I could not believe what I was doing, I felt like a naughty teenager, just waiting for someone to bang on the door telling us to get out. The rush going through my body was amazing. Here I was in a toilet cubicle, in a bar, my knickers around my knees, pressed up against the toiler door snogging this lovely stranger, who I had only met a few moments ago.
Only hours earlier, I had been at home getting ready to go out. I wanted to look sexy but not trashy. It was my first time going to the bi-con annual convention and with it being so close to home, it was a great opportunity for me to go out and hang out with some friends and maybe even flirt a little with other ladies. With it being a convention I assumed that it was not an open sex party and so trashy would not be welcome. But even so any convention based around peoples sexual preferences had to have some element of sexiness about it, or so I was hoping.
I really had no idea and it could be quite boring, but still a good chance to hang out with some friends and have a few beers.
Of course my husband on hearing that I was going to a bisexual convention in Bradford, immediately thought it would be a bevy of sex starved girls and guys all raring to tear each other’s clothes off. But given that he was not bi and that we needed someone to stay at home to look after the kids, I let him have his little images of me in some wild sexual arena.
On the day in question, after dressing up in a sexy little black pencil skirt and a lovely figure hugging red top, I took hubby up stairs, gave him a little twirl, asking if he thought the outfit was suitable for a convention. His eyes, I could tell, were already stripping me and imaging me in some wild orgy. I quickly unzipped his jeans took his cock out and licked and sucked his cock. After he was fully erect, I reminded him of all those dirty fantasies he had imagined about me at bi con, and that if he was lucky I may have a sexy story to tell him later that night. But only if he was a good boy and did not touch his cock for the rest of the day. I tucked him back inside his pants, zipped him back up and then making sure I gave him a long wet kiss, left him at home to look after the kids like a dog in heat. Lol poor man.
After parking up in Bradford, I then went on to meet up with friends, we were going to go to, one or two talks. I was hoping to get some tips on flirting with women as it had been so long since I needed to flirt after 8 years of marriage, and I felt a few tips would not hurt when me and my hubby were to go swinging.
Before going to the more formal talks, me and my friends decided to have a drink, it was only midday but hey I don’t often get a chance to go out without the kids so who can blame me.
Growing up in Bradford we knew of a gay bar, which we frequented, when we were younger, which was a fun place to hang out, so we headed over there to catch up. The bar when we got there was very full; having a bi convention in town was probably like Christmas to this place. We eventually managed to get some drinks but given the wait I was desperate for the toilet by now.
The big problem with a busy bar is a busy queue for the toilets. I could not believe it and expressed so quite openly when I reached the line. The girl in front of me was off a similar opinion. “I know, I know it’s always the way for us girls, even in a gay bar the queue is still longer for us”.
I retorted with a comment about "with a bi convention being in town you think they could do something about the equality of toilet queues." As it so happened Casey (as I found out her name later on) was also here for the convention.
As we waited for our turn, she asked me about the convention and why I had come. She was a regular it turns out at the bi-con helping to run it whenever she could. I told her that I had felt a little out of practise with flirting and so I was really interested in that talk today, but other than that it was really a chance to catch up with old school friends from all over the country.
Casey was aware of the talk and said it had some good advice, but in the end it’s more about just getting out there and giving it ago. By this time we had managed to get inside the toilets and we were waiting for a cubicle to become available. Casey said it would probably save some time if we went in together, if I did not mind. Well I had done similar in the past with my friends who were waiting for me so when the next cubicle became available we both went in.
We continued to chat, about flirting and Casey asked why I wanted to flirt, seeing as I was wearing a wedding ring. I explained that yes I was married but we still liked to keep open minds and it would be nice to maybe have a kiss and a bit of fun with another woman.
As we were getting ready to leave, Casey came up to me and said flirting is fun but if it’s a kiss you are really after, why waste time flirting. At that point she leaned into me and kissed me softly on the lips. I was a bit taken aback, but it was soft and pleasant and there was little room for me to do anything else but stand there.
Casey’s hands held my face and our lips parted, I could feel my heart quicken and my nipples where already hardening. It had been a while since I had been set upon like this. She then started to kiss my neck and was firmly squeezing my breast with her right hand. I just closed my eyes and drank in the sensation of this woman over my body. I gently put my hand on her head to bring her lips back to mine kissing her more firmly, my tongue searching out hers. Taking this signal from me she pushed me back against the door and started to hitch my skirt up, she swiftly pulled my panties away and started to finger my clit.
Suddenly my mind flipped back to my poor hubby at home; little did he know what his wife was doing. He may have imagined this on our nights in bed, but general his expectations of the day where similar to mine, about it just being a chance to catch up with friends. My mind was quickly brought back to the present, as Casey vigorously rubbed my clit, our lips and tongues intertwined. I started moaning as the little bud was quickly flicked from side to side. This was no slow lesbian romance; it was a quick, rough and passionate snog. Almost as quickly as it had begun it was over. No more than a few minutes, but we had to stop otherwise I would have screamed the place down and everyone would have known what we were up to.
Given the length of the queue outside, it would not have been welcomed. I invited Casey to come back to my table and say hi to my friends.
Wow what a start to a convention and I’d only been there an hour.