By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"Couldn't disagree more.
I think the BBC is one of the UK's great institutions. I'd be happy to pay double the fee for such a great service.
Trustworthy. Unbiased. Talented. It does exactly what it's original DG and charter intended.
Inform. Educate. Entertain. For such a small fee too.
I've lived and worked in many places around the world and nothing compares to the BBC. Many of my foreign friends and colleagues wish they had something the even comes close to the service it provides.
News. Drama. Comedy. Investigations. Debate. Speaking truth to power. Advice. Analysis. Education. Music. IPlayer. Radio.The list goes on. It gives us so much for so little.
Of course there are plenty of shows and individuals I don't like. They've been swept up in the modern tide of political correctness. They over represent minority _iews. They make mistakes and poor judgements from time to time. Who doesn't?
You can please less than half the people less than half the time. That's no reason to stop trying.
To me the BBC, for all it's good and bad, is a cornerstone of British culture and society. Like the NHS, good manners and decency.
A world without Radio 4 ... is unthinkable ...
Cheers for your reply.
There are quite a few points we , as you say , disagree on.
It's not pleasing half the people though, a recent survey showed two thirds of people want rid of it, also there's many corner stones of British culture that's outdated and change is required.
Here's the thing though, you say you like lots of the content so you will be just as happy to pay a subscription fee instead of a licence fee I'm sure, you wouldn't lose out. But others that are not interested would not be forced to pay for your _iewing pleasure.
You're welcome. I was principally disagreeing with your offensive and derogatory comments about the BBC and the staff and defending it and them. Not the license fee funding model.
You are quite right that one recent poll has shown 61% of people disagree with that model and I am one of them.
What you seem to fail to understand is that the BBC is a Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). That is the cornerstone of it's success and ability to generate unique content, in my _iew. Paid for by the public, delivering to the public. Just like the NHS.
The payment model is flawed and I understand and share your frustrations with it.
I'm not a mother but my taxes still pay for maternity services, I'm not disabled so why should I pay for...etc,etc. Your taxes and mine pay for a huge amount of services we will never use.
The selfish, I don't use it so refuse to pay for it attitude, can only lead to the collapse of modern society as we know it. I am over dramatising for effect, but it is a public service.
Your suggestion of a subscription service is naive and ignorant. Apologies for being blunt.
An 'opt in' subscription service simply would not work. The BBC would simply become another media company in a saturated market. Run solely for profit and shareholder return. The quality would be degraded. Risk avoided. Failure would not be an option. Vast amounts of the great content I have enjoyed would never have seen the light of a TV screen or tablet without the uniquely British PBS model. Many of the great talents that have flourished at the BBC and gone on to greater success would never have been nurtured in a purely capitalist market.
Most importantly, it could no longer be independent, unbiased and trustworthy.
I do like some of the content of the BBC and dislike some of it. We are all individuals and all have different tastes.
The power and uniqueness of an independent, publicly funded BBC, is for me, that it tries to cater for all of us. It nurtures amazing creatives and gives them a safe place to shine and to fail, but try again.
That to me is worth funding, one way or another, wouldn't you agree?
Mate , you need to have a closer look at this.
As a corporation they recieve billions from government funding.
They pay zero corporation tax.
They use multiple different companies from production companies right down to catering and cleaning companies. Many of these the companies they contract in, use off shore tax avoiding schemes. Fact !!
The BBC pay vast wages to staff above 150k per annum for the simple reason it put them above and out of reach of any freedom of information requests. Fact !!
Your point I accept about where my taxes go , ie to many services I will never use but your flaw is , I don't mind my tax going to the nhs because I will through neccecity need their services at some point . Passengers in cars don't pay road tax.
Why should I pay a tax because I have a tv. ?