By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Jill opened her eyes & the room slowly came back into focus. A group of people were watching from the doorway & even more people were watching through the 1 way window. Jill blushed. Rachel scurried over & helped her friend from the table, pausing to thank Mistress R & her sub before vanishing through the crowd to the nearby locker room. Peter followed, taking the locker key from Rachel, he headed upstairs to collect the girl's belongings.
Jill looked at her reflection in the mirror, her flushed face gazed back at her, she smiled. A brunette head appeared in the reflection beside her, "Come on, slow coach, let's get you cleaned up & back out there. There's loads of guys dying to meet you." Rachel tossed her friend a towel & set the shower running, Jill scooped up her hair, wrapping the towel around it, she stepped into the steamy torrent.
Rachel sat on a stool by a mirror & looked at her reflection, her hair was a tangled mess & her lipstick non existent, silvery trails of dried cum decorated her cheeks. Most of her scarlet lipstick now decorated the base of Peter's cock. She blushed at the thought, remembering how his cock felt in her mouth, so hard from the added stimulation the scene in the dungeon had caused. She couldn't wait to have him inside her again. But she knew she'd have to earn that right.
A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, Peter stood in the door, entering quickly & closing the door behind him. In his hands, he held the girl's clothes, still as neatly folded as Rachel had left them. Peter heard a gasp, turned swiftly around, to see Jill exiting the shower. Her gasp turned into a smile, seeing her belonging in his hand, 'Sorry, did I startle you? I'll put your things in a locker down here for you. There's a stack of towelling robes in the basket there," he indicated to a large laundry basket in the corner of the room. "Help yourself to one & I'll meet you in the Red room at the end of the corridor when you're both ready."
Make-up reapplied & hair styled back into a degree of calm, the girls once again went in search of Peter, Jill wearing just a white towelling robe & Rachel in her red undies. As the girls walk along the corridor, Jill paused by the dungeon room window. Mistress R was still there with her sub, another girl was sat astride his head, but now there was a wand vibrating away beneath the cock cage, his body shaking as he fought the urge to cum. Mistress R stood by his side, crop in hand, ready to punish any misdemeanours.
The girls continued along the corridor, finally reaching the end where Peter waited, chatting with a small group of guys. Taller than the guys around him, he radiated an air of authority, even in his state of undress. He paused his conversation as the girls arrived at his side. "So Jill, what else can we offer as entertainment tonight?" Jill shrugged, "I think Drew & his friends would like to entertain you for a while, if you'd like?" Jill looked at the guys, a good looking bunch, she thought, a glance downwards confirmed they were definitely eager for her to say yes. Jill nodded, "In here then," Peter guided her into the very last room on the corridor. This must be the Red room he mentioned earlier, thought Jill. The whole room was painted in shades of red, from vivid scarlet to deep, almost plum colours. A huge quarter circle bed filled the corner, with room for a large group of people, a mirror above reflected the red walls along with the occupants of the bed. Instead of a voyeur's window, a window shaped section of wall was missing, making a perfect viewpoint for spectators, but in this room you could actually see who watched you too.
Drew & his friends entered the room, Jill followed, beckoning Rachel & Peter to join her. Peter settled in a comfortable chair by the bed, indicating for Rachel to kneel by his feet, his hand caressing her hair, her cheek rested against his leg. Jill removed the towelling robe, revealing her nakedness beneath, tossing it onto an empty chair before turning to face the guys. The guys were inelegantly removing their boxer shorts, hard cocks springing free of their fabric prisons & a selection of condoms were placed on a nearly table. Jill gulped at the array, there did seem to be an excessive amount.
Jill stood silently in the centre of the room, naked, unsure of what to do next. Her eyes were on the selection of cocks on display, various sizes & girths, but all rock hard & pointing her way. She smiled. Drew seemed to be the leader & was the first to step forward, waiting for a nod of approval from Jill before reaching out to touch her breasts. His hands were soft, but his touch was firm & arousing, cupping the pliant flesh before skimming over to her nipples. His head followed, kissing the soft skin & engulfing their hardened pink tips with his mouth. Jill closed her eyes & shuddered.
Another pair of hands joined the first, this pair started by cupping her ass cheeks, moving around to her hips & heading down to the juncture of the thighs, as his mouth kissed it's way up her spine to her ear. "Hi, I'm Stuart ." he whispered, "I think we're gonna have some fun this evening." A hard cock was now pressed against her lower back, it's sticky ooze covering her skin. The fingers found her already wet, "Oh yes, you're so ready to be fucked." Jill nodded in agreement, "Yes please, I really need your hard cock. Fuck me," there was nothing more she wanted at that moment than to be filled with hard cock.
Stuart tapped Drew on the arm & pointed at the bed, "Let's get her on there, there's plenty of room for us all. I really need to get this inside her." While Jill made herself comfortable on the bed, the other 2 guys quickly introduced themselves, Andy & George seemed shier then the others but eagerly followed their lead. A handful of condoms were deposited on the bed & Stuart efficiently rolled one down his stiff cock before entering Jill's tight pussy with a groan, she felt so good. Drew & George took a breast each, a mixture of tongue & teeth making Jill wriggle. Turning her head towards him, Andy slowly fed his cock into Jill's hot & welcoming mouth, matching his rhythm to the cock in her pussy. Adjusting his position, Drew placed Jill's hand on his cock, George followed his lead & Jill was soon sliding her hand along their hard cocks.
Rachel sat patiently by Peter's feet, watching her friend getting fucked in turn by the 4 guys, the pile of used condoms grew bigger, as they changed places once more. The guys had filled at least one condom with their cum, but a few minutes in Jill's hands & mouth revived them to continue. The room smelled of sex, Jill's thighs were soaking with the juice running from her pussy, adding to the already heady scent in the room, as Jill shuddered to yet another explosive orgasm. Rachel was amazed by the sight, she hadn't realised he friend had such a high capacity for sex.
Peter's hand on her shoulder startled Rachel from the thoughts of her friend, "I think it's time for your friend to be "baptised" into the Blue Light Club family." Rachel nodded," I think she'll fit in here perfectly. Do you want to gather everyone together?" Rachel rose to her feet & wandered over to the door, her eyes not leaving the mass of bodies on the bed. By the light switch was an extra button, shielded from stray hands by a clear plastic flap, the words "CALL" in white lettering made an obscure addition. Rachel lifted the flap & firmly pressed the button, the watching crowd grew more excited, "Baptism," the crowd murmured, hands rubbing cocks even harder, preparing for the call to action.
A red light flashed behind the bar, Anna smiled, she loved watching a the new girl getting baptised. She grabbed a bag from under the bar & scurried over to the main door, sticking her head through, "Jim, lock up & come upstairs, it's baptism time." Jim smiled, he was hoping for a baptism tonight, he rubbed his hand over the huge bulge at his groin, he was definitely ready. Shutting & locking the doors seemed to take forever but he knew the boss wouldn't start without him, it wasn't the best paid job but it had it's perks.
Jim followed Anna upstairs & along the crowded corridor. He counted about 20 guys, all ready to assist in the welcoming of a new club member. A group of ladies, including Mistress R with her sub kneeling at her feet, stood by the viewing point, eager to watch the proceedings. As the guys paused, ready to change places, Peter signalled to Drew to stop. Drew frowned, but then noticed Anna clutching the bag. "Stop now, guys. We're gonna welcome Jill to the club in the traditional way."
A bemused Jill sat up on the bed, naked, unsure of why the guys had stopped or what was about to happen. "Peter, why have they stopped? I just need to be fucked. Please....?" Peter stood up & walked over to the bed, "Don't be worried, it's just time your official club initiation. I'm sure from what I've seen so far tonight, you'll pass with flying colours. Are you ready to join the Blue Light Club family?" Jill nodded, "Yes, this place is perfect." "Good. This won't take long."
It looked like everyone in the club had gathered at the Red room, even Anna & Jim were even there. Anna pulled a plastic sheet from the bag, opened it up & spread it in the floor, assisted by Jim. Jill frowned, looking to her friend & Peter for some kind of explanation. "Kneel on the sheet & face the window," instructed Peter, "Hands behind your back & mouth open at all times." Peter turned to the waiting crowd, "This is Jill & she wants to be a full time member of the Blue Light Club. Who wants to be the first person to welcome her?"
Drew stepped forward, "Master Peter, can I have the honour?" "Of course," Peter stepped back & Drew stepped forward. Jill looked up at him, mouth agape, watching as he stroked his hard cock, waiting for the inevitable stream of cum but still gasped as the sticky mess hit her upturned face. Fighting the urge to move her hands to scoop the delicious deposit into her mouth, she used her tongue to remove as much as she could.
As Drew stepped away, two more cocks took his place, it was the guys she'd fucked upstairs & she realised she didn't even know their names. They quickly spurting over her face & filled her open mouth. Struggling to swallow the copious liquid, she realised she was now surrounded, a sea of cocks filled her vision. One by one the guys left their loads on her upturned face, it dripped from her chin onto her breasts, trickling down to her tummy. Jim the doorman was the last guy to deposit his huge load, ignoring her face & covering her pert breasts instead, Jill sighed, this night would change her life forever & she'd never forget it........
Rachel had the Monday morning blues, she sat at her computer & though her eyes appeared focused on the words displayed there, her mind had drifted off elsewhere. She was so horny & really needed a good hard fucking. Absentmindedly her hand drifted up to her throat, to the metal band that encircled it, her fingers toying with the engraved disc hanging there. She smiled. The mobile phone on her desk buzzed into life, her hand automatically reaching to silence it, her finger accepting the call with barely glance at the screen. "Hi, it's Rachel," "Who owns you, sub?" a male voice asked. "You do, Sir," "Good. I've a task for you. Membership numbers have dropped at my club & the guys are saying there's not enough single girls there. Your task is to find new female members, bring them to the club & introduce them to the scene. Your task will be considered successful when each one get fucked by a total stranger & begs for more. If the girl you bring leaves untouched, you will be punished for your bad choice, for each successful introduction, you will receive a reward. Do you accept the challenge?" " Yes Sir." " Good girl, I'll see you Saturday night with your first choice, don't be late." The phone fell silent in her hand as he ended the call.
Rachel looked at the phone screen, his name still glowing on the screen, Master Peter. Rachel smiled, reached into her bag & pulled out her phone book - who would she take first.....?