By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
When I reached the top of the stairs, I could hear the ladies talking down the hall, so I headed towards the sound of their voices.
The bedroom door was slightly ajar, and when I looked through the gap I could see that they were talking sitting on a very large four poster bed. That will be perfect I thought to myself.
I opened the door, set the bowl of ice down on the bedside table, as well as the candle and silk wraps. Karen looked over at the items I put down and said “I see that you came prepared, hmmm this just got a whole lot more interesting”
“Would you like to go first Karen, show them how it’s done?”
“I thought you’d never ask” she said with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
I told them all to take off their dresses, which they immediately did, and then stood waiting for my next instruction. Just looking at their naked womanly beauty, was a sight to behold. All three of them different in shape, height, hair colour, complexion and age. All three stunning and awaiting my command. I was truly in my element.
Karen looked at me expectantly, having an idea I assumed of what was install.
“Karen would you mind lying down in the centre of the bed, on your back please”.
“Of course Master” She said with a subservient expression, and a slight pout.
Fuck she knew how to press my buttons.
Karen climed up onto the bed, and stretched the way a cat does when first waking up, god she looked incredible. The tanned colour of her skin, the natural beautiful curves of her body, the roundness of arse, teasing its way to her thighs and shapely legs, I was already throbbing in my jeans.
Once she was in the centre of the bed, lying on her back, I handed two of the long silk red wraps to Georgie, then passed two to Sasha.
I want you both to tie one end to each of her ankles and then to the corner post of the bed. Not too tight on her ankles please wrap them around four times before you tie them. Once you have done an ankle each I will check them. If I am satisfied with your handy work then you can proceed to tie them to the bed post. Ok ladies do your best.
Sasha and Georgie moved either side of the bed, watching their naked bodies as they moved was horny to say the least.
Karen looked at me expectantly, having an idea I assumed of what was install.
“Karen would you mind lying down in the centre of the bed, on your back please”.
“Of course Master” She said with a subservient expression, and a slight pout.
Fuck she knew how to press my buttons.
Karen climed up onto the bed, and stretched the way a cat does when first waking up, god she looked incredible. The tanned colour of her skin, the natural beautiful curves of her body, the roundness of arse, teasing its way to her thighs and shapely legs, I was already throbbing in my jeans.
Once she was in the centre of the bed, lying on her back, I handed two of the long silk red wraps to Georgie, then passed two to Sasha.
I want you both to tie one end to each of her ankles and then to the corner post of the bed. Not too tight on her ankles please wrap them around four times before you tie them. Once you have done an ankle each I will check them. If I am satisfied with your handy work then you can proceed to tie them to the bed post. Ok ladies do your best.
Sasha and Georgie moved either side of the bed, watching their naked bodies as they moved was horny to say the least.
Georgie approached the bed, and took up position by Karen’s left ankle, whilst Sasha moved to her right.
“You need to wrap Karen’s foot and ankle, four times before tying the other end to the bed post, like this”.
I moved towards Sasha, took the red silk tie from her trembling hands, and proceeded to show them what I meant.
I wrapped the silk, underneath Karen’s foot towards her heel, making sure not to get a single crease in the silk. This I did twice, to make sure it held in place, without having to use a knot, as the tying has to visually complement the part of the body it wraps, so it looks seamless to the skin. Only silk allows this art. I then wrapped around the top of Karen’s ankle, again twice, making sure that no crease was visible. Once done I then worked back to her foot, and back up to her ankle three more times. Karen was already heavily breathing, as were Georgie and Sasha. I positioned Karen’s ankle as close to the bed post as I could, showing my obedient helpers, exactly the position I expected Karen’s legs to be in.
I said to Georgie and Sasha, “This ladies is an art, and I expect to see the wraps exactly as I have demonstrated for you here”. “Karen’s legs need to be as far apart as possible, to her full stretch. Thus ensuing, when we look upon her naked body, and follow the contours of each leg. I want to see her tendons visible on the inside of her thighs, and as her thigh meets her hips, it will create a slight depression, which then rises to her pubic mound, if she is stretched to her limit. This will make her mound so pronounced, and the whole area will become extremely sensitive”’.
I unwrapped the silk from Karen’s ankle and handed it back to Sasha. “Ok ladies, your turn to emulate what I have just shown you”.
Georgie and Sasha tenderly took hold of Karen’s heels, and started to slowly wrap feet and ankles as I had shown them.
I looked at Karen’s pussy and already she was incredibly wet, a glistening sheen coated her outer lips, like a big-time summer dew sparkling in the moonlight. From the way her chest, was rising and falling, I could tell she wasn’t far away from her first orgasm, as they seamlessly performed the wrapping. I was very impressed with their work as neither of them had a single wrinkle in the silk, and they both felt very firm when I inspected them, after the final fourth wrap, which has to finish around the top of the foot not the ankle, otherwise you will cut off the circulation, which you must never do.
“Now move her legs apart, as far as possible, then tie the silk to the bed post, it has to be tight so there is no stretch or give in the silk, this will add to the sensitivity for her”. “Now wrap the silk around the post six times before, tying a knot, which must be on the outside of the bed post.
Both Georgie and Sasha did as instructed, using a standard bow knot. I would teach them how to tie different knots at a later date, but these would work well enough for now.
“Now I want you both to do exactly them same, with your next wraps, but on Karen’s hands”. “Around her palms twice, up over and around her wrist twice, then four further times, end back on her plams for the last one”. “Remember ladies, no creases”.
Both Georgie and Sasha repeated the process, both heavily breathing now the way Karen was.
The sexually charged atmosphere with in the room was intoxicating, none of them ever having experienced anything like this before, let alone so intimately involved. It was a moment to stop and appreciate, like watching the perfect Cherry blossom, take flight on a fresh spring breeze, it’s a vision you never forget.
“Well done again, no creases and they both look firm”. “Now this is where it’s slightly different in the tying of these wraps”. “I want you both to kneel on the floor, up here beside the bed, your going to pull the wrap around the top bed post, but not actually wrap it”. Because the tension will be achieved by me wrapping your hand nearest the bed post exactly as you have just done. That way you will both be in direct control of Karen’s arms, as well as having a hand free to play with Karen and yourselves, when I say you can”.
Sasha let out a small whimper of delight as she realised, the level of intricacy that was involved, and how each and everyone of us had a part to play is exploratory scene.
I then proceed to wrap both Sasha’s and Georgie’s hands that were nearest to the bed.
As I did so, I watched them both closely, their chests were rising and falling now to the same rythem as Karen’s. Without realising it, they were all now perfectly in sync with one another, which is exactly as I wanted them to be.
Karen’s sensuous tanned body was now perfectly spread out before us. The wraps as they are meant to do, complemented her form, appearing to be as seamless as her skin, the only way silk can achieve.
“Karen, do the wraps feel comfortable?”
“You mustn’t feel and numbness or tingling in your fingers or toes, you must tell me now if you do”.
“They feel so soft yet firm against my skin, I have no tingling or numbness in my fingers or toes Master”. Those words brought a smile to my lips, and. gasp of delight from both Georgie and Sasha.
“Sasha, Georgie, do your wraps feel comfortable and again no numbness in your fingers. “None Master” they said in unison.
“Now Karen, I want you to think of a safe word, something that has meaning to you”. “This word when spoken by you, will mean we will all instantly stop what we are doing, and it will signify that your session is over, is this understood?”
“Yes My Master”, “My Safe Word is MUMMY”
Very well, if you say your chosen word at any point over the next hour, we will all stop immediately”.
Changing then tone of my voice slightly deeper, and with an air of authority I said,
“Karen, it is now time for us to begin, are you ready to proceed?”
“Yes Master” she breathlessly replied. I could already see her body trembling, with anticipation, and so was Georgie’s and Sasha’s.
“Sasha, Georgie Make sure that you pull back in your wraps, enough to stretch Karen’s arms, to make her brests rise the same way her pubic mound does, that’s it perfect, keep the tension exactly like that”.
Now we begin”
I went over to the dressing table, where I had left the candle and the ice, which had started to melt, exactly as I wanted it.
I turned to Georgie and Sasha, “You May both play with Karen with your free hands if you wish, be as gentle of as hard as you wish to, it’s up to you?”
Georgie started to gently glide her fingertips from Karen’s wrist, down her arm, through the depression of her arm pit, which made her squirm against her bonds, (mental note taken) then down over her chest, stopping once to circle her now very hard, dark pointed nipple, down her side, up over her hip, towards her dark prominent mound, rising far above the rest of her silky tanned skin.
Whist Georgie was playing her side, to my complete surprise, Sasha was also playing, but not very gently, this one certainly needed to be watched.
Sasha started the same place as Georgie had, the top of Karen’s wrist, but with a definite difference. Where Georgie was gliding, Sasha was leaving lines on Karen’s skin with her nail marks. Every 3 or 4 inches, Sasha would stop, and pinch Karen’s skin, enough to leave a nail indent visible. Karen would pull hard on her wrap, every time, and Sasha would respond by leaning back on hers stretching Karen’s arm more. Karen was breathtaking the way she struggled against her bonds and the different stimulus she was experiencing from both girls. Georgie and Sasha were both breathing in unison with Karen, all there varied but perfect tits rising and falling together, was such an erotic spectacle. As Sasha scratched and pinched her way towards Karen’s nipple, and Georgie’s fingers rose up to meet her mound, all three of them began to moan.
Sasha’s fingers squeezed and pinched and pulled on Karen’s dark hard nipple, at exactly the same time Georgie’s fingers caressed their way down the front of Karen’s sopping pussy lips, lightly brushing her extremely swollen and prominent clit.
Karen pulled hard on her wraps, as her back arched raising her tits and pussy mound up towards me even more, the girls pulled on her wrist bonds, all which held her in place perfectly. With the culmination of Karen being at their complete mercy, controlling physically her restricted movements, was as I had hoped and catered for, they were all about to cum simultaneously.
Karen with her back arched, her head back as far as she was physically able let out a low almost growling sound as she started to cum. Georgie with her hand on Karen’s wet pussy also threw her own head back, as her whole body began to jerk. Sasha with a trembling hand pinching hard on a swollen nipple, fell forwards, when her lips came into contact with Karen’s heaving brest, she bit down with her teeth, literally propelling herself, Karen and Georgie into wave after wave of pure pleasure, that assaulted their nervous systems. The view was spectacular.
Hot liquid gushed from Karen’s pussy all over Georgie’s hand and out onto the sheets, fuck what a sight! To my amazement Georgie and Sasha bent over as they were, I could also see them squirt when they came. This was the ultimate in success for me.
Mrs Desuiter taught me as well as demonstrated, that if you can manipulate the scene and the sexual energy within any given situation, all women present, will naturally sync with each other, even down to when they climax and the type they experience as well.
It works exactly on the same principle as a household of ladies, all having their monthly cycle in unison. Here I was seeing for the second time in my life, exactly that. Only this time I wasn’t being guided, I was in control!
This was Karen’s moment, this was the start of her complete pleasure and pain experience, that would from this day forward, seal her to me and these two wonderful, exotic, delight ladies, always. Each and everyone of them would feel the same way once we were finished, and with Karen, we had only just begun.
As the girls were recovering from their first intense joint orgasm, I went over to the bowl of ice and selected a good sized ice cube.
I returned to the bed, and starting from the tip of Karen’s big toe on her left foot, I placed the ice cube against her skin.
Karen instantly jerked her foot back as I knew she would, and gasped.
“Do not pull away Karen, keep perfectly still and embrace this sensation”
I again placed the ice cube against her skin, this time she didn’t move. “Good girl”
I started to trace the contours of her toe, and then slowly moved the ice cube to her next toe, tracing it up and down each toe in turn, forcing them apart with the cold wet ice, all to gasps of delight from Karen.
Sasha and Georgie were now alert and recovered and were watching intently, as the ice cube slowly melted against the heat of Karen’s skin. After her toes I worked it up along the top of her foot towards her ankle, then down the side to the underneath of her foot, gliding over her skin, only for it to melt in my fingers against the arch of her foot.
I went to the bowl and retrieved three ice cubes, one I gave to Sasha the other to Georgie. “Do exactly and i have just done on her feet” both of them with a squeal of delight did as instructed.
With my cube, I walked to the top of the bed, and whilst watching Karen squirm in her bonds, I placed my ice cube against the centre of her forehead. She gasped as it made contact with her skin. I slowly worked it down between her eyes, over the bridge of her nose, and down to her mouth, where I traced her pouting lips, with the edge of the cube. The sensation of having ice on your feet as well as your face, is almost unbearable pleasure as the bodies nerves send messages to the brain, switching rapidly between the two. This tricks the brain to combine the sensation as one complete feeling, unable to distinguish between the two, which intensifies the experience.
I slowly traced the outline of Karen’s face, with the ice cube, down her neck and onto the top of her heavily rising and falling chest. The ice gliding across her skin, leaving slick cold trails of water behind it, causing goosebumps in its wake.
“Sasha, Georgie, move slowly up her legs, up to the top of her thighs but not further”
Both of them started to move up Karen’s legs, and watching Karen gasp and writhe against her bonds, I could clearly see the effects it was having on them both.
I trailed my ice towards her armpit, around then into the hollow, then back across the top of her chest to do the same the other side.
The girls were concentrating their combined efforts on the back of Karen’s knees, and then jointly moved up towards her thighs.
With Karen experiencing an almost sensory overload, moved down from the hollow of her armpit, gliding across her skin to her raised left nipple.
I circled her raised left brest, leaving a cold sheen on her tanned skin. I slowly moved the ice cube in ever decreasing circles, each 360 rotation, causing Karen to strain against her bonds, as her breathing quickened, and involuntary sounds passing over her lips. I blew across her body, sending cold shock waves across her skin, as more goosebumps appeared from the stimulus she was receiving.
I looked at Sasha and Georgie who were both working there way up Karens thighs.
“Glide up past her mound very slowly, and through the middle of the depression her hips have formed by being spread so much. Then slowly work your way up her past her belly button, towards her right nipple, and circle it the way I have been circling the left, but make you movements slow, and blow on her at your leisure”.
Both girls followed suit.
Sasha and Georgie were definitely enjoying themselves! The look of excitement on their faces, having Karen tied down and helpless on the bed, as they slowly circled her hard dark nipples with their ever decreasing ice cubes, was such a turn on. With my ice cube also melting, I left a wet trail down through the centre of her chest, circling her belly button once, as I slowly and agonisingly approached her dark haired prominent mound. I ran the ice through the middle of her pubic hair, heading straight for her swollen bud. As soon as the ice cube made contact, with such a sensitive part of her womanhood, I applied firm pressure, making Karen moan and buck against her bonds. With her breathing increasing rapidly I knew she wasn’t far away from cuming. Georgie and Sasha were blowing across Karen’s wet gleaming erect nipples, and the ice numbing the ends of my fingers as I kept the pressure on her clit was almost spent.
I had to get the timing of my next move down to perfection. I lent over to the dresser next to the bed, and lit one of the long red candles.
The ice under my fingers had almost gone, and Karen was physically shaking and thrashing on the bed, moaning and stretching her silk ties to their limit, as she had just reached the point where the ice cold pleasure, radiating from her clit and nipples was just starting to turn to pain.
This dramatic change, as Karen was now discovering takes place in a matter of seconds, and if not controlled, in a short space of time, could easily be mistaken for sadistic torture.
I watched intently as Karen’s moans started to turn to gasps of unexpected pain. With the ice now fully melted, it was time to apply the build up of hot red wax, to stem her discomfort and instantly heat and return warmth and feeling to her most delicate of places.
I signaled Georgie and Sasha to move their fingers from Karen’s nipples, as I lent forward with the candle blazing, and dripped one drop of wax onto each of her nipples. This has to be done from a height of at least 12 inches, in order for the wax to cool ever so slightly as it travels through the air, before landing on the desired area, with a slight hissing sound as it instantly goes hard. The first perfectly placed drop made Karen, scream half from pleasure and half from the shock of the feeling in her nipple instantly returning.
Before she could do anything I applied the hot wax to her other nipple, again listening to her involuntary moans and watching her writhe on the bed.
The final drops of wax I carefully dropped onto her frozen clit. This has to be dripped from a greater height, at least 18”, due to the sensitivity of the area and having so many neves concentrated in one place. This final application of hot wax I knew, would make Karen scream the loudest, as her frozen numb swollen bud, instantaneously came to life. Karen was about to experience her most intense and pleasurable climax of her adult life.
The reason for this is quite simple. With her most sensitive area being frozen to the point of uncomfortable painful numbness, its suddenly brought to life, by the simple application of the hot wax. It’s like going from 0 to 120mph instantly, with no warning. As I expected Karen’s whole body, seemed to lift off the bed as the wax landed perfectly onto her clit, covering it in a coating of now cooling red wax.
Karen screamed the sound of her voice intensely loud within the bedroom. But this scream was an animalistic primal scream of pure concentrated pleasure.
I held the candle flame about 3 inches from her dripping pussy lips, and as Karen’s body returned to the bed, as if falling from a great height, an eruption of cum squirted from her pussy, dousing the flame of my candle with an audible satisfying hiss.
Georgie and Sasha were both in a stunned state, after witnessing and hearing Karen’s reactions to the calculated applications of ice and hot wax she had just experienced.
I could clearly see the look on their faces, whilst still watching and listening to Karen cum,
Wondering which of them would be next.
Karens chest was still rapidly rising and falling, due to the rapid rate of her breathing. Her face was flushed, neck and chest, and her eyes were so wide, as she lay there, trying to recover.
I don’t think I will ever forget the look of shock, excitement, fear, wonder & lust that registered on Georgie’s and Sasha’s faces. Both knowing that one of them was next in line to experience the same treatment, or possibly something new.
I asked them both to carefully unwrap the silk bonds that still adorned Karen’s glistening, trembling body. “Make sure you rub massage her wrists and ankles once it’s removed”. Both of them instantly replied with “yes master”.
A slight smile flashed across the surface of my face, because from this moment on, I knew that I now had three incredibly beautiful, varied woman, who will submit to my will, in order to experience such pleasure that I was capable of giving them.
Sasha and Georgie removed the silk wraps around Karen’s wrists first, and started to massage the area they had sensually decorated. Karen gasped as pins and needles started to flood and buzz her lower arms. A feeling we all know too well, that makes you giggle and cringe at the same time. I have always enjoyed that feeling.
Karen still hadn’t spoken as yet, lying naked and beautiful on the bed. She was slowly coming back from a place she had never visited before in her life, a place where pleasure in its purest form floods the body entirely, whilst being rudely interrupted from the infrequent application of slight pain.
Karen finally moved her head and looked me directly in the eye, just as Sasha and Georgie started to work on the wraps on Karen’s ankles.
“How, how is it possible that a young man, and an innocent looking one at that, is even capable of doing to me, what you have just done!”
“Karen I don’t believe I have given you permission to speak, have I?”
“no master, sorry master”
“Considering your enlightening experience you have just had, I will let it pass on this occasion!”
“Thank you my master”
Turning to watch Georgie and Sasha massage Karen’s ankles and feet, both wondering which one was next, I decided to play another trump card to unbalance them both. After all a predictable master is a boring one.
“Thank you for helping me with Karen’s sexual enlightenment, I will look forward to enlightening you both at a time and place of my choosing!”
Neither Georgie or Sasha said a word back to me, which I noted and liked. They were both very fast learners, but I could clearly see the disappointment written all over there faces.
I then abruptly turned around and headed to the bedroom door. “When you ladies are ready, come and join me in the kitchen”.
“But don’t take too long”
With that I walked onto the landing, and headed downstairs to the kitchen.