink even as he opened his mouth. I hadn't realised quite how much I wanted it to happen until then, but I managed to fake a look of unconcern. 'Oh well. We'll just have to wait a couple of weeks, won't we?'

I gave him my number with instructions to text me after a fortnight to tell me what evenings he had free. If he'd realised how dry my mouth was and how much my heart was thumping he might have cancelled his seminar in case I'd chickened out by then. One thing was for sure, when I went online the following evening - without the telltale rings and accompanying fairy - I put on the sexiest show ever, just in case he was watching in his hotel room. I wanted to show him something to be sure he remained interested, even with the no contact arrangement. But by the time the fortnight had gone I'd become certain that he'd back out because my unambiguous rule against touching would put him off.

Then the long hoped for text finally arrived and my heart leapt to find that he was still keen, and that he was free almost every evening for the coming week. We quickly arranged an early meet. I'd been certain I wouldn't hear from him, or if I had, that he would have wanted to change our agreement - and I still wasn't intending anything more than a mutual watching session. So sure was I that, when my doorbell rang and I let him in, the very first thing I did was to remind him of our agreed boundaries.

'You can look, but you can't touch. You do understand that, don't you?'

He smiled. 'Looking is all I want to do. I saw you Friday evening and you were so hot that I think just watching you in the flesh is about all I could cope with.'

'Thank you. I'm glad you saw me, I was thinking of you.' I was pleased that he'd actually seen me, but I think I blushed as I admitted he was on my mind.

I think he picked up on my embarrassment, for we both suddenly went quiet.

'Don't forget to let me watch you.' I reminded him to break the silence.

'Oh yes.' He nodded. 'I haven't forgotten.'

Another silence, this time because neither of us was sure how to start things off.

'I'll get some tissues, ready for when you...' I told him, blushing again and turning abruptly to make for the sanctuary of the kitchen.

I took a deep breath, asking myself did I really want to do this with all its attendant risks if Peter ever found out, because he wouldn't see the difference between exhibitionism and playing away. The straight answer was that I did want to do it, very much, I could feel myself damp already, and in any case, if Peter ever discovered that I'd been putting on displays on the internet I'd be in just as much trouble – and I had absolutely no intention of stopping. I couldn't go without that. I even fantasized that the camera was on when he and I made love in private. I was rapidly becoming obsessed. I grabbed the box of tissues, squared my shoulders, rehearsed to myself how I'd thought it should go, took another deep breath and marched back into the living room.

'Okay, here's what we'll do.' I told him, sounding a lot more authoritarian than I felt. I plonked the tissues decisively down on a side table and turned an armchair so that it directly faced the sofa. Then I surveyed the layout as if looking to see that it met my satisfaction, although really I was just getting my nerve up for the next bit.

'Right. We'll take our things off, and then you sit there.' I pointed to the armchair, trying to stop myself from visibly trembling with nervous excitement. 'And I'll take the sofa.'

I looked at him until he nodded and began to unbutton his shirt, and then I reached for the zip at the back of my dress. This was it.

Bizarrely, the moment I was naked all my anxieties disappeared and I could look forward to what we were going to do. I must say that I could hardly have picked a better partner to do it with. Gavin's body was beautiful, maybe a little hirsute for my choice but fit and toned without being over muscled, and as for his cock, wow! He was long and hard with a purple head that peeped out from an abundant foreskin. I almost regretted my no touching rule – almost.

I could see him looking me up and down as I turned to deposit my panties with the rest of my clothing, and so I deliberately gave him a profile, knowing that my nipples were standing out like the proverbial organ stops. I'm blonde, so they're not very dark and a profile is probably the best way to see how long they are. But my colouring does have its advantages, because it also means that my bush is naturally light and my pussy is easy to keep smooth, which in turn means that my naturally long clitoris is constantly on show whenever my legs are apart. Even so, I like the way I am, and apparently so does my online audience. Now I would see if Gavin thought the same in the flesh.

I sat in the centre of the sofa with my knees together and waited for Gavin to compose himself comfortably in the chair opposite. Only then did I very deliberately open my legs and let him look at my pussy, cocking my head to one side and smiling as if asking for his opinion.

'You are beautiful.' He whispered hoarsely, saying just what I wanted to hear.

'You ain't so bad either.' I stared pointedly at his cock, wanting him to know how much I liked the look of it.

He grinned lopsidedly and took a hold of it, running his hand gently along its length, not yet masturbating, more just showing it off. I could do better than that. I raised my open legs and rested my feet on the sofa either side of me, showing him everything, and then, just to make sure, I reached down and used a finger and thumb to hold my labia apart and let him see my engorged clitoris and the shiny opening to my vagina. He didn't speak, but I could see the lust in his eyes.

'Let's do it.' I muttered.

Now he began to play with himself in earnest, not wanking frenetically yet but sliding his hand along his shaft a little more quickly and gripping it more firmly than before so that his foreskin closed over the purple head of his cock before exposing it again as his hand moved away. God it looked so damn sexy. I started to play properly with myself too, using two fingers on my clit, stroking it, rubbing it, playing with its tip, moaning softly to myself at the same time with pure delight. Gavin gripped the arm of his chair with his free hand, showing the intensity of his pleasure in his grasp, while I used mine on my breast, squeezing hard, tugging at my nipple, almost hurting myself in my excitement. We gazed intently into each other's faces, seeing the pleasure that we were both experiencing, conscious of our active fingers without really looking at them. I think that to anyone watching it would have been one of the most erotic sights they could ever see; certainly it very quickly had both Gavin and me breathing heavily and on the way to coming.

There was no way we could keep playing so deliberately and so sexily for long, the circumstances were making us both just too bloody horny for that. Soon our hands started to speed up without any real conscious intention, and very quickly I had one hand that was gripping hard into my breast while the fingers of the other flew back and forth across the tip of my clit. Gavin stared at me openly for a while and then his head dropped back onto the chair and he watched from under half closed lids, muttering from arousal, his hand now pistoning along his cock. He too was clearly on his way to a climax.

I came first, and God, was it good. I can't say my orgasm was unexpected, but it was certainly very quick and very sudden. It kind of just detonated inside me and I was totally swept along with it, out of control. It was far stronger than any I got online and even than the ones I enjoyed with my husband. Perhaps it was the illicit nature of it, or perhaps it was because a man's eyes were fixed on me, but for whatever reason it was the strongest I can ever recall having. All I can remember is gasping out loud, my head thrown back and my hips jerking. My fingers were pressing hard onto my clit now, and my other hand was grabbing at my breast to the point of real pain, but I didn't care, I just came and came and came.

Eventually of course it subsided, much to my regret, and I slumped back in my seat, panting for breath and shaky with excitement, my hands lying limp and still against my skin. I was still jolting with the little orgasmic aftershocks that kept running through me, but I licked dry lips and raised my eyes back to Gavin.

'Fuck, that was something.' I gasped.

He nodded without speaking, wanking himself furiously with one hand and with his free hand now cupping his balls. He wasn't quite there yet, but he was obviously on the brink. I wondered vaguely if he knew where the tissues were, but before I could remind him, or say anything at all, he suddenly clambered to his feet and staggered across to me, still wanking frantically. For a moment I panicked, thinking he was about to break our no touching rule, but then I realised what he intended and I opened my legs wide again, taking my hands from my body to let him shoot his load over me.

He stood between my legs, leaning over me and steadying himself with a hand on the back of the sofa. I watched him wanking from only a foot or so away, waiting eagerly for him to spray me with cum. He clearly intended to cum on my face and I opened my mouth in anticipation, wishing that he would come on my pussy instead, but in the end he couldn't quite aim it accurately. A few wayward spots did land on my cheek but he was so out of control with arousal that his first spurt sent a long string of cum across my breasts and the next one over my belly. After that he just let it shoot anywhere over me, none of it landing where he or I actually wanted it to. I didn't really mind, the feel of his warm cream spattering down on my skin was wonderful, regardless of where it landed, and I remember thinking as it happened that it didn't matter because there would be other occasions.

Soon he was empty, milking the last drops from his cock to land on my thigh before staggering back to drop into his chair, gasping for breath and looking as drained as I felt. We sat there silently, just gazing in wonderment at each other while we both got our breath back. I felt his cum, cooling now, trickle down from my body and it made me shiver with enjoyment and I collected a little on my fingertip, placing it seductively between my lips. It tasted so nice I collected some more, licking my fingers while gazing at him in a silent plea for an encore.

'Sorry, I shouldn't have done that.' He apologised, misreading my expression.

He shouldn't have really, showering me with spunk was probably just as intimate as physical contact, but I didn't care, I'd loved it. I didn't even think it counted as a breach of our agreement.

'Yes you should have.' I corrected him. 'I liked it.'

Now we sat in naked silence, contemplating what we had done and what we might easily do again while we looked at each other's bodies. I could see his eyes flitting around me looking at my breasts and the join of my legs. My feet were on the floor now and my knees nearly together, but I deliberately let them drift apart again so that he could see my pussy. It was nice to be appreciated. I was appreciating him too, enjoying what I saw even with his cock flaccid and shrunken. It would be nice to see it back to full erection. I almost felt an urge to go across and help it recover.

Can you come again?' I asked.

'Yes, but you'll have to wait a while.' He replied, smiling ruefully. 'Can you?'

'Yes.' I told him, feeling a kind of soft sexy lassitude. 'I can usually come several times.'


'But you know that anyway.' I reminded him about my online sessions that he had seen.

He nodded and then we lapsed back into silence. But I didn't want our session to end and so I let my legs fall wider apart and reached between them, not really expecting to bring myself off again yet, but intent on keeping things going.

It was really nice, just gently touching myself while Gavin watched. Then he did the same, taking his limp cock in his hand and just lightly playing with it.

We stayed like that for a little while, I'm not sure quite how long, just watching each other playing without putting any real energy into it. But then I began to feel my arousal reassert itself and I started to stroke myself more intently, I was getting turned on properly again so I ran my fingers up and down my slit, spreading my labia to stroke the inside and at the same time give Gavin a better view.

'That looks nice.' He told me quietly. 'And it's working.' He showed me his semi erect cock.

I smiled at him, rubbing my clit a little more vigorously before sliding two fingers into my vagina. He moaned with pleasure at the sight and I knew we would probably both eventually reach another orgasm. It would be slower and less urgent, but I knew from experience that second and subsequent climaxes took longer but were often so much more satisfying. I slid my fingers deeper inside myself, fingering myself harder as my excitement built, watching Gavin's cock slowly come back to life as he stared at me and what I was doing.

Soon we were both doing it with serious purpose, trying to make ourselves come again, the only sounds those of our gasps of pleasure, the wet sounds of my fingers plunging in and out of my pussy and the softer sounds of Gavin's fingers stroking his cock. It was not going to be quick for either of us, but it promised to be worth it.

'Do it kneeling.' He demanded suddenly.

'What?' I asked, hearing what he said but being caught so by surprise that my reply was automatic.

'You know.' He went on. 'Kneel on the sofa facing backwards and do it.'

I took a long look at his fully erect cock before I agreed. It was a position I often used when I was online, presenting my bottom to the camera to give an even more intimate view of me that included... well, that included both holes and everything else. The only thing was that I wouldn't be able to watch him, and it did leave me very open to invasion. But I loved showing off and he had promised. I stood up and turned around, repositioning myself on the sofa as he had requested, my rear end sticking out and my knees wide apart.

I couldn't see him but I knew he was looking at me and so I reached beneath me for my pussy, finding the entrance and pushing my fingers deep inside. Once again I was masturbating hard, knowing I had an audience, waiting for my climax and wanting to come. I could hear the sounds of Gavin's hand on his cock and his heavy breathing and I knew he was doing the same. I didn't really mind that I couldn't see him, I would hear him come and he could see me, that was all that mattered.

'I can see your crack and it looks lovely.' He whispered unexpectedly. 'Can I come on it?'

The idea of his cum running down my crack gave me an unexpected thrill.

'Yes.' I gasped back, wondering how long before he came and hoping he would hit his target this time.

For a minute or two we carried on playing, but then I heard him clamber to his feet and lurch across to me. His free hand landed on my back as he steadied himself. I knew it was strictly speaking a breach of our agreement but I told myself he was only lining himself up. I moved my hand out of the way and gripped the back of the sofa, waiting for him to climax.

He shuffled a little closer and I tensed myself ready, but instead of feeling his warm cum on me I felt something tapping a kind of rapid light tattoo at the base of my spine. For a moment I wondered what was happening, but then I realised it was the end of his cock lightly beating against me as he wanked. Moving from the chair to stand behind me had delayed his climax. Now we were breaking the rules, but it didn't seem to matter – his cock might be touching me, but it wasn't inside me and so I told myself we weren't cheating. One thing was for sure though, when he came he could hardly miss his target and that thought gave me another kick. But then, just to make certain, I leaned my face on the back of the sofa and reached back with both hands to pull my cheeks as wide apart as I could.

Until you do it you can never imagine what a thrill it is to be kneeling with your back to man who is wanking himself into your wide open crack. The anticipation of that first spurt is wonderful. I knelt there listening to his loud gasps and feeling his increasingly erratic movements behind me, just waiting for that moment.

It wasn't too long. It seemed like forever at the time, but really it was only a couple of minutes before he gasped out to tell me he was coming and his pressed his cock into the top of my crack. He jerked forward, jabbing himself at me, as his first spurt gushed out, flooding along my crack and making me moan with pleasure. I loved it, and then he jolted forward again, his cock sliding down my crack on the slippery trail his cum had left and gushing more cream as it did so, and I loved that even more. It was something I'd never experienced before, but I knew right then that I'd want to feel a man's cum trickling down my crack like that again.

He knew what was happening, for now he guided his cock up and down my crack as he came, pushing forward instinctively between my widespread cheeks, almost at one point penetrating my anus in the process. I thought it was accidental, but afterwards I wondered if it was – and I also wondered if I would have stopped him if it wasn't. I was so turned on right then that I might just have let him take me there. But he didn't really try to enter me, so I'll never know.

When he had finished and stumbled back to his seat I was absolutely running with his cum, I could feel it trickling over my anus and down onto my pussy. I let go now and allowed my cheeks to close on it, getting them wet and slimy and feeling so erotic because of it. I reached beneath me, finding the little rivulet of cum and collecting it on my fingertips, and then I did something that surprised me even at the time. Instead of tasting it I pushed my cum-covered fingers into my vagina and began to finger myself again.

It didn't take me long to cum, I think knowing that I had some of Gavin's cum inside me, albeit only from my fingers and not from his cock, helped me to climax. And so did knowing he was sitting behind me watching my sticky fingers delving inside my pussy. It was another extremely powerful orgasm, stronger even than the one before, that made me shake uncontrollably, holding my fingers hard inside me as I shuddered and trembled through all the surges of pleasure that I was feeling. I know I was vocal, although if it was just unintelligible sounds or actual words I have no idea, and I daren't ask Gavin in case it was. Then, when it was done, my knees just folded and I sat back on my haunches, clinging to the back of the sofa until I had enough control to turn over and slump heavily onto my seat, shocked by the power of my own orgasm.

'That was awesome.' I declared breathlessly.

'And for me as well.' He agreed. 'Can we do it again another time?'

I knew what the answer had to be. The experience was out of this world and I definitely wanted a repeat, even though we had come perilously close to going further than we should. We arranged to meet again the evening after next and I went to bed to lay thinking about what I had just so thoroughly enjoyed, my fingers playing gently with my clit until I fell asleep.

When I let him in the next time we both felt a little bit cagey, unsure how the other felt about what we had been up to. I wondered how Gavin was feeling about it, but before I could broach the subject he saved me the trouble.

'Are you regretting it?' He asked without needing to say what. 'I'm not, but if you are then we don't have to do it again, I can always go home.'

'Don't you dare!' I burst out, the forcefulness of my exclamation an answer in itself.

'Okay, okay, I won't.' He threw his hands up in mock surrender and burst out laughing, my relieved giggles following an instant behind.

'I'll make us a coffee and then we'll undress.' I told him firmly when our mirth subsided, then promptly changed my mind. 'No, we'll undress and then drink our coffees. That way you won't run off.'

'I won't run off anyway,' He told me as he began unbuttoning his shirt. 'Where else will I see such a gorgeously sexy sight?'

I felt like telling him to look in the mirror, but instead I too began to strip.

Once we were naked it didn't seem a problem, it seemed acceptable, even normal, to be looking at his rock solid erection while drinking coffee. I knew I should have felt guilty, being naked with another man while my husband was at work, but I rationalized it by telling myself that if Peter had gone along with my exhibitionistic fantasy, then I wouldn't have had to enlist help from someone else. Strange what your mind will do to justify your actions isn't it? In any case, I said to myself, we were mostly watching each other, not really touching, and I hadn't had sex with Gavin, even though that was a tempting thought. But, I reminded myself, we'd got pretty damn close and I'd better be careful not to let things get out of hand this time.

'Am I going to need tissues this time?' He asked as he emptied his cup. I knew what he meant; he was asking if he could come over me again. Of course he could.

'Not unless you're too lazy to come closer.' I told him with a smile, letting my legs drift apart once again.

'I'll come anywhere you want.' He teased.

'Then shoot over my pussy, please.' It was what I had wanted before and this time I intended to get it.

'From how close.' He asked, his fingers beginning to stroke his erection.

'From as close as you want.' I told him, my own hand making its way between my legs. I wasn't consciously thinking it, but I was half hoping his cock might rap against my pussy like it had before on my bum. It was as close as I dare get to what I was beginning to really want. Maybe Gavin was thinking along those lines as well.

We sat there opposite each other, masturbating quietly, both thinking about the rather bizarre but highly erotic situation we had made for ourselves. Never in a million years would I have expected to be doing what I was doing, my legs wide, my feet planted once more on the sofa either side of me, exposing my pussy to Gavin as I rubbed myself to a climax. I could see him avidly watching me and I could hardly take my eyes off of that wonderful long cock of his either. I have to admit that the sight of its blood-darkened head repeatedly exposed and then hidden by his foreskin was getting to me.

I was rubbing myself quite lightly at first, but I very soon felt the first signs of an oncoming orgasm and so I began to do it more rapidly and harder until my fingertips were once more flying back and forth over my clit. It was then that I noticed that Gavin was still wanking more serenely, gently stroking his length as if determined not to make himself come. Momentarily I wondered why, until I realised he probably wanted me to come first so that we could both get to a second climax together. That made me feel good, I loved him seeing me come and so I strummed even harder, rewarded by feeling my orgasm creep swiftly closer and closer until it was there. Once again it was tremendously powerful; once more I was jolting in my seat and calling out from the intensity of it. What we were doing together was bringing me off massively, temporarily draining me and when my climax finally faded away this time I slumped back in my seat, spent and trembling from its effects.

If it was good having him watch me masturbate, then leaving my legs open and having Gavin gazing at me directly afterwards was equally so. I knew I was wet and shiny and bright, my clitoris still standing clear of its hood and my vagina still wide and welcoming, and I wanted him to see it, to know that I wanted him to spray it with cum. I used my free hand to spread my pussy, opening it to his view as I had before, remembering our first time when I thought he would aim his load at my pussy, but he aimed at my mouth and missed anyway. I didn't want that to happen again so I stretched myself wide, looking down, silently telling him where I wanted his cum to land.

Gavin nodded, still playing with himself, but now he did it more eagerly, knowing apparently what was expected of him. I watched him, watched his hand sliding back and forth along his shaft, seeing the look of growing concentration on his face. Suddenly he looked at me waiting for him and then stumbled to his feet, lurching across to kneel between my legs. I thought he must be about to come, a bit quickly but I didn't mind that, so I was surprised when he shuffled forward and pressed the tip of his cock against my clit, looking questioningly at me as if asking permission. I didn't answer, in truth I was too shocked to know how to answer and he must have taken my silence as permission for he started rub the tip of his cock from side to side across the tip of my clit, masturbating both of us at the same time.

The sensation of having the hard tip of his cock against my engorged clit was beautiful, it was something I'd never experienced before but I sure as hell want to again. I just moaned softly and sat back, holding my legs away to let him get to me.

It wasn't long before I felt another orgasm gathering and I could see by the tight look on his face that he was near too. For a moment I wondered if he would slide his cock up and down my slit as he came, spraying his cum along the whole length, maybe instinctively pushing against my slippery wet entrance as he had previously at my anus. I wondered how I should react, and then I knew, I knew exactly what I wanted.

'Are you close?' I asked him.

'Yes, nearly there.' He gasped his reply.

'Good.' I told him eagerly. 'When you do.' I paused before I said it. 'Come inside me.'

He looked at me sharply.

'Yes.' I assured him, nodding and grinning in expectation. 'I want you to push it up me and come inside me.'

He groaned in anticipation, his eyes closing briefly as he rubbed himself on me quicker and harder. I wanted us both to come together with his cock right up inside me, but I wasn't sure I would last until he came.

I did last, but only because he came almost at once, hastily pushing his cock down my slit until it penetrated me almost by itself before he rammed himself forward, pushing himself deep inside me with his cock jerking in its impatience. He groaned loudly and then we both came, pushing against each other and gasping loudly as he poured his cum up inside me and my passage gripped at his shaft as if to make sure I got it all.

When he was empty we just stayed in the same position for a little while with his softening cock still buried inside me, both staring silently into each other's faces, surprised at what we had done. But then he pulled away and I lowered my legs, still without saying anything until he subsided onto the sofa alongside me, ignoring his previous seat.

'I didn't think you wanted to do that.' He said finally.

'Neither did I.' I whispered, feeling confused at crossing the line into definite cheating. 'But it was gorgeous.'

Gavin smiled and then reached out and took my hand as if to reassure me and we sat, still naked, holding hands like teenagers. I don't think either of us quite knew what to say to each other and so we just sat there trying to figure out what to do next. But then I was suddenly sure of what I wanted. I let go of his hand, slid from my seat and knelt in front of him, looking at his flaccid cock and noticing that it was still sticky with my juices and his own cum. For a few seconds I just knelt there and gazed at him, enjoying the sight of the only cock besides my husband's that had ever been up inside me. Then I did what I wanted to do, I leaned forward and took him in my mouth, running my tongue around it and tasting both of us.

He grunted softly and relaxed, letting me lick and suck at his cock, holding the soft flesh into my mouth and massaging it with my tongue. It took a while but eventually I began to get the result I needed and I felt it begin to lengthen and stiffen in my mouth. At first I took as much of it as I could, my head bobbing steadily up and down, but then I used my hand to stroke his shaft, swirling my tongue around his glans and hearing him moan with pleasure.

'Do you want me to come in your mouth?' He asked me all at once.

I glanced up, surprised at his question. 'No.' I answered taking his cock from my mouth and shaking my head. 'There's something else I want you to do.'

He looked down at me puzzled, not yet understanding what I had in mind.

It was time. I let go of his cock and took hold of his hand, pulling him from the sofa as I lay back on the floor.

'Let's do it properly.' I whispered, opening my legs and making my intention clear at last.

'You sure?' He asked, making the question almost rhetorical by kneeling between my widespread thighs and lowering himself on top of me without waiting for the answer.

'I'm sure.' I gasped as his cock found my entrance and slid inside.

He must have known we would do it eventually because as soon as he was inside he began to thrust hard into me. There was no hesitation, no reticence; he simply pounded me hard and fast, not even slowing when I came again almost straight away. I simply had to wrap my arms and legs around him and hang on as my body shuddered and jolted its way through one hell of a climax.

Even when I lay beneath him, gasping for breath in the aftermath of my orgasm he didn't pause, he just kept plunging into me as hard and as deep as he could, crashing into me, banging against the insides of my thighs and my pubic bone. I was going to be sore and I was going to have some bruises to either hide or explain, but I didn't care, I was being fucked like never before. Peter never fucked me - he made love to me - but right just then I needed fucking and I was getting it. I know it shouldn't have, but it felt good to be so thoroughly fucked.

Soon I sensed that he getting close to coming, his strokes were becoming erratic, his gasps and grunts more laboured and his face was becoming screwed up, eyes closed and mouth held in a rictus of ecstasy. I gazed up at him, aware that I too was on my way to another climax, wondering if we could come together. I knew with absolute certainty that it was going to happen, I could feel it building and building, it was just a case of when.

In the end we did it, we came at exactly the same moment. Gavin slammed himself into me with a long drawn out growl and I felt his cock twitching and spurting inside me just as my own dam burst and pleasure, pure unremitting pleasure, flooded through me. We both moaned and gasped as our climaxes sent sensation after sensation chasing each other through our bodies. I can only speak for myself, although I'm sure Gavin would say much the same thing, I have never, ever, come so hard in my life. Even when it was over I lay there clinging to him, feeling his weight sprawled on top of me, while little aftershocks made me jerk and gasp beneath him. Eventually his softening cock slid from me and he rolled away to collapse beside me, panting for breath, covered in a sheen of sweat and staring silently at the ceiling.

‘ When did you get the idea to have sex with me?' He asked in the end.

I shook my head. 'I didn't, it just sort of seemed right.'

'Yeah.' He turned his head to look at me. 'I think the idea of us having sex seduced us both rather than either one of us seducing the other.

'It just sort of crept up on us, step by step, didn't it?'

He smiled. 'Step by step.' He repeated contentedly. 'I like step by step.'

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