By *abrina59 OP TV/TS
over a year ago
moved to cuckold land |
As We headed out into the lounge Sir & Mistress Fiona were waiting on us.
” Please both of you take a seat we need to discuss something.” Sir told us.
I looked at Sabrina as she looked at me , both looking slightly puzzled, wondering if we had done anything wrong.
Mistress Fiona sat down although Sir remained standing as he began to speak.
” Please just let me speak until Ive finished and just listen, then you can ask any questions at the end” he said now making me feel slightly worried by his demeanour, his expression and tone of his voice.
” You have both been on such a journey since that fateful night I found Evelyn in my hotel room. She was just so beautiful, so sexy and straight away I could see there was something inside you Evelyn that you were suppressing, From the looks, the way you were when I first mentioned that you would have to pay with your body if didn’t want me to report you. You do know If you had said no and walked out the door I would never had reported anything Evelyn.?” as he paused looking at me, not for a response, but just for my look that I understood.
“As that evening progressed I definetaly knew that you were hiding the true sexual self within, maybe scared to let it out, or no one had tried or managed to bring it out in you. That’s not a slight on you Sabrina” now looking towards Sabrina again just to see she understood also.
” You both should know that when I started to take Evelyn down the route of freeing her true self, that I never had any intention or any wish to break up your marriage. I can only ask that you both believe me on that. however the few times I met Dave, I knew there was something he was hiding also & when I came round unannounced one day and caught him dressed as Sabrina it then was very clear that you had both loved each other. but that love had caused you to sacrifice who you both really were and stay married.” Sir told us as I now held Sabrina’s hands in mine as we listened intently to everything Sir was saying.
“I wanted to be sure of Dave’s fem side of just how strong it really was and why Fiona went to visit with me the next time, and had told Dave to be fully dressed as Sabrina. Fiona definetaly has a better understanding and ability to spot and know any signs of the strength of someone having such a fem side to their make up” he smiled at Fiona as said this, not just a smile but definetaly a smile of true affection I was sure.
” At first Fiona took on Sabrina to help her both embrace her feminine side and also her submissive side, so that you could both hopefully remain married but accepting and supportive of each others true self”. Sir said as both me and Sabrina now had a slight look of surprise on our faces.
Then Sir continued ” However Fiona with her insight, well just her knack really of reading people a lot better than even me, realised that once Sabrina became more comfortable in herself , she actually showed more traits towards being a dominant than a submissive. Fiona believes that it was the constant suppression of Sabrina, that Dave showed signs of submissive behaviour”
Fiona interrupted Sir ” The more confidence you gained being Sabrina 24/7 the more you seemed to relax and your true dominant nature began to appear more & more” she told Sabrina.
Sir then spoke again “ And I have to say two things. Sabrina you have flourished and become such an accomplished Domme in a fairly short time, which a testament to you, but also it is a great testament to Fiona’s Skills and teaching that you are what you now are. An amazing Domme & woman” Sabrina blushed slightly at such praise.
He then continued ” And Evelyn, wow what can I say about your journey. I think the biggest compliment I can give you, Is that Im still not sure If I took you on a journey discovering the true whore within you, OR if it has been you who has taken me on a journey of discovery” pausing before all four of us gave a giggle at his statement.
” I have been blessed in my time to own two of the most incredible submissive women I think anywhere in the world” as he paused........... before adding “and they are both sat here with me tonight.”
I couldn’t stop myself ” NO FIONA!!!” I cried out. Sabrina also couldn’t stop the look of shock and disbelieve in her face also.
” Well I believe that Philip told you last weekend that only one other woman had managed take the same level and intensity of punishment before?. well that woman was Fiona.” again he paused to let us take this all in.
then he continued “But that is where you and Fiona differ Evelyn. It was immediately after that night that Fiona’s dominant side began to show and get stronger, whereas we have seen and observed, over the past week that your craving for such punishment and sexually, to give and receive pleasure, well if anything seems to be even stronger. If that was possible” he added with the signs of a smiley laugh.
“Now to the main reason for speaking to you both” Sir now looking serious once more and could tell by way me & Sabrina squeezed hands we were now nervous & worried slightly.
“Both me and Fiona have seen that even after everything you have both been through, you have always somehow retained that love for each other. Sabrina that was never more evident than after Evelyn’s punishment, how you really cared for her, helped her recover so well. Which is what a true Master or Mistress should do, with any sub they own, however Fiona told me she could see it more than that.” as Sir now smiled at Sabrina now.
“Therefore I have a question, which you both will require to give your consent to if you wish. If Either of you think No then please say so as it is extremely important that its what you both want Is that understood?2 Sir now asked us.
We both replied together with a “Yes Sir we understand”
” Okay well I would wish for Sabrina to take over ownership of you Evelyn and not just as Mistress & her submissive whore, but i would wish to know if you wish to be together as her wife also Evelyn & you too Sabrina.” Sir said then stopped speaking.
Both me & Sabrina sat in shock, just looking at each other until both smiling Sabrina through her arms around me and hugged and kissed me to which I so responded to kissing her passionately now.
Then breaking our kisses Sabrina looked at me ” yes I would so love that Evelyn, Ive never stopped loving you and I love the woman you have become, gorgeous , sexy & so confident in your sexuality and what you need”
I just flung my arms around Sabrina’s neck saying “Yes, Yes, Yes”.
After a few minutes of this it was Sabrina who broke away and turning to Sir spoke concerned now ” But Sir how can I give Evelyn what she so needs, I don’t have ways I can arrange such things as you have for her & could that not cause a problem between us if I can’t ?” she asked him.
” you def have taught him well Fiona” Sir said to her.
Fiona replied with a smile ” well she was such a wonderful pupil, a star I would say”
” we thought of that Sabrina, and some of it selfishly for me & Fiona ” again giving out a laugh.
“whilst control of anything would be in your hands, We both would ensure that we invite you to anything we plan in the future. We will ensure you are introduced to everyone who matters so that you can begin build up your own network of people and events that will allow you to satisfy your little whores craving in future” again laughing as said this.
” The selfish part is that both me and Fiona would wish to remain good friends with you both and watch you flourish both as a Mistress & submissive whore, but also as a couple and as friends, If that okay with you two” he said.
Me , Sabrina & Fiona all stood up now and hugged and kissed each other so happy as a group.
Once the hugging stopped was my turn speak ” Sir may i ask something”
” Yes of course Evelyn” he said.
Holding Sabrina’s hands I said “I would wish us to renew our vows, now as wife & wife” Looking at Sabrina who nodded and said ” yes me too Evelyn”
” And I would like you to give me away at the ceremony, like you handing over ownership from you to Sabrina. And Fiona I’d be honoured if you would give Sabrina away to me too” and waited for the response.
Sir & Fiona hugged each other before replying ” Evelyn I think that is a wonderful idea and Yes both me and Fiona would be so happy, and honoured to do so ” as we all hugged now as a group.
when we broke up Sir spoke once more. ” Oh one last thing and fits in perfectly now too” I look at sir quizzically now
“I hope you don’t mind but We secretly put your old house up for sale pending the outcome of today and were going to give you a present of a new house. Which perfect as now will be as a wedding present
This new house will have everything you both need to live a 24/7 Mistress/Submissive whore lifestyle, including it’s own dungeon & room to entertain as you wish” Sir told us.
” OMG REALLY” I exclaimed in shock as Sabrina hugged Fiona, thanking her for everything she had done for her.
My thoughts in my mind, were that I had never felt happier in my entire life as I did now. But those thoughts were overtaken by the thought now that I had a ceremony to renew our vows to plan LOL.
To all those people who have stuck with my story through the long journey I thank you.
I thank you for all the wonderful comments and messages of support and encouragement to keep going.
I hope you have enjoyed reading it, just as much as I have enjoyed writing the story.
This was my first venture in writing a story for the Fab story forum & hope you will forgiven me for any spelling & Grammar mistakes I may have made along the way.
I will take a break from writing at moment and recharge my batteries lol and hopefully have time to read all the other wonderful stories people take time to write and entertain us on here with.
However I do have a couple of stories I wrote years ago for an erotic story site which i will likely now post here. |