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I'm going magaluf 5th May found this story!!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Trying to fight off the temptation to fall asleep, my tiredness was interrupted by the electronic shrill noise of the announcement "Easy Jet Flight number EZY8621 to Palma Majorca is now ready for boarding. Please approach the boarding gates with your passport and boarding card. We wish you a safe and happy flight and an enjoyable holiday."

My holiday was about to start!

It was 5.30am at Gatwick airport. We had been here since just after 2.00am in the morning and I was exhausted, but incredibly excited. This was my first holiday without my parents and I was going to one of the flesh pots and sin cities of Europe. Magaluf, also known as Shag a Luf.

I was no innocent virgin, but neither at 19 years of age was I a total whore. I was curious as to what the next week would bring.

"Come on Elaine, let's go." My thoughts were disturbed by my best friend and travel companion Sue who was, like me, 19 and about to enjoy her first holiday without her parents.

Looking around us as we joined the queue to board the plane, unsurprisingly, most of the other would be holiday makers were similar to us. An equal mix of guys and girls, aged from our age to mid to late 20's all intending to have a good time and making the best of the cheap food and drink, the good weather and the party atmosphere of Magaluf. Some were in pairs like us, some in bigger groups. One group looked like they were on a stag do. I wondered what the bride to be would be thinking of her fiancé going to Magaluf and the sexual antics that it was renowned for.

Good natured flirting had already started with banter going back and forth between the groups of holiday makers. Some of the guys in particular had clearly been enjoying a few drinks before boarding the plane and would I assume be totally off their face all holiday.

Sue and I were soon on the plane and I shut my eyes as we roared down the runway thinking what the week ahead had in store. My intention was to have fun, some drinks, not get hurt and come home with a nice sun tan. Sue and I had booked up the holiday very much last minute. We had both spilt up from our boyfriends within a week or so of each other and decided some girl time on holiday was required.

I smiled inwardly as I thought of Ross, my ex, who I had caught in bed with one of my so called friends. He had his head stuck between her legs and by the sound of things had been there some time as she was on the brink of cumming as I interrupted their activities.

My thoughts and dreams were interrupted by Sue nudging me awake.

"Elaine look at them!" she exclaimed pointing at the couple in the seats across the aisle from us.

"Talk about needing to get a room!"

The subject of her intrigue was a couple engrossed in a seriously passionate kiss, her sitting on his lap with his hands under her skimpy top massaging her breasts. Even above the roar of the jet engines and the general noise in the plan her moans of appreciation could be heard by people like us sitting near them.

"Welcome to Magaluf Sue," I said smiling. "Just imagine what we might see there!"

"Or experience," she said with a saucy smile.

Sue, like me was no innocent virgin but had probably had a few more experiences to reminisce about than I did. I lost my virginity just the right side of the legal age of consent to a boy I had dated for over 6 months. We split up a few months later. I then had a few, maybe 3 or 4, one night stands before starting a couple of more serious relationships, the last one to Ross.

The antics of the couple were stopped by the flight attendant who advised them, very nicely, that the captain had turned on the seatbelt signs and asked that all passengers return to their seats. I just caught sight of the guy removing his hands from under her shirt and the hard nipples poking through the shirt material. They tried to continue their performance sitting side by side, but soon gave up as the constraints of the seats and seatbelts hindered their wished for activity.

The plane landed without incident and we were soon disembarking, passing effortlessly through customs and looking for the coaches to transfer us to our various hotels.

Sue and I ended up sharing a minibus with 3 guys, about the same age as us, who were also enjoying their first holiday without parents. Not a lot was said on the short journey to our hotel but after checking in, one of them said to us that he hoped to see us around later and asked if we had any plans.

"No," I answered. "Some catch up sleep by the pool is my first request."

"Sounds like a good idea," he answered stifling a yawn. "My name is Mike by the way. This is Ed and he is Sam," pointing to the third guy still checking in."

"Hi, I'm Elaine and this is Sue. See you later then."

We picked up our bags and headed to our room. We made short work of unpacking, having a refreshing shower and were soon in our newly bought skimpy bikinis enjoying our first drink by the pool.

"There are worse ways of spending time," Sue said as she shielded her eyes from the sun watching some guys splashing around in the pool.

They had visibly been here some time judging by their burnt shoulders.

We were soon splashed by one of the guys.

"Come on girls, join us in the pool, we don't bite!" one shouted.

"Well I do, but nicely!" added another.

"Maybe in a bit," I shouted back. "We have only just got here and are unwinding."

"I know a nicer way of unwinding," the first one shouted back saucily.

"We'll bear that in mind" Sue replied. "But not just now. Thanks."

The lads continued the fun in the pool and were soon joined by a group of girls.

We smiled as within seconds various bikini tops had been removed and were being thrown around amongst the lads amongst the squeals of fake, we assumed, anger.

Despite the noise I was soon starting to drift off, my lack of sleep catching up on me.

I don't know how long I had been asleep but I was awoken by some cold water being dripped on my hot stomach.

"Wake up sleepy head, this town never sleeps!"

I looked up to see Mike looking down at me smiling. "Oh hi, it's you."

"Yeah, the other guys are swimming with Sue, or trying to as there seems to be a full on game of hide the bikini top going on at the moment."

"What, Sue's?"

"No," he laughed. "Well not yet."

"Oh, Ok I am sure she can look after herself," I said sitting up.

"Can I sit down?" Mike asked.

"Sure," I said moving my legs to give him some room on the sunbed.

"We were planning on hitting the strip early, about 8.00 tonight as it's our first night and wondered if you and Sue would like to join us? Grab something to eat and few drinks and then see what's what. Either party till dawn or crash out as we all missed a night's sleep. What do you say?"

"I think that sounds like a plan."

We were soon joined by Sue, still with bikini top in place and the two other guys. I did a quick check and all three of them looked fit in their swimming shorts and I could see that Sue and I were also being given the once over.

With arrangements made and agreed, the lads went off to cause more havoc in the pool as Sue and I continued dozing and topping up our tan.

As agreed, we met the lads in the hotel reception at 8.00pm. Sue and I were wearing short summer skirts and vests, the lads were looking smart in polo shirts and tailored shorts. We walked along the road hand in hand; Mike in the middle, Sue and I on either side of him and the other two on the outside, Ed holding my hand and Sam holding Sue's.

We called in at one of the first bar / restaurants, sat outside on their terrace and ordered sausage and chips, wondering if this was soon to become our staple diet, and a round of beers.

The second round of beers was soon ordered as we got to know each other a bit better. The lads were all 20, came from just outside London and were all single. Mike had recently split up from a long term relationship when she emigrated with her parents. The other two making fun of his seriousness and maturity as they boasted of their singleness and of being stud material.

As the third round of beers arrived, I caught Sam taking a sneaky look down the top of my vest as I stood up to get my bottle that had been placed in the middle of the table.

I didn't say anything but smiled at him as I sat down. He knew he had been caught but that I wasn't offended.

Ed was not as restrained, laughing out "Come on Sue bend down a bit more!" as she stood up and leant over to get her beer.

"Hey!" she said smiling, "it's rude to look!"

"Well if I can't look, can I feel them?" Ed retorted to much laughter from all of us, Sue included.

"And I thought you were a nice boy," Sue said looking flirtingly at him.

"No that's me," Sam said.

The banter continued as yet another round of beers arrived.

"Oh God," Mike groaned. "I have to break the seal, the fatal first. I need a wee."

"Want Sue or Elaine to hold it and shake it Mike?" Ed shouted.

"Yes, but not right now!" Mike quickly replied to much mirth as he headed off to the loo.

Ed and Sam had the same problem and soon joined him. The three of them were soon back.

"Fucking hell, excuse my language," exclaimed Sam. "You should see what's going on in there," pointing to the inside of the bar.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I have never seen anything like it," Ed answered. "It's supposed to be a wet tee shirt competition but the girls don't seem to be wearing any tee-shirts, just dancing naked being hosed down with a hose pipe."

"Oh My God!" exclaimed Sue. "Let's go in and see!"

We picked up our bottles and went into the bar. All our senses were then immediately hit by a wall of noise coming from music and shouting, flashing lights and the smell of booze.

Sam led us to the side where there was a platform with 6 girls dancing and cavorting naked, much as he described, as a bored looking man in a bar tee shirt proclaiming him as "staff" squirted water at them Another guy with a microphone fought a battle with the music to encourage them to kiss each other and rub their boobs and pussy's.

We couldn't talk to each other as the noise was so loud, but soon the guy with the microphone was asking for applause as the girls were led off the platform, picking up their discarded clothing as they did so.

"Come on; let's have some more girls on stage. Free drinks for all participants!" shouted the man with the mic.

"Go on, Sue, go on Elaine!" shouted Sam.

We both looked at each other and laughed.

"In your dreams Sam!" I shouted back.

Soon 6 more girls were on the platform and what started as a wet tee shirt competition soon ended in a wet strip show.

We all moved on as we heard a gigantic cheer come from the other side of bar. Wanting to know what the noise was all about, we soon found out. A topless girl was on her knees, surrounded by 10 guys with their dicks out. She went round sucking each one for a few seconds before moving on to the next one.

"Come on darling!" encouraged another man with a mic. "10 blow jobs in a minute and you get a free holiday!"

The minute was soon up, and one guy had yet to receive the benefit of a few seconds suck!

"Tough luck darling!" yelled the mic guy. "Better luck next time!"

She was helped up and handed her top, only to be replaced by another girl. She was told to remove her top and started the same process, completing the act with seconds to spare.

Loud cheers and clapping ensued as she stood up and put her top back on.

"And her is your free holiday!" the man with the mic said amid much laughter, handing her a cocktail. "The cocktail is called holiday! You didn't expect to...you did didn't you?" he said as the girl realised what she had subjected herself to.

"Come on let's go somewhere else!" shouted Mike.

We all agreed and followed him out of the bar.

"Jesus, I couldn't believe my eyes," I said as we left the bar and the noise reduced so we didn't have to shout to make ourselves heard.

"So where next?" Ed asked.

"I don't know, but I am sorry to say I'm going to have one for the road and then turn in, I am exhausted," I said. "I will never last the week otherwise."

"Oh Elaine, don't be a spoil sport," whined Sue.

"I'm sorry, you stay out, and these guys will look after you and have a good time."

"Oh OK," Sue said a bit reluctantly as we went into another bar.

The beers were soon finished and I made my good byes, chastely kissing the guys on their cheeks as I bade them goodbye.

"Look, I'll walk you back to the hotel," Mike said as I went to leave.

"No, it's fine. I will be OK; you stay here and enjoy the rest of the night."

"I insist," he said forcefully as he took my hand.

"Ok masterful one!" If the truth be known I was a bit concerned about walking back on my own.

I said my good nights again as we walked out of the bar. He didn't let go of my hand and I felt very comfortable as we made small talk while walking through the busy strip back to our hotel.

"I know you said that was your nightcap, but could I persuade you to have one more, just you and me?" Mike said as we approached the hotel.

I looked at him, "Ok, on one condition."

"Which is?"

"We have it in the pool, I need to cool off or have a shower!"

"Done, get your costume and I'll see you in the pool."

I quickly got to my room and changed, returning to the pool to see Mike standing in the pool with two beers in front of him.

"Thanks," I said as he handed me one.

We crashed bottle. "Cheers," we said together.

"We stood with our backs to the pool edge admiring the distant lights and enjoying the quietness after the madness of the strip.

There was another couple in the pool opposite to us. They were oblivious to what was going on as they were entwined and passionately kissing.

"They look like they are having fun," I said.

"Are you?"

"Having fun?"


"Yes I am, thanks," I said as I leant over and gave him a kiss on the lips. "Very much."

"Good, so am I," as he kissed me back, his lips lingering a bit longer on mine.

We looked at each other and there was a silent acknowledgment of what would happen next.

Mike put his beer bottle on the side and took mine out of my hand and placed it next to his. Moving around in front of me I felt his hands go around me as he pulled me close for a hug, swiftly followed by him looking deep in my eyes as he tilted his head and came in for a kiss.

I felt his tongue open my lips and we were soon in a deep passionate kiss as our tongues fought and he held me oh so tight.

I meanwhile was running my hands over his back as our kiss continued, moaning into his mouth as I grew more and more aroused.

Stopping to draw breath, Mike continued to hold me, now running his hands over my back from the top of my bikini bottoms, up and over the bikini top straps.

"I've wanted to do that since I saw you at reception," he said quietly.

"I bet you say that to all the girls," I replied.

"True," he laughed, "But you were today's girl!"

I playfully splashed him after which he resumed probably the most passionate kiss I had ever had. Boy, Mike knew how to kiss.

Breaking again to regain our breath I asked: "So what else did you want to do since you saw me at reception?"

Mike laughed as he replied, "well it's very rude, very nice and probably something best not done in a public swimming pool."

"I am intrigued. So should you show me in your room or mine?"

"Which one is closer?" he smiled.

"Yours, so let's go so the other couple can have the pool to themselves."

Mike and I looked over and while I couldn't be certain I was sure they were actually having sex in the pool.

"I don't think we bothered them!" Mike said as he helped me out of the pool.

We picked up some towels, dried ourselves and walked hand in hand to his room.

Once in the room, I was engulfed in his giant hug as we continued the kissing I had enjoyed in the pool.

In the sanctuary of his room I felt him stroke my body with one hand and he held me tight with the other. As he exploring hand roamed my back I felt my bikini bra strap being undone. We broke the kiss as I stepped back and removed it, allowing Mike to see my 34B breasts for the first time.

"Oh my god, "he sighed as he gently reached out and cupped them, running his thumbs over the hardening dark pink nipples.

Lowering his head, Mike took one nipple between his lips before taking as much of my boob in his mouth as he could and sucked gently, then a bit harder, then harder still until I indicated that it was a bit too much.

Mike led me towards his bed and I got to see his growing erection in his trucks.

"Shall we remove these", I said as I gently reached out and touched the waist band.

He nodded.

Carefully I slipped the trunks down and as he stepped out of them I got to see his prick in all its glory.

I gently touched it and got on my knees and as I stroked it, marvelling at how it got harder, I licked the end, tasting his wetness and hearing him take a sharp breath.

"Oh God Elaine, yes!"

Needing no encouragement I took as much of his hard prick in my mouth as I could, licked and sucked him as best as I could. His moaning and the fact that he started thrusting, fucking my mouth, indicated he was enjoying my attention.

"Elaine, I won't last long if you keep doing that!" Mike whispered.

I stopped and stood up, dirtily wiping my mouth that was covered in my saliva and his wetness.

He held me tight again and kissed me, if possibly, even more passionately than before.

I felt his hand wonder down my back and into my bikini bottoms, feeling his fingers go down the crack of my bum, approaching my pussy, which was now aching for attention.

We broke off our kiss.

"I think it's time you lost these," Mike said softly as he undid the ties of my bikini bottoms and dropped them to the floor.

He pushed me onto the bed and knelt down to see my sex for the first time. Freshly waxed, there was not a hair there.

"Oh sweet Jesus, that is beautiful," he sighed as he gently opened my legs. I felt him gently open me up and his finger easily slid along my soaking wet crack. He slowly slid a finger in me as he lent forward and licked my hardening clit.

One finger was joined by another as the finger fucking quickened and his licking of my clit continued. He was as good at oral sex as he was at kissing and I knew that I would soon cum. Sensing that, he was soon looking for my G spot, something I had found myself but lovers had not yet found. That was it, that set the orgasm off and I was soon exploding as my muscles tightly grasped his fingers in my slick pussy and I had to stop him licking my oh so sensitive clit.

He slowly withdrew his fingers as my orgasm subsided.

"Ok?" he whispered as he joined me on the bed, gently kissing me. I could taste myself on him as he let me climb down from the peak and regain my breath.

"Yes, I am. You are very naughty making a girl cum like that. You could spoil her for life!"

Mike smiled in a self-satisfied glow.

I reached out and found his hard cock, feeling it harden even more as I gently stroked it.

"Mike, I hate to be practical, but I do hope you have a condom?"

"I do, but it won't be needed if you keep doing that!"

I laughed as he got off the bed, soon returning ripping the top off the packet and putting the condom on his prick.

Lying down beside me, he then slid on top of me and I instinctively opened my legs. Hoisting himself up, I felt for his hardness and guided it into my pussy, holding my breath as I felt it slide all the way in.

"Oh yes Mike, fuck me!" I implored, as I felt him withdraw, then renter and started to build constant thrusting.

Lifting my bum, I tried to match him.

"Oh Mike, I am going to cum again!"

"Good, I can't last long, sorry!" he cried as I felt his thrusting get faster and more urgent.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Page 2

Oh Jesus! I'm cumming," he shouted as he froze deep inside me.

At exactly the same time, my second orgasm consumed all my thoughts and feelings and I too cried out.

Mike withdrew, triggering another mini orgasm deep inside me. He lay on his back beside me, holding my hand as we regained out breath.

With our breathing back under control, Mike leant over and gave me a chaste kiss.

"Goodnight Elaine."

"Goodnight Mike,"

Within seconds we were both asleep, enjoying the post coital feeling of total relaxation.

Sometime in the night, I thought I heard something and awoke. There was nothing but I pulled the sheet over Mike and I and quickly went back to sleep.

I woke again to feel a hard cock resting between the cheeks of my bum.

Mike's morning glory was on full show, as he lay on his side nestled into me.

I quickly got up wrapping the sheet around my nudity and remembered where I was and with whom as Mike stirred and awoke.

"Oh God I need a pee!" he exclaimed, bolting out of the bed.

"Oh I thought that was in my honour!" I laughed.

He soon returned. "Well it wouldn't take long to resume interest." as he pointed to his now flaccid prick.

"It's the way you sell yourself Mike. Maybe another time, but now I had better go and return to Sue. I wonder where Sam and Ed are?"

"Well," Mike said as he looked at the clock saying it was 8.00am, "they are probably on their way home about now."

"Can I borrow a towel to make myself half way decent while I walk the walk of shame back to my room?"

"Of course," he replied as he teased me by making me come closer to get it from him.

Snatching it, I ran off picking up my bikini. "Till later."

Walking to my room, I retrieved the key from the secret place we had agreed to hide the keys in the corridor.

Walking into the room, I was amazed at the sight that filled my eyes...

I stifled my shock as my eyes took in the scene in front of me.

The two beds in the room had been pushed together and lying fast asleep on the bed were three naked bodies. Clothes were scattered all over the floor.

Sue, Sam and Ed were fast asleep. The room smelt of stale booze and sex. It did not take a police inspector to work out what had happened.

Sam stirred and turned in his sleep and was now lying on his back, his semi hard prick on show. Next to him lay Sue on her back. Her breasts were about the same size as mine and were topped off by the most amazingly hard nipples. I looked down and her legs were slightly apart, her pussy lips looking red and enlarged. She wasn't shaved like me, but neatly trimmed. I would guess that she had recently had sex by the state of her pussy lips. Ed was lying on his stomach on the far edge of the bed, snoring quietly.

Not knowing what to do, I stood there quietly taking in the scene. Strangely, I was starting to feel aroused as my imagination starting working on the exact scenario of the events that had recently taken place in the room.

Quietly I went to the bathroom. I needed to freshen up and brush my teeth. Having done this, still wrapped in the towel I borrowed from Mike, my thoughts were disturbed by the bathroom door suddenly opening and Ed walking in.

"Fuck!" he cried. "I didn't expect to see you!"

Sam's voice came through from the next room.

"What the hell!"

"I needed a piss and Elaine is sitting here!" shouted Ed.

The next sound was of Sam laughing followed by Sue, "Oh god, keep the noise down!"

"Sorry Elaine, but I really need a piss, can you give me some privacy," Ed said making no attempt to hide his manhood.

"Oh yeah, sorry," I mumbled as I walked past him to the main room where Sam and Sue had now covered their nudity with a sheet.

The only sound was of Ed relieving himself followed by the toilet flushing. Walking back into the room he looked at us all; "well this is fun," he laughed. Possibly the best ice breaker ever.

Sam started laughing as did Sue and then me as we all took in the situation.

"What time is it?" yawned Sue.

"Just after 8.00," I replied.

"Great, I got 3 hours sleep," she sighed sarcastically as she lay back down on the bed, re-exposing her breasts.

"Sorry to give the bad news," said Sam while smiling and looking at Sue's breasts, "but we got back just before 5.00 but didn't go straight to sleep if I remember correctly."

"Well I have a good idea," said Sue covering her boobs again, "why don't you all fuck off so I can get some sleep."

With that, Sam got up and making sure I could see his prick, wondered around the room picking up his clothes. Ed did likewise.

"Hey, wait a minute," I said. I rushed to the bathroom and grabbed a towel, wrapping myself in it.

"This is yours, Mike lent it to me," I said as I handed their towel to them.

"Thanks," Ed mumbled as he and Sam let themselves out.

"Oh God Elaine, what did I do?" Sue said sitting up again as the door shut, wrapping the sheet around herself to cover her nudity.

I tried not to laugh. "Well I would guess you fucked those two!"

"Oh shit, what a tart I am!"

"Look Sue, don't beat yourself up. It was a holiday shag. A holiday 3 sum. You'll get over it."

Sue groaned.

"I know, but what a slapper."

"Stop it Sue, I bet it was fun or knowing you as I do you wouldn't have let it happen."

"I know, "and then with a smile, "yes I think it was fun. But my head hurts, can you make me a coffee and tell me about your naughty night."

I made two coffees and gave Sue a brief resume of what had happened since I had left the bar with Mike.

"So what happened with you?" I asked.

"Well," she said sipping her coffee, "we carried on drinking and then went to a bar where we danced. It was sort of a 3 sum dirty dancing and I hate to admit it was a bit of a turn on and both Sam and Ed were touching my boobs and grabbing my bum.

"We came back to the hotel and they badgered me to come into the room, which I resisted. They eventually got the message but when I walked in the room and you weren't here I guessed where you would be. Sure enough a few minutes later they were back knocking on the door saying they had walked in on you and Mike sound asleep so they couldn't stay there.

"Anyway, they came in and had a bottle of cheap booze. We finished that and played spin the bottle; loser removes an item of clothing. Well as I only had skirt, top and knickers it didn't take long for me to be naked did it?

"Next thing we are all naked, making out on the bed and I am giving Sam a blow job while Ed is fucking me from behind. They then suggested that one fucked me in the arse one in my pussy, but despite trying we couldn't do it so I finished both of them off with a handjob.

"Don't remember anything else, so I guess we fell asleep and you know the rest!"

"Bloody hell Sue, that's made me horny hearing that, I think I need a cold shower," I said smiling and touching her gently and affectionately on the arm.

I returned from my shower to find Sue fast asleep. I quietly dressed in shorts and strappy top and went down and had breakfast, finding the restaurant very empty. Probably something to do with the nocturnal nature of the town.

A short walk along the beach followed, returning to the room an hour or so later to find Sue in the shower and in a much better frame of mind.

We spent the afternoon by the pool again, deciding on what to do in the evening, Mike, Sam and Ed passed by and said they had heard of a nice bar that they were going to that night, but we declined. There didn't seem to be any discomfort or hidden agenda's between us, so that was good.

After an afternoon of lounging by the pool, we went back to our room, showered and changed and strolled along to the strip again.

Two good looking, and if I may say, sexy young girls drew a lot of attention and we were encouraged to go into every bar with the promise of free drinks. We eventually succumbed and sat in a bar enjoying a free cocktail while being chatted up by the bar staff and d*unken holiday makers.

Moving on to another bar, we thought some food would go down well, so we sat down for another fast food frenzy. While waiting a couple of guys asked if they could join us.

They introduced themselves as Clive and Nick and were 22 from Birmingham. They ordered drinks and joined us for a plate of junk food.

They were good company and fun to be with without being outrageously flirty or obviously on the pull. After eating and another couple of bottles of beer, they suggested we moved on to another club they knew. Having no better idea, we were happy to join them.

"This is an amazing club," said Clive. "1970's and 1980's music cheese but bloody good fun. You up for it?"

Sue and I both nodded as we followed them into the club. The music was deafening and as we had been warned, old style cheesy pop. It was however music that you couldn't stop moving too. Nick got a round of drinks and we shouted at each other as we tried to communicate. There were no wet tee shirt competitions or blow job challenges, just old style music played at a million decibels and plenty of cheap drink. The lights were virtually non-existent apart from the flashing lights at the DJ's console and it seemed that some couples were taking advantage of this darkness to become more intimate.

As the drink flowed, the music got better to our ears and we were soon dancing together. Any chance to touch bodies was taken and before long both Sue and I were bumping and grinding with Clive and Nick in time to the music.

I needed the loo and found them downstairs. It was clear that some of the cubicles were not just being used for what they were designed for. Despite the booming music, other sounds emanating from behind the doors indicated that various forms of sexual activity was underway.

On my return, I saw that Sue was in a close clinch with Clive, seemingly trying to find his tonsils with her tongue. Nick grabbed me and started dancing in a very provocative way that if we hadn't had clothing on would probably have involved penetration. I didn't mind as I was starting to feel very turned on. My arousal heightened when Nick grabbed me and started to kiss me; a kiss I didn't resist. I didn't stop him when his hand started wandering and roamed under my top to find my bra less breasts, tweaking my nipples in a very nice way.

He then ran his hand over my back under my top, while bumping and dry humping me in such a way I could feel his hardness. I was wearing a pair of tight fitting shorts that he tried to get his hand down to stroke my bum, but they were too tight. Being lost in the kiss and his dry humping in time to the music I almost didn't notice his hand move to the front of my shorts in an attempt to undo them. Thankfully I was not that d*unk or deluded and stopped him before he had time to undo them and presumably try and take them off.

I broke of the kiss and shouted at him over the top of the music; "not here!"

He took the rebuff in good humour, but resumed the kiss and the roaming of his hands over my back and boobs and, by now, rock hard nipples.

He then broke off the kiss and shouted at me: "Let's go somewhere else, somewhere quieter. You OK with that?"

I nodded and shouted back; "let's find Sue and Clive."

Hand in hand we tried to find them in the darkness, eventually finding them in a dark corner with Clive sucking hard on one of Sue's exposed boobs.

Seeing us approaching them, Clive stopped his sucking as we shouted at them that we were moving on.

Outside the bar, the dynamics had changed. Clive and Sue hand in hand, Nick and I arm in arm.

"What do you suggest, where shall we go," slurred an obviously inebriated Clive.

"The beach?" questioned Nick.

"Ok," Clive replied as he led the group back down the strip.

The noise and jostling from so many people made conversation virtually impossible as we headed to the beach.

We were soon there and by the number of people there, mostly couples, this was a popular place. Even in the darkness, it was obvious that the couples were not there to discuss the political situation in South Africa as the sounds of various sex acts could be heard and the sight of closely entwined couples could be seen.

Clive found some towels and laid them out and the four of us were soon lying on them, enjoying the distant sound of the clubs as we picked up our activities from the bar we had just left. My top was soon removed and Nick was enjoying the sucking and licking if my boobs. I too was enjoying what he was doing I have to say. I could see that Sue's top had been removed and she was in the process of removing her skirt and knickers and Nick started to undo my shorts that I had stopped him doing in the club.

They soon joined my top as his exploration of my body continued and I felt him finger and then tongue my pussy. His tongue seemed to be able to reach places that had never been reached before and I was soon approaching my orgasm, urging him to continue what he was doing.

While enjoying what he was doing, there was just about enough light for me to see Sue removing Clive's shorts and starting to suck his clearly hard cock. His appreciation could be heard very loudly.

Nick meanwhile was aware of my impending climax and did all he could to bring it on and I was soon crying out without a care in the world as it consumed my every nerve ending.

Without me being able to totally climb down, I saw and felt him remove his shorts and try and penetrate me; thankfully I was still astute enough to stop him and ask the condom question. Reluctantly he stopped and although I had a couple in my shorts, he had one and obliged without hesitation.

Suitably covered, he made me spread my legs and was soon deep inside me thrusting away. The technique was enthusiastic and it made me enjoy the fuck, but something was missing to take me over the edge. I looked to me left and saw Sue on her knees being taken doggy style by Clive. Something was said between Clive and Nick and Nick stopped his thrusting and withdrew. I looked up and to my surprise, Clive was now between my legs and entered me. I stopped him and said "you had better be covered!"

"Yes I am," he grunted as he continued thrusting.

Looking at Sue, still on her knees, it looked as though she was close to achieving her climax, despite the change in partner, as Nick was thrusting into her.

"Fuck, I'm cumming," grunted Clive.

"So am I," said Nick.

I felt Clive stop and heard him groan as he filled his condom deep inside me. He withdrew and removed his filled contraceptive as Nick cried out as he too came. Sue's muted cry indicated she too had cum.

All four of us lay on the blankets regaining our composure and breathing, quietness fell on the area. Clive broke the silence. "So what shall we do next?"

"Sorry but I am ready for bed, and some sleep," said Sue.

"Yeah, me too," I added.

As though the last few moments hadn't happened, we all got dressed; Sue and I went back to our hotel. Nick and Clive? Maybe back to the bars and another couple of girls. Who knows? This, after all was Magaluf.

As we entered the hotel complex, Sue and I saw Ed and Mike.

"Hi girls, what you up to?" asked Ed.

"Not a lot, had a good night, you?"

"Same but not as good as last night. We are off on a boat party tomorrow. Want to join us?"

"Maybe," I said.

"Great," said Mike smiling at me. "Meet in reception at 11.00 if you are interested Need swimming clothes and towels and that's it."

"OK," Sue and I replied in unison as we walked off to our room.

In our room, we undressed and hit our beds, soon falling asleep.

Awakening in the morning we made the obligatory coffee and discussed our plans, soon agreeing that we would try the boat party that Ed and Mike had mentioned.

Mike, Sam and Ed all beamed broadly as we approached them standing in the reception area of the hotel. Kisses all around to say hi and we were off to the boat.

The guys were in swimming shorts and tee shirts with a towel each, Sue and I had our bikinis on and a sarong with the obligatory borrowed towel.

We paid for our ticket and were soon on the boat heading out of the harbour. The music was, as always loud and normal conversation impossible. The bar was doing good business but Sue and I both elected for soft drinks at this stage.

The boat headed for a small island and dropped anchor about 50 meters from the shore. With encouragement from the DJ, this started the frenzy of jumping into the sea, climbing back onto the boat and doing the same again. The trick seemed to be to make as big a splash on hitting the water as possible.

Before long, the first girls had removed their tops and the sight of numerous boobs bouncing around gave the guys lots of fun and ensured the voyeuristic side of their characters were catered for. It didn't take long until Sue and I seemed to be the only girls that weren't topless, so we soon joined the party. I had been topless on a beach a few times, but initially this felt totally different. Soon however it seemed normal and I wasn't at all self-conscious. The boat was so crowded that it was impossible for people to walk around without bumping into each other and touching them. How many of these were accidental or how many were cheap gropes would be impossible to say, but my boobs were on the receiving end of many in advertant or not touches. This had the obvious effect on me and my nipples were soon erect, something that clearly caught Ed's attention who was unable to keep eye contact with me.

"Ed, you have seen boobs before," I shouted at him as I touched my nipples and smiled at him.

"Yes, I was just comparing them to Sue's"

"And?" Sue asked.

"Impossible to say without closer inspection," he answered as he reached out to touch Sue's and my boobs.

"Get off!" I shouted as I playfully brushed his hand away, but not before it had made contact with my extended nipple.

The DJ was calling everyone's attention to the start of some games taking place. We joined the mass of people around a small roped off area that ensured that even more body to body contact was made. The games seemed to consist of as much simulated sex as possible with the girl's bikini bottoms and guy's swimming trunks still in place. It could be seen with some of the guys that this was turning them on and it didn't take long before the first cock was exposed and waved around. One girl was fighting a losing battle as a guy was trying to remove her bikini bottoms with his teeth. To be fair she didn't seem to be fighting too hard, and she was soon receiving massive cheers as her pussy was on show for all to see.

The DJ and the crowd was urging all the game's participants to get ruder and the another cock was soon on display. The public nature and presumably the booze made his lack of hardness understandable but he didn't seem to be embarrassed. One couple were simulating sex, him lying on the floor, her topless, bumping and grinding on top of him. He was trying to remove her bikini bottoms as the guy with the flaccid willy stood astride him and tried to get the girl to suck him as the watching crowd shouted "Suck the dick!"

To play to the crowd she did as asked as, at the same time the guy she was dry humping managed to get his dick out and try and fuck her by moving the gusset of her bikini bottom.

It was lewd, it was rude, it was fun and I hate to say a bit of a turn on. I felt someone touch my shoulder as they lent over me to get a better look and then felt the un-missable feeling of a hard cock between my bum cheeks. I looked around and didn't recognise the guy but smiled at him and didn't complain as he moved and his cock, thankfully still inside his swimming shorts, for a moment seemed even more closely wedged between my cheeks. His hand moved from my shoulder and slowly and gently cupped my boob. Feeling no resistance he stroked my nipple and as an encouragement, I opened my legs a bit and bent forward a fraction so his cock was deeper in the crevice of my bum. His hand slowly moved down and across my stomach, inching towards the waist band of my bikini bottom. There my willingness to have such an intimate display of affection stopped and I put my hand over his and stopped its downward movement.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Page 3

I felt him thrust a couple of times before the movement of the crowd made us break apart. If we had been naked, he would have had no problem penetrating me; the only question would have been which hole!

The party games continued although the girl at the centre had given up with her attempted blow job and the guy beneath her also failed in his mission. Now she was lying on top of him sliding her boobs over his chest and teasing him by going lower and then rubbing them over his now exposed cock.

The cheers encouraged them to continue and she gave in by standing up, removing the last piece of her clothing and squatting down on him, taking his cock deep in her pussy. They fucked for a while to riotous encouragement from the DJ and the crowd. The guy was close to cumming it seemed as she dismounted him and he finished himself off by wanking over her tits as the watching crowd cheered and clapped their performance.

I turned away to find Sue and the guys. Sam was talking to a couple of girls, Mike was in a corner with a very tall and pretty girl and presumably her boyfriend as he had his arms around her and lazily stroked one of her boobs. Sue and Ed were at the bar getting drinks. I was just about to join them when I heard a shout, "Hey Elaine, what the fuck are you doing here?"

I turned around to see Mark, a guy from my gym at home. Forgetting I was topless, I rushed up to him and gave him a hug and a chaste kiss on the cheek.

"Mark, well I never. How long have you been here?" I was aware that his eyes were glued to my boobs.

"Eh, a week. Going home tonight," he replied eventually making eye contact.

Mark and I had had a couple of dates, fooled around in the back of his car once, but didn't go too far and parted as friends.

"Who you here with?" he asked.

"Sue, you remember her?"

"Yes, of course."

Just as I was about to ask who he was with, 2 of his best mates ran up to us.

"Elaine, fucking hell!" one exclaimed his eyes glued to my tits.

"Small world" the other said, he too looking at my tits.

"Seen enough?" I mocked

"Never," the first one smiled.

"Been here long?" the second one asked.

"A few days. Mark tells me you are going home tonight."

"Yes, shame. Run out of money and condoms."

"Oh dear, so had a good time then?" I said smiling as at last they diverted their eyes from my chest.

"You bet, anyway. I need a beer as it's all-inclusive with the ticket. See you later Elaine."

Marks two friends left us and a pregnant pause ensued.

The silence was broken by the DJ announcing that the ship was now heading back to shore and "would all girls please cover their boobs and any couples still fucking or sucking please bring that activity to a close as the locals don't want to see it." A wild cheer went up at that announcement.

"I had better find Sue and my bikini top," I laughed. "See you back in England if not before Mark."

"Yeah bye," he replied leaning in and giving me a small kiss.

I soon found Sue, now properly clothed and swinging my bikini top like a stripper.

"Come on girl, cover those boobs," she said with a naughty smile.

We were soon back in sight of the town and the music was turned down and by the time we had docked, the boat looked like a normal pleasure cruiser and not one that had seen the sexual antics that Magaluf is renowned for.

The boys said they wanted to hit the strip and maybe see us later. Sue and I decided to sunbath on the beach.

We found a spot on the beach, laid our towels down, removed our tops without any reservation, as again nearly every girl was topless, some even naked, and laid down and enjoyed the late afternoon sun.

"Sue, can I ask you a question."

"Sure, what is it?"

"You know that time you were with Ed and Sam, you said you tried to have one fuck your bum, one your pussy."


"What's it like?"

"What, 2 guys or up the bum?"

"Up the bum. I have never done it, I suppose I am a bit afraid of the truth be told. Scared it will hurt. Most guys have asked," I said with a wry laugh.

"It's Ok, with loads of lube and if in the mood it's Ok. Guys love it. Don't know why. Must be cos is still a bit of a taboo and rude. Bit like cumming in the mouth, they like that too don't they," she laughed.

"I suppose so; I have always stopped before they cum. Again scared I suppose and the smell and the texture. Horrible! God knows what the taste is!"

"Salty slime."

We both laughed. "Come on, let's get changed and go and get some food. I am starving," Sue said, standing up and putting her top back on. I followed suit and we were soon back at our hotel, showered and changed.

Heading down the strip, it seemed even noisier and rowdier than previously, if that were possible. Sue and I were heckled, ogled and had all sorts of names shouted at us within the first few metres and it was still early!

We stopped at a bar and sat down and quickly ordered some food. 2 girls about our age sat at the next table and we soon got talking. It was their first night here and they had flown in from Germany. Their English was excellent thankfully and we were soon laughing and joking like long lost friends.

Food finished we moved on to another bar with our new friends, Heidi and Anna. The next bar had the wet tee shirt competition and it didn't take long for Heidi to join in. She was taken back stage and soon appeared in a long white tee shirt, more of a mini dress with the name of the bar emblazoned across her ample chest. 4 other girls were on stage with her and the water hose soon had them soaked. Encouragement from the DJ and the crowd soon had the girls dancing proactively, swiftly followed by them stripping. Heidi was the first to remove her tee shirt and the girl next to here was next. They danced together rubbing their boobs against each other as the crowd roared for more. Sue and I were transfixed, although I think Anna was a bit embarrassed.

The girl dancing with Heidi found no resistance when she started to remove Heidi's pants and soon both of them were naked and rubbing and touching each other's pussys as the hose man did his job and the crowd got even more boisterous. By now all the girls were naked and gyrating to the music showing their bodies to the adoring audience.

The DJ turned down the music and gestured the girls off stage to rapturous applause and shouts of appreciation. Heidi was soon back beside us, buzzing and excited by her 5 minutes of fame. We all congratulated her on doing something we couldn't do and moved on as another group of girls took to the stage.

The next bar was similar and also had the wet tee shirt dancers. Nothing original there, although we had to persuade Heidi not to do it again.

Everywhere there were couples in various stages of undress engaged in heavy petting and foreplay or even performing oral sex or penetrative sex. Used condoms and condom packets littered the floor. Tonight really was a wild one.

In the next bar we saw Clive and Nick and waved at them. They waved back but were otherwise engaged with a couple of girls.

The drink was having its effect and I was getting the early buzz that alcohol gives you. It also was having an effect on my bladder and I needed the loo badly. Seeing the signs in the corner I headed down the stairs, stepping over a couple having sex outside the loo door, and thankfully found an empty cubical to relieve myself. The couple were still at it as I left the loo and I re-joined Sue, Heidi and Anna.

"Heidi and Anna want to go to a fetish bar," Sue shouted at me above the almost deafening music. "What do you think?"

"Em, OK. I think."

"Come on then, we were told about one by some friends at home," Heidi said, finishing her drink and heading for the exit.

I was not sure, but intrigued, so followed and in a few minutes we were standing outside a club with some imposing looking doorman, very different from the sort at the other clubs and bars that almost plead with you to enter with the promise of free drinks and so on.

Heidi purposefully strode up to the door and after what seemed to be a very animated conversation turned round to us and smiled as the door opened.

"25 Euros entrance and 3 free drinks. What do you think?" Heidi asked.

We all nodded and headed to the door handing over our money and receiving 3 vouchers each. We then headed down some stairs. It was very dark and it took me some time to get used to it, I could see a dimly lit bar area and loads of sofas scattered around the room with what looked like a stage at one end of the room. There was quiet music playing in the background. As I got more accustomed to the darkness I noticed about half the sofas were occupied and of those, half of the people seemed to be engaged in some form of sexual activity. There was a guy relaxing back as a girl was between his legs sucking his dick. Another guy had a girl either side of him, topless and he was stroking a boob of each of them while looking at us as we joined the room. Another sofa had a girl with a guy between her legs performing oral sex on her. She too was looking at us as we entered the room.

We gravitated to the bar and got our first drinks and went to sit down on a large sofa near the stage.

Soon after we sat down the stage was bathed in light and the music stopped. A leather clad woman walked onto the stage as loud music filled the room. She started to perform a very erotic strip tease. Just as she removed her last piece of clothing, a leather clad man joined her on stage. He stood still as she danced around him, before starting to remove his clothes one piece at a time. He was soon naked and the stage started to slowly revolve. The girls sunk to her knees and started to stroke and then suck the guy as his erection grew. The blow job was really erotic and I looked at Sue, Heidi and Anna who all had their eyes glued to the stage.

Anna, next to me smiled as she saw me look at her and put her hand on my bare leg, sending a jolt of electricity through me. We both looked back at the stage as the action changed and the guy was now lying on the floor and the girl was on top as the couple performed a 69.

Meanwhile, Anna's hand was slowly sliding up my leg and under my short skirt. I opened my legs a bit and she took this as a signal to continue and her hand was soon rubbing my soaking wet pussy through my thong. She leant in to me and gently kissed me. I opened my mouth to accept her probing tongue and we were French kissing like long lost lovers. She then moved my gusset to one side and gentle entered me with a finger while rubbing my clit with her thumb.

She broke off the kiss to ask if I was ok.

I nodded affirmatively as she continued finger fucking me.

I looked across to Sue to see that she and Heidi were having fun, with Heidi's top off and Sue suckling her boobs. I then looked back at the stage to see the couple had moved again and they were now fucking with the girl on all fours and the guy taking her from behind doggy style.

Meanwhile Anna's fingers were making magic between my legs and I was so close to cumming. We resumed our kissing as at the same time her spare hand was under my top playing with my rock hard nipples. Breaking off the kiss, Anna lifted my top so she could suck my boob, which was the final straw and made me cum, closing me legs tightly around Anna's arm with her fingers deep inside me.

I slowly relaxed and she withdrew her fingers before lewdly licking them as she smiled at me.

Looking across at Sue and Heidi I saw Sue was on her knees between Heidi's widespread legs. Heidi was playing with her boobs as she looked at me and then back to the stage where the show was reaching its climax, literally, as the guy pulled out and shot his cum all over the girls back.

With that, the light were dimmed and the music returned to a soft background noise.

I took a swig from my beer and kissed Anna, who lifted her top off and directed me to suck her boobs. I did as she gestured and allowed my hands to wonder down her flat stomach. I undid the button at the top of her shorts and she quickly took them and her panties off, allowing me to glide my hand lower, through her trimmed pubic hair until I could feel the heat and wetness of her pussy. As I slid a finger in her, I head Heidi softly cry out and looked at her as she was enjoying what seemed a very satisfying orgasm.

Sue and I had played around once or twice, sucking each other's boobs and fingering each other, but now I had this desire to see what a girl tasted like. I moved and positioned myself between Anna's legs and slowly extended my tongue and ran it along her glistening lips, her clit and then deep inside her, fucking her with my tongue.

She tasted fantastic and my oral attention seemed to work as she started bucking her hips and urging me on.

"Yes, there, faster, harder." She murmured.

I did as she asked and was soon rewarded with her grabbing my head and making sure I didn't leave from between her legs as her entire body froze and she let out a cry that could have been heard throughout the room. My face was flooded with her glorious pussy juice as her orgasm consumed every nerve ending in her pussy.

I sat back and looked at her open and wet hole, wiping her cum off my face. Looking over at Sue and Heidi it was now Heidi between Sue's legs and judging by Sue's reactions, Heidi was doing a fantastic job as Sue's climax approached. She looked at me and smiled lustfully as she played with her exposed boobs.

I returned to me seat next to Anna, cuddling her as we watched the show on the sofa next to us. It wasn't a long show as Sue was very close and was soon trying to stifle her cry's as she came with Heidi's tongue either deep in her pussy or licking her clit.

We all looked at each other and smiled. We were all naked or semi naked but had no desire to get dressed again and were somewhat surprised when a naked man approached us and asked if we would like a drink as a way of thanking us for the show that he and his girlfriend had enjoyed.

"We didn't know whether to look at the stage or you guys, so we did both and had two shows for the price of one," he laughed.

We accepted his offer and he returned with the drinks and Heidi asked him if he and his girlfriend wanted to join us on the sofa for the next show.

"That would be great, but I have just cum for the third time this evening, so we won't be able to perform again I'm afraid."

"That's Ok, we are all satisfied, let's just sit back and enjoy the show."

"OK, we would love to," he replied.

No sooner had our new friend and his equally naked girlfriend joined us, then the stage lights were on again and a couple of guys and a girl appeared.

A slow strip show was followed by some oral action, including the guys sucking each other off before a three some, initially one guy fucking the girl while she sucked the other one, then double penetration with her having one fucking her pussy, one fucking her bum.

While this was happening, Anna was lazily running her fingers up and around my wet pussy lips and I was doing the same to her; keeping the arousal going without actually having sex. The couple that joined us were holding hands and she was stroking his flaccid dick and when I looked at Sue when the double penetration started, she had her head back as Heidi was sucking her tits. She looked at me at the same time and knowingly smiled.

The stage show was soon over, with both guys cumming all over the girl's tits.

The stage lights were killed and the soft music returned, with a background noise of sexual activity as it seemed more people had come in and got into the swing of the place.

The couple stood and made their excuses as they had to leave and we all said goodbye, kissing each other on the cheek as we did so.

I rearranged my clothing and gathered some vouchers and went to the bar for some more refills. The darkness could not hide the various sex acts that were being enjoyed by most couples in the room.

The bar man smiled and gave me the drinks as I handed the vouchers over. "Enjoying yourself? First time I guess?"

"Yes to both," I replied.

"Anything you need, just ask."

"Thanks, I will."

Returning to our sofa I put the drinks down on the table watching Sue and Heidi enjoying a deep and passionate kiss while mutually masturbating each other. So much for being fully satisfied.

I sat down next to Anna, who immediately started removing my clothing and making sure my legs were apart as she looked lovingly at my pussy. She gently opened me up, before moving and started to lick and suck on my very wet and tender cunt.

I sat there enjoying her attention as the next stage show started. This time it was a girl on her own who started to strip and then put all sorts of didos, vibrators and fruit inside her.

Anna was so skilled in her oral attention as she sensed when I was close to cumming and stopped, let me calm down, before resuming her tonguing and bringing me to the brink again. Eventually she let me cum, just as the girl on the stage inserted an enormous butt plug deep into her bum.

Sue and Heidi had ceased their activities and were sitting hand in hand watching the stage show, while Anna and I did likewise as I calmed down from my recent orgasm.

The stage show finished and we finished our drinks.

"Refills?" asked Heidi.

"Sure, why not." I answered.

Heidi stood up, picked the vouchers off the table and walked, naked, to the bar.

"She has no shame does she?" I asked Anna with a laugh.

Anna returned with the drinks, and the vouchers.

"On the house, what a nice man," she said smiling as she put the bottles on the table. "Must have liked my boobs."

"Or you bum or pussy," Sue added to all of our amusement.

"What do you like the best Sue?" Heidi asked.

"Difficult, may have to have another close look or lick to find out," she replied.

"Not tonight I'm afraid. I am orgasamed out!"

I think we all knew how she felt.

We sipped our drinks as we watched the next show which was a guy and a girl stripping, sucking before finishing with him fucking her in the missionary position.

"What shall we do girls?" I asked. "Stay here and use our vouchers up, or what?"

"I vote we have one for the road and then call it a night," said Sue.

"Me too," Anna said. "I'll get them."

Letting go of my hand, she quickly put some clothes on and headed to the bar.

As she returned, she put the drinks down just as the lights on the stage came on and an announcement was made that we were about to see the final show of the evening.

Anna sat down and held her beer in one hand, her other holding mine, she leant over and kissed me and smiled as she said, "this has been so much fun."

The stage was soon playing host to 2 couples who were soon naked and then all mixes possible took place; all sucking and licking and fucking each other. This was certainly the first time I had seen two guys fuck each other. It finished with the two men fucking the girl's doggy style as the girls kissed each other.

As the men came at the same time over the girls back, there was clapping and cheering from the people in the club, including the four of us, who all enjoyed the most explicit show I think was possible.

As the stage lights were turned off, we all got dressed, finished our drinks and headed for the door, as the other couples and groups did likewise.

Outside the club, we said our goodbyes and said we hoped to meet again, but we all knew that was unlikely as we never made any firm arrangements.

Sue and I walked back to our hotel in silence, both of us deep in thought about today's hedonistic activities.

Back at our hotel we got ready for bed and we were both soon fast asleep.

The next morning we woke early, well early for Magaluf, and enjoyed a breakfast at the hotel restaurant. Back in our room we changed into our beach wear and headed to the beach to top up our tans.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Page 4

It was still late morning but it was very hot and we covered ourselves in sun tan cream and relaxed and did some people watching.

"What did you make of last night, Sue?"

"Amazing. I don't know if it was the booze, the atmosphere or what, but I got so turned on. You and I have played around a bit, but not like we did last night. That being said you can't beat a hard cock in your mouth or pussy!"

"I agree. Nice for something different but I couldn't be a full time lesbian."

The beach was filling up and all shapes and sizes were soon showing their flesh to the sun. Sue took her top off and applied extra sun tan cream to her boobs. I soon joined her and, as expected, most of the girls were topless on the beach.

Some could just about have been nude given the string like bottoms they were wearing!

Four lads picked a clear spot near us and made no attempt in hiding their ogling of Sue and I.

"If you need a hand applying any sun tan cream, just give us a shout," one of them shouted at us in a broad Geordie accent.

"Thanks, I will bear that in mind," Sue replied.

"We do a good line in massages too," another said, also in a broad Geordie accent.

"Good, I'll bear that in mind too," I answered.

"We are going for a dip, would you mind looking after our stuff?" one of them said as he walked towards us.

I looked up and saw a really good looking guy, I guessed about my age, about 6 feet tall with a fit body and a cute grin.

"Sure, no problem."

"No rummaging through our stuff, you might be shocked by what you find," another said smiling at me.

"Ok, I promise. I'll be a good girl."

"I didn't ask you to be that," he laughed.

They ran off down to the sea and we could see them splashing about and having fun.

The lads returned after about 15 minutes and dried themselves off while exchanging good natured comments about each other.

"Hi, I am Chris," the one that asked us to look after their stuff said. "We are just going to get some beers, as a thanks for looking after our stuff, would you like some, or another drink?"

"Oh, that's nice, thanks. A beer will be nice. I'm Sue and this is Elaine."

"And he is Bill, he is Will and he is Brian." Chris said pointing the guys out.

They soon returned with a cooler full of beer.

"That was quick," I said.

"Our hotel is just there," Bill said pointing to one almost on the beach," and we always bring a cool box for days like this."

Will handed Sue and I a beer. On opening it, it frothed up and spurted over my bare boobs causing me to scream as the cold liquid hit me.

"Don't waste it, can I lick it off?" Chris asked smiling as he said it.

"Only if you like beer and suntan oil mixed," I laughed.

"Never tried it, always a first."

"Too late," I said as I wiped the beer off with my hand, "sorry."

"So am I," Chris added.

The good natured banter continued amongst us. It was very relaxed. The beers were soon finished and they went to get some more and some food, refusing to take any money from us.

The afternoon wore on and the lads asked us out for dinner and to join them on the strip that night.

We agreed to meet at 8.00pm and headed back to the hotel to shower and change.

Sharp at 8.00 we met up and had dinner, the lads again refusing to accept any money.

We seemed to be heading for a natural split with Sue talking and joking with Will and Bill. I was drawn to Chris and Brian.

Dinner over we started a long pub crawl, making the most of the free drinks being promoted by the bars.

I had d*unk enough beer, so when we hit a bar that promised the best cocktails, I thought I would change.

Looking at the list of cocktails, all of which had some sort of double entendre, I said "I'll have an Orgasm please," to which Chris swiftly retorted with, "Ok, but shall we keep drinking and you have one later."

Much hilarity ensued and the tone of the conversation sunk to new depths.

The bar was packed and we danced in a corner, well gyrated really, and there was much body touching and grinding.

I was wearing a short skirt and was braless under my vest, and I was soon in a position where I was facing Brian and Chris was behind me. We were soon in an embrace and their hands were all over me. I didn't stop them as I was incredibly turned on. I started kissing Brian as his hands massaged my boobs initially over then under my vest. Meanwhile I could feel Chris behind me caressing my bum and then under my skirt becoming bolder as I opened my legs a bit to let him slide a finger along my wet crack.

After a few minutes, as Brian and I broke of our kiss, I turned around and started kissing Chris. He started caressing my boobs and Brian took the role of fondling my bum and then exploring more private areas.

I reached down and felt Chris's hard cock and wondered if I would be brave enough to get it out in the darkness of the club.

Before I had a chance to do it, I was turned around again and started kissing Brian as he played with my now rock hard nipples. Chris's finger was soon deep inside my pussy. I felt for Brian's cock and again considered taking it out.

As I stroked it through his shorts, we were interrupted by the others.

"Sorry, to interrupt your fun, but we are going somewhere more private, and looking at you guys, maybe you should before you get thrown out!" Will shouted at us over the noise of the music.

Chris, Brian and I laughed and agreed and the six of us headed to the exit.

Their hotel was nearest so it was agreed we would go there.

We were soon in the safety and privacy of Chris and Brian's room.

Brian found his iPhone and connected it to some speakers and some music started.

We soon resumed what we were doing in the club and my clothing that had protected my modesty on the dance floor was soon removed allowing the guys easy access to me. I was as turned on as I could ever remember and didn't stop them doing what they wanted. As I was metaphorically passed from Chris to Brian, I saw that Sue was in a similar situation to me.

Within the privacy of the room, I soon had Brian and Chris's cocks out and they quickly removed their clothes so as he bumped and grinded together it was real flesh on flesh.

I was led to one of the beds and laid down. Chris was immediately on his knees and started licking and fingering me. I knew I wouldn't be long in cumming. Meanwhile I was stroking Brian's impressive cock and he moved so that I could lick it too.

After a couple of minutes, I heard Chris say, lets swap. They did so and I soon felt Brian's finger start fucking me as he licked my clit. I looked up and smiled at Chris as I started stroking and sucking him.

I was so close to cumming as Brian did something I wasn't expecting. He withdrew his wet finger from my pussy and let it travel down my perineum and down towards my bum hole. He was using the copious fluid leaking from my pussy and my nerve endings were on fire. He circled my bum hole with the wetness and oh so gently rubbed the opening. Instinctively I opened up for him and he stuck a finger tip up my bum.

I was so concentrating on what I was feeling, I had lost the rhythm of sucking Chris's cock. He withdrew from my mouth and looked at what Brian was doing.

Chris started kissing me as Brian put more of his finger in my virgin bum, making sure there was plenty of lubricant to ease the passage. I then felt him put another finger in my pussy and within seconds, I came as his tongue licked my clit and he finger fucked my two holes.

I cried out as my muscles gripped his exploring fingers and thought I would never stop cumming until he stopped his licking and fingering and gently withdrew them.

"See, I told you you would have an orgasm later," Chris said softly and quietly.

I looked at Sue who also seemed to be recovering from having an orgasm at the fingers, hands and tongues of Bill and Will.

Some beers were handed out and as we drank them the fondling and kissing restarted and I was soon on all fours, sucking Brian while Chris was expertly fucking me from behind.

I looked to me side and Sue was in a similar position. The music was being drowned out by the sounds of sexual activity and moans of enjoyment.

I saw movement to my side and Sue was being urged to squat on top of Brian's hard dick. Will was covering his hardness and Sues's bum with some jel and I could see him oh so gently enter her bum hole.

Chris and Brian must have seen this too as they suggested we do the same. Chris lay on the bed as I mounted him and Brian attended to my bum with some cold jel. I felt him slowly enter my bum. The expected pain never materialised and I was soon enjoying two hard cocks going in and out of me as I was approaching another mind blowing orgasm.

Just as I was getting there I heard Brian cry out and stop his thrusting and I felt his cock harden deep inside me and then he slowly withdrew having cum deep inside my bum.

Chris was nearly there judging by his movements and I felt him make one big thrust into me that took me over the edge and as he held me tight, I felt him cum inside my pussy as it too started to tense up as my orgasm took hold of me.

I felt him slip out and remove his condom and hoped and prayed that Brian had been similarly covered.

Sue and her two were lying watching us, having presumably finished their performance before us.

More beers were d*unk as we all recovered and I noticed that the guys were starting to show renewed interest in us. I could see their cocks were hardening.

"Sit down next to each other," I said to Chris and Brian.

Obediently they did so and I sat on my knees facing them and looked at them in turn as I started stroking their cocks, which I was pleased to feel harden in my hand.

Then, while continuing to stroke Brian I started sucking Chris. After a minute or two when Chris started to thrust into my mouth I changed, gently stroking Chris while sucking Brian.

"Go for it Elaine," I heard Sue shout in encouragement.

I stop sucking Brian and looked to see we had an audience as Sue, Bill and Will were watching the show.

I started sucking Chris again and stroked Brian. I sensed Chris was close to cumming and I was at a loss what to do as I had never had a guy cum in my mouth before and wasn't sure if this was the time to start learning!

Before I knew what was happening I noticed a different taste as Chris got really close.

"Watch out, I'm cumming", and before I could do anything my mouth was full of hot salty cum. I swallowed some instinctively and let the rest dribble out.

As his cock became softer I gave it a quick lick and moved to enable me to start sucking and licking Brian's cock.

Within seconds, I heard him shout and he too filled my mouth as he came. Spurt after spurt of warm slimy, salty cum filled my mouth and this time I managed to swallow nearly all of it. As he finished cumming and I felt him soften, I licked him clean, looking up at him; his eyes closed and slowly coming down from his peak.

Sue and the other guys burst into applause as I wiped the cum from around my mouth. Continuing to sit between Chris and Brian, I looked at their now flaccid cocks and realised that in the last hour I had experienced two things that I had never done before; anal sex and cum in the mouth. Yesterday it was oral sex with another girl in a public place. Whatever next?

My thoughts were interrupted as Chris handed me a drink and pointed to Sue, Bill and Will who were now doing exactly the same as Chris, Brian and I had just done.

We watched and enjoyed the show in silence.

The guys soon came and Sue did all she could to swallow what appeared to be copious amounts of cum from both of them.

Sue and I had another drink and bade the guys' goodnight. We were all sexually satiated and tired. By the time we got back to our hotel we just crashed and didn't move a muscle until the next morning.

We spent the day by the pool and soon, our fifth night, the penultimate one, was upon us. After the excesses of the previous nights, neither of us was in the mood for another anonymous sexual encounter. After being chatted up (badly) by the umpteenth group of d*unken boys, we headed back to the sanctuary of our room.

Opening our last bottle of cheap wine we sat in our room listening to the distant noise of the strip.

"So Elaine, how many couples are having sex within 100 meters of us?" Sue asked looking out of the window.

"God knows!" I laughed. "But what percentage are cheating on a partner at home?"

"Now that is good question and I bet it's over 50!"

"Sue, can I ask you a question. A personal one?"

"You sound serious Elaine, but yes, of course."

"Well, I assume you play with yourself at times. What is your favourite fantasy when you do play with yourself?"

"Wow, Elaine. I didn't expect that one!" Sue exclaimed. "I don't know. It depends. Often it's about a guy I am with, or want to be with," she added smiling.

"What about you?"

"Like you it varies. But often it's about how others play with themselves. Have they found something or do something I don't know about."

"Mmm interesting," said Sue thoughtfully as she topped my wine glass up.

"Do you use toys or your fingers?" I asked.

"Both. You?"

"Mostly fingers."

"Have you ever done it in front of someone, you know, like a show?"

"No, I haven't. Wanted to but haven't. Have you?" I asked.

"Once. It was a real turn on!" Sue laughed. "He couldn't contain himself and started playing with himself as his eyes were glued to my fingers playing with my clit and fingering myself."

"Wow, I bet."

"I want to watch you," Sue said softly and quietly looking at me directly.

"What, play with myself?"

Sue nodded.

"I'm not sure."

"Go on, and I will do the same at the same time. It's not as if we haven't seen each other naked or having sex before," she said smiling at me.

"No, I am not sure about that Sue."

"Shame," was all she said as she stood up and looked at me lustfully before quickly taking her tee shirt off and seductively cupped her breasts and pinched her nipples.

Still looking at me she undid her shorts, removing them and taking her panties off.

She put a hand in front of her pussy and I could see her run a finger along her slit.

"Are you sure?" Sue stepped back and sat down on the sofa and opened her legs.

My eyes were drawn to her pussy as she gently put one finger inside herself as, with the other hand, she started rubbing her clit.

I was incredibly turned on, and almost as if by auto pilot, I stood up and quickly got undressed.

As I continued watching Sue slowly masturbate in front of me, I copied her and gasped as I started to finger myself and rub my clit.

"Yes, Elaine. That's it," Sue said looking at my moving fingers on my bald pussy.

"I can't believe I am doing this!"

"Can you see how wet I am?" Sue almost whispered.

"Yes, and I can hear too!"

"I am thinking about us with the guys doing it every way, and you lost your anal cherry."

"Mmmm," I murmured as I put a second finger inside me.

"I am nearly there, watch me cum Elaine."

"I am, I am Sue."

Her fingers were moving faster and her breathing showed she was so close to reaching her climax,

"Oh yes!" Sue cried. "I am cumming!"

Her fingers stopped moving as she rode the crest of the wave and came, her eyes tightly shut as she cried out.

I was also close and redoubled my efforts to get there, aware of Sue now watching my every move.

"Oh fuck yes!" I cried as I felt my orgasm approach. That tell-tale feeling when nothing will stop the climax.

I felt the muscles contract and tighten around the two fingers deep inside my soaking wet pussy as all time froze.

As I calmed down I withdrew my fingers and opened my eyes to see Sue looking at me smiling.

"I'm glad you did it, it was amazing, and seemed good for you too."

"Oh yes it was," I sighed.

We were both soon asleep and woke to another bright hot and sunny day, the last full day and night of our holiday.

After breakfast, we went down to the beach and were soon removing our tops to get that almost all over tan.

"Well look who we have here!" a familiar voice boomed out.

I shielded my eyes from the sun and saw Mike and Ed standing beside us, looking down and clearly enjoying what they could see.

"Hi girls, how are we doing?" Mike asked, squatting down to be closer to our level.

"Great, thanks. And you?" Sue said sitting up a bit.

"Yeah, were good. A bit pissed off today is our last day, but had a good time. Can't believe a week has gone by."

"No it's scary. Where's Sam?" I asked. "Unusual not to see the three of you together."

"He has found love," said Mike. "Hardly seen him for the last few days."

"Love or lust?" smiled Sue.

"Ha ha, good one Sue", Mike said with a chuckle. "We think it's gone from lust to love in the last 24 hours."

"And what about you guys? No love or lust?" I asked.

"No, you spoilt us on the first night, so nothing could come close after," Ed said.

"Oh, you smooth talker," Sue laughed.

Mike and Ed stayed with us for the rest of the day and we agreed to meet up and have dinner and go to some clubs with them in the evening. I think we all knew how the night was going to finish.

Sure enough, after some more junk food for dinner, some drinks in riotous bars and clubs with all the usual side attractions of wet tee shirt competitions, couples making out on the dance floors and toilets being used for sex, we headed back to the hotel.

The night was far from over so we sat by the pool and were soon skinny dipping in it and generally having a good time.

We stood in the pool, chatting. Mike was behind me, and I could feel his hard on against my bum as he put his arms around me and gently cupped and stroked my boobs. My nipples responded by hardening and he was soon stroking them harder.

Sue and Ed were enjoying themselves on the far side of the pool, doing what I don't know, but the silence indicated they were not doing too much talking!

I turned around and was soon kissing Mike as his hands roamed over by back and bum, pulling me tight against his body. I could feel his hard prick between us.

Breaking of the kiss, Mike whispered to me: "Your room or mine?"


Helping me out of the pool, we found a couple of towels, picked up our clothes and headed to his room.

In his room, we dropped our towels and were soon in a tight embrace, kissing passionately. His hands were all over my back and bum. Breaking the kiss, he led me to the bed and laid me down.

For the next 10 minutes or so he covered every millimetre of my body with gentle kisses and licks, finally concentrating on my hard nipples before going lower and licking my aching wet pussy.

His licking then concentrated on my clit as he started to finger fuck me.

"Don't stop!" I pleaded. I could feel myself getting ready to explode. Mike's tongue and fingers were doing the most amazing things deep within my body and he did as I asked and didn't stop.

"Yes, yes, yes," I cried as I started to cum. I pushed Mike's face away from my pussy as my clit was just so sensitive and couldn't take any more oral attention.

As I regained my breath, Mike wiped my love juice off his face and joined me on the bed.

"You do know how to use that tongue of yours, don't you?" I said smiling at Mike seeing the self-satisfied smirk on his face.

"I didn't hear you complain."


I reached down and felt his prick which had lost none of its hardness.

"Mike, fuck me, hard and fast please. Be greedy. Satisfy yourself," I said as I stroked it and felt it twitch to my touch.

"On your knees then," he commanded lustfully.

I did as asked as he went to the bed side table and got a condom.

With my bum in the air, I felt him rub his cock against me, all along my slit from my clit to my bum hole and back before entering me. He slid straight in my soaking wet pulsating pussy and was in as far as he could, up to his balls, before slowly withdrawing and then thrusting in and out of me.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Page 5

Holding on to my hips initially, he then grabbed my bum cheeks to look at my bum hole as I cried out encouraging him to fuck me harder and faster. He moved a finger so that it was wetted by the copious fluid leaking from my pussy and moistened my bum hole. It instinctively opened to his probe and he put his finger in my bum up to his first knuckle as he relentlessly fucked me.

I could sense a difference to his strokes as he fingered my bum and he soon cried out that he was about to cum. He made one last hard thrust so he was balls deep in me and his finger slipped further into my bum as I felt his cock twitch inside me as he came.

Slowly withdrawing both his cock and finger he lay down beside me, both of us lying on our stomachs as we regained our composure.

Turning over, we hugged and kissed before falling asleep.

I awoke to hearing Mike breathing contentedly, lying on his back. Looking down I could see his prick, flaccid, but still attractive.

I reached out and touched it and Mike stirred but remained asleep.

Quietly and trying not to disturb him, I moved so my face was close to his groin. Moving again I gently blew on his prick before lifting it and licking the end.

I felt it harden in my hand as I put the exposed head of his cock in my mouth and gently sucked and licked it.

Mike moaned appreciatively in his sleep as I took more of his hardening prick in my mouth.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see his smiling face looking at me sucking his now rock hard cock.

"That's a hell of a way to wake up," he said quietly.

Taking my mouth off his manhood, but continuing to hold and stroke him, I smiled and said; "glad you like it."

Resuming my blow job, I took as much of his cock in my mouth as I could and really started sucking and licking him.

Hearing him moan his satisfaction, I knew that I wanted him to cum in my mouth. I redoubled my efforts and he was soon thrusting into my mouth, approaching his peak. I tasted his pre-cum and heard him urge me on and before I knew what was happening he cried out and filled my mouth with his seed.

"Oh my God Elaine!" he sighed. "That was amazing!"

I swallowed his salty cum and wiped my mouth clean and snuggled up to him.

We spent the rest of the morning in bed, Mike returning the favour and making me cum with his expert tongue.

By mid-day we had to pack and check out of the hotel so I quickly returned to my room to find Sue and Ed fast asleep.

"Come on guys, time to get up, pack and check out."

Ed lazily got out of bed, unconcerned about his nudity and was soon dressed and returning to his room.

Before we knew it we were on a bus to the airport. Deep in thought my mind drifted to the escapades of the week; the fun, the naughtiness, the new experiences, the debauchery, the wildness. Would I ever experience anything like it again I wondered.

Sitting on the bus, hand in hand with Mike I decided I probably wouldn't want to. I was happy with Mike and hoped that we could extend what had been a holiday fling, not even a romance, into something more permanent.

Time will tell.

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