An account of my first ever encounter with a couple:
I got talking to Wendy one night on a phone chatline (back before the internet), and it wasn't until she'd invited me to visit the following night that she mentioned she was married, and asked if it would be OK for her husband George to watch!
That took me completely by surprise, as it was something totally new to me - I'd met a few married women, but not with their husbands present (or, as far as I knew, knowledge). I said I was alright with it, but added that I didn't know how I'd 'perform' as it would be a first for me. She was re-assuring, telling me I'd do just fine, that he only watched, and didn't get involved at all.
After heading up the M1 from Milton Keynes to Leeds I had trouble finding their place, and was half-an-hour late. I was greeted at the door by George, who said they'd just about given up on me - as I apologised, he let me in and asked me to keep things quiet, as they had a son asleep upstairs....
Entering the lounge, I saw Wendy sat in an armchair, bare legs tucked underneath her. A mid-30s, attractive blonde, she smiled and said hello, and I took a seat on the settee opposite. We all chatted for a few minutes, and they offered a cup of tea, which I declined - then George said that I hadn't come all that way just for tea and a chat, and turned on the TV and an obviously cued-up porn video....
Wendy got up and crossed the room to sit alongside me. She was wearing a short denim skirt and half-open loose white blouse, and I could see she had no bra underneath - and soon discovered no knickers under the skirt either! A woman was sucking a guy's cock on the video, and Wendy started stroking mine through my jeans, which she soon undid....
Within moments she had tugged my jeans and pants down, and was eagerly sucking my cock, which had sprung to life quickly at her touch. I was aware of George settling in the chair opposite which she had vacated, but soon forgot entirely that he was there, as she worked on my cock with her mouth, licking and sucking me to match the video....
After a few minutes of this attention, I knew I was going to cum, and muttered that to her, at which she simply sucked harder and wanked me faster, until I exploded in her mouth. She moaned in satisfaction as she gulped down my spunk, keeping my cock between her lips until I'd finished spurting, and then finally released it, and sat up grinning broadly....
At that point I became aware again of George's presence, as he asked her if I'd tasted good, and if I'd cum a lot, which she said I had, before taking off her blouse and skirt, laying back, legs spread wide, one foot up on the back of the settee, the other on the floor. I needed no further invitation, and shuffled round to bend down and lick at her pussy....
For what seemed like an age I ate her, licking, sucking and nibbling at her pussy and clit, while she moaned softly at my attention. Again, I forgot about George as I concentrated solely on Wendy's pleasure, until she grasped my head in her hands, pulling me into her, and squeezed her thighs tightly around me as she suddenly shuddered in silent orgasm....
Once more, I was reminded of George being there only because he spoke, saying how much she'd enjoyed it, and that she would also enjoy me fucking her. I was already re-erect, and staying laid back, Wendy reached down and pulled my cock straight into her pussy as I moved over her....
I fucked her slowly to start with, long, deep strokes, and felt her squeezing my cock each time it was fully inside her. Gradually I increased speed, and she breathed harder and faster as I thrust in and out, hooking her legs behind my knees, and grasping my shoulders with her hands, then held me very tight to stop me moving as she came again....
Wendy looked across at George, who was still in the armchair opposite, asked why he couldn't make her cum like that, and then smiled up at me and said that was why she had to have other men. Pushing me up, she told me to sit back, which I did, and she squatted over my thighs, put her arms around my neck, and slowly sat down on my cock....
She rode me for a few minutes, bucking up and down, before climbing off, turning around, and lowering herself back onto me, looking directly at George as she did so. I'd been watching him too as she'd ridden me, and he had sat motionless throughout, just watching as I fucked his wife, or, more accurately at that point, as she fucked me....
Feet on the floor, she slowly raised and lowered herself, letting my cock almost slip from her pussy before engulfing it again. After another few minutes she stood up completely, and moved to kneel on all fours on the floor, directly facing George. Taking the hint immediately, I moved to kneel behind her....
Wendy reached back between her legs and pulled my cock back into her in one easy movement, and groaned as I embedded it fully inside her. I began fucking her quite quickly, and she began pushing back against my forward thrusts, the room filling with the sound of my groin slapping against her buttocks, and of both of us breathing heavily....
I knew I couldn't hold out for too much longer, and sure enough, after another couple of minutes I felt myself coming, and made one last deep thrust into her and spurted hard. Wendy stifled a groan and squeezed my cock tightly as it pulsed inside her, and shuddered violently, pushing back and grinding herself hard against me in the process....
After we'd regained our breath, Wendy quietly thanked me for coming, kissed me on the cheek, gathered up her blouse and skirt, and left the room. As I got dressed, George also thanked me, and said he could tell Wendy had enjoyed it. Thanking him in turn as he showed me out, he said it wasn't anything to do with him, it was all Wendy's idea...  |