FabSwingers.com > Forums > Politics > Wheres the hard brexiteers?
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"They can't be wrong. It's a "conspiracy". That narrative began as soon as the result came through and they realised that it was undeliverable. The dog caught the car that it was chasing... " The anecdote that sums it up for came from Sara Vine, partner of Michael Gove. The morning after the referendum, she woke him up with the words: "You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off." It was the same with Johnson - he was positioning himself as the next leader because he knew 2/3rds of the party grassroots were leave, so he thought he could have the best of both worlds - staying in the EU, but appearing to be the darling of the grassroots. These people did not think they would pull it off. They have been like rabbits in the headlights ever since. | |||
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"im not a remainer or leaver but the amount of peeps on here who keep banging on about staying or leaving are also the ones who say politics needs fixing.the only way to fix it is leave and see wat a fuck up it is then labour and tories are finished.if we dont leave its more of the same.and you do realise if tjey ignore this vote yhat sets a precedent to ignore any other vote about anythig else.to fix something it needs to be destroyed first.really does make me laugh that there are millions that yhink goverment watever party it is ever listens to the great unwashed. open your eyes sheeple you only get a say when they want you to have a say.last time parliment listend was about poll tax and that was only coz they didnt want there cash cow smashed to bits every weekend.march as much as you like from as far away as you like they will do what they want.it may keep ine side or the other happy.my guess is neither side is gona be happy.personaly i dont give a crap one way or the other" Stability tends to bring prosperity but also complacency. Do the privilege feather their nests? Sure, but to claim globsl conspiracy presupposes some level of cooperation that must does not exist as we are demonstrating as a country. This is the argument that we voted to do something, found it was a bad idea but must do it anyway. You are saying that democracy means not changing your mind regardless of the consequences. If you don't give a crap then you don't care what the outcome to society will be. In that case your position is comprehensible but incredibly sad. You are saying that you are both poweess a. D apathetic. | |||
"They do not want hard brexit anymore. We must forgive them for the mistake." give it a, rest. It's wearing rather thin. I waited a long time to right a grave wrong and I for one won't let the juvenile behaviour of any remoaner tell me I am wrong. The mistake was, joining the circus in the first place. | |||
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"Some of you lot need to get a life. Behaving like children for over 2 years shows just what it is to be a remoaner. Pathetic " Untwist your knickers dear and be happy ![]() | |||
"They do not want hard brexit anymore. We must forgive them for the mistake.give it a, rest. It's wearing rather thin. I waited a long time to right a grave wrong and I for one won't let the juvenile behaviour of any remoaner tell me I am wrong. The mistake was, joining the circus in the first place. " Mature response ![]() | |||
"Some of you lot need to get a life. Behaving like children for over 2 years shows just what it is to be a remoaner. Pathetic " But you’re not going to change anyone’s mind by insulting them are you! The problem is that not one of the brexiteers have been able to provide a coherent plan for the future and when questioned they bluff and bluster their way out of answering by belittling the questioner because they plainly dont know the answers and dont know what they are doing. It’s all bullshit and bravado if not downright lies and I am afraid that all the main proponents of brexit have been proven to have a personal agenda which was more important than the welfare of the country we live in. Oh and just for your information I have a friend who deals in business development for a large bank and one of his clients is aaron banks and theyhada conversation last year where mr banks said he would never have funded the leave campaign if he had realised what a shit storm it would be. Anecdotal I know but quite relevant, especially as he is keeping quite a low profile these days. ![]() | |||
"John Redwood advises investors to put their money abroad ,, Jim Ratcliffe moves to Monaco ,, Dyson company heads to Singapore ,, Lawson seeks French residency ,, Rees Mogg opens offices in Dublin ,, which is , I assume , what the hard , keen , enthusiastic brexitiers mean by ,,,,,, " leave means leave "" Totally accurate and as usual no comment from a Leaver... ![]() | |||
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"We know how to behave correctly. Pity the remoaners can't. Constantly attacking the leave side only makes you look like the bullies and superior beings you think you are. Dream on " We don’t attack, we ask for clarity & get abuse back rather than facts... ![]() | |||
"We know how to behave correctly. Pity the remoaners can't. Constantly attacking the leave side only makes you look like the bullies and superior beings you think you are. Dream on " Sadly some on 'your side' do not, death threats have been made and a Labour Mp killed.. Another Mp not on your side of the debate had his glasses torn off by one of 'your side' last week.. You have yet in the over two plus years on this issue to come up with anything other than less than maturely using childish and banal digs at those who have given their opposing points of view.. Do you have anything positive to add other than the tired out and shown to be irrelevant clichés? | |||
"We know how to behave correctly. Pity the remoaners can't. Constantly attacking the leave side only makes you look like the bullies and superior beings you think you are. Dream on " As an example of how wrong you are. 1 million remainers marched. No trouble. 200 leavers marched, and there was all kinds of abuse behaviour, attacking onlookers etc. | |||
"The silence from those who chose a hard leave is amazing, do they realise now? Their leaders are being shown up for the crooks they are! They sold false promises. Isn’t it time they woke up and joined the millions who knew this was a disasterous course of action? Time to switch sides and accept the verdict, nobody in this country wants that type of leave. " I find more brexiteers are getting harder in there attitude because of the non democratic attitude of the remoaners.It is amazing how many of us including me who wanted a soft brexit now want out at any cost the non democratic remoaners have caused this | |||
"We know how to behave correctly. Pity the remoaners can't. Constantly attacking the leave side only makes you look like the bullies and superior beings you think you are. Dream on " ![]() | |||
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"The silence from those who chose a hard leave is amazing, do they realise now? Their leaders are being shown up for the crooks they are! They sold false promises. Isn’t it time they woke up and joined the millions who knew this was a disasterous course of action? Time to switch sides and accept the verdict, nobody in this country wants that type of leave. I find more brexiteers are getting harder in there attitude because of the non democratic attitude of the remoaners.It is amazing how many of us including me who wanted a soft brexit now want out at any cost the non democratic remoaners have caused this" spot on. The dummies are,all on the floor | |||
"The silence from those who chose a hard leave is amazing, do they realise now? Their leaders are being shown up for the crooks they are! They sold false promises. Isn’t it time they woke up and joined the millions who knew this was a disasterous course of action? Time to switch sides and accept the verdict, nobody in this country wants that type of leave. I find more brexiteers are getting harder in there attitude because of the non democratic attitude of the remoaners.It is amazing how many of us including me who wanted a soft brexit now want out at any cost the non democratic remoaners have caused this" “non democratic remoaners” Don’t you see the irony? | |||
"The silence from those who chose a hard leave is amazing, do they realise now? Their leaders are being shown up for the crooks they are! They sold false promises. Isn’t it time they woke up and joined the millions who knew this was a disasterous course of action? Time to switch sides and accept the verdict, nobody in this country wants that type of leave. I find more brexiteers are getting harder in there attitude because of the non democratic attitude of the remoaners.It is amazing how many of us including me who wanted a soft brexit now want out at any cost the non democratic remoaners have caused this" Non democratic? You mean like the million people that marched yesterday to LITERALLY demand the decision be put to the people. -Matt | |||
"We know how to behave correctly. Pity the remoaners can't. Constantly attacking the leave side only makes you look like the bullies and superior beings you think you are. Dream on As an example of how wrong you are. 1 million remainers marched. No trouble. 200 leavers marched, and there was all kinds of abuse behaviour, attacking onlookers etc. " see more shit figures. We got more than you to march.we show more dignity.so bloody what. We had our say in the referendum. You can't accept defeat. . One million shit stirrers wow. One million trouble makers. Now called the mob. Its you citing trouble arranging to meet them head on ready to hurl abuse at any leaver. Grow up | |||
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"We know how to behave correctly. Pity the remoaners can't. Constantly attacking the leave side only makes you look like the bullies and superior beings you think you are. Dream on As an example of how wrong you are. 1 million remainers marched. No trouble. 200 leavers marched, and there was all kinds of abuse behaviour, attacking onlookers etc. see more shit figures. We got more than you to march.we show more dignity.so bloody what. We had our say in the referendum. You can't accept defeat. . One million shit stirrers wow. One million trouble makers. Now called the mob. Its you citing trouble arranging to meet them head on ready to hurl abuse at any leaver. Grow up " You seem to inhabit a completely parallel universe. 1 million trouble makers? Wtf are you on about? -Matt | |||
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"You lot that's who I'm on about. You had a march... Fair enough. The leavers have, a march and out you come to pour scorn and ridicule them Take the fishermen up this way who sailed their boats down the Tyne in favour of brexit. Get down to Newcastle and low and behold the remain mob are, all on the bridges ready to mock and hurl abuse at them. Now that is really grown up behaviour now isn't it. Well done " But they deserve ridicule don’t they? You could forgive them for being conned once by ‘the elites’ into voting against their own interests. But to then be conned a second time into marching on a ‘great march’ in which not even the leaders of the march showed up beyond the first half a day. A group that is so far away from representing the U.K. as a whole in terms of cultural, social and ethnic make up would be hard to find. They are being led on a march that they will be very unlikely to complete. Being led to cross a bridge that was closed. Not only closed, but entirely planned to be closed at that time. Then to have the National Trust to come out and tell them they are not welcome. Seriously, the NT?! It is such a fantastic illustration of Brexit as a whole. And yet you are completely oblivious to this. Completely oblivious to the complete shambles Brexit is and how damaging it is to our country. When even the LEADERS of the leave campaigns have come out to admit they lied to you. And you still believe it. Yes You deserve ridicule. -Matt | |||
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"You lot that's who I'm on about. You had a march... Fair enough. The leavers have, a march and out you come to pour scorn and ridicule them Take the fishermen up this way who sailed their boats down the Tyne in favour of brexit. Get down to Newcastle and low and behold the remain mob are, all on the bridges ready to mock and hurl abuse at them. Now that is really grown up behaviour now isn't it. Well done " Hurling abuse at people is one thing. Sending abusive messages on Facebook and making death threats at at 77 year old woman who started a petition is as low as it gets. | |||
"You lot that's who I'm on about. You had a march... Fair enough. The leavers have, a march and out you come to pour scorn and ridicule them Take the fishermen up this way who sailed their boats down the Tyne in favour of brexit. Get down to Newcastle and low and behold the remain mob are, all on the bridges ready to mock and hurl abuse at them. Now that is really grown up behaviour now isn't it. Well done " So all those fishermen who sold their quotas to french spanish and portuguese fishing fleets so they can sit back and rake in the cash have nothing to do with the situation we are in? The problem with everything in this country is that lazy middle management see a way of selling off assets so that they can go down the pub with nige and pontificate about the rights and wrongs while sucking on the teat! You really need to get out more lovey! | |||
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"In or out of the E.U. makes no difference to the price you will still be paying for your fish in the supermarket it’s still going to be expensive ![]() But it may be much more hazardous to your health if we leave the EU and its protective regulations. | |||
"You lot that's who I'm on about. You had a march... Fair enough. The leavers have, a march and out you come to pour scorn and ridicule them Take the fishermen up this way who sailed their boats down the Tyne in favour of brexit. Get down to Newcastle and low and behold the remain mob are, all on the bridges ready to mock and hurl abuse at them. Now that is really grown up behaviour now isn't it. Well done " Your delusional if you think there is any comparison between death threats, physical attacks and mocking someone.. Your also a hypocrite and ironic to be all faux outrage whining about abuse which seems to be your default.. | |||
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"One of the big arguments the brexitiers have used is that power in the EU is controlled by unelected people ,,,, might be a good time to point out that in order to get a 3rd meaningful vote through our parliament , our PM is begging Arlene Foster for support " Or that Moggy and Boris are happy to be allowed to vote on the same thing over and over again yet tell the whole nation you can fuck off if you think you want to vote on something with far more in site that it's now fundamentaly a whole different vote. | |||
"The silence from those who chose a hard leave is amazing, do they realise now? Their leaders are being shown up for the crooks they are! They sold false promises. Isn’t it time they woke up and joined the millions who knew this was a disasterous course of action? Time to switch sides and accept the verdict, nobody in this country wants that type of leave. " Both of us voted leave based on a no deal. Both of us still want no deal. Leave won and remain lost. 17,410,742 Voted to leave. It was a democratic vote. Yes lies on BOTH sides. We are both young, not all leave voters are old grannies. We both don’t believe in all the horror stories coming from remoaners. Mays deal is worse than a no deal. UK negotiators are terrible at there job and should be sacked. The BBC and other news outlets should be unbiased but it’s very clear they support remain. Some food prices will rise but other will fall. The tax man will screw the average person more than Brexit. My(Ethan) business has grown in UK and EU. Most of my growth has been within the UK. My turnover and profits are at a all time high. I have increased wages for all staff. Now is the time to invest in the UK. Trade deals can be made with other nations with a no deal. WTO isn’t a bad idea. You will still be able to travel to E.U. for up to 90 days without a visa. Your passport is enough. If you believe in democracy, you should fully support the result of the 2016 referendum. Otherwise we might as well become a absolute monarchy. | |||
"The silence from those who chose a hard leave is amazing, do they realise now? Their leaders are being shown up for the crooks they are! They sold false promises. Isn’t it time they woke up and joined the millions who knew this was a disasterous course of action? Time to switch sides and accept the verdict, nobody in this country wants that type of leave. Both of us voted leave based on a no deal. Both of us still want no deal. Leave won and remain lost. 17,410,742 Voted to leave. It was a democratic vote. Yes lies on BOTH sides. We are both young, not all leave voters are old grannies. We both don’t believe in all the horror stories coming from remoaners. Mays deal is worse than a no deal. UK negotiators are terrible at there job and should be sacked. The BBC and other news outlets should be unbiased but it’s very clear they support remain. Some food prices will rise but other will fall. The tax man will screw the average person more than Brexit. My(Ethan) business has grown in UK and EU. Most of my growth has been within the UK. My turnover and profits are at a all time high. I have increased wages for all staff. Now is the time to invest in the UK. Trade deals can be made with other nations with a no deal. WTO isn’t a bad idea. You will still be able to travel to E.U. for up to 90 days without a visa. Your passport is enough. If you believe in democracy, you should fully support the result of the 2016 referendum. Otherwise we might as well become a absolute monarchy. " ![]() | |||
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"Ill buy my royal standard now! ![]() Activate the Queen ! ![]() | |||
"You lot that's who I'm on about. You had a march... Fair enough. The leavers have, a march and out you come to pour scorn and ridicule them Take the fishermen up this way who sailed their boats down the Tyne in favour of brexit. Get down to Newcastle and low and behold the remain mob are, all on the bridges ready to mock and hurl abuse at them. Now that is really grown up behaviour now isn't it. Well done " a) newcastle voted remain.... b) people in newcastle probable pointed at the quayside on BOTH sides of the river and probably let said fishermen know (in most likelyhood) that a lot of it would not be there is if wasn't for the shed load of EU regeneration money that was piled into the quayside on the newcastle and the gateshead side!!!! (little clue... the sage, the baltic and a lot of the new establishments and the new housing developments wouldn't be there....) | |||
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"You lot that's who I'm on about. You had a march... Fair enough. The leavers have, a march and out you come to pour scorn and ridicule them Take the fishermen up this way who sailed their boats down the Tyne in favour of brexit. Get down to Newcastle and low and behold the remain mob are, all on the bridges ready to mock and hurl abuse at them. Now that is really grown up behaviour now isn't it. Well done a) newcastle voted remain.... b) people in newcastle probable pointed at the quayside on BOTH sides of the river and probably let said fishermen know (in most likelyhood) that a lot of it would not be there is if wasn't for the shed load of EU regeneration money that was piled into the quayside on the newcastle and the gateshead side!!!! (little clue... the sage, the baltic and a lot of the new establishments and the new housing developments wouldn't be there....) " That’s right all paid for by the EU. Of which thevUK is one of the largest financial contributors. See the irony there the UK paid thevEU to fund its regeneration and housing projects, that your so grateful for. | |||
"The silence from those who chose a hard leave is amazing, do they realise now? Their leaders are being shown up for the crooks they are! They sold false promises. Isn’t it time they woke up and joined the millions who knew this was a disasterous course of action? Time to switch sides and accept the verdict, nobody in this country wants that type of leave. Both of us voted leave based on a no deal. Both of us still want no deal. Leave won and remain lost. 17,410,742 Voted to leave. It was a democratic vote. Yes lies on BOTH sides. We are both young, not all leave voters are old grannies. We both don’t believe in all the horror stories coming from remoaners. Mays deal is worse than a no deal. UK negotiators are terrible at there job and should be sacked. The BBC and other news outlets should be unbiased but it’s very clear they support remain. Some food prices will rise but other will fall. The tax man will screw the average person more than Brexit. My(Ethan) business has grown in UK and EU. Most of my growth has been within the UK. My turnover and profits are at a all time high. I have increased wages for all staff. Now is the time to invest in the UK. Trade deals can be made with other nations with a no deal. WTO isn’t a bad idea. You will still be able to travel to E.U. for up to 90 days without a visa. Your passport is enough. If you believe in democracy, you should fully support the result of the 2016 referendum. Otherwise we might as well become a absolute monarchy. " Odd that you voted for something that the official leave campaign wasnt offering....they were offering us the easiest deals in history NOT No Deal. | |||
"Brexitiers wanted contoll to be given back to Parliamemt , Controll has been given back to Parliament , Brexitiers are upset because controll has been given back to Parliament " The same people who fought tooth and nail to try to avoid parliament having the final say on Brexit. | |||
"The silence from those who chose a hard leave is amazing, do they realise now? Their leaders are being shown up for the crooks they are! They sold false promises. Isn’t it time they woke up and joined the millions who knew this was a disasterous course of action? Time to switch sides and accept the verdict, nobody in this country wants that type of leave. Both of us voted leave based on a no deal. Both of us still want no deal. Leave won and remain lost. 17,410,742 Voted to leave. It was a democratic vote. Yes lies on BOTH sides. We are both young, not all leave voters are old grannies. We both don’t believe in all the horror stories coming from remoaners. Mays deal is worse than a no deal. UK negotiators are terrible at there job and should be sacked. The BBC and other news outlets should be unbiased but it’s very clear they support remain. Some food prices will rise but other will fall. The tax man will screw the average person more than Brexit. My(Ethan) business has grown in UK and EU. Most of my growth has been within the UK. My turnover and profits are at a all time high. I have increased wages for all staff. Now is the time to invest in the UK. Trade deals can be made with other nations with a no deal. WTO isn’t a bad idea. You will still be able to travel to E.U. for up to 90 days without a visa. Your passport is enough. If you believe in democracy, you should fully support the result of the 2016 referendum. Otherwise we might as well become a absolute monarchy. " The fact that you are young and voted to leave makes you statistically untypical for your age group. I have no idea what point you are trying to make. May is proposing a transition deal to maintain trade on the current terms without disruption whilst trade deals are negotiated. It has been an epically bad negotiation so far because there was no plan. Some personal opinion about the BBC. Whatever. Some food prices will rise. Some sectors of British agriculture will fold unless they subsidised to an even greater level than today. I am pleased that your business is doing well. Do you employ as many people as Airbus or Jaguar Land Rover? As we haven't left the EU yet what relevance has that to a no deal Brexit? Why would a company invest in the UK rather than the EU when their are fewer people and companies to sell to here? Of course we can do other trade deals. We will have to replace the EU and the other 80 or so deals that we have through them. The biggest trading zone in the world. Why would another country give our smaller market better terms than they do to the EU unless we make more concessions? WTO rules are by definition the worst ones available on the planet unless your country is under economic sanctions. Why do you think otherwise? Many people move country to live and work, not just visit. 90 days is not quite enough for that. The logic of a second referendum is not based on one side getting slightly more votes on a given day. 17.4 million voted to leave and over 16 million voted to remain. Despite your personal perspective, most young people do want to remain and it's mainly the old who want to leave. The young will have to live far longer with the consequences than the old. Regardless of that irony, if I make a decision based on a certain set of information and that information turns out to be incorrect then I would like to make a different decision. I'd rather not stick with my original decision simply because it was my original decision. What's your view on that? You've already said that we were lied to, but you seem OK with that. | |||
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"You lot that's who I'm on about. You had a march... Fair enough. The leavers have, a march and out you come to pour scorn and ridicule them Take the fishermen up this way who sailed their boats down the Tyne in favour of brexit. Get down to Newcastle and low and behold the remain mob are, all on the bridges ready to mock and hurl abuse at them. Now that is really grown up behaviour now isn't it. Well done a) newcastle voted remain.... b) people in newcastle probable pointed at the quayside on BOTH sides of the river and probably let said fishermen know (in most likelyhood) that a lot of it would not be there is if wasn't for the shed load of EU regeneration money that was piled into the quayside on the newcastle and the gateshead side!!!! (little clue... the sage, the baltic and a lot of the new establishments and the new housing developments wouldn't be there....) That’s right all paid for by the EU. Of which thevUK is one of the largest financial contributors. See the irony there the UK paid thevEU to fund its regeneration and housing projects, that your so grateful for. " EU allocating funding where the UK government has failed to because as wealthy as we apparently are this was one of the poorest regions in Europe. | |||
"It appears that Rees-Mogg has become a "traitor" and "enemy of the people". He has just stated that he will support the Prime Minister's withdrawal agreement as it would make us a vassal state. It was unacceptable just days ago. Led by donkeys ![]() It's been unacceptable to him and Boris since day one. The sad thing is many still listen and hang onto every word Moggy & Boris say, even after all what's happened. | |||
"You lot that's who I'm on about. You had a march... Fair enough. The leavers have, a march and out you come to pour scorn and ridicule them Take the fishermen up this way who sailed their boats down the Tyne in favour of brexit. Get down to Newcastle and low and behold the remain mob are, all on the bridges ready to mock and hurl abuse at them. Now that is really grown up behaviour now isn't it. Well done a) newcastle voted remain.... b) people in newcastle probable pointed at the quayside on BOTH sides of the river and probably let said fishermen know (in most likelyhood) that a lot of it would not be there is if wasn't for the shed load of EU regeneration money that was piled into the quayside on the newcastle and the gateshead side!!!! (little clue... the sage, the baltic and a lot of the new establishments and the new housing developments wouldn't be there....) That’s right all paid for by the EU. Of which thevUK is one of the largest financial contributors. See the irony there the UK paid thevEU to fund its regeneration and housing projects, that your so grateful for. EU allocating funding where the UK government has failed to because as wealthy as we apparently are this was one of the poorest regions in Europe." It was a protest vote by people who latched on to simplistic nationalist and racist bollocks spouted by power hungry toffs. The fact that the EU provided funding for infrastructure projects in the more remote and poorer parts of england and Wales seems to have escaped the people who live there. Then again, if you provide easy access to places like Cornwall or Ceredigion by building bigger faster roads but not investing in housing then the only people who benefit immediately are the second home owners. Its sad but true that the lack of an integrated development plan for the whole of the uk and the appalling state of uk planning law has led to an even less equal society than ever. The EU at least tried to provide the funding to help those parts of the country that needed it desperately and also invested in culture and sporting venues along the way but the landed gentry like JRM do not want to give up their land for housing or invest in the greater good of society and the media are in their pockets too. As for the national trust and english heritage....dont even get me started on their chocolate box vision of the country that has distorted planning since forever! ![]() | |||
"I am not wrong. It's the insulting behaviour that causes trouble and you lot love dishing it out. All the more reason it is right to Leave " ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
"I am not wrong. It's the insulting behaviour that causes trouble and you lot love dishing it out. All the more reason it is right to Leave ![]() ![]() ![]() Not wrong about what? ![]() | |||
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"I am not wrong. It's the insulting behaviour that causes trouble and you lot love dishing it out. All the more reason it is right to Leave " Brilliant. I can't believe I missed this gem. So now we should leave and ruin the country for future generations because you feel like people who didn't want to leave and ruin the country for future generations were rude to you? | |||
" It was a protest vote by people who latched on to simplistic nationalist and racist bollocks spouted by power hungry toffs. The fact that the EU provided funding for infrastructure projects in the more remote and poorer parts of england and Wales seems to have escaped the people who live there. Then again, if you provide easy access to places like Cornwall or Ceredigion by building bigger faster roads but not investing in housing then the only people who benefit immediately are the second home owners. Its sad but true that the lack of an integrated development plan for the whole of the uk and the appalling state of uk planning law has led to an even less equal society than ever. The EU at least tried to provide the funding to help those parts of the country that needed it desperately and also invested in culture and sporting venues along the way but the landed gentry like JRM do not want to give up their land for housing or invest in the greater good of society and the media are in their pockets too. As for the national trust and english heritage....dont even get me started on their chocolate box vision of the country that has distorted planning since forever! ![]() Just for thread purposes... You never know why they voted the way they did. Fish markets, industrial parks, motorways, marine technology, business hubs, areospace zones, CETO wave technology, business start ups, solar tech, unemployment engagement activity, essential skills, financial readiness, community hall refurbs, tourism boards, voucher schemes, technical assistance schemes ... the list is endless. It isn't just the EU built a few mortorways for the rich and famous and Cornwall was duped by Mogg. Up and down the country - votes were as unexpected as the result itself. No one can definitively say why. | |||
"The silence from those who chose a hard leave is amazing, do they realise now? Their leaders are being shown up for the crooks they are! They sold false promises. Isn’t it time they woke up and joined the millions who knew this was a disasterous course of action? Time to switch sides and accept the verdict, nobody in this country wants that type of leave. " Not true | |||
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" It was a protest vote by people who latched on to simplistic nationalist and racist bollocks spouted by power hungry toffs. The fact that the EU provided funding for infrastructure projects in the more remote and poorer parts of england and Wales seems to have escaped the people who live there. Then again, if you provide easy access to places like Cornwall or Ceredigion by building bigger faster roads but not investing in housing then the only people who benefit immediately are the second home owners. Its sad but true that the lack of an integrated development plan for the whole of the uk and the appalling state of uk planning law has led to an even less equal society than ever. The EU at least tried to provide the funding to help those parts of the country that needed it desperately and also invested in culture and sporting venues along the way but the landed gentry like JRM do not want to give up their land for housing or invest in the greater good of society and the media are in their pockets too. As for the national trust and english heritage....dont even get me started on their chocolate box vision of the country that has distorted planning since forever! ![]() I believe it was a protest at the austerity of the last ten years and there are probably other things like inequality of opportunity but who knows? | |||
"You lot that's who I'm on about. You had a march... Fair enough. The leavers have, a march and out you come to pour scorn and ridicule them Take the fishermen up this way who sailed their boats down the Tyne in favour of brexit. Get down to Newcastle and low and behold the remain mob are, all on the bridges ready to mock and hurl abuse at them. Now that is really grown up behaviour now isn't it. Well done a) newcastle voted remain.... b) people in newcastle probable pointed at the quayside on BOTH sides of the river and probably let said fishermen know (in most likelyhood) that a lot of it would not be there is if wasn't for the shed load of EU regeneration money that was piled into the quayside on the newcastle and the gateshead side!!!! (little clue... the sage, the baltic and a lot of the new establishments and the new housing developments wouldn't be there....) That’s right all paid for by the EU. Of which thevUK is one of the largest financial contributors. See the irony there the UK paid thevEU to fund its regeneration and housing projects, that your so grateful for. " If you think for one second that those funds would have been allocated by the government anyway - or in fact will be allocated in the future - you are dreaming. We can’t post images on here, but there was a graphic on Politico last week demonstrating that ERDF funding has been in the region of 10 to12 times as much as the bribe that Theresa May offered to northern Labour MP’s. ERDF funding is non political and that is why it was good. A sitting Government would tend to support its own constituencies and ignore opposition constituencies. ERDF funding was based on regional merit, irrespective of politics | |||
" It was a protest vote by people who latched on to simplistic nationalist and racist bollocks spouted by power hungry toffs. The fact that the EU provided funding for infrastructure projects in the more remote and poorer parts of england and Wales seems to have escaped the people who live there. Then again, if you provide easy access to places like Cornwall or Ceredigion by building bigger faster roads but not investing in housing then the only people who benefit immediately are the second home owners. Its sad but true that the lack of an integrated development plan for the whole of the uk and the appalling state of uk planning law has led to an even less equal society than ever. The EU at least tried to provide the funding to help those parts of the country that needed it desperately and also invested in culture and sporting venues along the way but the landed gentry like JRM do not want to give up their land for housing or invest in the greater good of society and the media are in their pockets too. As for the national trust and english heritage....dont even get me started on their chocolate box vision of the country that has distorted planning since forever! ![]() It definitely was for some. Which only piles on the irony. | |||
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