By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
With a smile, you remember the small parcel that I gave you last time we met. Hidden away, you had almost forgotten it. Lifting it down from its hiding place, your mind recalls my words to you when I gave it to you. “Wear this next time we meet. But, under no circumstances open this box until just before you set off. Text me when you leave.”
At the time, you thought my words a little strange, but now you are intrigued. Putting it back in its hiding place, you resist the temptation to open it. That can wait until tomorrow, when we’re due to meet at York train station.
Morning comes. You shower and get dressed, wearing jeans and a cream top. As you spray your gorgeous Flowerbomb over your body, you think once more of the box I gave you.
Opening the lid, you remove the small object inside from its protective packaging. Turning it over in your hand, you find what looks like a small bullet on a wire, leading to a box. A control box? Looking inside the packaging, you notice a small leaflet. Reading it, your eyes widen, and a smile spreads across your face. It’s a vibrating bullet. But this is no ordinary bullet. No. This is triggered by mobile phone signals. Not only that, but, according to the leaflet, it has a range of about thirty metres! You re-read the instructions eagerly, making sure you’re not imagining things.
The control box is small and has a clip on the side to attach it discreetly to your waistband. The bullet is designed to sit either just in the entrance to your beautiful pussy, or sit in your underwear, pressed tight up against your sensitive clit. And yes, it IS triggered by phone signals! A text, incoming or outgoing, will trigger a twenty second buzz. A phone call, however, triggers the bullet for the duration of the call!
Eagerly, you hide the little box in your clothing, and slip the tiny bullet in the upper folds of your delicate pussy lips, pressed up against your clitoris. Turning it on, you reach for your phone. Writing me a short text, your fingers are trembling with excitement.
You notice the time. You need to get a move on to make the train. Walking out of the door, you hit send on your keypad. The shock that suddenly runs through your pussy is incredible. Despite the fact that you were expecting it, it catches you by surprise with its power, making your pussy spasm for more than the twenty seconds of vibrations. With a sharp gasp, you recover enough to carry on walking, wondering if I’ll reply immediately.
Reading your text, I realise that you’re wearing our new toy. With a smile, I send back a very short text, asking if you are having fun. It arrives while you are waiting on the platform. You have to try very hard to suppress a squeal as the little bullet once more bursts into life.
As the waves of pleasure subside, you begin to compose a reply, trying to keep the message short so you can send again as soon as possible. As you are about to finish the message, a sudden burst of life from the bullet makes you almost drop your phone. Silently cursing me for disturbing you, you check your phone’s screen. There’s no message from me. That means someone else on the platform has just triggered the last spasm of your pussy, and they don’t even know it!
Looking around, you spot another two passengers with their phones out. One is reading a text. That must be the one that triggered your last wave of excitement. As you smile at the feelings of pleasure running through you, you spot the train approaching the station. But hang on. The other passenger still has her phone out. More than that, she starts to lift the phone to her ear! Oh God! You remember the leaflet. This is going to be constant against your pussy and clit, for as long as this call lasts!
As her call begins, you brace yourself for what you know is to come. You start to have doubts that you’ll be able to stand and walk on to the train. Clenching your thighs together, the vibrator suddenly springs to life, as you feel your pussy suddenly become even wetter. With a few stumbles, you manage to board the train, your head spinning with delight.
You vaguely notice that there are a few people on the train already, but take a seat away from the others. It matters not. It’s only a small train, and anyone’s phone on board could trigger the next pulse, even as this one is still going!
As your breathing begins to change, the woman ends her call. The vibrator suddenly dies, giving you some respite. You look down at your phone, and realise you haven’t sent me your last text yet. Pressing the send button, you close your eyes and lean back in your seat, waiting for the inevitable surge of pleasure in your pussy. Holding your breath, clenching your thighs once more, you feel yourself getting wetter and wetter. Pressing yourself into your seat, you hope nobody notices your scarlet cheeks, as you’re gradually start to build towards an orgasm. The vibrations stop, and you snuggle right back in your seat. Catching your breath, you look around the carriage to see if anyone has noticed. Everyone is so engrossed in what they are doing, that they haven’t even noticed that you are there, let alone close to cumming. Some are reading newspapers or books. Some are sat with their eyes closed, almost asleep. Some are chatting. One has his mobile phone out. Oh God. You wonder if it will be a text or a call. You close your eyes. Let this one be a surprise!
Your nipples grow and harden as the anticipation builds. Suddenly, the vibrator kicks into life, awakening every nerve ending in your pussy and clit. Squirming in your chair, you open your eyes, and realise he has sent a text. The sensations start to die down, as the twenty seconds is up. You take a deep breath, but nearly gasp out loud as your pussy and clit suddenly tingle with vibrations again, as your phone rings!
It’s me, calling you. Answering the phone, almost out of breath, you can hardly speak. I hear you moan quietly into your handset, and then again, as your breathing quickens even more. Without saying a word, I hang up the phone. Just as you regain your composure, your phone rings again. It’s me once more. Your pussy’s on fire now, wetter than ever, and you wriggle in your seat, trying to press the little vibe firmly against your clit. Again, silently, I end the call. You are starting to get frustrated, needing to cum. Not yet though, as your train is pulling in to the station now.
Still breathless, you look around the carriage, checking the nearest door. Suddenly, your phone, vibe, and clit burst into life once more, as I call you again! People are starting to move towards the doors, away from you. The sensations are stronger than ever, and you’re sure you’re about to cum if this continues. Moving your hand between your legs, you press firmly, crushing the vibe against your clit. Your eyes open, looking around the carriage to see if you are being watched.
You notice in the crowd by the door someone holding a phone to their ear. Checking your phone, you confirm I’m still on the line. Your hand is pressing harder now, and your orgasm starts to hit you. Trembling, quivering, you bite your lip to stop yourself from crying out. Out of the corner of your eye, you spot the passenger on the phone by the door step away from the others. Only half concentrating, you register that he’s turned towards you.
Too far gone into your orgasm to stop it, but eager not to be spotted, you glance over at the guy on the phone. Then it dawns on you. That guy is me, looking straight at you! Eyes wide now, you cum, so hard, sat there on a train, looking deep into my eyes, and not another soul knows!
As the train comes to a standstill, your orgasm subsides. I hang up the call, move over to you, and without a word help you to your feet. Slowly, gingerly, you make your way off the train and on to the platform. Heading for the exit, our arms around each other, you have the biggest smile on your face. I look down into your eyes. “I love you darling,” I smile. Just as you are about to answer, your eyes grow even wider, as you spot two people walking towards us, talking on their phones! |