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The northern ireland border

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

It looks like they have to prepare themselves for a hard border as it looks more and more certain it will be a no deal. I feel sorry for both ireland and scotland that they have been dragged down the sinking ship with england, they are willing to override the good friday agreement.

I have seen countless of debates of may and everytime she mentions the custom union and free trade, she never talk about ireland and what it means for them, whats your view, what is irelands future, should ireland unite and be one with north?

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By *ara JTV/TS  over a year ago

Bristol East

The agreement reached last December states that, in the absence of any alternative proposal from UK, Northern Ireland will remain in the single market and the customs union.

The same agreement also spelled out the exit bill for the UK to pay.

Does the UK walk away from that agreement? The recriminations would be bitter and long-lasting, and the UK very much isolated.

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By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"The agreement reached last December states that, in the absence of any alternative proposal from UK, Northern Ireland will remain in the single market and the customs union.

The same agreement also spelled out the exit bill for the UK to pay.

Does the UK walk away from that agreement? The recriminations would be bitter and long-lasting, and the UK very much isolated.


but it also says there will be no internal border in the UK running down the Irish sea and those 2 positions are mutually incompatible.

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By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


I think it clearly shows that May's Chequers plan has work still to be done. This level of agreement internal to the conservative party should have been done before they triggered Article 50 - it's not rocket science, merely an out of control toxic political party with some highly toxic politicians who want to further their own careers, potentially making lots of money out of a hard brexit too.

Northern Ireland / ROI border must remain open as today but how this shambles of a government does this is still uncertain. A clear option is to enable the public and parliament to vote on the final deal with the option to remain in the EU included.

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By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


Rubbish. It shows that some in the party - May want to sell us out to the EU (again) and keep us in the EU in all but name, and that some in the party know that is not what the country voted for, and are prepared to stand up for that.

They also know that the EU are not going to accept May's proposals anyway, and that if you give the EU an inch, they will take 100 miles.

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By *entaur_UKMan  over a year ago


"The agreement reached last December states that, in the absence of any alternative proposal from UK, Northern Ireland will remain in the single market and the customs union.

The same agreement also spelled out the exit bill for the UK to pay.

Does the UK walk away from that agreement? The recriminations would be bitter and long-lasting, and the UK very much isolated.


Those stipulations are dependent on a deal being reached. No Deal and those agreements go out the window.

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By *oi_LucyCouple  over a year ago


"The agreement reached last December states that, in the absence of any alternative proposal from UK, Northern Ireland will remain in the single market and the customs union.

The same agreement also spelled out the exit bill for the UK to pay.

Does the UK walk away from that agreement? The recriminations would be bitter and long-lasting, and the UK very much isolated.

Those stipulations are dependent on a deal being reached. No Deal and those agreements go out the window. "

So what are you saying? That if there is no deal, then the agreement that if there is no deal, NI would remain in the SM/CU, would be no deal?


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"The agreement reached last December states that, in the absence of any alternative proposal from UK, Northern Ireland will remain in the single market and the customs union.

The same agreement also spelled out the exit bill for the UK to pay.

Does the UK walk away from that agreement? The recriminations would be bitter and long-lasting, and the UK very much isolated.

Those stipulations are dependent on a deal being reached. No Deal and those agreements go out the window. "

And with "no deal" there's the problem of the GFA and a hard border on the island of Ireland.

So, probably shouldn't do that.

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By *ara JTV/TS  over a year ago

Bristol East

"The agreement reached last December states that, in the absence of any alternative proposal from UK, Northern Ireland will remain in the single market and the customs union.

The same agreement also spelled out the exit bill for the UK to pay.

Does the UK walk away from that agreement? The recriminations would be bitter and long-lasting, and the UK very much isolated.

Those stipulations are dependent on a deal being reached. No Deal and those agreements go out the window. "

Well, that would be a splendid outcome.

Everything shredded, no agreements on trade with anyone anywhere whatsoever, no flights between the EU and UK, paralysis on our borders . . . the list goes on and on.

The country is danger of being hijacked by - let's face it - suicide bombers.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"The agreement reached last December states that, in the absence of any alternative proposal from UK, Northern Ireland will remain in the single market and the customs union.

The same agreement also spelled out the exit bill for the UK to pay.

Does the UK walk away from that agreement? The recriminations would be bitter and long-lasting, and the UK very much isolated.

Those stipulations are dependent on a deal being reached. No Deal and those agreements go out the window. "

This statement really shows the intelligence of those who backs brexit ,

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By *rench letterCouple  over a year ago


Well said, Brexit is foolish to the British economy and business.

Brexiters are just little Englanders.

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By *xplicitlyricsMan  over a year ago

south dublin


but it also says there will be no internal border in the UK running down the Irish sea and those 2 positions are mutually incompatible."

No it doesnt. Any border in the Irish Sea is an internal arrangememt within the UK and has nothing to do with the agreement with the EU.


Those stipulations are dependent on a deal being reached. No Deal and those agreements go out the window. "

The December agreement is completely independent of a phase 2 agreement. The exact wording has to be agreed for the legal text but last Fridays Chequers agreement saw May get her cabinet to agree to it again.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Well said, Brexit is foolish to the British economy and business.

Brexiters are just little Englanders. "

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By *urve BallWoman  over a year ago

North London

Who cares about NI? They can fuck off to Europe if they don't like it. In love, war and brexit all is fair. As long as *we* (i.e. England) leave the EU, any cost is worth it (peace, our union, prosperity, etc included).

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

so what the english brexiteers are saying is that their desire to leave the eu is greater than the maintainance of the GFA... even though those in Northern ireland voted to stay 54-46........

I bet they would actually sacrifice NI if it meant their brexit dream.... they won't ever admit that mind, but if push came to shove.....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

What do the 46% in Northern Ireland say?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The mainland in general and England in particular never gave a fuck about Northern Ireland.

It's why the brexiteers don't factor the north into their fantasy plans.

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"What do the 46% in Northern Ireland say?"

rather than being obtuse ben.. let me ask you a simple question...

"how are you going to stop eu citizens, who can legally travel to the republic of ireland, then just catch the train/bus north.... and then get a plane/ferry from NI to the mainland?"

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"What do the 46% in Northern Ireland say?

rather than being obtuse ben.. let me ask you a simple question...

"how are you going to stop eu citizens, who can legally travel to the republic of ireland, then just catch the train/bus north.... and then get a plane/ferry from NI to the mainland?""

I will ask you a simple question. What good would that do them?

Why bother to do that when they can and will still be able to travel legally straight to the UK? It’s not about stopping people coming, the more EU visitors the better, it’s about the automatic issuing of National Insurance numbers, without which they won’t just be able to ‘walk’ into a job

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"What do the 46% in Northern Ireland say?"
are we allowed to listen to the views of the minority ?

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By *oi_LucyCouple  over a year ago


"What do the 46% in Northern Ireland say?

rather than being obtuse ben.. let me ask you a simple question...

"how are you going to stop eu citizens, who can legally travel to the republic of ireland, then just catch the train/bus north.... and then get a plane/ferry from NI to the mainland?"

I will ask you a simple question. What good would that do them?

Why bother to do that when they can and will still be able to travel legally straight to the UK? It’s not about stopping people coming, the more EU visitors the better, it’s about the automatic issuing of National Insurance numbers, without which they won’t just be able to ‘walk’ into a job "

So in other words, all the talk about 'take back our borders' by leavers, is just a load of waffle then?

If so, this is probably the first thing I have agreed with you on.


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By *entaur_UKMan  over a year ago


"What do the 46% in Northern Ireland say?"

Indeed, remainers harp on about the 48% who voted to remain in the EU and that their views 'must be taken into consideration', but when it comes to NI the 46% must be completely ignored by those very same people and the 45% who voted for Scottish independence must also be completely ignored (as we see time and again remainers attacking Scottish nationalists on here). One rule for remainers and another rule for everyone else, double standards and hypocrisy in abundance.

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By *entaur_UKMan  over a year ago


"The agreement reached last December states that, in the absence of any alternative proposal from UK, Northern Ireland will remain in the single market and the customs union.

The same agreement also spelled out the exit bill for the UK to pay.

Does the UK walk away from that agreement? The recriminations would be bitter and long-lasting, and the UK very much isolated.

Those stipulations are dependent on a deal being reached. No Deal and those agreements go out the window.

Well, that would be a splendid outcome.

Everything shredded, no agreements on trade with anyone anywhere whatsoever, no flights between the EU and UK, paralysis on our borders . . . the list goes on and on.

The country is danger of being hijacked by - let's face it - suicide bombers.


Contingency plans have been made to keep borders operating in the event of no deal, the Home secretary Sajid Javid was very clear about that several weeks ago on the BBC Andrew Marr show. As for trade then we would trade with the EU on WTO rules in the event of no deal. Your colourful language just doesn't reflect the reality of the situation, as usual you are just another remainer who is guilty of scaremongering.

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By *athy1Couple  over a year ago


"What do the 46% in Northern Ireland say?

Indeed, remainers harp on about the 48% who voted to remain in the EU and that their views 'must be taken into consideration', but when it comes to NI the 46% must be completely ignored by those very same people and the 45% who voted for Scottish independence must also be completely ignored (as we see time and again remainers attacking Scottish nationalists on here). One rule for remainers and another rule for everyone else, double standards and hypocrisy in abundance. "

Dream on centaur the straws are slowly running out there’s not many straws left be quick very quick

To hang on to

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


but it also says there will be no internal border in the UK running down the Irish sea and those 2 positions are mutually incompatible.

No it doesnt. Any border in the Irish Sea is an internal arrangememt within the UK and has nothing to do with the agreement with the EU.

Those stipulations are dependent on a deal being reached. No Deal and those agreements go out the window.

The December agreement is completely independent of a phase 2 agreement. The exact wording has to be agreed for the legal text but last Fridays Chequers agreement saw May get her cabinet to agree to it again. "

Until two main Secretaries of State walked out followed by two deputy chairs of the party.

Simple fact is May was and is a staunch remainer and is clearly doing all she can to totally fuck things up. Parliament will be left with a stark choice.....crash out totally or remain in the EU and forget it all.

First option could mean financial disaster? Second option could lead to serious civil unrest?

Any attempt at middle ground will be rejected by Brussels as they would class it as “pick and mix” which they have repeatedly and consistently ruled out.

Cheers Cameron!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Civil unrest from brexiters.?

You need a spine for that and have youth on your side.

I suppose OAPs do have enough time on their hands to knock up a few placards and meander through the streets mumbling their discontent.

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By *entaur_UKMan  over a year ago


"Civil unrest from brexiters.?

You need a spine for that and have youth on your side.

I suppose OAPs do have enough time on their hands to knock up a few placards and meander through the streets mumbling their discontent. "

I'm only 40 Bob, not quite ready to draw my pension yet!

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By *ara JTV/TS  over a year ago

Bristol East


Simple fact is May was and is a staunch remainer and is clearly doing all she can to totally fuck things up.

Cheers Cameron!"

To be fair, I think she is trying to do the opposite - damage limitation.

Her problem is she cannot find any consensus in her own party, never mind parliament or the country.

So she is choosing a path that delivers what was on the ballot paper - leave the EU - without destroying everything in the process.

But she is between a rock and a very hard place - the EU's overriding objective to protect the integrity of the single market and its four freedoms on the one hand; and the extremists of her party on the other who'd like to see the EU crash alongside the UK.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Simple fact is May was and is a staunch remainer and is clearly doing all she can to totally fuck things up.

Cheers Cameron!

To be fair, I think she is trying to do the opposite - damage limitation.

Her problem is she cannot find any consensus in her own party, never mind parliament or the country.

So she is choosing a path that delivers what was on the ballot paper - leave the EU - without destroying everything in the process.

But she is between a rock and a very hard place - the EU's overriding objective to protect the integrity of the single market and its four freedoms on the one hand; and the extremists of her party on the other who'd like to see the EU crash alongside the UK."

Fully agree

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By *oi_LucyCouple  over a year ago


And now it has been brought up that the government is making contingency plans to have a whole bunch of generators on barges in the Irish Sea as if there is no deal then there could be an issue with power supply to NI:



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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"The agreement reached last December states that, in the absence of any alternative proposal from UK, Northern Ireland will remain in the single market and the customs union.

The same agreement also spelled out the exit bill for the UK to pay.

Does the UK walk away from that agreement? The recriminations would be bitter and long-lasting, and the UK very much isolated.

but it also says there will be no internal border in the UK running down the Irish sea and those 2 positions are mutually incompatible."

Not if the whole of the UK stays in the SM & CU

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By *rMrsWestMidsCouple  over a year ago


"Civil unrest from brexiters.?

You need a spine for that and have youth on your side.

I suppose OAPs do have enough time on their hands to knock up a few placards and meander through the streets mumbling their discontent. "

Bob I suspect you may be suffering from GERONTOPHOBIA,

a trip to your doctor will probably confirm this!

Remember you will be old yourself one day hopefully others will be more respectful than you are.

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By *xplicitlyricsMan  over a year ago

south dublin

"Civil unrest from brexiters.?

You need a spine for that and have youth on your side.

I suppose OAPs do have enough time on their hands to knock up a few placards and meander through the streets mumbling their discontent.

Bob I suspect you may be suffering from GERONTOPHOBIA,

a trip to your doctor will probably confirm this!

Remember you will be old yourself one day hopefully others will be more respectful than you are. "

Respect is earned, it doesnt come with your bus pass

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By *ossdinCouple  over a year ago


"Who cares about NI? They can fuck off to Europe if they don't like it. In love, war and brexit all is fair. As long as *we* (i.e. England) leave the EU, any cost is worth it (peace, our union, prosperity, etc included). "

Agree totally

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By *rMrsWestMidsCouple  over a year ago


"Civil unrest from brexiters.?

You need a spine for that and have youth on your side.

I suppose OAPs do have enough time on their hands to knock up a few placards and meander through the streets mumbling their discontent.

Bob I suspect you may be suffering from GERONTOPHOBIA,

a trip to your doctor will probably confirm this!

Remember you will be old yourself one day hopefully others will be more respectful than you are.

Respect is earned, it doesnt come with your bus pass"

Shall we all start shutting the door in a ladies face or leaving a mother to struggle with a pram after all they need to earn respect!? I certainly won't be but you can if you like!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Civil unrest from brexiters.?

You need a spine for that and have youth on your side.

I suppose OAPs do have enough time on their hands to knock up a few placards and meander through the streets mumbling their discontent.

Bob I suspect you may be suffering from GERONTOPHOBIA,

a trip to your doctor will probably confirm this!

Remember you will be old yourself one day hopefully others will be more respectful than you are.

Respect is earned, it doesnt come with your bus pass"

Which just about sums up why society is going to the dogs. What a stupid statement

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By *entaur_UKMan  over a year ago


"Civil unrest from brexiters.?

You need a spine for that and have youth on your side.

I suppose OAPs do have enough time on their hands to knock up a few placards and meander through the streets mumbling their discontent.

Bob I suspect you may be suffering from GERONTOPHOBIA,

a trip to your doctor will probably confirm this!

Remember you will be old yourself one day hopefully others will be more respectful than you are.

Respect is earned, it doesnt come with your bus pass

Shall we all start shutting the door in a ladies face or leaving a mother to struggle with a pram after all they need to earn respect!? I certainly won't be but you can if you like! "

I think _xplicitlyrics has just exposed himself as one of those people who refuses to give up his seat on the bus or train for a frail old lady who has to stand because of his lack of respect for the elderly.

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By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


"Who cares about NI? They can fuck off to Europe if they don't like it. In love, war and brexit all is fair. As long as *we* (i.e. England) leave the EU, any cost is worth it (peace, our union, prosperity, etc included).

Agree totally "

Presumably any cost, particularly if borne by others, makes any Brexit worth it. How many lives is it worth sacrificing - unlimited potentially, but not decent Brexit supporting folks!? A return to a more violent past type of environment is feasible. The NI troubles saw mainland murders from Kent, through London, Lichfield, Manchester, Warrington and elsewhere.

Complex situations call for intelligent solutions, with the only ideology being peace and prosperity.

We need less of the swivel eyed lot trying to drive extreme measures at this point, with only a few weeks left until all 27 other countries must agree a deal. And not many more weeks before the UK is left isolated, with whatever bits and bobs of cobbled together nut job contingency plans they foist on the masses. A vote by the people upon the final deal, in addition to parliament, is essential, to ensure that the masses are satisfied with the future

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By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


And if the "masses" vote against the deal, then what?

The same "masses" who sit on juries in fraud trials which then collapse, because they cannot understand the complexities of the case, could suddenly understand the complexities of the deal?

And if they reject it, we go back to the UK and EU negotiators and say - not acceptable. Negotiate again?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"And if the "masses" vote against the deal, then what?

The same "masses" who sit on juries in fraud trials which then collapse, because they cannot understand the complexities of the case, could suddenly understand the complexities of the deal?


Unintentionally making fantastic argument as to why the brexit vote was, and ought to have been treated as, advisory, there.

Or indeed, why it never should have happened.

But I guess that's what happens when you have had enough of experts.

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By *rMrsWestMidsCouple  over a year ago


"Civil unrest from brexiters.?

You need a spine for that and have youth on your side.

I suppose OAPs do have enough time on their hands to knock up a few placards and meander through the streets mumbling their discontent.

Bob I suspect you may be suffering from GERONTOPHOBIA,

a trip to your doctor will probably confirm this!

Remember you will be old yourself one day hopefully others will be more respectful than you are.

Respect is earned, it doesnt come with your bus pass

Which just about sums up why society is going to the dogs. What a stupid statement "

Couldn't have put it better myself!

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By *rMrsWestMidsCouple  over a year ago


"Civil unrest from brexiters.?

You need a spine for that and have youth on your side.

I suppose OAPs do have enough time on their hands to knock up a few placards and meander through the streets mumbling their discontent.

Bob I suspect you may be suffering from GERONTOPHOBIA,

a trip to your doctor will probably confirm this!

Remember you will be old yourself one day hopefully others will be more respectful than you are.

Respect is earned, it doesnt come with your bus pass

Shall we all start shutting the door in a ladies face or leaving a mother to struggle with a pram after all they need to earn respect!? I certainly won't be but you can if you like!

I think _xplicitlyrics has just exposed himself as one of those people who refuses to give up his seat on the bus or train for a frail old lady who has to stand because of his lack of respect for the elderly. "

Probably, it's a sign of the times. A lot of people have no consideration for anyone else but remember that little old lady or man may be you one day and what would you think!

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By *oi_LucyCouple  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 12/07/18 17:49:47]

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By *oi_LucyCouple  over a year ago


"And if the "masses" vote against the deal, then what?

The same "masses" who sit on juries in fraud trials which then collapse, because they cannot understand the complexities of the case, could suddenly understand the complexities of the deal?

And if they reject it, we go back to the UK and EU negotiators and say - not acceptable. Negotiate again?


See, now you see the problem. There is no 'good' solution to Brexit. And after people on here bleating on about how much 'we knew what we voted for, it was clear', it is now more apparent than ever that there was not an agreement on what 'leave' meant, and why we now have so many leavers angry with May. She did a great job in keeping this charade going for two years with her 'brexit means brexit' bollocks. She managed to unify all the leave voters together (rather Farage, Banks, etc all before the vote) behind a common vision that was just a mirage.

And so yes, if there is a vote and it gets rejects... well..... would saying "Will of the people" help you here?


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Civil unrest from brexiters.?

You need a spine for that and have youth on your side.

I suppose OAPs do have enough time on their hands to knock up a few placards and meander through the streets mumbling their discontent.

Bob I suspect you may be suffering from GERONTOPHOBIA,

a trip to your doctor will probably confirm this!

Remember you will be old yourself one day hopefully others will be more respectful than you are.

Respect is earned, it doesnt come with your bus pass

Which just about sums up why society is going to the dogs. What a stupid statement

Couldn't have put it better myself! "

I don't know, have you tried putting some effort in?

You might surprise yourself.

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By *rMrsWestMidsCouple  over a year ago


"Civil unrest from brexiters.?

You need a spine for that and have youth on your side.

I suppose OAPs do have enough time on their hands to knock up a few placards and meander through the streets mumbling their discontent.

Bob I suspect you may be suffering from GERONTOPHOBIA,

a trip to your doctor will probably confirm this!

Remember you will be old yourself one day hopefully others will be more respectful than you are.

Respect is earned, it doesnt come with your bus pass

Which just about sums up why society is going to the dogs. What a stupid statement

Couldn't have put it better myself!

I don't know, have you tried putting some effort in?

You might surprise yourself."

No advice needed from a Richard Head like you thanks!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Civil unrest from brexiters.?

You need a spine for that and have youth on your side.

I suppose OAPs do have enough time on their hands to knock up a few placards and meander through the streets mumbling their discontent.

Bob I suspect you may be suffering from GERONTOPHOBIA,

a trip to your doctor will probably confirm this!

Remember you will be old yourself one day hopefully others will be more respectful than you are.

Respect is earned, it doesnt come with your bus pass

Which just about sums up why society is going to the dogs. What a stupid statement

Couldn't have put it better myself!

I don't know, have you tried putting some effort in?

You might surprise yourself.

No advice needed from a Richard Head like you thanks! "

I thought the problem of being workshy was one that only affected those damnable millennials.


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By *rMrsWestMidsCouple  over a year ago


"Civil unrest from brexiters.?

You need a spine for that and have youth on your side.

I suppose OAPs do have enough time on their hands to knock up a few placards and meander through the streets mumbling their discontent.

Bob I suspect you may be suffering from GERONTOPHOBIA,

a trip to your doctor will probably confirm this!

Remember you will be old yourself one day hopefully others will be more respectful than you are.

Respect is earned, it doesnt come with your bus pass

Which just about sums up why society is going to the dogs. What a stupid statement

Couldn't have put it better myself!

I don't know, have you tried putting some effort in?

You might surprise yourself.

No advice needed from a Richard Head like you thanks!

I thought the problem of being workshy was one that only affected those damnable millennials.


Talking of workshy have you got a job/life as you seem to spend most of your time posting on here!? Or are you a loser with nothing else better to do?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

And yet another thread turns into playground name calling and teasing.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *rMrsWestMidsCouple  over a year ago



I thought you were, thanks for confirming!

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By *rMrsWestMidsCouple  over a year ago


"And yet another thread turns into playground name calling and teasing. "

It's all part of the fun!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


I thought you were, thanks for confirming! "

You did give me two options, so which one do you imagine I'm confirming?

Reading comprehension: something else that doesn't come with your bus pass.

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By *rMrsWestMidsCouple  over a year ago



I thought you were, thanks for confirming!

You did give me two options, so which one do you imagine I'm confirming?

Reading comprehension: something else that doesn't come with your bus pass."

All of it I would say but definitely the latter!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well, who am I to disabuse you of whatever you need to make yourself feel better?

As you were.

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By *rMrsWestMidsCouple  over a year ago


"Well, who am I to disabuse you of whatever you need to make yourself feel better?

As you were."

I always feel great probably because I have a good life, you should try getting one rather than coming on here to get some attention!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Of course.

I do commend your keen eyesight which can not only see with absolute clarity across large distances, but also into the very hearts of man.

What's your secret? Is it carrots?

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By *oxychick35Couple  over a year ago


"Well, who am I to disabuse you of whatever you need to make yourself feel better?

As you were.

I always feel great probably because I have a good life, you should try getting one rather than coming on here to get some attention! "

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By *rMrsWestMidsCouple  over a year ago


"Of course.

I do commend your keen eyesight which can not only see with absolute clarity across large distances, but also into the very hearts of man.

What's your secret? Is it carrots?"

No a life times experience means I can spot an attention seeking loser so quite easy in your case! Why don't you give the key board up and get out in to the real world you might not be such a Billy No Mates!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well, there is nothing quite like the misplaced confidence that age mistakes as wisdom.

I'll be sure to take your amazing advice with the deference it so richly deserves.

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By *rMrsWestMidsCouple  over a year ago


"Well, there is nothing quite like the misplaced confidence that age mistakes as wisdom.

I'll be sure to take your amazing advice with the deference it so richly deserves. "

Ok enjoy the miserable existence you have, I doubt it will bring any joy but please try not to impose your misery on anyone else! I feel quite sorry for you!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Well, there is nothing quite like the misplaced confidence that age mistakes as wisdom.

I'll be sure to take your amazing advice with the deference it so richly deserves.

Ok enjoy the miserable existence you have, I doubt it will bring any joy but please try not to impose your misery on anyone else! I feel quite sorry for you! "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Well, there is nothing quite like the misplaced confidence that age mistakes as wisdom.

I'll be sure to take your amazing advice with the deference it so richly deserves.

Ok enjoy the miserable existence you have, I doubt it will bring any joy but please try not to impose your misery on anyone else! I feel quite sorry for you! "

Will do.

I'd wish you good luck in continuing to fill your twilight years with such clearly astute insights into the human condition, but I imagine this isn't going to really be an issue.

Something about the old dogs and new tricks springs to mind.

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By *xplicitlyricsMan  over a year ago

south dublin

"Civil unrest from brexiters.?

You need a spine for that and have youth on your side.

I suppose OAPs do have enough time on their hands to knock up a few placards and meander through the streets mumbling their discontent.

Bob I suspect you may be suffering from GERONTOPHOBIA,

a trip to your doctor will probably confirm this!

Remember you will be old yourself one day hopefully others will be more respectful than you are.

Respect is earned, it doesnt come with your bus pass

Shall we all start shutting the door in a ladies face or leaving a mother to struggle with a pram after all they need to earn respect!? I certainly won't be but you can if you like!

I think _xplicitlyrics has just exposed himself as one of those people who refuses to give up his seat on the bus or train for a frail old lady who has to stand because of his lack of respect for the elderly.

Probably, it's a sign of the times. A lot of people have no consideration for anyone else but remember that little old lady or man may be you one day and what would you think! "

Youre confusing respect with politeness.

Of course you offer a seat to the elderly such as yourself because they need it more than young folk.

But being old doesnt mean that you have any wisdom or decency about you. Case in point you blither on about respect and then are completely disrespectful to posters in here.

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By *rMrsWestMidsCouple  over a year ago


"Well, there is nothing quite like the misplaced confidence that age mistakes as wisdom.

I'll be sure to take your amazing advice with the deference it so richly deserves.

Ok enjoy the miserable existence you have, I doubt it will bring any joy but please try not to impose your misery on anyone else! I feel quite sorry for you!

Will do.

I'd wish you good luck in continuing to fill your twilight years with such clearly astute insights into the human condition, but I imagine this isn't going to really be an issue.

Something about the old dogs and new tricks springs to mind."

Twilight years! Still very much in my prime thankyou very much, hopefully you will reach yours at some point but I won't hold my breath! Lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Well, there is nothing quite like the misplaced confidence that age mistakes as wisdom.

I'll be sure to take your amazing advice with the deference it so richly deserves.

Ok enjoy the miserable existence you have, I doubt it will bring any joy but please try not to impose your misery on anyone else! I feel quite sorry for you!

Will do.

I'd wish you good luck in continuing to fill your twilight years with such clearly astute insights into the human condition, but I imagine this isn't going to really be an issue.

Something about the old dogs and new tricks springs to mind.

Twilight years! Still very much in my prime thankyou very much, hopefully you will reach yours at some point but I won't hold my breath! Lol "

I wouldn't advise it, holding your breath for that long would cause brain damage.

Wouldn't want you to loose that keen edge to your ability for being able to determine everything about a person based on whether or not they agree with you.

That would be tragic.

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By *rMrsWestMidsCouple  over a year ago


"Well, there is nothing quite like the misplaced confidence that age mistakes as wisdom.

I'll be sure to take your amazing advice with the deference it so richly deserves.

Ok enjoy the miserable existence you have, I doubt it will bring any joy but please try not to impose your misery on anyone else! I feel quite sorry for you!

Will do.

I'd wish you good luck in continuing to fill your twilight years with such clearly astute insights into the human condition, but I imagine this isn't going to really be an issue.

Something about the old dogs and new tricks springs to mind.

Twilight years! Still very much in my prime thankyou very much, hopefully you will reach yours at some point but I won't hold my breath! Lol

I wouldn't advise it, holding your breath for that long would cause brain damage.

Wouldn't want you to loose that keen edge to your ability for being able to determine everything about a person based on whether or not they agree with you.

That would be tragic."

Don't worry I won't, I haven't got that much time to waste on you! Must get back to my great life now, the Mrs needs some attention and I have work tomorrow. Try not to wallow too much and think about taking my advice, it's good to get out and a friend would be a welcome break from your own company!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

As always, I shall cherish and act on unasked for advice from those least qualified to give it.

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By *rMrsWestMidsCouple  over a year ago


"Civil unrest from brexiters.?

You need a spine for that and have youth on your side.

I suppose OAPs do have enough time on their hands to knock up a few placards and meander through the streets mumbling their discontent.

Bob I suspect you may be suffering from GERONTOPHOBIA,

a trip to your doctor will probably confirm this!

Remember you will be old yourself one day hopefully others will be more respectful than you are.

Respect is earned, it doesnt come with your bus pass

Shall we all start shutting the door in a ladies face or leaving a mother to struggle with a pram after all they need to earn respect!? I certainly won't be but you can if you like!

I think _xplicitlyrics has just exposed himself as one of those people who refuses to give up his seat on the bus or train for a frail old lady who has to stand because of his lack of respect for the elderly.

Probably, it's a sign of the times. A lot of people have no consideration for anyone else but remember that little old lady or man may be you one day and what would you think!

Youre confusing respect with politeness.

Of course you offer a seat to the elderly such as yourself because they need it more than young folk.

But being old doesnt mean that you have any wisdom or decency about you. Case in point you blither on about respect and then are completely disrespectful to posters in here."

There are times when it's necessary to point out the facts to people and this is one of them! Ps I'm not old!

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By *urve BallWoman  over a year ago

North London




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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago



I don't know, do you?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I’m keeping score. It’s currently 0-0. More boring than a pre Southgate England game.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I’m keeping score. It’s currently 0-0. More boring than a pre Southgate England game. "

You know where the door is, don't let anyone stop you.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I’m keeping score. It’s currently 0-0. More boring than a pre Southgate England game.

You know where the door is, don't let anyone stop you."

im just googling where the nearest a&e is.

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By *rMrsWestMidsCouple  over a year ago






Why does yours not measure up, fortunately I have no issues there or any with self esteem!

Carry on pretending to be Snow White, did you forget about how you delighted in a former prime minister being insulted on national tv by a third rate soap actor? You had no problem with that and he wasn't there to defend himself but that's you all over, one big contradiction!

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By *urve BallWoman  over a year ago

North London




Why does yours not measure up, fortunately I have no issues there or any with self esteem!

Carry on pretending to be Snow White, did you forget about how you delighted in a former prime minister being insulted on national tv by a third rate soap actor? You had no problem with that and he wasn't there to defend himself but that's you all over, one big contradiction!



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By *xplicitlyricsMan  over a year ago

south dublin

Well to get back on topic:

The tories latest plan for a no deal scenario is that they will power northern ireland with thousands of generators on barges because Northern Ireland is reliant on the Irish electricity supply.

This would obviously cost a fortune and be unlikely to satisfy demand so they could also be looking at rolling blackouts and higher costs.

Excellent work all round really.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Well to get back on topic:

The tories latest plan for a no deal scenario is that they will power northern ireland with thousands of generators on barges because Northern Ireland is reliant on the Irish electricity supply.

This would obviously cost a fortune and be unlikely to satisfy demand so they could also be looking at rolling blackouts and higher costs.

Excellent work all round really."


Simply stunning.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Northern ireland could leave the union and be full time with the eu, althought there is a big devision in religion as the catolics want to leave, but not the other, it is a catch 22.

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By *aid backMan  over a year ago

by a lake with my rod out

In a few years there won't be a border as there is provision in the good Friday agreement for a vote on joining the Republic and all it will take 51% and nationalist are out breeding the loyalist so it's literally only a matter of time

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"In a few years there won't be a border as there is provision in the good Friday agreement for a vote on joining the Republic and all it will take 51% and nationalist are out breeding the loyalist so it's literally only a matter of time "

Hoorah for Brexit!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Civil unrest from brexiters.?

You need a spine for that and have youth on your side.

I suppose OAPs do have enough time on their hands to knock up a few placards and meander through the streets mumbling their discontent.

I'm only 40 Bob, not quite ready to draw my pension yet! "

Quite right, I’m 51 but still hold a very physical job, and fear nobody. In fact, thanks to Labour’s trashing of our economy we will all end up working until we are in our 70s.

If civil unrest is required, then I know I’m ready.

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By *oi_LucyCouple  over a year ago


"Civil unrest from brexiters.?

You need a spine for that and have youth on your side.

I suppose OAPs do have enough time on their hands to knock up a few placards and meander through the streets mumbling their discontent.

I'm only 40 Bob, not quite ready to draw my pension yet!

Quite right, I’m 51 but still hold a very physical job, and fear nobody. In fact, thanks to Labour’s trashing of our economy we will all end up working until we are in our 70s.

If civil unrest is required, then I know I’m ready."

Still blaming Labour, eh? Any idea when the Tories are going to do anything about it then? I mean, the economy has done worse generally under Tories than Labour by most metrics.


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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Civil unrest from brexiters.?

You need a spine for that and have youth on your side.

I suppose OAPs do have enough time on their hands to knock up a few placards and meander through the streets mumbling their discontent.

I'm only 40 Bob, not quite ready to draw my pension yet!

Quite right, I’m 51 but still hold a very physical job, and fear nobody. In fact, thanks to Labour’s trashing of our economy we will all end up working until we are in our 70s.

If civil unrest is required, then I know I’m ready."

"Robert Paxton says that fascism is "a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion"


Sound familiar at all?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Civil unrest from brexiters.?

You need a spine for that and have youth on your side.

I suppose OAPs do have enough time on their hands to knock up a few placards and meander through the streets mumbling their discontent.

I'm only 40 Bob, not quite ready to draw my pension yet!

Quite right, I’m 51 but still hold a very physical job, and fear nobody. In fact, thanks to Labour’s trashing of our economy we will all end up working until we are in our 70s.

If civil unrest is required, then I know I’m ready."

The strong man act (and I do mean act) is almost Trumpian in how braggadocios it is.

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By *ac a feeCouple  over a year ago


it seems to me that the only ones wanting a hard border are those in Europe … tell them if they want one then they should both fund and build it !! their choice ….bear in mind if Scotland gain independence and join EU are the scots then also forced to build a wall ??!!

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By *ara JTV/TS  over a year ago

Bristol East

"it seems to me that the only ones wanting a hard border are those in Europe … tell them if they want one then they should both fund and build it !! their choice ….bear in mind if Scotland gain independence and join EU are the scots then also forced to build a wall ??!!


I don't understand where your thinking comes from.

On the Irish border, the EU essentially is taking its mandate from the Irish, i.e. acting in the interests of one of its member states.

It has an agreement in the bag with the UK that there will be no hard border whatever the outcome of this next phase of negotiations.

Ireland does not want a hard border and neither does the EU. But if the UK goes off at a tangent and signs up to US regulatory standards, then the interests of one member state will be supplanted by the interests of the 27 and need to protect the single market from inferior goods entering the EU territory.

I do remember during the 2014 referendum the unionist parties warning the rUK would put tanks and soldiers on the border with Scotland if the Scots left.

The polar opposite of what those same unionists now say they want in Ireland.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"it seems to me that the only ones wanting a hard border are those in Europe … tell them if they want one then they should both fund and build it !! their choice ….bear in mind if Scotland gain independence and join EU are the scots then also forced to build a wall ??!!


They dont want a hard border, it is the uk that want it as they dont want to be in the club, uk cant cherry pic.

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By *xplicitlyricsMan  over a year ago

south dublin

"it seems to me that the only ones wanting a hard border are those in Europe … tell them if they want one then they should both fund and build it !! their choice ….bear in mind if Scotland gain independence and join EU are the scots then also forced to build a wall ??!!


If you think thats the case then youve been misled by fools like JRM.

Under the terms of the WTO, which Brexiters keep saying they want to keep and will be marvelous, if there is no trade agreement in place then there has to be a border.

Not to mention that one of the biggest reasons, if not the biggest, people voted for Brexit was to "get control of their borders", that means actually having control of all your borders.

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"it seems to me that the only ones wanting a hard border are those in Europe … tell them if they want one then they should both fund and build it !! their choice ….bear in mind if Scotland gain independence and join EU are the scots then also forced to build a wall ??!!


So again... how do you stop Eu citizens who can get into the Irish republic legally then just travel north on a bus/train and then cross from NI into the mainland...

It’s the question that keeps on giving

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By *oi_LucyCouple  over a year ago


"it seems to me that the only ones wanting a hard border are those in Europe … tell them if they want one then they should both fund and build it !! their choice ….bear in mind if Scotland gain independence and join EU are the scots then also forced to build a wall ??!!

So again... how do you stop Eu citizens who can get into the Irish republic legally then just travel north on a bus/train and then cross from NI into the mainland...

It’s the question that keeps on giving "

Or that just hop on a plane to fly over here, because, remember that whilst we are ‘taking back control of our borders’, we don’t want anything to actually change as we wouldn’t want to inconvenience anyone.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"it seems to me that the only ones wanting a hard border are those in Europe … tell them if they want one then they should both fund and build it !! their choice ….bear in mind if Scotland gain independence and join EU are the scots then also forced to build a wall ??!!

So again... how do you stop Eu citizens who can get into the Irish republic legally then just travel north on a bus/train and then cross from NI into the mainland...

It’s the question that keeps on giving

Or that just hop on a plane to fly over here, because, remember that whilst we are ‘taking back control of our borders’, we don’t want anything to actually change as we wouldn’t want to inconvenience anyone.


Passengers have to check-in for a ferry or flight already for security reasons, even for a flight between two Schengen countries.

You can have ID/passport checks at both (or either) the departure or arrival port/airport.

No inconvenience there. Just business as usual.

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead


Passengers have to check-in for a ferry or flight already for security reasons, even for a flight between two Schengen countries.

You can have ID/passport checks at both (or either) the departure or arrival port/airport.

No inconvenience there. Just business as usual."

If that is your suggestion then I hope that what you have just advocated for is border controls on internal domestic travel

The DUP will hate you.........

Why do you hate Northern Ireland so much? (I’m being sarcastic before anyone asks!)

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By *xplicitlyricsMan  over a year ago

south dublin

"it seems to me that the only ones wanting a hard border are those in Europe … tell them if they want one then they should both fund and build it !! their choice ….bear in mind if Scotland gain independence and join EU are the scots then also forced to build a wall ??!!

So again... how do you stop Eu citizens who can get into the Irish republic legally then just travel north on a bus/train and then cross from NI into the mainland...

It’s the question that keeps on giving

Or that just hop on a plane to fly over here, because, remember that whilst we are ‘taking back control of our borders’, we don’t want anything to actually change as we wouldn’t want to inconvenience anyone.


Passengers have to check-in for a ferry or flight already for security reasons, even for a flight between two Schengen countries.

You can have ID/passport checks at both (or either) the departure or arrival port/airport.

No inconvenience there. Just business as usual."

The DUP have already refused to do that and May has agreed that there will be no checks between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK.

So whats the answer?

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"it seems to me that the only ones wanting a hard border are those in Europe … tell them if they want one then they should both fund and build it !! their choice ….bear in mind if Scotland gain independence and join EU are the scots then also forced to build a wall ??!!

So again... how do you stop Eu citizens who can get into the Irish republic legally then just travel north on a bus/train and then cross from NI into the mainland...

It’s the question that keeps on giving

Or that just hop on a plane to fly over here, because, remember that whilst we are ‘taking back control of our borders’, we don’t want anything to actually change as we wouldn’t want to inconvenience anyone.


Passengers have to check-in for a ferry or flight already for security reasons, even for a flight between two Schengen countries.

You can have ID/passport checks at both (or either) the departure or arrival port/airport.

No inconvenience there. Just business as usual.

The DUP have already refused to do that and May has agreed that there will be no checks between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK.

So whats the answer?"

We all stay in the EU

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By *ara JTV/TS  over a year ago

Bristol East


Passengers have to check-in for a ferry or flight already for security reasons, even for a flight between two Schengen countries.

You can have ID/passport checks at both (or either) the departure or arrival port/airport.

No inconvenience there. Just business as usual."

So I go to the Easyjet check-in desk at Belfast Airport for a flight to Bristol.

All I need is photo ID - a driving licence, for example.

All they check is that the ID matches up to the person in front of them and the name on the ticket.

Is that what you envisage in Brexitland for border control?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Passengers have to check-in for a ferry or flight already for security reasons, even for a flight between two Schengen countries.

You can have ID/passport checks at both (or either) the departure or arrival port/airport.

No inconvenience there. Just business as usual.

So I go to the Easyjet check-in desk at Belfast Airport for a flight to Bristol.

All I need is photo ID - a driving licence, for example.

All they check is that the ID matches up to the person in front of them and the name on the ticket.

Is that what you envisage in Brexitland for border control?


I envisage something more than just a photo ID, that's why I said ID/passport checks (the ID was, for example, Italian citizens who can currently enter the UK with their identity card instead of a passport).

As you will know the infrastructure to do this is already in place at airports and the ferry ports that sail between the UK and other countries. It may not be in place at ports that sail exclusively between the UK and Northern Ireland.

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By *xplicitlyricsMan  over a year ago

south dublin


Passengers have to check-in for a ferry or flight already for security reasons, even for a flight between two Schengen countries.

You can have ID/passport checks at both (or either) the departure or arrival port/airport.

No inconvenience there. Just business as usual.

So I go to the Easyjet check-in desk at Belfast Airport for a flight to Bristol.

All I need is photo ID - a driving licence, for example.

All they check is that the ID matches up to the person in front of them and the name on the ticket.

Is that what you envisage in Brexitland for border control?

I envisage something more than just a photo ID, that's why I said ID/passport checks (the ID was, for example, Italian citizens who can currently enter the UK with their identity card instead of a passport).

As you will know the infrastructure to do this is already in place at airports and the ferry ports that sail between the UK and other countries. It may not be in place at ports that sail exclusively between the UK and Northern Ireland."

You still havent addressed the fact that the DUP has already completely ruled this idea out and May has also agreed not to do it.

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead


Passengers have to check-in for a ferry or flight already for security reasons, even for a flight between two Schengen countries.

You can have ID/passport checks at both (or either) the departure or arrival port/airport.

No inconvenience there. Just business as usual.

So I go to the Easyjet check-in desk at Belfast Airport for a flight to Bristol.

All I need is photo ID - a driving licence, for example.

All they check is that the ID matches up to the person in front of them and the name on the ticket.

Is that what you envisage in Brexitland for border control?

I envisage something more than just a photo ID, that's why I said ID/passport checks (the ID was, for example, Italian citizens who can currently enter the UK with their identity card instead of a passport).

As you will know the infrastructure to do this is already in place at airports and the ferry ports that sail between the UK and other countries. It may not be in place at ports that sail exclusively between the UK and Northern Ireland."

so border checks for internal travel then.......

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By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago



Passengers have to check-in for a ferry or flight already for security reasons, even for a flight between two Schengen countries.

You can have ID/passport checks at both (or either) the departure or arrival port/airport.

No inconvenience there. Just business as usual.

So I go to the Easyjet check-in desk at Belfast Airport for a flight to Bristol.

All I need is photo ID - a driving licence, for example.

All they check is that the ID matches up to the person in front of them and the name on the ticket.

Is that what you envisage in Brexitland for border control?

I envisage something more than just a photo ID, that's why I said ID/passport checks (the ID was, for example, Italian citizens who can currently enter the UK with their identity card instead of a passport).

As you will know the infrastructure to do this is already in place at airports and the ferry ports that sail between the UK and other countries. It may not be in place at ports that sail exclusively between the UK and Northern Ireland.

so border checks for internal travel then....... "

They already exist, because you have to take photo id now, as others have commented. Most people will take their passport, because you get used to taking it to the airport.

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead


Passengers have to check-in for a ferry or flight already for security reasons, even for a flight between two Schengen countries.

You can have ID/passport checks at both (or either) the departure or arrival port/airport.

No inconvenience there. Just business as usual.

So I go to the Easyjet check-in desk at Belfast Airport for a flight to Bristol.

All I need is photo ID - a driving licence, for example.

All they check is that the ID matches up to the person in front of them and the name on the ticket.

Is that what you envisage in Brexitland for border control?

I envisage something more than just a photo ID, that's why I said ID/passport checks (the ID was, for example, Italian citizens who can currently enter the UK with their identity card instead of a passport).

As you will know the infrastructure to do this is already in place at airports and the ferry ports that sail between the UK and other countries. It may not be in place at ports that sail exclusively between the UK and Northern Ireland.

so border checks for internal travel then.......

They already exist, because you have to take photo id now, as others have commented. Most people will take their passport, because you get used to taking it to the airport.


photo id is only for security that you are who you say you are ..... nothing else!!!!

you are advocating and that travel between the mainland and northern ireland will need a passport!!!! you made northern ireland people 2nd class citizens in their own country!!!

that is the crux of it..... would you suggest the same thing for people travelling from england to soctland or england to wales????????

see.... that is the issue!!!

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By *ara JTV/TS  over a year ago

Bristol East


I envisage something more than just a photo ID, that's why I said ID/passport checks (the ID was, for example, Italian citizens who can currently enter the UK with their identity card instead of a passport)."

What is "something more than just photo ID"?

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By *oi_LucyCouple  over a year ago



Passengers have to check-in for a ferry or flight already for security reasons, even for a flight between two Schengen countries.

You can have ID/passport checks at both (or either) the departure or arrival port/airport.

No inconvenience there. Just business as usual.

So I go to the Easyjet check-in desk at Belfast Airport for a flight to Bristol.

All I need is photo ID - a driving licence, for example.

All they check is that the ID matches up to the person in front of them and the name on the ticket.

Is that what you envisage in Brexitland for border control?

I envisage something more than just a photo ID, that's why I said ID/passport checks (the ID was, for example, Italian citizens who can currently enter the UK with their identity card instead of a passport).

As you will know the infrastructure to do this is already in place at airports and the ferry ports that sail between the UK and other countries. It may not be in place at ports that sail exclusively between the UK and Northern Ireland.

so border checks for internal travel then.......

They already exist, because you have to take photo id now, as others have commented. Most people will take their passport, because you get used to taking it to the airport.


That is not a border check.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The simple solution is to give the north of ireland back to the irish

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By *ara JTV/TS  over a year ago

Bristol East

Be even simpler if England just declared independence from the UK.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"The simple solution is to give the north of ireland back to the irish "

Nah, the Brits broke it, they can keep paying for it.

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By *ac a feeCouple  over a year ago


"The simple solution is to give the north of ireland back to the irish

Nah, the Brits broke it, they can keep paying for it."

southern Ireland is bankrupt !!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"The simple solution is to give the north of ireland back to the irish

Nah, the Brits broke it, they can keep paying for it.

southern Ireland is bankrupt !!!


Shit, you'd think someone would have noticed that by now....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Be even simpler if England just declared independence from the UK.


Best suggestion on here all year

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"The simple solution is to give the north of ireland back to the irish "

Or retake the rest of Ireland?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well, 19th Century style land grabs to distract from domestic problems are slowly coming back into vogue.

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"The simple solution is to give the north of ireland back to the irish

Nah, the Brits broke it, they can keep paying for it.

southern Ireland is bankrupt !!!


actually no they are not.... they paid back all their eu and imf bailout loans with interest 18 months earlier....

actually... if i was to push the fact, they would actually be in better shape financially than an independent scotland would be.....

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By *aradisecircusMan  over a year ago


I live just a few miles from the border. I'm from County Donegal in the Republic and live in County Derry in Northern Ireland.

The way the border is today is the way it should be left. Yes there is a border there with different currencies, different tax rates and different rules either side of it. But all it is is a line on a map. The economies both sides of the border in the border counties are so unbelievably intertwined. One side of the border can't survive without the other. It's not just economics, it's family too.

The Brexit vote rang a death knell for the already struggling local economy here. The faffing about of the British government and non-existent devolved government hasn't helped local business here at all.

I can't wait til this ballsology is finally sorted!

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By *aid backMan  over a year ago

by a lake with my rod out

"The simple solution is to give the north of ireland back to the irish

Nah, the Brits broke it, they can keep paying for it.

southern Ireland is bankrupt !!!


Where's Southern Ireland?? I keep hearing people talking about the place. To me Southern Ireland is county Cork, kerry, Waterford but they are just counties in the south of Ireland. The main country on the island of Ireland is called the Republic of Ireland. Its like calling the country south of the border with Scotland Southern Scotland

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

She will be visiting northern ireland today and her speech could break the peace process, she say it is now up to eu to not have a hard border, she is already starting the blame game as reality is catching up quick.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Since the UK voted to leave the EU, you can't expect for a trading bloc to accept having a gaping hole in their trading bloc border, so it's upto the UK government to leave the EU while maintining the EU's trading bloc borders intack.

And if that proves to be impossible then there's 2 options, chop off NI from the UK, but that decision would be NI's alone or scrap Brexit as an experiment gone horribly wrong.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Think of all the jobs in border security it will create. It will separate two groups of Irish that generally hate each other due to their imaginary friend. Everyone will be in perfect harmony. A quick passport check and all will be fine, it wouldn’t take long.

Make England Great Again.

Bring back the Empire in all her glory.

We should build a wall, a big wall. One so big and long most women will love it. Add some spikes to give it some texture.

After all Northern Ireland and Scotland and ruled by England. If you don’t like English rule, start a rebellion and try to earn your freedom, like William Wallace he did well...oh wait...not so well. Least you’ll get to shout FREEDOM once in a while.

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By *vsnikkiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *vsnikkiTV/TS  over a year ago


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