
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Scotland > show of hands

show of hands

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By *ola cubes OP   Man  over a year ago


ok been off fab now for a few weeks as the site just aint the same and had the idea that perhaps a bit of standing up and being counted is neccesary the problem with the site as I see it is this.

1/ the flagrant disregard for the rules

2/ the "in" crowd being able to do as they please knowing that most folks will steer clear to avoid confrontation

3/ the amount of idiots who msg, ask, or send unsolicited msgs without checking profile to even see if they are suitable for that persons needs

4/ the amount of fake profiles to harrass and cause friction with users they dont like

possible solutions ever increasing banning system for those repeat offenders with clear days to reset back to smallest ban period isp checks for moderators to check whether same people on diffrent accounts as i said just my thoughts for the people i see as good happy swinging for the idiots hope you rot in cyber hell

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By *ictiiWitchCouple  over a year ago


I haven't come across any " crowds" yet most people have been really nice. It's sad if they do exist. Can't we all just get along?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Only been here two weeks, but can't say i've notice anything like that happening.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I haven't come across any " crowds" yet most people have been really nice. It's sad if they do exist. Can't we all just get along? "
agree with you

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By *awty_MissDynomiteNo1Woman  over a year ago

No idea, I'm lost. Damn Sat nav!

Yes it does happen on a daily basis

All you can do is keep reporting these idiots ..they will soon learn the hard way they can't keep doing it and get away with it .

They are often the first ones to complain when people report them ...well hello I'm here for fun no to put up with crap that they think they can dish out just for the he'll of it .

The report and block buttons are there for a reason and that's to keep the site running as smoothly as possible use them and keep using them till hopefully one day the site will get back to the fun site it once was ...keep smiling

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By *ustcutieWoman  over a year ago


Ok ok I promise I will behave

But yep your so right

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By *ola cubes OP   Man  over a year ago


"Yes it does happen on a daily basis

All you can do is keep reporting these idiots ..they will soon learn the hard way they can't keep doing it and get away with it .

They are often the first ones to complain when people report them ...well hello I'm here for fun no to put up with crap that they think they can dish out just for the he'll of it .

The report and block buttons are there for a reason and that's to keep the site running as smoothly as possible use them and keep using them till hopefully one day the site will get back to the fun site it once was ...keep smiling "

agreed although i think theblock button cant cope with the volume of idiocy around at the moment and to my mind things need shaken up to many people have ways and means around the systems in place just now hence why i think stronger moderation and penaltys are now called for

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Like what exactly??

The system in place is by no means fool proof of course but it's the best it's going to get. I assume your next post was going to be about making the site pay only and not free, to try and out the timewasters.

But as people on other pay sites repeatedly say, it won't work because idiots still have access to money.

The system relies on people taking responsibility themselves. If you've been stood up did you save the email with the time and place you'd both agreed? If not then what evidence do you have to report? If you've been banned from forums then it's usually because you did something wrong. I've been banned loads but still here, and only one ban I actually disagree with.

Suck it up and start taking responsibility for getting rid of or blocking the idiots yourself instead of blaming administrators.

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By *ola cubes OP   Man  over a year ago


"Like what exactly??

The system in place is by no means fool proof of course but it's the best it's going to get. I assume your next post was going to be about making the site pay only and not free, to try and out the timewasters.

But as people on other pay sites repeatedly say, it won't work because idiots still have access to money.

The system relies on people taking responsibility themselves. If you've been stood up did you save the email with the time and place you'd both agreed? If not then what evidence do you have to report? If you've been banned from forums then it's usually because you did something wrong. I've been banned loads but still here, and only one ban I actually disagree with.

Suck it up and start taking responsibility for getting rid of or blocking the idiots yourself instead of blaming administrators. "

not blaming admin and if you read what i have written in opening you will see i have made a few suggestions to try to combat what i see as problems and i agree idiots would still be around if a pay site or not

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By *z ThongzWoman  over a year ago


There has and will always be the folks on site who harrass others for whatever reason , and yes they will probably have more than one profile to do this on , profiles are at present not allowed to pm folks when it chatrooms until they have already been here for seven days , there are photo verifications systems to make sure people are who they say they are , but none of this is fool proof , block and report and report and report all the time thats the only way to stop these people.

Moderating rooms is difficult coz often you know its someone else on a profile made up to be a diff sex or from a different place but their isnt much can be done about that from a moderators point of _iew unless they break the rules of chat and when brought to a mods attention they also can then only report the profiles.

Ip address checking isnt much use either as most know ip addresses arent static .

Live and let live is very much my motto , if u cant say something nice then dont say anything at all and if u dont like someone just dont interact with them in any way , shape or form but failing all that , block and report .

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By *awty_MissDynomiteNo1Woman  over a year ago

No idea, I'm lost. Damn Sat nav!

Well said thongz I'm doing the no interacting with certain individuals just now who are clearly here to cause grief for others ...much more satisfying than arguing with them lol

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By *ola cubes OP   Man  over a year ago


"There has and will always be the folks on site who harrass others for whatever reason , and yes they will probably have more than one profile to do this on , profiles are at present not allowed to pm folks when it chatrooms until they have already been here for seven days , there are photo verifications systems to make sure people are who they say they are , but none of this is fool proof , block and report and report and report all the time thats the only way to stop these people.

Moderating rooms is difficult coz often you know its someone else on a profile made up to be a diff sex or from a different place but their isnt much can be done about that from a moderators point of _iew unless they break the rules of chat and when brought to a mods attention they also can then only report the profiles.

Ip address checking isnt much use either as most know ip addresses arent static .

Live and let live is very much my motto , if u cant say something nice then dont say anything at all and if u dont like someone just dont interact with them in any way , shape or form but failing all that , block and report . "

agree with most points as i have said i think moderators need more powers on site to be able to catch these people ip addys are mostly static on routers unless you set them up to modulate then your trying to hide something yup phones and dongles modulate but this can be corrected by having to place the phone number in at sign in to join and only available to sign on with this handset or dongle dongle then if constant rule breaking you ban the no not the ip addy as i said only thinking out loud as the site in my _iew has took a turn for the worse and seems like it requires stronger methods to cope with the new ways that things are happening

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This site really is no worse than any other.

Various ways to out the shite have been tried and tested over and over again and no matter what someone will find a way around it.

I have been blocked and banned from many sites and can still manage to hack my way back in.

Yes it is a pain in the arse when some people are hell bent on ruining the fun but its playground tactics, rise above it and ignore the troublemakers.

The problem I have with the site is simple. This is a SWINGING site for like minded adults who like to stray from the norm from time to time. Unfortunately there is a few treat it as a DIAL A SHAG because they think as we swing then we are up for a quick shag with all and sundry which is not the point, or certainly not when I first joined, of this site

If memory serves me right one cannot chat or enter the forums until verified or has that changed.

Therefore most of the shite can't get verified so they leave their a use to Private messaging. If you are on the receiving end of such messages then hit the block button. The more folk block them the sooner they get fed up with the site and get the fuck out.

End of my tuppence worth

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By *riendly foeWoman  over a year ago

In a crisp poke on the A814

Why should this site be any different from all the others available??

Because we use it?

If you really are that unhappy, why stay?

I ignore the little "groups" the fakes/timewasters, complainers, bitching/backstabbing........and use the site for the reasons I joined.....

Dont care what others are or aren't getting from it.....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Why should this site be any different from all the others available??

Because we use it?

If you really are that unhappy, why stay?

I ignore the little "groups" the fakes/timewasters, complainers, bitching/backstabbing........and use the site for the reasons I joined.....

Dont care what others are or aren't getting from it.....



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Why should this site be any different from all the others available??

Because we use it?

If you really are that unhappy, why stay?

I ignore the little "groups" the fakes/timewasters, complainers, bitching/backstabbing........and use the site for the reasons I joined.....

Dont care what others are or aren't getting from it.....

exactly "

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By *ndykayMan  over a year ago


"This site really is no worse than any other.

Various ways to out the shite have been tried and tested over and over again and no matter what someone will find a way around it.

I have been blocked and banned from many sites and can still manage to hack my way back in.

Yes it is a pain in the arse when some people are hell bent on ruining the fun but its playground tactics, rise above it and ignore the troublemakers.

The problem I have with the site is simple. This is a SWINGING site for like minded adults who like to stray from the norm from time to time. Unfortunately there is a few treat it as a DIAL A SHAG because they think as we swing then we are up for a quick shag with all and sundry which is not the point, or certainly not when I first joined, of this site

If memory serves me right one cannot chat or enter the forums until verified or has that changed.

Therefore most of the shite can't get verified so they leave their a use to Private messaging. If you are on the receiving end of such messages then hit the block button. The more folk block them the sooner they get fed up with the site and get the fuck out.

End of my tuppence worth "

I agree with you starr. I've kept quiet up to now but I can see where the OP is coming from. There ARE a lot if time wasters, fakes, multiple accounts and idiots who think its instashag. If I have my doubts I ask a friend who is an expert at spotting the fakes and they tell me yay or neh. If its a fake we both report and block. Simple as that. But I also agree that I take from the site exactly what I want to and ignore the rest. Yes it almost certainly has changes since it started but everything in life changes and you have to roll with the punches.

I don't have an answer to the problem. I don't have a solution. All I can say is I talk to all sorts of people on here and I have a laugh and enjoy myself. I have also met some lovely people from here both socially and sexually. So whilst I agree that time wasters and area are a pain in the ass, I'm happy to block and report and move on

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Still seems to me OP that you want the site owners/admin to spend time and money devising login methods and practises just to stop the minority of people getting through.

OP, as a single man how many abusive or fake emails from single women or men do you get? I've a single guy profile on here and get no email that I've not solicited first. And as Jodie I just block/delete/report as necessary.

If you're really unhappy, as your post suggests, it's got to be time to leave.

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By *issNaughtyxxxWoman  over a year ago


"Why should this site be any different from all the others available??

Because we use it?

If you really are that unhappy, why stay?

I ignore the little "groups" the fakes/timewasters, complainers, bitching/backstabbing........and use the site for the reasons I joined.....

Dont care what others are or aren't getting from it.....

exactly "

Report, Block, Move on and keep smiling!

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By *eatherWoman  over a year ago


I agree entirely Make love not war and just get on with enjoying the site

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By *cottishsexgoddessWoman  over a year ago


I have myself had my share of idiots this week, but on the whole, there are a lot of lovely people on here. Let's face it, in our vanilla life, we don't get on with everyone and there are those that really irritate the hell out of us, so not strange it happens here. What does piss me off are the "keyboard warriors" who would never dream of talking to you in the outside world the way they do in chat or in messages. If I am a grumpy old cow in chat, you bet your life I am like that in the flesh, same as if I am a funny, sexy minx there, I definitely am in the flesh Anyway, lots of lovely friends who I love to bits and as for you Kola - get your ass back. I've missed ya! xxxx

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By *ola cubes OP   Man  over a year ago


"Still seems to me OP that you want the site owners/admin to spend time and money devising login methods and practises just to stop the minority of people getting through.

OP, as a single man how many abusive or fake emails from single women or men do you get? I've a single guy profile on here and get no email that I've not solicited first. And as Jodie I just block/delete/report as necessary.

If you're really unhappy, as your post suggests, it's got to be time to leave. "

my point is that it is no longer just a minority and as someone said previously things change and move on i have no problems with that but the systems have to also move with the times rules are rules and not just there for some nice reading material.

as for if its time for me to leave i have no need of anyone to tell me when i will know myself when ive had enough

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

Admin have their ways

We all have the power to report anyone who we think are using second profiles to get round bans, sending abusive messages or generaly breaking rules.

Admin can then do their thing.

As for anyone that is just annoying to you, as others have said, it is easy to ignore

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"This site really is no worse than any other.

Various ways to out the shite have been tried and tested over and over again and no matter what someone will find a way around it.

I have been blocked and banned from many sites and can still manage to hack my way back in.

Yes it is a pain in the arse when some people are hell bent on ruining the fun but its playground tactics, rise above it and ignore the troublemakers.

The problem I have with the site is simple. This is a SWINGING site for like minded adults who like to stray from the norm from time to time. Unfortunately there is a few treat it as a DIAL A SHAG because they think as we swing then we are up for a quick shag with all and sundry which is not the point, or certainly not when I first joined, of this site

If memory serves me right one cannot chat or enter the forums until verified or has that changed.

Therefore most of the shite can't get verified so they leave their a use to Private messaging. If you are on the receiving end of such messages then hit the block button. The more folk block them the sooner they get fed up with the site and get the fuck out.

End of my tuppence worth "

agree. but many of the *shite* az u politely put it get webcam verified so once verified they can enter anywhere.....i think webcam verificationz should now be taken away only meetin in person should be allowed, az thiz will prove who iz actually genuine. also i do agree many treat the site az DIAL A SHAG which seriously pissez me off az not all of uz r here 4 that swingin iz abt makin friendz and if fun comez from that then woohoo let it commence if no what have u lost? NOTHING but gained a friend xxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I have myself had my share of idiots this week, but on the whole, there are a lot of lovely people on here. Let's face it, in our vanilla life, we don't get on with everyone and there are those that really irritate the hell out of us, so not strange it happens here. What does piss me off are the "keyboard warriors" who would never dream of talking to you in the outside world the way they do in chat or in messages. If I am a grumpy old cow in chat, you bet your life I am like that in the flesh, same as if I am a funny, sexy minx there, I definitely am in the flesh Anyway, lots of lovely friends who I love to bits and as for you Kola - get your ass back. I've missed ya! xxxx"

lol dess thatz ma fault av had him tied 2 the bed xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm here for my own fun, be that just chatting to like minded folks, or something a little more intimate. Yes, the idiots are frustrating, but that's what the block list is for, you don't like how they talk to folks, or how they talk to you, then block and move on.. Life's too short to let them get to you.

The timewasters will always be an issue, no matter what admin do, so not a lot there, unless they're reported regularly.

And with regards to the cliquey-ness of the site, I can see a little bit of it, but most folks are open and welcoming, I personally am an equal opportunities insulter and I'll chat with anyone, even if a friend has fallen out with them as I'm a grown up and I'll talk to whom I want.

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By *z ThongzWoman  over a year ago


here here

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I'm here for my own fun, be that just chatting to like minded folks, or something a little more intimate. Yes, the idiots are frustrating, but that's what the block list is for, you don't like how they talk to folks, or how they talk to you, then block and move on.. Life's too short to let them get to you.

The timewasters will always be an issue, no matter what admin do, so not a lot there, unless they're reported regularly.

And with regards to the cliquey-ness of the site, I can see a little bit of it, but most folks are open and welcoming, I personally am an equal opportunities insulter and I'll chat with anyone, even if a friend has fallen out with them as I'm a grown up and I'll talk to whom I want."

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By *riendly foeWoman  over a year ago

In a crisp poke on the A814

Well said Hamish

*little clappy smillie*

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By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

"I'm here for my own fun, be that just chatting to like minded folks, or something a little more intimate. Yes, the idiots are frustrating, but that's what the block list is for, you don't like how they talk to folks, or how they talk to you, then block and move on.. Life's too short to let them get to you.

The timewasters will always be an issue, no matter what admin do, so not a lot there, unless they're reported regularly.

And with regards to the cliquey-ness of the site, I can see a little bit of it, but most folks are open and welcoming, I personally am an equal opportunities insulter and I'll chat with anyone, even if a friend has fallen out with them as I'm a grown up and I'll talk to whom I want."

well said

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I'm here for my own fun, be that just chatting to like minded folks, or something a little more intimate. Yes, the idiots are frustrating, but that's what the block list is for, you don't like how they talk to folks, or how they talk to you, then block and move on.. Life's too short to let them get to you.

The timewasters will always be an issue, no matter what admin do, so not a lot there, unless they're reported regularly.

And with regards to the cliquey-ness of the site, I can see a little bit of it, but most folks are open and welcoming, I personally am an equal opportunities insulter and I'll chat with anyone, even if a friend has fallen out with them as I'm a grown up and I'll talk to whom I want.

well said"

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