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Has the world gone PC mad?
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By *oonboy OP Man
over a year ago
livingston |
just reading in the news about the race row on strictly...to be honest its not my kinda show anyway , but got me thinking about whether the whole world has gone too politically correct?
in chat this morning whilst all were remembering about thier childhood it got me thinking about the shows we used to have on tv like love thy neighbour etc.... do you think its about time we became less sensitive to minor indiscretions (such as the wrong name to call someone) and concentrate on proppa issues that make a difference?
BTW im not racist in any shape or form, just wanted to see what other folks views were. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
crazy......crazy........crazy.......too scared to open your mouth in this world sometimes in fear of offending when you really aren't racist.
Wonders if they get complaints when Gok Wan calls himself a half chinky. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
everything gets taken to the extreme in this world.... no longer able to call the popular dessert spotted dick, must now be known by the name spotted richard!!!!!!! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
i think that things have gone a big bit over board with the pc stuff.we are not racist in any way and have met a coulored couple from another site before now and are still friends with them.
but on a lighter note my niece works for a pakistani couple in glasgow.
there son came home from school last week and declared to his dad.
we had a black lady in our class today helping out.(the kids words not mine).
when the dad asked the mother what the boy was talking about he was told that the classroom assistant that has started at the school.
the dad near ended himself laughing and so was my niece when he told her.and he is not offended at being called the P word and even uses it himself. just like me i tell folk im a scot and proud of it .
Mr Me |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I do think it's gone a tad far but have to be honest ... I hate the word p**i... it's horrid.... and why anyone uses it in this day is unbelievable......
he should have known better but has apologised.
end of it I think... |
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It does seem to be that if you are any colour other than white you can pull the racist card, whereas we just have to grin and bare it, no matter whats said about us!!!.....
and by the way, I am not racist....I wid race anyone. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
well i think its all a bit OTT. things like kids now not being allowed to sing bah bah balck sheep etc, way too much.
my opinions are my own and i would hate to seem a racist or against others of different nationalities, as i have spent roughly 3 years in the middle east aswell as currently learning to speak Farsi which is the language spoken in Iran, Afghanistan and some areas of pakistan BUT i believe that we (natives of this country) are the ones who are subject to racial abuse from our own Government!
I did NOT risk my life, nor did i take time out of my childs life to serve overseas for my tax's to pay for asylum seekers and immigrants to ponce like hell off the government, live for free and develope a shite attitude. Here is something that made my blood boil the other week
i was on the bus, number 66 btw, and it was mobbed and pishing with rain, woman tied to get on with two kids and a buggy, she was african. driver said no buggies, to which she took all the belongings from it and got on without it, leaving it in the street. a woman said what about your buggy (which did not look old) she replied 'it ok, il go down jobcentre tomorrow and get voucher for new one'
yet the young single mothers of This country are left to struggle with nothing, debt collectors at thier door and zero help from the government!!
the whole thing is a mess!!!!
sorry for ranting and hope no-one takes offence x G |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Well all I can say is having risked your life for three years surely you would realise that there are plenty of people that need asylum and while some milk the system, does that mean punish the deserving and needy. Like there aren't plenty of junkies and wastrels born and bred here who abuse the system. The majority of asylum seekers are not allowed to work, whether they want to or not.
All I can say is there but for the grace of God go I! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
yip i have saw who need asylum and the way i see people come over and milk it while not beig grateful for the oppertunity they have, pisses me off, hence my views on the matter.  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"yip i have saw who need asylum and the way i see people come over and milk it while not beig grateful for the oppertunity they have, pisses me off, hence my views on the matter. "
And how do you expect them to show you gratitude exactly? Should they kiss the feet of every person who is native to Britain that passes them in the street?
I agree there are those who milk it, but there are plently of Brits who milk it, so I think you need to deal with that and stop expecting thanks for giving people in a terrible situation a chance at a better life. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"next time il not post up an opinion "
Well that is your choice but this a forum, which is obviously an opportunity for us to post our views and respond. I certainly meant no offense and thought that, in this adult conversation, no one would take offense at someone disagreeing with their views, but I stand corrected. Let me re-itterate that no malign to your views was meant and I was merely expressing an opinion.
If you feel my opinion is erronius and merits a rebuff then by all means continue but throwing your toys out the pram is immature... |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"And how do you expect them to show you gratitude exactly? Should they kiss the feet of every person who is native to Britain that passes them in the street? "
but I stand corrected. Let me re-itterate that no malign to your views was meant and I was merely expressing an opinion
to me thats contradictory. you were arguing my opinion.
im not throwing toys out the pram at all, everyone has an opinion and has the god given right to express it, yet i dont think having an opinion merits being digged at. my opinion is my own and it remains that, no toys out the pram and no huff taken on my side
its cool, no probs at all x  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Well I am glad that you are no taking th huff. Not sure why you chose that quote but to each their own. I am not sure what you find contradictory exactly but if you let me know, I will attempt to elaborate.
When I said you had thrown your toys out of the pram, that may have been an over-extension. All I meant was if someone disagrees with your views, do not say you will not express an opinion as if that is their fault.
x |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
No peace offering necessary. I certainly never took offense to anything you opined and am open to all points of view. As the saying goes... to each their own lol x |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
We're a honky, Jock, hetro couple of haggis munchers! DAMN! I HATE our being so 'hurtfully' racist to ourselves...harrumph! We're off to report ourselves to the PC Police...! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I went to see a musical in NYC called Avenue Q (very fucking funny, by the way!) and its all tongue in cheek and very close to the bone but one of the songs is called 'Everyones a little bit racist' and it basically deals with this subject, that the world has gone PC mental (oops, theres a slur on the mentally incapable) and everyone, whether they admit it in public or not, whether they ever voice their opinion or not, is racist is some way, however large or small and I agree.
I can't abide direct racist names like p**i, n****r etc. and I very nearly started a fight one night in town when I heard some little chav (oops, there I go again, catagorising a section of society) calling a guy a 'cafo' (don't know if I'm close to spelling that right). Basically its a derogatory Afrikkans terms for anyone that isn't of Dutch/african decent and I couldn't believe I'd just heard someone from Scotland, in Scotland, using it!!!
Heres a thought though, I listen to a fair amount of rap music and you frequently hear the artists calling each other by terms we are debating as being derogatory 'n****r' etc. why is that not racist and therefor censured? Why is it that when they use it, its not derogatory but if i used it, i'd get my head stoved in by him!
I used to work abroad for a while with a lot of guys from that country and my nickname was Jock (can't think why!) and I laughed along with them and was quite proud of it. If I had reffered to one of them in an equally 'collonial' term, I probably would have been arrested and tortured!!
We have to accept that, hateful names and terms not withstanding, we are all a tiny bit racist. We're made that way and unless something radical changes in the world, it will always be that way! It doesn't make most of us bad people at all. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
At some point in the past year while I was in the car with D a man decided to roll down the window of his car and proceed to hurl racist, yes RACIST! abuse at me. Completely unprovoked.
Amongst the eloquent utterances he intimated that I return to whereever it was I had come from (where? my mother's womb??)
I decided to do something about it- the 'something' involved police and court and such like that I obviously can't go into.
Why did I follow this course of action? because I believe that I, just like anybody else, have a right to live where ever I so please.
I believe I have the right to go about my business without being verbally (or worse) abused or being afraid of this happening.
I have lived in this country for several years, and I have NOT ONCE relied on the state. I have known plenty natives of this country who have, some out of genuine need, others out of sheer laziness.
To suggest that us immigrants all 'come over here and freeload to the detriment of the indigenous population' is at best naive and at worst downright stupid.
The word 'immigrant' meerly tells you that someone has moved from elsewhere.It tells you nothing about the person. Us immigrants do not have a uniform identity just as the indigenous population does not(and on that note the same applies for black people: we are not all the same hence why I get
baffled by people saying things like 'I love black women' - what? short ones? tall ones? thin ones? fat ones? really?do not objectify me!!)
I owe NO-ONE any explanation nor any gratitude for where I choose to live, neither do I deserve to be called words and names I find derogatory and offensive. |
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there is a BIG difference between being PC and being 'ist', be it raceist ,sexist or any ist
there is a radio programe on rock radio called "banned in the " and they had "banned in the 70's" on
Now thinking back to when we were all younger do you remember the figure on the jam jars yes they were gollys to me that was a soft toy
and the "black and white minstrels" good satarday night viewing from what i can remember ( no one has done a parody of it getting black folk to white up and sing boy zone songs )
in the right context using words do not have a bad effect but some folk can abuse this a prime example is the race card and ive heard alot of coloured folk yelling your only arresting me cause im black. alot of racism is from the minoritys themselfs and not from the whites.
but in the end if we were all put in a coal cellar with the lights off could you tell what colour a person is or would you find some other "ist" to moan about
ok rant over |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
had to say this ,
All the people who state that us minorities are PC mad and play the race card , perhaps you would be interested in watching tonight's episode of Panorama. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
i wont watch the panorama, i dont need to sit and be told how racist us white folks are.
the huge difference in the people who live in the UK today from many different backgrounds is the key part in my own personal feelings. I have a friend from Namibia who has moved over to get stuck into a Uni course which she has done, aswell as having a full time job with me. To me that takes more than just balls. she has left her family and friends behind to come here and i think thats something i would be unable to do, and having a full time job alone is also more than a percentage of Scots could be arsed with.
my own personal gripe is with the ones that have been given the chance to come here and start a fresh, away from the poverty and abuse they faced in thier own country but then just get caught up in drugs, gangs whilst using the government like a bank,. hence my post earlier in the thread about the buggy. Nina, you are by far the complete opposite to this, as are hundreds of other people here, and i think you may have been offended by an earlier post of mine, which is something i really didnt mean to happen x
to be honest i think mabye this post should be removed or closed as no matter what anyone says on the subject its probably going to offend another. Thats the downside to the internet i guess, hard to fully explain things xxx |
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