FabSwingers.com > Forums > Politics > Profit in Syrian camps
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"And just for comparison.... UK hospitals pay around £4 a day for meals for patients. Prisons...£2. Schools, around 60p per day for lunches." Do you think there's a handy wholesaler round the corner? | |||
"And just for comparison.... UK hospitals pay around £4 a day for meals for patients. Prisons...£2. Schools, around 60p per day for lunches. Do you think there's a handy wholesaler round the corner? " Charities get a lot of food donated direct by huge food companies. For free. | |||
"And just for comparison.... UK hospitals pay around £4 a day for meals for patients. Prisons...£2. Schools, around 60p per day for lunches." You can't compare the camps in the middle of nowhere with the logistics and resources required in that climate with your local hospital or primary school.. Unless the numbers behind the headline are looked into it's lacking in detail as to what makes up that figure.. There are too many of the same charities serving the same aims etc and much more could be done if they combined but that's another debate perhaps.. It seems a strange thing to be concerned about given its not public money.. | |||
"And just for comparison.... UK hospitals pay around £4 a day for meals for patients. Prisons...£2. Schools, around 60p per day for lunches. You can't compare the camps in the middle of nowhere with the logistics and resources required in that climate with your local hospital or primary school.. Unless the numbers behind the headline are looked into it's lacking in detail as to what makes up that figure.. There are too many of the same charities serving the same aims etc and much more could be done if they combined but that's another debate perhaps.. It seems a strange thing to be concerned about given its not public money.. " It bothers me because so much good could be done with that money, and someone is lining their own pockets with it instead. The same thing happened in Africa. The money raised around the world is enough to have turned the whole place around, but instead much of it got syphoned off into crooked government departments over there. FYI, my sister and BiL were at one point quite high up in a charity, both left because of the waste, mis-management and fraud that went on, a lot of it quite blatant. | |||
"And just for comparison.... UK hospitals pay around £4 a day for meals for patients. Prisons...£2. Schools, around 60p per day for lunches. You can't compare the camps in the middle of nowhere with the logistics and resources required in that climate with your local hospital or primary school.. Unless the numbers behind the headline are looked into it's lacking in detail as to what makes up that figure.. There are too many of the same charities serving the same aims etc and much more could be done if they combined but that's another debate perhaps.. It seems a strange thing to be concerned about given its not public money.. It bothers me because so much good could be done with that money, and someone is lining their own pockets with it instead. The same thing happened in Africa. The money raised around the world is enough to have turned the whole place around, but instead much of it got syphoned off into crooked government departments over there. FYI, my sister and BiL were at one point quite high up in a charity, both left because of the waste, mis-management and fraud that went on, a lot of it quite blatant." It's not just in that sector though.. | |||
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"There is no source for this figure so, meh. We tend to get clean drinking water out of a tap in UK hospitals. Do you think that's how it works in a refugee camp? " Unless you were unlucky enough to be a patient in Stafford hospital during the Labour government of 1997-2010, then you'd have to resort to drinking dirty water out of flower vases on wards. | |||
"There is no source for this figure so, meh. We tend to get clean drinking water out of a tap in UK hospitals. Do you think that's how it works in a refugee camp? Unless you were unlucky enough to be a patient in Stafford hospital during the Labour government of 1997-2010, then you'd have to resort to drinking dirty water out of flower vases on wards. " OK. What's your point wihh respect to the cost of providing aid to refugees? | |||
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"Just been on the news about the camps in Syria where the "refugees" from the last IS stronghold are fleeing to. Apparently there are 65,000 there, and its costing "at least 1 million" to feed them PER DAY. That's around £15.34 each.... per day. Really? I think someone is making a mint out of these people, someone needs to tell the Aid agencies that there are cheaper options... I'm glad I stopped giving to charity if this I how they help themselves... erm, I mean the poor refugees. ![]() An interesting post and thank you for bringing it to our attention. | |||
"Just been on the news about the camps in Syria where the "refugees" from the last IS stronghold are fleeing to. Apparently there are 65,000 there, and its costing "at least 1 million" to feed them PER DAY. That's around £15.34 each.... per day. Really? I think someone is making a mint out of these people, someone needs to tell the Aid agencies that there are cheaper options... I'm glad I stopped giving to charity if this I how they help themselves... erm, I mean the poor refugees. ![]() You find this isolated piece of information interesting without any thought for context or how much it costs to run a refugee camp? Bizarre. | |||
"Do you think the only cost of a refugee camp is food? Where does the money come from to purchase the accomodation, to install sanitation and running water, electricity, hospitals, classrooms, recreation etc. How much do you think it would cost to build a new town here? A lot more than the figure you quote, I suspect." ![]() | |||
"Do you think the only cost of a refugee camp is food? Where does the money come from to purchase the accomodation, to install sanitation and running water, electricity, hospitals, classrooms, recreation etc. How much do you think it would cost to build a new town here? A lot more than the figure you quote, I suspect." The quoted figure was " just to feed everyone here", I'm aware of the logistics required to build and run a camp that size. | |||
"And just for comparison.... UK hospitals pay around £4 a day for meals for patients. Prisons...£2. Schools, around 60p per day for lunches. You can't compare the ciamps in the middle of nowhere with the logistics and resources required in that climate with your local hospital or primary school.. Unless the numbers behind the headline are looked into it's lacking in detail as to what makes up that figure.. There are too many of the same charities serving the same aims etc and much more could be done if they combined but that's another debate perhaps.. It seems a strange thing to be concerned about given its not public money.. It bothers me because so much good could be done with that money, and someone is lining their own pockets with it instead. The same thing happened in Africa. The money raised around the world is enough to have turned the whole place around, but instead much of it got syphoned off into crooked government departments over there. FYI, my sister and BiL were at one point quite high up in a charity, both left because of the waste, mis-management and fraud that went on, a lot of it quite blatant. Well if your sister and brother-in-law were high up in a charity and saw waste, mismanagement and fraud, and all they did was left, then they're vicariously responsible for those crimes unless they whistleblew. There will obviously be some waste in charities, as in any sector, but if fraud is seen then it has to be reported. Obviously feeding and resourcing a refugee camp in the middle of a war-zone is massively different than making some school dinners, and to make any comparison is absurd. That cost must include all the logistics, security, health issues etc etc etc. We can't just send them some Pret sandwiches in the post! " They both raised issues with the charities concerned, before making anonomous reports to outside agencies. This sparked a massive witch hunt, leading to both of them deciding that they would prefer not to work for organisations that ignored the evidence, but spent time and effort trying to find "whistleblowers". | |||
"Do you think the only cost of a refugee camp is food? Where does the money come from to purchase the accomodation, to install sanitation and running water, electricity, hospitals, classrooms, recreation etc. How much do you think it would cost to build a new town here? A lot more than the figure you quote, I suspect. The quoted figure was " just to feed everyone here", I'm aware of the logistics required to build and run a camp that size." No you're not. | |||
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"Do you think the only cost of a refugee camp is food? Where does the money come from to purchase the accomodation, to install sanitation and running water, electricity, hospitals, classrooms, recreation etc. How much do you think it would cost to build a new town here? A lot more than the figure you quote, I suspect. The quoted figure was " just to feed everyone here", I'm aware of the logistics required to build and run a camp that size. No you're not. " Really? Do you know me, my experiences, background, training, or that of members of my family? | |||
"Aid agencies do an excellent job, and the world is full of generous people giving their hard earned money to good causes. The trouble is that once that money gets to the country it is meant for, there is always the chance that it is seized by its govt and used for anything from buying weapons to refurbishing the leaders palace. As for the money charged to feed refugees, someone has obviously seen an opportunity to print money. ![]() There is always that chance. I think that everyone can see the problem. I think that charities are trying to spend their money on those in need. What's your solution? I certainly don't have one. Lots of people think that the chance of funds being diverted is a good reason to not intervene at all... | |||
" The quoted figure was " just to feed everyone here", I'm aware of the logistics required to build and run a camp that size." You've seen or heard something somewhere - a source you do not cite - and present it here as fact. Excuse while I find some salt for your hearsay. | |||
" The quoted figure was " just to feed everyone here", I'm aware of the logistics required to build and run a camp that size. You've seen or heard something somewhere - a source you do not cite - and present it here as fact. Excuse while I find some salt for your hearsay. " It was the BBC news (or ITV, not sure which one I was watching, but I think it was more likely the BBC one), last night, female reporter, she was also getting grief privately from the Syrians running the camp for "exporting our terrorists but not willing to take them back". | |||
"And just for comparison.... UK hospitals pay around £4 a day for meals for patients. Prisons...£2. Schools, around 60p per day for lunches. Do you think there's a handy wholesaler round the corner? Charities get a lot of food donated direct by huge food companies. For free." Not in Syria they don't. | |||
"And just for comparison.... UK hospitals pay around £4 a day for meals for patients. Prisons...£2. Schools, around 60p per day for lunches. You can't compare the camps in the middle of nowhere with the logistics and resources required in that climate with your local hospital or primary school.. Unless the numbers behind the headline are looked into it's lacking in detail as to what makes up that figure.. There are too many of the same charities serving the same aims etc and much more could be done if they combined but that's another debate perhaps.. It seems a strange thing to be concerned about given its not public money.. It bothers me because so much good could be done with that money, and someone is lining their own pockets with it instead. The same thing happened in Africa. The money raised around the world is enough to have turned the whole place around, but instead much of it got syphoned off into crooked government departments over there. FYI, my sister and BiL were at one point quite high up in a charity, both left because of the waste, mis-management and fraud that went on, a lot of it quite blatant." "A" charity. There are thousands. | |||
"Do you think the only cost of a refugee camp is food? Where does the money come from to purchase the accomodation, to install sanitation and running water, electricity, hospitals, classrooms, recreation etc. How much do you think it would cost to build a new town here? A lot more than the figure you quote, I suspect. The quoted figure was " just to feed everyone here", I'm aware of the logistics required to build and run a camp that size. No you're not. Really? Do you know me, my experiences, background, training, or that of members of my family?" You clearly know f*ck all about international crisis response. | |||
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"That quote was from an Aid workers blog. Whilst its not the same per se as a camp in Syria, it shows what sort of value for money a worldwide aid program can achieve, and also that the cost doesn't just cover the food itself, there are a number of other factors taken into account." The context is massively different. It talks about "take home rations" which clearly shows it's talking about costs in an area with food insecurity, not in a camp in a war zone. Also, the WFP are massive and economies of scale will make their costs lower than another aid organisation of similar size. Stop spouting shit you know nothing about. | |||