By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
So after having a tooth out and getting dry socket, can honestly say I've never felt pain like it.
So whats the worst pain you've ever felt?
Answers on a postcard  |
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"So after having a tooth out and getting dry socket, can honestly say I've never felt pain like it.
So whats the worst pain you've ever felt?
Answers on a postcard "
Likewise, the relief as the dentist dabbed it with iodine was like akin to having a massive satisfying jobby  |
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Got a broken tooth fixed at the dentist which was fine but it brought on neuralgia. It was like having labour contractions in my face, I was in tears coping with the pain. My eldest son got a fright when he saw how much pain I was in (it did get the 3 of them running after me which was good . )
Meds have taken most of it away so hopefully come off the meds eventually.
I had 3 natural births with my boys, no pain relief and they were all over 9lbs but this pain was horrendous!! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I had a wisdom tooth extracted and then got an infection in the socket. The pain had me in tears and the treatment to flush the infection had me screaming! |
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"So after having a tooth out and getting dry socket, can honestly say I've never felt pain like it.
So whats the worst pain you've ever felt?
Answers on a postcard "
Similar vein.. I had an apiosectomy procedure done... the initial injections into the roof of my mouth were horrendous. 100% do not want that repeated ever again  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Kidney Stones stuck for 3 and a half months never felt pain like it"
I can sympathise fully. Had one for 6 months before it was blasted. Hospitalised twice with the twatting thing. |
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I dont know what qualified as the worst but...
Recovering from having my appendix removed. The Morphine made me worse so I refused it which probably made things worse
Pnumonia - My heart was swollen that I had no more room in the cavity its kept in. Honesty thought I was done for
Infection after root canal, The pain from that was incredible but it wasnt as bad as the treatment I got for it
One of those three
Mr |
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"Obviously childbirth, my second was worse as I laboured with no pain relief. And, then having a wound cauterised. Honestly thought I was going to pass out. It was horrific xx"
Well many ladies say childbirth is the worst pain ever yet within a few months maybe a year or two, they are considering going through the very same thing again despite the knowledge of the pain of childbirth?
When I was a young man (nearly 40 years ago) I was given an almighty kick in the bollocks!!
Since then, not once have I ever (not even when totally pished) contemplated having another almighty kick in the bollocks.
The case for the defence now stands your honour.....
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"Obviously childbirth, my second was worse as I laboured with no pain relief. And, then having a wound cauterised. Honestly thought I was going to pass out. It was horrific xx
Well many ladies say childbirth is the worst pain ever yet within a few months maybe a year or two, they are considering going through the very same thing again despite the knowledge of the pain of childbirth?
When I was a young man (nearly 40 years ago) I was given an almighty kick in the bollocks!!
Since then, not once have I ever (not even when totally pished) contemplated having another almighty kick in the bollocks.
The case for the defence now stands your honour.....
" Because the reward at the end is so worth it all  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Obviously childbirth, my second was worse as I laboured with no pain relief. And, then having a wound cauterised. Honestly thought I was going to pass out. It was horrific xx
Well many ladies say childbirth is the worst pain ever yet within a few months maybe a year or two, they are considering going through the very same thing again despite the knowledge of the pain of childbirth?
When I was a young man (nearly 40 years ago) I was given an almighty kick in the bollocks!!
Since then, not once have I ever (not even when totally pished) contemplated having another almighty kick in the bollocks.
The case for the defence now stands your honour.....
You win, my births were relatively easy and that story sounds agony  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Trigeminal neuralgia, oh man it's horrific. The main nerve through one side of the face malfunctions so it affects everything there, teeth, sinuses, eye, jaw, just terrible terrible pain. Like awful toothache, but through the entire half of your face. It's not known as "the suicide disease" for nothing. Had such a debilitating effect on me. Not least my inability to give blowjobs eventually I got the right meds to help with it but I would not wish it on my worst enemy |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Obviously childbirth, my second was worse as I laboured with no pain relief. And, then having a wound cauterised. Honestly thought I was going to pass out. It was horrific xx
Well many ladies say childbirth is the worst pain ever yet within a few months maybe a year or two, they are considering going through the very same thing again despite the knowledge of the pain of childbirth?
When I was a young man (nearly 40 years ago) I was given an almighty kick in the bollocks!!
Since then, not once have I ever (not even when totally pished) contemplated having another almighty kick in the bollocks.
The case for the defence now stands your honour.....
I feel this demands more rigourous scientific testing. Come here and I'll kick you in the bollocks. Call me an expert witness for the defence  |
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"Obviously childbirth, my second was worse as I laboured with no pain relief. And, then having a wound cauterised. Honestly thought I was going to pass out. It was horrific xx
Well many ladies say childbirth is the worst pain ever yet within a few months maybe a year or two, they are considering going through the very same thing again despite the knowledge of the pain of childbirth?
When I was a young man (nearly 40 years ago) I was given an almighty kick in the bollocks!!
Since then, not once have I ever (not even when totally pished) contemplated having another almighty kick in the bollocks.
The case for the defence now stands your honour.....
I feel this demands more rigourous scientific testing. Come here and I'll kick you in the bollocks. Call me an expert witness for the defence "
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"Obviously childbirth, my second was worse as I laboured with no pain relief. And, then having a wound cauterised. Honestly thought I was going to pass out. It was horrific xx
Well many ladies say childbirth is the worst pain ever yet within a few months maybe a year or two, they are considering going through the very same thing again despite the knowledge of the pain of childbirth?
When I was a young man (nearly 40 years ago) I was given an almighty kick in the bollocks!!
Since then, not once have I ever (not even when totally pished) contemplated having another almighty kick in the bollocks.
The case for the defence now stands your honour.....
I feel this demands more rigourous scientific testing. Come here and I'll kick you in the bollocks. Call me an expert witness for the defence "
For consistency you get me pregnant so in 9 months I can compare directly???
If you have already experienced childbirth then I could kick you in the bollocks and we can see what we reckon from both perspectives???? ?? |
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"Kidney Stones stuck for 3 and a half months never felt pain like it
I can sympathise fully. Had one for 6 months before it was blasted. Hospitalised twice with the twatting thing. "
I concur. The kidney I had broke up naturally. But the pain of passing it!!! It was like glass shards down the urinary track. The shards ripped into my bladder and had to get surgery to mend the damage.
Never again. Processed sugar is off the diet for life... |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"So after having a tooth out and getting dry socket, can honestly say I've never felt pain like it.
So whats the worst pain you've ever felt?
Answers on a postcard "
Heartbreak |
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Physical pain, a biopsy needle down into my breast through the areola. Fuckin' ouch.
Emotional pain, my husband leaving me. Never knew something could hurt this badly. Beats the needle by millions.
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
It's worth remembering I think that we all have different pain thresholds. What might be minor to one person can be excruciating to another.
I'm just glad we live in an age where analgesia is readily available. Imagine how they coped centuries ago. Doesn't bear thinking about.  |
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"It's worth remembering I think that we all have different pain thresholds. What might be minor to one person can be excruciating to another.
I'm just glad we live in an age where analgesia is readily available. Imagine how they coped centuries ago. Doesn't bear thinking about. "
" analgesia " is that term safe to Google?  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"It's worth remembering I think that we all have different pain thresholds. What might be minor to one person can be excruciating to another.
I'm just glad we live in an age where analgesia is readily available. Imagine how they coped centuries ago. Doesn't bear thinking about.
" analgesia " is that term safe to Google? "
Oh yes of course! Go on, go on....  |
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Paragliding in the US. Screwed up which resulted in broken ribs, pin in arm, crushed vertebrae in spine and broken collarbone. Trussed up in traction and got addicted to the drugs.
Deliberately declined the drugs to come off so in agony and sobbing like a kid. |
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Nerve pain is horrendous. Fake pain that can’t easily go away. It just goes on almost forever. Needed up with surgery to fix it. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone. It made breaking a rib and collapsing a lung compare to a walk in the park on a summers day. I had a cold too and sneezed lots when I broke my rib. That wasn’t a pleasant combination! Bit still not a patch on slipped discs in my neck.
Childbirth looks horrendous though, even if it all goes smoothly! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Playing football with mates in a park i did not notice ball had gone under green fence support i lanched a massive kick shattered bones in my right foot my mates ripped my trainer off the in the times before mobiles i had to limp walk my way home flipping my toes up that were just hanging as i made a stap 2 miles it took me 4 hours to get home |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Got kicjed in the face playing football and broke my jaw which was painfull. But waking up from the op to get it pinned was absolutely the worst pain I've ever experienced. Way worse than the actual kick. |
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By *ilted32Man
over a year ago
West Lothian |
"So after having a tooth out and getting dry socket, can honestly say I've never felt pain like it.
So whats the worst pain you've ever felt?
Answers on a postcard "
Dry socket was mine. Only thing that would stop the pain even temporarily was ice cold water. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Torsioned ovarian cyst. 20mg of morphine, IV paracetamol and entinox and I was still in absolute agony.
Would rather give birth naturally again 10 times over than experience that again. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
tooth abscess being pregnant I couldnt get pain relief except paracetamol or antibiotics, and having to wait 2 weeks to get registered with a new dentist and seen by him, I could have married him when he finally took the bugger out lol |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Very recently, passing a kidney stone. Up to that point I thought breaking my knee was painful (it was!!), on a scale of 1 - 10 the kidney stone flew past 10 and arrived at "head butting the walls"  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Crippling back pain that I suffer with. Unfortunately it's in my mum's side of the family "
Sorry to hear this, does it affect much in day to day life? |
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Thought it was the kidney stones I had a few years back.
Might have to update this thread later though as I'm scheduled to have part of my bowel removed due to diverticulitis (it's a thinning of the bowel wall).
Apparently common in men over 50 and most don't know they have it unless it leads to complications. |
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"Obviously childbirth, my second was worse as I laboured with no pain relief. And, then having a wound cauterised. Honestly thought I was going to pass out. It was horrific xx
Well many ladies say childbirth is the worst pain ever yet within a few months maybe a year or two, they are considering going through the very same thing again despite the knowledge of the pain of childbirth?
When I was a young man (nearly 40 years ago) I was given an almighty kick in the bollocks!!
Since then, not once have I ever (not even when totally pished) contemplated having another almighty kick in the bollocks.
The case for the defence now stands your honour.....
It has been said that if the man and woman had to take it in turns to give birth, there'd only ever be a maximum of two kids per family! |
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By *adcowWoman
over a year ago
kirkcaldy |
"Thought it was the kidney stones I had a few years back.
Might have to update this thread later though as I'm scheduled to have part of my bowel removed due to diverticulitis (it's a thinning of the bowel wall).
Apparently common in men over 50 and most don't know they have it unless it leads to complications."
I'm a female who had this op. Just make sure you don't let the nurse help you from chair to bed by moving 1 leg then the other. Ripped some internal stitches and now my abdomen muscles don't meet properly(like a triagular mountain on one side when I try to tighten muscles. |
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Knee snapped playing rugby, resulting in my big toe almost in my bellybutton at 16. Then same knee same outcome at 21. Wasn't present. Though seeing my ex give birthday without pain relief I think topped that. |
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By *vcarolTV/TS
over a year ago
kilmarnockish |
In order,
Kidney stones- certainly a 9.5 onthe ouchameter.
Angiogram- 9.99 on the ouchameter.
But worst of all, as these are short term.
Broken heart, very rarely gets repaired, and is there forevermore. |
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By *erlins5Man
over a year ago
South Fife |
"So after having a tooth out and getting dry socket, can honestly say I've never felt pain like it.
So whats the worst pain you've ever felt?
Answers on a postcard "
Aaargh.... Same happened to me...I feel your pain..... Literally. I had the tooth out two weeks ago and just about back to normal now. I hope you feel better soon. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
ive never heard of this dry socket thing and really hope that reading of it hasn’t brought it into my universe now
id be willing to bet the new thread up about ball busting might be high up on that list of painful things |
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