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PDI Nov (part 4)
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Another list update for Nov.
Won’t be too many more now, almost there!!!😆😁😄😃
8th oct to 7th. The original sin tv/ts
23 to 4th.Hornymature61 C
24th Oct to 4th Naughty A and Naughty L
24th to 4th. Shavenbabe01 C.
24th to 3rd. XXX. Bonbon C
25th to 1st hotwife sharer C
25th Oct to 8th. Suzy050. Tv/Ts
25 to 4th. Dr who C
25th to 4th smoothie4664plus1
26th to 2nd. Ladyandthetramp20 C
26th to 2nd. Longlegcouple C
26th to 2nd. Couplefun1! C
26th to 3rd. MrGandbunny C Venus
26th to 2nd midzcouple2020. C
26th to 2nd juicy and Gym C
26th to 2nd. Dorado C
26th to 2nd. Love to tease 46 F
26th to 2nd. Suzy wong F
26th to 2nd. Hotloveuk. C
27th to 3rd. Double scotch. C
27th to 2nd . Oddsox2. C
26th to 7th. Geoffrey 888 M
28th to 2nd. Sneakycouple C
28th to 1st. Disnerds. C
28th to 3rd. Funcple4u1970
28th Oct to 11th. NoDramaLlamas
28th to 5th pleasureorbit C
29th to 6th Young3sum
29th to 2nd. Bi_or _bye. C
29th Oct to 7th Nov TeasenRave C
29th Oct to 10th. Randilondon. C
29th Oct to 5th Merseypair . C abora
29th Oct to 14th Suzy206. C La Mirage
29th Oct to 12th Flojomojo. C RG Villas
29th Oct to 5th. NeverFullyDressed C
29th Oct til 4th The_W_Anchors. C Gold
29th Oct - 5th. Asian_couple. C
29th oct to 5th. M and don
29th to 5th. Bikerstoke82 M
30th to 6th Ellie and spurt C
30th to 6th. Bi bi erotica. C
30th to 3rd. Misswandmrl. C
31st to ? Abercurious. C
31st to 5th beauty and the geek 24 C
31 to 6th Katenwill69 C
31st to 10th fun in the suncool C
31st to 6th Newcuriouscouple12. C
1st Nov-8th two to tango C Puerto Rico
1st to 8th _ent players C La Mirage
1st to 8th Hotwife81300 C
1st to 14th. Lucianpound C Private apartment near la charca
1st to 8th. ThecampervanRockers
1st to 12th. Powerful2024. C
1st - 15th. Carpenoctem72. C
2nd to 5th 1234400 C
2nd to 9th. Roseand tHoRN. C
2nd to 9th KCCouple Near Cita
2nd to 6th. Pharemore. M
3rd to ? Chris16 M
3rd to 10th tyronecpl123 C
3rd to 7th londoncpl35!
3rd to 30th. Erotic angels. C
3rd to 17th Davenval. C Victoria Eugine
3rd to 14th. Vikingandmaiden2 C
4th to 8th Him and her Herts. C Gold
4th to 8th _llstar999 M
4th to 10th. Ipslad99. M
4th to 20th. WeePurpleDragon. C
5th to 30th. EricBananaMan. M
5th to 9th. Js special C
5th to 16th. Classy_coup1e
5th to 15th SecretSilverLink M Gran canaria princess
5th to 12th SugarandspiceNW1 C
7th to 14th MrandMrsGee. C. HL suites
7th to 14 th _ylollipop. C
7th to 14 th Hotcplmids C
7th to 16 th Webby24. M
7th to 18th. Nice_couple2012. C Seaside Sandy Beach
7 to 11th winsorcouple50. C Gold
7th to 14th. Swales_hotwife. C
7th to 14th hotter couple C8
7th to 21st Jacki and Don
8th to 13th WhatHappensNext C Caterina
8th to 25th 2and2a. C La Mirage
8th to 15th. Par48-49. C
9th to 23rd. 2forfuntimes. C Private Villa
9th to 16th. Asexy. C Bohemia Spa
9th till 18th. Dreamers. C San Augstin
9th to 16th. Qtmark. C
9th to 16th Motogpcpl. C
9th to 16th Funguy51. M
9th to ? ustwo97 C
9th to 17th Beachfun1 near Yumbo
10th to 17th Delsam C
10th to 13th. Loves_fun M then 14th-21st - Eugenia Victoria
10th to 21st. Hotdoggie. C
10th to ? ClassyHotwife. C
10th to ? _igerandlily C
10th to 17th. Vodkaandcock C. Venus
10th to 15th curiouscouple-X C
11th to 18th PeachyCouple C
11th to 19th. Ynot69. M11th to 25th. Pans123. C servatur Waikiki
11th to 21st. Lardybums. C
11th to 21st Perfect Couple c
11th to 22nd pans123 C
11th to 15th Comeplaywithus400. C
11th to 15th MilfFinder12. M
11th to 18th. Fun luvin couple C
11th to 18th SRcouple C
12th to 16th Redinthecorner F
12th to 19th Evasohot. C Gold
12th to 26th. XxRnBxx
12th to 21st. Jandr1. C. hotel casserio
12th to 21 Nov. Quietcpl2. C Venus
12th to 19th. The HMFs. C Gold
12th to 19th Hertscouple77 C Victoria Eugine
13th to 25th Lothiancouple4fun. C
13th to 17th. Lovelylady21. C Alhambra Boutique Apartments.
13th to 20th youwithus C
13th to 21st saintlysheer C la mirage
14th to 21st Fun16. C Gold
14th to 20th just us having fun
14th to 21st Jandd6871. C Gold
14th to 21st. Peachesandcream69. C Caterina
14th to 21st stan38. M Greenfields
14th to 21st Poetic Licence C
14th to 21st _avesalldays M
14th to 30th SaucySouWesters. C
14th to 24th sosexy C Gold
14th to 21st. Desire999. C Corallium Dunamar
14th to 19th. EasyBolton. M
14th - 21st. Bangers16. C
14th - 21st. dplips. C
14th to 21st PaddyHung Gold
14th to 28th Virgil. M
14th to 28th. Segliean C. Eugine Victoria
14th to 25th FriendsAndMemories C Gold
14th to 10th Dec Bonik C
14th to 25th _elightful 2 C
15th to 18th Dean11130 M Greenfields
15th to 20th Xfuntimes69x. C
15th to 20th Sharing is caring1. C
15th to 20th. Mrnoir69. M
15th to 23rd. Par48-49. C. Relaxia Los Girasoles Bungalows
15th to 20th. Sharing is caring1. C servatur playa bonita
15th to 22nd Sarbina59. Tv/Ts- (With wife) Caterina
15th to 22nd LivingOurBestLife2019 C
15th to 29th Cpl4x C
16th to 30th. Leoeveryman M
16th to 30th. _-4pleasure. C
16th to 23rd. DixieBow . C
16th to 23rd. Promethues. M. Hotel Rui Palace
16th to 23rd discreetcplni C
16th to 23rd. King and Queen 20 Caterina
16th to 23rd KSM Couple C
16th to 23rd Cobbler1 M Corona roja
16th to 23rd _pank me! C
16th to 24th _exycouple1000777 C
16th to 30th leoeveryman M near Cita.
17th to 24th Share the joy C Maspalomas
17th to 24th muckypuppy007 C
17th to 22nd Twoformorefun. C Don Miguel
17th to 24th. Sexytwo4fun. C Gold
17th to 24th. Switch1s. C Playa Del Sol
17th to 29th. Sweetiepops72. C Caterina
17th to 29th Dopamine Caybeach
17th to 24th. Chocopops. M Don Miguel
17th to 28th. Scorpa. M.
17th to 26th. Kenny Ls8. M Caterina
17th to 24th Theklumps. C Rey Carlos
17th to 29th In4apenny C
17 to 24th GingerandNuts C Gold
17 to 27th PrincessToon C
18th to 25th sexytwo4fun Gold
18th to. 25th. Curious_hotwife_81. C18th to 27th. Hotcouple4you. C Venus
18th to 30th Mrsandmrss. C La Mirage
18th to 25th. Funguy0069. M
18th to 25th. Gen24genmeets. C
18th -22nd. Gnessmerlot. C
18th to 22nd Nov - Echochamber, single lady, staying near Yumbo.
19th to 27th Blue marlin. C Don Miguel
19th to 26th. Toffeecrispmunchers. C Caterina
19th to 26th. Tipster8. M
19 to 22nd Doots11. C
19th to 25th WildAtlanticSecret. C
19th to 24th. Zeebeedee100. C Gold
19th to 27th Hotcouple4you Venus
19th to 30th Coolj C La Mirage
19th to 30th mrsandmrss C La Mirage
19th to 30th _ackandruin C
19th to 26th Curioustwo123 C
20th to ? _igerandlily. C
21st to 24th. naughty_devils. C Samon beach Resort
21st to 26th. Crang. C
21st - 26th. Missfrogstomp. W
21st to 28th. Naughty and nice 2023. C Close to Cita
21st to 28th newcumers Greenfields (to 24th )/ Venus
21st to 28th twobyeguys MM Gold
21 to 28ty titsandhubby. C. Caterina
21st to 26th. Anamcaras. C
21st Oct - 30th Nov. Cple4funtimes C
21st to 1st Dec whippedcream C Close to Cita (apartment)
21st to 5th Dec. Orgasmdonor M
21st to 1st Dec dksin. C
21st to ?? Yorkscouple2018 C
21st to 28 th Sophisticatedfun C
22nd to 6th Dec. Suzy050 TV/TS
22nd to 6th Dec. Naughty1 and Naughty 2 C Greenfields
22nd to 29th NEnaughtycouple. C Sanom beach resort
22nd to 29th. Thong89 C
22nd to 6th Dec ShropsDuo. C
22nd to ? chestercpl xx HL Suites
22nd to 29th curious curvy wife C
23rd to 30th My favourite knickers. C
23rd to 28. Mr_Darcy40. M. Labranda Mirieta
23rd to 30th. Bunchy26. C Private Villa
23rd-30th. SurreyNotSoNewbies. C near Cita
23rd to 30th keenonfun2 C Nayra
24th to 27th mr-Mrs backagain Venus
24th to 31st Mr fingers M
24 to ?? SIANnG1 C
25 to 5th free2goidhome M
26th to 1 Jan. 2heartsasone C. Villa
26th to 5th dec Kiddy couple Greenfields
26th to 3rd dec Bikerguy900 M
27Th to ? ShropsDuo C La Mirage
27th to 4th Dec CharlieandJune. C
27th to 7th Dec 2havfun C Near Yumbo til 3rd/Venus
27th to 6th dec seanbeg M
27th to 5t Dec. Sweetviewforall69. C
27th to 5th Dec. GnTandaPinaColada. C. Riu Papayas
27th to 8th Dec. Cosmiccouple. C
28 to 1st Dec zackhanna C
28th to 12th Dec PussygaloreMe. C
28th to 5th Dec _0couple C AirBnB near Cita
28th Nov to 5th Dec MorethanKKelf C HL Suites/Venus
28th Nov to 5th Dec Sunsetcpl
28th to 3rd Dec NaughtyTandL C
28th to 8th Dec Lady Penny Morgan Spice
28th to 5th Dec HHawk. C San Agustin
28th to 5th Dec. _0couple. C
28th to 11 Dec. Skippy999. C
28th to 3rd dec BiGL Couple C Dunas
29th to Dec 6th. Herandhimstaffs. C private villa near Yumbo
30th to 8 Dec. Sugar and spice21. C
30th to 7th Dec Lady D and Mr A RG Villas |
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Must be a new month for leap year lol |
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Conflicting messages kiosk 6 or 7 for naturists and or swingers? Xx |
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We’re arriving on the 10th to the 17th.
Staying in an apartment beside the Cita.
We’re itching to get there and let it all hang out at Kiosk 7 |
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2 weeks on Thursday cannot come quick enough. Going to Eden on the 14th for their Bi night. X |
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11th-18th can’t wait
First time!!! |
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By *abrina59TV/TS 19 weeks ago
moved to cuckold land |
Fly out 2 weeks on Friday
Looking forward to it |
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29th Oct - 5th Nov for us…..which means we are travelling TODAY!
Splitting our stay between Venus Star followed by few days at an apartment near Cita to hit the beach/Tipsy/K3!😎 |
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Flying out tomorrow. One more sleep |
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12 days and counting
Feel free to drop us a message if you're over between the 10-15th. Planning a few day trips to Venus Xx |
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Nov 7-14 for us so hopefully meet some of you sexy people in the bars & clubs xx |
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25th nov-5th Dec solo traveller.... got back from pdi with a vanilla friend just over a week ago...couldnt resist going back on my own for my birthday...kiosk 3 and tipsy probably most days |
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2 weeks Thursday and counting! Not saying we're excited, but we did get the cases out today  |
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"2 weeks Thursday and counting! Not saying we're excited, but we did get the cases out today "
Ours is already half packed, it feels like a lifetime ago we booked this holiday  |
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We there November 5th to November 30th and all ready pack and ready to go |
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By (user no longer on site) 19 weeks ago
7th to the 14th cant wait.
Feel free to get in touch |
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7-11 Nov staying at Gold flying from Birmingham, say hello to us if you see us x |
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Nov 4th - nov 8th for me. Staying in pdi, had a great time in July and met some amazing people for fun |
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4th November to 10th, flying from Shannon, haven't booked a place to stay, any recommendations welcome thanks, was there 32 years ago, I'm sure it's changed a little lol |
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By *avenvalCouple 19 weeks ago
Leicester |
Anyone else flying out from East Midlands to Gran Canaria with Jet2 on Sunday afternoon? If you are get in touch and let's have a pre flight drink together. |
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"4th November to 10th, flying from Shannon, haven't booked a place to stay, any recommendations welcome thanks, was there 32 years ago, I'm sure it's changed a little lol"
Accommodation might be in short supply because of the Winter pride which runs from the 4-10 November….it will certainly be more expensive!! |
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"4th November to 10th, flying from Shannon, haven't booked a place to stay, any recommendations welcome thanks, was there 32 years ago, I'm sure it's changed a little lol
Accommodation might be in short supply because of the Winter pride which runs from the 4-10 November….it will certainly be more expensive!!"
I booked Sunday and go this coming Sunday for 4 nights. I was wondering what was going on as prices where sky high and not much availability |
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By *4tCouple 19 weeks ago
warrington |
23rd til 30th, staying at Gold, cant get on that list  |
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By *ayskiMan 19 weeks ago
Leeds |
Going 19th Nov - 3rd Dec.
1st time as a solo traveller 😬
So not sure where to go?
Feel free to send a message if you fancy meeting up for a social 😃x |
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"Going 19th Nov - 3rd Dec.
1st time as a solo traveller 😬
So not sure where to go?
Feel free to send a message if you fancy meeting up for a social 😃x"
Shame you not looking for couples |
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We’ve copied and pasted this from the last thread and added one or two others can’t take any responsibility for the majority of the hard work 😆😁😄😃
8th oct to 7th. The original sin tv/ts
23 to 4th.Hornymature61 C
24th Oct to 4th Naughty A and Naughty L
24th to 4th. Shavenbabe01 C.
24th to 3rd. XXX. Bonbon C
25th to 1st hotwife sharer C
25th Oct to 8th. Suzy050. Tv/Ts
25 to 4th. Dr who C
25th to 4th smoothie4664plus1
26th to 2nd. Ladyandthetramp20 C
26th to 2nd. Longlegcouple C
26th to 2nd. Couplefun1! C
26th to 3rd. MrGandbunny C Venus
26th to 2nd midzcouple2020. C
26th to 2nd juicy and Gym C
26th to 2nd. Dorado C
26th to 2nd. Love to tease 46 F
26th to 2nd. Suzy wong F
26th to 2nd. Hotloveuk. C
27th to 3rd. Double scotch. C
27th to 2nd . Oddsox2. C
26th to 7th. Geoffrey 888 M
28th to 2nd. Sneakycouple C
28th to 1st. Disnerds. C
28th to 3rd. Funcple4u1970
28th Oct to 11th. NoDramaLlamas
28th to 5th pleasureorbit C
29th to 6th Young3sum
29th to 2nd. Bi_or _bye. C
29th Oct to 7th Nov TeasenRave C
29th Oct to 10th. Randilondon. C
29th Oct to 5th Merseypair . C abora
29th Oct to 14th Suzy206. C La Mirage
29th Oct to 12th Flojomojo. C RG Villas
29th Oct to 5th. NeverFullyDressed C
29th Oct til 4th The_W_Anchors. C Gold
29th Oct - 5th. Asian_couple. C
29th oct to 5th. M and don
29th to 5th. Bikerstoke82 M
30th to 6th Ellie and spurt C
30th to 6th. Bi bi erotica. C
30th to 3rd. Misswandmrl. C
31st to ? Abercurious. C
31st to 5th beauty and the geek 24 C
31 to 6th Katenwill69 C
31st to 10th fun in the suncool C
31st to 6th Newcuriouscouple12. C
1st Nov-8th two to tango C Puerto Rico
1st to 8th _ent players C La Mirage
1st to 8th Hotwife81300 C
1st to 14th. Lucianpound C Private apartment near la charca
1st to 8th. ThecampervanRockers
1st to 12th. Powerful2024. C
1st - 15th. Carpenoctem72. C
2nd to 5th 1234400 C
2nd to 9th. Roseand tHoRN. C
2nd to 9th KCCouple Near Cita
2nd to 6th. Pharemore. M
3rd to ? Chris16 M
3rd to 10th tyronecpl123 C
3rd to 7th londoncpl35!
3rd to 30th. Erotic angels. C
3rd to 17th Davenval. C Victoria Eugine
3rd to 14th. Vikingandmaiden2 C
4th to 8th Him and her Herts. C Gold
4th to 8th _llstar999 M
4th to 10th. Ipslad99. M
4th to 20th. WeePurpleDragon. C
5th to 30th. EricBananaMan. M
5th to 9th. Js special C
5th to 16th. Classy_coup1e
5th to 15th SecretSilverLink M Gran canaria princess
5th to 12th SugarandspiceNW1 C
7th to 14th MrandMrsGee. C. HL suites
7th to 14 th _ylollipop. C
7th to 14 th Hotcplmids C
7th to 16 th Webby24. M
7th to 18th. Nice_couple2012. C Seaside Sandy Beach
7 to 11th winsorcouple50. C Gold
7th to 14th. Swales_hotwife. C
7th to 14th hotter couple C8
7th to 21st Jacki and Don
8th to 13th WhatHappensNext C Caterina
8th to 25th 2and2a. C La Mirage
8th to 15th. Par48-49. C
9th to 23rd. 2forfuntimes. C Private Villa
9th to 16th. Asexy. C Bohemia Spa
9th till 18th. Dreamers. C San Augstin
9th to 16th. Qtmark. C
9th to 16th Motogpcpl. C
9th to 16th Funguy51. M
9th to ? ustwo97 C
9th to 17th Beachfun1 near Yumbo
10th to 17th Delsam C
10th to 13th. Loves_fun M then 14th-21st - Eugenia Victoria
10th to 21st. Hotdoggie. C
10th to ? ClassyHotwife. C
10th to ? _igerandlily C
10th to 17th. Vodkaandcock C. Venus
10th to 15th curiouscouple-X C
11th to 18th PeachyCouple C
11th to 19th. Ynot69. M11th to 25th. Pans123. C servatur Waikiki
11th to 21st. Lardybums. C
11th to 21st Perfect Couple c
11th to 22nd pans123 C
11th to 15th Comeplaywithus400. C
11th to 15th MilfFinder12. M
11th to 18th. Fun luvin couple C
11th to 18th SRcouple C
12th to 16th Redinthecorner F
12th to 19th Evasohot. C Gold
12th to 26th. XxRnBxx
12th to 21st. Jandr1. C. hotel casserio
12th to 21 Nov. Quietcpl2. C Venus
12th to 19th. The HMFs. C Gold
12th to 19th Hertscouple77 C Victoria Eugine
13th to 25th Lothiancouple4fun. C
13th to 17th. Lovelylady21. C Alhambra Boutique Apartments.
13th to 20th youwithus C
13th to 21st saintlysheer C la mirage
14th to 21st Fun16. C Gold
14th to 20th just us having fun
14th to 21st Jandd6871. C Gold
14th to 21st. Peachesandcream69. C Caterina
14th to 21st stan38. M Greenfields
14th to 21st Poetic Licence C
14th to 21st _avesalldays M
14th to 30th SaucySouWesters. C
14th to 24th sosexy C Gold
14th to 21st. Desire999. C Corallium Dunamar
14th to 19th. EasyBolton. M
14th - 21st. Bangers16. C
14th - 21st. dplips. C
14th to 21st PaddyHung Gold
14th to 28th Virgil. M
14th to 28th. Segliean C. Eugine Victoria
14th to 25th FriendsAndMemories C Gold
14th to 10th Dec Bonik C
14th to 25th _elightful 2 C
15th to 18th Dean11130 M Greenfields
15th to 20th Xfuntimes69x. C
15th to 20th Sharing is caring1. C
15th to 20th. Mrnoir69. M
15th to 23rd. Par48-49. C. Relaxia Los Girasoles Bungalows
15th to 20th. Sharing is caring1. C servatur playa bonita
15th to 22nd Sarbina59. Tv/Ts- (With wife) Caterina
15th to 22nd LivingOurBestLife2019 C
15th to 29th Cpl4x C
16th to 30th. Leoeveryman M
16th to 30th. _-4pleasure. C
16th to 23rd. DixieBow . C
16th to 23rd. Promethues. M. Hotel Rui Palace
16th to 23rd discreetcplni C
16th to 23rd. King and Queen 20 Caterina
16th to 23rd KSM Couple C
16th to 23rd Cobbler1 M Corona roja
16th to 23rd _pank me! C
16th to 24th _exycouple1000777 C
16th to 30th leoeveryman M near Cita.
17th to 24th Share the joy C Maspalomas
17th to 24th muckypuppy007 C
17th to 22nd Twoformorefun. C Don Miguel
17th to 24th. Sexytwo4fun. C Gold
17th to 24th. Switch1s. C Playa Del Sol
17th to 29th. Sweetiepops72. C Caterina
17th to 29th Dopamine Caybeach
17th to 24th. Chocopops. M Don Miguel
17th to 28th. Scorpa. M.
17th to 26th. Kenny Ls8. M Caterina
17th to 24th Theklumps. C Rey Carlos
17th to 29th In4apenny C
17 to 24th GingerandNuts C Gold
17 to 27th PrincessToon C
18th to 25th sexytwo4fun Gold
18th to. 25th. Curious_hotwife_81. C18th to 27th. Hotcouple4you. C Venus
18th to 30th Mrsandmrss. C La Mirage
18th to 25th. Funguy0069. M
18th to 25th. Gen24genmeets. C
18th -22nd. Gnessmerlot. C
18th to 22nd Nov - Echochamber, single lady, staying near Yumbo.
19th to 27th Blue marlin. C Don Miguel
19th to 26th. Toffeecrispmunchers. C Caterina
19th to 26th. Tipster8. M
19 to 22nd Doots11. C
19th to 25th WildAtlanticSecret. C
19th to 24th. Zeebeedee100. C Gold
19th to 27th Hotcouple4you Venus
19th to 30th Coolj C La Mirage
19th to 30th mrsandmrss C La Mirage
19th to 30th _ackandruin C
19th to 26th Curioustwo123 C
20th to ? _igerandlily. C
21st to 24th. naughty_devils. C Samon beach Resort
21st to 26th. Crang. C
21st - 26th. Missfrogstomp. W
21st to 28th. Naughty and nice 2023. C Close to Cita
21st to 28th newcumers Greenfields (to 24th )/ Venus
21st to 28th twobyeguys MM Gold
21 to 28ty titsandhubby. C. Caterina
21st to 26th. Anamcaras. C
21st Oct - 30th Nov. Cple4funtimes C
21st to 1st Dec whippedcream C Close to Cita (apartment)
21st to 5th Dec. Orgasmdonor M
21st to 1st Dec dksin. C
21st to ?? Yorkscouple2018 C
21st to 28 th Sophisticatedfun C
22nd to 6th Dec. Suzy050 TV/TS
22nd to 6th Dec. Naughty1 and Naughty 2 C Greenfields
22nd to 29th NEnaughtycouple. C Sanom beach resort
22nd to 29th. Thong89 C
22nd to 6th Dec ShropsDuo. C
22nd to ? chestercpl xx HL Suites
22nd to 29th curious curvy wife C
23rd to 30th My favourite knickers. C
23rd to 28. Mr_Darcy40. M. Labranda Mirieta
23rd to 30th. Bunchy26. C Private Villa
23rd-30th. SurreyNotSoNewbies. C near Cita
23rd to 30th keenonfun2 C Nayra
24th to 27th mr-Mrs backagain Venus
24th to 31st Mr fingers M
24 to ?? SIANnG1 C
25 to 5th free2goidhome M
26th to 1 Jan. 2heartsasone C. Villa
26th to 5th dec Kiddy couple Greenfields
26th to 3rd dec Bikerguy900 M
27Th to ? ShropsDuo C La Mirage
27th to 4th Dec CharlieandJune. C
27th to 7th Dec 2havfun C Near Yumbo til 3rd/Venus
27th to 6th dec seanbeg M
27th to 5t Dec. Sweetviewforall69. C
27th to 5th Dec. GnTandaPinaColada. C. Riu Papayas
27th to 8th Dec. Cosmiccouple. C
28 to 1st Dec zackhanna C
28th to 12th Dec PussygaloreMe. C
28th to 5th Dec _0couple C AirBnB near Cita
28th Nov to 5th Dec MorethanKKelf C HL Suites/Venus
28th Nov to 5th Dec Sunsetcpl
28th to 3rd Dec NaughtyTandL C
28th to 8th Dec Lady Penny Morgan Spice
28th to 5th Dec HHawk. C San Agustin
28th to 5th Dec. _0couple. C
28th to 11 Dec. Skippy999. C
28th to 3rd dec BiGL Couple C Dunas
29th to 2nd Dec princess and the bear C. Gold
29th to Dec 6th. Herandhimstaffs. C private villa near Yumbo
30th to 8 Dec. Sugar and spice21. C
30th to 7th Dec Lady D and Mr A RG Villas |
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By *plwantfunCouple 19 weeks ago
grange over sands |
Cpl just book for early next week |
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Car packed, early night, ready for a 6.30 flight from Manchester in the morning. |
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Check in coming on the 3rd can't wait won't wait lol see you Sunday xx |
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7 nights in gold. 2 weeks Thursday can't cum quick enough |
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By *vasohotCouple 19 weeks ago
passionville |
Countdown on for us also. Arriving on the 12th for a week in Gold by marina  |
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By *hong89Couple 19 weeks ago
…………. |
Rey Carlos 22nd November for a week looking for single men |
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Pdi. 28th ..here we cum again lol xx |
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1 more sleep for us anyone on the early ryanair flight tomorrow from manchester,come say hi! |
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By (user no longer on site) 19 weeks ago
I booked tickets from 15th to 19th but don't think I'll be going anymore unless someone has a free space in their hotel lol |
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[Removed by poster at 31/10/24 12:46:02] |
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Arriving Sunday, nearly there!!  |
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By (user no longer on site) 19 weeks ago
"I booked tickets from 15th to 19th but don't think I'll be going anymore unless someone has a free space in their hotel lol"
Try apartments Australia |
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"I booked tickets from 15th to 19th but don't think I'll be going anymore unless someone has a free space in their hotel lol" try an app called cozy cozy it scans 10 or 12 Airbnb sites.theres loads on there..I got an apartment next to kasbah centre which is ideal coz I drink in the Irish tavern and murphys and is less than 10 mins from the beach..only need a place to sleep  |
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Can't wait 9th Nov can't come quick enough let the fun begin |
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By (user no longer on site) 19 weeks ago
Thanks for the recommendation but it's fully booked  |
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By *hong89Couple 19 weeks ago
…………. |
"I booked tickets from 15th to 19th but don't think I'll be going anymore unless someone has a free space in their hotel loltry an app called cozy cozy it scans 10 or 12 Airbnb sites.theres loads on there..I got an apartment next to kasbah centre which is ideal coz I drink in the Irish tavern and murphys and is less than 10 mins from the beach..only need a place to sleep "
Where are the Irish bars please |
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We're out at the moment and it's busy with a great vibe! |
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"I booked tickets from 15th to 19th but don't think I'll be going anymore unless someone has a free space in their hotel loltry an app called cozy cozy it scans 10 or 12 Airbnb sites.theres loads on there..I got an apartment next to kasbah centre which is ideal coz I drink in the Irish tavern and murphys and is less than 10 mins from the beach..only need a place to sleep
Where are the Irish bars please "
Non of them are Irish owned lol..irish tavern is owned by Spaniards murphys is owned by Moroccans both in kasbah centre...the Galway is owned by Moroccans too and that's just past servatar waikiki then there's the Irish quarter which has a few Irish bars(not Irish owned) where greenfields hotel is |
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Irish bars abroad tend to be generic drinking places with an Irish name stuck on them lol |
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We will be there 14th to 21st November! |
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"I booked tickets from 15th to 19th but don't think I'll be going anymore unless someone has a free space in their hotel loltry an app called cozy cozy it scans 10 or 12 Airbnb sites.theres loads on there..I got an apartment next to kasbah centre which is ideal coz I drink in the Irish tavern and murphys and is less than 10 mins from the beach..only need a place to sleep
Where are the Irish bars please
Non of them are Irish owned lol..irish tavern is owned by Spaniards murphys is owned by Moroccans both in kasbah centre...the Galway is owned by Moroccans too and that's just past servatar waikiki then there's the Irish quarter which has a few Irish bars(not Irish owned) where greenfields hotel is" mulligans bar but it few Irish working there |
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Less than 2 weeks to go. Roll on the 14th. First club being on the 14th, Eden. Xx |
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"I booked tickets from 15th to 19th but don't think I'll be going anymore unless someone has a free space in their hotel loltry an app called cozy cozy it scans 10 or 12 Airbnb sites.theres loads on there..I got an apartment next to kasbah centre which is ideal coz I drink in the Irish tavern and murphys and is less than 10 mins from the beach..only need a place to sleep
Where are the Irish bars please
Non of them are Irish owned lol..irish tavern is owned by Spaniards murphys is owned by Moroccans both in kasbah centre...the Galway is owned by Moroccans too and that's just past servatar waikiki then there's the Irish quarter which has a few Irish bars(not Irish owned) where greenfields hotel ismulligans bar but it few Irish working there"
Mulligans do fantastic food..was there most nights for food and live entertainment in october  |
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Roll on the 10th mail us if your looking to meet up this is new profile been to gc about 70 times |
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Well it's November let the fun begin x |
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By *andC89Couple 19 weeks ago
N. Warks / N. Devon |
16th Nov to 23rd Nov. Bungalow near cita. Looking forward to some walks on the beach, chilling at Tipsy Hammock and more |
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12th - 19th Dec staying in Maspalomas |
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15th-20th for us !!! Drop us a message if you fancy drinks or whatever else lol!! Can't wait now!! |
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Anyone going Jet2 on 17th from Manchester? |
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Slowly getting there.
11th - 18th.
Looking forward to the sun and the fun.  |
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Anyone flying from Glasgow on the 22nd to PDI....? Xx  |
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We are staying at abora caterina from the 14-21 Nov.
We are on a family holiday so both can't nip to the clubs but could separately.
Which would be a first for us as always
play together in 15+years of swinging.
This wouldn't be going on behind each others backs as we both have agreed I could be a really turn on. :-b
Any couples or single female fancy let us as singles on a night tag along with you.??!
;-)  |
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By *hong89Couple 19 weeks ago
…………. |
"I booked tickets from 15th to 19th but don't think I'll be going anymore unless someone has a free space in their hotel loltry an app called cozy cozy it scans 10 or 12 Airbnb sites.theres loads on there..I got an apartment next to kasbah centre which is ideal coz I drink in the Irish tavern and murphys and is less than 10 mins from the beach..only need a place to sleep
Where are the Irish bars please
Non of them are Irish owned lol..irish tavern is owned by Spaniards murphys is owned by Moroccans both in kasbah centre...the Galway is owned by Moroccans too and that's just past servatar waikiki then there's the Irish quarter which has a few Irish bars(not Irish owned) where greenfields hotel ismulligans bar but it few Irish working there"
We need to know so we can visit as spice has said she’s going to wear a short short skirt or dress with white panties to flirt and play up in these bars before we head off to comeback bar or fun4all xx |
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By *irgilMan 19 weeks ago
london |
cant wait to fly out on the 14th! |
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10 more sleeps......can't wait  |
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"I booked tickets from 15th to 19th but don't think I'll be going anymore unless someone has a free space in their hotel loltry an app called cozy cozy it scans 10 or 12 Airbnb sites.theres loads on there..I got an apartment next to kasbah centre which is ideal coz I drink in the Irish tavern and murphys and is less than 10 mins from the beach..only need a place to sleep
Where are the Irish bars please
Non of them are Irish owned lol..irish tavern is owned by Spaniards murphys is owned by Moroccans both in kasbah centre...the Galway is owned by Moroccans too and that's just past servatar waikiki then there's the Irish quarter which has a few Irish bars(not Irish owned) where greenfields hotel ismulligans bar but it few Irish working there
We need to know so we can visit as spice has said she’s going to wear a short short skirt or dress with white panties to flirt and play up in these bars before we head off to comeback bar or fun4all xx "
Put a post up of where you are! Love a flasher!! |
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"I booked tickets from 15th to 19th but don't think I'll be going anymore unless someone has a free space in their hotel loltry an app called cozy cozy it scans 10 or 12 Airbnb sites.theres loads on there..I got an apartment next to kasbah centre which is ideal coz I drink in the Irish tavern and murphys and is less than 10 mins from the beach..only need a place to sleep
Where are the Irish bars please
Non of them are Irish owned lol..irish tavern is owned by Spaniards murphys is owned by Moroccans both in kasbah centre...the Galway is owned by Moroccans too and that's just past servatar waikiki then there's the Irish quarter which has a few Irish bars(not Irish owned) where greenfields hotel ismulligans bar but it few Irish working there
We need to know so we can visit as spice has said she’s going to wear a short short skirt or dress with white panties to flirt and play up in these bars before we head off to comeback bar or fun4all xx "
There’s Mulligans by the Greenfield apartment and another one in the commercial centre across the road. In the Kasbah centre there’s 2 Irish bars, Murphy’s and the Irish tavern, across from the Yumbo there’s an Irish bar called the Red Cow and Shenanigans downstairs, and on the opposite side of the Yumbo there’s another called the Auld Triangle. There’s also Dunes and Tunes down by the beach.
Just post your location on your updates and we’d say you’ll have plenty of voyeurs following you around PDI. |
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Nov is here! Yippee!!
Updated list of those heading over!
8th oct to 7th. The original sin tv/ts
23 to 4th.Hornymature61 C
24th Oct to 4th Naughty A and Naughty L
24th to 4th. Shavenbabe01 C.
24th to 3rd. XXX. Bonbon C
25th to 1st hotwife sharer C
25th Oct to 8th. Suzy050. Tv/Ts
25 to 4th. Dr who C
25th to 4th smoothie4664plus1
26th to 3rd. MrGandbunny C Venus
27th to 3rd. Double scotch. C
26th to 7th. Geoffrey 888 M
28th to 3rd. Funcple4u1970
28th Oct to 11th. NoDramaLlamas
28th to 5th pleasureorbit C
29th to 6th Young3sum
29th Oct to 7th Nov TeasenRave C
29th Oct to 10th. Randilondon. C
29th Oct to 5th Merseypair . C abora
29th Oct to 14th Suzy206. C La Mirage
29th Oct to 12th Flojomojo. C RG Villas
29th Oct to 5th. NeverFullyDressed C
29th Oct til 4th The_W_Anchors. C Gold
29th Oct - 5th. Asian_couple. C
29th oct to 5th. M and don
29th to 5th. Bikerstoke82 M
30th to 6th Ellie and spurt C
30th to 6th. Bi bi erotica. C
30th to 3rd. Misswandmrl. C
31st to ? Abercurious. C
31st to 5th beauty and the geek 24 C
31 to 6th Katenwill69 C
31st to 10th fun in the suncool C
31st to 6th Newcuriouscouple12. C
1st Nov-8th two to tango C Puerto Rico
1st to 8th _ent players C La Mirage
1st to 8th Hotwife81300 C
1st to 14th. Lucianpound C Private apartment near la charca
1st to 8th. ThecampervanRockers
1st to 12th. Powerful2024. C
1st - 15th. Carpenoctem72. C
2nd to 5th 1234400 C
2nd to 9th. Roseand tHoRN. C
2nd to 9th KCCouple Near Cita
2nd to 6th. Pharemore. M
3rd to ? Chris16 M
3rd to 10th tyronecpl123 C
3rd to 7th londoncpl35!
3rd to 30th. Erotic angels. C
3rd to 17th Davenval. C Victoria Eugine
3rd to 14th. Vikingandmaiden2 C
4th to 8th Him and her Herts. C Gold
4th to 8th _llstar999 M
4th to 10th. Ipslad99. M
4th to 20th. WeePurpleDragon. C
4th to 28th Olly69 M
5th to 30th. EricBananaMan. M
5th to 9th. Js special C
5th to 16th. Classy_coup1e
5th to 15th SecretSilverLink M Gran canaria princess
5th to 12th SugarandspiceNW1 C
7th to 14th MrandMrsGee. C. HL suites
7th to 14 th _ylollipop. C
7th to 14 th Hotcplmids C
7th to 14th Caesar and Clitopatra M
7th to 16 th Webby24. M
7th to 18th. Nice_couple2012. C Seaside Sandy Beach
7 to 11th winsorcouple50. C Gold
7th to 14th. Swales_hotwife. C
7th to 14th hotter couple C8
7th to 21st Jacki and Don
8th to 13th WhatHappensNext C Caterina
8th to 25th 2and2a. C La Mirage
8th to 15th. Par48-49. C
9th to 23rd. 2forfuntimes. C Private Villa
9th to 16th. Asexy. C Bohemia Spa
9th till 18th. Dreamers. C San Augstin
9th to 16th. Qtmark. C
9th to 16th Motogpcpl. C
9th to 16th Funguy51. M
9th to ? ustwo97 C
9th to 17th Beachfun1 near Yumbo
10th to 17th Delsam C
10th to 13th. Loves_fun M then 14th-21st - Eugenia Victoria
10th to 21st. Hotdoggie. C
10th to ? ClassyHotwife. C
10th to ? _igerandlily C
10th to 17th. Vodkaandcock C. Venus
10th to 15th curiouscouple-X C
11th to 18th PeachyCouple C
11th to 19th. Ynot69. M11th to 25th. Pans123. C servatur Waikiki
11th to 21st. Lardybums. C
11th to 21st Perfect Couple c
11th to 22nd pans123 C
11th to 15th Comeplaywithus400. C
11th to 15th MilfFinder12. M
11th to 18th. Fun luvin couple C
11th to 18th SRcouple C
12th to 16th Redinthecorner F
12th to ??! Time to share 3or4 C
12th to 19th Evasohot. C Gold
12th to 19th Tight Pussy Lover M
12th to 21st Quietcpl2 C Gold
12th to 26th. XxRnBxx
12th to 21st. Jandr1. C. hotel casserio
12th to 21 Nov. Quietcpl2. C Venus
12th to 19th. The HMFs. C Gold
12th to 19th Hertscouple77 C Victoria Eugine
13th to 25th Lothiancouple4fun. C
13th to 17th. Lovelylady21. C Alhambra Boutique Apartments.
13th to 20th youwithus C
13th to 21st saintlysheer C la mirage
14th to 21st Fun16. C Gold
14th to 20th just us having fun
14th to 21st Jandd6871. C Gold
14th to 21st. Peachesandcream69. C Caterina
14th to 21st stan38. M Greenfields
14th to 21st Poetic Licence C
14th to 21st _avesalldays M
14th to 21st TheAddams C
14th to 21 _icknsuck2 C AboraCaterina
14th to 30th SaucySouWesters. C
14th to 24th sosexy C Gold
14th to 21st. Desire999. C Corallium Dunamar
14th to 19th. EasyBolton. M
14th - 21st. Bangers16. C
14th - 21st. dplips. C
14th to 21st PaddyHung Gold
14th to 28th Virgil. M
14th to 28th. Segliean C. Eugine Victoria
14th to 25th FriendsAndMemories C Gold
14th to 10th Dec Bonik C
14th to 25th _elightful 2 C
15th to 18th Dean11130 M Greenfields
15th to 20th Xfuntimes69x. C
15th to 20th Sharing is caring1. C
15th to 20th. Mrnoir69. M
15th to 23rd. Par48-49. C. Relaxia Los Girasoles Bungalows
15th to 20th. Sharing is caring1. C servatur playa bonita
15th to 22nd Sarbina59. Tv/Ts- (With wife) Caterina
15 to 22nd Sam_brown M
15th to 22nd LivingOurBestLife2019 C
15th to 29th Cpl4x C
15th to 19th usaginoashi M
16th to 30th. Leoeveryman M
16th to 30th. _-4pleasure. C
16th to 23rd. DixieBow . C
16th to 23rd. Promethues. M. Hotel Rui Palace
16th to 23rd discreetcplni C
16th to 23rd JandC89 C
16th to 23rd. King and Queen 20 Caterina
16th to 23rd KSM Couple C
16th to 23rd Cobbler1 M Corona roja
16th to 23rd _pank me! C
16th to 24th _exycouple1000777 C
16th to 30th leoeveryman M near Cita.
17th to 24th Share the joy C Maspalomas
17th to 24th muckypuppy007 C
17th to 22nd Twoformorefun. C Don Miguel
17th to 24th. Sexytwo4fun. C Gold
17th to 24th. Switch1s. C Playa Del Sol
17th to 29th. Sweetiepops72. C Caterina
17th to 29th Dopamine Caybeach
17th to 24th. Chocopops. M Don Miguel
17th to 28th. Scorpa. M.
17th to 26th. Kenny Ls8. M Caterina
17th to 24th Theklumps. C Rey Carlos
17th to 29th In4apenny C
17 to 24th GingerandNuts C Gold
17 to 27th PrincessToon C
18th to 25th sexytwo4fun Gold
18th to. 25th. Curious_hotwife_81. C18th to 27th. Hotcouple4you. C Venus
18th to 30th Mrsandmrss. C La Mirage
18th to 25th. Funguy0069. M
18th to 25th. Gen24genmeets. C
18th -22nd. Gnessmerlot. C
18th to 22nd Nov - Echochamber, single lady, staying near Yumbo.
19th to 27th Blue marlin. C Don Miguel
19th to 26th. Toffeecrispmunchers. C Caterina
19th to 26th. Tipster8. M
19 to 22nd Doots11. C
19th to 25th WildAtlanticSecret. C
19th to 24th. Zeebeedee100. C Gold
19th to 27th Hotcouple4you Venus
19th to 30th Coolj C La Mirage
19th to 30th mrsandmrss C La Mirage
19th to 30th _ackandruin C
19th to 26th Curioustwo123 C
20th to ? _igerandlily. C
21st to 24th. naughty_devils. C Samon beach Resort
21st to 26th. Crang. C
21st - 26th. Missfrogstomp. W
21st to 28th. Naughty and nice 2023. C Close to Cita
21st to 28th newcumers Greenfields (to 24th )/ Venus
21st to 28th twobyeguys MM Gold
21 to 28ty titsandhubby. C. Caterina
21st to 26th. Anamcaras. C
21st Oct - 30th Nov. Cple4funtimes C
21st to 1st Dec whippedcream C Close to Cita (apartment)
21st to 5th Dec. Orgasmdonor M
21st to 1st Dec dksin. C
21st to ?? Yorkscouple2018 C
21st to 28 th Sophisticatedfun C
22nd to 6th Dec. Suzy050 TV/TS
22nd to 6th Dec. Naughty1 and Naughty 2 C Greenfields
22nd to 29th NEnaughtycouple. C Sanom beach resort
22nd to 29th. Thong89 C ReyCarlos
22nd to 6th Dec ShropsDuo. C
22nd to ? chestercpl xx HL Suites
22nd to 29th curious curvy wife C
23rd to 30th My favourite knickers. C
23rd to 28. Mr_Darcy40. M. Labranda Mirieta
23rd to 30th. Bunchy26. C Private Villa
23rd-30th. SurreyNotSoNewbies. C near Cita
23rd to 30th keenonfun2 C Nayra
24th to 27th mr-Mrs backagain Venus
24th to 31st Mr fingers M
24 to ?? SIANnG1 C
25 to 5th free2goidhome M
25 to ???? cam001 M
26th to 1 Jan. 2heartsasone C. Villa
26th to 5th dec Kiddy couple Greenfields
26th to 3rd dec Bikerguy900 M
27Th to ? ShropsDuo C La Mirage
27th to 4th Dec CharlieandJune. C
27th to 7th Dec 2havfun C Near Yumbo til 3rd/Venus
27th to 6th dec seanbeg M
27th to 5t Dec. Sweetviewforall69. C
27th to 5th Dec. GnTandaPinaColada. C. Riu Papayas
27th to 8th Dec. Cosmiccouple. C
28 to 1st Dec zackhanna C
28th to 12th Dec PussygaloreMe. C
28th to 5th Dec _0couple C AirBnB near Cita
28th Nov to 5th Dec MorethanKKelf C HL Suites/Venus
28th Nov to 5th Dec Sunsetcpl
28th to 3rd Dec NaughtyTandL C
28th to 8th Dec Lady Penny Morgan Spice
28th to 5th Dec HHawk. C San Agustin
28th to 5th BitsandBobs69 C
28th to 5th Dec. _0couple. C
28th to 11 Dec. Skippy999. C
28th to 3rd dec BiGL Couple C Dunas
28th to ??? GnTandaPinaColada C
29th to 2nd Dec princess and the bear C. Gold
29th to Dec 6th. Herandhimstaffs. C private villa near Yumbo
30th to 8 Dec. Sugar and spice21. C
30th to 7th Dec Lady D and Mr A RG Villas |
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What a fantastic thread!
Im super excited will be in PDI 12th - 17th
Staying at the Gran Canaria princess.
I’m a complete PDI newbie, so every day will be a learning day.
Hopefully I can meet some wonderful fabbers.
Please say hi |
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15 days can not wait to get on that beach |
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By *oceyCouple 18 weeks ago
south devon |
We are staying at Venus from the 28th November-5th December.
Will spend the days there and cita in the evenings.
X |
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Anyone flying from East Midlands on the morning flight on 14th November? X |
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22nd for 5 nights , staying at HL suites , can't wait |
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Hi We be going Tuesday 5th November to 30th November staying near the church Las Arenas and Hotel Lopez - Suitehotel in Playa del Ingles , We be around Kiosk no3 beach bar and Kiosk no6 beach bar day time and later afternoon we spend at the El Bucanero pub enjoying the people’s watching have a drinks Evening anywhere and come say Hello Bananaman so I know you are from here We cannot wait |
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Not long now 10th looking to meet couples singles  |
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It’s glorious out here. Comeback bar tonight for us. Pete and Ellie x |
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Anyone else on the Jet2 flight from Liverpool on Tuesday 5th November?
Xx |
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PDIs gonna be 🔥🔥🔥🔥 this month!
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By *byeguysCouple (MM) 18 weeks ago
Paisley |
Staying at Gold from 21st until 28th November |
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"PDIs gonna be 🔥🔥🔥🔥 this month!
It sure is. Xx |
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November 4th to 8th in Puerto Rico. Let's party started |
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One week until PDI time , can’t wait we’re on the list if anyone wants to catch up drop us a message  |
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8 more sleeps....getting excited  |
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By *unKinkCplCouple 18 weeks ago
Macroom/killarney |
Just booked our flights for the 21st to the 24th of November... Can't wait!! |
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Hi. We've posted up in the forums about a social on the 18th November. Trying to get an idea of numbers. Take a look.  |
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By *aktekMan 18 weeks ago
Brighton |
November 19-24, looking to party with a fun couple/single female |
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Bi guy 12 nov 12 nights loves watching rimming sucking etc loves cleaning up 2 very broadminded let me know gc is fantastic |
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10 more sleeps and we arrive, cannot wait and excited is an understatement
Xx |
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"This day two weeks 😁"
Same for us 🌞 |
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By *vb69Man 18 weeks ago
Loanhead |
21st for 10days can not wait |
Reply privately (closed, thread got too big) | |
"This day two weeks 😁
Same for us 🌞 " . SNAP |
Reply privately (closed, thread got too big) | |
Just another copy and paste with another couple added
Nov is here! Yippee!!
Updated list of those heading over!
8th oct to 7th. The original sin tv/ts
23 to 4th.Hornymature61 C
24th Oct to 4th Naughty A and Naughty L
24th to 4th. Shavenbabe01 C.
24th to 3rd. XXX. Bonbon C
25th to 1st hotwife sharer C
25th Oct to 8th. Suzy050. Tv/Ts
25 to 4th. Dr who C
25th to 4th smoothie4664plus1
26th to 3rd. MrGandbunny C Venus
27th to 3rd. Double scotch. C
26th to 7th. Geoffrey 888 M
28th to 3rd. Funcple4u1970
28th Oct to 11th. NoDramaLlamas
28th to 5th pleasureorbit C
29th to 6th Young3sum
29th Oct to 7th Nov TeasenRave C
29th Oct to 10th. Randilondon. C
29th Oct to 5th Merseypair . C abora
29th Oct to 14th Suzy206. C La Mirage
29th Oct to 12th Flojomojo. C RG Villas
29th Oct to 5th. NeverFullyDressed C
29th Oct til 4th The_W_Anchors. C Gold
29th Oct - 5th. Asian_couple. C
29th oct to 5th. M and don
29th to 5th. Bikerstoke82 M
30th to 6th Ellie and spurt C
30th to 6th. Bi bi erotica. C
30th to 3rd. Misswandmrl. C
31st to ? Abercurious. C
31st to 5th beauty and the geek 24 C
31 to 6th Katenwill69 C
31st to 10th fun in the suncool C
31st to 6th Newcuriouscouple12. C
1st Nov-8th two to tango C Puerto Rico
1st to 8th _ent players C La Mirage
1st to 8th Hotwife81300 C
1st to 14th. Lucianpound C Private apartment near la charca
1st to 8th. ThecampervanRockers
1st to 12th. Powerful2024. C
1st - 15th. Carpenoctem72. C
2nd to 5th 1234400 C
2nd to 9th. Roseand tHoRN. C
2nd to 9th KCCouple Near Cita
2nd to 6th. Pharemore. M
3rd to ? Chris16 M
3rd to 10th tyronecpl123 C
3rd to 7th londoncpl35!
3rd to 30th. Erotic angels. C
3rd to 17th Davenval. C Victoria Eugine
3rd to 14th. Vikingandmaiden2 C
4th to 8th Him and her Herts. C Gold
4th to 8th _llstar999 M
4th to 10th. Ipslad99. M
4th to 20th. WeePurpleDragon. C
4th to 28th Olly69 M
5th to 30th. EricBananaMan. M
5th to 9th. Js special C
5th to 16th. Classy_coup1e
5th to 15th SecretSilverLink M Gran canaria princess
5th to 12th SugarandspiceNW1 C
7th to 14th MrandMrsGee. C. HL suites
7th to 14 th _ylollipop. C
7th to 14 th Hotcplmids C
7th to 14th Caesar and Clitopatra M
7th to 16 th Webby24. M
7th to 18th. Nice_couple2012. C Seaside Sandy Beach
7 to 11th winsorcouple50. C Gold
7th to 14th. Swales_hotwife. C
7th to 14th hotter couple C8
7th to 21st Jacki and Don
8th to 13th WhatHappensNext C Caterina
8th to 25th 2and2a. C La Mirage
8th to 15th. Par48-49. C
9th to 23rd. 2forfuntimes. C Private Villa
9th to 16th. Asexy. C Bohemia Spa
9th till 18th. Dreamers. C San Augstin
9th to 16th. Qtmark. C
9th to 16th Motogpcpl. C
9th to 16th Funguy51. M
9th to ? ustwo97 C
9th to 17th Beachfun1 near Yumbo
10th to 17th Delsam C
10th to 17th curious_cplxxx C
10th to 13th. Loves_fun M then 14th-21st - Eugenia Victoria
10th to 21st. Hotdoggie. C
10th to ? ClassyHotwife. C
10th to ? _igerandlily C
10th to 17th. Vodkaandcock C. Venus
10th to 15th curiouscouple-X C
11th to 18th PeachyCouple C
11th to 19th. Ynot69. M11th to 25th. Pans123. C servatur Waikiki
11th to 21st. Lardybums. C
11th to 21st Perfect Couple c
11th to 22nd pans123 C
11th to 15th Comeplaywithus400. C
11th to 15th MilfFinder12. M
11th to 18th. Fun luvin couple C
11th to 18th SRcouple C
12th to 16th Redinthecorner F
12th to ??! Time to share 3or4 C
12th to 19th Evasohot. C Gold
12th to 19th Tight Pussy Lover M
12th to 21st Quietcpl2 C Gold
12th to 26th. XxRnBxx
12th to 21st. Jandr1. C. hotel casserio
12th to 21 Nov. Quietcpl2. C Venus
12th to 19th. The HMFs. C Gold
12th to 19th Hertscouple77 C Victoria Eugine
13th to 25th Lothiancouple4fun. C
13th to 17th. Lovelylady21. C Alhambra Boutique Apartments.
13th to 20th youwithus C
13th to 21st saintlysheer C la mirage
14th to 21st Fun16. C Gold
14th to 20th just us having fun
14th to 21st Jandd6871. C Gold
14th to 21st. Peachesandcream69. C Caterina
14th to 21st stan38. M Greenfields
14th to 21st Poetic Licence C
14th to 21st _avesalldays M
14th to 21st TheAddams C
14th to 21 _icknsuck2 C AboraCaterina
14th to 30th SaucySouWesters. C
14th to 24th sosexy C Gold
14th to 21st. Desire999. C Corallium Dunamar
14th to 19th. EasyBolton. M
14th - 21st. Bangers16. C
14th - 21st. dplips. C
14th to 21st PaddyHung Gold
14th to 28th Virgil. M
14th to 28th. Segliean C. Eugine Victoria
14th to 25th FriendsAndMemories C Gold
14th to 10th Dec Bonik C
14th to 25th _elightful 2 C
15th to 18th Dean11130 M Greenfields
15th to 20th Xfuntimes69x. C
15th to 20th Sharing is caring1. C
15th to 20th. Mrnoir69. M
15th to 23rd. Par48-49. C. Relaxia Los Girasoles Bungalows
15th to 20th. Sharing is caring1. C servatur playa bonita
15th to 22nd Sarbina59. Tv/Ts- (With wife) Caterina
15 to 22nd Sam_brown M
15th to 22nd LivingOurBestLife2019 C
15th to 29th Cpl4x C
15th to 19th usaginoashi M
16th to 30th. Leoeveryman M
16th to 30th. _-4pleasure. C
16th to 23rd. DixieBow . C
16th to 23rd. Promethues. M. Hotel Rui Palace
16th to 23rd discreetcplni C
16th to 23rd JandC89 C
16th to 23rd. King and Queen 20 Caterina
16th to 23rd KSM Couple C
16th to 23rd Cobbler1 M Corona roja
16th to 23rd _pank me! C
16th to 24th _exycouple1000777 C
16th to 30th leoeveryman M near Cita.
17th to 24th Share the joy C Maspalomas
17th to 24th muckypuppy007 C
17th to 22nd Twoformorefun. C Don Miguel
17th to 24th. Sexytwo4fun. C Gold
17th to 24th. Switch1s. C Playa Del Sol
17th to 29th. Sweetiepops72. C Caterina
17th to 29th Dopamine Caybeach
17th to 24th. Chocopops. M Don Miguel
17th to 28th. Scorpa. M.
17th to 26th. Kenny Ls8. M Caterina
17th to 24th Theklumps. C Rey Carlos
17th to 29th In4apenny C
17 to 24th GingerandNuts C Gold
17 to 27th PrincessToon C
18th to 25th sexytwo4fun Gold
18th to. 25th. Curious_hotwife_81. C18th to 27th. Hotcouple4you. C Venus
18th to 30th Mrsandmrss. C La Mirage
18th to 25th. Funguy0069. M
18th to 25th. Gen24genmeets. C
18th -22nd. Gnessmerlot. C
18th to 22nd Nov - Echochamber, single lady, staying near Yumbo.
19th to 27th Blue marlin. C Don Miguel
19th to 26th. Toffeecrispmunchers. C Caterina
19th to 26th. Tipster8. M
19 to 22nd Doots11. C
19th to 25th WildAtlanticSecret. C
19th to 24th. Zeebeedee100. C Gold
19th to 27th Hotcouple4you Venus
19th to 30th Coolj C La Mirage
19th to 30th mrsandmrss C La Mirage
19th to 30th _ackandruin C
19th to 26th Curioustwo123 C
20th to ? _igerandlily. C
21st to 24th. naughty_devils. C Samon beach Resort
21st to 26th. Crang. C
21st - 26th. Missfrogstomp. W
21st to 28th. Naughty and nice 2023. C Close to Cita
21st to 28th newcumers Greenfields (to 24th )/ Venus
21st to 28th twobyeguys MM Gold
21 to 28ty titsandhubby. C. Caterina
21st to 26th. Anamcaras. C
21st Oct - 30th Nov. Cple4funtimes C
21st to 1st Dec whippedcream C Close to Cita (apartment)
21st to 5th Dec. Orgasmdonor M
21st to 1st Dec dksin. C
21st to ?? Yorkscouple2018 C
21st to 28 th Sophisticatedfun C
22nd to 6th Dec. Suzy050 TV/TS
22nd to 6th Dec. Naughty1 and Naughty 2 C Greenfields
22nd to 29th NEnaughtycouple. C Sanom beach resort
22nd to 29th. Thong89 C ReyCarlos
22nd to 6th Dec ShropsDuo. C
22nd to ? chestercpl xx HL Suites
22nd to 29th curious curvy wife C
23rd to 30th My favourite knickers. C
23rd to 28. Mr_Darcy40. M. Labranda Mirieta
23rd to 30th. Bunchy26. C Private Villa
23rd-30th. SurreyNotSoNewbies. C near Cita
23rd to 30th keenonfun2 C Nayra
24th to 27th mr-Mrs backagain Venus
24th to 31st Mr fingers M
24 to ?? SIANnG1 C
25 to 5th free2goidhome M
25 to ???? cam001 M
26th to 1 Jan. 2heartsasone C. Villa
26th to 5th dec Kiddy couple Greenfields
26th to 3rd dec Bikerguy900 M
27Th to ? ShropsDuo C La Mirage
27th to 4th Dec CharlieandJune. C
27th to 7th Dec 2havfun C Near Yumbo til 3rd/Venus
27th to 6th dec seanbeg M
27th to 5t Dec. Sweetviewforall69. C
27th to 5th Dec. GnTandaPinaColada. C. Riu Papayas
27th to 8th Dec. Cosmiccouple. C
28 to 1st Dec zackhanna C
28th to 12th Dec PussygaloreMe. C
28th to 5th Dec _0couple C AirBnB near Cita
28th Nov to 5th Dec MorethanKKelf C HL Suites/Venus
28th Nov to 5th Dec Sunsetcpl
28th to 3rd Dec NaughtyTandL C
28th to 8th Dec Lady Penny Morgan Spice
28th to 5th Dec HHawk. C San Agustin
28th to 5th BitsandBobs69 C
28th to 5th Dec. _0couple. C
28th to 11 Dec. Skippy999. C
28th to 3rd dec BiGL Couple C Dunas
28th to ??? GnTandaPinaColada C
29th to 2nd Dec princess and the bear C. Gold
29th to Dec 6th. Herandhimstaffs. C private villa near Yumbo
30th to 8 Dec. Sugar and spice21. C
30th to 7th Dec Lady D and Mr A RG Villas |
Reply privately (closed, thread got too big) | |
Just another copy and paste with another couple added
Nov is here! Yippee!!
Updated list of those heading over!
8th oct to 7th. The original sin tv/ts
23 to 4th.Hornymature61 C
24th Oct to 4th Naughty A and Naughty L
24th to 4th. Shavenbabe01 C.
24th to 3rd. XXX. Bonbon C
25th to 1st hotwife sharer C
25th Oct to 8th. Suzy050. Tv/Ts
25 to 4th. Dr who C
25th to 4th smoothie4664plus1
26th to 3rd. MrGandbunny C Venus
27th to 3rd. Double scotch. C
26th to 7th. Geoffrey 888 M
28th to 3rd. Funcple4u1970
28th Oct to 11th. NoDramaLlamas
28th to 5th pleasureorbit C
29th to 6th Young3sum
29th Oct to 7th Nov TeasenRave C
29th Oct to 10th. Randilondon. C
29th Oct to 5th Merseypair . C abora
29th Oct to 14th Suzy206. C La Mirage
29th Oct to 12th Flojomojo. C RG Villas
29th Oct to 5th. NeverFullyDressed C
29th Oct til 4th The_W_Anchors. C Gold
29th Oct - 5th. Asian_couple. C
29th oct to 5th. M and don
29th to 5th. Bikerstoke82 M
30th to 6th Ellie and spurt C
30th to 6th. Bi bi erotica. C
30th to 3rd. Misswandmrl. C
31st to ? Abercurious. C
31st to 5th beauty and the geek 24 C
31 to 6th Katenwill69 C
31st to 10th fun in the suncool C
31st to 6th Newcuriouscouple12. C
1st Nov-8th two to tango C Puerto Rico
1st to 8th _ent players C La Mirage
1st to 8th Hotwife81300 C
1st to 14th. Lucianpound C Private apartment near la charca
1st to 8th. ThecampervanRockers
1st to 12th. Powerful2024. C
1st - 15th. Carpenoctem72. C
2nd to 5th 1234400 C
2nd to 9th. Roseand tHoRN. C
2nd to 9th KCCouple Near Cita
2nd to 6th. Pharemore. M
3rd to ? Chris16 M
3rd to 10th tyronecpl123 C
3rd to 7th londoncpl35!
3rd to 30th. Erotic angels. C
3rd to 17th Davenval. C Victoria Eugine
3rd to 14th. Vikingandmaiden2 C
4th to 8th Him and her Herts. C Gold
4th to 8th _llstar999 M
4th to 10th. Ipslad99. M
4th to 20th. WeePurpleDragon. C
4th to 28th Olly69 M
5th to 30th. EricBananaMan. M
5th to 9th. Js special C
5th to 16th. Classy_coup1e
5th to 15th SecretSilverLink M Gran canaria princess
5th to 12th SugarandspiceNW1 C
7th to 14th MrandMrsGee. C. HL suites
7th to 14 th _ylollipop. C
7th to 14 th Hotcplmids C
7th to 14th Caesar and Clitopatra C
7th to 16 th Webby24. M
7th to 18th. Nice_couple2012. C Seaside Sandy Beach
7 to 11th winsorcouple50. C Gold
7th to 14th. Swales_hotwife. C
7th to 14th hotter couple C8
7th to 21st Jacki and Don
8th to 13th WhatHappensNext C Caterina
8th to 25th 2and2a. C La Mirage
8th to 15th. Par48-49. C
9th to 23rd. 2forfuntimes. C Private Villa
9th to 16th. Asexy. C Bohemia Spa
9th till 18th. Dreamers. C San Augstin
9th to 16th. Qtmark. C
9th to 16th Motogpcpl. C
9th to 16th Funguy51. M
9th to ? ustwo97 C
9th to 17th Beachfun1 near Yumbo
10th to 17th Delsam C
10th to 17th curious_cplxxx C
10th to 13th. Loves_fun M then 14th-21st - Eugenia Victoria
10th to 21st. Hotdoggie. C
10th to ? ClassyHotwife. C
10th to ? _igerandlily C
10th to 17th. Vodkaandcock C. Venus
10th to 15th curiouscouple-X C
11th to 18th PeachyCouple C
11th to 19th. Ynot69. M11th to 25th. Pans123. C servatur Waikiki
11th to 21st. Lardybums. C
11th to 21st Perfect Couple c
11th to 22nd pans123 C
11th to 15th Comeplaywithus400. C
11th to 15th MilfFinder12. M
11th to 18th. Fun luvin couple C
11th to 18th SRcouple C
12th to 16th Redinthecorner F
12th to ??! Time to share 3or4 C
12th to 19th Evasohot. C Gold
12th to 19th Tight Pussy Lover M
12th to 21st Quietcpl2 C Gold
12th to 26th. XxRnBxx
12th to 21st. Jandr1. C. hotel casserio
12th to 21 Nov. Quietcpl2. C Venus
12th to 19th. The HMFs. C Gold
12th to 19th Hertscouple77 C Victoria Eugine
13th to 25th Lothiancouple4fun. C
13th to 17th. Lovelylady21. C Alhambra Boutique Apartments.
13th to 20th youwithus C
13th to 21st saintlysheer C la mirage
14th to 21st Fun16. C Gold
14th to 20th just us having fun
14th to 21st Jandd6871. C Gold
14th to 21st. Peachesandcream69. C Caterina
14th to 21st stan38. M Greenfields
14th to 21st Poetic Licence C
14th to 21st _avesalldays M
14th to 21st TheAddams C
14th to 21 _icknsuck2 C AboraCaterina
14th to 30th SaucySouWesters. C
14th to 24th sosexy C Gold
14th to 21st. Desire999. C Corallium Dunamar
14th to 19th. EasyBolton. M
14th - 21st. Bangers16. C
14th - 21st. dplips. C
14th to 21st PaddyHung Gold
14th to 28th Virgil. M
14th to 28th. Segliean C. Eugine Victoria
14th to 25th FriendsAndMemories C Gold
14th to 10th Dec Bonik C
14th to 25th _elightful 2 C
15th to 18th Dean11130 M Greenfields
15th to 20th Xfuntimes69x. C
15th to 20th Sharing is caring1. C
15th to 20th. Mrnoir69. M
15th to 23rd. Par48-49. C. Relaxia Los Girasoles Bungalows
15th to 20th. Sharing is caring1. C servatur playa bonita
15th to 22nd Sarbina59. Tv/Ts- (With wife) Caterina
15 to 22nd Sam_brown M
15th to 22nd LivingOurBestLife2019 C
15th to 29th Cpl4x C
15th to 19th usaginoashi M
16th to 30th. Leoeveryman M
16th to 30th. _-4pleasure. C
16th to 23rd. DixieBow . C
16th to 23rd. Promethues. M. Hotel Rui Palace
16th to 23rd discreetcplni C
16th to 23rd JandC89 C
16th to 23rd. King and Queen 20 Caterina
16th to 23rd KSM Couple C
16th to 23rd Cobbler1 M Corona roja
16th to 23rd _pank me! C
16th to 24th _exycouple1000777 C
16th to 30th leoeveryman M near Cita.
17th to 24th Share the joy C Maspalomas
17th to 24th muckypuppy007 C
17th to 22nd Twoformorefun. C Don Miguel
17th to 24th. Sexytwo4fun. C Gold
17th to 24th. Switch1s. C Playa Del Sol
17th to 29th. Sweetiepops72. C Caterina
17th to 29th Dopamine Caybeach
17th to 24th. Chocopops. M Don Miguel
17th to 28th. Scorpa. M.
17th to 26th. Kenny Ls8. M Caterina
17th to 24th Theklumps. C Rey Carlos
17th to 29th In4apenny C
17 to 24th GingerandNuts C Gold
17 to 27th PrincessToon C
18th to 25th sexytwo4fun Gold
18th to. 25th. Curious_hotwife_81. C18th to 27th. Hotcouple4you. C Venus
18th to 30th Mrsandmrss. C La Mirage
18th to 25th. Funguy0069. M
18th to 25th. Gen24genmeets. C
18th -22nd. Gnessmerlot. C
18th to 22nd Nov - Echochamber, single lady, staying near Yumbo.
19th to 27th Blue marlin. C Don Miguel
19th to 26th. Toffeecrispmunchers. C Caterina
19th to 26th. Tipster8. M
19 to 22nd Doots11. C
19th to 25th WildAtlanticSecret. C
19th to 24th. Zeebeedee100. C Gold
19th to 27th Hotcouple4you Venus
19th to 30th Coolj C La Mirage
19th to 30th mrsandmrss C La Mirage
19th to 30th _ackandruin C
19th to 26th Curioustwo123 C
20th to ? _igerandlily. C
21st to 24th. naughty_devils. C Samon beach Resort
21st to 26th. Crang. C
21st - 26th. Missfrogstomp. W
21st to 28th. Naughty and nice 2023. C Close to Cita
21st to 28th newcumers Greenfields (to 24th )/ Venus
21st to 28th twobyeguys MM Gold
21 to 28ty titsandhubby. C. Caterina
21st to 26th. Anamcaras. C
21st Oct - 30th Nov. Cple4funtimes C
21st to 1st Dec whippedcream C Close to Cita (apartment)
21st to 5th Dec. Orgasmdonor M
21st to 1st Dec dksin. C
21st to ?? Yorkscouple2018 C
21st to 28 th Sophisticatedfun C
22nd to 6th Dec. Suzy050 TV/TS
22nd to 6th Dec. Naughty1 and Naughty 2 C Greenfields
22nd to 29th NEnaughtycouple. C Sanom beach resort
22nd to 29th. Thong89 C ReyCarlos
22nd to 6th Dec ShropsDuo. C
22nd to ? chestercpl xx HL Suites
22nd to 29th curious curvy wife C
23rd to 30th My favourite knickers. C
23rd to 28. Mr_Darcy40. M. Labranda Mirieta
23rd to 30th. Bunchy26. C Private Villa
23rd-30th. SurreyNotSoNewbies. C near Cita
23rd to 30th keenonfun2 C Nayra
24th to 27th mr-Mrs backagain Venus
24th to 31st Mr fingers M
24 to ?? SIANnG1 C
25 to 5th free2goidhome M
25 to ???? cam001 M
26th to 1 Jan. 2heartsasone C. Villa
26th to 5th dec Kiddy couple Greenfields
26th to 3rd dec Bikerguy900 M
27Th to ? ShropsDuo C La Mirage
27th to 4th Dec CharlieandJune. C
27th to 7th Dec 2havfun C Near Yumbo til 3rd/Venus
27th to 6th dec seanbeg M
27th to 5t Dec. Sweetviewforall69. C
27th to 5th Dec. GnTandaPinaColada. C. Riu Papayas
27th to 8th Dec. Cosmiccouple. C
28 to 1st Dec zackhanna C
28th to 12th Dec PussygaloreMe. C
28th to 5th Dec _0couple C AirBnB near Cita
28th Nov to 5th Dec MorethanKKelf C HL Suites/Venus
28th Nov to 5th Dec Sunsetcpl
28th to 3rd Dec NaughtyTandL C
28th to 8th Dec Lady Penny Morgan Spice
28th to 5th Dec HHawk. C San Agustin
28th to 5th BitsandBobs69 C
28th to 5th Dec. _0couple. C
28th to 11 Dec. Skippy999. C
28th to 3rd dec BiGL Couple C Dunas
28th to ??? GnTandaPinaColada C
29th to 2nd Dec princess and the bear C. Gold
29th to Dec 6th. Herandhimstaffs. C private villa near Yumbo
30th to 8 Dec. Sugar and spice21. C
30th to 7th Dec Lady D and Mr A RG Villas |
Reply privately (closed, thread got too big) | |
- Minimal consumption : 1 drink per person (more is allowed of course )
- Card payment is possible , cash payment is preferred
- No tab , order = immediate payment
- Start : 20.00 hrs
- End : 22.00 hrs.
- Both couples and single men are welcome to stay longer , BUT as of 22.00 hrs , our normal conditions will apply, meaning that single men will have to pay 30 EUR entry fee ( with 1 more drink included) - couples don’t pay anything , only their future drinks. The remaining couples and single men will at that time receive a bracelet for future drinks and the locker key.
Xx |
Reply privately (closed, thread got too big) | |
By (user no longer on site) 18 weeks ago
Can't wait! Meet old friends and hopefully make a few new ones too. |
Reply privately (closed, thread got too big) | |
Had to change our date 21st looking to meet couples singles mail us |
Reply privately (closed, thread got too big) | |
By *4tCouple 18 weeks ago
warrington |
"Just another copy and paste with another couple added
Nov is here! Yippee!!
Updated list of those heading over!
8th oct to 7th. The original sin tv/ts
23 to 4th.Hornymature61 C
24th Oct to 4th Naughty A and Naughty L
24th to 4th. Shavenbabe01 C.
24th to 3rd. XXX. Bonbon C
25th to 1st hotwife sharer C
25th Oct to 8th. Suzy050. Tv/Ts
25 to 4th. Dr who C
25th to 4th smoothie4664plus1
26th to 3rd. MrGandbunny C Venus
27th to 3rd. Double scotch. C
26th to 7th. Geoffrey 888 M
28th to 3rd. Funcple4u1970
28th Oct to 11th. NoDramaLlamas
28th to 5th pleasureorbit C
29th to 6th Young3sum
29th Oct to 7th Nov TeasenRave C
29th Oct to 10th. Randilondon. C
29th Oct to 5th Merseypair . C abora
29th Oct to 14th Suzy206. C La Mirage
29th Oct to 12th Flojomojo. C RG Villas
29th Oct to 5th. NeverFullyDressed C
29th Oct til 4th The_W_Anchors. C Gold
29th Oct - 5th. Asian_couple. C
29th oct to 5th. M and don
29th to 5th. Bikerstoke82 M
30th to 6th Ellie and spurt C
30th to 6th. Bi bi erotica. C
30th to 3rd. Misswandmrl. C
31st to ? Abercurious. C
31st to 5th beauty and the geek 24 C
31 to 6th Katenwill69 C
31st to 10th fun in the suncool C
31st to 6th Newcuriouscouple12. C
1st Nov-8th two to tango C Puerto Rico
1st to 8th _ent players C La Mirage
1st to 8th Hotwife81300 C
1st to 14th. Lucianpound C Private apartment near la charca
1st to 8th. ThecampervanRockers
1st to 12th. Powerful2024. C
1st - 15th. Carpenoctem72. C
2nd to 5th 1234400 C
2nd to 9th. Roseand tHoRN. C
2nd to 9th KCCouple Near Cita
2nd to 6th. Pharemore. M
3rd to ? Chris16 M
3rd to 10th tyronecpl123 C
3rd to 7th londoncpl35!
3rd to 30th. Erotic angels. C
3rd to 17th Davenval. C Victoria Eugine
3rd to 14th. Vikingandmaiden2 C
4th to 8th Him and her Herts. C Gold
4th to 8th _llstar999 M
4th to 10th. Ipslad99. M
4th to 20th. WeePurpleDragon. C
4th to 28th Olly69 M
5th to 30th. EricBananaMan. M
5th to 9th. Js special C
5th to 16th. Classy_coup1e
5th to 15th SecretSilverLink M Gran canaria princess
5th to 12th SugarandspiceNW1 C
7th to 14th MrandMrsGee. C. HL suites
7th to 14 th _ylollipop. C
7th to 14 th Hotcplmids C
7th to 14th Caesar and Clitopatra M
7th to 16 th Webby24. M
7th to 18th. Nice_couple2012. C Seaside Sandy Beach
7 to 11th winsorcouple50. C Gold
7th to 14th. Swales_hotwife. C
7th to 14th hotter couple C8
7th to 21st Jacki and Don
8th to 13th WhatHappensNext C Caterina
8th to 25th 2and2a. C La Mirage
8th to 15th. Par48-49. C
9th to 23rd. 2forfuntimes. C Private Villa
9th to 16th. Asexy. C Bohemia Spa
9th till 18th. Dreamers. C San Augstin
9th to 16th. Qtmark. C
9th to 16th Motogpcpl. C
9th to 16th Funguy51. M
9th to ? ustwo97 C
9th to 17th Beachfun1 near Yumbo
10th to 17th Delsam C
10th to 17th curious_cplxxx C
10th to 13th. Loves_fun M then 14th-21st - Eugenia Victoria
10th to 21st. Hotdoggie. C
10th to ? ClassyHotwife. C
10th to ? _igerandlily C
10th to 17th. Vodkaandcock C. Venus
10th to 15th curiouscouple-X C
11th to 18th PeachyCouple C
11th to 19th. Ynot69. M11th to 25th. Pans123. C servatur Waikiki
11th to 21st. Lardybums. C
11th to 21st Perfect Couple c
11th to 22nd pans123 C
11th to 15th Comeplaywithus400. C
11th to 15th MilfFinder12. M
11th to 18th. Fun luvin couple C
11th to 18th SRcouple C
12th to 16th Redinthecorner F
12th to ??! Time to share 3or4 C
12th to 19th Evasohot. C Gold
12th to 19th Tight Pussy Lover M
12th to 21st Quietcpl2 C Gold
12th to 26th. XxRnBxx
12th to 21st. Jandr1. C. hotel casserio
12th to 21 Nov. Quietcpl2. C Venus
12th to 19th. The HMFs. C Gold
12th to 19th Hertscouple77 C Victoria Eugine
13th to 25th Lothiancouple4fun. C
13th to 17th. Lovelylady21. C Alhambra Boutique Apartments.
13th to 20th youwithus C
13th to 21st saintlysheer C la mirage
14th to 21st Fun16. C Gold
14th to 20th just us having fun
14th to 21st Jandd6871. C Gold
14th to 21st. Peachesandcream69. C Caterina
14th to 21st stan38. M Greenfields
14th to 21st Poetic Licence C
14th to 21st _avesalldays M
14th to 21st TheAddams C
14th to 21 _icknsuck2 C AboraCaterina
14th to 30th SaucySouWesters. C
14th to 24th sosexy C Gold
14th to 21st. Desire999. C Corallium Dunamar
14th to 19th. EasyBolton. M
14th - 21st. Bangers16. C
14th - 21st. dplips. C
14th to 21st PaddyHung Gold
14th to 28th Virgil. M
14th to 28th. Segliean C. Eugine Victoria
14th to 25th FriendsAndMemories C Gold
14th to 10th Dec Bonik C
14th to 25th _elightful 2 C
15th to 18th Dean11130 M Greenfields
15th to 20th Xfuntimes69x. C
15th to 20th Sharing is caring1. C
15th to 20th. Mrnoir69. M
15th to 23rd. Par48-49. C. Relaxia Los Girasoles Bungalows
15th to 20th. Sharing is caring1. C servatur playa bonita
15th to 22nd Sarbina59. Tv/Ts- (With wife) Caterina
15 to 22nd Sam_brown M
15th to 22nd LivingOurBestLife2019 C
15th to 29th Cpl4x C
15th to 19th usaginoashi M
16th to 30th. Leoeveryman M
16th to 30th. _-4pleasure. C
16th to 23rd. DixieBow . C
16th to 23rd. Promethues. M. Hotel Rui Palace
16th to 23rd discreetcplni C
16th to 23rd JandC89 C
16th to 23rd. King and Queen 20 Caterina
16th to 23rd KSM Couple C
16th to 23rd Cobbler1 M Corona roja
16th to 23rd _pank me! C
16th to 24th _exycouple1000777 C
16th to 30th leoeveryman M near Cita.
17th to 24th Share the joy C Maspalomas
17th to 24th muckypuppy007 C
17th to 22nd Twoformorefun. C Don Miguel
17th to 24th. Sexytwo4fun. C Gold
17th to 24th. Switch1s. C Playa Del Sol
17th to 29th. Sweetiepops72. C Caterina
17th to 29th Dopamine Caybeach
17th to 24th. Chocopops. M Don Miguel
17th to 28th. Scorpa. M.
17th to 26th. Kenny Ls8. M Caterina
17th to 24th Theklumps. C Rey Carlos
17th to 29th In4apenny C
17 to 24th GingerandNuts C Gold
17 to 27th PrincessToon C
18th to 25th sexytwo4fun Gold
18th to. 25th. Curious_hotwife_81. C18th to 27th. Hotcouple4you. C Venus
18th to 30th Mrsandmrss. C La Mirage
18th to 25th. Funguy0069. M
18th to 25th. Gen24genmeets. C
18th -22nd. Gnessmerlot. C
18th to 22nd Nov - Echochamber, single lady, staying near Yumbo.
19th to 27th Blue marlin. C Don Miguel
19th to 26th. Toffeecrispmunchers. C Caterina
19th to 26th. Tipster8. M
19 to 22nd Doots11. C
19th to 25th WildAtlanticSecret. C
19th to 24th. Zeebeedee100. C Gold
19th to 27th Hotcouple4you Venus
19th to 30th Coolj C La Mirage
19th to 30th mrsandmrss C La Mirage
19th to 30th _ackandruin C
19th to 26th Curioustwo123 C
20th to ? _igerandlily. C
21st to 24th. naughty_devils. C Samon beach Resort
21st to 26th. Crang. C
21st - 26th. Missfrogstomp. W
21st to 28th. Naughty and nice 2023. C Close to Cita
21st to 28th newcumers Greenfields (to 24th )/ Venus
21st to 28th twobyeguys MM Gold
21 to 28ty titsandhubby. C. Caterina
21st to 26th. Anamcaras. C
21st Oct - 30th Nov. Cple4funtimes C
21st to 1st Dec whippedcream C Close to Cita (apartment)
21st to 5th Dec. Orgasmdonor M
21st to 1st Dec dksin. C
21st to ?? Yorkscouple2018 C
21st to 28 th Sophisticatedfun C
22nd to 6th Dec. Suzy050 TV/TS
22nd to 6th Dec. Naughty1 and Naughty 2 C Greenfields
22nd to 29th NEnaughtycouple. C Sanom beach resort
22nd to 29th. Thong89 C ReyCarlos
22nd to 6th Dec ShropsDuo. C
22nd to ? chestercpl xx HL Suites
22nd to 29th curious curvy wife C
23rd to 30th K4T Gold
23rd to 30th My favourite knickers. C
23rd to 28. Mr_Darcy40. M. Labranda Mirieta
23rd to 30th. Bunchy26. C Private Villa
23rd-30th. SurreyNotSoNewbies. C near Cita
23rd to 30th keenonfun2 C Nayra
24th to 27th mr-Mrs backagain Venus
24th to 31st Mr fingers M
24 to ?? SIANnG1 C
25 to 5th free2goidhome M
25 to ???? cam001 M
26th to 1 Jan. 2heartsasone C. Villa
26th to 5th dec Kiddy couple Greenfields
26th to 3rd dec Bikerguy900 M
27Th to ? ShropsDuo C La Mirage
27th to 4th Dec CharlieandJune. C
27th to 7th Dec 2havfun C Near Yumbo til 3rd/Venus
27th to 6th dec seanbeg M
27th to 5t Dec. Sweetviewforall69. C
27th to 5th Dec. GnTandaPinaColada. C. Riu Papayas
27th to 8th Dec. Cosmiccouple. C
28 to 1st Dec zackhanna C
28th to 12th Dec PussygaloreMe. C
28th to 5th Dec _0couple C AirBnB near Cita
28th Nov to 5th Dec MorethanKKelf C HL Suites/Venus
28th Nov to 5th Dec Sunsetcpl
28th to 3rd Dec NaughtyTandL C
28th to 8th Dec Lady Penny Morgan Spice
28th to 5th Dec HHawk. C San Agustin
28th to 5th BitsandBobs69 C
28th to 5th Dec. _0couple. C
28th to 11 Dec. Skippy999. C
28th to 3rd dec BiGL Couple C Dunas
28th to ??? GnTandaPinaColada C
29th to 2nd Dec princess and the bear C. Gold
29th to Dec 6th. Herandhimstaffs. C private villa near Yumbo
30th to 8 Dec. Sugar and spice21. C
30th to 7th Dec Lady D and Mr A RG Villas"
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For got to say staying catarina 21 soz |
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14-17 Nov for us (Gold), can’t wait! 🥳 |
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One week to go!! See you all on the 15th, say hi if your going to be around the same time!! |
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Another update…🙈
But removed those who have already come n gone! And added a few newbies to the list👍🏾
28th Oct to 11th. NoDramaLlamas
29th Oct to 10th. Randilondon. C
29th Oct to 14th Suzy206. C La Mirage
29th Oct to 12th Flojomojo. C RG Villas
31st to 10th fun in the suncool C
1st to 14th. Lucianpound C Private apartment near la charca
1st to 12th. Powerful2024. C
1st - 15th. Carpenoctem72. C
2nd to 9th. Roseand tHoRN. C
2nd to 9th KCCouple Near Cita
3rd to ? Chris16 M
3rd to 10th tyronecpl123 C
3rd to 30th. Erotic angels. C
3rd to 17th Davenval. C Victoria Eugine
3rd to 14th. Vikingandmaiden2 C
4th to 10th. Ipslad99. M
4th to 20th. WeePurpleDragon. C
4th to 28th Olly69 M
5th to 30th. EricBananaMan. M
5th to 9th. Js special C
5th to 16th. Classy_coup1e
5th to 15th SecretSilverLink M Gran canaria princess
5th to 12th SugarandspiceNW1 C
7th to 14th MrandMrsGee. C. HL suites
7th to 14 th _ylollipop. C
7th to 14 th Hotcplmids C
7th to 14th Caesar and Clitopatra C
7th to 16 th Webby24. M
7th to 18th. Nice_couple2012. C Seaside Sandy Beach
7 to 11th winsorcouple50. C Gold
7th to 14th. Swales_hotwife. C
7th to 14th hotter couple C8
7th to 21st Jacki and Don
8th to 13th WhatHappensNext C Caterina
8th to 25th 2and2a. C La Mirage
8th to 15th. Par48-49. C
9th to 23rd. 2forfuntimes. C Private Villa
9th to 16th. Asexy. C Bohemia Spa
9th till 18th. Dreamers. C San Augstin
9th to 16th. Qtmark. C
9th to 16th Motogpcpl. C
9th to 16th Funguy51. M
9th to ? ustwo97 C
9th to 17th Beachfun1 near Yumbo
10th to 17th Delsam C
10th to 17th curious_cplxxx C
10th to 13th. Loves_fun M then 14th-21st - Eugenia Victoria
10th to 21st. Hotdoggie. C
10th to ? ClassyHotwife. C
10th to ? _igerandlily C
10th to 17th. Vodkaandcock C. Venus
10th to 15th curiouscouple-X C
11th to 18th PeachyCouple C
11th to 19th. Ynot69. M11th to 25th. Pans123. C servatur Waikiki
11th to 21st. Lardybums. C
11th to 21st Perfect Couple c
11th to 22nd pans123 C
11th to 15th Comeplaywithus400. C
11th to 15th MilfFinder12. M
11th to 18th. Fun luvin couple C
11th to 18th SRcouple C
12th to 16th Redinthecorner F
12th to 16th NakedBeautys80 C
12th to ??! Time to share 3or4 C
12 to ??? KG113 C
12th to 19th Evasohot. C Gold
12th to 19th Tight Pussy Lover M
12th to 21st Quietcpl2 C Gold
12th to 26th. XxRnBxx
12th to 21st. Jandr1. C. hotel casserio
12th to 21 Nov. Quietcpl2. C Venus
12th to 19th. The HMFs. C Gold
12th to 19th Hertscouple77 C Victoria Eugine
13th to 25th Lothiancouple4fun. C
13th to 17th. Lovelylady21. C Alhambra Boutique Apartments.
13th to 20th youwithus C
13th to 21st saintlysheer C la mirage
14th to 17th EireExplorer C
14th to 21st Fun16. C Gold
14th to 20th just us having fun
14th to 21st Jandd6871. C Gold
14th to 21st. Peachesandcream69. C Caterina
14th to 21st stan38. M Greenfields
14th to 21st Poetic Licence C
14th to 21st _avesalldays M
14th to 21st TheAddams C
14th to 21 _icknsuck2 C AboraCaterina
14th to 30th SaucySouWesters. C
14th to 24th sosexy C Gold
14th to 21st. Desire999. C Corallium Dunamar
14th to 19th. EasyBolton. M
14th - 21st. Bangers16. C
14th - 21st. dplips. C
14th to 21st PaddyHung Gold
14th to 28th Virgil. M
14th to 28th. Segliean C. Eugine Victoria
14th to 25th FriendsAndMemories C Gold
14th to 10th Dec Bonik C
14th to 25th _elightful 2 C
15th to 18th Dean11130 M Greenfields
15th to 20th Xfuntimes69x. C
15th to 20th Sharing is caring1. C
15th to 20th. Mrnoir69. M
15th to 23rd. Par48-49. C. Relaxia Los Girasoles Bungalows
15th to 20th. Sharing is caring1. C servatur playa bonita
15th to 22nd Sarbina59. Tv/Ts- (With wife) Caterina
15 to 22nd Sam_brown M
15th to 22nd LivingOurBestLife2019 C
15th to 29th Cpl4x C
15th to 19th usaginoashi M
16th to 30th. Leoeveryman M
16th to 30th. _-4pleasure. C
16th to 23rd. DixieBow . C
16th to 23rd. Promethues. M. Hotel Rui Palace
16th to 23rd discreetcplni C
16th to 23rd JandC89 C
16th to 23rd. King and Queen 20 Caterina
16th to 23rd KSM Couple C
16th to 23rd Cobbler1 M Corona roja
16th to 23rd _pank me! C
16th to 24th _exycouple1000777 C
16th to 30th leoeveryman M near Cita.
17th to 21st BMW80 C
17th to 24th Share the joy C Maspalomas
17th to 24th muckypuppy007 C
17th to 22nd Twoformorefun. C Don Miguel
17th to 24th. Sexytwo4fun. C Gold
17th to 24th. Switch1s. C Playa Del Sol
17th to 29th. Sweetiepops72. C Caterina
17th to 29th Dopamine Caybeach
17th to 24th. Chocopops. M Don Miguel
17th to 28th. Scorpa. M.
17th to 26th. Kenny Ls8. M Caterina
17th to 24th Theklumps. C Rey Carlos
17th to 29th In4apenny C
17 to 24th GingerandNuts C Gold
17 to 27th PrincessToon C
18th to 25th sexytwo4fun Gold
18th to. 25th. Curious_hotwife_81. C18th to 27th. Hotcouple4you. C Venus
18th to 30th Mrsandmrss. C La Mirage
18th to 25th. Funguy0069. M
18th to 25th. Gen24genmeets. C
18th -22nd. Gnessmerlot. C
18th to 22nd Nov - Echochamber, single lady, staying near Yumbo.
19th to 27th Blue marlin. C Don Miguel
19th to 26th. Toffeecrispmunchers. C Caterina
19th to 26th. Tipster8. M
19 to 22nd Doots11. C
19th to 25th WildAtlanticSecret. C
19th to 24th. Zeebeedee100. C Gold
19th to 27th Hotcouple4you Venus
19th to 30th Coolj C La Mirage
19th to 30th mrsandmrss C La Mirage
19th to 30th _ackandruin C
19th to 26th Curioustwo123 C
21st to ? _igerandlily. C caterina
21st to 24th. naughty_devils. C Samon beach Resort
21st to 26th. Crang. C
21st - 26th. Missfrogstomp. W
21st to 28th. Naughty and nice 2023. C Close to Cita
21st to 28th newcumers Greenfields (to 24th )/ Venus
21st to 28th twobyeguys MM Gold
21 to 28ty titsandhubby. C. Caterina
21st to 26th. Anamcaras. C
21st Oct - 30th Nov. Cple4funtimes C
21st to 1st Dec whippedcream C Close to Cita (apartment)
21st to 5th Dec. Orgasmdonor M
21st to 1st Dec dksin. C
21st to ?? Yorkscouple2018 C
21st to 28 th Sophisticatedfun C
22nd to 6th Dec. Suzy050 TV/TS
22nd to 6th Dec. Naughty1 and Naughty 2 C Greenfields
22nd to 29th NEnaughtycouple. C Sanom beach resort
22nd to 29th. Thong89 C ReyCarlos
22nd to 6th Dec ShropsDuo. C
22nd to ? chestercpl xx HL Suites
22nd to 29th curious curvy wife C
23rd to 30th My favourite knickers. C
23rd to 28. Mr_Darcy40. M. Labranda Mirieta
23rd to 30th. Bunchy26. C Private Villa
23rd-30th. SurreyNotSoNewbies. C near Cita
23rd to 30th keenonfun2 C Nayra
24th to 27th mr-Mrs backagain Venus
24th to 31st Mr fingers M
24 to ?? SIANnG1 C
25 to 5th free2goidhome M
25 to ???? cam001 M
26th to 1 Jan. 2heartsasone C. Villa
26th to 5th dec Kiddy couple Greenfields
26th to 3rd dec Bikerguy900 M
27Th to ? ShropsDuo C La Mirage
27th to 4th Dec CharlieandJune. C
27th to 7th Dec 2havfun C Near Yumbo til 3rd/Venus
27th to 6th dec seanbeg M
27th to 5t Dec. Sweetviewforall69. C
27th to 5th Dec. GnTandaPinaColada. C. Riu Papayas
27th to 8th Dec. Cosmiccouple. C
28 to 1st Dec zackhanna C
28th to 12th Dec PussygaloreMe. C
28th to 5th Dec _0couple C AirBnB near Cita
28th Nov to 5th Dec MorethanKKelf C HL Suites/Venus
28th Nov to 5th Dec Sunsetcpl
28th to 3rd Dec NaughtyTandL C
28th to 8th Dec Lady Penny Morgan Spice
28th to 5th Dec HHawk. C San Agustin
28th to 5th BitsandBobs69 C
28th to 5th Dec. _0couple. C
28th to 11 Dec. Skippy999. C
28th to 3rd dec BiGL Couple C Dunas
28th to ??? GnTandaPinaColada C
29th to 2nd Dec princess and the bear C. Gold
29th to Dec 6th. Herandhimstaffs. C private villa near Yumbo
30th to 8 Dec. Sugar and spice21. C
30th to 7th Dec Lady D and Mr A RG VillasThe
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Flying from Manchester in the morning (9th to 16th). Anyone else on that flight and fancy meeting for a drink in the airport?😎 |
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Anyone know a good Chinese restaurant in PDI? Oh and a good Italian?
We know plenty of good steak places xx |
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We are arriving Monday 11th staying close to cita . |
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"Anyone know a good Chinese restaurant in PDI? Oh and a good Italian?
We know plenty of good steak places xx"
Bamboo Garden is pretty good nothing fancy just nice food.
Address: Bungalows Campo de Golf, Av. Touroperador Neckermann, 42, 35100 Maspalomas, Las Palmas, Spain |
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"Anyone know a good Chinese restaurant in PDI? Oh and a good Italian?
We know plenty of good steak places xx"
The Chinese upstairs in Cita is bloody good. X |
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Is the black bulldog still open? |
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Why is it not Tuesday yet????
See ye all next week x |
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21st - 29th , staying at Sanom Beach Resort , Not long now |
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By *vasohotCouple 18 weeks ago
passionville |
Arriving Tuesday. Can't come quick enough;) |
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"Anyone know a good Chinese restaurant in PDI? Oh and a good Italian?
We know plenty of good steak places xx"
We normally go to Que Pasa Tio next to Sakura near the Cita. But hear there’s a good Italian in the Cita towards the back, but we’ve yet to let go of our local.
Miss Asia was always a good restaurant and this has moved on to Tirajuana, next to Sultan Kebap and Innovador (eat all you want Chinese, but made to order), not bad as well (lovely Chinese bread, egg fried rice, beef Hong Kong and spring rolls).
If you’re craving Indian, then a new one has popped up in the Cita called Namaste Bharat. |
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By *iger13Couple 18 weeks ago
Cambridge |
We arrive 25th staying til 9th at Gold, can’t wait  |
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Packing started today we arrive Wednesday  |
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By *ayneXXXWoman 18 weeks ago
Milton Keynes |
13-17th staying near Cita.
Celebrating my birthday in Red Hot Reenies on the 13th. Pirate theme so if you fancy dressing up that would be great...not compulsory but would lovely to see you there. |
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By *ayneXXXWoman 18 weeks ago
Milton Keynes |
13-17th staying near Cita.
Celebrating my birthday in Red Hot Reenies on the 13th. Pirate theme so if you fancy dressing up that would be great...not compulsory but would lovely to see you there. |
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25th nov-5th Dec...looking forward to being back on kiosk 3 and at tipsy...flying from east mids |
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Flying out Monday morning. Looking forward to it.
X |
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By *MW80Couple 18 weeks ago
Shropshire |
17th - 20th November first time in PDI looking forward to meeting up with good friends and hoping to meet new ones xx |
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By (user no longer on site) 18 weeks ago
who's flying early friday morning from Manchester? |
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5 days we can’t wait to visit Secret and Eden for some fun and good drinks. |
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Flying out this week on Thursday for a week staying at abora caterina..
We are on a family holiday, so we both can't nip to the clubs/bar together, but we could separately possibly.
Which would be a first for us, we have always have played together in 15+years of swinging.
This wouldn't be going on behind each others backs, we both have agreed to this scenario.
It could be a really turn on and fansty all in one. :-b
Any couples or single female fancy let us as a single on a night tag along with you drop us a message or comment on the post??!
Thanks guys. Xx
;-) |
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Currently trying to extend our holiday
"Flying out this week on Thursday for a week staying at abora caterina..
We are on a family holiday, so we both can't nip to the clubs/bar together, but we could separately possibly.
Which would be a first for us, we have always have played together in 15+years of swinging.
This wouldn't be going on behind each others backs, we both have agreed to this scenario.
It could be a really turn on and fansty all in one. :-b
Any couples or single female fancy let us as a single on a night tag along with you drop us a message or comment on the post??!
Thanks guys. Xx
;-) "
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I'm arriving on the 14th and staying until 21st November. First time at PDI so look forward to it! Feel free to say hi 😁 |
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Arrive 28th for 10 days with partner looking for experienced couples singles to show us the joys of PDI |
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"Flying out this week on Thursday for a week staying at abora caterina..
We are on a family holiday, so we both can't nip to the clubs/bar together, but we could separately possibly.
Which would be a first for us, we have always have played together in 15+years of swinging.
This wouldn't be going on behind each others backs, we both have agreed to this scenario.
It could be a really turn on and fansty all in one. :-b
Any couples or single female fancy let us as a single on a night tag along with you drop us a message or comment on the post??!
Thanks guys. Xx
;-) "
There is a naked roof terrace in the Catarina that ye may be able to escape to for abit together, when kids are in kids club (age dependent). Either way, ye are very close to the Cita and should have plenty of fellow swingers staying in hotel. Have fun x |
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By *oojCouple 17 weeks ago
Exeter |
"Anyone know a good Chinese restaurant in PDI? Oh and a good Italian?
We know plenty of good steak places xx"
Great Italian in Bella vista lush two great tapas places |
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"Flying out this week on Thursday for a week staying at abora caterina..
We are on a family holiday, so we both can't nip to the clubs/bar together, but we could separately possibly.
Which would be a first for us, we have always have played together in 15+years of swinging.
This wouldn't be going on behind each others backs, we both have agreed to this scenario.
It could be a really turn on and fansty all in one. :-b
Any couples or single female fancy let us as a single on a night tag along with you drop us a message or comment on the post??!
Thanks guys. Xx
There is a naked roof terrace in the Catarina that ye may be able to escape to for abit together, when kids are in kids club (age dependent). Either way, ye are very close to the Cita and should have plenty of fellow swingers staying in hotel. Have fun x"
Yer we have been to abora caterina lots of times and enjoyed the naked roof terrace.
It's the first time since having our toddler returning to GC so a very different experience we will be having.
Thank you for the message. Xx |
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"Anyone know a good Chinese restaurant in PDI? Oh and a good Italian?
We know plenty of good steak places xx
We normally go to Que Pasa Tio next to Sakura near the Cita. But hear there’s a good Italian in the Cita towards the back, but we’ve yet to let go of our local.
Miss Asia was always a good restaurant and this has moved on to Tirajuana, next to Sultan Kebap and Innovador (eat all you want Chinese, but made to order), not bad as well (lovely Chinese bread, egg fried rice, beef Hong Kong and spring rolls).
If you’re craving Indian, then a new one has popped up in the Cita called Namaste Bharat."
We had an incredible Italian tasting menu at Kilometro 00 in the Cita centre. It's a small place and not that easy to find tucked along one of the outside corridors on the top floor but well worth a visit. Run by Italians and using very well sourced ingredients.
To be honest the tasting menu was too much for us, we had to go for a brisk walk before heading out for evening activities  |
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Arrived today, where's best to head tonight ? Xx |
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By *hong89Couple 17 weeks ago
…………. |
Where’s the best place to get a good old fashioned English breakfast |
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"Where’s the best place to get a good old fashioned English breakfast "
Red cow is decent but depends where your staying it’s right next to us |
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By *hong89Couple 17 weeks ago
…………. |
Thank you, I think it’s in walking distance from us x |
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"Where’s the best place to get a good old fashioned English breakfast "
Red cow or brittania |
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By *I TwoCouple 17 weeks ago
PDI 12-26th Nov 24 |
48 hours to party 😍 |
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"Where’s the best place to get a good old fashioned English breakfast "
For us, Mardi Gras in the Yumbo. |
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"Anyone know a good Chinese restaurant in PDI? Oh and a good Italian?
We know plenty of good steak places xx
We normally go to Que Pasa Tio next to Sakura near the Cita. But hear there’s a good Italian in the Cita towards the back, but we’ve yet to let go of our local.
Miss Asia was always a good restaurant and this has moved on to Tirajuana, next to Sultan Kebap and Innovador (eat all you want Chinese, but made to order), not bad as well (lovely Chinese bread, egg fried rice, beef Hong Kong and spring rolls).
If you’re craving Indian, then a new one has popped up in the Cita called Namaste Bharat.
We had an incredible Italian tasting menu at Kilometro 00 in the Cita centre. It's a small place and not that easy to find tucked along one of the outside corridors on the top floor but well worth a visit. Run by Italians and using very well sourced ingredients.
To be honest the tasting menu was too much for us, we had to go for a brisk walk before heading out for evening activities "
Ooh that looks interesting. Definitely putting this on the list for next time.
Thanks for the tip. xx |
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By *azdavCouple 17 weeks ago
darlington |
[Removed by poster at 11/11/24 18:24:38] |
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By *LLY69Man 17 weeks ago
Avoca |
"Where’s the best place to get a good old fashioned English breakfast "
Mulligans |
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Hi all just a quick note on English breakfast
We have found a hidden gem in the cita run by English and all English food .its called macs tearoom and the best way to find it is if your outside the cita and facing the leaning tower of pisa there is a little ally to the right of it were you can rent a bike walk up the ally 20yds and there is a side entrance to the cita and its just inside .we just had a great breakfast hope this helps xx |
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By *I TwoCouple 17 weeks ago
PDI 12-26th Nov 24 |
"Hi all just a quick note on English breakfast
We have found a hidden gem in the cita run by English and all English food .its called macs tearoom and the best way to find it is if your outside the cita and facing the leaning tower of pisa there is a little ally to the right of it were you can rent a bike walk up the ally 20yds and there is a side entrance to the cita and its just inside .we just had a great breakfast hope this helps xx"
Been there for years, at the corner past spar and the fetish shop |
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"Hi all just a quick note on English breakfast
We have found a hidden gem in the cita run by English and all English food .its called macs tearoom and the best way to find it is if your outside the cita and facing the leaning tower of pisa there is a little ally to the right of it were you can rent a bike walk up the ally 20yds and there is a side entrance to the cita and its just inside .we just had a great breakfast hope this helps xx"
Breakfast sorted for tomorrow so.  |
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Penultimate List update from me🙈
(removed those who have already come n gone! And added a few newbies to the list👍🏾)
29th Oct to 14th Suzy206. C La Mirage
1st to 14th. Lucianpound C Private apartment near la charca
1st - 15th. Carpenoctem72. C
3rd to 30th. Erotic angels. C
3rd to 17th Davenval. C Victoria Eugine
3rd to 14th. Vikingandmaiden2 C
4th to 20th. WeePurpleDragon. C
4th to 28th Olly69 M
5th to 30th. EricBananaMan. M
5th to 16th. Classy_coup1e
5th to 15th SecretSilverLink M Gran canaria princess
7th to 14th MrandMrsGee. C. HL suites
7th to 14 th _ylollipop. C
7th to 14 th Hotcplmids C
7th to 14th Caesar and Clitopatra C
7th to 16 th Webby24. M
7th to 18th. Nice_couple2012. C Seaside Sandy Beach
7th to 14th. Swales_hotwife. C
7th to 14th hotter couple C8
7th to 21st Jacki and Don
8th to 13th WhatHappensNext C Caterina
8th to 25th 2and2a. C La Mirage
8th to 15th. Par48-49. C
9th to 23rd. 2forfuntimes. C Private Villa
9th to 16th. Asexy. C Bohemia Spa
9th till 18th. Dreamers. C San Augstin
9th to 16th. Qtmark. C
9th to 16th Motogpcpl. C
9th to 16th Funguy51. M
9th to ? ustwo97 C
9th to 17th Beachfun1 near Yumbo
10th to 17th Delsam C
10th to 17th curious_cplxxx C
10th to 13th. Loves_fun M then 14th-21st - Eugenia Victoria
10th to 21st. Hotdoggie. C
10th to ? ClassyHotwife. C
10th to ? _igerandlily C
10th to 17th. Vodkaandcock C. Venus
10th to 15th curiouscouple-X C
11th to ???? _ottie tot C
11th to 18th PeachyCouple C
11th to 19th. Ynot69. M
11th to 25th. Pans123. C servatur Waikiki
11th to 21st. Lardybums. C
11th to 21st Perfect Couple c
11th to 22nd pans123 C
11th to 15th Comeplaywithus400. C
11th to 15th MilfFinder12. M
11th to 18th. Fun luvin couple C
11th to 18th SRcouple C
12th to 16th Redinthecorner F
12th to 16th NakedBeautys80 C
12th to ??! Time to share 3or4 C
12 to ??? KG113 C
12th to 19th Evasohot. C Gold
12th to 19th Tight Pussy Lover M
12th to 21st Quietcpl2 C Gold
12th to 26th. XxRnBxx
12th to 21st. Jandr1. C. hotel casserio
12th to 21 Nov. Quietcpl2. C Venus
12th to 19th. The HMFs. C Gold
12th to 19th Hertscouple77 C Victoria Eugine
13th to 25th Lothiancouple4fun. C
13th to 17th. Lovelylady21. C Alhambra Boutique Apartments.
13th to 17th JayneXXX
13th to 17th _mw80 C
13th to 20th youwithus C
13th to 21st saintlysheer C la mirage
14th to 17th EireExplorer C
14th to 18th longfordlad M
14th to 21st Fun16. C Gold
14th to 20th just us having fun
14th to 21st Jandd6871. C Gold
14th to 21st. Peachesandcream69. C Caterina
14th to 21st stan38. M Greenfields
14th to 21st Poetic Licence C
14th to 21st _avesalldays M
14th to 21st TheAddams C
14th to 21 _icknsuck2 C AboraCaterina
14th to 30th SaucySouWesters. C
14th to 24th sosexy C Gold
14th to 21st. Desire999. C Corallium Dunamar
14th to 19th. EasyBolton. M
14th - 21st. Bangers16. C
14th - 21st. dplips. C
14th to 21st PaddyHung Gold
14th to 28th Virgil. M
14th to 28th. Segliean C. Eugine Victoria
14th to 25th FriendsAndMemories C Gold
14th to 10th Dec Bonik C
14th to 25th _elightful 2 C
15th to 18th Dean11130 M Greenfields
15th to 20th Xfuntimes69x. C
15th to 20th Sharing is caring1. C
15th to 20th. Mrnoir69. M
15th to 23rd. Par48-49. C. Relaxia Los Girasoles Bungalows
15th to 20th. Sharing is caring1. C servatur playa bonita
15th to 22nd Sarbina59. Tv/Ts- (With wife) Caterina
15 to 22nd Sam_brown M
15th to 22nd LivingOurBestLife2019 C
15th to 29th Cpl4x C
15th to 19th usaginoashi M
16th to 19th Farahfab M
16th to ??? smiler64 M
16th to 30th. Leoeveryman M
16th to 30th. _-4pleasure. C
16th to 23rd. DixieBow . C
16th to 23rd. Promethues. M. Hotel Rui Palace
16th to 23rd discreetcplni C
16th to 23rd JandC89 C
16th to 23rd. King and Queen 20 Caterina
16th to 23rd KSM Couple C
16th to 23rd Cobbler1 M Corona roja
16th to 23rd _pank me! C
16th to 24th _exycouple1000777 C
16th to 30th leoeveryman M near Cita.
17th to 21st BMW80 C
17th to 24th Share the joy C Maspalomas
17th to 24th muckypuppy007 C
17th to 22nd Twoformorefun. C Don Miguel
17th to 24th. Sexytwo4fun. C Gold
17th to 24th. Switch1s. C Playa Del Sol
17th to 29th. Sweetiepops72. C Caterina
17th to 29th Dopamine Caybeach
17th to 24th. Chocopops. M Don Miguel
17th to 28th. Scorpa. M.
17th to 26th. Kenny Ls8. M Caterina
17th to 24th Theklumps. C Rey Carlos
17th to 29th In4apenny C
17 to 24th GingerandNuts C Gold
17 to 27th PrincessToon C
18th to 25th sexytwo4fun Gold
18th to. 25th. Curious_hotwife_81. C18th to 27th. Hotcouple4you. C Venus
18th to 30th Mrsandmrss. C La Mirage
18th to 25th. Funguy0069. M
18th to 25th. Gen24genmeets. C
18th -22nd. Gnessmerlot. C
18th to 22nd Nov - Echochamber, single lady, staying near Yumbo.
19th to 27th Blue marlin. C Don Miguel
19th to 26th. Toffeecrispmunchers. C Caterina
19th to 26th Lucifer And Mazikeen C
19th to 26th. Tipster8. M
19 to 22nd Doots11. C
19th to 25th WildAtlanticSecret. C
19th to 24th. Zeebeedee100. C Gold
19th to 27th Hotcouple4you Venus
19th to 30th Coolj C La Mirage
19th to 30th mrsandmrss C La Mirage
19th to 30th _ackandruin C
19th to 26th Curioustwo123 C
21st to ? _igerandlily. C caterina
21st to 24th. naughty_devils. C Samon beach Resort
21st to 26th. Crang. C
21st - 26th. Missfrogstomp. W
21st to 28th. Naughty and nice 2023. C Close to Cita
21st to 28th newcumers Greenfields (to 24th )/ Venus
21st to 28th twobyeguys MM Gold
21 to 28ty titsandhubby. C. Caterina
21st to 26th. Anamcaras. C
21st Oct - 30th Nov. Cple4funtimes C
21st to 29th NEnaughtycouple C Sanom Beach Resort
21st to 1st Dec whippedcream C Close to Cita (apartment)
21st to 5th Dec. Orgasmdonor M
21st to 1st Dec dksin. C
21st to ?? Yorkscouple2018 C
21st to 28 th Sophisticatedfun C
22nd to 6th Dec. Suzy050 TV/TS
22nd to 6th Dec. Naughty1 and Naughty 2 C Greenfields
22nd to 29th NEnaughtycouple. C Sanom beach resort
22nd to 29th. Thong89 C ReyCarlos
22nd to 29th woman F
22nd to 6th Dec ShropsDuo. C
22nd to ? chestercpl xx HL Suites
22nd to 29th curious curvy wife C
23rd to 30th My favourite knickers. C
23rd to 28. Mr_Darcy40. M. Labranda Mirieta
23rd to 30th. Bunchy26. C Private Villa
23rd-30th. SurreyNotSoNewbies. C near Cita
23rd to 30th keenonfun2 C Nayra
24th to 27th mr-Mrs backagain Venus
24th to 31st Mr fingers M
24 to ?? SIANnG1 C
24th to ??? ClassyHotwife C
25 to 5th dec free2goidhome M
25th to 9th dec _iger13 C Gold
25th to 5th dec _ree2goodhome M
25 to 2nd dec cam001 M
26th to 1 Jan. 2heartsasone C. Villa
26th to 5th dec Kiddy couple Greenfields
26th to 3rd dec Bikerguy900 M
27Th to ? ShropsDuo C La Mirage
27th to 4th Dec CharlieandJune. C
27th to 7th Dec 2havfun C Near Yumbo til 3rd/Venus
27th to 6th dec seanbeg M
27th to 5t Dec. Sweetviewforall69. C
27th to 5th Dec. GnTandaPinaColada. C. Riu Papayas
27th to 8th Dec. Cosmiccouple. C
28 to 1st Dec zackhanna C
28th to 12th Dec PussygaloreMe. C
28th to 5th Dec _0couple C AirBnB near Cita
28th Nov to 5th Dec MorethanKKelf C HL Suites/Venus
28th Nov to 5th Dec Sunsetcpl
28th to 3rd Dec NaughtyTandL C
28th to 8th Dec Lady Penny Morgan Spice
28th to 5th Dec HHawk. C San Agustin
28th to 5th BitsandBobs69 C
28th to 5th Dec. _0couple. C
28th to 11 Dec. Skippy999. C
28th to 3rd dec BiGL Couple C Dunas
28th to ??? GnTandaPinaColada C
28th to 7th chopper 66 M
29th to 2nd Dec princess and the bear C. Gold
29th to Dec 6th. Herandhimstaffs. C private villa near Yumbo
30th to 8 Dec. Sugar and spice21. C
30th to 7th Dec Lady D and Mr A RG Villas |
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6.50am flight tomorrow morning....can't wait. Better have an early night  |
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730am flight from East Midlands tomorrow, anyone else? Xx |
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Anyone flying out of Edinburgh on Sunday morning? Xx |
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If anyone is in PDI on Monday, the social is going ahead 8pm - 10pm at Peaches and Cream, free entry for all then normal charges apply from 10pm. Message us. X |
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Gutted, we have made plans for the Monday so will miss it. sounds like a great idea hope it all goes well x  |
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"If anyone is in PDI on Monday, the social is going ahead 8pm - 10pm at Peaches and Cream, free entry for all then normal charges apply from 10pm. Message us. X"
Flying home on Sunday. Gutted we’ll miss it. Hope everyone has a great evening. |
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Final settled in to our hotel abora caterina.. after a long day yesterday. Xx |
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Im staying there too, arrive on Sunday can't wait  |
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"See you there, "
It lovely and warm here today. |
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