
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Politics > What wont make the BBC news dor the public to know

What wont make the BBC news dor the public to know

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Today thanks to Wings over Scotland

We have learned non party organstion "Scotland in the union " appear to have breached the data protection act by revealing quite a few personal details of donators

Oh and we also see 9 donators have given £7,499 that would be £1 below what the electoral commission require as that is £7,500

Strange that these well off toffs know to give £7,499 and Scotland in the union wouldnt need to register as a party but they sure as hell and go round putting their shite in the scotsman , Barrhead travel and co

Oh well you wont see that on the BBC news anything that damages the rUK is not allowed to be known its all hush hush

If they had baws they would report it too the police that data protection has been breached and pro unionists should should be pissed off as their names could so easy be on that list

Oh well "Scotland in the Unions" trust and image has gone lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Maybe the same people that gave the dup 400,000 to canvas for brexit?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Maybe those who donated did not want to be public about there political beliefs. ....Or maybe they did not want the demented turning up at there doorstep and calling for there product/service to be boycotted by the swivel eyed loons. Me im happy to have my Tunnocks tea cakes with a cuppa

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Maybe those who donated did not want to be public about there political beliefs. ....Or maybe they did not want the demented turning up at there doorstep and calling for there product/service to be boycotted by the swivel eyed loons. Me im happy to have my Tunnocks tea cakes with a cuppa "

Milli are you happy to see Scotland in the union breaching data protection ?

As a fellow pro union supporter you should be thanking Wings over Scotland for exposing Scotland in the union breaching the data protection

Would you want this kinda shit to be covered up ?

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By *ilent.KnightMan  over a year ago


Other than wings, who else has reported on this ? I would have guessed many a pro independent media outlet would have jumped on this. Why pick on the bbc ?

My guess is that any news company is waiting for it to a ratified breach. As it is their is very limited evidence to show it is actually their spreadsheet other than “we think it’s real because we phone a few people up”.

(Again, not saying it isn’t real. Just there is a burden of proof needed that wings have not made public.)

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Other than wings, who else has reported on this ? I would have guessed many a pro independent media outlet would have jumped on this. Why pick on the bbc ?

My guess is that any news company is waiting for it to a ratified breach. As it is their is very limited evidence to show it is actually their spreadsheet other than “we think it’s real because we phone a few people up”.

(Again, not saying it isn’t real. Just there is a burden of proof needed that wings have not made public.)"

Why pick on the BBC you really just asked that ? Lmao

Yeah ok the media are waiting to see if a breach has happened yeah my arse

The BBC are known for given out news without any evidence

Infact see in Scotland if Scottish Labour branch hand the BBC anything the BBC will report that as gospel

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By *ilent.KnightMan  over a year ago


"Other than wings, who else has reported on this ? I would have guessed many a pro independent media outlet would have jumped on this. Why pick on the bbc ?

My guess is that any news company is waiting for it to a ratified breach. As it is their is very limited evidence to show it is actually their spreadsheet other than “we think it’s real because we phone a few people up”.

(Again, not saying it isn’t real. Just there is a burden of proof needed that wings have not made public.)

Why pick on the BBC you really just asked that ? Lmao

Yeah ok the media are waiting to see if a breach has happened yeah my arse

The BBC are known for given out news without any evidence

Infact see in Scotland if Scottish Labour branch hand the BBC anything the BBC will report that as gospel


why has no one else reported ? If it really is bbc bias. You’ve dismissed my suggestion (or are the bbc really the only agency who publish without evidence) so can you provide your own ?

Here’s my second suggestion. No one sees it as a big news story. Because, as you say, they’re not a political party.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

I honestly say one night sit and watch Reporting Scotland on the BBC and see how bad the unionist Bird is lol

It will start off with the Scottish NHS is in meltdown this Xmas critics say

What BBC Scotland mean when they say critics say that code for pro unionist branch offices say like Jackie Baillie ,Willie Rennie and its suppose to be gospel

Remember now Jackie Baillie caught out lying about the council tax freeze she claimed she never supposed that but she is on youtube saying yes she is ok council tax freeze

Thats why so many wont give the BBC a fucking penny anymore and god knows i dont miss live tv anymore its alot of shite and you save £147 rather than give it to gravy train fannies

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Other than wings, who else has reported on this ? I would have guessed many a pro independent media outlet would have jumped on this. Why pick on the bbc ?

My guess is that any news company is waiting for it to a ratified breach. As it is their is very limited evidence to show it is actually their spreadsheet other than “we think it’s real because we phone a few people up”.

(Again, not saying it isn’t real. Just there is a burden of proof needed that wings have not made public.)

Why pick on the BBC you really just asked that ? Lmao

Yeah ok the media are waiting to see if a breach has happened yeah my arse

The BBC are known for given out news without any evidence

Infact see in Scotland if Scottish Labour branch hand the BBC anything the BBC will report that as gospel

why has no one else reported ? If it really is bbc bias. You’ve dismissed my suggestion (or are the bbc really the only agency who publish without evidence) so can you provide your own ?

Here’s my second suggestion. No one sees it as a big news story. Because, as you say, they’re not a political party.


not big news ? Wow no matter the UK is fucked so its not big news that data protection looks very likely to have been breached lol

Now i know there is no crime to donate money but its ok to ask questions why do these donators know to give £7,499 there fore knowing it wont breach what the electoral commission require as its £7,500 that looks very shady to keep Scotland in the union flying under the radar as a non politicly party and they can shove as much shite in letter to anyone that want

Corrupt as fuck

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By *ilent.KnightMan  over a year ago


No. It keeps the donations under the radar. There are plenty of donations above the limit.

And yes. The size of this breach is, in itself, not newsworthy. Only if the entity breaching is.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"No. It keeps the donations under the radar. There are plenty of donations above the limit.

And yes. The size of this breach is, in itself, not newsworthy. Only if the entity breaching is. "

Ah right so its a case of hear no evil ,see no evil , speak no evil

So lets not challenge why donators seem to know to give £7,499

See thats what is wrong with peolke now a days couldnt give a fuck if the elite toffs are screwing you over if you dont see it all is fine

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

100% agree with this comment on social media

''When a blogger from Bath can do investigative journalism and uncover a conspiracy to affect public perception through media manipulation, exposing colluders and backers, in two days, you can conclude all "Scottish" journalists are incompetent or accomplices''

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Oh please do not deny unionists are not sending out letters in to affect public perception of anti SNP and anti independence shite

Now weird as hell unionists keep telling us all an independence referendum is not wanted and independence is killed off yet strange that we have well known unionists writing letters and the Scotland in the union getting bungs from wealthy donators

He is what Ally Cameron said just so you know am not lying with this shit

''we must not advertise the existence of the group. It can be mentioned verbally, in safe environment, that some people share letters/encourage each other, but anything more risks editors discriminating, nationalists reacting, and this diverse group being portrayed as a monolithic campaign''

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


How is this a political issue? If a breach has been made, it will be investigated by the ICO and appropriate action taken. There is nothing to report to the police.

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"100% agree with this comment on social media

''When a blogger from Bath can do investigative journalism and uncover a conspiracy to affect public perception through media manipulation, exposing colluders and backers, in two days, you can conclude all "Scottish" journalists are incompetent or accomplices''"

Can you imagine what the OP said if I, or another poster, had said that all Scottish journalists were incompetent?

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"How is this a political issue? If a breach has been made, it will be investigated by the ICO and appropriate action taken. There is nothing to report to the police. "

check again CLCC they may not be a political party but are you honestly sitting there saying Scotland in the union do not post anything political and anti SNP ?

So while your here CLCC whats your views on the Green ink gang ? Lol look at my above post hehehe

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"How is this a political issue? If a breach has been made, it will be investigated by the ICO and appropriate action taken. There is nothing to report to the police.

check again CLCC they may not be a political party but are you honestly sitting there saying Scotland in the union do not post anything political and anti SNP ?

So while your here CLCC whats your views on the Green ink gang ? Lol look at my above post hehehe "

Why are you adding that bollocks to my post. I said the ICO investigate DPA related breaches, that's all. Stop implying stuff that wasn't written in then faking astonishment.

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By *ilent.KnightMan  over a year ago


"Oh please do not deny unionists are not sending out letters in to affect public perception of anti SNP and anti independence shite

Now weird as hell unionists keep telling us all an independence referendum is not wanted and independence is killed off yet strange that we have well known unionists writing letters and the Scotland in the union getting bungs from wealthy donators

He is what Ally Cameron said just so you know am not lying with this shit

''we must not advertise the existence of the group. It can be mentioned verbally, in safe environment, that some people share letters/encourage each other, but anything more risks editors discriminating, nationalists reacting, and this diverse group being portrayed as a monolithic campaign''


hes not wrong tho eh ?

And since when are donations bungs? Emotional language like this undermines any rational debate.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Oh please do not deny unionists are not sending out letters in to affect public perception of anti SNP and anti independence shite

Now weird as hell unionists keep telling us all an independence referendum is not wanted and independence is killed off yet strange that we have well known unionists writing letters and the Scotland in the union getting bungs from wealthy donators

He is what Ally Cameron said just so you know am not lying with this shit

''we must not advertise the existence of the group. It can be mentioned verbally, in safe environment, that some people share letters/encourage each other, but anything more risks editors discriminating, nationalists reacting, and this diverse group being portrayed as a monolithic campaign''

hes not wrong tho eh ?

And since when are donations bungs? Emotional language like this undermines any rational debate. "

Well last time i checked Scotland is in the UK so the question is what got that spooked they have to give money away to an organstion that doesnt really need to exist lol

Must be shitting bricks hehehe

Anyway you think Ally Cameron is right to keep his wee group hidden ? So if independence has been killed off why is it this group fear so much they have to keep up with there anti SNP and anti independence shit but no no nothing on any anti unionist parties must defend the union at all costs

Believe me the Better Together are still together red and blue Tories cant them apart

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By *ilent.KnightMan  over a year ago


Has anyone said independence is dead ? Odd straw man to throw out there.

Tbh from what I can see they come across as a slightly better funded, slightly more polished version of wings. Both seem to have an *anti* view of the world rather than talking positive language about their side of the argument and so preach to the converted while taunting the heathens.

They exist because the other side exist. And in today’s social media echo chamber you are likely to lose without the zealots and zeabots.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Has anyone said independence is dead ? Odd straw man to throw out there.

Tbh from what I can see they come across as a slightly better funded, slightly more polished version of wings. Both seem to have an *anti* view of the world rather than talking positive language about their side of the argument and so preach to the converted while taunting the heathens.

They exist because the other side exist. And in today’s social media echo chamber you are likely to lose without the zealots and zeabots. "

Oh just every unionist that quotes a poll that shows no in the lead

But when you look it really that havent denied nothing and its on the rise with latest poll and no campagin on independence has even started or no final brexit deal is known not bad starting place i say near neck and neck

Erm hello in 2014 it was a no vote Scotland is in the UK so what do they fear that they have to keep writing shit ? I mean they voters are on their side right ? Or is it shitting bricks that the pro indy side is on the rise so it protect the UK at any damn cost

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Has anyone said independence is dead ? Odd straw man to throw out there.

Tbh from what I can see they come across as a slightly better funded, slightly more polished version of wings. Both seem to have an *anti* view of the world rather than talking positive language about their side of the argument and so preach to the converted while taunting the heathens.

They exist because the other side exist. And in today’s social media echo chamber you are likely to lose without the zealots and zeabots.

Oh just every unionist that quotes a poll that shows no in the lead

But when you look it really that havent denied nothing and its on the rise with latest poll and no campagin on independence has even started or no final brexit deal is known not bad starting place i say near neck and neck

Erm hello in 2014 it was a no vote Scotland is in the UK so what do they fear that they have to keep writing shit ? I mean they voters are on their side right ? Or is it shitting bricks that the pro indy side is on the rise so it protect the UK at any damn cost "

Every poll YOU quote shows Scotland doesn't want to be independent!

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Today thanks to Wings over Scotland

We have learned non party organstion "Scotland in the union " appear to have breached the data protection act by revealing quite a few personal details of donators

Oh and we also see 9 donators have given £7,499 that would be £1 below what the electoral commission require as that is £7,500

Strange that these well off toffs know to give £7,499 and Scotland in the union wouldnt need to register as a party but they sure as hell and go round putting their shite in the scotsman , Barrhead travel and co

Oh well you wont see that on the BBC news anything that damages the rUK is not allowed to be known its all hush hush

If they had baws they would report it too the police that data protection has been breached and pro unionists should should be pissed off as their names could so easy be on that list

Oh well "Scotland in the Unions" trust and image has gone lol "

I hate to be the bringing of bad news, but any political party would potentially tell a donor that......

if you think that there aren't donors of all parties doing the same thing, then you are not as savvy and smart as i would have given you credit for....

I can absolutely tell you that there will be SNP donors doing and taking advantage of the same thing.... it wouldn't suprise me if the rev wings wasn't doing the same thing up to the limit as such

and it is no different in different countries

for example... as a dual uk/us citizen, in the last us election, as an individual i was allowed to give up to $2700 to any one political campaign without having to be named, I can tell you if i want to that I donated to the bernie sanders campaign... I don't have tell you how much! i didn't have to tell you that i donated!

thats why the sanders campaign can tell you how many small individual donations they had... and the average donation, to show you that his campaign was being funded in part by the masses as opposed to a few individuals...

and any good accountant would also probably tell an individual that....

same thing applies to the stock market... which is that if you own more that 10% of a company, you have to be named! which is why a lot of companies will owe up to 9.9% of an entity without having to make the board of other companies aware....

so the story isn't the rule as such, its that the information was breached......

if the arguement you want to make is that the limit shouldn't be as high as 7,500, that is a different one than the one you are wanting to score political points on, but if you want to lower that limit then people will adjust what they give.... and that will affect ALL political parties....

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Has anyone said independence is dead ? Odd straw man to throw out there.

Tbh from what I can see they come across as a slightly better funded, slightly more polished version of wings. Both seem to have an *anti* view of the world rather than talking positive language about their side of the argument and so preach to the converted while taunting the heathens.

They exist because the other side exist. And in today’s social media echo chamber you are likely to lose without the zealots and zeabots.

Oh just every unionist that quotes a poll that shows no in the lead

But when you look it really that havent denied nothing and its on the rise with latest poll and no campagin on independence has even started or no final brexit deal is known not bad starting place i say near neck and neck

Erm hello in 2014 it was a no vote Scotland is in the UK so what do they fear that they have to keep writing shit ? I mean they voters are on their side right ? Or is it shitting bricks that the pro indy side is on the rise so it protect the UK at any damn cost

Every poll YOU quote shows Scotland doesn't want to be independent! "

Ah but a poll is just a poll correct ? its not the truth figure only a sample and i have always said that

The unionists that claim independence has been killed off know they are talking utter bullshit as the polls that they quote show it at 45%+ the latest one was 49% Yes 51% that is near neck and neck without a campaign even started and again we dont know the final brexit deal or if its true that Scotland face being £30billon worse off in a UK brexit

I am willing to wait but it would appear unionists are doing all they can to stop a democratic mandate to hold an independence referendum shitting bricks it would appear lol

They dont get it they can still vote no in an independence referendum but yeah you can smell shite coming from unionist knickers

Like i pointed out why does Scotland in the union even exist remember Scotland voted no to independence in 2014 what in the hell they got to worry about oh wait that people have changed their minds lol

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Today thanks to Wings over Scotland

We have learned non party organstion "Scotland in the union " appear to have breached the data protection act by revealing quite a few personal details of donators

Oh and we also see 9 donators have given £7,499 that would be £1 below what the electoral commission require as that is £7,500

Strange that these well off toffs know to give £7,499 and Scotland in the union wouldnt need to register as a party but they sure as hell and go round putting their shite in the scotsman , Barrhead travel and co

Oh well you wont see that on the BBC news anything that damages the rUK is not allowed to be known its all hush hush

If they had baws they would report it too the police that data protection has been breached and pro unionists should should be pissed off as their names could so easy be on that list

Oh well "Scotland in the Unions" trust and image has gone lol

I hate to be the bringing of bad news, but any political party would potentially tell a donor that......

if you think that there aren't donors of all parties doing the same thing, then you are not as savvy and smart as i would have given you credit for....

I can absolutely tell you that there will be SNP donors doing and taking advantage of the same thing.... it wouldn't suprise me if the rev wings wasn't doing the same thing up to the limit as such

and it is no different in different countries

for example... as a dual uk/us citizen, in the last us election, as an individual i was allowed to give up to $2700 to any one political campaign without having to be named, I can tell you if i want to that I donated to the bernie sanders campaign... I don't have tell you how much! i didn't have to tell you that i donated!

thats why the sanders campaign can tell you how many small individual donations they had... and the average donation, to show you that his campaign was being funded in part by the masses as opposed to a few individuals...

and any good accountant would also probably tell an individual that....

same thing applies to the stock market... which is that if you own more that 10% of a company, you have to be named! which is why a lot of companies will owe up to 9.9% of an entity without having to make the board of other companies aware....

so the story isn't the rule as such, its that the information was breached......

if the arguement you want to make is that the limit shouldn't be as high as 7,500, that is a different one than the one you are wanting to score political points on, but if you want to lower that limit then people will adjust what they give.... and that will affect ALL political parties...."

Wow Fabio thats amazing that accusing that SNP have donors doing the same thing and then accusing Wings over Scotland of doing the same thing but have bugger all evidence to back such a claim up

Go on the floor is yours to show your evidence of this of the point is moot

With the spreadsheet Wings have given the public you can clearly see 9 donors giving Scotland in the union in the sum of £7,499 i wonder how they know you go £1 under so it wont breach what the electoral commission reqiure eh lol

Oh and not to menton the data protection being breached i would think alot of unionists wont be happy bunnies tonight learning their names that list

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Actually scratch that what was i thinking Batshit Jill aka Jill Stephenson and the myth of Mr Brian Spanner are taking it well infact no shame and they believe its stolen data From a public place well they are down the rabbit hole might as well keep digging cause if Scotland in the union have breached data protection goodbye lights out for that organstion lol

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Today thanks to Wings over Scotland

We have learned non party organstion "Scotland in the union " appear to have breached the data protection act by revealing quite a few personal details of donators

Oh and we also see 9 donators have given £7,499 that would be £1 below what the electoral commission require as that is £7,500

Strange that these well off toffs know to give £7,499 and Scotland in the union wouldnt need to register as a party but they sure as hell and go round putting their shite in the scotsman , Barrhead travel and co

Oh well you wont see that on the BBC news anything that damages the rUK is not allowed to be known its all hush hush

If they had baws they would report it too the police that data protection has been breached and pro unionists should should be pissed off as their names could so easy be on that list

Oh well "Scotland in the Unions" trust and image has gone lol

I hate to be the bringing of bad news, but any political party would potentially tell a donor that......

if you think that there aren't donors of all parties doing the same thing, then you are not as savvy and smart as i would have given you credit for....

I can absolutely tell you that there will be SNP donors doing and taking advantage of the same thing.... it wouldn't suprise me if the rev wings wasn't doing the same thing up to the limit as such

and it is no different in different countries

for example... as a dual uk/us citizen, in the last us election, as an individual i was allowed to give up to $2700 to any one political campaign without having to be named, I can tell you if i want to that I donated to the bernie sanders campaign... I don't have tell you how much! i didn't have to tell you that i donated!

thats why the sanders campaign can tell you how many small individual donations they had... and the average donation, to show you that his campaign was being funded in part by the masses as opposed to a few individuals...

and any good accountant would also probably tell an individual that....

same thing applies to the stock market... which is that if you own more that 10% of a company, you have to be named! which is why a lot of companies will owe up to 9.9% of an entity without having to make the board of other companies aware....

so the story isn't the rule as such, its that the information was breached......

if the arguement you want to make is that the limit shouldn't be as high as 7,500, that is a different one than the one you are wanting to score political points on, but if you want to lower that limit then people will adjust what they give.... and that will affect ALL political parties....

Wow Fabio thats amazing that accusing that SNP have donors doing the same thing and then accusing Wings over Scotland of doing the same thing but have bugger all evidence to back such a claim up

Go on the floor is yours to show your evidence of this of the point is moot

With the spreadsheet Wings have given the public you can clearly see 9 donors giving Scotland in the union in the sum of £7,499 i wonder how they know you go £1 under so it wont breach what the electoral commission reqiure eh lol

Oh and not to menton the data protection being breached i would think alot of unionists wont be happy bunnies tonight learning their names that list "

see... you are trying to turn this into a political issue and an anti bbc issue, which it actually isn't...

let me give you an example of what the BBC and other RESPECTED journalism outlets will and won't be able to say giving another example that happened a few years ago....

remember when the BNP had a upsurge in the polls a few years back.... well remember at the time there was a huge leak of what was proported to be their entire membership and donation list.....

what "can" be reported is that this huge list was leaked, what they couldn't tell you is exactly how the leak was obtained (however if you looked on the internet you could find it out for themselves...) and who individually was on that list because that they would have a huge invasion of privacy/ not in the public interest arguement on their hands,

if there had been lets say someone "famous" on that list and they had said anti-racist stuff in the past, and they were on the list, then a newspaper/broadcaster could make that arguement....

but for a normal member of the general public they could never make any arguement for publishing that stick!

it would be the same in this case!!!

the BBC/ other respected journalistic outlets could report on the leak (if they really thought it was newsworthy, which it actually isn't!)..... but to actually publish specific names would need a very very good reason because of privacy laws... and the actuality is that they had done nothing wrong in the eyes of the law!

so actually the right rev wings is skirting the law himself a bit here... and i bet that he will not specifically name anyone on the list!!!!

if he wont name people personally, you can tell the story is nowhere near the huge political point scoring exercise you seem to want to believe it is!

the only thing you are right about in this entire story is that yes the donors may have a right to come back at the organistion they have been donating to

as it may be a breech of the confidentiality in which the original money was given.... but like we said, the donation isn't illegal and neither is the acceptance of it!

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By *ilent.KnightMan  over a year ago


"Actually scratch that what was i thinking Batshit Jill aka Jill Stephenson and the myth of Mr Brian Spanner are taking it well infact no shame and they believe its stolen data From a public place well they are down the rabbit hole might as well keep digging cause if Scotland in the union have breached data protection goodbye lights out for that organstion lol"

Suspect not. They aren’t the first to have a data protection breach.

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


All donors, to all parties do this. I was in the palace of Westminster with an MP once, and she was making a political donation. She pulled out her chequebook and wrote a cheque for £7500. I tapped her on the shoulder and pointed out that it would have to be declared, but that if it was a pound less, it wouldn't have to be declared. She immediately ripped up the cheque she had written and wrote a new one.

I, lile Fabio also believe this is the case for the SNP, can we prove it? No, because those donations don't need to be declared!!!!! That's the whole point!!!! Kinky, can you prove to Fabio and I that the SNP has not received any donations of £7499?

I don't think that anyone cares that parties receive donations like this, there are rules, and people are following them.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Ok then care to back your claims up then that the SNP are doing the same thing with donors or the point is moot

Yoons be crazy and raging lmao

Imagine trying to claim its stolen data from a public place

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Ok then care to back your claims up then that the SNP are doing the same thing with donors or the point is moot

Yoons be crazy and raging lmao

Imagine trying to claim its stolen data from a public place


Prove they haven't.

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago



Imagine trying to claim its stolen data from a public place


What are you talking about? I thought we were talking about donation data to a private organisation?

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond


Imagine trying to claim its stolen data from a public place

What are you talking about? I thought we were talking about donation data to a private organisation? "

Ok go to twitter right type in Brian Spanner and check his tweet out saying its stolen data when infact it was in the oublic domain cause some fanny in Scotland in the union cant do his or her job right and protect peoples personal data

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Ok then care to back your claims up then that the SNP are doing the same thing with donors or the point is moot

Yoons be crazy and raging lmao

Imagine trying to claim its stolen data from a public place

Prove they haven't. "

Here hold on you and Fabio are the one accusing the SNP and their donors how about you prove it eh or moot

Whats next are people gulity without being proven innocent now lol

Tou go find me prove to back your claim up or your point is moot

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Ok then care to back your claims up then that the SNP are doing the same thing with donors or the point is moot

Yoons be crazy and raging lmao

Imagine trying to claim its stolen data from a public place

Prove they haven't.

Here hold on you and Fabio are the one accusing the SNP and their donors how about you prove it eh or moot

Whats next are people gulity without being proven innocent now lol

Tou go find me prove to back your claim up or your point is moot"

How can it be proved? The whole point of those donations is that they are not disclosed.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago



Imagine trying to claim its stolen data from a public place

What are you talking about? I thought we were talking about donation data to a private organisation?

Ok go to twitter right type in Brian Spanner and check his tweet out saying its stolen data when infact it was in the oublic domain cause some fanny in Scotland in the union cant do his or her job right and protect peoples personal data


What proof do you have that the release was due to negligence, rather than theft?

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Ok then care to back your claims up then that the SNP are doing the same thing with donors or the point is moot

Yoons be crazy and raging lmao

Imagine trying to claim its stolen data from a public place

Prove they haven't.

Here hold on you and Fabio are the one accusing the SNP and their donors how about you prove it eh or moot

Whats next are people gulity without being proven innocent now lol

Tou go find me prove to back your claim up or your point is moot

How can it be proved? The whole point of those donations is that they are not disclosed."

Ok so your point is moot then lol

My point is that spreadsheet is in the public domain and you can clearly see 9 donors pay into the Scotland in the union account of the sum of £7,499 and no one finds that weird that they know to give £1 below so that Scotland can fly under the radar and say what they want knowing they dont breach the electoral commission requirements seems abit strange

Anyway am sure if found guilty of breaching data protection the lights will have gone out lol

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Ok then care to back your claims up then that the SNP are doing the same thing with donors or the point is moot


see this is the point, because if someone is donating less than 7500.... they don't have to let the general public know!!!!!! FFS

if this leak had not occured.... you would not know about the 6 people who had contributed 7499

i can tell you that i donated between 1 dollar and 2699 dollars to the bernie sanders campaign.... I don't have to tell you the exact sum, I didn't even have to tell you that i donated, and you would never know i had donated if i had not volunteered that information.....

so let me try and put it in ways that kinky will understand....

the "yes! scotland" independance campaign

did you contribute?

see.... if you did, and you donated less that 7500.... then you can legally tell me to "go blow/mind my own business!" and never answer that question.... and i would never find out the answer...

the difference between you and the scotish euromillion winners who did basically bankroll the campaign is that because they both game more than 7500 pounds, they HAD to be both legally named and the amount disclosed!!!!!

thats why on the other side, JK rowling has to be named as a donator and the amount disclosed to the "better together" campaign as she gave much more than the 7500 amount!

so.... reading what i have written kinky... I'll ask you a question, and "think" about the answer you can give!

kinky..... did you donate to the yes scotland campaign?

then you can ask me a question....

Fabio..... did you donate to the better together campaign?

lets see if our answers match?

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond


Imagine trying to claim its stolen data from a public place

What are you talking about? I thought we were talking about donation data to a private organisation?

Ok go to twitter right type in Brian Spanner and check his tweet out saying its stolen data when infact it was in the oublic domain cause some fanny in Scotland in the union cant do his or her job right and protect peoples personal data

What proof do you have that the release was due to negligence, rather than theft? "

So if the spreadsheet is on a google drive folder with no password and is there for the public to see you think thats theft ?

No no that someone going to get their arse handed to them and a boot oot the door lol for being so shite at his or her job or protecting peoples provate data lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Ok then care to back your claims up then that the SNP are doing the same thing with donors or the point is moot

Yoons be crazy and raging lmao

Imagine trying to claim its stolen data from a public place

Prove they haven't.

Here hold on you and Fabio are the one accusing the SNP and their donors how about you prove it eh or moot

Whats next are people gulity without being proven innocent now lol

Tou go find me prove to back your claim up or your point is moot

How can it be proved? The whole point of those donations is that they are not disclosed.

Ok so your point is moot then lol

My point is that spreadsheet is in the public domain and you can clearly see 9 donors pay into the Scotland in the union account of the sum of £7,499 and no one finds that weird that they know to give £1 below so that Scotland can fly under the radar and say what they want knowing they dont breach the electoral commission requirements seems abit strange

Anyway am sure if found guilty of breaching data protection the lights will have gone out lol


No, no one finds it wierd, because everyone else know that this happens in every party.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


Robert Murray gave the SNP £7,000 cash on 29 Aug 2014 according to the Electoral Commission.

Mrs Elizabeth Proudfoot gave the SNP £8,000 cash on 21 Aug 2014.

Do you have a problem with either of these donations?

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By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


The BBC has always had 2 separate news contents. One is domestic, one is international. If you want to hear both you need to listen to the BBC late night World Service News as well as BBC Domestic News.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Ok then care to back your claims up then that the SNP are doing the same thing with donors or the point is moot

Yoons be crazy and raging lmao

Imagine trying to claim its stolen data from a public place

Prove they haven't.

Here hold on you and Fabio are the one accusing the SNP and their donors how about you prove it eh or moot

Whats next are people gulity without being proven innocent now lol

Tou go find me prove to back your claim up or your point is moot

How can it be proved? The whole point of those donations is that they are not disclosed.

Ok so your point is moot then lol

My point is that spreadsheet is in the public domain and you can clearly see 9 donors pay into the Scotland in the union account of the sum of £7,499 and no one finds that weird that they know to give £1 below so that Scotland can fly under the radar and say what they want knowing they dont breach the electoral commission requirements seems abit strange

Anyway am sure if found guilty of breaching data protection the lights will have gone out lol

No, no one finds it wierd, because everyone else know that this happens in every party. "

Erm your forgetting Scotland in the union is not a party

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By *andACouple  over a year ago


Just had a quick look at the Scotland In Union accounts at Companies House. Where can I find the Wings accounts for comparison?

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Just had a quick look at the Scotland In Union accounts at Companies House. Where can I find the Wings accounts for comparison?"

Are you accusing him of something ? If you have any reason to believe he has done something wrong ? Does he have to declare by law ?

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Robert Murray gave the SNP £7,000 cash on 29 Aug 2014 according to the Electoral Commission.

Mrs Elizabeth Proudfoot gave the SNP £8,000 cash on 21 Aug 2014.

Do you have a problem with either of these donations? "

Come on OP. Are these donations ok or not?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *andACouple  over a year ago


"Just had a quick look at the Scotland In Union accounts at Companies House. Where can I find the Wings accounts for comparison?

Are you accusing him of something ? If you have any reason to believe he has done something wrong ? Does he have to declare by law ?


Which type of company does he run? Is there any public record of all the money he has brought in from his fundraisers, book sales etc? Have you any idea how much he's raised? How much he's spent? How much he keeps for himself? How much tax he pays? Any?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Just had a quick look at the Scotland In Union accounts at Companies House. Where can I find the Wings accounts for comparison?

Are you accusing him of something ? If you have any reason to believe he has done something wrong ? Does he have to declare by law ?

Which type of company does he run? Is there any public record of all the money he has brought in from his fundraisers, book sales etc? Have you any idea how much he's raised? How much he's spent? How much he keeps for himself? How much tax he pays? Any?"

Does he pay those taxes to Scotland, or England?

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Just had a quick look at the Scotland In Union accounts at Companies House. Where can I find the Wings accounts for comparison?

Are you accusing him of something ? If you have any reason to believe he has done something wrong ? Does he have to declare by law ?

Which type of company does he run? Is there any public record of all the money he has brought in from his fundraisers, book sales etc? Have you any idea how much he's raised? How much he's spent? How much he keeps for himself? How much tax he pays? Any?"

Do you suspect him of a crime ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *andACouple  over a year ago


"Just had a quick look at the Scotland In Union accounts at Companies House. Where can I find the Wings accounts for comparison?

Are you accusing him of something ? If you have any reason to believe he has done something wrong ? Does he have to declare by law ?

Which type of company does he run? Is there any public record of all the money he has brought in from his fundraisers, book sales etc? Have you any idea how much he's raised? How much he's spent? How much he keeps for himself? How much tax he pays? Any?

Does he pay those taxes to Scotland, or England? "

Depends on which port he sends his books from

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Do you know where all the tv tax money goes ?

Do you know how much the BBC actually give to Children in need ? See i can do that shit too lol

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Robert Murray gave the SNP £7,000 cash on 29 Aug 2014 according to the Electoral Commission.

Mrs Elizabeth Proudfoot gave the SNP £8,000 cash on 21 Aug 2014.

Do you have a problem with either of these donations?

Come on OP. Are these donations ok or not? "

Hmmm, OP, is this question making you shit your pants? You keep on ignoring it!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *andACouple  over a year ago


"Just had a quick look at the Scotland In Union accounts at Companies House. Where can I find the Wings accounts for comparison?

Are you accusing him of something ? If you have any reason to believe he has done something wrong ? Does he have to declare by law ?

Which type of company does he run? Is there any public record of all the money he has brought in from his fundraisers, book sales etc? Have you any idea how much he's raised? How much he's spent? How much he keeps for himself? How much tax he pays? Any?

Do you suspect him of a crime ? "

Funny question to ask when the whole point of this thread is you trying to extract some nefarious reasoning behind something that is perfectly legal.

However I'll admit to being surprised that you don't know the answer to any of the questions. Has no one on his site ever asked him? Is it seriously the case that he's living off the money he begs from you all and no one has ever asked to see how much is being spent on the indy cause and how much he keeps for himself? No one even knows if he pays any tax on his 'income'? Pretty bizarre for someone who seems to be interested in transparency that it's all so secretive at his end...

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Just had a quick look at the Scotland In Union accounts at Companies House. Where can I find the Wings accounts for comparison?

Are you accusing him of something ? If you have any reason to believe he has done something wrong ? Does he have to declare by law ?

Which type of company does he run? Is there any public record of all the money he has brought in from his fundraisers, book sales etc? Have you any idea how much he's raised? How much he's spent? How much he keeps for himself? How much tax he pays? Any?

Do you suspect him of a crime ?

Funny question to ask when the whole point of this thread is you trying to extract some nefarious reasoning behind something that is perfectly legal.

However I'll admit to being surprised that you don't know the answer to any of the questions. Has no one on his site ever asked him? Is it seriously the case that he's living off the money he begs from you all and no one has ever asked to see how much is being spent on the indy cause and how much he keeps for himself? No one even knows if he pays any tax on his 'income'? Pretty bizarre for someone who seems to be interested in transparency that it's all so secretive at his end..."

Again do you suspect him of a crime ?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Here we go....Another rant about a non-news story?

Who funds “wings”? ..... I don’t know, I don’t particularly care either....but people are entitled to opinions, and to fund whoever they like within legal bounds.

How do they know to donate £7499? Simple really...because it’s public knowledge about the £7500 limit. Hardly rocket science is it?

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By *andACouple  over a year ago


Looks like he's raised over half a million. Wonder how much of that he keeps for himself

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Btw yets get it straight i never once said anyone has commited a crime donating money

Its just abit strange that they know to pay in £1 below

But yeah the real story is it looks like they have breached data protection and if it was on a google drive folder in the public domain no it was not stolen but some fanny in Scotland in the Union has fucked up big time and released everyone private data for the world to see lol

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By *andACouple  over a year ago


Actually, it appears that he takes direct bank transfers (one off payments or regular standing orders) direct to his own personal bank account. Would've expected a company to have it's own bank account keeping things seperate.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Looks like he's raised over half a million. Wonder how much of that he keeps for himself "

Has a crime been commited from Wings ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Robert Murray gave the SNP £7,000 cash on 29 Aug 2014 according to the Electoral Commission.

Mrs Elizabeth Proudfoot gave the SNP £8,000 cash on 21 Aug 2014.

Do you have a problem with either of these donations?

Come on OP. Are these donations ok or not?

Hmmm, OP, is this question making you shit your pants? You keep on ignoring it! "

OP, this really has you running scared!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Robert Murray gave the SNP £7,000 cash on 29 Aug 2014 according to the Electoral Commission.

Mrs Elizabeth Proudfoot gave the SNP £8,000 cash on 21 Aug 2014.

Do you have a problem with either of these donations?

Come on OP. Are these donations ok or not?

Hmmm, OP, is this question making you shit your pants? You keep on ignoring it!

OP, this really has you running scared! "

Ok at what point did you see me say donating money is a crime ? I dare you to find that

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Robert Murray gave the SNP £7,000 cash on 29 Aug 2014 according to the Electoral Commission.

Mrs Elizabeth Proudfoot gave the SNP £8,000 cash on 21 Aug 2014.

Do you have a problem with either of these donations?

Come on OP. Are these donations ok or not?

Hmmm, OP, is this question making you shit your pants? You keep on ignoring it!

OP, this really has you running scared!

Ok at what point did you see me say donating money is a crime ? I dare you to find that "

I never accused you of saying it's a crime. Im asking you if you think these donations are ok or not.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Robert Murray gave the SNP £7,000 cash on 29 Aug 2014 according to the Electoral Commission.

Mrs Elizabeth Proudfoot gave the SNP £8,000 cash on 21 Aug 2014.

Do you have a problem with either of these donations?

Come on OP. Are these donations ok or not?

Hmmm, OP, is this question making you shit your pants? You keep on ignoring it!

OP, this really has you running scared!

Ok at what point did you see me say donating money is a crime ? I dare you to find that

I never accused you of saying it's a crime. Im asking you if you think these donations are ok or not. "

Again giving donations is not a crime

So you do you suspect of some wrong doing in both cases if so get onto the police but be carefully about wasting police time lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Robert Murray gave the SNP £7,000 cash on 29 Aug 2014 according to the Electoral Commission.

Mrs Elizabeth Proudfoot gave the SNP £8,000 cash on 21 Aug 2014.

Do you have a problem with either of these donations?

Come on OP. Are these donations ok or not?

Hmmm, OP, is this question making you shit your pants? You keep on ignoring it!

OP, this really has you running scared!

Ok at what point did you see me say donating money is a crime ? I dare you to find that

I never accused you of saying it's a crime. Im asking you if you think these donations are ok or not.

Again giving donations is not a crime

So you do you suspect of some wrong doing in both cases if so get onto the police but be carefully about wasting police time lol "

So giving any amount, including £7499 is perfectly legal, normal, and not out of the ordinary? Is that what you are saying?

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Robert Murray gave the SNP £7,000 cash on 29 Aug 2014 according to the Electoral Commission.

Mrs Elizabeth Proudfoot gave the SNP £8,000 cash on 21 Aug 2014.

Do you have a problem with either of these donations?

Come on OP. Are these donations ok or not?

Hmmm, OP, is this question making you shit your pants? You keep on ignoring it!

OP, this really has you running scared!

Ok at what point did you see me say donating money is a crime ? I dare you to find that

I never accused you of saying it's a crime. Im asking you if you think these donations are ok or not.

Again giving donations is not a crime

So you do you suspect of some wrong doing in both cases if so get onto the police but be carefully about wasting police time lol

So giving any amount, including £7499 is perfectly legal, normal, and not out of the ordinary? Is that what you are saying? "

Ok try and find where i have said its a crime ? I double dare you lol

Its very weird is what i have said for donors to pay into a non political party organstion fully knowing well that pro unionist organstion can then fly under the radar and attack the SNP and independence

At no point have i said there has been a crime commited and i dare to find that

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Anyway lets get back to the main point shall we that maybe unionists want to cover up that wings over Scotland exposed that Scotland in the union may have breached data protection

And no the spreadsheet was not bloody stolen it was on a google drive folder with no password meaning CLCC you and i and the rest of the plant could see that spreadsheet as it was in the public domain now someone in Scotland in the union will be booted oot the door

And the trust and image of Scotland in the union gone forever lol

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead


Its very weird is what i have said for donors to pay into a non political party organstion fully knowing well that pro unionist organstion can then fly under the radar and attack the SNP and independence


but you see that is the point you seem to not understand..

if an organisation describes themselves as "political" for the purpose of tax and vat, they also have to abide by all the rules with regards to donations...

the are various organisations that describe themselves as political but not affiliated to any political party, but deal with a political interest as such

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Robert Murray gave the SNP £7,000 cash on 29 Aug 2014 according to the Electoral Commission.

Mrs Elizabeth Proudfoot gave the SNP £8,000 cash on 21 Aug 2014.

Do you have a problem with either of these donations?

Come on OP. Are these donations ok or not?

Hmmm, OP, is this question making you shit your pants? You keep on ignoring it!

OP, this really has you running scared!

Ok at what point did you see me say donating money is a crime ? I dare you to find that

I never accused you of saying it's a crime. Im asking you if you think these donations are ok or not.

Again giving donations is not a crime

So you do you suspect of some wrong doing in both cases if so get onto the police but be carefully about wasting police time lol

So giving any amount, including £7499 is perfectly legal, normal, and not out of the ordinary? Is that what you are saying?

Ok try and find where i have said its a crime ? I double dare you lol

Its very weird is what i have said for donors to pay into a non political party organstion fully knowing well that pro unionist organstion can then fly under the radar and attack the SNP and independence

At no point have i said there has been a crime commited and i dare to find that "

No one has accused you of saying its a crime, so you can stop that nonsense.

What you now seem to being saying is that it's nothing to do with the £7499 figure at all, just that you are surprised that anyone gave this organisation money at all. Well I think its weird that people give money to the BNP or UKIP or Wings, but they do.

It is also not weird in the slightest, that in a democracy there are criticisms of political parties and organisations.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond


Its very weird is what i have said for donors to pay into a non political party organstion fully knowing well that pro unionist organstion can then fly under the radar and attack the SNP and independence

but you see that is the point you seem to not understand..

if an organisation describes themselves as "political" for the purpose of tax and vat, they also have to abide by all the rules with regards to donations...

the are various organisations that describe themselves as political but not affiliated to any political party, but deal with a political interest as such"

Out of interest Fabio whats your views on the Green ink gang ? Lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Anyway lets get back to the main point shall we that maybe unionists want to cover up that wings over Scotland exposed that Scotland in the union may have breached data protection

And no the spreadsheet was not bloody stolen it was on a google drive folder with no password meaning CLCC you and i and the rest of the plant could see that spreadsheet as it was in the public domain now someone in Scotland in the union will be booted oot the door

And the trust and image of Scotland in the union gone forever lol "

oh lordy.... do you want to go back and read what the BBC and Newspapers can and cant report and why?

the BBC and newspapers could report, if they deemed it in the public interest, that this list had been found.....

what they CANT report is what the specific details of what was on the USB stick because there is going to be public interest arguement that is going to overrule an invasion of privacy.... especially even more since there is not suggestion (except by you) that they have don't anything wrong in the eyes of the law.....

which is why YOU brought put the figures, the number of people, and made insinuation.... (and legally you would be on less firm grounds than the website you love! so may i "suggest" that you may want to legally retract a lot of your initial post!)

you basically put 2 and 2 together... and as per usual not understanding what you are talking about... came up with 5!!!!

the last sentence is the only discussion point.... Because ANY... and let me repeat the bold word ANY, organisation that didn't protect data should be held accountable....

the issue is as per normal with you.... you yet again tried to make political capital out of a posting

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Right as its now New years eve lets have abit of fun and piss your pants through later at this unionist roaster lol

Name is Don

" The UK government has just given Scotland an extra £350 million which is almost £6million each for every person living here. If the SNP are serious about ending austerity they should ensure we all benefit from this hand out "

Can anyone help Don he may has lost his marbles lol

Mind you he may very well be one of the green ink gang lmao

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Really Fabio ? Remind me again who was it again accusing SNP donors of doing the same thing ? Lol shaky ground in all hehehe

And i quote " i can absolutely tell you that there will be SNP donors doing and taking advantage of the same thing " and you said the same about Stu

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Really Fabio ? Remind me again who was it again accusing SNP donors of doing the same thing ? Lol shaky ground in all hehehe

And i quote " i can absolutely tell you that there will be SNP donors doing and taking advantage of the same thing " and you said the same about Stu


and i can tell you that ANY, and let me again repeat that word... ANY political party will tell people when asked

"how much can i donate?"

well then be told

"you can donate whatever amount you wish, but if the amount is 7500 and above, it will be registered and the amount will have to be made disclosable to the public!"

so yes.... there are likely to be SNP donors who contribute 7499, as to not have their names known to the public...

just as there are likely to be labour donors who contribute 7499....

and conservative donors who contribute 7499....

and lib dem donors who contribute 7499!

you read... but you seem never to uunderstand what you are reading! which is why you come to conclusions like you did in your opening post!

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Ok am away to bed as it will be a long day tomorrow so if i dont get the chance happy new year to everyone on the thread and see you in 2018

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By *icklybitMan  over a year ago


Mountain and molehill comes to mind.

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By *or Fox SakeCouple  over a year ago


Just a small point...

Scotland in Union have unleashed their solicitor on Wang's over Bath.

It appears that Wang's over Bath are threatening to ( drum roll) breach the data protection act, and the solicitors have got involved to remind them of the law . This is from Facebook.

Have wings broken the law?

Well if you ignore their behaviour over Hillsborough, ignore the abuse handed out to people who are transgender, then there there is the issue of harassment which resulted in an arrest ( although later dropped), so whilst not illegal they certainly have an aroma that's far from appealing.

All of the above is freely available via Google.

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By *ilent.KnightMan  over a year ago


I can’t find any news on this ... but the original wings piece has disappeared without explanation. Suspect.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Looks like he's raised over half a million. Wonder how much of that he keeps for himself

Has a crime been commited from Wings ? "

Possibly not...but he’s looking like he’s conning a load of the people making the donations and trousering a fortune!

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"I can’t find any news on this ... but the original wings piece has disappeared without explanation. Suspect. "

He took it down after a complaint thats all

Wings also said Scotland in the Union lawyers are not denying the spreadsheet is not real

Also Stu had legal advice before he released it

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Looks like he's raised over half a million. Wonder how much of that he keeps for himself

Has a crime been commited from Wings ?

Possibly not...but he’s looking like he’s conning a load of the people making the donations and trousering a fortune!"

Conning how ? Is he forcing them to give money ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ilent.KnightMan  over a year ago


"I can’t find any news on this ... but the original wings piece has disappeared without explanation. Suspect.

He took it down after a complaint thats all

Wings also said Scotland in the Union lawyers are not denying the spreadsheet is not real

Also Stu had legal advice before he released it "

do you know the nature of the complaint ? Would have been good (or at least transparent) of him to acknowledge what’s happening ...

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"I can’t find any news on this ... but the original wings piece has disappeared without explanation. Suspect.

He took it down after a complaint thats all

Wings also said Scotland in the Union lawyers are not denying the spreadsheet is not real

Also Stu had legal advice before he released it do you know the nature of the complaint ? Would have been good (or at least transparent) of him to acknowledge what’s happening ... "


I have saw him say their lawyers are not denying the spreadsheet is not real

And he got legal advice before releasing it which if you had saw the night before he said he had something big a belter but before releaseing it he would check first to see if it was ok

Some fanny from there side put it on a google drive folder without a password any of you be that stupid to do such a thing ? Always put a password and always double check its not hard lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ilent.KnightMan  over a year ago


Either which way, if he’s no longer comfortable reporting on it, can kinda see why the bbc would keep it arms length. Less easy for them to pull a story as ignorant it never happened ...

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *icklybitMan  over a year ago


He stole it, his arse has collapsed and suffered a shite haemorrhage when confronted.

Lawyers are now involved and his own boastful tweets, in which he condemns himself, have been removed.

Kinky seems thinks this is a Jock watergate!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"He stole it, his arse has collapsed and suffered a shite haemorrhage when confronted.

Lawyers are now involved and his own boastful tweets, in which he condemns himself, have been removed.

Kinky seems thinks this is a Jock watergate!


How can you steal something that is in a google drive folder no password and a source gave it too him ? Jesus wake up

So if someone send you an email with a google drive folder with no password are you saying you stole it ? Lol

What next are lot really going to sit there and say this is not a serious matter about breaching data protection ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Is it not in the public interest to know if this or any organstion has breached data protection ?

Or is it because its a unionist organstion it should be covered up ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Either which way, if he’s no longer comfortable reporting on it, can kinda see why the bbc would keep it arms length. Less easy for them to pull a story as ignorant it never happened ..."

in which case the irony of kinkys post is that it is likely to keep rev in trouble.. as any link to the story could bounce people here!!!

unless rev found the usb stick personally himself (which is not what he is saying) then he will have to prove that the information he published did not come from an illegal act i.e the person who did find it to come forward... but i am guessing that person wasn't savvy enough to know what they had... so it would have gone thru a few people before the rev got it!

his laywers have probably told him his "story/source" isn't strong enough and thats why he took it down....

he might be needing those funds he has amassed in any potential legal case.... because there is absolutely no way he would win on the grounds of public interest.... because there is none!

so as i said early kinky... may i "suggest" that you retract your first post!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Is it not in the public interest to know if this or any organstion has breached data protection ?

Or is it because its a unionist organstion it should be covered up ?"

FFS read up on law........

you always want to turn this political.... this is a legal matter...

it is almost impossible to win an "in the public interest" invasion of privacy case if:

1) the information was obtained illegally.....

2) the information contained shows no act of illegality!

so for example... if you were to drop a personal usb stick, it would prevent me from publishing that information!!!!

if the information was published with the solve intention to basically embarrass the organisation involved (which is what has happened) they are going to struggle to defend a defermation case

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Either which way, if he’s no longer comfortable reporting on it, can kinda see why the bbc would keep it arms length. Less easy for them to pull a story as ignorant it never happened ...

in which case the irony of kinkys post is that it is likely to keep rev in trouble.. as any link to the story could bounce people here!!!

unless rev found the usb stick personally himself (which is not what he is saying) then he will have to prove that the information he published did not come from an illegal act i.e the person who did find it to come forward... but i am guessing that person wasn't savvy enough to know what they had... so it would have gone thru a few people before the rev got it!

his laywers have probably told him his "story/source" isn't strong enough and thats why he took it down....

he might be needing those funds he has amassed in any potential legal case.... because there is absolutely no way he would win on the grounds of public interest.... because there is none!

so as i said early kinky... may i "suggest" that you retract your first post! "

Ah right so it's all because of my post wow paranoid much

So out of interest Fabio is everyone that's posted about it and tweeted it about it going to in trouble? That's allot of people

They can suck my nuts I ain't reacting fuck all free speech and all

It's like your wanting this covered up lol

It's in the public domain now for all to see how unionists are using dirty tricks no before any of you jump down my throat I know there is no crime to donate money put the way they are doing it seems shady

Also these green ink gang sad fucks really they got there no vote you would think they would be happy no no shite feart that Scotland may end up having a referendum again and yes winning lol

Oh can't have that now it's protect the union at any damn cost

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

What's next I bet you lot wanted Snowden gagged ? Lol

Anything to keep the elite rich while they screw you over

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ilent.KnightMan  over a year ago


Fabio’s point (if i read it correctly) is there was no dirty tricks being played by SiU. And that where dirty tricks may be cited is by wings in publishing details and trying to whip up a frenzy.

There is a risk wings come out of this a lot worse than SiU. I suspect you won’t see this kinky, based on this and other threads, but I fear a backlash ...

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Fabio’s point (if i read it correctly) is there was no dirty tricks being played by SiU. And that where dirty tricks may be cited is by wings in publishing details and trying to whip up a frenzy.

There is a risk wings come out of this a lot worse than SiU. I suspect you won’t see this kinky, based on this and other threads, but I fear a backlash ..."

God they really are doing a number on you lol

So the green ink gang are not using dirty tricks then ?

Rattled a few cages it would appear lol

This is coming from Wings

'' When we were sent the document, we quizzed our source at length to check both the veracity and the legality of the document. We sought, and received, a categorical and unequivocal assurance that it had not been obtained through any unlawful actions, saying that we wouldn’t run the story if it had. And we pressed our source – who was and remains anonymous, and contacted us through a “burner” email account – for precise details of how it had come to be in their hands.

We did this because under the Data Protection Act (DPA) it can be an offence to receive confidential/sensitive information, unless doing so is in the public interest. We sought legal advice before we ran the article to confirm that was the case with this particular data, and were told by more than one lawyer that it was.

There are at least three obvious grounds for that belief:

(1) It’s in the general public interest that people know who is trying to influence politics in the UK while seeking to conceal their identity, eg by making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500. This was the case for numerous donors to SiU, who all handed over £7,499.

(2) It’s in the public interest for Yes supporters to know if politics in Scotland is being influenced by large injections of money from outside Scotland, particularly those with a vested financial interest in the status quo.

(3) It’s in the public interest for people considering donating to an organisation like Scotland In Union to know whether their data will be handled securely''

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *andACouple  over a year ago


"Just a small point...

Scotland in Union have unleashed their solicitor on Wang's over Bath.

It appears that Wang's over Bath are threatening to ( drum roll) breach the data protection act, and the solicitors have got involved to remind them of the law . This is from Facebook.

Have wings broken the law?

Well if you ignore their behaviour over Hillsborough, ignore the abuse handed out to people who are transgender, then there there is the issue of harassment which resulted in an arrest ( although later dropped), so whilst not illegal they certainly have an aroma that's far from appealing.

All of the above is freely available via Google.


Seems to have a big problem with women as well. He's well known for abusing and blocking many women who are also pro-independence.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Just a small point...

Scotland in Union have unleashed their solicitor on Wang's over Bath.

It appears that Wang's over Bath are threatening to ( drum roll) breach the data protection act, and the solicitors have got involved to remind them of the law . This is from Facebook.

Have wings broken the law?

Well if you ignore their behaviour over Hillsborough, ignore the abuse handed out to people who are transgender, then there there is the issue of harassment which resulted in an arrest ( although later dropped), so whilst not illegal they certainly have an aroma that's far from appealing.

All of the above is freely available via Google.

Seems to have a big problem with women as well. He's well known for abusing and blocking many women who are also pro-independence."

Oh i must be wrong by its not a crime to block whoever you want

Now me i dont really like Stu he can go over the top on some thinks i believe

but lets put that to the side and more on his blog why is it unionists cant just ignore him ?

Every damn post that Scotland in the union have put up i have not read couldnt give a damn what they say

But no unionists fear what he is exposing and try to shut him up

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Oh and in my opinion if am still allowed that lol number 3 is most definitely in the public interest

(3) It’s in the public interest for people considering donating to an organisation like Scotland In Union to know whether their data will be handled securely''

I mean if any of you gave Scotland in the union money and your private data was not handled sercurely are you telling me you wouldnt want to know this ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *andACouple  over a year ago


"Just a small point...

Scotland in Union have unleashed their solicitor on Wang's over Bath.

It appears that Wang's over Bath are threatening to ( drum roll) breach the data protection act, and the solicitors have got involved to remind them of the law . This is from Facebook.

Have wings broken the law?

Well if you ignore their behaviour over Hillsborough, ignore the abuse handed out to people who are transgender, then there there is the issue of harassment which resulted in an arrest ( although later dropped), so whilst not illegal they certainly have an aroma that's far from appealing.

All of the above is freely available via Google.

Seems to have a big problem with women as well. He's well known for abusing and blocking many women who are also pro-independence.

Oh i must be wrong by its not a crime to block whoever you want

Now me i dont really like Stu he can go over the top on some thinks i believe

but lets put that to the side and more on his blog why is it unionists cant just ignore him ?

Every damn post that Scotland in the union have put up i have not read couldnt give a damn what they say

But no unionists fear what he is exposing and try to shut him up


I don't follow him or read his site. I popped on after your post here when I couldn't find any accounts for his company and then had a look at his site to see where the money goes (his own personal bank account!). The only other reason I see things is because there are people I follow on twitter who've posted about being abused and blocked by him, people who are very pro independence and there seems to be a lot of chatter online in the pro independence community about his behaviour with women online. Funnily enough I seen another one yesterday.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Just a small point...

Scotland in Union have unleashed their solicitor on Wang's over Bath.

It appears that Wang's over Bath are threatening to ( drum roll) breach the data protection act, and the solicitors have got involved to remind them of the law . This is from Facebook.

Have wings broken the law?

Well if you ignore their behaviour over Hillsborough, ignore the abuse handed out to people who are transgender, then there there is the issue of harassment which resulted in an arrest ( although later dropped), so whilst not illegal they certainly have an aroma that's far from appealing.

All of the above is freely available via Google.

Seems to have a big problem with women as well. He's well known for abusing and blocking many women who are also pro-independence.

Oh i must be wrong by its not a crime to block whoever you want

Now me i dont really like Stu he can go over the top on some thinks i believe

but lets put that to the side and more on his blog why is it unionists cant just ignore him ?

Every damn post that Scotland in the union have put up i have not read couldnt give a damn what they say

But no unionists fear what he is exposing and try to shut him up

I don't follow him or read his site. I popped on after your post here when I couldn't find any accounts for his company and then had a look at his site to see where the money goes (his own personal bank account!). The only other reason I see things is because there are people I follow on twitter who've posted about being abused and blocked by him, people who are very pro independence and there seems to be a lot of chatter online in the pro independence community about his behaviour with women online. Funnily enough I seen another one yesterday.


Cool , cool you may not follow him or read his site but problem is alot of unionists do and try there best to shut him up and they fear he is exposing stuff they dont want the public to know about this great Uk union lol

What company are you on about ? He is a blogger

Ah right so if i set up a blog i own a company now lol

Well you know what to do get onto the police and report it mind now it has to be abuse and not some silly banter

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *or Fox SakeCouple  over a year ago


"Is it not in the public interest to know if this or any organstion has breached data protection ?

Or is it because its a unionist organstion it should be covered up ?"

It's Wang's over Bath that appears to be breaking the law

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *andACouple  over a year ago


"Just a small point...

Scotland in Union have unleashed their solicitor on Wang's over Bath.

It appears that Wang's over Bath are threatening to ( drum roll) breach the data protection act, and the solicitors have got involved to remind them of the law . This is from Facebook.

Have wings broken the law?

Well if you ignore their behaviour over Hillsborough, ignore the abuse handed out to people who are transgender, then there there is the issue of harassment which resulted in an arrest ( although later dropped), so whilst not illegal they certainly have an aroma that's far from appealing.

All of the above is freely available via Google.

Seems to have a big problem with women as well. He's well known for abusing and blocking many women who are also pro-independence.

Oh i must be wrong by its not a crime to block whoever you want

Now me i dont really like Stu he can go over the top on some thinks i believe

but lets put that to the side and more on his blog why is it unionists cant just ignore him ?

Every damn post that Scotland in the union have put up i have not read couldnt give a damn what they say

But no unionists fear what he is exposing and try to shut him up

I don't follow him or read his site. I popped on after your post here when I couldn't find any accounts for his company and then had a look at his site to see where the money goes (his own personal bank account!). The only other reason I see things is because there are people I follow on twitter who've posted about being abused and blocked by him, people who are very pro independence and there seems to be a lot of chatter online in the pro independence community about his behaviour with women online. Funnily enough I seen another one yesterday.

Cool , cool you may not follow him or read his site but problem is alot of unionists do and try there best to shut him up and they fear he is exposing stuff they dont want the public to know about this great Uk union lol

What company are you on about ? He is a blogger

Ah right so if i set up a blog i own a company now lol

Well you know what to do get onto the police and report it mind now it has to be abuse and not some silly banter "

So there's no company? Let's not pretend he'd just a blogger, he's someone who writes a blog to generate income. He's raised over half a million pounds in fundraisers and then there's also all the money (unknown amount) that he solicits in donations from people who use the site. Seems to be a lot of money going into his personal bank account with no explanation of where it goes, whether taxes are paid on it etc. Wonder what sort of lifestyle you're all funding for him in his Bath townshouse. I suppose something had to bring the money in when the software priracy business was exposed

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

[Removed by poster at 31/12/17 12:23:26]

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Just a small point...

Scotland in Union have unleashed their solicitor on Wang's over Bath.

It appears that Wang's over Bath are threatening to ( drum roll) breach the data protection act, and the solicitors have got involved to remind them of the law . This is from Facebook.

Have wings broken the law?

Well if you ignore their behaviour over Hillsborough, ignore the abuse handed out to people who are transgender, then there there is the issue of harassment which resulted in an arrest ( although later dropped), so whilst not illegal they certainly have an aroma that's far from appealing.

All of the above is freely available via Google.

Seems to have a big problem with women as well. He's well known for abusing and blocking many women who are also pro-independence.

Oh i must be wrong by its not a crime to block whoever you want

Now me i dont really like Stu he can go over the top on some thinks i believe

but lets put that to the side and more on his blog why is it unionists cant just ignore him ?

Every damn post that Scotland in the union have put up i have not read couldnt give a damn what they say

But no unionists fear what he is exposing and try to shut him up

I don't follow him or read his site. I popped on after your post here when I couldn't find any accounts for his company and then had a look at his site to see where the money goes (his own personal bank account!). The only other reason I see things is because there are people I follow on twitter who've posted about being abused and blocked by him, people who are very pro independence and there seems to be a lot of chatter online in the pro independence community about his behaviour with women online. Funnily enough I seen another one yesterday.

Cool , cool you may not follow him or read his site but problem is alot of unionists do and try there best to shut him up and they fear he is exposing stuff they dont want the public to know about this great Uk union lol

What company are you on about ? He is a blogger

Ah right so if i set up a blog i own a company now lol

Well you know what to do get onto the police and report it mind now it has to be abuse and not some silly banter

So there's no company? Let's not pretend he'd just a blogger, he's someone who writes a blog to generate income. He's raised over half a million pounds in fundraisers and then there's also all the money (unknown amount) that he solicits in donations from people who use the site. Seems to be a lot of money going into his personal bank account with no explanation of where it goes, whether taxes are paid on it etc. Wonder what sort of lifestyle you're all funding for him in his Bath townshouse. I suppose something had to bring the money in when the software priracy business was exposed "

Ok what company does he own ? Is he forcing people to give Wings money ?

Wow thats alot of accusing Stu from Wings with bugger all evidence to back such claims up as Fabio would say you may want to retact lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ilent.KnightMan  over a year ago


Who is green ink ? This is simply from me reading wings website.

1) I’m not sure how you can get confidence a spreadsheet from an anonymous source using a burner account is both legitameite and legally obtained. More details would be needed to convince me. In the article wings said they phoned people on the list to convince themselves.

2) it was nine people. And if there was a public interest to be revealed then why have a limit ? (Ps saying at least when you have the data is a cheap trick.)

3) how many were not living in Scotland and so outsiders. Wings had ALL the PI. Yet only inferred outside influence through poking at their accent. (Cheap trick)

4) the story majored on donations. Not the data breach. Maybe If there was a focus here there would be more credibility. Also see 1) for legitimacy and legality.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Who is green ink ? This is simply from me reading wings website.

1) I’m not sure how you can get confidence a spreadsheet from an anonymous source using a burner account is both legitameite and legally obtained. More details would be needed to convince me. In the article wings said they phoned people on the list to convince themselves.

2) it was nine people. And if there was a public interest to be revealed then why have a limit ? (Ps saying at least when you have the data is a cheap trick.)

3) how many were not living in Scotland and so outsiders. Wings had ALL the PI. Yet only inferred outside influence through poking at their accent. (Cheap trick)

4) the story majored on donations. Not the data breach. Maybe If there was a focus here there would be more credibility. Also see 1) for legitimacy and legality.


Who are the green ink gang ?Lol they are a clutch of a couple of dozen super-hardcore frothing ultra unionists tirelessly and reflexively raging against independence, the SNP

This is coming from Alistair Cameron i hear you ask who he ?

Let me fill you in he is a Director in Scotland in the union

and this is what he had to say in an email '' we must not advertise the existence of the group. It can be mentioned verbally, in safe environment, that some people share letters/encourage each other, but anything more risks editors discriminating, nationalists reacting, and this diverse group being portrayed as a monolithic campaign''

Again coming from Wings

''So we took steps to confirm the veracity of the document, as we detailed in yesterday’s article, until we were satisfied that (a) it was real, and (b) only someone in SiU could have had known the location of the shared, unprotected Google Drive it was stored on. And then we ran the story, having redacted any information that could have been used to identify the donors.

Within a couple of hours, a furious response arrived from SiU’s lawyers – a specialist media-law firm we’d last encountered acting for the Scotsman when we sued it for defamation in 2014 and secured thousands of pounds in an out-of-court settlement.

The letter made all manner of dire threats, some serious and some farcical, but the key thing was that it removed any doubt about the veracity of the spreadsheet – confirming that it was real and only accessible to a handful of senior SiU employees.

And unless SiU’s lawyers were lying (which we’re sure they wouldn’t) then clearly that would make it all but certain that our source was indeed who they’d claimed to be – something we’d had no way of verifying up until that point.

By this stage we saw little benefit in spending thousands of pounds of precious Wings funds dragging a specialist lawyer off the ski-slopes and onto the phone late on a Saturday afternoon the day before Hogmanay in order to defend an article that had already been online for hours, when all their advice would amount to was what we already knew from the previous day – namely “there’s a clear public-interest defence, but it’s all a matter of interpretation so, meh, it’s pretty much your call. That’ll be £10,000 please, because it’s the holidays”.

So we pulled the article temporarily, pending some further advice in normal business hours. But that still leaves us with one big question: what is it about Scotland In Union that’s making its own members so incredibly unhappy that they’d resort in desperation to leaking to the officially vilest separatist site of them all?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *andACouple  over a year ago


"Just a small point...

Scotland in Union have unleashed their solicitor on Wang's over Bath.

It appears that Wang's over Bath are threatening to ( drum roll) breach the data protection act, and the solicitors have got involved to remind them of the law . This is from Facebook.

Have wings broken the law?

Well if you ignore their behaviour over Hillsborough, ignore the abuse handed out to people who are transgender, then there there is the issue of harassment which resulted in an arrest ( although later dropped), so whilst not illegal they certainly have an aroma that's far from appealing.

All of the above is freely available via Google.

Seems to have a big problem with women as well. He's well known for abusing and blocking many women who are also pro-independence.

Oh i must be wrong by its not a crime to block whoever you want

Now me i dont really like Stu he can go over the top on some thinks i believe

but lets put that to the side and more on his blog why is it unionists cant just ignore him ?

Every damn post that Scotland in the union have put up i have not read couldnt give a damn what they say

But no unionists fear what he is exposing and try to shut him up

I don't follow him or read his site. I popped on after your post here when I couldn't find any accounts for his company and then had a look at his site to see where the money goes (his own personal bank account!). The only other reason I see things is because there are people I follow on twitter who've posted about being abused and blocked by him, people who are very pro independence and there seems to be a lot of chatter online in the pro independence community about his behaviour with women online. Funnily enough I seen another one yesterday.

Cool , cool you may not follow him or read his site but problem is alot of unionists do and try there best to shut him up and they fear he is exposing stuff they dont want the public to know about this great Uk union lol

What company are you on about ? He is a blogger

Ah right so if i set up a blog i own a company now lol

Well you know what to do get onto the police and report it mind now it has to be abuse and not some silly banter

So there's no company? Let's not pretend he'd just a blogger, he's someone who writes a blog to generate income. He's raised over half a million pounds in fundraisers and then there's also all the money (unknown amount) that he solicits in donations from people who use the site. Seems to be a lot of money going into his personal bank account with no explanation of where it goes, whether taxes are paid on it etc. Wonder what sort of lifestyle you're all funding for him in his Bath townshouse. I suppose something had to bring the money in when the software priracy business was exposed

Ok what company does he own ? Is he forcing people to give Wings money ?

Wow thats alot of accusing Stu from Wings with bugger all evidence to back such claims up as Fabio would say you may want to retact lol "

The irony is completely lost on you. I'm asking questions and pointing out some facts. There's nothing to retract.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *andACouple  over a year ago


"Who is green ink ? This is simply from me reading wings website.


It's just more manufactured grievance. Apparently it's a few anti-indy people who regularly write to the papers pointing out the SNP's many failures.

I mean it's not as though Wings would ever arrange anything like that...


The tweet in the above image will make you realise the hypocisy is breathtaking (but unsurprising).

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Fabio’s point (if i read it correctly) is there was no dirty tricks being played by SiU. And that where dirty tricks may be cited is by wings in publishing details and trying to whip up a frenzy.

There is a risk wings come out of this a lot worse than SiU. I suspect you won’t see this kinky, based on this and other threads, but I fear a backlash ..."

kinky will never see this and as i said before the issue is not one of politics its potential "invasion of privacy" and is a issue of legality, especially since there is no inference of illegality happening... except in the decision by wings to publish

"God they really are doing a number on you lol

So the green ink gang are not using dirty tricks then ?

Rattled a few cages it would appear lol"

this again is you trying to bait and switch topics and conflating two different issues together of which it seems you appear to have no grasp of either!

so moving on.....

"This is coming from Wings

'' When we were sent the document, we quizzed our source at length to check both the veracity and the legality of the document. We sought, and received, a categorical and unequivocal assurance that it had not been obtained through any unlawful actions, saying that we wouldn’t run the story if it had. And we pressed our source – who was and remains anonymous, and contacted us through a “burner” email account – for precise details of how it had come to be in their hands.

We did this because under the Data Protection Act (DPA) it can be an offence to receive confidential/sensitive information, unless doing so is in the public interest. We sought legal advice before we ran the article to confirm that was the case with this particular data, and were told by more than one lawyer that it was."

and THIS is the reason why BBC or any other proper journalistic entity would not have touch publishing this... if you think this is legally watertight, i think wings should invest in new laywers!

people need to have people who will go "on the record" before stories like this are printed.... it seems that even in wings own statement this is not the case....

"There are at least three obvious grounds for that belief:

(1) It’s in the general public interest that people know who is trying to influence politics in the UK while seeking to conceal their identity, eg by making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500. This was the case for numerous donors to SiU, who all handed over £7,499."

unless he is trying to say all donations should be made public (which he isn't because when asked about who contributes to him... he goes very... very coy!) the legal donation mark has to goes somewhere.....

"(2) It’s in the public interest for Yes supporters to know if politics in Scotland is being influenced by large injections of money from outside Scotland, particularly those with a vested financial interest in the status quo."

the inferrance that he has seen the names on this list and has commented on them in this sort of matter is the bit that will get him in the most legal trouble.... because no one has done anything illegal! and as long as they are uk citizens, they can contribute to any uk political organisation.......

"(3) It’s in the public interest for people considering donating to an organisation like Scotland In Union to know whether their data will be handled securely'' "

this is right.... but remember who is the one who has published the information and commented on it..... hint: its no SiU

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Jesus now its bait and switch what i want to talk about on my own thread anyone got a gag ? lol

So this green ink gang are they speaking for the masses or just for the wee group wanting to stay hidden ? Lol

They have all been exposed jesus you would think they would fucking move on they won and Scotland is still in the UK but no they shite feart and have to write letters and give them to the unionist newspaper to print so people think its the wide mass of Scotland that is talking about the anti SNP and anti independence when really its just the wee group lol Sad really

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Seen as there is quite a few hate Wings over Scotland on here

I was wondering do people believe in the data dump that Bella Caledonia got?

I suppose people just want to keep things all covered up and want the elite to keep on screwing you off

The data dump well It details donations to the Labour, Conservative and Liberal (not so much) parties and to Better Together and to Scotland in Union. It details who met with who and who lunched who, their media contacts and their personal details. It outlines the donations, communications, meetings and points of contact for hedge-fund managers, ex-military, retired businessmen and the filthy rich

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ilent.KnightMan  over a year ago


Wait, it now sounds like the spreadsheet was “leaked” by someone in SiU. So this stops being data protection and becomes something else.

Whatever the story, it’s not sounding as clear cut as it was originally presented which read like it was *found*.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Wait, it now sounds like the spreadsheet was “leaked” by someone in SiU. So this stops being data protection and becomes something else.

Whatever the story, it’s not sounding as clear cut as it was originally presented which read like it was *found*. "

Scooby Doo ending anyone? Lol

Now if you look at Scotland in the union and then the people that left Scotland in the union to form ''These Islands and UK unity you will see there is defo a problem with inside fighting with Scotland in the union

How would you feel giving your money to Scotland in the union then to have your private details for the whole world to see ?

If the spreadsheet in 100% true whch its looking very likely that some dire threats, some serious why would they seriously threaten someone if it were not true eh ? Then Scotland in the union are finished

This is about the powerful and wealthy protecting their interests by keeping Scotland in the UK to keep the status quo and not rock the boat with indpendence

Oh i feel another Edward Snowden coming on and yes that case was in the public interest just as this is time to end the elite thing they can do what they want and screw people over to keep the gravy train going

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ilent.KnightMan  over a year ago


I’d be pissed. At the person who stole it mainly. I work with PI and if an insider is willing to steal there is little which can be done.

And I’d be pissed at whoever used that information for their own ends instead of reporting it. The public interest angle is IMO weak and not one I would be happy with if I were on the list.

So I’m order of pissed it would be

SIU employee turn leak



Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

[Removed by poster at 31/12/17 14:50:38]

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"I’d be pissed. At the person who stole it mainly. I work with PI and if an insider is willing to steal there is little which can be done.

And I’d be pissed at whoever used that information for their own ends instead of reporting it. The public interest angle is IMO weak and not one I would be happy with if I were on the list.

So I’m order of pissed it would be

SIU employee turn leak




Ask yourself why would an Scotland in the union insider give over this spreadsheet to a well known pro independence blogger instead of handing it over to the British media ?

Could it be that this insider knows how piss poor the media are and knows this blogger would bring it to the public attention on how the elite operate and what they will do to keep their interests in the status quo and not rock the boat with independence

iI mean did you think Edward Snowden was in the wrong for letting the public know what the NSA were upto in their spying through webcams etc ?

I say good on him for willingly putting himself out there and knowing he could have been arrested charged and send to prison but he thought more about the people and letting people know what shady dodgy things are going on with the elite

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *or Fox SakeCouple  over a year ago


Seriously Kinky, every time you start one of these pro SNP threads you end up taking a kicking. All you do is come out with some nonsense, half a dozen people apply a bit of logic and your argument crumbles.

But hey, that's nationalism for you.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Seriously Kinky, every time you start one of these pro SNP threads you end up taking a kicking. All you do is come out with some nonsense, half a dozen people apply a bit of logic and your argument crumbles.

But hey, that's nationalism for you."

Yeah see this is the problem with some unionists they think everything is all about the SNP heed oot the clouds this belter has bugger to do with the SNP

Out of interest is Scottish nationalism bad and British nationalism good in your opinion ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *andACouple  over a year ago


"Seriously Kinky, every time you start one of these pro SNP threads you end up taking a kicking. All you do is come out with some nonsense, half a dozen people apply a bit of logic and your argument crumbles.

But hey, that's nationalism for you."

Yep, and they're off into the realms of fantasy now in terms of working out why all this has happened. Wings appeals to those on the more extreme end of the nationalist spectrum and also the more gullible. The fella that runs it certainly knows his demographic when you read the work of fiction that this is evolving into.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Jesus now its bait and switch what i want to talk about on my own thread anyone got a gag ? lol

So this green ink gang are they speaking for the masses or just for the wee group wanting to stay hidden ? Lol

They have all been exposed jesus you would think they would fucking move on they won and Scotland is still in the UK but no they shite feart and have to write letters and give them to the unionist newspaper to print so people think its the wide mass of Scotland that is talking about the anti SNP and anti independence when really its just the wee group lol Sad really "

You haven't fucking moved on have you?!?!

You constantly say "democracy isn't a one off event" so why should the unionists stop their political beliefs when the anti-unionists haven't?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *or Fox SakeCouple  over a year ago


"Seriously Kinky, every time you start one of these pro SNP threads you end up taking a kicking. All you do is come out with some nonsense, half a dozen people apply a bit of logic and your argument crumbles.

But hey, that's nationalism for you.

Yeah see this is the problem with some unionists they think everything is all about the SNP heed oot the clouds this belter has bugger to do with the SNP

Out of interest is Scottish nationalism bad and British nationalism good in your opinion ? "

All nationalism is bad, or ends up in tears before bedtime for someone.

And trying to claim Wangs over Bath is not about the SNP is a joke.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Seriously Kinky, every time you start one of these pro SNP threads you end up taking a kicking. All you do is come out with some nonsense, half a dozen people apply a bit of logic and your argument crumbles.

But hey, that's nationalism for you.

Yep, and they're off into the realms of fantasy now in terms of working out why all this has happened. Wings appeals to those on the more extreme end of the nationalist spectrum and also the more gullible. The fella that runs it certainly knows his demographic when you read the work of fiction that this is evolving into."

So a wee bit of time has pasted you found anything dodgy on Wings over Scotland yet ? Mind now has to be hard evidence cant just go around accusing people of not paying tax without evidence. So any reason to believe he is not paying tax or is it just made up bullshit cause you dont like him exposing unionist shite ? Lol Just curious

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Seriously Kinky, every time you start one of these pro SNP threads you end up taking a kicking. All you do is come out with some nonsense, half a dozen people apply a bit of logic and your argument crumbles.

But hey, that's nationalism for you.

Yeah see this is the problem with some unionists they think everything is all about the SNP heed oot the clouds this belter has bugger to do with the SNP

Out of interest is Scottish nationalism bad and British nationalism good in your opinion ?

All nationalism is bad, or ends up in tears before bedtime for someone.

And trying to claim Wangs over Bath is not about the SNP is a joke."

Ah right so pro hardcore unionists that are britnats is bad ?

WTF ? So you think Wings over Scotland is all about the SNP ? Wow just honestly wow

Did you know Stu lives in Bath cant not vote SNP and he is a Lib Dem voter ?

God thats as bad as Alex Cole-Hamilton tweeting paging Nicola Sturgeon all because Wings said Alex is like a screeching owl with his dick in a mouse crap seems he cant take banter now and has to go running to the SNP who Sut is not a member off and again he cant voter SNP

Try again lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *andACouple  over a year ago



And trying to claim Wangs over Bath is not about the SNP is a joke."

Funnily enough an SNP councillor has been caught out today sending private messages to the Wings twitter account on stories it could run. The only problem is he's been sending them to a parody account

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *andACouple  over a year ago


"Seriously Kinky, every time you start one of these pro SNP threads you end up taking a kicking. All you do is come out with some nonsense, half a dozen people apply a bit of logic and your argument crumbles.

But hey, that's nationalism for you.

Yep, and they're off into the realms of fantasy now in terms of working out why all this has happened. Wings appeals to those on the more extreme end of the nationalist spectrum and also the more gullible. The fella that runs it certainly knows his demographic when you read the work of fiction that this is evolving into.

So a wee bit of time has pasted you found anything dodgy on Wings over Scotland yet ? Mind now has to be hard evidence cant just go around accusing people of not paying tax without evidence. So any reason to believe he is not paying tax or is it just made up bullshit cause you dont like him exposing unionist shite ? Lol Just curious"

I've asked questions. Always amazed at how touchy the wings fanclub is over such simple things.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond


And trying to claim Wangs over Bath is not about the SNP is a joke.

Funnily enough an SNP councillor has been caught out today sending private messages to the Wings twitter account on stories it could run. The only problem is he's been sending them to a parody account"

Again its getting through Wings has bugger all to do with SNP he cant vote SNP

Ok is it now a crime to send messages? God you really will try any trick in the book hehehehe

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *or Fox SakeCouple  over a year ago


"Seriously Kinky, every time you start one of these pro SNP threads you end up taking a kicking. All you do is come out with some nonsense, half a dozen people apply a bit of logic and your argument crumbles.

But hey, that's nationalism for you.

Yep, and they're off into the realms of fantasy now in terms of working out why all this has happened. Wings appeals to those on the more extreme end of the nationalist spectrum and also the more gullible. The fella that runs it certainly knows his demographic when you read the work of fiction that this is evolving into.

So a wee bit of time has pasted you found anything dodgy on Wings over Scotland yet ? Mind now has to be hard evidence cant just go around accusing people of not paying tax without evidence. So any reason to believe he is not paying tax or is it just made up bullshit cause you dont like him exposing unionist shite ? Lol Just curious

I've asked questions. Always amazed at how touchy the wings fanclub is over such simple things. "

Anything dodgy on wings?

Other than the stuff about Hillsborough, the stuff about transgender people, the arrest, the threatening behaviour, loads if you look.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Seriously Kinky, every time you start one of these pro SNP threads you end up taking a kicking. All you do is come out with some nonsense, half a dozen people apply a bit of logic and your argument crumbles.

But hey, that's nationalism for you.

Yep, and they're off into the realms of fantasy now in terms of working out why all this has happened. Wings appeals to those on the more extreme end of the nationalist spectrum and also the more gullible. The fella that runs it certainly knows his demographic when you read the work of fiction that this is evolving into.

So a wee bit of time has pasted you found anything dodgy on Wings over Scotland yet ? Mind now has to be hard evidence cant just go around accusing people of not paying tax without evidence. So any reason to believe he is not paying tax or is it just made up bullshit cause you dont like him exposing unionist shite ? Lol Just curious

I've asked questions. Always amazed at how touchy the wings fanclub is over such simple things. "

Asked questions ? Really more like accusing someone off not paying tax without evidence

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Wait, it now sounds like the spreadsheet was “leaked” by someone in SiU. So this stops being data protection and becomes something else.

Whatever the story, it’s not sounding as clear cut as it was originally presented which read like it was *found*. "

what kinky doesn't seem to realise that "if" this is the true story... then the rev has opened himself up for a massive legal issue.....

remember the rev said he phoned people on the list.....

so which issue should be start with.... obtaining stolen goods? defermation? invasion of privacy?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Seriously Kinky, every time you start one of these pro SNP threads you end up taking a kicking. All you do is come out with some nonsense, half a dozen people apply a bit of logic and your argument crumbles.

But hey, that's nationalism for you.

Yep, and they're off into the realms of fantasy now in terms of working out why all this has happened. Wings appeals to those on the more extreme end of the nationalist spectrum and also the more gullible. The fella that runs it certainly knows his demographic when you read the work of fiction that this is evolving into.

So a wee bit of time has pasted you found anything dodgy on Wings over Scotland yet ? Mind now has to be hard evidence cant just go around accusing people of not paying tax without evidence. So any reason to believe he is not paying tax or is it just made up bullshit cause you dont like him exposing unionist shite ? Lol Just curious

I've asked questions. Always amazed at how touchy the wings fanclub is over such simple things.

Anything dodgy on wings?

Other than the stuff about Hillsborough, the stuff about transgender people, the arrest, the threatening behaviour, loads if you look."

Claim your knickers i said anything dodgy like the other person accusing Stu that he may not be paying tax without evidence

The arrest ? Yeah ok who was that dodgy ? Tell me in what way was a well known ex Express reporter being stalked ? Seems it was mighty fine for that said woman to go about claiming Nicola Sturgeon should be slapped in the paper

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ilent.KnightMan  over a year ago



And trying to claim Wangs over Bath is not about the SNP is a joke.

Funnily enough an SNP councillor has been caught out today sending private messages to the Wings twitter account on stories it could run. The only problem is he's been sending them to a parody account

Again its getting through Wings has bugger all to do with SNP he cant vote SNP

Ok is it now a crime to send messages? God you really will try any trick in the book hehehehe"

Is it a crime to donate 7499 ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Wait, it now sounds like the spreadsheet was “leaked” by someone in SiU. So this stops being data protection and becomes something else.

Whatever the story, it’s not sounding as clear cut as it was originally presented which read like it was *found*.

what kinky doesn't seem to realise that "if" this is the true story... then the rev has opened himself up for a massive legal issue.....

remember the rev said he phoned people on the list.....

so which issue should be start with.... obtaining stolen goods? defermation? invasion of privacy? "

Oh god phoning people is now a crime god i better not phone family tonight to wish them a Happy New Year lol

Stolen how if it was in a google drive folder no password

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond


And trying to claim Wangs over Bath is not about the SNP is a joke.

Funnily enough an SNP councillor has been caught out today sending private messages to the Wings twitter account on stories it could run. The only problem is he's been sending them to a parody account

Again its getting through Wings has bugger all to do with SNP he cant vote SNP

Ok is it now a crime to send messages? God you really will try any trick in the book hehehehe

Is it a crime to donate 7499 ?


How many more time NO!!!!!!!!!

What is shady is them making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500 is it to keep SIU flying under the radar of not having to register as a party maybe so they can shove as much bullshit like the letters out in the green ink gang ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *or Fox SakeCouple  over a year ago


"Seriously Kinky, every time you start one of these pro SNP threads you end up taking a kicking. All you do is come out with some nonsense, half a dozen people apply a bit of logic and your argument crumbles.

But hey, that's nationalism for you.

Yep, and they're off into the realms of fantasy now in terms of working out why all this has happened. Wings appeals to those on the more extreme end of the nationalist spectrum and also the more gullible. The fella that runs it certainly knows his demographic when you read the work of fiction that this is evolving into.

So a wee bit of time has pasted you found anything dodgy on Wings over Scotland yet ? Mind now has to be hard evidence cant just go around accusing people of not paying tax without evidence. So any reason to believe he is not paying tax or is it just made up bullshit cause you dont like him exposing unionist shite ? Lol Just curious

I've asked questions. Always amazed at how touchy the wings fanclub is over such simple things.

Anything dodgy on wings?

Other than the stuff about Hillsborough, the stuff about transgender people, the arrest, the threatening behaviour, loads if you look.

Claim your knickers i said anything dodgy like the other person accusing Stu that he may not be paying tax without evidence

The arrest ? Yeah ok who was that dodgy ? Tell me in what way was a well known ex Express reporter being stalked ? Seems it was mighty fine for that said woman to go about claiming Nicola Sturgeon should be slapped in the paper "

You might want to look into his tweets being reported as harassment.

No matter how you look at it, that site is very very nasty . Unless you are a hard core tartan jihadi

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *andACouple  over a year ago



And trying to claim Wangs over Bath is not about the SNP is a joke.

Funnily enough an SNP councillor has been caught out today sending private messages to the Wings twitter account on stories it could run. The only problem is he's been sending them to a parody account

Again its getting through Wings has bugger all to do with SNP he cant vote SNP

Ok is it now a crime to send messages? God you really will try any trick in the book hehehehe

Is it a crime to donate 7499 ?

How many more time NO!!!!!!!!!

What is shady is them making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500 is it to keep SIU flying under the radar of not having to register as a party maybe so they can shove as much bullshit like the letters out in the green ink gang ?


The green ink gang? Isn't that what Stu claimed he had organised in 2014 (check his tweet from then)

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Do people honestly believe th elite are doing all this for the good of the UK or more likely for their own interests to keep the Uk together because they dont want the boat rocked with independence

Come on wake up stop being took for a mug the elite are the problem

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond


And trying to claim Wangs over Bath is not about the SNP is a joke.

Funnily enough an SNP councillor has been caught out today sending private messages to the Wings twitter account on stories it could run. The only problem is he's been sending them to a parody account

Again its getting through Wings has bugger all to do with SNP he cant vote SNP

Ok is it now a crime to send messages? God you really will try any trick in the book hehehehe

Is it a crime to donate 7499 ?

How many more time NO!!!!!!!!!

What is shady is them making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500 is it to keep SIU flying under the radar of not having to register as a party maybe so they can shove as much bullshit like the letters out in the green ink gang ?

The green ink gang? Isn't that what Stu claimed he had organised in 2014 (check his tweet from then)"

Are you denying they are not sending out letters ? I think you better read the email from Ally Cameron you know the director of Scotland in the union he wanted it all kept hush hush to what they were doing and if Ruth even Ruth Davidson has a big mother fucking problem with them

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ilent.KnightMan  over a year ago



And trying to claim Wangs over Bath is not about the SNP is a joke.

Funnily enough an SNP councillor has been caught out today sending private messages to the Wings twitter account on stories it could run. The only problem is he's been sending them to a parody account

Again its getting through Wings has bugger all to do with SNP he cant vote SNP

Ok is it now a crime to send messages? God you really will try any trick in the book hehehehe

Is it a crime to donate 7499 ?

How many more time NO!!!!!!!!!

What is shady is them making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500 is it to keep SIU flying under the radar of not having to register as a party maybe so they can shove as much bullshit like the letters out in the green ink gang ?


Not a crime ? You guys will try any trick. Hehehehe

Ps it keeps the donors out the public eye. Not the organisation. Much like sending a DM rather than a tweet keeps a convesatuon out of the public.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Seriously Kinky, every time you start one of these pro SNP threads you end up taking a kicking. All you do is come out with some nonsense, half a dozen people apply a bit of logic and your argument crumbles.

But hey, that's nationalism for you.

Yep, and they're off into the realms of fantasy now in terms of working out why all this has happened. Wings appeals to those on the more extreme end of the nationalist spectrum and also the more gullible. The fella that runs it certainly knows his demographic when you read the work of fiction that this is evolving into.

So a wee bit of time has pasted you found anything dodgy on Wings over Scotland yet ? Mind now has to be hard evidence cant just go around accusing people of not paying tax without evidence. So any reason to believe he is not paying tax or is it just made up bullshit cause you dont like him exposing unionist shite ? Lol Just curious

I've asked questions. Always amazed at how touchy the wings fanclub is over such simple things.

Anything dodgy on wings?

Other than the stuff about Hillsborough, the stuff about transgender people, the arrest, the threatening behaviour, loads if you look.

Claim your knickers i said anything dodgy like the other person accusing Stu that he may not be paying tax without evidence

The arrest ? Yeah ok who was that dodgy ? Tell me in what way was a well known ex Express reporter being stalked ? Seems it was mighty fine for that said woman to go about claiming Nicola Sturgeon should be slapped in the paper

You might want to look into his tweets being reported as harassment.

No matter how you look at it, that site is very very nasty . Unless you are a hard core tartan jihadi"

Oh and suppose unionists are wee angels and never threaten Nicola or pro indy or SNP members eh

he who cast the first stone and all

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *or Fox SakeCouple  over a year ago


"Do people honestly believe th elite are doing all this for the good of the UK or more likely for their own interests to keep the Uk together because they dont want the boat rocked with independence

Come on wake up stop being took for a mug the elite are the problem "

Conspiracy theory alert

Two moves away from the Illuminati are stopping Scottish independence

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *andACouple  over a year ago


For the sake of your mental health kinky I'd suggest getting out into the real world more often and mix with real people rather than relying on Wings for your worldview. I think I read that you don't work, in that case take up something voluntary. Anything that involves mixing with others, who may not always share the same views as you, can only be a healthy thing.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Do people honestly believe th elite are doing all this for the good of the UK or more likely for their own interests to keep the Uk together because they dont want the boat rocked with independence

Come on wake up stop being took for a mug the elite are the problem

Conspiracy theory alert

Two moves away from the Illuminati are stopping Scottish independence


Wow someone is walking blind

So you honestly dont believe the elite are in it for themselves ? How else to you explain why they want to keep their gravy train going ? Do you believe that will want to see them lose money tight greedy bastards wont ever part with money

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *or Fox SakeCouple  over a year ago


"Do people honestly believe th elite are doing all this for the good of the UK or more likely for their own interests to keep the Uk together because they dont want the boat rocked with independence

Come on wake up stop being took for a mug the elite are the problem

Conspiracy theory alert

Two moves away from the Illuminati are stopping Scottish independence

Wow someone is walking blind

So you honestly dont believe the elite are in it for themselves ? How else to you explain why they want to keep their gravy train going ? Do you believe that will want to see them lose money tight greedy bastards wont ever part with money "

Make that one move

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

[Removed by poster at 31/12/17 15:54:29]

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

[Removed by poster at 31/12/17 15:55:12]

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"For the sake of your mental health kinky I'd suggest getting out into the real world more often and mix with real people rather than relying on Wings for your worldview. I think I read that you don't work, in that case take up something voluntary. Anything that involves mixing with others, who may not always share the same views as you, can only be a healthy thing. "

There you go again so now its all pro indy supporters are SNP couldnt be be nothing else and if your pro indy that means you only read Wings lol

None of your business and where did you read that as i have never published that anywhere on here so that would be great to get that info

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Do people honestly believe th elite are doing all this for the good of the UK or more likely for their own interests to keep the Uk together because they dont want the boat rocked with independence

Come on wake up stop being took for a mug the elite are the problem

Conspiracy theory alert

Two moves away from the Illuminati are stopping Scottish independence

Wow someone is walking blind

So you honestly dont believe the elite are in it for themselves ? How else to you explain why they want to keep their gravy train going ? Do you believe that will want to see them lose money tight greedy bastards wont ever part with money

Make that one move "

Wow walking blind then lol

I would take it from lack of answers you believe the elite have the best interests of all UK citizens ? Nthing dodgy goes on eh ? Living in a bubble i see lol eheheheheh

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ilent.KnightMan  over a year ago


If I had a real financial incentive from keeping Scotland in the Union, I’d probably be looking to throw more than £7500 at it. And I’d throw it at a more influential part of the campaign.

Thing is we don’t even know if these 7499ers were even top notch wealthy.

The funny part of all this is the whole moutntain out of a mile hill is wings being dragged into an internal petty squabble. Which may end up with them being caught up as collateral damage.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *andACouple  over a year ago


"If I had a real financial incentive from keeping Scotland in the Union, I’d probably be looking to throw more than £7500 at it. And I’d throw it at a more influential part of the campaign.

Thing is we don’t even know if these 7499ers were even top notch wealthy.

The funny part of all this is the whole moutntain out of a mile hill is wings being dragged into an internal petty squabble. Which may end up with them being caught up as collateral damage. "

There's also a very very good reason to be flying under the radar up here. If you own a business then there will immediately be a social media campaign by hardcore nationalists to boycott it as well as the possibility of personal harrasment (addresses have been exposed on Wings before).

You should see some of the things nationalists are boycotting up here for any perceived slights, it's hilarious:



Tunnocks biscuits

Barrhead Travel


John Lewis





The list goes on and is added to all the time. The Tunnocks one is the funniest though


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"If I had a real financial incentive from keeping Scotland in the Union, I’d probably be looking to throw more than £7500 at it. And I’d throw it at a more influential part of the campaign.

Thing is we don’t even know if these 7499ers were even top notch wealthy.

The funny part of all this is the whole moutntain out of a mile hill is wings being dragged into an internal petty squabble. Which may end up with them being caught up as collateral damage. "

Ah right so its about money to keep Scotland in the UK

Thats what its always been about stopping independence incase it rocks the boat for the super rich and their interests goes tits up fuck the people

Kinda always knew it was like that that thats the UK union for you corrupt and its all self gain

Where i want independence for a better brighter future for Scotland where we the people of Scotland get to elect the party we vote for into government and they have full yes full control over our own affairs cant tell me you believe the Tories are running the UK well at all

Take the New years honors llist May trying to keep people opn her side and happy

While the real heroes in Manchester and the Grenfell tower get over looked like there nothing thats not a UK i want to be part of where the elite rich toff think about themselves and screw the power and the real fucking heroes also like the NHS too

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If I had a real financial incentive from keeping Scotland in the Union, I’d probably be looking to throw more than £7500 at it. And I’d throw it at a more influential part of the campaign.

Thing is we don’t even know if these 7499ers were even top notch wealthy.

The funny part of all this is the whole moutntain out of a mile hill is wings being dragged into an internal petty squabble. Which may end up with them being caught up as collateral damage.

There's also a very very good reason to be flying under the radar up here. If you own a business then there will immediately be a social media campaign by hardcore nationalists to boycott it as well as the possibility of personal harrasment (addresses have been exposed on Wings before).

You should see some of the things nationalists are boycotting up here for any perceived slights, it's hilarious:



Tunnocks biscuits

Barrhead Travel


John Lewis





The list goes on and is added to all the time. The Tunnocks one is the funniest though


You forgot the main one the daily record

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"If I had a real financial incentive from keeping Scotland in the Union, I’d probably be looking to throw more than £7500 at it. And I’d throw it at a more influential part of the campaign.

Thing is we don’t even know if these 7499ers were even top notch wealthy.

The funny part of all this is the whole moutntain out of a mile hill is wings being dragged into an internal petty squabble. Which may end up with them being caught up as collateral damage.

There's also a very very good reason to be flying under the radar up here. If you own a business then there will immediately be a social media campaign by hardcore nationalists to boycott it as well as the possibility of personal harrasment (addresses have been exposed on Wings before).

You should see some of the things nationalists are boycotting up here for any perceived slights, it's hilarious:



Tunnocks biscuits

Barrhead Travel


John Lewis





The list goes on and is added to all the time. The Tunnocks one is the funniest though


You forgot Barr's add that to your list

I wont be buying shitty sugar free Irn Bru after Jan Maybe when they decide to bring back the full fat Irn Bru

anyone tried the extra shite ? Dont!!!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago



And trying to claim Wangs over Bath is not about the SNP is a joke.

Funnily enough an SNP councillor has been caught out today sending private messages to the Wings twitter account on stories it could run. The only problem is he's been sending them to a parody account

Again its getting through Wings has bugger all to do with SNP he cant vote SNP

Ok is it now a crime to send messages? God you really will try any trick in the book hehehehe

Is it a crime to donate 7499 ?

How many more time NO!!!!!!!!!

What is shady is them making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500 is it to keep SIU flying under the radar of not having to register as a party maybe so they can shove as much bullshit like the letters out in the green ink gang ?


No, it's nothing to do with registering as a party. Where did you get that information from?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *or Fox SakeCouple  over a year ago


"Do people honestly believe th elite are doing all this for the good of the UK or more likely for their own interests to keep the Uk together because they dont want the boat rocked with independence

Come on wake up stop being took for a mug the elite are the problem

Conspiracy theory alert

Two moves away from the Illuminati are stopping Scottish independence

Wow someone is walking blind

So you honestly dont believe the elite are in it for themselves ? How else to you explain why they want to keep their gravy train going ? Do you believe that will want to see them lose money tight greedy bastards wont ever part with money

Make that one move

Wow walking blind then lol

I would take it from lack of answers you believe the elite have the best interests of all UK citizens ? Nthing dodgy goes on eh ? Living in a bubble i see lol eheheheheh"

In your sad version of reality anyone who isn't for the SNP vision is the elite.

Don't waffle about funding a Scottish NHS because you can't without that elite you hate.

Don't quote free prescription's or university funding as they are paid for by the elite, the south of Jedburgh elite.

You, like most of the SNP jihadis are utterly delusional.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond


And trying to claim Wangs over Bath is not about the SNP is a joke.

Funnily enough an SNP councillor has been caught out today sending private messages to the Wings twitter account on stories it could run. The only problem is he's been sending them to a parody account

Again its getting through Wings has bugger all to do with SNP he cant vote SNP

Ok is it now a crime to send messages? God you really will try any trick in the book hehehehe

Is it a crime to donate 7499 ?

How many more time NO!!!!!!!!!

What is shady is them making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500 is it to keep SIU flying under the radar of not having to register as a party maybe so they can shove as much bullshit like the letters out in the green ink gang ?

No, it's nothing to do with registering as a party. Where did you get that information from? "

No its about data protection and the elite thinking they can do as they wish

ALso its about this

3rd time i will post this little belter

The green ink gang...

A wee group of ultra unionists writing letters out for newspapers to print their wee anti SNP and anti independence bullshit and trying to make it appear as if its the whole mass of Scotland agreeing with them when its a wee small group that have tried to keep all things hush hush on what their doing why keep it all hush hush ? Something to hide i wonder ?

Oh and the email comes from the director of Scotland in the union which is being funded by rich toffs

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Do people honestly believe th elite are doing all this for the good of the UK or more likely for their own interests to keep the Uk together because they dont want the boat rocked with independence

Come on wake up stop being took for a mug the elite are the problem

Conspiracy theory alert

Two moves away from the Illuminati are stopping Scottish independence

Wow someone is walking blind

So you honestly dont believe the elite are in it for themselves ? How else to you explain why they want to keep their gravy train going ? Do you believe that will want to see them lose money tight greedy bastards wont ever part with money

Make that one move

Wow walking blind then lol

I would take it from lack of answers you believe the elite have the best interests of all UK citizens ? Nthing dodgy goes on eh ? Living in a bubble i see lol eheheheheh

In your sad version of reality anyone who isn't for the SNP vision is the elite.

Don't waffle about funding a Scottish NHS because you can't without that elite you hate.

Don't quote free prescription's or university funding as they are paid for by the elite, the south of Jedburgh elite.

You, like most of the SNP jihadis are utterly delusional."

Where did you see me say that ? What has this got to do with the SNP ? Unionists clearly cant get away from their hatred of the SNP look not everything has got to do with the SNP

Breaking news Scotland is less than 7 hours away from going in 2018 damn that SNP

Wtf ? So without the elite there would be no NHS ok heard it all now. See the elite in Scotland that fucking hate free health care how many do you see i will give that up and pay?

Wow coming off rather racist there calling SNP members what was it jihadis that should seriously be retacted no need for that sick shit

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago



And trying to claim Wangs over Bath is not about the SNP is a joke.

Funnily enough an SNP councillor has been caught out today sending private messages to the Wings twitter account on stories it could run. The only problem is he's been sending them to a parody account

Again its getting through Wings has bugger all to do with SNP he cant vote SNP

Ok is it now a crime to send messages? God you really will try any trick in the book hehehehe

Is it a crime to donate 7499 ?

How many more time NO!!!!!!!!!

What is shady is them making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500 is it to keep SIU flying under the radar of not having to register as a party maybe so they can shove as much bullshit like the letters out in the green ink gang ?

No, it's nothing to do with registering as a party. Where did you get that information from?

No its about data protection and the elite thinking they can do as they wish

ALso its about this

3rd time i will post this little belter

The green ink gang...

A wee group of ultra unionists writing letters out for newspapers to print their wee anti SNP and anti independence bullshit and trying to make it appear as if its the whole mass of Scotland agreeing with them when its a wee small group that have tried to keep all things hush hush on what their doing why keep it all hush hush ? Something to hide i wonder ?

Oh and the email comes from the director of Scotland in the union which is being funded by rich toffs "

So you are now admitting that you were factually incorrect when you said "What is shady is them making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500 is it to keep SIU flying under the radar of not having to register as a party"


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *icklybitMan  over a year ago


They are so hush hush they sign their own letters!

This lad is away with it.

There's no Jock Watergate scandal here.

But that fake rev will be relying on his unnamed source to save his arse.

Would you?

If he does admit it, he's for the chop.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *or Fox SakeCouple  over a year ago


"Do people honestly believe th elite are doing all this for the good of the UK or more likely for their own interests to keep the Uk together because they dont want the boat rocked with independence

Come on wake up stop being took for a mug the elite are the problem

Conspiracy theory alert

Two moves away from the Illuminati are stopping Scottish independence

Wow someone is walking blind

So you honestly dont believe the elite are in it for themselves ? How else to you explain why they want to keep their gravy train going ? Do you believe that will want to see them lose money tight greedy bastards wont ever part with money

Make that one move

Wow walking blind then lol

I would take it from lack of answers you believe the elite have the best interests of all UK citizens ? Nthing dodgy goes on eh ? Living in a bubble i see lol eheheheheh

In your sad version of reality anyone who isn't for the SNP vision is the elite.

Don't waffle about funding a Scottish NHS because you can't without that elite you hate.

Don't quote free prescription's or university funding as they are paid for by the elite, the south of Jedburgh elite.

You, like most of the SNP jihadis are utterly delusional.

Where did you see me say that ? What has this got to do with the SNP ? Unionists clearly cant get away from their hatred of the SNP look not everything has got to do with the SNP

Breaking news Scotland is less than 7 hours away from going in 2018 damn that SNP

Wtf ? So without the elite there would be no NHS ok heard it all now. See the elite in Scotland that fucking hate free health care how many do you see i will give that up and pay?

Wow coming off rather racist there calling SNP members what was it jihadis that should seriously be retacted no need for that sick shit"

The only racism on this thread is in your disturbed mind. No I will not retract it.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond


And trying to claim Wangs over Bath is not about the SNP is a joke.

Funnily enough an SNP councillor has been caught out today sending private messages to the Wings twitter account on stories it could run. The only problem is he's been sending them to a parody account

Again its getting through Wings has bugger all to do with SNP he cant vote SNP

Ok is it now a crime to send messages? God you really will try any trick in the book hehehehe

Is it a crime to donate 7499 ?

How many more time NO!!!!!!!!!

What is shady is them making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500 is it to keep SIU flying under the radar of not having to register as a party maybe so they can shove as much bullshit like the letters out in the green ink gang ?

No, it's nothing to do with registering as a party. Where did you get that information from?

No its about data protection and the elite thinking they can do as they wish

ALso its about this

3rd time i will post this little belter

The green ink gang...

A wee group of ultra unionists writing letters out for newspapers to print their wee anti SNP and anti independence bullshit and trying to make it appear as if its the whole mass of Scotland agreeing with them when its a wee small group that have tried to keep all things hush hush on what their doing why keep it all hush hush ? Something to hide i wonder ?

Oh and the email comes from the director of Scotland in the union which is being funded by rich toffs

So you are now admitting that you were factually incorrect when you said "What is shady is them making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500 is it to keep SIU flying under the radar of not having to register as a party"


Nope it still looks shady as hell yes no crime has took place but doesnt stop it from looking rather shady

There you go CLCC i have answered your now since you think i dont answer care to be fair and now answer my questions here they are again for you

A wee group of ultra unionists writing letters out for newspapers to print their wee anti SNP and anti independence bullshit and trying to make it appear as if its the whole mass of Scotland agreeing with them when its a wee small group that have tried to keep all things hush hush on what their doing why keep it all hush hush ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Do people honestly believe th elite are doing all this for the good of the UK or more likely for their own interests to keep the Uk together because they dont want the boat rocked with independence

Come on wake up stop being took for a mug the elite are the problem

Conspiracy theory alert

Two moves away from the Illuminati are stopping Scottish independence

Wow someone is walking blind

So you honestly dont believe the elite are in it for themselves ? How else to you explain why they want to keep their gravy train going ? Do you believe that will want to see them lose money tight greedy bastards wont ever part with money

Make that one move

Wow walking blind then lol

I would take it from lack of answers you believe the elite have the best interests of all UK citizens ? Nthing dodgy goes on eh ? Living in a bubble i see lol eheheheheh

In your sad version of reality anyone who isn't for the SNP vision is the elite.

Don't waffle about funding a Scottish NHS because you can't without that elite you hate.

Don't quote free prescription's or university funding as they are paid for by the elite, the south of Jedburgh elite.

You, like most of the SNP jihadis are utterly delusional.

Where did you see me say that ? What has this got to do with the SNP ? Unionists clearly cant get away from their hatred of the SNP look not everything has got to do with the SNP

Breaking news Scotland is less than 7 hours away from going in 2018 damn that SNP

Wtf ? So without the elite there would be no NHS ok heard it all now. See the elite in Scotland that fucking hate free health care how many do you see i will give that up and pay?

Wow coming off rather racist there calling SNP members what was it jihadis that should seriously be retacted no need for that sick shit

The only racism on this thread is in your disturbed mind. No I will not retract it. "

Ok i will call you out on it when have i been racist point it out please

What you said was sick as hell what you called SNP members no damn well need for that

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *or Fox SakeCouple  over a year ago


"Do people honestly believe th elite are doing all this for the good of the UK or more likely for their own interests to keep the Uk together because they dont want the boat rocked with independence

Come on wake up stop being took for a mug the elite are the problem

Conspiracy theory alert

Two moves away from the Illuminati are stopping Scottish independence

Wow someone is walking blind

So you honestly dont believe the elite are in it for themselves ? How else to you explain why they want to keep their gravy train going ? Do you believe that will want to see them lose money tight greedy bastards wont ever part with money

Make that one move

Wow walking blind then lol

I would take it from lack of answers you believe the elite have the best interests of all UK citizens ? Nthing dodgy goes on eh ? Living in a bubble i see lol eheheheheh

In your sad version of reality anyone who isn't for the SNP vision is the elite.

Don't waffle about funding a Scottish NHS because you can't without that elite you hate.

Don't quote free prescription's or university funding as they are paid for by the elite, the south of Jedburgh elite.

You, like most of the SNP jihadis are utterly delusional.

Where did you see me say that ? What has this got to do with the SNP ? Unionists clearly cant get away from their hatred of the SNP look not everything has got to do with the SNP

Breaking news Scotland is less than 7 hours away from going in 2018 damn that SNP

Wtf ? So without the elite there would be no NHS ok heard it all now. See the elite in Scotland that fucking hate free health care how many do you see i will give that up and pay?

Wow coming off rather racist there calling SNP members what was it jihadis that should seriously be retacted no need for that sick shit

The only racism on this thread is in your disturbed mind. No I will not retract it.

Ok i will call you out on it when have i been racist point it out please

What you said was sick as hell what you called SNP members no damn well need for that"

Tough , deal with it.

This is classic divert and avoidance strategy displayed by you.

You get taken apart on every point you make, so through an accusation of racism about.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *andACouple  over a year ago


So all this fake grievance about unionists writing to papers criticising the SNP record (and using their own names) when Wings was sending an SNP strategist tweets telling him he had a network of letter writers and asking for his support.


What is the difference here?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Do people honestly believe th elite are doing all this for the good of the UK or more likely for their own interests to keep the Uk together because they dont want the boat rocked with independence

Come on wake up stop being took for a mug the elite are the problem

Conspiracy theory alert

Two moves away from the Illuminati are stopping Scottish independence

Wow someone is walking blind

So you honestly dont believe the elite are in it for themselves ? How else to you explain why they want to keep their gravy train going ? Do you believe that will want to see them lose money tight greedy bastards wont ever part with money

Make that one move

Wow walking blind then lol

I would take it from lack of answers you believe the elite have the best interests of all UK citizens ? Nthing dodgy goes on eh ? Living in a bubble i see lol eheheheheh

In your sad version of reality anyone who isn't for the SNP vision is the elite.

Don't waffle about funding a Scottish NHS because you can't without that elite you hate.

Don't quote free prescription's or university funding as they are paid for by the elite, the south of Jedburgh elite.

You, like most of the SNP jihadis are utterly delusional.

Where did you see me say that ? What has this got to do with the SNP ? Unionists clearly cant get away from their hatred of the SNP look not everything has got to do with the SNP

Breaking news Scotland is less than 7 hours away from going in 2018 damn that SNP

Wtf ? So without the elite there would be no NHS ok heard it all now. See the elite in Scotland that fucking hate free health care how many do you see i will give that up and pay?

Wow coming off rather racist there calling SNP members what was it jihadis that should seriously be retacted no need for that sick shit

The only racism on this thread is in your disturbed mind. No I will not retract it.

Ok i will call you out on it when have i been racist point it out please

What you said was sick as hell what you called SNP members no damn well need for that

Tough , deal with it.

This is classic divert and avoidance strategy displayed by you.

You get taken apart on every point you make, so through an accusation of racism about.


Wow just wow

so you cant tell me where i have been racist so that was utter bullshit by you good thanks for clearing that up

Yet still ok wth what you said about SNP members

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *or Fox SakeCouple  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 31/12/17 17:47:45]

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *or Fox SakeCouple  over a year ago


"Do people honestly believe th elite are doing all this for the good of the UK or more likely for their own interests to keep the Uk together because they dont want the boat rocked with independence

Come on wake up stop being took for a mug the elite are the problem

Conspiracy theory alert

Two moves away from the Illuminati are stopping Scottish independence

Wow someone is walking blind

So you honestly dont believe the elite are in it for themselves ? How else to you explain why they want to keep their gravy train going ? Do you believe that will want to see them lose money tight greedy bastards wont ever part with money

Make that one move

Wow walking blind then lol

I would take it from lack of answers you believe the elite have the best interests of all UK citizens ? Nthing dodgy goes on eh ? Living in a bubble i see lol eheheheheh

In your sad version of reality anyone who isn't for the SNP vision is the elite.

Don't waffle about funding a Scottish NHS because you can't without that elite you hate.

Don't quote free prescription's or university funding as they are paid for by the elite, the south of Jedburgh elite.

You, like most of the SNP jihadis are utterly delusional.

Where did you see me say that ? What has this got to do with the SNP ? Unionists clearly cant get away from their hatred of the SNP look not everything has got to do with the SNP

Breaking news Scotland is less than 7 hours away from going in 2018 damn that SNP

Wtf ? So without the elite there would be no NHS ok heard it all now. See the elite in Scotland that fucking hate free health care how many do you see i will give that up and pay?

Wow coming off rather racist there calling SNP members what was it jihadis that should seriously be retacted no need for that sick shit

The only racism on this thread is in your disturbed mind. No I will not retract it.

Ok i will call you out on it when have i been racist point it out please

What you said was sick as hell what you called SNP members no damn well need for that

Tough , deal with it.

This is classic divert and avoidance strategy displayed by you.

You get taken apart on every point you make, so through an accusation of racism about.

Wow just wow

so you cant tell me where i have been racist so that was utter bullshit by you good thanks for clearing that up

Yet still ok wth what you said about SNP members "

Having experienced on line abuse from SNP members I am completely cool with it.

Oh and I note another ones of your line of attack has just been taken apart.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"So all this fake grievance about unionists writing to papers criticising the SNP record (and using their own names) when Wings was sending an SNP strategist tweets telling him he had a network of letter writers and asking for his support.


What is the difference here?"

Right over your heed i see lol

Ok Scotland is in the UK correct ? So whats got this wee group spooked ? Then trying to keep it all hush hush not wanting anyone to know its them and so says the director of Scotland in the union lol

Whats more its they are trying to make it look like its the masses in Scotland that are anti SNP anti independence

Well problem Scotland elected the SNP with most votes and most seats so its not the mass its their wee group shhhhhhhhh!!! dont want it getting out there

Dont do what others have tried on here clubing unionists votes together and claiming victory look what that did to wee Scottish Labour branch jumping into bed with the Tories in 2014

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *andACouple  over a year ago


"So all this fake grievance about unionists writing to papers criticising the SNP record (and using their own names) when Wings was sending an SNP strategist tweets telling him he had a network of letter writers and asking for his support.


What is the difference here?

Right over your heed i see lol

Ok Scotland is in the UK correct ? So whats got this wee group spooked ? Then trying to keep it all hush hush not wanting anyone to know its them and so says the director of Scotland in the union lol

Whats more its they are trying to make it look like its the masses in Scotland that are anti SNP anti independence

Well problem Scotland elected the SNP with most votes and most seats so its not the mass its their wee group shhhhhhhhh!!! dont want it getting out there

Dont do what others have tried on here clubing unionists votes together and claiming victory look what that did to wee Scottish Labour branch jumping into bed with the Tories in 2014 "

Are you seriously this thick.

1) All those who have been writing to the papers have put their names to them. There's been no use of false names etc

2) The masses are anti-independence which is why we won at the referendum

3) I'm assuming you got this outrage about people writing to the papers from Wings when it's been shown that he'd organised the very same thing and was also trying to involve the SNP government to assist him. That's even more sinister.

4) Somehow writing to papers providing legitimate criticism of the party of government and political elite (the SNP) shows that you are spooked? We live in a Western democracy thankfully where such things aren't usually frowned upon, other than by the more extreme nationalists apparently (We have examples of this from history with nationalists in various other countries as well)

5) Head is the proper spelling, not "heed"

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"So all this fake grievance about unionists writing to papers criticising the SNP record (and using their own names) when Wings was sending an SNP strategist tweets telling him he had a network of letter writers and asking for his support.


What is the difference here?

Right over your heed i see lol

Ok Scotland is in the UK correct ? So whats got this wee group spooked ? Then trying to keep it all hush hush not wanting anyone to know its them and so says the director of Scotland in the union lol

Whats more its they are trying to make it look like its the masses in Scotland that are anti SNP anti independence

Well problem Scotland elected the SNP with most votes and most seats so its not the mass its their wee group shhhhhhhhh!!! dont want it getting out there

Dont do what others have tried on here clubing unionists votes together and claiming victory look what that did to wee Scottish Labour branch jumping into bed with the Tories in 2014

Are you seriously this thick.

1) All those who have been writing to the papers have put their names to them. There's been no use of false names etc

2) The masses are anti-independence which is why we won at the referendum

3) I'm assuming you got this outrage about people writing to the papers from Wings when it's been shown that he'd organised the very same thing and was also trying to involve the SNP government to assist him. That's even more sinister.

4) Somehow writing to papers providing legitimate criticism of the party of government and political elite (the SNP) shows that you are spooked? We live in a Western democracy thankfully where such things aren't usually frowned upon, other than by the more extreme nationalists apparently (We have examples of this from history with nationalists in various other countries as well)

5) Head is the proper spelling, not "heed""

Where is the need for that remember this is a site for fun no need to call people thick calm that shit

1. Yes but did Alastair Cameron write in an email to keep the group from beng known to the public yes or no ?

2. How would you know this ? That was in 2014 this is now 2017 going on 2018 many things have changed since 2014 thats your opinion only the mandate is there to have another go at independence which btw you can vote no again lol

3. No i actually didnt you see like i have been trying to tell you there is more than one pro indy site correct ?

4. Yeah ok SNP are spooked yet still winning elections ok then

5. What afraid of Scottish slang ? Frowned apon for not speaking English

Nah thanks i will speak /type they way i want lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *andACouple  over a year ago


Also, as you are accusing these people of some sort of lack of transparency, even though their names are listed on every letter. Do we know any of the names from the group that Wings put together? Any of them at all?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago



And trying to claim Wangs over Bath is not about the SNP is a joke.

Funnily enough an SNP councillor has been caught out today sending private messages to the Wings twitter account on stories it could run. The only problem is he's been sending them to a parody account

Again its getting through Wings has bugger all to do with SNP he cant vote SNP

Ok is it now a crime to send messages? God you really will try any trick in the book hehehehe

Is it a crime to donate 7499 ?

How many more time NO!!!!!!!!!

What is shady is them making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500 is it to keep SIU flying under the radar of not having to register as a party maybe so they can shove as much bullshit like the letters out in the green ink gang ?

No, it's nothing to do with registering as a party. Where did you get that information from?

No its about data protection and the elite thinking they can do as they wish

ALso its about this

3rd time i will post this little belter

The green ink gang...

A wee group of ultra unionists writing letters out for newspapers to print their wee anti SNP and anti independence bullshit and trying to make it appear as if its the whole mass of Scotland agreeing with them when its a wee small group that have tried to keep all things hush hush on what their doing why keep it all hush hush ? Something to hide i wonder ?

Oh and the email comes from the director of Scotland in the union which is being funded by rich toffs

So you are now admitting that you were factually incorrect when you said "What is shady is them making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500 is it to keep SIU flying under the radar of not having to register as a party"


Nope it still looks shady as hell yes no crime has took place but doesnt stop it from looking rather shady

There you go CLCC i have answered your now since you think i dont answer care to be fair and now answer my questions here they are again for you

A wee group of ultra unionists writing letters out for newspapers to rint their wee anti SNP and anti independence bullshit and trying to make it appear as if its the whole mass of Scotland agreeing with them when its a wee small group that have tried to keep all things hush hush on what their doing why keep it all hush hush ? "

Kinky, you keep changing your mind, please can you say which one of these statements you agree with.

1. If you receive a donation of £7500 or more, you have to register as a political party.

2. You do not have to register as a political party if your receive a donation of £7500 or more.

And to answer your question no, I don't believe Scotland in Union are trying to stay hush hush. They are receiving donations from the public, you say they are taking out adverts, they are on twitter and Facebook and have a public facing website. That is not hush hush in the slightest.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Also, as you are accusing these people of some sort of lack of transparency, even though their names are listed on every letter. Do we know any of the names from the group that Wings put together? Any of them at all? "

Hello go read what Ally Cameron said did he say that the group should be kept hidden yes or no final time am asking this if you give no answer i will take that is a yes you know fine well he said for the group to be hdden from the public

So that means he wasnt being transparent no me him

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond


And trying to claim Wangs over Bath is not about the SNP is a joke.

Funnily enough an SNP councillor has been caught out today sending private messages to the Wings twitter account on stories it could run. The only problem is he's been sending them to a parody account

Again its getting through Wings has bugger all to do with SNP he cant vote SNP

Ok is it now a crime to send messages? God you really will try any trick in the book hehehehe

Is it a crime to donate 7499 ?

How many more time NO!!!!!!!!!

What is shady is them making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500 is it to keep SIU flying under the radar of not having to register as a party maybe so they can shove as much bullshit like the letters out in the green ink gang ?

No, it's nothing to do with registering as a party. Where did you get that information from?

No its about data protection and the elite thinking they can do as they wish

ALso its about this

3rd time i will post this little belter

The green ink gang...

A wee group of ultra unionists writing letters out for newspapers to print their wee anti SNP and anti independence bullshit and trying to make it appear as if its the whole mass of Scotland agreeing with them when its a wee small group that have tried to keep all things hush hush on what their doing why keep it all hush hush ? Something to hide i wonder ?

Oh and the email comes from the director of Scotland in the union which is being funded by rich toffs

So you are now admitting that you were factually incorrect when you said "What is shady is them making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500 is it to keep SIU flying under the radar of not having to register as a party"


Nope it still looks shady as hell yes no crime has took place but doesnt stop it from looking rather shady

There you go CLCC i have answered your now since you think i dont answer care to be fair and now answer my questions here they are again for you

A wee group of ultra unionists writing letters out for newspapers to rint their wee anti SNP and anti independence bullshit and trying to make it appear as if its the whole mass of Scotland agreeing with them when its a wee small group that have tried to keep all things hush hush on what their doing why keep it all hush hush ?

Kinky, you keep changing your mind, please can you say which one of these statements you agree with.

1. If you receive a donation of £7500 or more, you have to register as a political party.

2. You do not have to register as a political party if your receive a donation of £7500 or more.

And to answer your question no, I don't believe Scotland in Union are trying to stay hush hush. They are receiving donations from the public, you say they are taking out adverts, they are on twitter and Facebook and have a public facing website. That is not hush hush in the slightest."

1. If a non party gets a donation of £7,500 it has to be declared to the electoral commission

2. still have to be delcared

Wow it really is defend the union at any cost even lie

So when Alastair Cameron said this in an email you believe he was not trying to keep this wee green ink gang hidden ?

''we must not advertise the existence of the group. It can be mentioned verbally, in safe environment, that some people share letters/encourage each other, but anything more risks editors discriminating, nationalists reacting, and this diverse group being portrayed as a monolithic campaign''

Some people will do anything to defend people even when its there in black and white of him actually saying ''We must not advertise the existence of the group''

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Kevin Hague - '' In other shocking news , it turns out people who can afford to make large donations to causes they believe in are generally well off mind blown''

Wow from Kevin how about this

''it turns out people who can't afford to make large donations to causes they believe in are generally ignored by people who are well off''

Mind blown stuff lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago



And trying to claim Wangs over Bath is not about the SNP is a joke.

Funnily enough an SNP councillor has been caught out today sending private messages to the Wings twitter account on stories it could run. The only problem is he's been sending them to a parody account

Again its getting through Wings has bugger all to do with SNP he cant vote SNP

Ok is it now a crime to send messages? God you really will try any trick in the book hehehehe

Is it a crime to donate 7499 ?

How many more time NO!!!!!!!!!

What is shady is them making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500 is it to keep SIU flying under the radar of not having to register as a party maybe so they can shove as much bullshit like the letters out in the green ink gang ?

No, it's nothing to do with registering as a party. Where did you get that information from?

No its about data protection and the elite thinking they can do as they wish

ALso its about this

3rd time i will post this little belter

The green ink gang...

A wee group of ultra unionists writing letters out for newspapers to print their wee anti SNP and anti independence bullshit and trying to make it appear as if its the whole mass of Scotland agreeing with them when its a wee small group that have tried to keep all things hush hush on what their doing why keep it all hush hush ? Something to hide i wonder ?

Oh and the email comes from the director of Scotland in the union which is being funded by rich toffs

So you are now admitting that you were factually incorrect when you said "What is shady is them making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500 is it to keep SIU flying under the radar of not having to register as a party"


Nope it still looks shady as hell yes no crime has took place but doesnt stop it from looking rather shady

There you go CLCC i have answered your now since you think i dont answer care to be fair and now answer my questions here they are again for you

A wee group of ultra unionists writing letters out for newspapers to rint their wee anti SNP and anti independence bullshit and trying to make it appear as if its the whole mass of Scotland agreeing with them when its a wee small group that have tried to keep all things hush hush on what their doing why keep it all hush hush ?

Kinky, you keep changing your mind, please can you say which one of these statements you agree with.

1. If you receive a donation of £7500 or more, you have to register as a political party.

2. You do not have to register as a political party if your receive a donation of £7500 or more.

And to answer your question no, I don't believe Scotland in Union are trying to stay hush hush. They are receiving donations from the public, you say they are taking out adverts, they are on twitter and Facebook and have a public facing website. That is not hush hush in the slightest.

1. If a non party gets a donation of £7,500 it has to be declared to the electoral commission

2. still have to be delcared

Wow it really is defend the union at any cost even lie

So when Alastair Cameron said this in an email you believe he was not trying to keep this wee green ink gang hidden ?

''we must not advertise the existence of the group. It can be mentioned verbally, in safe environment, that some people share letters/encourage each other, but anything more risks editors discriminating, nationalists reacting, and this diverse group being portrayed as a monolithic campaign''

Some people will do anything to defend people even when its there in black and white of him actually saying ''We must not advertise the existence of the group''"

Can you show me proof that if you receive a donation of £7500+ you have to register as a political party?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inkyHnS OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Council of Elrond


And trying to claim Wangs over Bath is not about the SNP is a joke.

Funnily enough an SNP councillor has been caught out today sending private messages to the Wings twitter account on stories it could run. The only problem is he's been sending them to a parody account

Again its getting through Wings has bugger all to do with SNP he cant vote SNP

Ok is it now a crime to send messages? God you really will try any trick in the book hehehehe

Is it a crime to donate 7499 ?

How many more time NO!!!!!!!!!

What is shady is them making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500 is it to keep SIU flying under the radar of not having to register as a party maybe so they can shove as much bullshit like the letters out in the green ink gang ?

No, it's nothing to do with registering as a party. Where did you get that information from?

No its about data protection and the elite thinking they can do as they wish

ALso its about this

3rd time i will post this little belter

The green ink gang...

A wee group of ultra unionists writing letters out for newspapers to print their wee anti SNP and anti independence bullshit and trying to make it appear as if its the whole mass of Scotland agreeing with them when its a wee small group that have tried to keep all things hush hush on what their doing why keep it all hush hush ? Something to hide i wonder ?

Oh and the email comes from the director of Scotland in the union which is being funded by rich toffs

So you are now admitting that you were factually incorrect when you said "What is shady is them making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500 is it to keep SIU flying under the radar of not having to register as a party"


Nope it still looks shady as hell yes no crime has took place but doesnt stop it from looking rather shady

There you go CLCC i have answered your now since you think i dont answer care to be fair and now answer my questions here they are again for you

A wee group of ultra unionists writing letters out for newspapers to rint their wee anti SNP and anti independence bullshit and trying to make it appear as if its the whole mass of Scotland agreeing with them when its a wee small group that have tried to keep all things hush hush on what their doing why keep it all hush hush ?

Kinky, you keep changing your mind, please can you say which one of these statements you agree with.

1. If you receive a donation of £7500 or more, you have to register as a political party.

2. You do not have to register as a political party if your receive a donation of £7500 or more.

And to answer your question no, I don't believe Scotland in Union are trying to stay hush hush. They are receiving donations from the public, you say they are taking out adverts, they are on twitter and Facebook and have a public facing website. That is not hush hush in the slightest.

1. If a non party gets a donation of £7,500 it has to be declared to the electoral commission

2. still have to be delcared

Wow it really is defend the union at any cost even lie

So when Alastair Cameron said this in an email you believe he was not trying to keep this wee green ink gang hidden ?

''we must not advertise the existence of the group. It can be mentioned verbally, in safe environment, that some people share letters/encourage each other, but anything more risks editors discriminating, nationalists reacting, and this diverse group being portrayed as a monolithic campaign''

Some people will do anything to defend people even when its there in black and white of him actually saying ''We must not advertise the existence of the group''

Can you show me proof that if you receive a donation of £7500+ you have to register as a political party? "

There you go again

Mind answering mine So when Alastair Cameron said this in an email you believe he was not trying to keep this wee green ink gang hidden ?

This is coming from Cameron

''we must not advertise the existence of the group. It can be mentioned verbally, in safe environment, that some people share letters/encourage each other, but anything more risks editors discriminating, nationalists reacting, and this diverse group being portrayed as a monolithic campaign''

This wee part surely as hell sounds like they dont want people knowing why is that you think ''we must not advertise the existence of the group''

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago



And trying to claim Wangs over Bath is not about the SNP is a joke.

Funnily enough an SNP councillor has been caught out today sending private messages to the Wings twitter account on stories it could run. The only problem is he's been sending them to a parody account

Again its getting through Wings has bugger all to do with SNP he cant vote SNP

Ok is it now a crime to send messages? God you really will try any trick in the book hehehehe

Is it a crime to donate 7499 ?

How many more time NO!!!!!!!!!

What is shady is them making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500 is it to keep SIU flying under the radar of not having to register as a party maybe so they can shove as much bullshit like the letters out in the green ink gang ?

No, it's nothing to do with registering as a party. Where did you get that information from?

No its about data protection and the elite thinking they can do as they wish

ALso its about this

3rd time i will post this little belter

The green ink gang...

A wee group of ultra unionists writing letters out for newspapers to print their wee anti SNP and anti independence bullshit and trying to make it appear as if its the whole mass of Scotland agreeing with them when its a wee small group that have tried to keep all things hush hush on what their doing why keep it all hush hush ? Something to hide i wonder ?

Oh and the email comes from the director of Scotland in the union which is being funded by rich toffs

So you are now admitting that you were factually incorrect when you said "What is shady is them making donations £1 below the Electoral Commission’s declaration limit of £7,500 is it to keep SIU flying under the radar of not having to register as a party"


Nope it still looks shady as hell yes no crime has took place but doesnt stop it from looking rather shady

There you go CLCC i have answered your now since you think i dont answer care to be fair and now answer my questions here they are again for you

A wee group of ultra unionists writing letters out for newspapers to rint their wee anti SNP and anti independence bullshit and trying to make it appear as if its the whole mass of Scotland agreeing with them when its a wee small group that have tried to keep all things hush hush on what their doing why keep it all hush hush ?

Kinky, you keep changing your mind, please can you say which one of these statements you agree with.

1. If you receive a donation of £7500 or more, you have to register as a political party.

2. You do not have to register as a political party if your receive a donation of £7500 or more.

And to answer your question no, I don't believe Scotland in Union are trying to stay hush hush. They are receiving donations from the public, you say they are taking out adverts, they are on twitter and Facebook and have a public facing website. That is not hush hush in the slightest.

1. If a non party gets a donation of £7,500 it has to be declared to the electoral commission

2. still have to be delcared

Wow it really is defend the union at any cost even lie

So when Alastair Cameron said this in an email you believe he was not trying to keep this wee green ink gang hidden ?

''we must not advertise the existence of the group. It can be mentioned verbally, in safe environment, that some people share letters/encourage each other, but anything more risks editors discriminating, nationalists reacting, and this diverse group being portrayed as a monolithic campaign''

Some people will do anything to defend people even when its there in black and white of him actually saying ''We must not advertise the existence of the group''

Can you show me proof that if you receive a donation of £7500+ you have to register as a political party?

There you go again

Mind answering mine So when Alastair Cameron said this in an email you believe he was not trying to keep this wee green ink gang hidden ?

This is coming from Cameron

''we must not advertise the existence of the group. It can be mentioned verbally, in safe environment, that some people share letters/encourage each other, but anything more risks editors discriminating, nationalists reacting, and this diverse group being portrayed as a monolithic campaign''

This wee part surely as hell sounds like they dont want people knowing why is that you think ''we must not advertise the existence of the group''"

No, a public organisation, taking public donations, registered at companies house, has a website, Facebook, twitter etc. is not trying to hide.

There, I've answered your question, AGAIN. So where is your proof that you have to register as a political party if you accept more than £7500.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

i just think its amazing that through all this thread.... kinky still doesn't know the difference between a political party... and a political lobby group....

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"i just think its amazing that through all this thread.... kinky still doesn't know the difference between a political party... and a political lobby group...."

It's their ignorance that has started this whole thread, they say you need to register as a political party if your receive a donation of £7500 or more. Now let's seem them prove it, or admit their mistake.

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