FabSwingers.com > Forums > Politics > Trump what the hell is going on
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"They all know that if they press the big button its curtains for us all MAD works mutually assured destruction." That's the problem the problem. Trump doesn't understand nuclear brinkmanship is based in diplomacy and continuity of purpose through handovers of power. He is a New York 'family' front-man, a gangster and a con artist and he thinks he is the big man everywhere but with Putin (because he knows Putin is a KGB 'made man'. Result is Trump will start a war thinking it is like a gangster turf war but as soon as it gets ugly he will run away just like he did 5 times when called to serve in vietnam. | |||
"First north Korea, then Russia now Iran. Has he got a wish list on who to meet and could he actually bring upon world peace. People may judge him some may not like him but have to admit the man has some balls x" So did Hitler! | |||
"Really? You do know that Mike Pompeo (that the US Secretary Of State) has now publicly admitted that far from stopping their nuclear weapons program as the fart in the Oval Office Trumpeted they have actually increased the speed of their nuclear weapons program and are building 2 new nuclear test facilities. You further must be aware that Putin has rejected Trumps offer and it is only last week that CinC Bone-Spurs was threatening to attack a country that not only HAS nuclear weapons AND the MEANS to deliver them. But is also an ally of Russia. Finally you must be aware that Putting the 3 above together with President BS's climb down and offer to meet The Iranian President without preconditions along with the NATO summit rant and brexit has just opened the door and laid out a welcome mat for Putin and Russia to reestablish its sphere of influence in Eastern Europe. Far from making the world a safer place if I lived in any of the Baltic, Black Sea or Balkan States I would be worried and very nervously watching my Eastern borders. And before any of you tell me I am nuts take a look on a map, find Moldova and ask yourself how Moldovan and Russian ground forces could possibly meet and start a war that would require NATO to defend Moldova? And who in that area has already stated a program of annexation and expansion?" ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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"First north Korea, then Russia now Iran. Has he got a wish list on who to meet and could he actually bring upon world peace. People may judge him some may not like him but have to admit the man has some balls x So did Hitler!" I thought he only had one? ![]() | |||
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"If KJ-In has breached the agreement then Trump has the justification to remove North Korea from the map. That looks like a result to me. It's more likely that they are papier mache, like the ones he displays on the military parade, with the nose cones that look less convincing than something Blue Peter would have made with a Fairy Liquid bottle!" So a good result from trumps summit with Kim would be an exchange of nuclear war heads .I like the fighting talk .Once their wiped of the map what do we do with smouldering crater.Give to the Chinese of South Koreans .? | |||
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"Who cares. What is important is that K-J-U and his disgusting regime are removed from threatening the world." Starting wars is easy .Its ending them that's difficult . | |||
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"Who cares. What is important is that K-J-U and his disgusting regime are removed from threatening the world." But they haven't! In fact Trump has done the opposite where KJU and N Korea is concerned. | |||
"Who cares. What is important is that K-J-U and his disgusting regime are removed from threatening the world. But they haven't! In fact Trump has done the opposite where KJU and N Korea is concerned." Read the thread history. | |||
"Who cares. What is important is that K-J-U and his disgusting regime are removed from threatening the world." They won’t launch first strike because all it would take is for one nuke to hit Seoul which is 100 miles from the border and you would wipe 20 million people off the map... plus they have also shown they have weapons capability to hit Japan | |||
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"Who cares. What is important is that K-J-U and his disgusting regime are removed from threatening the world. Starting wars is easy .Its ending them that's difficult ." Ending wars is easy, take away their ability to fight, but its not profitable for the ultra wealthy to end wars, where they are the ones that control the production and profits of war materials sold. | |||
"Hasn't little Kim started up his missle factory this week.Didnt little don tell the world he was the messiah and had solved the North Korea issue.Seems Kim is still building missles that could hit Birmingham if the wind is blowing in the right direction . ![]() ![]() Yes, you are correct, trump is a liar, always has been and always will be, and he's many many other bad things as well. As far as NK ever being able to hit the US mainland with a missile, that can't happen. Our missle defense system would shoot it out of the air long before it even got to Hawaii. Our missle defense system in japan could take it out before it even got to them. Heck, even our ships in the sea of japan could shoot it down. The only thing little Kim could do, is hit SK, but he won't, because that would be the end for NK, and little Kim knows it. Little Kim building missiles is only a bargaining chip for him. | |||
"Something will have to be done." Why don't you take a plane to South Korea and walk across the DMZ yourself then? | |||
"Something will have to be done." that is why there was the "6 party" agreement in place (the 6 parties being north korea, south korea, the US, Russia, China and Japan) the frea south korea and japan have are the missles, the fear china have is that any us attack will send most of the north korean population heading to the chinese border as refugees... there is also a very small land border between north korea and russia anyway this was yet another of those smoke and mirrors look over there tactics to stop us talking about the manafort trial that started yesterday.... the probably is that you don't bring finance cases to court unless you have a slam dunk full of evidence.. so he may never see the outside of a jail again... so the real question is when does he flip? or is he still relying on some sort of pardon from trump! | |||
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"Our missle defense system would shoot it out of the air long before it even got to Hawaii. Our missle defense system in japan could take it out before it even got to them. Heck, even our ships in the sea of japan could shoot it down. The only thing little Kim could do, is hit SK, but he won't, because that would be the end for NK, and little Kim knows it. Little Kim building missiles is only a bargaining chip for him. " It is clear you do not have the first idea of how a nuclear strike would happen. Your missile defence systems are useless against a strategic air burst. The first you would know about it would be when everything that is not properly hardened and supplied by a hardened power supply stopped working. The only things your home based missile defence systems can intercept are conventional and chemical munitions that need to hit their target. The reason the USA and NATO have always looked to place missile defences as close to launch sites of our potential enemies as possible is because it is only in the first few minutes of flight that a nuclear missile can be realistically intercepted. What is more the higher the trajectory and the faster the speed of the missile the harder it is to intercept. | |||
"If KJ-In has breached the agreement then Trump has the justification to remove North Korea from the map. That looks like a result to me. " You are advocating a crime against humanity, a war crime on an atrocious scale. The deliberate targeting of civilian populations for destruction is heinous, but you appear not to grasp the concept. | |||
"Our missle defense system would shoot it out of the air long before it even got to Hawaii. Our missle defense system in japan could take it out before it even got to them. Heck, even our ships in the sea of japan could shoot it down. The only thing little Kim could do, is hit SK, but he won't, because that would be the end for NK, and little Kim knows it. Little Kim building missiles is only a bargaining chip for him. It is clear you do not have the first idea of how a nuclear strike would happen. Your missile defence systems are useless against a strategic air burst. The first you would know about it would be when everything that is not properly hardened and supplied by a hardened power supply stopped working. The only things your home based missile defence systems can intercept are conventional and chemical munitions that need to hit their target. The reason the USA and NATO have always looked to place missile defences as close to launch sites of our potential enemies as possible is because it is only in the first few minutes of flight that a nuclear missile can be realistically intercepted. What is more the higher the trajectory and the faster the speed of the missile the harder it is to intercept." Actually I do have more knowledge of this defense system than most, but I won't go into it, and you are most definitely incorrect about US military capabilities. An Air Burst detonation is only viable if you are relatively close to your target, or the EMP will not be effective. NK thinking about being able to get a first generation ICBM missile close to the US mainland would be stupid, and even they know it. You are correct about the US putting some missile defense systems close to the enemies, as a political and military deterrent, and to help protect our close allies, or to pacify political leaders of countries where we have interests that could be affected. You are also correct that speed and trajectory are factors in any missile interception scenario. These scenarios and many others are rehearsed on a daily basis under Pentagon orders. In the eventuality of a real missile launch, interception is priorty one, so we don't risk a possible interception failure of a one on one launch, we institute multilateral defense launches from strategic locations to ensure interception and destruction of said missile. Now, that being said, if, NK had the capabilities to launch many dozens of missiles, from different launch points, and all at once, which they absolutely don't have the capabilities, but if they did, then they may stand a chance of slipping one or two past these defenses. But, in this type of eventuality, NK is no more, and unfortunately, parts of western China and parts of southern Russia will not be habitable, ever ! All the players know this outcome, so understandably they don't want to play this game for real, which is very wise ! | |||
"Actually I do have more knowledge of this defense system than most, but I won't go into it, and you are most definitely incorrect about US military capabilities. An Air Burst detonation is only viable if you are relatively close to your target, or the EMP will not be effective. NK thinking about being able to get a first generation ICBM missile close to the US mainland would be stupid, and even they know it. You are correct about the US putting some missile defense systems close to the enemies, as a political and military deterrent, and to help protect our close allies, or to pacify political leaders of countries where we have interests that could be affected. You are also correct that speed and trajectory are factors in any missile interception scenario. These scenarios and many others are rehearsed on a daily basis under Pentagon orders. In the eventuality of a real missile launch, interception is priorty one, so we don't risk a possible interception failure of a one on one launch, we institute multilateral defense launches from strategic locations to ensure interception and destruction of said missile. Now, that being said, if, NK had the capabilities to launch many dozens of missiles, from different launch points, and all at once, which they absolutely don't have the capabilities, but if they did, then they may stand a chance of slipping one or two past these defenses. But, in this type of eventuality, NK is no more, and unfortunately, parts of western China and parts of southern Russia will not be habitable, ever ! All the players know this outcome, so understandably they don't want to play this game for real, which is very wise ! " Now I will b the first to admit that my knowledge of the subject is decades old and therefore may be totally redundant. But considering that in the 1980's the EMP of a medium yield device detonated some 150 miles North West of Scotland at an altitude of some 150 to 200,000ft would have taken out all unhardened electrical and electronic devices in the UK and about half of NW Europe, and considering I have yet to see faraday screens being used to protect the vast majority of civilian electrical and electronic networks I doubt things have changed too much. Of course the USA being the greatest military power in the world (according to the USA) clearly (according to you) have the means to protect against any such strike. One question... If the USA's air defence is so complete how did a second jet manage to breach your defence network on 9/11 and crash int the second tower? And how come it too the passengers of a third jet revolting to stop a third jet from crashing into the capital? | |||
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"Actually I do have more knowledge of this defense system than most, but I won't go into it, and you are most definitely incorrect about US military capabilities. An Air Burst detonation is only viable if you are relatively close to your target, or the EMP will not be effective. NK thinking about being able to get a first generation ICBM missile close to the US mainland would be stupid, and even they know it. You are correct about the US putting some missile defense systems close to the enemies, as a political and military deterrent, and to help protect our close allies, or to pacify political leaders of countries where we have interests that could be affected. You are also correct that speed and trajectory are factors in any missile interception scenario. These scenarios and many others are rehearsed on a daily basis under Pentagon orders. In the eventuality of a real missile launch, interception is priorty one, so we don't risk a possible interception failure of a one on one launch, we institute multilateral defense launches from strategic locations to ensure interception and destruction of said missile. Now, that being said, if, NK had the capabilities to launch many dozens of missiles, from different launch points, and all at once, which they absolutely don't have the capabilities, but if they did, then they may stand a chance of slipping one or two past these defenses. But, in this type of eventuality, NK is no more, and unfortunately, parts of western China and parts of southern Russia will not be habitable, ever ! All the players know this outcome, so understandably they don't want to play this game for real, which is very wise ! Now I will b the first to admit that my knowledge of the subject is decades old and therefore may be totally redundant. But considering that in the 1980's the EMP of a medium yield device detonated some 150 miles North West of Scotland at an altitude of some 150 to 200,000ft would have taken out all unhardened electrical and electronic devices in the UK and about half of NW Europe, and considering I have yet to see faraday screens being used to protect the vast majority of civilian electrical and electronic networks I doubt things have changed too much. Of course the USA being the greatest military power in the world (according to the USA) clearly (according to you) have the means to protect against any such strike. One question... If the USA's air defence is so complete how did a second jet manage to breach your defence network on 9/11 and crash int the second tower? And how come it too the passengers of a third jet revolting to stop a third jet from crashing into the capital? " Yes, a high altitude, high yeild, Air Burst could wreak havoc on "civilian" electrical infrastructure, for a relatively large area, if, a missile could get close enough. Smaller nuclear bombs cared in planes, trains, ships, trucks, ect...ect... Is a far more dangerous threat than a missile strike. Yes, though I didn't actually say so myself, the world leaders know the US military power far surpasses any other country. It should, since we spend more money on military defense than the top ten countries spend combined. Yes, though we were warned ahead of time, we got caught with our pants down on 911 when the two planes hit the twin towers. No, the plane that reportedly was crashed in Pennsylvania by passengers trying to overtake the terrorists is false. It's a heartwarming spin on a bad event. Though it's not going to be admitted to anytime soon, the plane was shot down by one of our own fighter jets to eliminated the imminent threat to Washington DC. | |||
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" Yes, a high altitude, high yeild, Air Burst could wreak havoc on "civilian" electrical infrastructure, for a relatively large area, if, a missile could get close enough. Smaller nuclear bombs cared in planes, trains, ships, trucks, ect...ect... Is a far more dangerous threat than a missile strike. Yes, though I didn't actually say so myself, the world leaders know the US military power far surpasses any other country. It should, since we spend more money on military defense than the top ten countries spend combined. Yes, though we were warned ahead of time, we got caught with our pants down on 911 when the two planes hit the twin towers. No, the plane that reportedly was crashed in Pennsylvania by passengers trying to overtake the terrorists is false. It's a heartwarming spin on a bad event. Though it's not going to be admitted to anytime soon, the plane was shot down by one of our own fighter jets to eliminated the imminent threat to Washington DC. " I think we really agree about most things. (Totally with you on flight 92). But I think you down play the havoc that would be caused by an EMP strike and its cascade effect. Fact is if an aircraft turns off its transponder it effectively disappears from long-range radar unless the radar knows where to look and what to look for. States (all States, USA, UK, Russia and China included) spend much of their time convincing civilians that they are much more powerful and all knowing than they really are. After all if our States were as all knowing as they would have us believe then the only reason that any pre-publicised terror attack could happen is because the state involved let it happen. In which case they would not leave the evidence of their inability to stop the attack in place for the likes of us to find. | |||
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"What a load of rubbish! Are you just a deluded conspiracy theorist? Do you ever actually do anything with your life, other than post nonsense on here?" oh the irony.. ![]() | |||
"What a load of rubbish! Are you just a deluded conspiracy theorist? Do you ever actually do anything with your life, other than post nonsense on here? oh the irony.. ![]() 1) that was my first thought as well... word for word 2) which post is andy trying to answer? | |||
"What a load of rubbish! Are you just a deluded conspiracy theorist? Do you ever actually do anything with your life, other than post nonsense on here? oh the irony.. ![]() maybe he was referring to trump when he said 'what a load of rubbish'.. ![]() | |||
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