FabSwingers.com > Forums > Scotland > Cameron now goes after fatties
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"Might be the kick up the arse some people need Medical conditions excluded of course " Totally agree (Mr) ![]() ![]() | |||
"People who are obese & have weight problems could have disability and sickness benefits cut if they refuse treatment, David Cameron has said. The PM has commissioned a re_iew of the system, which he says fails to encourage people with such conditions to get medical help. About 100,000 people with long-term, treatable conditions claim Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), the Department of Work and Pensions says Jeez, seems to me you cant even eat what you want now if claiming benefits" The only people affected will be ones that 'refuse' help for their addiction. Im all for this if you want my opinion. Any money that can be saved from the welfare bill can only be a good thing. | |||
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"Might be the kick up the arse some people need Medical conditions excluded of course Totally agree (Mr) ![]() ![]() It shouldn't be a career choice not to work! Think back to the reasons the welfare state was created! To help the vulnerable and sick who couldn't work! Not choose not to work! As a tax payer I'm all for people who can being made to work! Too many fakes, fraudsters and lazy folk in this county! Only my opinion! Free speech and all that! My election campaign for a Greggs for every village may be harmed by this! ![]() ![]() | |||
"Might be the kick up the arse some people need Medical conditions excluded of course " Agree... if illness I totally sympathise... however these fattys u see munching a burger or when out for dinner with the biggest dessert in front of them is repulsive especially when they are obese already! | |||
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"I don't see it as them trying to rule our bodies. I see it as a means to solve a problem. Again genuine medical conditions aside - why should the state pay for someone who refuses to either help themselves or get help to tackle a weight issue. I, as a tax payer should not have to pay for someone to sit in their house eating junk. I don't think it is unaffordable to feed a family healthily on state benefits , it just does not stand up in my opinion. It means shopping smarter and it means cooking from scratch. Neither of these are difficult. And yes, I have had to feed my family on a very low budget and managed it. Mrs S ![]() Well said. ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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"It's a fact, fattys (excluding illness) take up more air space, fart louder and more than others, so destroy fresh air... give more rubbish to landfill, pollute and block sewage with larger than normal poo, smell and just make the whole world look ugly and inviting... many too fat to work and just eat them selves to be comfortable; what about people who have to live and deal with them on a daily basis!! " So you are saying I make the world ugly?? | |||
"It's a fact, fattys (excluding illness) take up more air space, fart louder and more than others, so destroy fresh air... give more rubbish to landfill, pollute and block sewage with larger than normal poo, smell and just make the whole world look ugly and inviting... many too fat to work and just eat them selves to be comfortable; what about people who have to live and deal with them on a daily basis!! " There really is no need for these comments. Your comments make this post look ugly as much as your personality. | |||
"It's a fact, fattys (excluding illness) take up more air space, fart louder and more than others, so destroy fresh air... give more rubbish to landfill, pollute and block sewage with larger than normal poo, smell and just make the whole world look ugly and inviting... many too fat to work and just eat them selves to be comfortable; what about people who have to live and deal with them on a daily basis!! " # fud | |||
"It's a fact, fattys (excluding illness) take up more air space, fart louder and more than others, so destroy fresh air... give more rubbish to landfill, pollute and block sewage with larger than normal poo, smell and just make the whole world look ugly and inviting... many too fat to work and just eat them selves to be comfortable; what about people who have to live and deal with them on a daily basis!! There really is no need for these comments. Your comments make this post look ugly as much as your personality. " Just honest | |||
"It's a fact, fattys (excluding illness) take up more air space, fart louder and more than others, so destroy fresh air... give more rubbish to landfill, pollute and block sewage with larger than normal poo, smell and just make the whole world look ugly and inviting... many too fat to work and just eat them selves to be comfortable; what about people who have to live and deal with them on a daily basis!! # fud" True thou! | |||
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"This is all just pre-election hot air. David Cameron just wants to be seen to be tough on benefits, because that plays well with some sections of his party !!! All parties, will be making claims to be tough on this or that, and blame the other guy for the mess we're in .....it's so disheartening... Now labour talking tough on tax and businesses.......wish they'd bothered doing it when they were in power.....ah sorry that wasn't us that was the other labour guys says Ed Milliband ! As the mighty Chuck D says "don't believe the hype"....Rant over !! " ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
"It's a fact, fattys (excluding illness) take up more air space, fart louder and more than others, so destroy fresh air... give more rubbish to landfill, pollute and block sewage with larger than normal poo, smell and just make the whole world look ugly and inviting... many too fat to work and just eat them selves to be comfortable; what about people who have to live and deal with them on a daily basis!! # fud" ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
"Maybe if healthy food was cheaper people would find it easier to buy it i mean poorer people " Many health foods are cheap. | |||
"Maybe if healthy food was cheaper people would find it easier to buy it i mean poorer people Many health foods are cheap." Recent economics study showed that the relative cost of high energy processed foods (e.g. pizzas etc) had increased at a much lower rate than healthier options - fresh veg, fish, meat etc. Sorry but I am not that surprised that people on low incomes often struggle to have a balanced diet. | |||
"Maybe if healthy food was cheaper people would find it easier to buy it i mean poorer people Many health foods are cheap. Recent economics study showed that the relative cost of high energy processed foods (e.g. pizzas etc) had increased at a much lower rate than healthier options - fresh veg, fish, meat etc. Sorry but I am not that surprised that people on low incomes often struggle to have a balanced diet. " Lazy and convenience fruit and veg is low cost and will make them healthier and less fat! | |||
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"People who are obese & have weight problems could have disability and sickness benefits cut if they refuse treatment, David Cameron has said. The PM has commissioned a re_iew of the system, which he says fails to encourage people with such conditions to get medical help. About 100,000 people with long-term, treatable conditions claim Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), the Department of Work and Pensions says Jeez, seems to me you cant even eat what you want now if claiming benefits The only people affected will be ones that 'refuse' help for their addiction. Im all for this if you want my opinion. Any money that can be saved from the welfare bill can only be a good thing." ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
"Maybe if healthy food was cheaper people would find it easier to buy it i mean poorer people Many health foods are cheap. Recent economics study showed that the relative cost of high energy processed foods (e.g. pizzas etc) had increased at a much lower rate than healthier options - fresh veg, fish, meat etc. Sorry but I am not that surprised that people on low incomes often struggle to have a balanced diet. Lazy and convenience fruit and veg is low cost and will make them healthier and less fat! " Disgusting your comments I have a young son who has major life threatening illness. Not due to his weight as he is on lots of meds including steroids which his weight gain is not his fault !!! He doesn't take any more room than the next person! !! | |||
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"Maybe if healthy food was cheaper people would find it easier to buy it i mean poorer people Many health foods are cheap. Recent economics study showed that the relative cost of high energy processed foods (e.g. pizzas etc) had increased at a much lower rate than healthier options - fresh veg, fish, meat etc. Sorry but I am not that surprised that people on low incomes often struggle to have a balanced diet. Lazy and convenience fruit and veg is low cost and will make them healthier and less fat! Disgusting your comments I have a young son who has major life threatening illness. Not due to his weight as he is on lots of meds including steroids which his weight gain is not his fault !!! He doesn't take any more room than the next person! !!" This is exactly the reason the welfare system was introduced! Unfortunately people like your son who are genuine cases are discriminated against due to the amount of un genuine ( if that's a word) people who choose to claim benefit rather than work! I would never grudge a genuine case getting benefit it's the others I have issue with! | |||
"I can't stop eating. I eat because I'm unhappy, and I'm unhappy because I eat. It's a vicious cycle. Of course I'm not happy. Look at me, I'm a big fat slob. I've got bigger titties than you do. I've got more chins than a Chinese phonebook. I've not seen my willie in two years, which is long enough to declare it legally dead. I want my baby back baby back baby back baby back baby back baby back ribs. Baby, Baby back ribs. " If u fat I am on diet now! | |||
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"Might be the kick up the arse some people need Medical conditions excluded of course " totally agree Too many play the I'm too fat to work card Blah blah blah | |||
"Not all fat people are unemployed ffs" ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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"The one thing none of you have considered is what about the overweight person who may have worked and paid their taxes and National Insurance for over 30 years. NI is supposed to be an insurance policy to pay for periods of unemployment, should you be u lucky enough to be out of work, and your health service costs (although the government is trying to say that health costs are now nothing to do with NI). So does the government now decide that while you must mandatorily pay NI and taxes, if you are overweight they will refuse to pay out because they don't like the fact you are overweight? Seems to be that politicians consider they represent us when, in fact, they are there to serve us and should well remember this. Remember they have a copper-bottomed guaranteed pay out and pension if they lose an election and we pay for it. They never face the benefits system as a prospect. The last health survey of the House of Commons (Google it) shows that over 60% of MPs were deemed to be overweight and over 20% to be clinically obese, by medical measures. Should we withold their salaries until they lose weight? That might set an example and take a lead. The cure to the obesity problem is to provide education and help to those that are struggling with their weight. The NHS weight loss programme actually has had very good results. Let's address the issue and stop persecuting individuals. Persuade rather than punish!" ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
"It's a fact, fattys (excluding illness) take up more air space, fart louder and more than others, so destroy fresh air... give more rubbish to landfill, pollute and block sewage with larger than normal poo, smell and just make the whole world look ugly and inviting... many too fat to work and just eat them selves to be comfortable; what about people who have to live and deal with them on a daily basis!! There really is no need for these comments. Your comments make this post look ugly as much as your personality. " actually, it made me laugh, although I did spill my coffee as it came through my nose; come on some of us have a sick sense of humour and it was actually, I think tongue in check humour we need to lighten up and at the end of the day who would you rather sit next to on a plane, a fatty or a skinny | |||
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"I don't think anyone is criticising those who have a medical issue which causes their weight gain. The people who are being criticised are those who sit on their fat backsides at home doing nothing and happily claiming benefits. There are plenty larger people working, earning, and paying their due taxes. I don't want to go off at a tangent, but something which really annoys me are those claiming benefits because they can't get work, and spend their days sat at home or congregating with others like them. Ehhhh........there's a whole army of volunteers out there, but these wasters never think about joining them and contributing something to society. People might then look on them more sympathetically." sorry but its sociable to watch jk in a group...leave us alone n mind your own business! | |||
"Might be the kick up the arse some people need Medical conditions excluded of course totally agree Too many play the I'm too fat to work card Blah blah blah " So we can assume by your comment that you have the statistics to support that only fat people don't want to work?? That means, we can be safe in the knowledge that no skinny people play the too skinny to work card? If your going to challenge people about them working or not you cant do it by their weight..ffs.... ![]() ![]() | |||
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"I think you will find if you scroll up it says apart from illness Being fat is not an illness it's an excuse " Is it really? I do wonder how much genetics influences body shape? | |||
"I think you will find if you scroll up it says apart from illness Being fat is not an illness it's an excuse Is it really? I do wonder how much genetics influences body shape? " It can also be a symptom....but then ...that's probably just an excuse. ![]() | |||
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"Is lazyness an illness too? I'm not saying all large people don't work that's just silly But a lot use their weight as an excuse Plus the bigger you get... The more health issues your gonna have Sorry but I'm not leaving my kids to go to work everyday to pay for folk that are too lazy to work and that goes for any size of person The U.K. Obesity level is rising every yr and if the uk government is gonna stamp down on folk using their weight as an excuse for not working well I'm all for it ![]() Is laziness just a fat persons issue???? Not working because your lazy is totally different to saying ..we're cutting your benefits because your fat... | |||
"typical Tories, attack the weak and give peerages to the real tax dodgers, sick little boys club, why would any normal person vote for them?" Any normal person wouldn't. | |||
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"Don't know the facts about it but going from the OP is the government saying obese people will have to claim JSA rather than getting extra money on ESA? If that's the case I don't see how anyone can disagree with it." Since ATOS gave up the medical examinations, DWP has had to find a new way of reducing claimant numbers while throwing some raw meat to the far right who might otherwise vote UKIP. | |||
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"People jumping on the band wagon and taking offence should read this post with an objective _iew. The majority are not saying that those with pre existing health conditions should be penalised. Neither are they saying that all fat (i hate this word) people don't contribute to society by maintaining a job. What we are saying is that being overweight and choosing to do nothing about it is not good enough if you are claiming benefits because of your weight. Mrs S ![]() ![]() | |||
"It's a fact, fattys (excluding illness) take up more air space, fart louder and more than others, so destroy fresh air... give more rubbish to landfill, pollute and block sewage with larger than normal poo, smell and just make the whole world look ugly and inviting... many too fat to work and just eat them selves to be comfortable; what about people who have to live and deal with them on a daily basis!! " Your just lovely!!! Wish I could be ur fat best friend.... | |||
"I have been diagnosed with an over active knife and fork. " Well, u look good on it so keep up the knife and fork! | |||
"It's a fact, fattys (excluding illness) take up more air space, fart louder and more than others, so destroy fresh air... give more rubbish to landfill, pollute and block sewage with larger than normal poo, smell and just make the whole world look ugly and inviting... many too fat to work and just eat them selves to be comfortable; what about people who have to live and deal with them on a daily basis!! Your just lovely!!! Wish I could be ur fat best friend...." Lol... melon and then a run this morning... | |||
"It's a fact, fattys (excluding illness) take up more air space, fart louder and more than others, so destroy fresh air... give more rubbish to landfill, pollute and block sewage with larger than normal poo, smell and just make the whole world look ugly and inviting... many too fat to work andjust eat them selves to be comfortable; what about people who have to live and deal with them on a daily basis!! Your just lovely!!! Wish I could be ur fat best friend.... Lol... melon and then a run this morning..." Already been for a swim... you watch that melon doesn't choke you when out running. | |||
"It's a fact, fattys (excluding illness) take up more air space, fart louder and more than others, so destroy fresh air... give more rubbish to landfill, pollute and block sewage with larger than normal poo, smell and just make the whole world look ugly and inviting... many too fat to work andjust eat them selves to be comfortable; what about people who have to live and deal with them on a daily basis!! Your just lovely!!! Wish I could be ur fat best friend.... Lol... melon and then a run this morning... Already been for a swim... you watch that melon doesn't choke you when out running. " Excellent, see at least this post has motivated people and made them look in the mirror and hopefully clear fridge of bacon, sausages etc... swimming is good for you love diving great feeling! ... have great day! ... | |||
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"It's a fact, fattys (excluding illness) take up more air space, fart louder and more than others, so destroy fresh air... give more rubbish to landfill, pollute and block sewage with larger than normal poo, smell and just make the whole world look ugly and inviting... many too fat to work andjust eat them selves to be comfortable; what about people who have to live and deal with them on a daily basis!! Your just lovely!!! Wish I could be ur fat best friend.... Lol... melon and then a run this morning... Already been for a swim... you watch that melon doesn't choke you when out running. Excellent, see at least this post has motivated people and made them look in the mirror and hopefully clear fridge of bacon, sausages etc... swimming is good for you love diving great feeling! ... have great day! ... " Love swimming.... you should try diving into the swallow end of an empty pool hunni!!... | |||
"It's a fact, fattys (excluding illness) take up more air space, fart louder and more than others, so destroy fresh air... give more rubbish to landfill, pollute and block sewage with larger than normal poo, smell and just make the whole world look ugly and inviting... many too fat to work andjust eat them selves to be comfortable; what about people who have to live and deal with them on a daily basis!! Your just lovely!!! Wish I could be ur fat best friend.... Lol... melon and then a run this morning... Already been for a swim... you watch that melon doesn't choke you when out running. Excellent, see at least this post has motivated people and made them look in the mirror and hopefully clear fridge of bacon, sausages etc... swimming is good for you love diving great feeling! ... have great day! ... Love swimming.... you should try diving into the swallow end of an empty pool hunni!!... " That's not very nice! | |||
"Don't know the facts about it but going from the OP is the government saying obese people will have to claim JSA rather than getting extra money on ESA? If that's the case I don't see how anyone can disagree with it." you will find it on the BBC newspage, you have to go to the "UK" section and not the "Scotland" section It says they intend to brand fatties the same as alcoholics and druggies at state: There is currently no requirement for people with alcohol, drug or weight-related health problems to undertake treatment Labour said the policy would do nothing to help people to get off benefits as fatties would find other ways Mr Cameron has asked Prof Dame Carol Black, an adviser to the Department of Health, to look at whether it would be appropriate to withhold benefits from those who are unwilling to accept help I see a lot of people here say fatties don't work but it hasn't stopped Homer Simpson from working. but it can be a catch-22 situation, you get depressed because you are overweight, cant get a relationship due to it, so you eat to overcome your sadness and that in turn makes you more obese Key facts Worldwide obesity has more than doubled since 1980. In 2014, more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight. Of these over 600 million were obese. 39% of adults aged 18 years and over were overweight in 2014, and 13% were obese. Most of the world's population live in countries where overweight and obesity kills more people than underweight. 42 million children under the age of 5 were overweight or obese in 2013. Obesity is preventable hope this helps | |||
"Don't know the facts about it but going from the OP is the government saying obese people will have to claim JSA rather than getting extra money on ESA? If that's the case I don't see how anyone can disagree with it. you will find it on the BBC newspage, you have to go to the "UK" section and not the "Scotland" section It says they intend to brand fatties the same as alcoholics and druggies at state: There is currently no requirement for people with alcohol, drug or weight-related health problems to undertake treatment Labour said the policy would do nothing to help people to get off benefits as fatties would find other ways Mr Cameron has asked Prof Dame Carol Black, an adviser to the Department of Health, to look at whether it would be appropriate to withhold benefits from those who are unwilling to accept help I see a lot of people here say fatties don't work but it hasn't stopped Homer Simpson from working. but it can be a catch-22 situation, you get depressed because you are overweight, cant get a relationship due to it, so you eat to overcome your sadness and that in turn makes you more obese Key facts Worldwide obesity has more than doubled since 1980. In 2014, more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight. Of these over 600 million were obese. 39% of adults aged 18 years and over were overweight in 2014, and 13% were obese. Most of the world's population live in countries where overweight and obesity kills more people than underweight. 42 million children under the age of 5 were overweight or obese in 2013. Obesity is preventable hope this helps" I hope it helps too, as many who are fatties, take offence to the truth and all we are trying to do is help them and save the environment. | |||
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" Love swimming.... you should try diving into the swallow end of an empty pool hunni!!... " These type of comments do nothing for threads, please try and keep your replies as constructive comments and not the replies you would expect from a child we all need to be grown up and find a way to assist people with illness, handicaps and disabilities, Westminster has decided to cut benefits for fatties, okay you may now regret voting NO but you have to live with the facts that you did, the same as the YES voters also have to accept (for the mean time), even if that does cause problems such as bedroom tax, no payments for fatties etc | |||
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"typical Tories, attack the weak and give peerages to the real tax dodgers, sick little boys club, why would any normal person vote for them? Any normal person wouldn't." I am and I pride myself on not being normal on here. | |||
" Love swimming.... you should try diving into the swallow end of an empty pool hunni!!... These type of comments do nothing for threads, please try and keep your replies as constructive comments and not the replies you would expect from a child we all need to be grown up and find a way to assist people with illness, handicaps and disabilities, Westminster has decided to cut benefits for fatties, okay you may now regret voting NO but you have to live with the facts that you did, the same as the YES voters also have to accept (for the mean time), even if that does cause problems such as bedroom tax, no payments for fatties etc " I agree, imagine telling someone jump into shallow end, awful and all we are doing is giving helpful advise... I would never respond and say well you jump into shallow end Miss D and you will bounce back out and hit the roof and cause more damage to the planet than you already are'... because that would be rude and unkind, not my nature... stick to the facts! | |||
" Love swimming.... you should try diving into the swallow end of an empty pool hunni!!... These type of comments do nothing for threads, please try and keep your replies as constructive comments and not the replies you would expect from a child we all need to be grown up and find a way to assist people with illness, handicaps and disabilities, Westminster has decided to cut benefits for fatties, okay you may now regret voting NO but you have to live with the facts that you did, the same as the YES voters also have to accept (for the mean time), even if that does cause problems such as bedroom tax, no payments for fatties etc " Aye no bother lol. | |||
" Love swimming.... you should try diving into the swallow end of an empty pool hunni!!... These type of comments do nothing for threads, please try and keep your replies as constructive comments and not the replies you would expect from a child we all need to be grown up and find a way to assist people with illness, handicaps and disabilities, Westminster has decided to cut benefits for fatties, okay you may now regret voting NO but you have to live with the facts that you did, the same as the YES voters also have to accept (for the mean time), even if that does cause problems such as bedroom tax, no payments for fatties etc I agree, imagine telling someone jump into shallow end, awful and all we are doing is giving helpful advise... I would never respond and say well you jump into shallow end Miss D and you will bounce back out and hit the roof and cause more damage to the planet than you already are'... because that would be rude and unkind, not my nature... stick to the facts! " Im not Miss D... aww im sorry I hurt your feelings... if I promise I'll go on a diet can we be best friends?! | |||
" Love swimming.... you should try diving into the swallow end of an empty pool hunni!!... These type of comments do nothing for threads, please try and keep your replies as constructive comments and not the replies you would expect from a child we all need to be grown up and find a way to assist people with illness, handicaps and disabilities, Westminster has decided to cut benefits for fatties, okay you may now regret voting NO but you have to live with the facts that you did, the same as the YES voters also have to accept (for the mean time), even if that does cause problems such as bedroom tax, no payments for fatties etc I agree, imagine telling someone jump into shallow end, awful and all we are doing is giving helpful advise... I would never respond and say well you jump into shallow end Miss D and you will bounce back out and hit the roof and cause more damage to the planet than you already are'... because that would be rude and unkind, not my nature... stick to the facts! Im not Miss D... aww im sorry I hurt your feelings... if I promise I'll go on a diet can we be best friends?! " Oh babe, I didn't mean to put in Miss D, meant Miss B (for big) no offence taken and no feelings hurt... I am a big boy (not fat thou) so I can take it! ... the facts that are posted I do hope are helpful as there is little point in being ill through binge eating and carrying such weight around when there is no need. I hope you have a happy, healthy and fun day. Gav xxxx | |||
" Love swimming.... you should try diving into the swallow end of an empty pool hunni!!... These type of comments do nothing for threads, please try and keep your replies as constructive comments and not the replies you would expect from a child we all need to be grown up and find a way to assist people with illness, handicaps and disabilities, Westminster has decided to cut benefits for fatties, okay you may now regret voting NO but you have to live with the facts that you did, the same as the YES voters also have to accept (for the mean time), even if that does cause problems such as bedroom tax, no payments for fatties etc I agree, imagine telling someone jump into shallow end, awful and all we are doing is giving helpful advise... I would never respond and say well you jump into shallow end Miss D and you will bounce back out and hit the roof and cause more damage to the planet than you already are'... because that would be rude and unkind, not my nature... stick to the facts! Im not Miss D... aww im sorry I hurt your feelings... if I promise I'll go on a diet can we be best friends?! Oh babe, I didn't mean to put in Miss D, meant Miss B (for big) no offence taken and no feelings hurt... I am a big boy (not fat thou) so I can take it! ... the facts that are posted I do hope are helpful as there is little point in being ill through binge eating and carrying such weight around when there is no need. I hope you have a happy, healthy and fun day. Gav xxxx " Aww thanks, might actually change my name to this!! Ur just a star. I'll hang my head in shame after my nasty comment... all advice taken on from you & I will act on it straight away. Your amazing.... just the best... luv from your biggest forum fan xxx | |||
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" Love swimming.... you should try diving into the swallow end of an empty pool hunni!!... These type of comments do nothing for threads, please try and keep your replies as constructive comments and not the replies you would expect from a child we all need to be grown up and find a way to assist people with illness, handicaps and disabilities, Westminster has decided to cut benefits for fatties, okay you may now regret voting NO but you have to live with the facts that you did, the same as the YES voters also have to accept (for the mean time), even if that does cause problems such as bedroom tax, no payments for fatties etc I agree, imagine telling someone jump into shallow end, awful and all we are doing is giving helpful advise... I would never respond and say well you jump into shallow end Miss D and you will bounce back out and hit the roof and cause more damage to the planet than you already are'... because that would be rude and unkind, not my nature... stick to the facts! Im not Miss D... aww im sorry I hurt your feelings... if I promise I'll go on a diet can we be best friends?! Oh babe, I didn't mean to put in Miss D, meant Miss B (for big) no offence taken and no feelings hurt... I am a big boy (not fat thou) so I can take it! ... the facts that are posted I do hope are helpful as there is little point in being ill through binge eating and carrying such weight around when there is no need. I hope you have a happy, healthy and fun day. Gav xxxx Aww thanks, might actually change my name to this!! Ur just a star. I'll hang my head in shame after my nasty comment... all advice taken on from you & I will act on it straight away. Your amazing.... just the best... luv from your biggest forum fan xxx " ![]() | |||
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"Can someone point me in the direction of where the PM has said that all fatter people, or over a size 10 or those with medical conditions will get their benefits cut? No, thought not. " glad to see someone else has actually taken time to read some of the news reports, and fact is; its nothing new, they have been trying this with alcoholics and druggies for years and got no where adding fatties to the list is just to show they are being seen to be taking action but on the same point; employers are going to be very careful when inter_iewing and recruiting due to the fact that fatties are now classed as disabled and have the rights of disabled, which also means employers have to ensure the work place is suited for them with larger, re-enforced chairs etc, its a difficult situation all round. one last point, should I be saying fatty or clinically obese? what's the correct term? | |||
" Can someone point me in the direction of where the PM has said that all fatter people, or over a size 10 or those with medical conditions will get their benefits cut? No, thought not. " What and not be outraged. No, it's better being hard done by. | |||
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"Hopefully this will deter people from getting to the stage where they are medically unfit for work ,nobody is dictating what you can and can't eat but common why should the tax payer be held responsible for someone's greed and binge eating , much happier way of life if they would just change there habits and choose life over food " Are you David Cameron ![]() | |||
" Love swimming.... you should try diving into the swallow end of an empty pool hunni!!... These type of comments do nothing for threads, please try and keep your replies as constructive comments and not the replies you would expect from a child we all need to be grown up and find a way to assist people with illness, handicaps and disabilities, Westminster has decided to cut benefits for fatties, okay you may now regret voting NO but you have to live with the facts that you did, the same as the YES voters also have to accept (for the mean time), even if that does cause problems such as bedroom tax, no payments for fatties etc I agree, imagine telling someone jump into shallow end, awful and all we are doing is giving helpful advise... I would never respond and say well you jump into shallow end Miss D and you will bounce back out and hit the roof and cause more damage to the planet than you already are'... because that would be rude and unkind, not my nature... stick to the facts! Im not Miss D... aww im sorry I hurt your feelings... if I promise I'll go on a diet can we be best friends?! Oh babe, I didn't mean to put in Miss D, meant Miss B (for big) no offence taken and no feelings hurt... I am a big boy (not fat thou) so I can take it! ... the facts that are posted I do hope are helpful as there is little point in being ill through binge eating and carrying such weight around when there is no need. I hope you have a happy, healthy and fun day. Gav xxxx Aww thanks, might actually change my name to this!! Ur just a star. I'll hang my head in shame after my nasty comment... all advice taken on from you & I will act on it straight away. Your amazing.... just the best... luv from your biggest forum fan xxx Oh cheers babe, and so pleased you taken advise you will feel so much better for it... no oggfence taken as I am a big boy, not fat thou lol... u have a healthy and happy day and always eat ur greens and lots of protein... ! xxx ![]() | |||
"I get the point...I truly do...and agree with it. What I don't understand is why certain posters are taking a great deal of pleasure in being deliberately rude and insulting in their choice of language. It diminishes their argument.... ![]() Totally agree, but least message is getting through and people will hopefully get healthier rather than just adding fat onto more fat! | |||
"It's a fact, fattys (excluding illness) take up more air space, fart louder and more than others, so destroy fresh air... give more rubbish to landfill, pollute and block sewage with larger than normal poo, smell and just make the whole world look ugly and inviting... many too fat to work and just eat them selves to be comfortable; what about people who have to live and deal with them on a daily basis!! # fud ![]() ![]() ![]() so you must be one hot sexi fucker then ????? with an attitude that stinks as bad as those big poo's you talk about .... i doubt for a minute you are ... some cant help way they are or what they eat ... maybe its you an folk like you that make them feel so small and no self worth that keeps them eatin.... just a little thought when your slagging those who arent like you to think about | |||
"It's a fact, fattys (excluding illness) take up more air space, fart louder and more than others, so destroy fresh air... give more rubbish to landfill, pollute and block sewage with larger than normal poo, smell and just make the whole world look ugly and inviting... many too fat to work and just eat them selves to be comfortable; what about people who have to live and deal with them on a daily basis!! # fud ![]() ![]() ![]() I think his post was tongue in cheek tbh. | |||
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"It's a fact, fattys (excluding illness) take up more air space, fart louder and more than others, so destroy fresh air... give more rubbish to landfill, pollute and block sewage with larger than normal poo, smell and just make the whole world look ugly and inviting... many too fat to work and just eat them selves to be comfortable; what about people who have to live and deal with them on a daily basis!! # fud ![]() ![]() ![]() This doesn't make sense really how can what I say make fat people feel small... all I am saying is read the facts and think before you shove a burger in your mouth... | |||
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"If this thread shows nothing else, it shows the Tories still know how to turn people against each other." you don't need the Tories for that | |||
"If this thread shows nothing else, it shows the Tories still know how to turn people against each other. you don't need the Tories for that " They're not obligatory but they sure know how to stoke the fires. | |||
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"did you hear the debate on Jeremy vine today regarding the same issue I am sure I also heard that they are considering charging fat people if they arrive at casualty as well, same as they are considering charging d*unks who arrive, I guess it makes sense if they turn up in casualty with a heart attack or other weight illnesses but then how much should they be charged? guess that's the next debate " I dunno which is worse. The people who make up this nonsense or the people who believe it. | |||
"did you hear the debate on Jeremy vine today regarding the same issue I am sure I also heard that they are considering charging fat people if they arrive at casualty as well, same as they are considering charging d*unks who arrive, I guess it makes sense if they turn up in casualty with a heart attack or other weight illnesses but then how much should they be charged? guess that's the next debate I dunno which is worse. The people who make up this nonsense or the people who believe it." This thread is a party political broadcast on behalf of the: guess what party ![]() ![]() | |||
"This is an attempt by OP to get you vote snp, it is really look at the dreadfull tories are up to now post. Every election has politicions making fecking stupid comments and promises, it is just not practical. On the other hand I have to be in a certain weight range and to be in good health or I cannot continue in my employment. So to continue working I look after myself and my employer pays me. So why should my tax money go to someone that does not make any effort to keep themselves employable if they have a treatable condition. As a socity we should always look after and care for those who cannot do that for themselves but those who can look after themselves should not be parked on benefits denying the needy a greater part of our national insurance payments." How incredibly stupid, thick, ignorant (you can add your own descriptions) to say this thread is an attempt to get people to vote SNP! Ha ha some people are so blinded by their own prejudices. The TORIES are the one's proposing this! The same TORIES that brought in the bedroom tax! The same TORIES that employed billionaire Paul Bloomfield who avoided paying any tax for 24 years. To attack a tiny minority of people on benefits who have weight problems while ripping the country off for billions in tax dodges is genius, and it's interesting to see how many of you have fallen for it. In fact how many of you are jumping on the bandwagon with GLEE! God forbid if something happens if you lose your job or have an accident that causes you to put on weight, or suffer depression that leads to an eating disorder. Personally I don't suffer from any of those but my hearts go out to those that do and not to those who use them as scape goats while their greed fucks up the economy.., guess you can fool all the people some of the time! | |||