
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Politics > Theresa Mays day trip to Scotland

Theresa Mays day trip to Scotland

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

So Theresa May had a wee day trip to Scotland this morning and left Scotland before lunch

What did she do i hear you ask

1. Private visit to a factory way out the public eye and she was whisked off after spending less than an hour at the textile factory

2. Didnt engage with public

3. Avoided issues that matter to local people

4. Fucked off to Newcastle

Wow the PM sure looks like she gives a fuck about Scotland eh

PMs message to Scots that she would “keep the UK united after Brexit" has been interpretted by some as conceding that Brexit will result in a second independence referendum

As i have said there is no way she can deny it as the Scottish people are sovereign and our wishes have to be respected but then again i double dare her to block it and see where that gets her lol

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By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


Scotland would be a bankrupt independent country. There was an independence referendum, if you remember? The SNP lost it. You need to move on.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Scotland would be a bankrupt independent country. There was an independence referendum, if you remember? The SNP lost it. You need to move on."

Oh right i forgot we need Englands money we in Scotland cant ever be independent too poor eh ?

Question why is the Tories hell bent on keeping Scotland if we are such a drain on England ?

Fucking hell your very anti democratic do you even get that democracy is not a one off event and things change ?

The SNP didnt lose it my god you yoons cant see past your hatred of the SNP as independence is not SNP and SNP are not independence duh!!!!!!!!

Btw you dont get to dictate terms when Scotland wants an independence thats for the sovereign people of Scotland

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm sorry, _eedsandy, but that shows a lack of understanding about the situation in Scotland on every level.

It's probably best, anyway, not to stimulate the inevitable reply that's going to appear...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Oops, too late.

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By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


"I'm sorry, _eedsandy, but that shows a lack of understanding about the situation in Scotland on every level.

It's probably best, anyway, not to stimulate the inevitable reply that's going to appear..."

Really? Does it? So the EU's assessment of Scotland applying to re-join the EU must be wrong then!

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"So Theresa May had a wee day trip to Scotland this morning and left Scotland before lunch

What did she do i hear you ask

1. Private visit to a factory way out the public eye and she was whisked off after spending less than an hour at the textile factory

2. Didnt engage with public

3. Avoided issues that matter to local people

4. Fucked off to Newcastle

Wow the PM sure looks like she gives a fuck about Scotland eh

PMs message to Scots that she would “keep the UK united after Brexit" has been interpretted by some as conceding that Brexit will result in a second independence referendum

As i have said there is no way she can deny it as the Scottish people are sovereign and our wishes have to be respected but then again i double dare her to block it and see where that gets her lol


you do realise the whole point of today was that because we are exactly 1 year to the day away from brexit... she would visit all 4 uk regions in one day.....

so she started in scotland.... then flew across to north east england.... then flew back out to northern ireland and finishes off in wales....

even just the logisitics of the travel element (i am guessing she started the day in london and will finish off there are well) means she wouldn't be able to spend lots of time ANYWHERE

but so glad you made it just about scotland and only scotland....

because it fits in with your "its only about you and fuck everyone else" mentality and attitude that you constantly apply on here.....

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By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


"Scotland would be a bankrupt independent country. There was an independence referendum, if you remember? The SNP lost it. You need to move on.

Oh right i forgot we need Englands money we in Scotland cant ever be independent too poor eh ?

Question why is the Tories hell bent on keeping Scotland if we are such a drain on England ?

Fucking hell your very anti democratic do you even get that democracy is not a one off event and things change ?

The SNP didnt lose it my god you yoons cant see past your hatred of the SNP as independence is not SNP and SNP are not independence duh!!!!!!!!

Btw you dont get to dictate terms when Scotland wants an independence thats for the sovereign people of Scotland "

I wish the referendum was tomorrow. I wish Scotland would go, and take their burden away from England. We can then dump Barnett, have free prescriptions, free universities, nursing homes and the rest.

And watch Scotland go bankrupt. Someone might then buy Scotland from the receivers for £1, like they do with bankrupt companies! Greece perhaps!

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Fabio less than half hour in a factory way out the way of the public then fucked off to England that shows so much disrespect

But yeah you go ahead defend her wee day trip to Scotland

Afraid to get out and meet the public and answer their questions to issues that matter to them

Fabio you the same think so damn well low of England you call England a wee region

Ok so Fabio Gateshead is in the North east region of the country called England correct ? Gateshead is not in Scotland correct ?

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Scotland would be a bankrupt independent country. There was an independence referendum, if you remember? The SNP lost it. You need to move on.

Oh right i forgot we need Englands money we in Scotland cant ever be independent too poor eh ?

Question why is the Tories hell bent on keeping Scotland if we are such a drain on England ?

Fucking hell your very anti democratic do you even get that democracy is not a one off event and things change ?

The SNP didnt lose it my god you yoons cant see past your hatred of the SNP as independence is not SNP and SNP are not independence duh!!!!!!!!

Btw you dont get to dictate terms when Scotland wants an independence thats for the sovereign people of Scotland

I wish the referendum was tomorrow. I wish Scotland would go, and take their burden away from England. We can then dump Barnett, have free prescriptions, free universities, nursing homes and the rest.

And watch Scotland go bankrupt. Someone might then buy Scotland from the receivers for £1, like they do with bankrupt companies! Greece perhaps!


Yup as i thought you all witnessed LeedsAndy is very anti Scottish and think we Scottish are such a drain on England problem why is Westminster yoons hell bent keeping Scotland then ?

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

i think i could say andy is as anti-scottish as kinky is anti-english

I just don't think they see each other in a mirror where the rest of us do....

the only thing that makes me happy is that i rarely agree with either, which puts me somewhere in the middle.....

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"i think i could say andy is as anti-scottish as kinky is anti-english

I just don't think they see each other in a mirror where the rest of us do....

the only thing that makes me happy is that i rarely agree with either, which puts me somewhere in the middle....."

Am anti Westminster

I want England to be independent just as much as Scotland

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By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


I'm not anti-Scottish at all. I'm anti-moaning. Everytime there is a referendum whether on Scottish Independence or on Brexit, the Scots just moan. Wrong result. Didn't vote for it etc etc.

And they ignore the truth. Their economy is worse than the Greek economy. They would not ass the EU requirements to rejoin the EU. They have nothing that an independent country needs - like a central bank for a start, and the banks that they do have are bankrupt and had to be bailed out by England.

So how can they ever be independent?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Scotland did have a vote and decided to stay......That was 4years ago and to be honest it has not really changed much.I feel Kinky our time is passing St Nicola has to be bolder the tides are turning and she is static....

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

LeedsAndy this is what you just said " . I wish Scotland would go, and take their burden away from England. We can then dump Barnett, have free prescriptions, free universities, nursing homes and the rest.

And watch Scotland go bankrupt"

You are actually admitting you would be more than happy to see Scotland bankrupt

Thats very anti Scottish

Its as if you think people in Scotland pay no tax and Scotland have no revenue we take take take eh

Again if that were true why is Westminster yoons hell bent on keeping Scotland in the UK if we are such a drain on England ?

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Scotland did have a vote and decided to stay......That was 4years ago and to be honest it has not really changed much.I feel Kinky our time is passing St Nicola has to be bolder the tides are turning and she is static.... "

Ok name everything Better Together delivered to Scotland ? Name each one

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I'm sorry, _eedsandy, but that shows a lack of understanding about the situation in Scotland on every level.

It's probably best, anyway, not to stimulate the inevitable reply that's going to appear...

Really? Does it? So the EU's assessment of Scotland applying to re-join the EU must be wrong then!"

I think your assessment of the situation is wrong. I didn't mention the EU. Since you did, I'd say that situation is basically an unknown. There are too many variables at this distance from independence to make sweeping statements.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"i think i could say andy is as anti-scottish as kinky is anti-english

I just don't think they see each other in a mirror where the rest of us do....

the only thing that makes me happy is that i rarely agree with either, which puts me somewhere in the middle....."

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By *oo hotCouple  over a year ago

North West

"Scotland would be a bankrupt independent country. There was an independence referendum, if you remember? The SNP lost it. You need to move on."

You remind me of someone on here before. He had an opinion, got proved wrong, factually incorrect and totally schooled. He kept up his propaganda until he left or was banned.

Just to remind you. Scotlands economy is bigger than that of Ireland and Portugal. Why would Scotland not be able to stand on its own two feet?

It is the height of an English arrogance that has its roots in Imperialistic values to think that England is superior to others and that without England, others will fail.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Scotland would be a bankrupt independent country. There was an independence referendum, if you remember? The SNP lost it. You need to move on.

You remind me of someone on here before. He had an opinion, got proved wrong, factually incorrect and totally schooled. He kept up his propaganda until he left or was banned.

Just to remind you. Scotlands economy is bigger than that of Ireland and Portugal. Why would Scotland not be able to stand on its own two feet?

It is the height of an English arrogance that has its roots in Imperialistic values to think that England is superior to others and that without England, others will fail. "

100% agree

And for the record i believe England would work well with independence

We in Scotland are fed up with Westminster rule the UK government do not respect us and do not represent us

They seem happy to go against our wishes wish is a big no no as that against the Claim of Rights 1689 1989 and 2010

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Anybody wanna tell me where Theresa May showed Scotlands people respect today

She spent less than a half hour locked away in a factory away from the public

As Fabio pointed out this was about marking 1 year to go to leaving the EU

So did the PM listen to the concerns of the Scottish public / voters who voted by a clear majority to remain in the EU and single market and customs union ?

Elvis spent longer i Scotland and met the public lol

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By *oo hotCouple  over a year ago

North West

"Anybody wanna tell me where Theresa May showed Scotlands people respect today

She spent less than a half hour locked away in a factory away from the public

As Fabio pointed out this was about marking 1 year to go to leaving the EU

So did the PM listen to the concerns of the Scottish public / voters who voted by a clear majority to remain in the EU and single market and customs union ?

Elvis spent longer i Scotland and met the public lol


She never exposes herself to the general public unless the entire event has been thoroughly stage-managed in advance.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Anybody wanna tell me where Theresa May showed Scotlands people respect today

She spent less than a half hour locked away in a factory away from the public

As Fabio pointed out this was about marking 1 year to go to leaving the EU

So did the PM listen to the concerns of the Scottish public / voters who voted by a clear majority to remain in the EU and single market and customs union ?

Elvis spent longer i Scotland and met the public lol

She never exposes herself to the general public unless the entire event has been thoroughly stage-managed in advance."

The crazy thing is the Tories still lead the polls with her in charge being PM yet too afraid to answers questions from the public

And Corbyns Labour are piss poor and cant agree on the colour of shite

Still cant believe Corbyn sacked Owen Smith cause he said their should be a 2nd referendum vote

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By *leasure domMan  over a year ago


Environmental bandit.

Theresa May should understand that, when it comes to propaganda, she is plain useless. Like her grasp of strategy, her delivery is pure shite.

Actually, she should just accept that she is useless. Period.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Environmental bandit.

Theresa May should understand that, when it comes to propaganda, she is plain useless. Like her grasp of strategy, her delivery is pure shite.

Actually, she should just accept that she is useless. Period."

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Anybody wanna tell me where Theresa May showed Scotlands people respect today

She spent less than a half hour locked away in a factory away from the public

As Fabio pointed out this was about marking 1 year to go to leaving the EU

So did the PM listen to the concerns of the Scottish public / voters who voted by a clear majority to remain in the EU and single market and customs union ?

Elvis spent longer i Scotland and met the public lol


nice to see you took 1 line out of what I said... and still as per usual managed to make it all about scotland!!!!

well f'ing done!!!!

and people wonder why you kinky always get accused of anti english bias......

she visited all 4 nations today... plus talked to EU communities in london....

and yet... scotland, scotland, scotland......

I'm sorry your interest in news and current affairs ends at hadrians wall....

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Anybody wanna tell me where Theresa May showed Scotlands people respect today

She spent less than a half hour locked away in a factory away from the public

As Fabio pointed out this was about marking 1 year to go to leaving the EU

So did the PM listen to the concerns of the Scottish public / voters who voted by a clear majority to remain in the EU and single market and customs union ?

Elvis spent longer i Scotland and met the public lol

nice to see you took 1 line out of what I said... and still as per usual managed to make it all about scotland!!!!

well f'ing done!!!!

and people wonder why you kinky always get accused of anti english bias......

she visited all 4 nations today... plus talked to EU communities in london....

and yet... scotland, scotland, scotland......

I'm sorry your interest in news and current affairs ends at hadrians wall...."

Aye nae bother

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

I think its escaped your mind Fabio i live in Scotland lol

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By *entaur_UKMan  over a year ago


"Anybody wanna tell me where Theresa May showed Scotlands people respect today

She spent less than a half hour locked away in a factory away from the public

As Fabio pointed out this was about marking 1 year to go to leaving the EU

So did the PM listen to the concerns of the Scottish public / voters who voted by a clear majority to remain in the EU and single market and customs union ?

Elvis spent longer i Scotland and met the public lol

nice to see you took 1 line out of what I said... and still as per usual managed to make it all about scotland!!!!

well f'ing done!!!!

and people wonder why you kinky always get accused of anti english bias......

she visited all 4 nations today... plus talked to EU communities in london....

and yet... scotland, scotland, scotland......

I'm sorry your interest in news and current affairs ends at hadrians wall...."

Don't often agree with you Fabio but have to say I agree with you on this. Theresa May visited all 4 regions of the UK today (where was this pointed out in the OP's rant???) She visited Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales. On top of this she is still having to deal with ongoing events in Salisbury.

Such is Kinkys anti English feeling though then they would still have a moan even if Theresa May had spent the whole day in Scotland!

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Flies right all over your heeds not that i am one bit shocked at that

Again Theresa May spents less than half an hour in a factory away from the public in Scotland then fucks off

Thats how much she gives a fucking damn about Scotland

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By *ercuryMan  over a year ago


Even the title of the post shows both Kinky's ignorance and anti-english bias.

As pointed out by Fabio, it was a "whistlestop" tour of all four nations, and not a "daytrip to Scotland".

And here's a very simple question even for you to answer Kinky. Did you work a 15 hour day yesterday?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Scotland would be a bankrupt independent country. There was an independence referendum, if you remember? The SNP lost it. You need to move on.

You remind me of someone on here before. He had an opinion, got proved wrong, factually incorrect and totally schooled. He kept up his propaganda until he left or was banned.

Just to remind you. Scotlands economy is bigger than that of Ireland and Portugal. Why would Scotland not be able to stand on its own two feet?

It is the height of an English arrogance that has its roots in Imperialistic values to think that England is superior to others and that without England, others will fail. "

I would like to see both Scotland & England Work Together as two independent nations, both allies and both work together

any reason why that would not happen?

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By *ustJ0dieTV/TS  over a year ago


"Scotland would be a bankrupt independent country. There was an independence referendum, if you remember? The SNP lost it. You need to move on.

You remind me of someone on here before. He had an opinion, got proved wrong, factually incorrect and totally schooled. He kept up his propaganda until he left or was banned.

Just to remind you. Scotlands economy is bigger than that of Ireland and Portugal. Why would Scotland not be able to stand on its own two feet?

It is the height of an English arrogance that has its roots in Imperialistic values to think that England is superior to others and that without England, others will fail.

I would like to see both Scotland & England Work Together as two independent nations, both allies and both work together

any reason why that would not happen?"

Yes, too many people like LeedsAndy down here and Kinky up there who would delight in seeing the other nation struggle.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Scotland would be a bankrupt independent country. There was an independence referendum, if you remember? The SNP lost it. You need to move on.

You remind me of someone on here before. He had an opinion, got proved wrong, factually incorrect and totally schooled. He kept up his propaganda until he left or was banned.

Just to remind you. Scotlands economy is bigger than that of Ireland and Portugal. Why would Scotland not be able to stand on its own two feet?

It is the height of an English arrogance that has its roots in Imperialistic values to think that England is superior to others and that without England, others will fail.

I would like to see both Scotland & England Work Together as two independent nations, both allies and both work together

any reason why that would not happen?

Yes, too many people like LeedsAndy down here and Kinky up there who would delight in seeing the other nation struggle. "

Fucking bullshit!!!!!

I have said for the start i wanna see all 4 countries become independent and yes i think England would do well as an independent country just as Scotland

So enough with that bullshit ok

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple  over a year ago

in Lancashire

On the other thread you were talking about English superiority and Scots being treated like slaves..

That does sound quite anti English..

As well as a vile and inaccurate thing to say..

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple  over a year ago

in Lancashire

"Even the title of the post shows both Kinky's ignorance and anti-english bias.

As pointed out by Fabio, it was a "whistlestop" tour of all four nations, and not a "daytrip to Scotland".

And here's a very simple question even for you to answer Kinky. Did you work a 15 hour day yesterday?"


It's a glaring indicator of how twisted their thinking is..

To blatantly ignore the facts of the visit and set a false narrative is bollocks..

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So Theresa May had a wee day trip to Scotland this morning and left Scotland before lunch

What did she do i hear you ask

1. Private visit to a factory way out the public eye and she was whisked off after spending less than an hour at the textile factory

2. Didnt engage with public

3. Avoided issues that matter to local people

4. Fucked off to Newcastle

Wow the PM sure looks like she gives a fuck about Scotland eh

PMs message to Scots that she would “keep the UK united after Brexit" has been interpretted by some as conceding that Brexit will result in a second independence referendum

As i have said there is no way she can deny it as the Scottish people are sovereign and our wishes have to be respected but then again i double dare her to block it and see where that gets her lol



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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"So Theresa May had a wee day trip to Scotland this morning and left Scotland before lunch

What did she do i hear you ask

1. Private visit to a factory way out the public eye and she was whisked off after spending less than an hour at the textile factory

2. Didnt engage with public

3. Avoided issues that matter to local people

4. Fucked off to Newcastle

Wow the PM sure looks like she gives a fuck about Scotland eh

PMs message to Scots that she would “keep the UK united after Brexit" has been interpretted by some as conceding that Brexit will result in a second independence referendum

As i have said there is no way she can deny it as the Scottish people are sovereign and our wishes have to be respected but then again i double dare her to block it and see where that gets her lol

Really? "

Yes really

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"i think i could say andy is as anti-scottish as kinky is anti-english

I just don't think they see each other in a mirror where the rest of us do....

the only thing that makes me happy is that i rarely agree with either, which puts me somewhere in the middle.....

Am anti Westminster

I want England to be independent just as much as Scotland


Scotland should have left and take care of their own as we have to do. Why should they reap the benefits of England. I pay my taxes for my country. There should be no free university fees. Free prescriptions for Scotland. Why? We dnt get it unless we are in dia straits. Sorry just annoys me this talk about a superior Scotland. Take care of your own

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"i think i could say andy is as anti-scottish as kinky is anti-english

I just don't think they see each other in a mirror where the rest of us do....

the only thing that makes me happy is that i rarely agree with either, which puts me somewhere in the middle.....

Am anti Westminster

I want England to be independent just as much as Scotland

Scotland should have left and take care of their own as we have to do. Why should they reap the benefits of England. I pay my taxes for my country. There should be no free university fees. Free prescriptions for Scotland. Why? We dnt get it unless we are in dia straits. Sorry just annoys me this talk about a superior Scotland. Take care of your own


More anti Scottish shit

And more of the " Scotland are subsidy junkies shite

Try answering this if Scotland is such a drain on England why are Westminster so hell bent on keeping Scotland ? I double dare you to answer that lol

Btw the fucking way the reason England dont get free Uni free prescriptions is because England vote Tory maybe look closer to home eh lol

Its like you think Scottish people pay no tax mental lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"i think i could say andy is as anti-scottish as kinky is anti-english

I just don't think they see each other in a mirror where the rest of us do....

the only thing that makes me happy is that i rarely agree with either, which puts me somewhere in the middle.....

Am anti Westminster

I want England to be independent just as much as Scotland

Scotland should have left and take care of their own as we have to do. Why should they reap the benefits of England. I pay my taxes for my country. There should be no free university fees. Free prescriptions for Scotland. Why? We dnt get it unless we are in dia straits. Sorry just annoys me this talk about a superior Scotland. Take care of your own

More anti Scottish shit

And more of the " Scotland are subsidy junkies shite

Try answering this if Scotland is such a drain on England why are Westminster so hell bent on keeping Scotland ? I double dare you to answer that lol

Btw the fucking way the reason England dont get free Uni free prescriptions is because England vote Tory maybe look closer to home eh lol

Its like you think Scottish people pay no tax mental lol "

No I agree of course they pay taxes but no I dnt agree with free uni and prescriptions if you get it so should we. I am not Tory or vote tory. The government is a sham. But no one can do anything. All we have is a vote. I love Scotland. Go regularly so it's not a anti hate campaign. Anyway off yo eat my easter egg

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead


Scotland should have left and take care of their own as we have to do. Why should they reap the benefits of England. I pay my taxes for my country. There should be no free university fees. Free prescriptions for Scotland. Why? We dnt get it unless we are in dia straits. Sorry just annoys me this talk about a superior Scotland. Take care of your own


stuff like free student tuition and free prescriptions come out of their own block grant budget....

so for example where they use their health money on free prescriptions, other parts of the scottish nhs suffer instead....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Scotland should have left and take care of their own as we have to do. Why should they reap the benefits of England. I pay my taxes for my country. There should be no free university fees. Free prescriptions for Scotland. Why? We dnt get it unless we are in dia straits. Sorry just annoys me this talk about a superior Scotland. Take care of your own

stuff like free student tuition and free prescriptions come out of their own block grant budget....

so for example where they use their health money on free prescriptions, other parts of the scottish nhs suffer instead...."

Thanks my mistake

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"i think i could say andy is as anti-scottish as kinky is anti-english

I just don't think they see each other in a mirror where the rest of us do....

the only thing that makes me happy is that i rarely agree with either, which puts me somewhere in the middle.....

Am anti Westminster

I want England to be independent just as much as Scotland

Scotland should have left and take care of their own as we have to do. Why should they reap the benefits of England. I pay my taxes for my country. There should be no free university fees. Free prescriptions for Scotland. Why? We dnt get it unless we are in dia straits. Sorry just annoys me this talk about a superior Scotland. Take care of your own

More anti Scottish shit

And more of the " Scotland are subsidy junkies shite

Try answering this if Scotland is such a drain on England why are Westminster so hell bent on keeping Scotland ? I double dare you to answer that lol

Btw the fucking way the reason England dont get free Uni free prescriptions is because England vote Tory maybe look closer to home eh lol

Its like you think Scottish people pay no tax mental lol

No I agree of course they pay taxes but no I dnt agree with free uni and prescriptions if you get it so should we. I am not Tory or vote tory. The government is a sham. But no one can do anything. All we have is a vote. I love Scotland. Go regularly so it's not a anti hate campaign. Anyway off yo eat my easter egg "

Lol well like i said thats because in England you lot voted Tory by the majority and thats why you wont get free uni or free prescriptions

We in Scotland elected the SNP that do things better and clearly have the trust of Scottish people

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By *oo hotCouple  over a year ago

North West

"Anybody wanna tell me where Theresa May showed Scotlands people respect today

She spent less than a half hour locked away in a factory away from the public

As Fabio pointed out this was about marking 1 year to go to leaving the EU

So did the PM listen to the concerns of the Scottish public / voters who voted by a clear majority to remain in the EU and single market and customs union ?

Elvis spent longer i Scotland and met the public lol

nice to see you took 1 line out of what I said... and still as per usual managed to make it all about scotland!!!!

well f'ing done!!!!

and people wonder why you kinky always get accused of anti english bias......

she visited all 4 nations today... plus talked to EU communities in london....

and yet... scotland, scotland, scotland......

I'm sorry your interest in news and current affairs ends at hadrians wall....

Don't often agree with you Fabio but have to say I agree with you on this. Theresa May visited all 4 regions of the UK today (where was this pointed out in the OP's rant???) She visited Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales. On top of this she is still having to deal with ongoing events in Salisbury.

Such is Kinkys anti English feeling though then they would still have a moan even if Theresa May had spent the whole day in Scotland! "

OK granted. But... this was her own choice to do this and it fits in with her policy of avoiding contact with people unless micro stage-managed. It’s not that she just doesn’t care about Scotland - she doesn’t care about anywhere and certainly has no time for mere plebs.

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead


Lol well like i said thats because in England you lot voted Tory by the majority and thats why you wont get free uni or free prescriptions

We in Scotland elected the SNP that do things better and clearly have the trust of Scottish people "

thats fair.... you used the money for free prescriptions.... we in england for examples used that money in other ways so we have better cancer survival rates and quicker cancer referral rates....

so it is very much swings and roundabouts....

or maybe not.... since the NHS England has better metrics in 12 of the 13 things they compare (don't worry... I remembered your post gushing over NHS Scotland's A&E Figures)

so as i was was saying... free prescriptions against all that spending in other area's.... I'll take that!

oh.. and before you ask, i do believe in free prescriptions, just not universally..... i pay and don't begrudge paying at all.....

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Oh and talking of Theresa May when she was Home secretary she did say on live tv we are policed by consent

Are you lot ready for calling me a liar on that ? Hehehehehehehe

So the police need our consent to enforce the Acts of parilament hahahahahahaha

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Just for you kinky

When saying ‘policing by consent’, the Home Secretary was referring to a long standing philosophy of British policing, known as the Robert Peel’s 9 Principles of Policing. However, there is no evidence of any link to Robert Peel and it was likely devised by the first Commissioners of Police of the Metropolis (Charles Rowan and Richard Mayne). The principles which were set out in the ‘General Instructions’ that were issued to every new police officer from 1829 were:

To prevent crime and disorder, as an alternative to their repression by military force and severity of legal punishment.

To recognise always that the power of the police to fulfil their functions and duties is dependent on public approval of their existence, actions and behaviour and on their ability to secure and maintain public respect.

To recognise always that to secure and maintain the respect and approval of the public means also the securing of the willing co-operation of the public in the task of securing observance of laws.

To recognise always that the extent to which the co-operation of the public can be secured diminishes proportionately the necessity of the use of physical force and compulsion for achieving police objectives.

To seek and preserve public favour, not by pandering to public opinion; but by constantly demonstrating absolutely impartial service to law, in complete independence of policy, and without regard to the justice or injustice of the substance of individual laws, by ready offering of individual service and friendship to all members of the public without regard to their wealth or social standing, by ready exercise of courtesy and friendly good humour; and by ready offering of individual sacrifice in protecting and preserving life.

To use physical force only when the exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is found to be insufficient to obtain public co-operation to an extent necessary to secure observance of law or to restore order, and to use only the minimum degree of physical force which is necessary on any particular occasion for achieving a police objective.

To maintain at all times a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and that the public are the police, the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.

To recognise always the need for strict adherence to police-executive functions, and to refrain from even seeming to usurp the powers of the judiciary of avenging individuals or the State, and of authoritatively judging guilt and punishing the guilty.

To recognise always that the test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, and not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with them.

Essentially, as explained by the notable police historian Charles Reith in his ‘New Study of Police History ‘in 1956, it was a philosophy of policing ‘unique in history and throughout the world because it derived not from fear but almost exclusively from public co-operation with the police, induced by them designedly by behaviour which secures and maintains for them the approval, respect and affection of the public’.

It should be noted that it refers to the power of the police coming from the common consent of the public, as opposed to the power of the state. It does not mean the consent of an individual. No individual can chose to withdraw his or her consent from the police, or from a law.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Read the oath the police take and then try and spin your oish that they are their to enforce Acts on the public ? Your welcome!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

If you had a understanding of basic English then you would know what you say is wrong but as with everything you post on here I think know you just make things up in your own head

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"If you had a understanding of basic English then you would know what you say is wrong but as with everything you post on here I think know you just make things up in your own head"

You think what you want and i will think what i want ok

Honestly though go look at the police oath it says bugger all about enforcing Acts of parilament of the public you ever wondered why that is ?

The police oath is to uphold the law (common law) officers are there to get money off you but hey again its your choice i aint forcing you you believe me lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Police oath in Scotland

“I, do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of constable with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality,and that I will uphold fundamental human rights and accord equal respect to all people, according to law.”

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Police oath in Scotland

“I, do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of constable with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality,and that I will uphold fundamental human rights and accord equal respect to all people, according to law.”"

Good you do know about the police oath

So question where does it say anything about enforcing Acts on the public ?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It is pointless to argue with you as you really do not have any answers and just go around and around in circles

An Act of Parliament creates a new law or changes an existing law. An Act is a Bill that has been approved by both the House of Commons and the House of Lords and been given Royal Assent by the Monarch. Taken together, Acts of Parliament make up what is known as Statute Law in the UK.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"It is pointless to argue with you as you really do not have any answers and just go around and around in circles

An Act of Parliament creates a new law or changes an existing law. An Act is a Bill that has been approved by both the House of Commons and the House of Lords and been given Royal Assent by the Monarch. Taken together, Acts of Parliament make up what is known as Statute Law in the UK.


where does it say anything in the police oath about enforcing Acts on the public?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Are you serious do you not understand stand that acts are laws and the police uphold the law

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Do you even understand what an act is? Or are you just trying to play a game

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Are you serious do you not understand stand that acts are laws and the police uphold the law "

Come on answer my question where does it say anything in the police oath about enforcing Acts on the public?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

OMG an act is a law and they enforce the law

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"OMG an act is a law and they enforce the law "

Not its not learn the difference lol

and again i will ask you where does it say anything in the police oath about enforcing Acts on the public? Point it out to me ahould be easy to find since you sent it lmao

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I have answered your question as an act is a law but if you feel am wrong please enlighten me or at least point me in the direction

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Do you even understand what an act is? Or are you just trying to play a game "

Kinky is trolling as usual. Making up lies, pretending that there are no such things as laws, that politicians aren't elected, the people are sovereign and can do what they want.

Obviously the voters, the politicians, the police, the judiciary, the prison service, probation service and all criminals are just playing pantomime and none of it is real. Those billions of people around the world are all wrong, and kinky is the only person who is right.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"I have answered your question as an act is a law but if you feel am wrong please enlighten me or at least point me in the direction "

No you never

This is the question i am asking you - where does it say anything in the police oath about enforcing Acts on the public? You send the police oath point it out where is says such a thing

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Do you even understand what an act is? Or are you just trying to play a game

Kinky is trolling as usual. Making up lies, pretending that there are no such things as laws, that politicians aren't elected, the people are sovereign and can do what they want.

Obviously the voters, the politicians, the police, the judiciary, the prison service, probation service and all criminals are just playing pantomime and none of it is real. Those billions of people around the world are all wrong, and kinky is the only person who is right. "


That's strange!

I thought YOU were the only one who is right

(or at least that's what you think)

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I see that from there posts on here

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Do you even understand what an act is? Or are you just trying to play a game

Kinky is trolling as usual. Making up lies, pretending that there are no such things as laws, that politicians aren't elected, the people are sovereign and can do what they want.

Obviously the voters, the politicians, the police, the judiciary, the prison service, probation service and all criminals are just playing pantomime and none of it is real. Those billions of people around the world are all wrong, and kinky is the only person who is right. "

Bull fucking shit

Not fucking once did i ever claim there is no damn well laws

There is ( common law) the rest are Acts they aint laws but if you wanna believe they are fine by me you give up rights see if i care lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I have answered your question as an act is a law but if you feel am wrong please enlighten me or at least point me in the direction

No you never

This is the question i am asking you - where does it say anything in the police oath about enforcing Acts on the public? You send the police oath point it out where is says such a thing "

In a democracy, like the UK, nobody is above the law. About one hundred new laws are passed each year. A proposed new law is called a bill. Bills must be agreed by both Houses of Parliament and receive Royal Assent from the Queen before they can become Acts of Parliament which make our law.

So an act of parliament becomes laws and the police uphold the law if you are unhappy with my answer unlucky just sad you believe that rubbish you are writing

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Do you even understand what an act is? Or are you just trying to play a game

Kinky is trolling as usual. Making up lies, pretending that there are no such things as laws, that politicians aren't elected, the people are sovereign and can do what they want.

Obviously the voters, the politicians, the police, the judiciary, the prison service, probation service and all criminals are just playing pantomime and none of it is real. Those billions of people around the world are all wrong, and kinky is the only person who is right.

Bull fucking shit

Not fucking once did i ever claim there is no damn well laws

There is ( common law) the rest are Acts they aint laws but if you wanna believe they are fine by me you give up rights see if i care lol "

Well acts are written and passed by parliament. So who writes common law then? It can be parliament obviously.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

You have my answers if am so wrong provide me with evidence

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"You have my answers if am so wrong provide me with evidence "

Answer my question

where does it say anything in the police oath about enforcing Acts on the public?

For example can the police enforce the tv licence Act on people ? Lmao

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"You have my answers if am so wrong provide me with evidence

Answer my question

where does it say anything in the police oath about enforcing Acts on the public?

For example can the police enforce the tv licence Act on people ? Lmao "

You don't like my answer that's fine, think it's funny that you don't understand how laws are made

A court will enforce the tv license act if you are caught breaking it not the police

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"You have my answers if am so wrong provide me with evidence

Answer my question

where does it say anything in the police oath about enforcing Acts on the public?

For example can the police enforce the tv licence Act on people ? Lmao

You don't like my answer that's fine, think it's funny that you don't understand how laws are made

A court will enforce the tv license act if you are caught breaking it not the police "

I think its funny you cant quote tge police oath you sent btw tgat says they enforce Acts on the public lmao

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"You have my answers if am so wrong provide me with evidence

Answer my question

where does it say anything in the police oath about enforcing Acts on the public?

For example can the police enforce the tv licence Act on people ? Lmao

You don't like my answer that's fine, think it's funny that you don't understand how laws are made

A court will enforce the tv license act if you are caught breaking it not the police

I think its funny you cant quote tge police oath you sent btw tgat says they enforce Acts on the public lmao "

Here is the attestation:

I, ... of ... do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law.

Not one mention of COMMON LAW is there Kinky? Does that prove you don't know what the fuck you're talking About?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

As you don't believe an act is a law what is it

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"As you don't believe an act is a law what is it "

Waiting on you answering my question

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

CLCC the bit in the oath " I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law" is Common law duh!!!!!!!

The law not to cause harm loss or damage

But hey you believe it or not i couldnt care less

Its you lot raging over this where is i am only telling you what i believe

But i will await on you claiming am wrong and you always right CLCC

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This is my answer again an act is a law

" I will uphold fundamental human rights and accord equal respect to all people, according to law.”

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"CLCC the bit in the oath " I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law" is Common law duh!!!!!!!

The law not to cause harm loss or damage

But hey you believe it or not i couldnt care less

Its you lot raging over this where is i am only telling you what i believe

But i will await on you claiming am wrong and you always right CLCC


It doesn't say "common law". It says "law". Acts are law.

You ignored my previous question. Where are what you call "common law" written down? Where can I find them, where can I read them, who wrote them, what authority did they have to write them, when were they last updated?

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"This is my answer again an act is a law

" I will uphold fundamental human rights and accord equal respect to all people, according to law.”


Doesnt say nothing about Acts correct ?

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"CLCC the bit in the oath " I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law" is Common law duh!!!!!!!

The law not to cause harm loss or damage

But hey you believe it or not i couldnt care less

Its you lot raging over this where is i am only telling you what i believe

But i will await on you claiming am wrong and you always right CLCC

It doesn't say "common law". It says "law". Acts are law.

You ignored my previous question. Where are what you call "common law" written down? Where can I find them, where can I read them, who wrote them, what authority did they have to write them, when were they last updated? "

Wow just fucking wow lol

This is in the oath " I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property" ie now that is loss hRm or damage (common law) duhhh!!!!!!!

Acts are not law please learn the difference if you choice not to oh well whatever nevermind lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"This is my answer again an act is a law

" I will uphold fundamental human rights and accord equal respect to all people, according to law.”

Doesnt say nothing about Acts correct ?


As a act is a law it does

Still waiting for you to provide evidence or a source that proves an act is not a law

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"This is my answer again an act is a law

" I will uphold fundamental human rights and accord equal respect to all people, according to law.”

Doesnt say nothing about Acts correct ?

As a act is a law it does

Still waiting for you to provide evidence or a source that proves an act is not a law "

Fucking hell

Where in the police oath does it say The police can enforce Acts

The laws in the oath are the laws of the land duh!!!!

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Btw i did

The tv licence is an Act its not law duh !!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

No you haven't answered or showen me anything please do so as I answered you

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"No you haven't answered or showen me anything please do so as I answered you "

Again the tv licence is an Act its not law

Go on please by all means under what law requires me to have a tv licence eh ? Name the law ? Lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

If you don't watch tv as it's broadcast on tv or online and don’t download bbc programs you don't need a tv license it's only if you do then you need one

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"CLCC the bit in the oath " I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law" is Common law duh!!!!!!!

The law not to cause harm loss or damage

But hey you believe it or not i couldnt care less

Its you lot raging over this where is i am only telling you what i believe

But i will await on you claiming am wrong and you always right CLCC

It doesn't say "common law". It says "law". Acts are law.

You ignored my previous question. Where are what you call "common law" written down? Where can I find them, where can I read them, who wrote them, what authority did they have to write them, when were they last updated?

Wow just fucking wow lol

This is in the oath " I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property" ie now that is loss hRm or damage (common law) duhhh!!!!!!!

Acts are not law please learn the difference if you choice not to oh well whatever nevermind lol "

Doesn't say common law, you still haven't answered my questions about where these laws are

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

No no you said Acts are law

The tv licence is an Act

Right then under what law then do i require a tv Licence ? Name the actually law ?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"No no you said Acts are law

The tv licence is an Act

Right then under what law then do i require a tv Licence ? Name the actually law ?"

The tv licence falls under the communication act 2003 making it the law if you don't do any of the things I said before then you are not breaking it and don't need 1, do you have anything other than the bullshit tv license? I won't hold my breath lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"No no you said Acts are law

The tv licence is an Act

Right then under what law then do i require a tv Licence ? Name the actually law ?"

You don't need a TV licence if you don't meet the criteria for having a TV licence, as you are abiding within the law, this law to be exact...

The requirement to hold a TV Licence and to pay a fee for it is mandated by law under the Communications Act 2003 and Communications (Television Licensing) Regulations 2004 (as amended). It is an offence to watch or record television programmes as they are being shown on any channel and on any broadcast platform (terrestrial, satellite, cable and the internet) or download or watch BBC programmes on demand, including catch up TV, on BBC iPlayer without a valid TV Licence.

Section 363 of the Communications Act 2003 makes it an offence to install or use a television receiver to watch or record any television programmes as they’re being shown on television without a TV Licence.

Section 365 of that Act requires that a person to whom a TV Licence is issued must pay a fee to the BBC. The nature and amount of this fee is set out in the Communications (Television Licensing) Regulations 2004 (as amended).

Since 1991, the BBC, in its role as the relevant licensing authority, has been responsible for collecting and enforcing the TV Licence fee. The BBC contracts companies to do this work under the BBC trade mark ‘TV Licensing’. The BBC (and contractors acting on its behalf) must comply with the law in collecting and enforcing the licence fee. The BBC Charter further requires that these arrangements be appropriate, proportionate and efficient.

Legislation on television licensing is available from legislation.gov.uk

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This should help clear up any confusion.

But Kinky as we all know will not be goeverned by any of this as he is soveriegn

Key Differences Between Act and Law

The difference between act and law can be better understood with the points provided below:

The statutes created by the legislature, that concentrates on a particular subject, and contains provisions relating to it, is known as Act. Law is described as the rules and principles, set up by the stipulated authority and are meant to regulate the conduct of the members of the society.

Law is generic in nature, that covers all rules and regulations made by the government at any point in time. On the other hand, the act is specific, as it is limited to a specific situation, like all the provisions relating to the contract are covered under Contract Act, or provisions relating to the partnership are included in partnership act and so forth.

A law is an established phenomenon, whereas an act is originally a bill, which is proposed in the parliament first, and when it gets approval from both the houses, i.e. the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha and the President as well, it becomes an Act.

An act is descriptive, which explains why and how laws are enforced. Conversely, law explains what should be and should not be done in any context.

Law is enforced to protect people from unfair practices and to maintain public order. As against this, the fundamental reason for the creation of act is to let people know the rules and regulations about specific situations.


Imagine a situation, when there is no law or act for any crime or offence, then what will happen? There will be total chaos and danger, people will do whatever they like, and this is because they will lack fear of punishment or penalty. Laws and Acts are extremely important for the organisation and functioning of the country’s administration. These help to resolve the matters of people in a just and fair manner and also to ensure a peaceful society.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"No no you said Acts are law

The tv licence is an Act

Right then under what law then do i require a tv Licence ? Name the actually law ?

The tv licence falls under the communication act 2003 making it the law if you don't do any of the things I said before then you are not breaking it and don't need 1, do you have anything other than the bullshit tv license? I won't hold my breath lol "

Did you just say Act ? Lol

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

You lot were cocky enough to say Acts are law

So under what law do I require a TV license? Name the actually law if your bold enough lol

It needs consent and to enter a contact with the BBC duh

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"You lot were cocky enough to say Acts are law

So under what law do I require a TV license? Name the actually law if your bold enough lol

It needs consent and to enter a contact with the BBC duh"

Is an act a law in the UK?

Bills v Acts. A Bill is not an Act of Parliament. This is what a Bill becomes if approved by a majority in the House of Commons and the House of Lords, and formally agreed to by the reigning monarch (known as Royal Assent). An Act of Parliament is a law, enforced in all areas of the UK where it is applicable.

Acts - UK Parliament

more for you to read Kinks

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

off to see ready player one now,

Play nice guys....

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"off to see ready player one now,

Play nice guys.... "

Enjoy it's good

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Still can't name the actual law that enforces me to have a TV license ?

Hint they need your consent like I have told you and told you but hey don't believe me I do not care

You lot were quick off the mark to say Acts are laws but fail to actually name the law that's requires me to be forced to have a TV license lol

Acts need consent to become law duh lol

No consent No contract lol

But again it's totally up to you if you wanna be ruled be my guest

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

You are off your head kinky am done running in circles with you and your stupid attitude you clearly think your being clever but what you say shows that you are just stupid

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"You are off your head kinky am done running in circles with you and your stupid attitude you clearly think your being clever but what you say shows that you are just stupid "

Yup as i thought the name calling starts lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So Theresa May had a wee day trip to Scotland this morning and left Scotland before lunch

What did she do i hear you ask

1. Private visit to a factory way out the public eye and she was whisked off after spending less than an hour at the textile factory

2. Didnt engage with public

3. Avoided issues that matter to local people

4. Fucked off to Newcastle

Wow the PM sure looks like she gives a fuck about Scotland eh

PMs message to Scots that she would “keep the UK united after Brexit" has been interpretted by some as conceding that Brexit will result in a second independence referendum

As i have said there is no way she can deny it as the Scottish people are sovereign and our wishes have to be respected but then again i double dare her to block it and see where that gets her lol


Are you surprised kinky?!

Typical tory antics. Didn't know zhe was i Newcastle but i don't care. Hope shes fucked off back home.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"So Theresa May had a wee day trip to Scotland this morning and left Scotland before lunch

What did she do i hear you ask

1. Private visit to a factory way out the public eye and she was whisked off after spending less than an hour at the textile factory

2. Didnt engage with public

3. Avoided issues that matter to local people

4. Fucked off to Newcastle

Wow the PM sure looks like she gives a fuck about Scotland eh

PMs message to Scots that she would “keep the UK united after Brexit" has been interpretted by some as conceding that Brexit will result in a second independence referendum

As i have said there is no way she can deny it as the Scottish people are sovereign and our wishes have to be respected but then again i double dare her to block it and see where that gets her lol

Are you surprised kinky?!

Typical tory antics. Didn't know zhe was i Newcastle but i don't care. Hope shes fucked off back home. "

Not really

She will do anything to hide away from the public

Strong and stable eh lol gotta wonder what people saw in the Tories to have her as PM

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Blocked lol for having an opinion lol. Really kinky

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Blocked lol for having an opinion lol. Really kinky "

Offftt someone raging cause they got blocked lmao

My my take it in the chin dude and move on lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


Where are common laws written?

Who wrote them?

When were they written?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Where are common laws written?

Who wrote them?

When were they written?"

Wow you really just asked that

How about common sence eh duh!!!!

Do you not know right from wrong CLCC not to cause harm loss or damage to a fellow human being ?

Fucking hell you shouldnt need to be taught that

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Where are common laws written?

Who wrote them?

When were they written?

Wow you really just asked that

How about common sence eh duh!!!!

Do you not know right from wrong CLCC not to cause harm loss or damage to a fellow human being ?

Fucking hell you shouldnt need to be taught that "

If you could just answer the questions, that would be great.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


God! We are not back to this again surely? How did May's trip to Scotland get into a discussion about Common Law?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Where are common laws written?

Who wrote them?

When were they written?

Wow you really just asked that

How about common sence eh duh!!!!

Do you not know right from wrong CLCC not to cause harm loss or damage to a fellow human being ?

Fucking hell you shouldnt need to be taught that

If you could just answer the questions, that would be great."

I did

Here is it again

" Common Sense" lmao

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"God! We are not back to this again surely? How did May's trip to Scotland get into a discussion about Common Law?"

Oh right every other thread people can talk about what they want just mot my threads eh ?


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Where are common laws written?

Who wrote them?

When were they written?

Wow you really just asked that

How about common sence eh duh!!!!

Do you not know right from wrong CLCC not to cause harm loss or damage to a fellow human being ?

Fucking hell you shouldnt need to be taught that

If you could just answer the questions, that would be great.

I did

Here is it again

" Common Sense" lmao "

So you are saying that we are all subject to common law, that isn't written down anywhere? It's just a gut feeling of the police?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Blocked lol for having an opinion lol. Really kinky

Offftt someone raging cause they got blocked lmao

My my take it in the chin dude and move on lol


Dude. Lol. I dnt really give a flying fuck to be honest. Just thought how childish.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


"God! We are not back to this again surely? How did May's trip to Scotland get into a discussion about Common Law?

Oh right every other thread people can talk about what they want just mot my threads eh ?

Not at all. The point is that you have been told time and time again what Common Law is, and you refuse to accept that and you say that Common Law is something that it is not.

You just hijack every thread to talk nonsense about Common Law.

If you don't believe anyone on here, just look up Common Law on Google, and you will find the answer - and it's what people on here say it is, and is not what you say it is.

Please just educate yourself. You are making an utter fool of yourself in continuing to argue a fact that is completely wrong.

Lol "

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Blocked lol for having an opinion lol. Really kinky

Offftt someone raging cause they got blocked lmao

My my take it in the chin dude and move on lol

Dude. Lol. I dnt really give a flying fuck to be honest. Just thought how childish. "

Right you dont give a fuck but thought you would bring it up !'? Ok then someones raging learn to take it on the chin lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

CLCC seriously do you need to be taught right from wrong to to cause harm loss or damage to any fellow human being ?

And are you saying you dont stand under common law ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Blocked lol for having an opinion lol. Really kinky

Offftt someone raging cause they got blocked lmao

My my take it in the chin dude and move on lol

Dude. Lol. I dnt really give a flying fuck to be honest. Just thought how childish.

Right you dont give a fuck but thought you would bring it up !'? Ok then someones raging learn to take it on the chin lol "

What an angry person. Take deep breaths and breath deeply. Get all that aggression out. Come on you can do it. Maybe you will feel better Sunday when the easter bunny brings you your easter eggs. Bless

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


"CLCC seriously do you need to be taught right from wrong to to cause harm loss or damage to any fellow human being ?

And are you saying you dont stand under common law ?

That is not Common Law. How many times do you have to be told?



Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Blocked lol for having an opinion lol. Really kinky

Offftt someone raging cause they got blocked lmao

My my take it in the chin dude and move on lol

Dude. Lol. I dnt really give a flying fuck to be honest. Just thought how childish.

Right you dont give a fuck but thought you would bring it up !'? Ok then someones raging learn to take it on the chin lol

What an angry person. Take deep breaths and breath deeply. Get all that aggression out. Come on you can do it. Maybe you will feel better Sunday when the easter bunny brings you your easter eggs. Bless "

Person ? Who is this person ? I am a man not person lol oh just confused you didnt i ? Hehehehe

Oh am very happy and not one bit angry

Although you brough up being blocked you seem pissed off at that why else would you bring it up ? Lmao

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"CLCC seriously do you need to be taught right from wrong to to cause harm loss or damage to any fellow human being ?

And are you saying you dont stand under common law ?

That is not Common Law. How many times do you have to be told?



Claim doon dude

You believe what you want doesnt bother me lol

Clearly your all raging lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Blocked lol for having an opinion lol. Really kinky

Offftt someone raging cause they got blocked lmao

My my take it in the chin dude and move on lol

Dude. Lol. I dnt really give a flying fuck to be honest. Just thought how childish.

Right you dont give a fuck but thought you would bring it up !'? Ok then someones raging learn to take it on the chin lol

What an angry person. Take deep breaths and breath deeply. Get all that aggression out. Come on you can do it. Maybe you will feel better Sunday when the easter bunny brings you your easter eggs. Bless

Person ? Who is this person ? I am a man not person lol oh just confused you didnt i ? Hehehehe

Oh am very happy and not one bit angry

Although you brough up being blocked you seem pissed off at that why else would you bring it up ? Lmao


I dnt know you. I dnt know if you are male or female. You are irrelevant to me so a person you are. Yes I was silly to bring it up as it fed your nasty side and make you think you are more important than you are.

Anyway have a great easter. Hope you get everything you wish for and much much more lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"CLCC seriously do you need to be taught right from wrong to to cause harm loss or damage to any fellow human being ?

And are you saying you dont stand under common law ?


Firstly, Yes, people are taught right from wrong.

Secondly, No, I don't stand under common law. I am subject to all the laws of the UK.

Thirdly, are you honestly saying that you believe that the police can arrest you based purely on their common sense of if you have committed a crime against a law that isn't written down anywhere?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


"CLCC seriously do you need to be taught right from wrong to to cause harm loss or damage to any fellow human being ?

And are you saying you dont stand under common law ?

That is not Common Law. How many times do you have to be told?


Claim doon dude

You believe what you want doesnt bother me lol

Clearly your all raging lol "

It is not about what I believe. The fact is you are talking nonsense. Utter nonsense and making a total fool out of yourself.

Do us all a favour. Google: Common Law and paste the results here. Please do it now.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"CLCC seriously do you need to be taught right from wrong to to cause harm loss or damage to any fellow human being ?

And are you saying you dont stand under common law ?

That is not Common Law. How many times do you have to be told?


Claim doon dude

You believe what you want doesnt bother me lol

Clearly your all raging lol

It is not about what I believe. The fact is you are talking nonsense. Utter nonsense and making a total fool out of yourself.

Do us all a favour. Google: Common Law and paste the results here. Please do it now."

Kinky gets very upset when you tell them they are factually incorrect. They prefer their feelings, and if something feels right to them, then it is right, regardless of the facts.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"CLCC seriously do you need to be taught right from wrong to to cause harm loss or damage to any fellow human being ?

And are you saying you dont stand under common law ?

Firstly, Yes, people are taught right from wrong.

Secondly, No, I don't stand under common law. I am subject to all the laws of the UK.

Thirdly, are you honestly saying that you believe that the police can arrest you based purely on their common sense of if you have committed a crime against a law that isn't written down anywhere? "

Oh my you honestly just said you dont stand under common law offtt not cause harm loss or damage thats not good CLCC

Fucking hell its common fucking sense not to harm cause loss or damage duh!!!! You do any of those and yes thats a crime and should be arrested

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


So Google "What is Common Law" and post the results here, and let us see if it says what you say it is.

Please do it now.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"CLCC seriously do you need to be taught right from wrong to to cause harm loss or damage to any fellow human being ?

And are you saying you dont stand under common law ?

That is not Common Law. How many times do you have to be told?


Claim doon dude

You believe what you want doesnt bother me lol

Clearly your all raging lol

It is not about what I believe. The fact is you are talking nonsense. Utter nonsense and making a total fool out of yourself.

Do us all a favour. Google: Common Law and paste the results here. Please do it now.

Kinky gets very upset when you tell them they are factually incorrect. They prefer their feelings, and if something feels right to them, then it is right, regardless of the facts. "

Off you really believe that eh lmao

How many more times i dont give shit if you dint believe me

You want me to yield not a fucking chance in hell! Lol

Your the ones all raging my night is fucking awesome lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"CLCC seriously do you need to be taught right from wrong to to cause harm loss or damage to any fellow human being ?

And are you saying you dont stand under common law ?

Firstly, Yes, people are taught right from wrong.

Secondly, No, I don't stand under common law. I am subject to all the laws of the UK.

Thirdly, are you honestly saying that you believe that the police can arrest you based purely on their common sense of if you have committed a crime against a law that isn't written down anywhere?

Oh my you honestly just said you dont stand under common law offtt not cause harm loss or damage thats not good CLCC

Fucking hell its common fucking sense not to harm cause loss or damage duh!!!! You do any of those and yes thats a crime and should be arrested "

It's a crime against a law that isn't written down anywhere?

So any policeman can arrest you if you have caused harm, loss, or damage? That's it? That's as much guidance as is available?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"So Google "What is Common Law" and post the results here, and let us see if it says what you say it is.

Please do it now."

Is that a request or an order ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Your all gonna claim Acts are laws ?

Right then under what law then does it say i should be enforced to have a tv licence ?

Name the law ? I bet yiu lot will oussy out of answering it hehehehehehehe

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


Amazing how you dare not Google Common Law and post the results.

What are you frightened of?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Your all gonna claim Acts are laws ?

Right then under what law then does it say i should be enforced to have a tv licence ?

Name the law ? I bet yiu lot will oussy out of answering it hehehehehehehe "

But if I'm a police office, and my common sense tells me that not paying a TV licence caused loss or harm, then I can arrest you.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Your all gonna claim Acts are laws ?

Right then under what law then does it say i should be enforced to have a tv licence ?

Name the law ? I bet yiu lot will oussy out of answering it hehehehehehehe "

You've already stated that you don't meet the criteria set out for having a TV licence, but as I posted earlier if you do meet the criteria then the below applies, but I'm sure you'll conveniently over look this...again...

The requirement to hold a TV Licence and to pay a fee for it is mandated by law under the Communications Act 2003 and Communications (Television Licensing) Regulations 2004 (as amended). It is an offence to watch or record television programmes as they are being shown on any channel and on any broadcast platform (terrestrial, satellite, cable and the internet) or download or watch BBC programmes on demand, including catch up TV, on BBC iPlayer without a valid TV Licence.

Section 363 of the Communications Act 2003 makes it an offence to install or use a television receiver to watch or record any television programmes as they’re being shown on television without a TV Licence.

Section 365 of that Act requires that a person to whom a TV Licence is issued must pay a fee to the BBC. The nature and amount of this fee is set out in the Communications (Television Licensing) Regulations 2004 (as amended).

Since 1991, the BBC, in its role as the relevant licensing authority, has been responsible for collecting and enforcing the TV Licence fee. The BBC contracts companies to do this work under the BBC trade mark ‘TV Licensing’. The BBC (and contractors acting on its behalf) must comply with the law in collecting and enforcing the licence fee. The BBC Charter further requires that these arrangements be appropriate, proportionate and efficient.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

I totaly get it though

You lot wanna follow rules Acts and Statues without questioning and challenging it

Just happy to go along in life following orders without questioning it

Where as others like Rosa Parks , Nelson Mandela and JC himself the messiah and Malcom X Martin Luther King

All of them questioned things and challenged things instead of being rules over

But hey i get you want a simpe life of following orders from the masters thats your choice

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Amazing how you dare not Google Common Law and post the results.

What are you frightened of?"

Is it a request or an order simple question ?

Is google always right do you always trust the internet never lies eh ? Lmao

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Your all gonna claim Acts are laws ?

Right then under what law then does it say i should be enforced to have a tv licence ?

Name the law ? I bet yiu lot will oussy out of answering it hehehehehehehe

But if I'm a police office, and my common sense tells me that not paying a TV licence caused loss or harm, then I can arrest you. "

Right kinky? I could arrest you for not having a TV licence, if it made common sense to me?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


So you can't use Google then to find material written by a professor of law that can be trusted?

How do they teach what Common Law is on law degree courses then?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"So you can't use Google then to find material written by a professor of law that can be trusted?

How do they teach what Common Law is on law degree courses then?


Why waste 3 years on a law degree when all police have to do is use their common sense.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"So you can't use Google then to find material written by a professor of law that can be trusted?

How do they teach what Common Law is on law degree courses then?


Putting words in my mouth lol

Is it a request or an order ?

Ps am am asking you do you believe everying on google ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Your all gonna claim Acts are laws ?

Right then under what law then does it say i should be enforced to have a tv licence ?

Name the law ? I bet yiu lot will oussy out of answering it hehehehehehehe

But if I'm a police office, and my common sense tells me that not paying a TV licence caused loss or harm, then I can arrest you.

Right kinky? I could arrest you for not having a TV licence, if it made common sense to me? "


Right under what law do i require a tv licence you made the claim Acts are law so what law says i 100% need a tv licence then ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


So you won't post the result of a Google search, because you know it doesn't support what you say.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Your all gonna claim Acts are laws ?

Right then under what law then does it say i should be enforced to have a tv licence ?

Name the law ? I bet yiu lot will oussy out of answering it hehehehehehehe

But if I'm a police office, and my common sense tells me that not paying a TV licence caused loss or harm, then I can arrest you.

Right kinky? I could arrest you for not having a TV licence, if it made common sense to me?


Right under what law do i require a tv licence you made the claim Acts are law so what law says i 100% need a tv licence then ?


Well common law of course. If you are using a TV without a licence, that is causing a loss to the BBC. So I could arrest you.

Why are you asking me which law, there is only 1 singular law, common law, right?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"So you won't post the result of a Google search, because you know it doesn't support what you say."

Is it a request or an order ?

Again your putting words in my mouth

Do you trust everything on google ? It would be piss poor to say yes lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

The tv licence is an Act

So CLCC you were bold enough to say Acts are law ok then name the law that states i 100% need a tv licence ?

I bet you cant prove me wrong lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


"So you won't post the result of a Google search, because you know it doesn't support what you say.

Is it a request or an order ?

Again your putting words in my mouth

Do you trust everything on google ? It would be piss poor to say yes lol "

So post one that you trust and let us see what is says and whether you agree with it, and if not, why not.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"The tv licence is an Act

So CLCC you were bold enough to say Acts are law ok then name the law that states i 100% need a tv licence ?

I bet you cant prove me wrong lol


If you are using a TV without a licence, you are causing a loss to the BBC, so you are guilty under common law. Right?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

An Act of Parliament is a law, enforced in all areas of the UK where it is applicable, how is this so hard to understand.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"The tv licence is an Act

So CLCC you were bold enough to say Acts are law ok then name the law that states i 100% need a tv licence ?

I bet you cant prove me wrong lol

If you are using a TV without a licence, you are causing a loss to the BBC, so you are guilty under common law. Right? "

Double standards you demand i answer you but you wont answer mine fine well you wont get answer until you answer mine seem fair

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"So you won't post the result of a Google search, because you know it doesn't support what you say.

Is it a request or an order ?

Again your putting words in my mouth

Do you trust everything on google ? It would be piss poor to say yes lol

So post one that you trust and let us see what is says and whether you agree with it, and if not, why not."

Is it a request or an order ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"An Act of Parliament is a law, enforced in all areas of the UK where it is applicable, how is this so hard to understand. "

Another one lol

Right so you claim Acts are law

Ok under what law do i require a tv licence ?

Under what law do i have to register to vote ? Lmao

Should be piss easy to find these laws eh ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


You won't do it, because you know it doesn't say what you say it is.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"The tv licence is an Act

So CLCC you were bold enough to say Acts are law ok then name the law that states i 100% need a tv licence ?

I bet you cant prove me wrong lol

If you are using a TV without a licence, you are causing a loss to the BBC, so you are guilty under common law. Right?

Double standards you demand i answer you but you wont answer mine fine well you wont get answer until you answer mine seem fair "

I'm wrong kinky, I thought that acts were laws, but that's not the case, you have educated me to the error of my ways.

It's under common law that you need a TV licence to watch TV, otherwise you are causing a loss to the BBC and can be arrested, Right?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Seeing as this thread started about politicians visiting places I'll just add this.....

Nicola sturgeon was visiting a primary school when she was asked by one of the teachers if she'd help take her class. They were studying words and today's word was tragedy so wee Nicola asked the class if anyone could use the word tragedy in a sentence. A wee boy at the front put his hand up and says its a tragedy that his pal got killed by a tractor while helping in his dads fields, Nicola replies no I'm sorry that's not a tragedy that's an accident, can anyone else try and use it correctly. So this time a wee girl puts her hand up and says it's a tragedy when the school bus carrying 20 of her school friends home had a terrible crash and all the kids died. Nicola says no I'm sorry that's not a tragedy either that's a great loss. So a wee boy puts his hand up and says it's a tragedy when a plane carrying you and your deputy are hit by a friendly fire missile and blown to smithereens. Nicola is beaming now as she says yes that's it, that's a tragedy. Now son can you tell me why it's a tragedy to which the wee boy replies well it'll be no great loss and I doubt very much whether it'll be an accident so it must be a tragedy

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I totaly get it though

You lot wanna follow rules Acts and Statues without questioning and challenging it

Just happy to go along in life following orders without questioning it

Where as others like Rosa Parks , Nelson Mandela and JC himself the messiah and Malcom X Martin Luther King

All of them questioned things and challenged things instead of being rules over

But hey i get you want a simpe life of following orders from the masters thats your choice "

Aye. Cos watching crap youtube clips and speaking crap on a swingers site forum is totally gonna change the world. Go Kinky!!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"You won't do it, because you know it doesn't say what you say it is.


Fucking hell is it a request or an order ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"I totaly get it though

You lot wanna follow rules Acts and Statues without questioning and challenging it

Just happy to go along in life following orders without questioning it

Where as others like Rosa Parks , Nelson Mandela and JC himself the messiah and Malcom X Martin Luther King

All of them questioned things and challenged things instead of being rules over

But hey i get you want a simpe life of following orders from the masters thats your choice

Aye. Cos watching crap youtube clips and speaking crap on a swingers site forum is totally gonna change the world. Go Kinky!! "

Stranger danger!!!!!

You seem to know what i do without meeting me or knowing me lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


When you're prepared to post the results of a Google search on Common Law and have a discussion, then let me know. Until then, I'm not going to bother with you.

You expect others to post laws about tv licences, even though you have ignored the fact that someone posted all the sections just a few minutes ago, but you won't post any results about Common Law.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"An Act of Parliament is a law, enforced in all areas of the UK where it is applicable, how is this so hard to understand.

Another one lol

Right so you claim Acts are law

Ok under what law do i require a tv licence ?

Under what law do i have to register to vote ? Lmao

Should be piss easy to find these laws eh ?"

You don't need a TV licence because you've already stated you don't watch live TV or use the Iplayer, so it's really a moot point.

But as I posted above, and correctly guessed you'd ignore it's all contained within the Communications Act, the key phrase being mandated by law.

Your arguement is as stupid as me demanding to know what law dictates that I need a gun licence when I don't have a gun.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

As of yet not a single one of you can quote me a law that states i need a tv licence or need to register

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"When you're prepared to post the results of a Google search on Common Law and have a discussion, then let me know. Until then, I'm not going to bother with you.

You expect others to post laws about tv licences, even though you have ignored the fact that someone posted all the sections just a few minutes ago, but you won't post any results about Common Law."

Ok cheerio

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"The tv licence is an Act

So CLCC you were bold enough to say Acts are law ok then name the law that states i 100% need a tv licence ?

I bet you cant prove me wrong lol

If you are using a TV without a licence, you are causing a loss to the BBC, so you are guilty under common law. Right?

Double standards you demand i answer you but you wont answer mine fine well you wont get answer until you answer mine seem fair

I'm wrong kinky, I thought that acts were laws, but that's not the case, you have educated me to the error of my ways.

It's under common law that you need a TV licence to watch TV, otherwise you are causing a loss to the BBC and can be arrested, Right? "

Right Kinky? People watching TV without a licence can be arrested under common law.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"The tv licence is an Act

So CLCC you were bold enough to say Acts are law ok then name the law that states i 100% need a tv licence ?

I bet you cant prove me wrong lol

If you are using a TV without a licence, you are causing a loss to the BBC, so you are guilty under common law. Right?

Double standards you demand i answer you but you wont answer mine fine well you wont get answer until you answer mine seem fair

I'm wrong kinky, I thought that acts were laws, but that's not the case, you have educated me to the error of my ways.

It's under common law that you need a TV licence to watch TV, otherwise you are causing a loss to the BBC and can be arrested, Right?

Right Kinky? People watching TV without a licence can be arrested under common law."

Sober up your now talking to yourself lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"The tv licence is an Act

So CLCC you were bold enough to say Acts are law ok then name the law that states i 100% need a tv licence ?

I bet you cant prove me wrong lol

If you are using a TV without a licence, you are causing a loss to the BBC, so you are guilty under common law. Right?

Double standards you demand i answer you but you wont answer mine fine well you wont get answer until you answer mine seem fair

I'm wrong kinky, I thought that acts were laws, but that's not the case, you have educated me to the error of my ways.

It's under common law that you need a TV licence to watch TV, otherwise you are causing a loss to the BBC and can be arrested, Right?

Right Kinky? People watching TV without a licence can be arrested under common law.

Sober up your now talking to yourself lol "

Well that's what you have said. If someone causes loss or harm, they can be arrested.

Watching a TV without a licence caused harm to the BBC. So they can be arrested under common law.

Independence would cause harm to the people of Scotland, so anyone suggesting it can be arrested, Right?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I totaly get it though

You lot wanna follow rules Acts and Statues without questioning and challenging it

Just happy to go along in life following orders without questioning it

Where as others like Rosa Parks , Nelson Mandela and JC himself the messiah and Malcom X Martin Luther King

All of them questioned things and challenged things instead of being rules over

But hey i get you want a simpe life of following orders from the masters thats your choice

Aye. Cos watching crap youtube clips and speaking crap on a swingers site forum is totally gonna change the world. Go Kinky!!

Stranger danger!!!!!

You seem to know what i do without meeting me or knowing me lol "

Well given that you often post links to crap youtube videos on here for all to see, and that you speak crap on this swingers site forum for all to see... don't think it takes a stalker to say that's what you do!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"An Act of Parliament is a law, enforced in all areas of the UK where it is applicable, how is this so hard to understand.

Another one lol

Right so you claim Acts are law

Ok under what law do i require a tv licence ?

Under what law do i have to register to vote ? Lmao

Should be piss easy to find these laws eh ?

You don't need a TV licence because you've already stated you don't watch live TV or use the Iplayer, so it's really a moot point.

But as I posted above, and correctly guessed you'd ignore it's all contained within the Communications Act, the key phrase being mandated by law.

Your arguement is as stupid as me demanding to know what law dictates that I need a gun licence when I don't have a gun."

Yup so how can it be a law ? If i dont need a tv licence ? Lmao

They need consent and for you to enter a contact with them

Acts need consent withiut that they cannot be forced but hey its upto you i dont care

Its you lot that are raging claim doon lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"I totaly get it though

You lot wanna follow rules Acts and Statues without questioning and challenging it

Just happy to go along in life following orders without questioning it

Where as others like Rosa Parks , Nelson Mandela and JC himself the messiah and Malcom X Martin Luther King

All of them questioned things and challenged things instead of being rules over

But hey i get you want a simpe life of following orders from the masters thats your choice

Aye. Cos watching crap youtube clips and speaking crap on a swingers site forum is totally gonna change the world. Go Kinky!!

Stranger danger!!!!!

You seem to know what i do without meeting me or knowing me lol

Well given that you often post links to crap youtube videos on here for all to see, and that you speak crap on this swingers site forum for all to see... don't think it takes a stalker to say that's what you do! "

Stranger danger lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"The tv licence is an Act

So CLCC you were bold enough to say Acts are law ok then name the law that states i 100% need a tv licence ?

I bet you cant prove me wrong lol

If you are using a TV without a licence, you are causing a loss to the BBC, so you are guilty under common law. Right?

Double standards you demand i answer you but you wont answer mine fine well you wont get answer until you answer mine seem fair

I'm wrong kinky, I thought that acts were laws, but that's not the case, you have educated me to the error of my ways.

It's under common law that you need a TV licence to watch TV, otherwise you are causing a loss to the BBC and can be arrested, Right?

Right Kinky? People watching TV without a licence can be arrested under common law.

Sober up your now talking to yourself lol

Well that's what you have said. If someone causes loss or harm, they can be arrested.

Watching a TV without a licence caused harm to the BBC. So they can be arrested under common law.

Independence would cause harm to the people of Scotland, so anyone suggesting it can be arrested, Right? "

Sober up lmao

You have yet to name a law that states i require a tv licence thats cause there is no damn law its an Act haha lol which needs consent without that then no law can be enforced but you go ahead be ruled by rules and orders see if i care lol

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


So, according to Kinky, if I were to become a policeman, I could arrest the PM and stop Brexit because it would be harming the country.

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"The tv licence is an Act

So CLCC you were bold enough to say Acts are law ok then name the law that states i 100% need a tv licence ?

I bet you cant prove me wrong lol

If you are using a TV without a licence, you are causing a loss to the BBC, so you are guilty under common law. Right?

Double standards you demand i answer you but you wont answer mine fine well you wont get answer until you answer mine seem fair

I'm wrong kinky, I thought that acts were laws, but that's not the case, you have educated me to the error of my ways.

It's under common law that you need a TV licence to watch TV, otherwise you are causing a loss to the BBC and can be arrested, Right?

Right Kinky? People watching TV without a licence can be arrested under common law.

Sober up your now talking to yourself lol

Well that's what you have said. If someone causes loss or harm, they can be arrested.

Watching a TV without a licence caused harm to the BBC. So they can be arrested under common law.

Independence would cause harm to the people of Scotland, so anyone suggesting it can be arrested, Right?

Sober up lmao

You have yet to name a law that states i require a tv licence thats cause there is no damn law its an Act haha lol which needs consent without that then no law can be enforced but you go ahead be ruled by rules and orders see if i care lol "

COMMON LAW, that's what you keep telling us kinky. It's causing a loss to the BBC, so you can be arrested.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

an Act needs consent without that then no law can be enforced

Road traffic Act says it in the damn title Act duh!!!!

So without consent no law can be enforced

If you were to cause harm or injury to someone in car on the road then thats commiting a crime

You could travel 100mph on the roads in car without crashing into anyone you havent cause harm or injury no law is been broken

The road traffic Act needs consent from the man or woman

Oh and before anyone starts

Yes i dont believe people should go 100mph on roads its not smart but they could

Its all about standing up for your rights and not let people walk over you and give your rights away

A policeman or woman took an oath to keep the peace and make sure no one is harmed injured or had loss to them ( common law)

Police officers are there to enforce Acts on you to get money from you

I totally get it you have never challendmfed or questioned this just followed orders and rules

Do you believe like Rosa Parks , Martin Luther King , Nelson Mandela , Jesus Christ were all in the wrong ?

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


Look at the most modest poster on all of the forums comparing themselves to Jesus!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Look at the most modest poster on all of the forums comparing themselves to Jesus!


Offfttt now where did i say that ?

Lol your too easy to wind up

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Look at the most modest poster on all of the forums comparing themselves to Jesus!

Offfttt now where did i say that ?

Lol your too easy to wind up "

You're too good at making a tit of yourself!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

So CLCC where did i compare myself to Jesus eh ?

Notice you only picked him out of everyone i mentioned that suited your wee agenda eh to try and make iut i was comparing myself to Jesus which i wasnt

Simply naming people that stood up and challenged and questioned things

But hey dont let that get in the way of your bullshit eh lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"I totaly get it though

You lot wanna follow rules Acts and Statues without questioning and challenging it

Just happy to go along in life following orders without questioning it

Where as others like Rosa Parks , Nelson Mandela and JC himself the messiah and Malcom X Martin Luther King

All of them questioned things and challenged things instead of being rules over

But hey i get you want a simpe life of following orders from the masters thats your choice "

i will end up saying something that will probably end up getting be a 48/72hr ban.... so i will say this nicely because you have got me fuming right now with your trolling...

please don't even use those names again in conjunction with one of your inane posts...

those people when thru an actual struggle.... people I personally know went thru that struggle.... you do them a huge disservice by trying to use them in relations to yet another load of drivel from you...

so i will report you and this post... its not something i do very often, but your lack of judgement is stunning....

i want to write things a lot stronger than this, those people would say turn the other cheek... but i can only overlook "stupid" so much...

this is next level "stupid"......

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By *ercuryMan  over a year ago


"an Act needs consent without that then no law can be enforced

Road traffic Act says it in the damn title Act duh!!!!

So without consent no law can be enforced

If you were to cause harm or injury to someone in car on the road then thats commiting a crime

You could travel 100mph on the roads in car without crashing into anyone you havent cause harm or injury no law is been broken

The road traffic Act needs consent from the man or woman

Oh and before anyone starts

Yes i dont believe people should go 100mph on roads its not smart but they could

Its all about standing up for your rights and not let people walk over you and give your rights away

A policeman or woman took an oath to keep the peace and make sure no one is harmed injured or had loss to them ( common law)

Police officers are there to enforce Acts on you to get money from you

I totally get it you have never challendmfed or questioned this just followed orders and rules

Do you believe like Rosa Parks , Martin Luther King , Nelson Mandela , Jesus Christ were all in the wrong ?


You are just one hell of a misguided simple twat!

Hundreds of posts and that's my strongest yet. Ban me if you want, but it'll be worth it!

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Fabio i will say this nicely please do not tell me what names i can or cannot say ok

I know they went through struggle and stood ip and challenged things and am proud of every single one of them

Do dint give your pish telling me what i can and cant say who made you boss of the forums ?

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"an Act needs consent without that then no law can be enforced

Road traffic Act says it in the damn title Act duh!!!!

So without consent no law can be enforced

If you were to cause harm or injury to someone in car on the road then thats commiting a crime

You could travel 100mph on the roads in car without crashing into anyone you havent cause harm or injury no law is been broken

The road traffic Act needs consent from the man or woman

Oh and before anyone starts

Yes i dont believe people should go 100mph on roads its not smart but they could

Its all about standing up for your rights and not let people walk over you and give your rights away

A policeman or woman took an oath to keep the peace and make sure no one is harmed injured or had loss to them ( common law)

Police officers are there to enforce Acts on you to get money from you

I totally get it you have never challendmfed or questioned this just followed orders and rules

Do you believe like Rosa Parks , Martin Luther King , Nelson Mandela , Jesus Christ were all in the wrong ?

You are just one hell of a misguided simple twat!

Hundreds of posts and that's my strongest yet. Ban me if you want, but it'll be worth it!"

Right and i suppose name calling is ok ? That dude is classed as bullying

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