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body image

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By *earded villain OP   Man  over a year ago


now i know us blokes arent ment to give a fuck but does your body shape cause you concern ?

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By *igD262Man  over a year ago


Hi my freind more now it does that’s how I try and take care of it now

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By *earded blossomCouple  over a year ago


Nope, I live my lifestyle the way I do but thankfully my body hasn’t caught up with my food yet as long as I can see my cock when I look down I’m happy


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"now i know us blokes arent ment to give a fuck but does your body shape cause you concern ?


Chubby stretch marks and lil cock but love getting naked and shaking it about lol no concerns here

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By *ighland gentlemanMan  over a year ago


My body is pretty much the same shape it's always been.

Doesn't seem to matter how much exercise or sports I do.

Therefore I am resigned to being the owner of a set of moobs!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well I’ll brave it and say it... yes! Having been a lot bigger in younger years, I’m always a tad conscious about how I look.

In particular it’s the good old belly that always causes the concern lol


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It does a bit. Always wonder what how different people would view you with a 6pack and some muscles!

First bloody thing on Facebook today was a study showing that 80% of women alledgendly prefer someone with a muscular physique!

I best get some food into me and get to the bloody gym!

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By *luebell888Woman  over a year ago


Im ok although still find fault with myself.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Didn’t know if this was directed at men only.

But no my body shape doesn’t cause me concern.

It does however need a bit of work.

Back to yoga in the new year and I’m gonna try clubercise. Can’t beat a bit of dancing around with glow sticks in a dark room.

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By *awty MaxWoman  over a year ago


I was the same Minx!

Sorry if direct at men

Not concerned about my body shape in general!

When am grumpy and am not happy with it... I blame my Black DNA

I think wearing the right clothes for my body shape helped me to love my bodyshape better!

And when you grow up a bit you understand that you can't look like X or look like Y because they have a completely different metabolism, DNA, muscle/bone structure, etc...

So vive my bodyshape!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I was told on here I have the body of an old man, so yeah that's kind of hard to hear.

I've always been a bigger guy all of my life but the past few years I shed 7 stone and I'm really slim now but it's still annoying to hear that people can be so harsh on something without having any idea what you've been through.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I agree so vive your body shape nawty

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By *hav02Man  over a year ago


No matter how hard i tried, i just wouldn't bulk up despite food and exercise. My metabolism Burnt calories quick. No one ever complained though

Now though, I've gained bulk in the wrong places

As summer comes, I'll be back out again to try tone up

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By *ola cubesMan  over a year ago


I was able to rest a mug on my stomach since then been a regular gym goer no idea about weight difference as was more to get bk into my shape

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By *hyguy2360Man  over a year ago


"Didn’t know if this was directed at men only.

But no my body shape doesn’t cause me concern.

It does however need a bit of work.

Back to yoga in the new year and I’m gonna try clubercise. Can’t beat a bit of dancing around with glow sticks in a dark room. "

I’ve just looked at your pics and there is no reason your body shape should cause you concern I think you have a great body that’s lots of ladies would want.

As for mine I’m happy it’s not changed much over the years kinda lost the 6 pack look but hey shit happens.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

In everyday life no,as I do not have anyone to sell myself to.

In fab life,as you are in the shop window; yes.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Your body reacts to how you treat it.

Some people's body will show more quickly than others even doing the same workout during the day.

I just go running, (just Cpl of miles every two days at least), and I coach, so very active, if I miss running like a Cpl of consecutive days, its hard to get back in but I eventually do and I see a change in my physical body quickly and also its good for your mind and soul after the workout you use.

Anyways here's for being happy with yourself folks, your bodies are all beautiful as you are

Have A Merry Xmas when it comes

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think everyone has something they would like to change but let's face it we all get a bit older and speaking from a woman's point of view if you've had kids there's bound to be some stretch marks and some scars and some things we can't change. Over the years I have accepted my shape scars and all and I dress to look good and I feel good and hopefully people look at me for who I am and the life I have not the belly shelf or the scars lol

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By *he Ginger PrincessWoman  over a year ago


I quite like a man with a belly personally!!!!

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By *yldstyleWoman  over a year ago

A world of my own

I'm not a man but I hate mine.

Sadly there's a lot of pressure on botn genders to look or even feel a certain way.

I admire people with confidence and those who love the skin they are in.

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By *exy gentMan  over a year ago


Hate my belly and moobs, back in training though and although I'll never have a six pack, I do want to trim up

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By *onkeymagic50Man  over a year ago

Near the harbour

Lost 20 kilos this year and now don't like my body ,thank Lord it Xmas can put weight back on

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

In my younger days I was a semi pro boxer who trained 6 days a week twice a day building up to fights. I look back at pics now and I think I was too skinny. Yes I’m ripped, gotta 6-pack etc etc. but I was a 10st skeleton. Now I weigh 12 st and feel a lot healthier.

The 6 pack got d*unk years ago can still see the definition although a bit of a keg has started to develop

Back into exercise although my knees are buggered and I can’t do roadwork anymore I have compensated by swimming more

Overall I’m happier now with what I have

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By *inky SpiceWoman  over a year ago


There are very few people that are completely happy with their bodies. The choices are to either do something about it with diet and exercise or if that isn't an option to change your mental attitude towards your body. Look for your good points and concentrate on them. There will always be people who find you attractive, maybe not as many as the toned Adonis types have, but they aren't real anyway (cyborgs). Personally I prefer a bigger man and I'm far from alone in that.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I have zero body confidence, the thought of getting naked with someone ripped would send me running (not literally).

Prefer a larger guy to a skinny one.

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By *ittlemissnaughtybutniceWoman  over a year ago


Thank goodness for nice undies! They hide a multitude of sins


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By *ola cubesMan  over a year ago


"There are very few people that are completely happy with their bodies. The choices are to either do something about it with diet and exercise or if that isn't an option to change your mental attitude towards your body. Look for your good points and concentrate on them. There will always be people who find you attractive, maybe not as many as the toned Adonis types have, but they aren't real anyway (cyborgs). Personally I prefer a bigger man and I'm far from alone in that."
I think the "cyborgs" are real its the version of themselves that they like.......I would say dont change yourself for others perceptions only your own counts

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I've always been the "fat one" of my friends away from fab so I've always had issues on body confidence which are usually made worse when you go to a gym and folk look down at you for trying to improve yourself.

Recently started a health kick to the point I lost about 10kg in 3 month and while I feel better in my own skin now, I still feel like I have zero chance with the lady's of fab especially with more profiles popping up saying no fat folk.

Mind you...I could have Daniel Craigs body and still get reject on my face.

What I'm now doing is for me and if no one wants me...it's their loss

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Thank goodness for nice undies! They hide a multitude of sins

R "

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By *earded villain OP   Man  over a year ago


anyone thats met me will tell you im a big unit of a lad , last year my diet has went to shit and gym stopped for one reason on another , whacked the beef on and really getting me down .

wee change of mindset for the start off year

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By *luebell888Woman  over a year ago


U r what u eat so the saying goes but nothing tastes as good as slim feels

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By *litter and GrumpCouple  over a year ago


Being of the larger variety myself I should be concerned but belly aside am never going to slim haha.

Such is life I guess like all a bit slimmer and tighter be nice but at end of the day enjoy life it's too short


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Iv put on weight with the damn menopause which is crushing the confidence and that’s one of the reasons I won’t play just now so need to get a fab fit club going x

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By *luebell888Woman  over a year ago


Ive lost weight due to menopause. Crazy i know but i also lost loads of weight during both of my pregnacies.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

4 years ago I had lost 7 stone, was a size 14 (and often a 12), then 2 yrs ago I went back to college and all the weight has crept back on and then some. I'm now in the process of losing it again but I know it won't happen overnight.

Physically I changed how people saw me, but mentally nothing changed for me, not really. I just went from one set of issues to another.

This time round I'm changing my whole way of thinking. I don't want to lose that 7 stone again and I know I'll be a lot happier as a size 16/14 than I was as a size 14/12.

I'm never going to be a size 8, it's not in my make up, I just want to be in a happier place, where I feel attractive and I'm not second guessing everything all the time.

We've all got things we don't like about ourselves, but they are our issues to deal with, regardless of what others may tell you.

L x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

From my point of view (and as werid as this is coming from a guy) I've had it reinforced that

I was a "fat git" when I was actually in okay shape I could not see it. If you hear crap often enough you start to believe it. Hells bells even at socials I can't take a compliment of "you look good" . So I think a lot of this really does come down to self belief and being happy with who you are.

Now if only I can tell my own brain that

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm a little bit lumpier than I'd like to be, but accepting of the fact it's reflective of my lifestyle atm

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I've always been happy with my body but more so now as I have lost three stone and more confident than ever before.

We should also believe in the motto, mind over matter. If you are a good, beautiful person on the inside then it doesn't matter how you look on the outside x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"From my point of view (and as werid as this is coming from a guy) I've had it reinforced that

I was a "fat git" when I was actually in okay shape I could not see it. If you hear crap often enough you start to believe it. Hells bells even at socials I can't take a compliment of "you look good" . So I think a lot of this really does come down to self belief and being happy with who you are.

Now if only I can tell my own brain that "

I quite often put this on as our profile status, and if I read if often enough, I know it's right.

Be happy with being you. Love your flaws. Own your quirks. And know that you are just as perfect as anyone else, exactly as you are.

L x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I've always been happy with my body but more so now as I have lost three stone and more confident than ever before.

We should also believe in the motto, mind over matter. If you are a good, beautiful person on the inside then it doesn't matter how you look on the outside x"

Got to say Cate, your pics are rather lovely

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I've always been happy with my body but more so now as I have lost three stone and more confident than ever before.

We should also believe in the motto, mind over matter. If you are a good, beautiful person on the inside then it doesn't matter how you look on the outside x

Got to say Cate, your pics are rather lovely "

Thank you very much x

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By *unineastscotWoman  over a year ago

East Scotland

Feel like I let myself go a bit over the last couple years but back on track to lose weight and feeling better about myself already.

I think if the person you're with puts you at ease you feel more comfortable and confident.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I've always been happy with my body but more so now as I have lost three stone and more confident than ever before.

We should also believe in the motto, mind over matter. If you are a good, beautiful person on the inside then it doesn't matter how you look on the outside x

Got to say Cate, your pics are rather lovely

Thank you very much x"

I would have sent it privatley buy in out of your age range

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Ive lost weight due to menopause. Crazy i know but i also lost loads of weight during both of my pregnacies. "

Wow! my hormones leave me with the munchies lolol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I've always been happy with my body but more so now as I have lost three stone and more confident than ever before.

We should also believe in the motto, mind over matter. If you are a good, beautiful person on the inside then it doesn't matter how you look on the outside x

Got to say Cate, your pics are rather lovely

Thank you very much x

I would have sent it privatley buy in out of your age range "

Sent you a wee wink so you'll be able to pm me now lol x

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By *hedevilwearspradaWoman  over a year ago

Somewhere nearby

When I first joined Fab and looked at the most Fabbed pics I felt like I had made a big mistake as all the girls were stunning, slim and with perky boobs - the polar opposite to me.

I never thought I’d get a meet, but I did, and I’ve gone on to have others, and have a few guys I play with regularly. They have really helped my confidence and me accept my body a bit more. Hell one of them even gets me naked (under the covers, but still! Take a bow Mr Indiana Bones!).

Aye I’d like to be a million stone lighter without a soft mummy tummy, but I’m still feeling better about myself than I have in a long time

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I do look at some on here and go whoa I snapped my tendon this year and not being able to excersize was a killer now fighting back to try and get back to what I was in March so yes I get down with myself over my weight

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Had a love hate relationship with my body over the years like a lot of women. Ironically I probably felt at my most confident when I was pregnant, probably cause Mr couldn't keep his hands off me.

But my wee bod has given me hours and hours of pleasure over the yeara, so I decided a while ago to stop giving myself a hard time.

If you look around there will always be someone prettier/more handsome , slimmer, more toned, with bigger boobs or whatever. But you're also likely to be exactly what someone out there is looking for. Hard part is finding them.

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By *oebloggs67Man  over a year ago

near you but not too near

I have a great body image..when lights are out

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By *witcherooMan  over a year ago


Yep, hating it.

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By *edLionScotMan  over a year ago


I had a bit of a wake up call the other weekend.

The number of meets is definitely linked to my waistline. One is at an all-time low, and the other is at an all-time high.

I have new found motivation!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I've read through all of this and it's made me think.

Meets increase body confidence, confidence leads to more meets (potentially) .males will (and are happy to) meet females of almost any body shape, ergo females have the ability to raise their body confidence.

Now here's the rub, females are a lot more choosy (as is their right) so, 'softer bodied' men get much less of the chance to raise their body confidence.

I'm not saying this is fair or unfair, but an observation.

Your views?


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By *inky SpiceWoman  over a year ago


"I've read through all of this and it's made me think.

Meets increase body confidence, confidence leads to more meets (potentially) .males will (and are happy to) meet females of almost any body shape, ergo females have the ability to raise their body confidence.

Now here's the rub, females are a lot more choosy (as is their right) so, 'softer bodied' men get much less of the chance to raise their body confidence.

I'm not saying this is fair or unfair, but an observation.

Your views?

Michael. "

Whilst I think you're correct that women here are in the position of being able to be choosy I disagree about the harder bodied benefiting at the expense of the softer bodied men. I think most women are attracted to a man's personality more so than his physique and as fast as a man's physique is concerned we are attracted to more varied types than most men realise.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I've read through all of this and it's made me think.

Meets increase body confidence, confidence leads to more meets (potentially) .males will (and are happy to) meet females of almost any body shape, ergo females have the ability to raise their body confidence.

Now here's the rub, females are a lot more choosy (as is their right) so, 'softer bodied' men get much less of the chance to raise their body confidence.

I'm not saying this is fair or unfair, but an observation.

Your views?


Whilst I think you're correct that women here are in the position of being able to be choosy I disagree about the harder bodied benefiting at the expense of the softer bodied men. I think most women are attracted to a man's personality more so than his physique and as fast as a man's physique is concerned we are attracted to more varied types than most men realise."

I have to say I see it from both points of view. Let's be honest here folks we all pick someone who we find attractive and from personal experience I've had message back saying "sorry looking for slim/ athletic guys" and I do not criticise them for their choice that is purely based on pictures and profile text, and personality if you ask me cannot be gauged in a single message on here. It's why I used the scottish chat room cause that got the real me out there.

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By *vanabeusedTV/TS  over a year ago


I hate most of mine ,,,,,,,, until my corset is on !

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By *inky SpiceWoman  over a year ago


"I've read through all of this and it's made me think.

Meets increase body confidence, confidence leads to more meets (potentially) .males will (and are happy to) meet females of almost any body shape, ergo females have the ability to raise their body confidence.

Now here's the rub, females are a lot more choosy (as is their right) so, 'softer bodied' men get much less of the chance to raise their body confidence.

I'm not saying this is fair or unfair, but an observation.

Your views?


Whilst I think you're correct that women here are in the position of being able to be choosy I disagree about the harder bodied benefiting at the expense of the softer bodied men. I think most women are attracted to a man's personality more so than his physique and as fast as a man's physique is concerned we are attracted to more varied types than most men realise.

I have to say I see it from both points of view. Let's be honest here folks we all pick someone who we find attractive and from personal experience I've had message back saying "sorry looking for slim/ athletic guys" and I do not criticise them for their choice that is purely based on pictures and profile text, and personality if you ask me cannot be gauged in a single message on here. It's why I used the scottish chat room cause that got the real me out there. "

No it's impossible to portray your personality through a single message, a good profile helps though, and as you say the chat room and forum is good too. I met someone through the forum and I see him often now.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I've read through all of this and it's made me think.

Meets increase body confidence, confidence leads to more meets (potentially) .males will (and are happy to) meet females of almost any body shape, ergo females have the ability to raise their body confidence.

Now here's the rub, females are a lot more choosy (as is their right) so, 'softer bodied' men get much less of the chance to raise their body confidence.

I'm not saying this is fair or unfair, but an observation.

Your views?


Whilst I think you're correct that women here are in the position of being able to be choosy I disagree about the harder bodied benefiting at the expense of the softer bodied men. I think most women are attracted to a man's personality more so than his physique and as fast as a man's physique is concerned we are attracted to more varied types than most men realise.

I have to say I see it from both points of view. Let's be honest here folks we all pick someone who we find attractive and from personal experience I've had message back saying "sorry looking for slim/ athletic guys" and I do not criticise them for their choice that is purely based on pictures and profile text, and personality if you ask me cannot be gauged in a single message on here. It's why I used the scottish chat room cause that got the real me out there.

No it's impossible to portray your personality through a single message, a good profile helps though, and as you say the chat room and forum is good too. I met someone through the forum and I see him often now."

I wouldn't say it's impossible to portray your personality through a message but some small snippets can shine through enough to get the person interested. As long as the message is interesting and long enough

I'd say, correct, women are on the enviable table when it comes to whom they pick or want but I'd say that most go fir personality with quite a few fir body type and shape but it does not mean body shape and or muscular, just meaning any shape as what interests the female.

Yes I have had meets where the initial interest was they checked out my body, only a couple but after chatting a while, without doubt my personality took over their interest but as I said in past on other posts I don't normally meet straight away, I want stimulated more in mind than physical.

Oh I'm a guy but personality shines through for me more than body type as long as they take care of themselves

Again my view only from mind and experience

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

My body? it's very close to that of Homer from the Simpsons.

Like Michael Jackson says in Man in the Mirror... take a look at yourself and make a change.

Be happy within yourself and happiness shall follow.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I’m learning to like my body again now that lost 2.5 stone and trying to lose more to get back in shape and feel better about myself after health issues caused weight gain.

I’ve always had body issues since was with an ex who was mentally abusive and always put my size down even tho I was smaller than now and he was 20 odd stone at the time.... I can see the irony now 8 yrs later lol

I’ve had few meets here and still see: speak to them regularly who make me realise that I fine as I am and shouldn’t worry as they like what they see and feel. But like most people there’s always the niggle in back of your head about your squishy belly or bingo wings etc

If I get dressed up in sexy undies etc it makes me confident and then guys appreciate the effort and can honestly say never had anyone say no once clothes off so I know majority issues is in my own head.

So my motto for 2018 is enjoy it regardless of shape/ size/ colour/ scars etc xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I've read through all of this and it's made me think.

Meets increase body confidence, confidence leads to more meets (potentially) .males will (and are happy to) meet females of almost any body shape, ergo females have the ability to raise their body confidence.

Now here's the rub, females are a lot more choosy (as is their right) so, 'softer bodied' men get much less of the chance to raise their body confidence.

I'm not saying this is fair or unfair, but an observation.

Your views?

Michael. "

I'd say some woman choose to just meet gym fit men. But you also see posts where woman don't meet guys with 6 packs cause it gives them a complex. And there's all the dad body threads that woman say they like. Woman can be choosy but so can you men be, its your right too.

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