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By *ick270 OP   Man  over a year ago


So he now wants a 3rd referendum, proves he is ruled by the unions.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm beginning to warm to the guy..

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By *nleashedCrakenMan  over a year ago


Still way to wishy-washy on the whole Leave-Remain issue for my liking.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I'm beginning to warm to the guy..


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By *ancadamMan  over a year ago


Labour are not in power so have only been able to have limited influence in this Tory party centred fiasco.3rd referendum will save the country from the horror of a no deal (cant say the stupid b word)......

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By *ercuryMan  over a year ago


This is only Labour policy for as long as they are in Opposition. This policy will change should a GE be called.

26 Labour MPs sent a letter to JC last week, imploring Labour not to seek another referendum. These MPs came from very high Leave constituencies.

The five biggest Unions want to Remain and will campaign along those lines.

The infighting is set to continue.

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By *ostafunMan  over a year ago

near ipswich

When asked today if labour would campaign for remain in a GE he said he would make his mind up very quickly what a f'@king joke that man is.

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By *heBirminghamWeekendMan  over a year ago


What a complete joke

All this talk of “campaigning to remain”

What a complete joke

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By *ony 2016Man  over a year ago

Huddersfield /derby cinemas

Cameron ( conservative PM ) called a referendum with no plan for leave winning , May became ( Conservative) PM with no plan of getting any deal through parliament ( apart from calling a general election to give the tories 100+ seat majority) , now the 2 contenders to be next conservative PM seem equally inept at solving the problem the Conservatives caused . Yet people are continually blaming the Labour leader ,,, it may be worth pointing out that since the 2015 General election we have had a conservative government doing all the negotiations with the EU , with prominent leavers as Brexit secretaries ,, do any conservatives own any mirrors ??

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By *ancadamMan  over a year ago


"Cameron ( conservative PM ) called a referendum with no plan for leave winning , May became ( Conservative) PM with no plan of getting any deal through parliament ( apart from calling a general election to give the tories 100+ seat majority) , now the 2 contenders to be next conservative PM seem equally inept at solving the problem the Conservatives caused . Yet people are continually blaming the Labour leader ,,, it may be worth pointing out that since the 2015 General election we have had a conservative government doing all the negotiations with the EU , with prominent leavers as Brexit secretaries ,, do any conservatives own any mirrors ?? "

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By *ylonSlutTV/TS  over a year ago


Politically it is very tough for labour to have a one size fits all policy on brexit. The majority of labour voters as a whole are pro remain maybe 70:30 but quite a few labour constituencies especially up North are amongst the most pro brexit.

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By *otlovefun42Couple  over a year ago

Costa Blanca Spain...

Corbyn. More flip flops than Benidorm beach.

I love the old fool because he is the only hope the Tories have of winning the next election.

FFS. Don't get rid of him just yet.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The man has no balls, he been fighting and slaging off the EU for year's. Now he smells a bit of power he jumping on it. Grow some been sitting on the fence so long starting to look like part of the garden.

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By *heBirminghamWeekendMan  over a year ago


"Politically it is very tough for labour to have a one size fits all policy on brexit. The majority of labour voters as a whole are pro remain maybe 70:30 but quite a few labour constituencies especially up North are amongst the most pro brexit. "

Within the 12 North East voting areas of the 2016 referendum, only 1 returned a remain result. The voting area result for North East was a 58/42 result for Leave.

Within the 12 voting areas there are only 4 constituencies held by the Conservatives - the other 28 are all Labour.

The shift from "honour the result of the referendum" to "campaign to leave" will not sit well within this Labour heartland.

Durham Miners Gala on Saturday - will be interesting to see/hear how Corbyn and crew are received

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Tories do what tories do. The reason corbyn is fired at is because he has allowed them to do tories. If Brexit goes wrong, it will hit Labours areas hardest. Even if project fear is over egged by many multiples, most job losses will likely be their kind of voters. If tax income falls, it will be their kind of voters which feel any furthering of austerity.

The poorer parts of society are taking most of the risk. And while many feel it can't get any worse, so what's to lose, I fear we have further to go. And as it stands, the best that seems to be on offer is "no worse than today"... That's a shit bet to be taking. Certainly not the bet which has been previously presented. Labour need to start making this a lot clearer.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The north voted leave. London and the south east voted remain, why??? Well most of the gravy from the EU pours into the south easy.But people say the north will suffer more if we leave. Labour are selling out to the rich again, just like Blair did.

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By *estivalMan  over a year ago


labour can say whatever they like as it dosent really matter.all boris is gona do is ask the e.u to open up negotiations they say no he puts his feet up and waits for the 31st until they kick us out hell would have to freeze over before he calls a GE.he knows once we are out the tories and labour will be unelectable for a while.its will be someone elses mess to sort out come this time nxt year

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm beginning begrudgingly, to feel some love for the corbyn .

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"The north voted leave. London and the south east voted remain, why??? Well most of the gravy from the EU pours into the south easy.But people say the north will suffer more if we leave. Labour are selling out to the rich again, just like Blair did. "

Do you have stats which back this up?

According to Sheffield political economy research centre the areas which have above the UK average eu spending per person are:

North east

South west



West Midlands, Scotland and North West have 90% of the average.

Lowest are South East, East and London.

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By *ostafunMan  over a year ago

near ipswich

"Corbyn. More flip flops than Benidorm beach.

I love the old fool because he is the only hope the Tories have of winning the next election.

FFS. Don't get rid of him just yet."

totally with you there.

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"So he now wants a 3rd referendum, proves he is ruled by the unions."

did you get that from "kate aide's" twitter account... sorry couldn't help myself....

anyway to position is basically this...

if it is a no deal brexit or a tory (blue) brexit... 2nd referendum, campaign to remain

if labour were to win GE... they would go back to the EU seeking a "red" brexit... of which they would campaign to do diddly squat... and have an internal dusterfuck!

so basically labours position hasn't really changed...still sitting on fence with splinters up arse!

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By *nleashedCrakenMan  over a year ago


Nick Cohen – brilliant in The Spectator on Labour’s Corbyn/Remain nightmare. I’ve pasted the full article in comments for those who don’t subscribe. Please don’t go on about The Spectator being right-wing – Nick Cohen writes for many publications, chiefly The Observer.

“Unless Corbyn retires in the next few weeks, the only way to replace him before the country enters its worst crisis since 1945 is by challenging him. The left can’t do it, much though many of its more thoughtful members may want to. The personality cult they built around Corbyn has trapped them. I do not mean to offend religious readers with delicate sensibilities when I say the left turned a dim, elderly backbencher into the socialist equivalent of Christ”.


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By *nleashedCrakenMan  over a year ago


Jeremy Corbyn writes to members to say party will campaign for remain

Labour have announced their Brexit position in a letter from Jeremy Corbyn:

Dear member,

I am proud to lead the Labour Party – the greatest political party and social movement in this country.

We all recognise that the issue of Brexit has been divisive in our communities and sometimes in our party too.

As democrats, Labour accepted the result of the 2016 referendum. In our 2017 manifesto, Labour also committed to oppose a No Deal Brexit and the Tories’ Brexit plans – which threatened jobs, living standards, and the open multicultural society that we as internationalists value so much.

I want to pay tribute to Keir Starmer and the shadow Brexit team for holding the Government to account during this process. That helped secure a meaningful vote on their deal – which we then defeated three times – including inflicting the largest ever defeat on any Government. And following their refusal to publish their legal advice, this Government became the first to be held in contempt of Parliament.

Labour set out a compromise plan to try to bring the country together based around a customs union, a strong single market relationship and protection of environmental regulations and rights at work. We continue to believe this is a sensible alternative that could bring the country together.

But the Prime Minister refused to compromise and was unable to deliver, so we ended cross-party talks.

Now both Tory leadership candidates are threatening a No Deal Brexit - or at best a race to the bottom and a sweetheart deal with Donald Trump: that runs down industry, opens up our NHS and other public services to yet more privatisation, and shreds environmental protections, rights at work and consumer standards.

I have spent the past few weeks consulting with the shadow cabinet, MPs, affiliated unions and the NEC. I have also had feedback from members via the National Policy Forum consultation on Brexit.

Whoever becomes the new Prime Minister should have the confidence to put their deal, or No Deal, back to the people in a public vote.

In those circumstances, I want to make it clear that Labour would campaign for Remain against either No Deal or a Tory deal that does not protect the economy and jobs.

Labour has a crucial, historic duty to safeguard jobs, rights and living standards. But no Brexit outcome alone can do that.

We need a general election. After nine years of austerity, too many people in this country cannot find decent secure well-paid work, and have to rely on public services that have been severely cut back.

Our country is ravaged by inequality and rising poverty, huge regional imbalances of investment, and the government is failing to tackle the climate emergency facing us all.

That is why we need a Labour government to end austerity and rebuild our country for the many not the few.


Jeremy Corbyn

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"The north voted leave. London and the south east voted remain, why??? Well most of the gravy from the EU pours into the south easy.But people say the north will suffer more if we leave. Labour are selling out to the rich again, just like Blair did.

Do you have stats which back this up?

According to Sheffield political economy research centre the areas which have above the UK average eu spending per person are:

North east

South west



West Midlands, Scotland and North West have 90% of the average.

Lowest are South East, East and London. "

I work in the south east and building a few projects up north and putting a EU flag on is nothing compared with the amount of EU cash washing around the London and south East. . Forget figure's the EU don't keep books.

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"The north voted leave. London and the south east voted remain, why??? Well most of the gravy from the EU pours into the south easy.But people say the north will suffer more if we leave. Labour are selling out to the rich again, just like Blair did.

Do you have stats which back this up?

According to Sheffield political economy research centre the areas which have above the UK average eu spending per person are:

North east

South west



West Midlands, Scotland and North West have 90% of the average.

Lowest are South East, East and London. "

that is correct... the "poorest" parts of the uk actually get more money from the EU regeneration fund.... and the Eu Development fund...

so actually north east england is a net benefactor of EU money, Scotland is a net benefactor, Cornwall is a net benefactor, south wales is a net benefactor

Northern ireland does doubly well as they get regen and devvelopment money, plus there are some extra money put aside as the EU are a signee to the GFA.......

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By *ony 2016Man  over a year ago

Huddersfield /derby cinemas

"So he now wants a 3rd referendum, proves he is ruled by the unions.

did you get that from "kate aide's" twitter account... sorry couldn't help myself....

anyway to position is basically this...

if it is a no deal brexit or a tory (blue) brexit... 2nd referendum, campaign to remain

if labour were to win GE... they would go back to the EU seeking a "red" brexit... of which they would campaign to do diddly squat... and have an internal dusterfuck!

so basically labours position hasn't really changed...still sitting on fence with splinters up arse!"

. If tories go for no deal Brexit or Mays deal ( Johnson / Hunt version ) and Labour are saying that they will try for another referendum and campaign to remain , then they will be campaigning to remain in the EU ,, if this is " sitting on the fence " then so too are the LibDems & SNP

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By *andS66Couple  over a year ago


"The north voted leave. London and the south east voted remain, why??? Well most of the gravy from the EU pours into the south easy.But people say the north will suffer more if we leave. Labour are selling out to the rich again, just like Blair did.

Do you have stats which back this up?

According to Sheffield political economy research centre the areas which have above the UK average eu spending per person are:

North east

South west



West Midlands, Scotland and North West have 90% of the average.

Lowest are South East, East and London.

that is correct... the "poorest" parts of the uk actually get more money from the EU regeneration fund.... and the Eu Development fund...

so actually north east england is a net benefactor of EU money, Scotland is a net benefactor, Cornwall is a net benefactor, south wales is a net benefactor

Northern ireland does doubly well as they get regen and devvelopment money, plus there are some extra money put aside as the EU are a signee to the GFA......."

The GFA is an agreement between the British and Irish Givernments. The EU is not a signatory on the GFA.

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead


The GFA is an agreement between the British and Irish Givernments. The EU is not a signatory on the GFA."

The EU IS a signatory (overseer) to the GFA.... the USA are also a signatory (overseer) to the GFA

it involves the UK and the Irish government but more parties signed it....

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By *ick270 OP   Man  over a year ago


You do realise its our money ?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"The north voted leave. London and the south east voted remain, why??? Well most of the gravy from the EU pours into the south easy.But people say the north will suffer more if we leave. Labour are selling out to the rich again, just like Blair did.

Do you have stats which back this up?

According to Sheffield political economy research centre the areas which have above the UK average eu spending per person are:

North east

South west



West Midlands, Scotland and North West have 90% of the average.

Lowest are South East, East and London. I work in the south east and building a few projects up north and putting a EU flag on is nothing compared with the amount of EU cash washing around the London and south East. . Forget figure's the EU don't keep books. "

London is awash with people.

I won't make judgements based on anecdotal evidence and conspiracy theory. But it is interesting to hear perceptions. I imagine many feel the same as you regardless of what info is out there.

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By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


Wise that they haven't given their planned position in a general election away - why help the opposition! It's also so reliant on when it would be. It's right that they've done this, as the public have no support for no deal, continued austerity, damaging the economy etc.

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"You do realise its our money ?"

when i see an actual UK government actually plan to plow that money into those areas, then it becomes our money!!!

until then.... nah......

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By *ostafunMan  over a year ago

near ipswich

looking foreward to panorama tonight.

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By *verysmileMan  over a year ago


He is supposed to be the leader of his party but when there is a difficult issue such as Brexit, antisemitism within his party, the role of Russia in the Salisbury attacks, Iran, terrorism, etc....he fails to lead and goes a bit wobbly for a few months.

"Mr Corbyn. Having just heard that the Martians have just set up a base in London and have initiated a 4 minute countdown on a fiendish nuclear device, what will you do?"

"Well before we rush into a knee jerk, perhaps our response should be put to next year's party conference!"

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By *ostafunMan  over a year ago

near ipswich

"He is supposed to be the leader of his party but when there is a difficult issue such as Brexit, antisemitism within his party, the role of Russia in the Salisbury attacks, Iran, terrorism, etc....he fails to lead and goes a bit wobbly for a few months.

"Mr Corbyn. Having just heard that the Martians have just set up a base in London and have initiated a 4 minute countdown on a fiendish nuclear device, what will you do?"

"Well before we rush into a knee jerk, perhaps our response should be put to next year's party conference!""

will soon have to prove you have a foreskin to join.

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By *heBirminghamWeekendMan  over a year ago


"He is supposed to be the leader of his party but when there is a difficult issue such as Brexit, antisemitism within his party, the role of Russia in the Salisbury attacks, Iran, terrorism, etc....he fails to lead and goes a bit wobbly for a few months.

"Mr Corbyn. Having just heard that the Martians have just set up a base in London and have initiated a 4 minute countdown on a fiendish nuclear device, what will you do?"

"Well before we rush into a knee jerk, perhaps our response should be put to next year's party conference!" will soon have to prove you have a foreskin to join. "


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By *rumpyMcFuckNuggetMan  over a year ago

Den of Iniquity

Hes a fucking cunt , same as all British politicians. The End.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Hes a fucking cunt , same as all British politicians. The End."

We get the politicians we deserve..

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By *oxychick35Couple  over a year ago


"He is supposed to be the leader of his party but when there is a difficult issue such as Brexit, antisemitism within his party, the role of Russia in the Salisbury attacks, Iran, terrorism, etc....he fails to lead and goes a bit wobbly for a few months.

"Mr Corbyn. Having just heard that the Martians have just set up a base in London and have initiated a 4 minute countdown on a fiendish nuclear device, what will you do?"

"Well before we rush into a knee jerk, perhaps our response should be put to next year's party conference!" will soon have to prove you have a foreskin to join. "

lmfaoo that rules me out then ffs

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Hes a fucking cunt , same as all British politicians. The End."

Yah hes a cunt.

I can't stand him.

I asked the local labour MP what he thought and he said he would rather have Thatcher.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Hes a fucking cunt , same as all British politicians. The End.

Yah hes a cunt.

I can't stand him.

I asked the local labour MP what he thought and he said he would rather have Thatcher.


Most likely a blairite and a plastic socialist .I wouldn't concern yourself with such people...

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By *ony 2016Man  over a year ago

Huddersfield /derby cinemas

"!" will soon have to prove you have a foreskin to join. "
. Do we not think that this comment is anti-Semitic ?????

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By *amantMan  over a year ago


"The north voted leave. London and the south east voted remain, why??? Well most of the gravy from the EU pours into the south easy.But people say the north will suffer more if we leave. Labour are selling out to the rich again, just like Blair did. "

The most Northern city in England voted remain, as did Manchester, Liverpool and Leeds. It was primarily safe Tory constituencies like Dover that took us out, not Northern ones. Scotland voted remain too, do they not feel "left behind" too?

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By *heBirminghamWeekendMan  over a year ago


"The north voted leave. London and the south east voted remain, why??? Well most of the gravy from the EU pours into the south easy.But people say the north will suffer more if we leave. Labour are selling out to the rich again, just like Blair did.

The most Northern city in England voted remain, as did Manchester, Liverpool and Leeds. It was primarily safe Tory constituencies like Dover that took us out, not Northern ones. Scotland voted remain too, do they not feel "left behind" too?"

You are not wrong in saying Newcastle voted remain (50.7%), however all the other constituencies voted leave.

The official result for the North East voting area was Leave (58%)

Also you are not wrong in pointing out that cities such as Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds did vote remain, however again the voting areas of North West (Manchester, Liverpool) and Yorkshire and Humber (Leeds) voted Leave - 53% and 57%.

The North voted Leave.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Would it be fair to say ,cosmopolitan areas voted remain rural areas leave in the north.

That's another division based on culture and wealth.

Let's have city states.

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By *ara JTV/TS  over a year ago

Bristol East

I'm a fan of Mr Corbyn now after seeing his latest Facebook post:

"On a plane to Romania today I bumped into Celtic FC fans who invited me to join them watch their team play CFR Cluj. So I did.

"Odsonne Edouard impressed along with Celtic's discipline and determination.

"Great match and Celtic got a vital away goal to take into the second leg."

A Celtic fan! He gets my vote now!

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By *ostafunMan  over a year ago

near ipswich

"I'm a fan of Mr Corbyn now after seeing his latest Facebook post:

"On a plane to Romania today I bumped into Celtic FC fans who invited me to join them watch their team play CFR Cluj. So I did.

"Odsonne Edouard impressed along with Celtic's discipline and determination.

"Great match and Celtic got a vital away goal to take into the second leg."

A Celtic fan! He gets my vote now!


Just about sums it up gets my vote supports the same football team.

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By *ercuryMan  over a year ago


"I'm a fan of Mr Corbyn now after seeing his latest Facebook post:

"On a plane to Romania today I bumped into Celtic FC fans who invited me to join them watch their team play CFR Cluj. So I did.

"Odsonne Edouard impressed along with Celtic's discipline and determination.

"Great match and Celtic got a vital away goal to take into the second leg."

A Celtic fan! He gets my vote now!


I'm sure that he'll fix the sectarianism that exists in Scottish football

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By *ara JTV/TS  over a year ago

Bristol East

A leader of impeccable taste.


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By *estivalMan  over a year ago


all corbyn is intrested in is being p.m if he thought no deal would get him into number 10 he would be backing that.no better than any other m.p

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By *otlovefun42Couple  over a year ago

Costa Blanca Spain...

"A leader of impeccable taste.



I don't know much about his taste but "leader"?

He couldn't lead my dog out for a piss.

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By *ara JTV/TS  over a year ago

Bristol East

I'm sure he is rooting for Celtic in Stockholm tonight.

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By *wisted999Man  over a year ago

North Bucks

He’s an Arsenal fan and is not afraid to rock a shell suit! So he’s not all bad.

Terrible leader potential though. Weak.

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By *ostafunMan  over a year ago

near ipswich

hes totally fucked the party conference coming up and he will have do as momentum want so dont be surprised if labour are a remain party after it even though he has been anti eu all his career.

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By *thwalescplCouple  over a year ago


"So he now wants a 3rd referendum, proves he is ruled by the unions."

A third?

Did I miss the second one?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So he now wants a 3rd referendum, proves he is ruled by the unions.

A third?

Did I miss the second one? "

The second referendum was in 2016

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By *thwalescplCouple  over a year ago


"So he now wants a 3rd referendum, proves he is ruled by the unions.

A third?

Did I miss the second one?

The second referendum was in 2016"

So when was the first one?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So he now wants a 3rd referendum, proves he is ruled by the unions.

A third?

Did I miss the second one?

The second referendum was in 2016

So when was the first one?"

I had to go to Google.


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By *thwalescplCouple  over a year ago


Ah...this would be the one about joining the Common Market as it was back then, and not the first of a possible 3 on the subject of exiting the EU then?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Ah...this would be the one about joining the Common Market as it was back then, and not the first of a possible 3 on the subject of exiting the EU then?


Yeah. I assume that's what they're talking about.

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