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Asian grooming gang in Newcastle

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


17 Asian men and one white woman found guilt of grooming 278 young girls in Newcastle . What can be done to stop it ?

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


More police, more social workers, more family support, more pastoral care etc.

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


And do you think that will make them stop grooming young white girls then it was said in the news yyrsterday it needs to be dealt with as a hate crime aswell more police and social workers is a good thing but how will that stop what's happening across the uk tho

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By *oyce69Man  over a year ago


You can have as many police, social workers and family support as you like but if the powers that be ignore the problem as they have done in the past through fear of upsetting certain religions then your on a hiding to nothing.

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Agree 100% for to

Long now ppl are to scared of being labelled racist there needs to be s honest debate in parilment about it and the police need to grow some balls aswell

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Baroness Warsi,in 2012 while co-chairman of the Conservative party said

She believed race played a factor in the crime when talking about a similar case of that time. Greater Manchester police, the force involved attempted to play down any suggestions that race played a part. They instead cited it as a problem for our one community.

My own personal thought is that I am 38 and know very few Asians or muslims. I feel very much that they move in their own community and I in mine.

Baroness warsi speaks as an Asian Muslim woman of Pakistani descent. She grew up in the community these offenders grew up in and likely speaks with some authority when she said "there is a small minority of Pakistani men who see white girls as fair game" "third class citizens. "

If you are raised with a branch of Islam that is corrupted and teaches that anybody not Muslim is somehow less it becomes easy to see how you could end up treating others badly.

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"And do you think that will make them stop grooming young white girls then it was said in the news yyrsterday it needs to be dealt with as a hate crime aswell more police and social workers is a good thing but how will that stop what's happening across the uk tho "

It will stop the girls from being vulnerable in the first place. People can't keep on voting for parties that cut public spending and expect this to stop.

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


People need to decide if this is a price worth paying for lower taxation, or if they would be willing to pay a bit more in tax, to stop this happening again.

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Click I understand that but it's not the problem we are always going to have vunteble young girls it's the British Pakistani born men mainly it's a quote don't have a heartattack that's the problem they see white girls differently to there own girls hence needs to be treated as a hate crime

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


"People need to decide if this is a price worth paying for lower taxation, or if they would be willing to pay a bit more in tax, to stop this happening again."
it has nothing to do with the police wtf it's the scum who do these crimes they see these poor girls as pray

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Click I understand that but it's not the problem we are always going to have vunteble young girls it's the British Pakistani born men mainly it's a quote don't have a heartattack that's the problem they see white girls differently to there own girls hence needs to be treated as a hate crime "

No, there doesn't always have to be vulnerable young girls. That's the point.

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Click u know that's rubbish there's 65 million in the uk thers always going to be vunteble young girls what we need to do is get rid of the scum that pays on them and to stop being over the top PC ur trying to put the blame on the government for cuts to the police no am mount of oo ice will stop these crimes

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Click u know that's rubbish there's 65 million in the uk thers always going to be vunteble young girls what we need to do is get rid of the scum that pays on them and to stop being over the top PC ur trying to put the blame on the government for cuts to the police no am mount of oo ice will stop these crimes "

It not just police, it's social workers, family support services, mental health services, substance misuse services, pastoral support services, homelessness services etc etc.

If you don't agree with me, then how do you explain the fact that this keeps on happening in socially economically deprived areas?

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


I do agree with u we can never have enough of these services but that will not stop some Asian mainly Pakistani uk born men from praying on young white girls will it the police social workers all new about this as in other towns the problem was et are scared of being labelled racist why do you never com own on the scum who commit these crimes ?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Baroness Warsi,in 2012 while co-chairman of the Conservative party said

She believed race played a factor in the crime when talking about a similar case of that time. Greater Manchester police, the force involved attempted to play down any suggestions that race played a part. They instead cited it as a problem for our one community.

My own personal thought is that I am 38 and know very few Asians or muslims. I feel very much that they move in their own community and I in mine.

Baroness warsi speaks as an Asian Muslim woman of Pakistani descent. She grew up in the community these offenders grew up in and likely speaks with some authority when she said "there is a small minority of Pakistani men who see white girls as fair game" "third class citizens. "

If you are raised with a branch of Islam that is corrupted and teaches that anybody not Muslim is somehow less it becomes easy to see how you could end up treating others badly. "

i dont belive islam haf anything to do with it

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By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"You can have as many police, social workers and family support as you like but if the powers that be ignore the problem as they have done in the past through fear of upsetting certain religions then your on a hiding to nothing. "

It seems to me that the only difference between Asian British peado rings and white British peado rings is class. The Asian rings are made up of dirty old working class perverts who when found are prosecuted and jailed. While the white British rings are made up of the rich and powerful 'professionals', celebrities and upper classes for the most part and their perversions are hushed up for decades and preferably until after they are dead. Then the authorities, who knew and suppressed the evidence of the systematic abuse of children to protect the perverts wring their hands have an enquiry and say lessons have been learned (until the next time).

Now in all honesty you tell me which is worse, I would suggest it is not as you would be seeming to suggest and the problem we have with Asian peado rings.

Would you like to give a balanced reply? Or would you rather continue to ignore the much more serious problem we have with white peados abusing their positions of power to abuse those they are charged with protecting and the police who actively collude to suppress criminal complaints made by victims of that abuse?

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By *ercuryMan  over a year ago


The then Keighley MP, Ann Cryer, spoke out on this issue back in 2002.

She spoke of young Asian men preying on and grooming younger white girls.

She was vilified by many, including her own party and local Moslem elders, who told her "it was nothing to do with them"

Yet, history repeats itself...Rotherham, Oxford, Oldham , Derby and now Newcastle.

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


"You can have as many police, social workers and family support as you like but if the powers that be ignore the problem as they have done in the past through fear of upsetting certain religions then your on a hiding to nothing.

It seems to me that the only difference between Asian British peado rings and white British peado rings is class. The Asian rings are made up of dirty old working class perverts who when found are prosecuted and jailed. While the white British rings are made up of the rich and powerful 'professionals', celebrities and upper classes for the most part and their perversions are hushed up for decades and preferably until after they are dead. Then the authorities, who knew and suppressed the evidence of the systematic abuse of children to protect the perverts wring their hands have an enquiry and say lessons have been learned (until the next time).

Now in all honesty you tell me which is worse, I would suggest it is not as you would be seeming to suggest and the problem we have with Asian peado rings.

Would you like to give a balanced reply? Or would you rather continue to ignore the much more serious problem we have with white peados abusing their positions of power to abuse those they are charged with protecting and the police who actively collude to suppress criminal complaints made by victims of that abuse?"

give me some examples of the White grooming gangs and I'll openly slay them all on here for you what these Asian gangs are doing is praying on the girls because of there coulor they see them as second class it's also a hate crime

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

One of the main problems is there isn't a "sufficient" deterrent? It's too easy to "simplify" things get rid of them etc. They are here fact. But if say we had a deterrent of say life in prison it might solve the problem? Also when someone is sentenced they should do the whole sentence - if they are not a model prisoner they should get time added on?

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"I do agree with u we can never have enough of these services but that will not stop some Asian mainly Pakistani uk born men from praying on young white girls will it the police social workers all new about this as in other towns the problem was et are scared of being labelled racist why do you never com own on the scum who commit these crimes ?"

I thought it was fairly obvious that I don't approve of r@pe and am glad they have been tried and sentenced. However I am happy to say it again now. Rapists should be tried and sent to prison.

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


I agree with that aswell but it's also there mind set how they see young white British girls that needs changing and can only be changed from with in

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Click who on here doesy agree with that ? We all do but the crime as already been committed then lives AV being ruined we need to stop it happening in the first place

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"You can have as many police, social workers and family support as you like but if the powers that be ignore the problem as they have done in the past through fear of upsetting certain religions then your on a hiding to nothing.

It seems to me that the only difference between Asian British peado rings and white British peado rings is class. The Asian rings are made up of dirty old working class perverts who when found are prosecuted and jailed. While the white British rings are made up of the rich and powerful 'professionals', celebrities and upper classes for the most part and their perversions are hushed up for decades and preferably until after they are dead. Then the authorities, who knew and suppressed the evidence of the systematic abuse of children to protect the perverts wring their hands have an enquiry and say lessons have been learned (until the next time).

Now in all honesty you tell me which is worse, I would suggest it is not as you would be seeming to suggest and the problem we have with Asian peado rings.

Would you like to give a balanced reply? Or would you rather continue to ignore the much more serious problem we have with white peados abusing their positions of power to abuse those they are charged with protecting and the police who actively collude to suppress criminal complaints made by victims of that abuse? give me some examples of the White grooming gangs and I'll openly slay them all on here for you what these Asian gangs are doing is praying on the girls because of there coulor they see them as second class it's also a hate crime "

or maybe because white girls are more plentyful and previlent in the area

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Nothing to do with it it's because as one of the guys was seen on video saying White gorls are for guys like me to use as trash it's a hate crime aswell Asian cominity would not be scared of being labelled racist if they reported them would they if they targeted Asian girls

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By *wingtasticMan  over a year ago

north west

What would happen in Saudi Arabia or a country of their belief? We can't say that can we? No, it would be considered racist.

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


That's the point we AV gone to far with being politicallyracist correct 278 girls in Newcastle thousands mor cross the uk because the police and social services were scared of being labels racist were do we draw the line

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"That's the point we AV gone to far with being politicallyracist correct 278 girls in Newcastle thousands mor cross the uk because the police and social services were scared of being labels racist were do we draw the line "

No, we have got to this point by underfunding services. If there were no vulnerable girls, who would they have attacked?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Nothing can be done to it, until they recognize it is a problem and stop hiding behind political correctness, is this the same gang that is in rutherham?

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


No this is a different gang of 17 men thers gangs all over the uk and _lcc we are always going to AV vunteble girls it's called life it's our duty to keep them safe that doesn't mean arresting the men after there life's AV being ruined the problem is the mind set of some not all k Pakistani born men ore police won't stop that problem will it

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"No this is a different gang of 17 men thers gangs all over the uk and _lcc we are always going to AV vunteble girls it's called life it's our duty to keep them safe that doesn't mean arresting the men after there life's AV being ruined the problem is the mind set of some not all k Pakistani born men ore police won't stop that problem will it "

UK family found guilty of enslaving homeless and disabled people


How about this? What is the common denominator, the victims or the perpetrators?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"That's the point we AV gone to far with being politicallyracist correct 278 girls in Newcastle thousands mor cross the uk because the police and social services were scared of being labels racist were do we draw the line

No, we have got to this point by underfunding services. If there were no vulnerable girls, who would they have attacked?"

What!!? You are blaming the girls and the services for these peoples actions? You are a sick r@pist apologist

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By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"give me some examples of the White grooming gangs and I'll openly slay them all on here for you what these Asian gangs are doing is praying on the girls because of there coulor they see them as second class it's also a hate crime "

Ah right, either you have a painfully short memory or are being willfully ignorant, I expect the later is more likely. But you want names...

How about kiddyfiddler saVile, protected by South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire and if I remember correctly The Met and Surrey Police forces? How about the peado ring that operated in the orphanages on the channel Islands? Maybe you have a vague recollection of the same sort of thing in North Wales. Then there was the liberal fatso Cyril Smith MP. How about all the TV lovies from the 60's and 70's who it has taken some 40 years to bring to justice even tho there have been complaints dating back decades about them?

Then of course there are the allegations that there is a highly organised peado ring operating out of the corridors of Westminster that has been implicated in many of the scandals involving children in local authority care. Maybe you remember the scandal of the British orphans sold into sex slavery in Australia by the British government during the 50's and 60's that only emerged a few years ago after all those involved had died and their estates had been broken up so their victims were victimised a second time!

I have no time for child abusers or abusers of any kind for that matter, but I find it so highly offensive to target a single group and suggest that the problem is only with Muslim immigrants that I have to say it is not just bigoted, it is outright racist and you should hang your head in shame!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

If these sick individuals are afraid to try this behavior they will stop ,

Let's say an adult posed as young girl went along and arrange to meet these people , only to be meet with individuals willing to show them the error in there ways , beat them within an inch of there lives cut off there balls and give them back in a bag ,

There friends will think twice ,

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 11/08/17 15:44:21]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"[Removed by poster at 11/08/17 15:44:21]"
hunt them down one by one and deal with them on a one to one basses , the justice system ant going to get this sorted

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


"give me some examples of the White grooming gangs and I'll openly slay them all on here for you what these Asian gangs are doing is praying on the girls because of there coulor they see them as second class it's also a hate crime

Ah right, either you have a painfully short memory or are being willfully ignorant, I expect the later is more nlikely. But you want names...

How about kiddyfiddler saVile, protected by South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire and if I remember correctly The Met and Surrey Police forces? How about the peado ring that operated in the orphanages on the channel Islands? Maybe you have a vague recollection of the same sort of thing in North Wales. Then there was the liberal fatso Cyril Smith MP. How about all the TV lovies from the 60's and 70's who it has taken some 40 years to bring to justice even tho there have been complaints dating back decades about them?

Then of course there are the allegations that there is a highly organised peado ring operating out of the corridors of Westminster that has been implicated in many of the scandals involving children in local authority care. Maybe you remember the scandal of the British orphans sold into sex slavery in Australia by the British government during the 50's and 60's that only emerged a few years ago after all those involved had died and their estates had been broken up so their victims were victimised a second time!

I have no time for child abusers or abusers of any kind for that matter, but I find it so highly offensive to target a single group and suggest that the problem is only with Muslim immigrants that I have to say it is not just bigoted, it is outright racist and you should hang your head in shame! Yes there all scum shud rot in hell but they were not organized gangs who prayed on there victims because they were white they are just as bad but they we're not hate crimes like the guy said cut off thee balls I'll sharpen the knives


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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"That's the point we AV gone to far with being politicallyracist correct 278 girls in Newcastle thousands mor cross the uk because the police and social services were scared of being labels racist were do we draw the line

No, we have got to this point by underfunding services. If there were no vulnerable girls, who would they have attacked?

What!!? You are blaming the girls and the services for these peoples actions? You are a sick r@pist apologist "

You are a bear of very little brains

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"No this is a different gang of 17 men thers gangs all over the uk and _lcc we are always going to AV vunteble girls it's called life it's our duty to keep them safe that doesn't mean arresting the men after there life's AV being ruined the problem is the mind set of some not all k Pakistani born men ore police won't stop that problem will it "
I see and yes, the problem will just get worse, the quicker they can stop it the better. I can see uk be like sweden, what is happening in rutherham happens everyday in sweden with the somalians.

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"give me some examples of the White grooming gangs and I'll openly slay them all on here for you what these Asian gangs are doing is praying on the girls because of there coulor they see them as second class it's also a hate crime

Ah right, either you have a painfully short memory or are being willfully ignorant, I expect the later is more likely. But you want names...

How about kiddyfiddler saVile, protected by South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire and if I remember correctly The Met and Surrey Police forces? How about the peado ring that operated in the orphanages on the channel Islands? Maybe you have a vague recollection of the same sort of thing in North Wales. Then there was the liberal fatso Cyril Smith MP. How about all the TV lovies from the 60's and 70's who it has taken some 40 years to bring to justice even tho there have been complaints dating back decades about them?

Then of course there are the allegations that there is a highly organised peado ring operating out of the corridors of Westminster that has been implicated in many of the scandals involving children in local authority care. Maybe you remember the scandal of the British orphans sold into sex slavery in Australia by the British government during the 50's and 60's that only emerged a few years ago after all those involved had died and their estates had been broken up so their victims were victimised a second time!

I have no time for child abusers or abusers of any kind for that matter, but I find it so highly offensive to target a single group and suggest that the problem is only with Muslim immigrants that I have to say it is not just bigoted, it is outright racist and you should hang your head in shame!


And again, a diverse range of perpetrators, yet the vast majority of the victims are vulnerable.

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


See what I mean I'm

Being called. Racist were have I said it's only one race I'm quoting the local news ii have teenage girls believe me I hate all theses scum more than you mate but we do have a massive problem in the uk with these gangs ignoring it dodnt help these girls

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If these sick individuals are afraid to try this behavior they will stop ,

Let's say an adult posed as young girl went along and arrange to meet these people , only to be meet with individuals willing to show them the error in there ways , beat them within an inch of there lives cut off there balls and give them back in a bag ,

There friends will think twice , "


I'm all for a bit of societal justice .

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


"give me some examples of the White grooming gangs and I'll openly slay them all on here for you what these Asian gangs are doing is praying on the girls because of there coulor they see them as second class it's also a hate crime

Ah right, either you have a painfully short memory or are being willfully ignorant, I expect the later is more likely. But you want names...

How about kiddyfiddler saVile, protected by South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire and if I remember correctly The Met and Surrey Police forces? How about the peado ring that operated in the orphanages on the channel Islands? Maybe you have a vague recollection of the same sort of thing in North Wales. Then there was the liberal fatso Cyril Smith MP. How about all the TV lovies from the 60's and 70's who it has taken some 40 years to bring to justice even tho there have been complaints dating back decades about them?

Then of course there are the allegations that there is a highly organised peado ring operating out of the corridors of Westminster that has been implicated in many of the scandals involving children in local authority care. Maybe you remember the scandal of the British orphans sold into sex slavery in Australia by the British government during the 50's and 60's that only emerged a few years ago after all those involved had died and their estates had been broken up so their victims were victimised a second time!

I have no time for child abusers or abusers of any kind for that matter, but I find it so highly offensive to target a single group and suggest that the problem is only with Muslim immigrants that I have to say it is not just bigoted, it is outright racist and you should hang your head in shame!

And again, a diverse range of perpetrators, yet the vast majority of the victims are vulnerable."

. The vast majority were vunteble but also white

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"See what I mean I'm

Being called. Racist were have I said it's only one race I'm quoting the local news ii have teenage girls believe me I hate all theses scum more than you mate but we do have a massive problem in the uk with these gangs ignoring it dodnt help these girls "


I can't believe you've had the audacity to even mention this news story.... What a bigoted racist xenophobic monster

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"See what I mean I'm

Being called. Racist were have I said it's only one race I'm quoting the local news ii have teenage girls believe me I hate all theses scum more than you mate but we do have a massive problem in the uk with these gangs ignoring it dodnt help these girls "

Ignore the pc brigade, you always get them here lol.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Yeehaw let's turn ourselves into a third world Shithole in the name of diversity.... u know u wanna

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By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"And again, a diverse range of perpetrators, yet the vast majority of the victims are vulnerable."

Criminality 101:

Question: If you are looking for a victim who do you pick:

Someone who is strong, well protected, erudite and able to force those in power to act or the person who is weak, vulnerable, has difficulty communicating and has no idea how to make the system work in their favour?

Two word answers please.... (hint... start with a: The)

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


It boils my piss when ppl on here our more outraged about talking about how we solve this problem than these poor lasses being tricked with booze and drugs then passed about like meat to be used and abused by dozens of men what if it was there daughters would they be so PC then

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think many people get more outraged by asian or eastern european grooming gangs than by home grown pedophiles .Its human nature.They are seen as external from our culture.In some cases their values are alien to our culture.They target vunerable white girls because theyre many more of them to target.Theyd abuse anyone given the opportunity .

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


I understand what yr saying bob but if uv read the story or seen the news prob never it was local news but the police are trying to call these crimes hate crimes coz there targeted on white girls as one of the scum said they are white trash to b used by guys like me

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It's called importing backward third world cultures and then doing very little to stamp out the shit they bring with them.

Hows that for PC

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

How many Muslim grooming gangs are there in Japan?.


Now how many Muslim upskirt videographers on Japanese trains?.


Different cultures, different problems.

Still it's very unfair of the Japanese not to import that particular culture when they've got their own video perverts,I mean what a bunch of racists

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"I understand what yr saying bob but if uv read the story or seen the news prob never it was local news but the police are trying to call these crimes hate crimes coz there targeted on white girls as one of the scum said they are white trash to b used by guys like me "

Yet when people talk about hate crimes perpetrated by British people against Europeans and others after the referendum people said there was no such thing as hate crimes. Were you one of those people? I cant remember.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I understand what yr saying bob but if uv read the story or seen the news prob never it was local news but the police are trying to call these crimes hate crimes coz there targeted on white girls as one of the scum said they are white trash to b used by guys like me "
I think these gangs are tageting white girls .I dont doubt there is a racial element.I have no problem calling it a hate crime.

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By *avagliamMan  over a year ago


"17 Asian men and one white woman found guilt of grooming 278 young girls in Newcastle . What can be done to stop it ?"

I just wonder if you would have post the same if the perpetrators were white brits... I dont think you would. I believe the perpetrators, no matter where they're from, must not only be brought to justice but severely punished; I also believe your post more than trying to find a solution to the grooming problem, leads the reader to focus on the race of the perpetrators... Which makes it in my view a vulgarly racist post.

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Clcc no I wasn't one of them but the crimes we are talking about on here are apart from murder the worst crimes ever that's why I struggle to understand why you blame the cuts to police and social services and blame the girls not the shit that prays on them

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By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"See what I mean I'm

Being called. Racist were have I said it's only one race I'm quoting the local news ii have teenage girls believe me I hate all theses scum more than you mate but we do have a massive problem in the uk with these gangs ignoring it dodnt help these girls "

I called you out because it is obviously a problem across races, religions and social groups but you failed to mention that focusing on the problem being one of Pakistani, Muslim, immigrants targeting young white girls. You may have failed to notice this but the UK is predominantly a white country where the vast majority of vulnerable girls come from dysfunctional white homes that abandon them when they go off the rails, with very few Pakistani Muslim (or for that matter just Asian) girls entering the care system because of the fear engendered in them by the honer killing system (now that does seem to be an Asian only problem).

So with all due respect I will continue to assert that your view is coloured by racial prejudice, I am willing to concede that it is probably something that you learned as a child and has never been pointed out to you before so you are not actually aware of it provided you will withdraw your prior remarks and admit that you had not actually given any real thought to the realities and subtleties of the issue under discussion.

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Yes I would of still

Posted about that I'm in the north east it's was in Newcastle all

Over the news and papers it would of got bigger headlines if it had been a white gang so pls stop with calling me racist it was them who called the girls white trash you fool and the olive and politians who want to AV these as hate crimes

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Yes I would of still

Posted about that I'm in the north east it's was in Newcastle all

Over the news and papers it would of got bigger headlines if it had been a white gang so pls stop with calling me racist it was them who called the girls white trash you fool and the olive and politians who want to AV these as hate crimes "

youre not a racist and i agree with the olives.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Yes I would of still

Posted about that I'm in the north east it's was in Newcastle all

Over the news and papers it would of got bigger headlines if it had been a white gang so pls stop with calling me racist it was them who called the girls white trash you fool and the olive and politians who want to AV these as hate crimes "

The problem with this country is the pc brigade, it wont be long till they will have sharia law as they are afraid to express their own view cos of the minority got the upper hand.

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


I said 17 Asian men one white woman I was posting about a crime that was on

Last nites news I'm being called racist wtf how is this ever going to be dealt with properly when we can't even talk about it with shit like that being flung about read the post at the top first before u judge ppl

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Whats the non PC brigade solution.?

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By *avagliamMan  over a year ago


"Yes I would of still

Posted about that I'm in the north east it's was in Newcastle all

Over the news and papers it would of got bigger headlines if it had been a white gang so pls stop with calling me racist it was them who called the girls white trash you fool and the olive and politians who want to AV these as hate crimes "

Thanks for your reply: You could have saved the insult but coming from you I will see it as a bonus. Btw: I took the liberty to post again my answer since you obviated it in your reply; see below...

I just wonder if you would have post the same if the perpetrators were white brits... I dont think you would. I believe the perpetrators, no matter where they're from, must not only be brought to justice but severely punished; I am convinced that your post more than trying to find a solution to the grooming problem, leads the reader to focus on the race of the perpetrators... Which makes it in my view a vulgarly racist post.

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Clcc no I wasn't one of them but the crimes we are talking about on here are apart from murder the worst crimes ever that's why I struggle to understand why you blame the cuts to police and social services and blame the girls not the shit that prays on them "

Of course I blame the perpetrators, but blaming them does nothing. What is your solution to stop this happening again. I have suggested protecting our vulnerable, you are against protecting the vulnerable. So what's your answer?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Whats the non PC brigade solution.? "
That is to let the public say what they want, like america, free speech.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"Yes I would of still

Posted about that I'm in the north east it's was in Newcastle all

Over the news and papers it would of got bigger headlines if it had been a white gang so pls stop with calling me racist it was them who called the girls white trash you fool and the olive and politians who want to AV these as hate crimes "


I even try and give you an out but you just ignore it because it is all about colour and religion to you!

Lets try really simple words...

Pakistani peados feed on what they consider white trash because Pakistani trash are KILLED by their own families rather than being put into care!

Now is that simple enough for you? Can you understand that in Pakistan men like those would kidn@p abuse and then kill any girl or woman they found who was not chaperoned by at least one adult male. As far as they are concerned ANY unchaperoned woman on their own capable of childbirth with bare legs, arms or hair is trash and fair game.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Whats the non PC brigade solution.? That is to let the public say what they want, like america, free speech."
Youre free to say what you want any old time. So whats the solution.?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Yes I would of still

Posted about that I'm in the north east it's was in Newcastle all

Over the news and papers it would of got bigger headlines if it had been a white gang so pls stop with calling me racist it was them who called the girls white trash you fool and the olive and politians who want to AV these as hate crimes

Thanks for your reply: You could have saved the insult but coming from you I will see it as a bonus. Btw: I took the liberty to post again my answer since you obviated it in your reply; see below...

I just wonder if you would have post the same if the perpetrators were white brits... I dont think you would. I believe the perpetrators, no matter where they're from, must not only be brought to justice but severely punished; I am convinced that your post more than trying to find a solution to the grooming problem, leads the reader to focus on the race of the perpetrators... Which makes it in my view a vulgarly racist post."

Well I have them this example, and it was ignored.

UK family found guilty of enslaving homeless and disabled people


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Whats the non PC brigade solution.? That is to let the public say what they want, like america, free speech. Youre free to say what you want any old time. So whats the solution.?"
To have more police would be a good start.

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


I don't know the solution bob but what ever it is the Asian community as to be involved most Asian politicians accept there's a problem but what I would say paying a member of the gang 10k to be an informer can't be the way and more police and social workers won't make this dissapear no matter how much faith you have in that lot

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Yes _lcc that's rank they want burning to that's cropped up a few times in the traveling community what's your point tho ?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Whats the non PC brigade solution.? That is to let the public say what they want, like america, free speech. Youre free to say what you want any old time. So whats the solution.?To have more police would be a good start."
Thats already been suggested.The PC brigade agree with you. Anything else ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Yes _lcc that's rank they want burning to that's cropped up a few times in the traveling community what's your point tho ?"

My point is that we need to protect the vulnerable in society, from all those that would seek to do them harm. You seem to only want to protect them from some of the people who would seek to harm them, and I can't understand why.

You have not put forward any suggestions of how to solve the problem.

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Don't be so silly _lcc I have teenage girls I want all kids protected that doesn't mean in doors all the time or wached were ever they go they still need there freedom like we had doesn't matter how many police social workers we have tho when the ones we allready have wudnt do anything coz they are scared been labelled racist not my words there's on the news last night ffs I know how they feel now lol and I don't know the solution that's why I put a ? At the end of the post just think the Asian community will have the best chance of changing that mindset tho

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Don't be so silly _lcc I have teenage girls I want all kids protected that doesn't mean in doors all the time or wached were ever they go they still need there freedom like we had doesn't matter how many police social workers we have tho when the ones we allready have wudnt do anything coz they are scared been labelled racist not my words there's on the news last night ffs I know how they feel now lol and I don't know the solution that's why I put a ? At the end of the post just think the Asian community will have the best chance of changing that mindset tho "
Do white brits change the mindset of white pedophiles. ?

Probably not.Im not sure how any community can help.Bye the way asian is a very broad term.Arent they mostly pakistani in this instance.

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Yes mainly Pakistani think Indian Iranian Afghan and get yr point about do whites change the mindset of whites but I think education in there community by there cummunity would help tho

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Don't be so silly _lcc I have teenage girls I want all kids protected that doesn't mean in doors all the time or wached were ever they go they still need there freedom like we had doesn't matter how many police social workers we have tho when the ones we allready have wudnt do anything coz they are scared been labelled racist not my words there's on the news last night ffs I know how they feel now lol and I don't know the solution that's why I put a ? At the end of the post just think the Asian community will have the best chance of changing that mindset tho "

These people were arrested, charged, tried and sentenced. It's blatantly untrue to say no one did anything.

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By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"Don't be so silly _lcc I have teenage girls I want all kids protected that doesn't mean in doors all the time or wached were ever they go they still need there freedom like we had doesn't matter how many police social workers we have tho when the ones we allready have wudnt do anything coz they are scared been labelled racist not my words there's on the news last night ffs I know how they feel now lol and I don't know the solution that's why I put a ? At the end of the post just think the Asian community will have the best chance of changing that mindset tho "

The answer is really simple. We need more and better law enforcement. Harsher penalties for those convicted of all serious violent crimes and for our laws to be enforced equally against all who commit any obnoxious crime.

How can we expect minority communities to willingly cooperate with law enforcement when there is a seemingly obvious disjoint between the vigour used to pursue criminal sexual behaviour in 'Muslim' immigrant communities and native 'Christian' communities?

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Fgs they new about it for yrs it went on for yrs ppl complained about alnite partys with lots of Asian men and young girls same as in Yorkshire the police were scared to do anything incase were seen to be racist same as happened all over the country they paid one of them 10k to b an informer only way they could catch the scum

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By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"Fgs they new about it for yrs it went on for yrs ppl complained about alnite partys with lots of Asian men and young girls same as in Yorkshire the police were scared to do anything incase were seen to be racist same as happened all over the country they paid one of them 10k to b an informer only way they could catch the scum "

Would that be in the same way Yorkshire Police treated complaints against saVile OBE or GMP and Yorkshire Police cyril smith MP?

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By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


As for the 10k to a criminal to catch the scum. Yep it stinks, but better pay a criminal to grass (correct use of the word) and have the bastards exposed and locked up than not and have them still free to carry on their vile and depraved abuse of children.

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 11/08/17 19:41:03]

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Ye get yr point atleast the scum are were they belong but to pay the scum to attend the party's doesn't sit gud with me tho

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Whats the non PC brigade solution.? That is to let the public say what they want, like america, free speech. Youre free to say what you want any old time. So whats the solution.?To have more police would be a good start. Thats already been suggested.The PC brigade agree with you. Anything else ?"
No, thats about it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think the question does need to be asked and answered as to why only White Girls are Targetted ?

I suspect it's because they would be lynched by there own mates if they did it to an Asian Muslim Girl !

So this does need addressing just as much as it would or should be say a gang of White men constanlty target say ? West Indian women only ! This would quite rightly be classed as a Racist Crime !

You can't have different rules !

Wrong is Wrong !

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

They are talking about it on lbc now.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"They are talking about it on lbc now."
Very interesting points, they are saying how it is there.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Fgs they new about it for yrs it went on for yrs ppl complained about alnite partys with lots of Asian men and young girls same as in Yorkshire the police were scared to do anything incase were seen to be racist same as happened all over the country they paid one of them 10k to b an informer only way they could catch the scum

Would that be in the same way Yorkshire Police treated complaints against saVile OBE or GMP and Yorkshire Police cyril smith MP?"

You seem to have a thing about Saville, were you friends?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"You seem to have a thing about Saville, were you friends?"

I suppose I do...

I think it's to do with the way he did a TV documentary that was him effectively showing the country where he committed his crimes and boasted about how untouchable he was, and how the tory party protected him, gave him honors and used him as a poster boy in their election campaigns while alive and then when they could no longer keep the truth hidden attempted to expunge every trace of him from their records and denied that they had ever used him as a vote magnet in working class areas.

but then our last PM was a pigs head fucker and apparently that too is OK if you're high enough up in the tory party.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Is there any non Muslim gangs that deliberately select young Muslim girls to groom then systematically r@pe and pass round their friends openly and then drive them half way across the country to then sell for sex again....??

I know... alas those good Muslims keep their daughters well and truly locked away for safety from those nasty whiteies

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"You seem to have a thing about Saville, were you friends?

I suppose I do...

I think it's to do with the way he did a TV documentary that was him effectively showing the country where he committed his crimes and boasted about how untouchable he was, and how the tory party protected him, gave him honors and used him as a poster boy in their election campaigns while alive and then when they could no longer keep the truth hidden attempted to expunge every trace of him from their records and denied that they had ever used him as a vote magnet in working class areas.

but then our last PM was a pigs head fucker and apparently that too is OK if you're high enough up in the tory party."

I think all of us share some blame for Saville , he duped nearly everyone !

I know it's easy to see all the signs now but most people didn't !

I saw him once at a run and thought he seemed odd , he was surrounded by 20 runners , all women and was mumbling as he ran but I admit I never dreamed as what To was emerge !

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Is there any non Muslim gangs that deliberately select young Muslim girls to groom then systematically r@pe and pass round their friends openly and then drive them half way across the country to then sell for sex again....??

I know... alas those good Muslims keep their daughters well and truly locked away for safety from those nasty whiteies"

I doubt it ! And I hope thier isn't !

Two wrongs don't make a Right !

But if thier was ?

It would be A Racist Crime !

As should the current cases with the Asian men be judged as !

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Yes exactly they wud both be racist crimes but carefull Iv been Calle a racist a few times just for putting this bloody post up lol for me tho these crimes shud be treated same as murder because them lives are ruined now

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Is there any non Muslim gangs that deliberately select young Muslim girls to groom then systematically r@pe and pass round their friends openly and then drive them half way across the country to then sell for sex again....??

I know... alas those good Muslims keep their daughters well and truly locked away for safety from those nasty whiteies I doubt it ! And I hope thier isn't !

Two wrongs don't make a Right !

But if thier was ?

It would be A Racist Crime !

As should the current cases with the Asian men be judged as ! "


It slightly annoys me when I see this being belittled by the well trodden but completely wrong argument about race...

This isn't about race, its got little to do with the colour of eithers skin.

The perps are no different than celebrity paedos or priest paedos, their using a particular sensitivity to evade capture

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By *oubepoMan  over a year ago

Spain Portugal France

Strange how this thread doesn't make any real attempt to find answers to protect the victims

But finds multiple arguments to protect the perpetrators

Which probably explains why you have an endemic problem of child r@pe in your country

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It has (finally?) been challenged as a race crime. There are "white" perpetrators of similar crimes...but generally acting alone.

There has now been a series of very similar, large scale organised rings of men of southern Asian origin specifily targeting young white girls in systematic and well orchestrated ways. There is poverty in their own communities but young Asian girls are never targeted.

It has been a long time coming but recognising this as a hate/race crime is long overdue. For far too long police, social workers, courts, councils and governments have been scared to call it for what it is.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Click I understand that but it's not the problem we are always going to have vunteble young girls it's the British Pakistani born men mainly it's a quote don't have a heartattack that's the problem they see white girls differently to there own girls hence needs to be treated as a hate crime "

Racist crime too

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It has (finally?) been challenged as a race crime. There are "white" perpetrators of similar crimes...but generally acting alone.

There has now been a series of very similar, large scale organised rings of men of southern Asian origin specifily targeting young white girls in systematic and well orchestrated ways. There is poverty in their own communities but young Asian girls are never targeted.

It has been a long time coming but recognising this as a hate/race crime is long overdue. For far too long police, social workers, courts, councils and governments have been scared to call it for what it is."

. Organisations stopped referring to Christmas incase certain communities were offended.

The ethnic communities said they weren't offended by Christmas and asked these organisations to stop being so politically correct. That's how ridiculous the situation is a the moment

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Is there any non Muslim gangs that deliberately select young Muslim girls to groom then systematically r@pe and pass round their friends openly and then drive them half way across the country to then sell for sex again....??

I know... alas those good Muslims keep their daughters well and truly locked away for safety from those nasty whiteies I doubt it ! And I hope thier isn't !

Two wrongs don't make a Right !

But if thier was ?

It would be A Racist Crime !

As should the current cases with the Asian men be judged as ! .

It slightly annoys me when I see this being belittled by the well trodden but completely wrong argument about race...

This isn't about race, its got little to do with the colour of eithers skin.

The perps are no different than celebrity paedos or priest paedos, their using a particular sensitivity to evade capture"

No ! It is different !

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oubepoMan  over a year ago

Spain Portugal France

"It has (finally?) been challenged as a race crime. There are "white" perpetrators of similar crimes...but generally acting alone.

There has now been a series of very similar, large scale organised rings of men of southern Asian origin specifily targeting young white girls in systematic and well orchestrated ways. There is poverty in their own communities but young Asian girls are never targeted.

It has been a long time coming but recognising this as a hate/race crime is long overdue. For far too long police, social workers, courts, councils and governments have been scared to call it for what it is."

Partly right - but claiming the perpetrators are "Southern Asian" would include people from China, Nepal, Malaysia etc

Seems your problem can be more geographically identified to me

Those who deny that fact are probably as responsible for the abuse as the perpetrators

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Yes the muslim communities need to speak up get more involed with the English communities of they no of any wrong doin hand the shits over to police...they should make this a race hate crime I fuckin hates these dirty cunts.

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Strange how this thread doesn't make any real attempt to find answers to protect the victims

But finds multiple arguments to protect the perpetrators

Which probably explains why you have an endemic problem of child r@pe in your country "

I haven't seen any arguments to protect perpetrators. I have given suggestions as to how to protect victims, but many are ideologically opposed to helping them.

What evidence do you have to support your claim of an epidemic of child r@pe in the UK?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"It has (finally?) been challenged as a race crime. There are "white" perpetrators of similar crimes...but generally acting alone.

There has now been a series of very similar, large scale organised rings of men of southern Asian origin specifily targeting young white girls in systematic and well orchestrated ways. There is poverty in their own communities but young Asian girls are never targeted.

It has been a long time coming but recognising this as a hate/race crime is long overdue. For far too long police, social workers, courts, councils and governments have been scared to call it for what it is.

. Organisations stopped referring to Christmas incase certain communities were offended.

The ethnic communities said they weren't offended by Christmas and asked these organisations to stop being so politically correct. That's how ridiculous the situation is a the moment "

Which organisations stopped referring to Christmas?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oubepoMan  over a year ago

Spain Portugal France

"Strange how this thread doesn't make any real attempt to find answers to protect the victims

But finds multiple arguments to protect the perpetrators

Which probably explains why you have an endemic problem of child r@pe in your country

I haven't seen any arguments to protect perpetrators. I have given suggestions as to how to protect victims, but many are ideologically opposed to helping them.

What evidence do you have to support your claim of an epidemic of child r@pe in the UK? "

Sadly you are part of the problem - 270 child r@pes amongst one gang alone! and there are clearly many similar gangs operating in your country

You are asking me what evidence I have? - perhaps you should ask the thousands of young female victims that same question

My country doesn't have this problem - not because it has less potential rapists but thankfully it has less people like you

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Strange how this thread doesn't make any real attempt to find answers to protect the victims

But finds multiple arguments to protect the perpetrators

Which probably explains why you have an endemic problem of child r@pe in your country

I haven't seen any arguments to protect perpetrators. I have given suggestions as to how to protect victims, but many are ideologically opposed to helping them.

What evidence do you have to support your claim of an epidemic of child r@pe in the UK?

Sadly you are part of the problem - 270 child r@pes amongst one gang alone! and there are clearly many similar gangs operating in your country

You are asking me what evidence I have? - perhaps you should ask the thousands of young female victims that same question

My country doesn't have this problem - not because it has less potential rapists but thankfully it has less people like you "

People who support victims and ask for evidence are the problem?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


Here is the bottom line as I see it.

These crimes are not racially or religiously motivated crimes carried out by members of one community against another because of skin colour or religion, race hate, faith faith and homophobic crimes are born out of fear, lack of knowledge and beliefs based on medieval or ancient texts produced by charismatic but deluded individuals who lacked the knowledge to understand and make sense of what they observed, and therefore can be understood and with education be eliminated over time.

These crimes are committed by organised criminal gangs who target those they can be relatively confident they can do what they like to with without risk of retribution. This in my view is a lot worse than racially or religiously motivated crime because this is just pure evil and done for the most part because they believe they can get away with it. and as such should always be punished with maximum sentences when such gangs are caught. I also think the same should apply to all organised criminal enterprises.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Is there any non Muslim gangs that deliberately select young Muslim girls to groom then systematically r@pe and pass round their friends openly and then drive them half way across the country to then sell for sex again....??

I know... alas those good Muslims keep their daughters well and truly locked away for safety from those nasty whiteies I doubt it ! And I hope thier isn't !

Two wrongs don't make a Right !

But if thier was ?

It would be A Racist Crime !

As should the current cases with the Asian men be judged as ! .

It slightly annoys me when I see this being belittled by the well trodden but completely wrong argument about race...

This isn't about race, its got little to do with the colour of eithers skin.

The perps are no different than celebrity paedos or priest paedos, their using a particular sensitivity to evade capture No ! It is different ! "


No it's got nothing to do with race and everything to do with an ideology and nationality.

You've then got to start to ask why none of these gangs for which theres been hundreds of members were shopped by their own communities?.

Why all the victims for which theres 1000s were non Muslim?.

Why practically all of them got away with it for way way longer than they should have done despite multiple reports?.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Strange how this thread doesn't make any real attempt to find answers to protect the victims

But finds multiple arguments to protect the perpetrators

Which probably explains why you have an endemic problem of child r@pe in your country

I haven't seen any arguments to protect perpetrators. I have given suggestions as to how to protect victims, but many are ideologically opposed to helping them.

What evidence do you have to support your claim of an epidemic of child r@pe in the UK?

Sadly you are part of the problem - 270 child r@pes amongst one gang alone! and there are clearly many similar gangs operating in your country

You are asking me what evidence I have? - perhaps you should ask the thousands of young female victims that same question

My country doesn't have this problem - not because it has less potential rapists but thankfully it has less people like you "

Well said

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By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


A different government. Theresa May was Home Secretary for years, in charge of the police, before becoming Prime minister - then failed to get a majority. She's full of air and her track record is of colossal failures.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I don't like deals with criminals but in this case it may be worth doing a deal with the woman who helped them to get a true understanding of the Mentality behind this latest case

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Strange how this thread doesn't make any real attempt to find answers to protect the victims

But finds multiple arguments to protect the perpetrators

Which probably explains why you have an endemic problem of child r@pe in your country

I haven't seen any arguments to protect perpetrators. I have given suggestions as to how to protect victims, but many are ideologically opposed to helping them.

What evidence do you have to support your claim of an epidemic of child r@pe in the UK?

Sadly you are part of the problem - 270 child r@pes amongst one gang alone! and there are clearly many similar gangs operating in your country

You are asking me what evidence I have? - perhaps you should ask the thousands of young female victims that same question

My country doesn't have this problem - not because it has less potential rapists but thankfully it has less people like you

Well said "

How does asking for evidence make a problem worse? I guess you don't have much experience of strategic needs assements or commissioning services.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


It wasn't the woman who helped them was an Asian guy from the gang I think he is as bad as the rest of them and the woman is nothing but scum she will get what's coming to her in prison when the woman get hold of her

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oubepoMan  over a year ago

Spain Portugal France

"Strange how this thread doesn't make any real attempt to find answers to protect the victims

But finds multiple arguments to protect the perpetrators

Which probably explains why you have an endemic problem of child r@pe in your country

I haven't seen any arguments to protect perpetrators. I have given suggestions as to how to protect victims, but many are ideologically opposed to helping them.

What evidence do you have to support your claim of an epidemic of child r@pe in the UK?

Sadly you are part of the problem - 270 child r@pes amongst one gang alone! and there are clearly many similar gangs operating in your country

You are asking me what evidence I have? - perhaps you should ask the thousands of young female victims that same question

My country doesn't have this problem - not because it has less potential rapists but thankfully it has less people like you

Well said

How does asking for evidence make a problem worse? I guess you don't have much experience of strategic needs assements or commissioning services. "

By definition - asking me for evidence, shows you don't believe you have a major problem of organised child grooming and r@pe in your country

You follow this up with some pompous statement about - "strategic needs assessments and commissioning services"

And then ask me why I consider people like you are part of the problem? ... I think you have quite clearly answered your own question!

If you want to help these young victims I suggest you at least acknowledge their plight and if you really need evidence of the size of the problem, so you can carry out a "strategic needs assessment" I suggest you start in Newcastle, Rotherham, Rochdale, Halifax, Oldham, Leeds, Manchester Bradford, Leicester and Derby - to name but a few

We don't have this problem in Southern Europe, not because we have more money or more police or better social services or have better parental skills or less vulnerable youngsters - because we clearly have none of those advantages - but what we do have - is zero tolerance for domestic and sexual abuse and fortunately that zero tolerance extends to the likes of you and your ilk, whose self-absorbed political correctness allows the perpetrators to flourish and the victims to go unheard

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Strange how this thread doesn't make any real attempt to find answers to protect the victims

But finds multiple arguments to protect the perpetrators

Which probably explains why you have an endemic problem of child r@pe in your country

I haven't seen any arguments to protect perpetrators. I have given suggestions as to how to protect victims, but many are ideologically opposed to helping them.

What evidence do you have to support your claim of an epidemic of child r@pe in the UK?

Sadly you are part of the problem - 270 child r@pes amongst one gang alone! and there are clearly many similar gangs operating in your country

You are asking me what evidence I have? - perhaps you should ask the thousands of young female victims that same question

My country doesn't have this problem - not because it has less potential rapists but thankfully it has less people like you

Well said

How does asking for evidence make a problem worse? I guess you don't have much experience of strategic needs assements or commissioning services.

By definition - asking me for evidence, shows you don't believe you have a major problem of organised child grooming and r@pe in your country

You follow this up with some pompous statement about - "strategic needs assessments and commissioning services"

And then ask me why I consider people like you are part of the problem? ... I think you have quite clearly answered your own question!

If you want to help these young victims I suggest you at least acknowledge their plight and if you really need evidence of the size of the problem, so you can carry out a "strategic needs assessment" I suggest you start in Newcastle, Rotherham, Rochdale, Halifax, Oldham, Leeds, Manchester Bradford, Leicester and Derby - to name but a few

We don't have this problem in Southern Europe, not because we have more money or more police or better social services or have better parental skills or less vulnerable youngsters - because we clearly have none of those advantages - but what we do have - is zero tolerance for domestic and sexual abuse and fortunately that zero tolerance extends to the likes of you and your ilk, whose self-absorbed political correctness allows the perpetrators to flourish and the victims to go unheard


It's nothing to do with political correctness. They people were arrested, charged, tried and found guilty.

I have acknowledged the plight of the victims, and advocated solutions to help these victims, and to stop more people becoming victims in the future. Something that you have failed to do. You and others on this thread think that your moral indignation will stop the next girl being attacked. I've got news for you, it won't. Then when it happens again, you will wring your hands again and cry "something must be done!" When you and others have done nothing to help the situation, or perhaps even made it worse by voting for a party that will strip support services that are designed to stop this from happening.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oubepoMan  over a year ago

Spain Portugal France

"Strange how this thread doesn't make any real attempt to find answers to protect the victims

But finds multiple arguments to protect the perpetrators

Which probably explains why you have an endemic problem of child r@pe in your country

I haven't seen any arguments to protect perpetrators. I have given suggestions as to how to protect victims, but many are ideologically opposed to helping them.

What evidence do you have to support your claim of an epidemic of child r@pe in the UK?

Sadly you are part of the problem - 270 child r@pes amongst one gang alone! and there are clearly many similar gangs operating in your country

You are asking me what evidence I have? - perhaps you should ask the thousands of young female victims that same question

My country doesn't have this problem - not because it has less potential rapists but thankfully it has less people like you

Well said

How does asking for evidence make a problem worse? I guess you don't have much experience of strategic needs assements or commissioning services.

By definition - asking me for evidence, shows you don't believe you have a major problem of organised child grooming and r@pe in your country

You follow this up with some pompous statement about - "strategic needs assessments and commissioning services"

And then ask me why I consider people like you are part of the problem? ... I think you have quite clearly answered your own question!

If you want to help these young victims I suggest you at least acknowledge their plight and if you really need evidence of the size of the problem, so you can carry out a "strategic needs assessment" I suggest you start in Newcastle, Rotherham, Rochdale, Halifax, Oldham, Leeds, Manchester Bradford, Leicester and Derby - to name but a few

We don't have this problem in Southern Europe, not because we have more money or more police or better social services or have better parental skills or less vulnerable youngsters - because we clearly have none of those advantages - but what we do have - is zero tolerance for domestic and sexual abuse and fortunately that zero tolerance extends to the likes of you and your ilk, whose self-absorbed political correctness allows the perpetrators to flourish and the victims to go unheard

It's nothing to do with political correctness. They people were arrested, charged, tried and found guilty.

I have acknowledged the plight of the victims, and advocated solutions to help these victims, and to stop more people becoming victims in the future. Something that you have failed to do. You and others on this thread think that your moral indignation will stop the next girl being attacked. I've got news for you, it won't. Then when it happens again, you will wring your hands again and cry "something must be done!" When you and others have done nothing to help the situation, or perhaps even made it worse by voting for a party that will strip support services that are designed to stop this from happening. "

Your sexual abuse problem has been going on for years - it has nothing to do with which political party is in power or how many police you have on the street

And for the record - I don't have any particular preference for any of your political parties

I'm just pointing out which members of your society and which mind-set is responsible for your problem - You unfortunately belong to both

Until you accept the only way forward is to have zero tolerance agsinst sexual abuse and accept that zero tolerance is more important than political correctness or squabbling about party politics - Your sexual abuse problem will not only exist - but will thrive and people like you are fully responsible

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Strange how this thread doesn't make any real attempt to find answers to protect the victims

But finds multiple arguments to protect the perpetrators

Which probably explains why you have an endemic problem of child r@pe in your country

I haven't seen any arguments to protect perpetrators. I have given suggestions as to how to protect victims, but many are ideologically opposed to helping them.

What evidence do you have to support your claim of an epidemic of child r@pe in the UK?

Sadly you are part of the problem - 270 child r@pes amongst one gang alone! and there are clearly many similar gangs operating in your country

You are asking me what evidence I have? - perhaps you should ask the thousands of young female victims that same question

My country doesn't have this problem - not because it has less potential rapists but thankfully it has less people like you

Well said

How does asking for evidence make a problem worse? I guess you don't have much experience of strategic needs assements or commissioning services.

By definition - asking me for evidence, shows you don't believe you have a major problem of organised child grooming and r@pe in your country

You follow this up with some pompous statement about - "strategic needs assessments and commissioning services"

And then ask me why I consider people like you are part of the problem? ... I think you have quite clearly answered your own question!

If you want to help these young victims I suggest you at least acknowledge their plight and if you really need evidence of the size of the problem, so you can carry out a "strategic needs assessment" I suggest you start in Newcastle, Rotherham, Rochdale, Halifax, Oldham, Leeds, Manchester Bradford, Leicester and Derby - to name but a few

We don't have this problem in Southern Europe, not because we have more money or more police or better social services or have better parental skills or less vulnerable youngsters - because we clearly have none of those advantages - but what we do have - is zero tolerance for domestic and sexual abuse and fortunately that zero tolerance extends to the likes of you and your ilk, whose self-absorbed political correctness allows the perpetrators to flourish and the victims to go unheard

It's nothing to do with political correctness. They people were arrested, charged, tried and found guilty.

I have acknowledged the plight of the victims, and advocated solutions to help these victims, and to stop more people becoming victims in the future. Something that you have failed to do. You and others on this thread think that your moral indignation will stop the next girl being attacked. I've got news for you, it won't. Then when it happens again, you will wring your hands again and cry "something must be done!" When you and others have done nothing to help the situation, or perhaps even made it worse by voting for a party that will strip support services that are designed to stop this from happening.

Your sexual abuse problem has been going on for years - it has nothing to do with which political party is in power or how many police you have on the street

And for the record - I don't have any particular preference for any of your political parties

I'm just pointing out which members of your society and which mind-set is responsible for your problem - You unfortunately belong to both

Until you accept the only way forward is to have zero tolerance agsinst sexual abuse and accept that zero tolerance is more important than political correctness or squabbling about party politics - Your sexual abuse problem will not only exist - but will thrive and people like you are fully responsible


I don't have a sexual abuse problem, I have never sexually abused anyone. For you to say that I have, and that I am the reason these victims have been r@ped is vile.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *edangel_2013Woman  over a year ago


I work with offenders. I currently have a case load of 34 in the community. A small number I know. Of that 34, 19 are sex offenders. Of those 19, 15 have offended against children. Of those 15, 15 are white.

I won't address a problem of Asian Muslim men r@ping children. I will do all I can to address men and women r@ping children regardless of their creed, colour or religion. I will do all I can in my voluntary capacity to stop youngs girls being vulnerable.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oubepoMan  over a year ago

Spain Portugal France

"Strange how this thread doesn't make any real attempt to find answers to protect the victims

But finds multiple arguments to protect the perpetrators

Which probably explains why you have an endemic problem of child r@pe in your country

I haven't seen any arguments to protect perpetrators. I have given suggestions as to how to protect victims, but many are ideologically opposed to helping them.

What evidence do you have to support your claim of an epidemic of child r@pe in the UK?

Sadly you are part of the problem - 270 child r@pes amongst one gang alone! and there are clearly many similar gangs operating in your country

You are asking me what evidence I have? - perhaps you should ask the thousands of young female victims that same question

My country doesn't have this problem - not because it has less potential rapists but thankfully it has less people like you

Well said

How does asking for evidence make a problem worse? I guess you don't have much experience of strategic needs assements or commissioning services.

By definition - asking me for evidence, shows you don't believe you have a major problem of organised child grooming and r@pe in your country

You follow this up with some pompous statement about - "strategic needs assessments and commissioning services"

And then ask me why I consider people like you are part of the problem? ... I think you have quite clearly answered your own question!

If you want to help these young victims I suggest you at least acknowledge their plight and if you really need evidence of the size of the problem, so you can carry out a "strategic needs assessment" I suggest you start in Newcastle, Rotherham, Rochdale, Halifax, Oldham, Leeds, Manchester Bradford, Leicester and Derby - to name but a few

We don't have this problem in Southern Europe, not because we have more money or more police or better social services or have better parental skills or less vulnerable youngsters - because we clearly have none of those advantages - but what we do have - is zero tolerance for domestic and sexual abuse and fortunately that zero tolerance extends to the likes of you and your ilk, whose self-absorbed political correctness allows the perpetrators to flourish and the victims to go unheard

It's nothing to do with political correctness. They people were arrested, charged, tried and found guilty.

I have acknowledged the plight of the victims, and advocated solutions to help these victims, and to stop more people becoming victims in the future. Something that you have failed to do. You and others on this thread think that your moral indignation will stop the next girl being attacked. I've got news for you, it won't. Then when it happens again, you will wring your hands again and cry "something must be done!" When you and others have done nothing to help the situation, or perhaps even made it worse by voting for a party that will strip support services that are designed to stop this from happening.

Your sexual abuse problem has been going on for years - it has nothing to do with which political party is in power or how many police you have on the street

And for the record - I don't have any particular preference for any of your political parties

I'm just pointing out which members of your society and which mind-set is responsible for your problem - You unfortunately belong to both

Until you accept the only way forward is to have zero tolerance agsinst sexual abuse and accept that zero tolerance is more important than political correctness or squabbling about party politics - Your sexual abuse problem will not only exist - but will thrive and people like you are fully responsible

I don't have a sexual abuse problem, I have never sexually abused anyone. For you to say that I have, and that I am the reason these victims have been r@ped is vile."

Trying to twist words and pretend you are the victim to win sympathy doesn't cut any ice - The real victims are the tens of thousands of young girls - and you and your mind-set must take some responsibility

Until both the perpetrators and the likes of you are educated - your problem will not only persist but escalate

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Strange how this thread doesn't make any real attempt to find answers to protect the victims

But finds multiple arguments to protect the perpetrators

Which probably explains why you have an endemic problem of child r@pe in your country

I haven't seen any arguments to protect perpetrators. I have given suggestions as to how to protect victims, but many are ideologically opposed to helping them.

What evidence do you have to support your claim of an epidemic of child r@pe in the UK?

Sadly you are part of the problem - 270 child r@pes amongst one gang alone! and there are clearly many similar gangs operating in your country

You are asking me what evidence I have? - perhaps you should ask the thousands of young female victims that same question

My country doesn't have this problem - not because it has less potential rapists but thankfully it has less people like you

Well said

How does asking for evidence make a problem worse? I guess you don't have much experience of strategic needs assements or commissioning services.

By definition - asking me for evidence, shows you don't believe you have a major problem of organised child grooming and r@pe in your country

You follow this up with some pompous statement about - "strategic needs assessments and commissioning services"

And then ask me why I consider people like you are part of the problem? ... I think you have quite clearly answered your own question!

If you want to help these young victims I suggest you at least acknowledge their plight and if you really need evidence of the size of the problem, so you can carry out a "strategic needs assessment" I suggest you start in Newcastle, Rotherham, Rochdale, Halifax, Oldham, Leeds, Manchester Bradford, Leicester and Derby - to name but a few

We don't have this problem in Southern Europe, not because we have more money or more police or better social services or have better parental skills or less vulnerable youngsters - because we clearly have none of those advantages - but what we do have - is zero tolerance for domestic and sexual abuse and fortunately that zero tolerance extends to the likes of you and your ilk, whose self-absorbed political correctness allows the perpetrators to flourish and the victims to go unheard

It's nothing to do with political correctness. They people were arrested, charged, tried and found guilty.

I have acknowledged the plight of the victims, and advocated solutions to help these victims, and to stop more people becoming victims in the future. Something that you have failed to do. You and others on this thread think that your moral indignation will stop the next girl being attacked. I've got news for you, it won't. Then when it happens again, you will wring your hands again and cry "something must be done!" When you and others have done nothing to help the situation, or perhaps even made it worse by voting for a party that will strip support services that are designed to stop this from happening.

Your sexual abuse problem has been going on for years - it has nothing to do with which political party is in power or how many police you have on the street

And for the record - I don't have any particular preference for any of your political parties

I'm just pointing out which members of your society and which mind-set is responsible for your problem - You unfortunately belong to both

Until you accept the only way forward is to have zero tolerance agsinst sexual abuse and accept that zero tolerance is more important than political correctness or squabbling about party politics - Your sexual abuse problem will not only exist - but will thrive and people like you are fully responsible

I don't have a sexual abuse problem, I have never sexually abused anyone. For you to say that I have, and that I am the reason these victims have been r@ped is vile.

Trying to twist words and pretend you are the victim to win sympathy doesn't cut any ice - The real victims are the tens of thousands of young girls - and you and your mind-set must take some responsibility

Until both the perpetrators and the likes of you are educated - your problem will not only persist but escalate "

What mind set? What exactly have I said that you find so egregious???? I haven't denied it has happened, all I have done is ask you for evidence that it is an epidemic. What proof do you have, if any, to support this? I haven't even denied it, all I have done is ask for proof. If you can show me evidence that in 2000 there were 1,000 attacks, and in 2005 there were 1,200, in 2010 there were 1,500, yet in 2015 there were 75,000, then yes I would agree with you. However if the numbers have said the same, reduced, or only slightly increased, then I would call it a tragedy, but not an epidemic.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *igsteve43Man  over a year ago


Click have read the entire thread and though i actually agree with you that more needs investing in reducing the number of vulnerable young women out there , can i point out that this problem was first bought to light in 2002 so you can try and blame the tories all you like, but labour had eight years to do something about it but did nothing

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oubepoMan  over a year ago

Spain Portugal France

"Strange how this thread doesn't make any real attempt to find answers to protect the victims

But finds multiple arguments to protect the perpetrators

Which probably explains why you have an endemic problem of child r@pe in your country

I haven't seen any arguments to protect perpetrators. I have given suggestions as to how to protect victims, but many are ideologically opposed to helping them.

What evidence do you have to support your claim of an epidemic of child r@pe in the UK?

Sadly you are part of the problem - 270 child r@pes amongst one gang alone! and there are clearly many similar gangs operating in your country

You are asking me what evidence I have? - perhaps you should ask the thousands of young female victims that same question

My country doesn't have this problem - not because it has less potential rapists but thankfully it has less people like you

Well said

How does asking for evidence make a problem worse? I guess you don't have much experience of strategic needs assements or commissioning services.

By definition - asking me for evidence, shows you don't believe you have a major problem of organised child grooming and r@pe in your country

You follow this up with some pompous statement about - "strategic needs assessments and commissioning services"

And then ask me why I consider people like you are part of the problem? ... I think you have quite clearly answered your own question!

If you want to help these young victims I suggest you at least acknowledge their plight and if you really need evidence of the size of the problem, so you can carry out a "strategic needs assessment" I suggest you start in Newcastle, Rotherham, Rochdale, Halifax, Oldham, Leeds, Manchester Bradford, Leicester and Derby - to name but a few

We don't have this problem in Southern Europe, not because we have more money or more police or better social services or have better parental skills or less vulnerable youngsters - because we clearly have none of those advantages - but what we do have - is zero tolerance for domestic and sexual abuse and fortunately that zero tolerance extends to the likes of you and your ilk, whose self-absorbed political correctness allows the perpetrators to flourish and the victims to go unheard

It's nothing to do with political correctness. They people were arrested, charged, tried and found guilty.

I have acknowledged the plight of the victims, and advocated solutions to help these victims, and to stop more people becoming victims in the future. Something that you have failed to do. You and others on this thread think that your moral indignation will stop the next girl being attacked. I've got news for you, it won't. Then when it happens again, you will wring your hands again and cry "something must be done!" When you and others have done nothing to help the situation, or perhaps even made it worse by voting for a party that will strip support services that are designed to stop this from happening.

Your sexual abuse problem has been going on for years - it has nothing to do with which political party is in power or how many police you have on the street

And for the record - I don't have any particular preference for any of your political parties

I'm just pointing out which members of your society and which mind-set is responsible for your problem - You unfortunately belong to both

Until you accept the only way forward is to have zero tolerance agsinst sexual abuse and accept that zero tolerance is more important than political correctness or squabbling about party politics - Your sexual abuse problem will not only exist - but will thrive and people like you are fully responsible

I don't have a sexual abuse problem, I have never sexually abused anyone. For you to say that I have, and that I am the reason these victims have been r@ped is vile.

Trying to twist words and pretend you are the victim to win sympathy doesn't cut any ice - The real victims are the tens of thousands of young girls - and you and your mind-set must take some responsibility

Until both the perpetrators and the likes of you are educated - your problem will not only persist but escalate

What mind set? What exactly have I said that you find so egregious???? I haven't denied it has happened, all I have done is ask you for evidence that it is an epidemic. What proof do you have, if any, to support this? I haven't even denied it, all I have done is ask for proof. If you can show me evidence that in 2000 there were 1,000 attacks, and in 2005 there were 1,200, in 2010 there were 1,500, yet in 2015 there were 75,000, then yes I would agree with you. However if the numbers have said the same, reduced, or only slightly increased, then I would call it a tragedy, but not an epidemic. "

My first language isn't English but even I know the difference between endemic (the word I used) and epidemic

The only tragedy here is you refuse to acknowlege the size of the problem

Until you accept zero tolerance for abuse and r@pe of children - it's never going to subside

How many cities, how many paedophile rings, how many thousands of young girls have to be violated before you accept the size of the problem?

While you argue about the specific terminology of whether it's endemic or an epidemic or if it's a tragedy? - girls are being abused on a large scale every day in every major city

Asking for more evidence, numbers and statistics to carry out a "strategic needs analysis' to prove one political party is better than another - isn't helping the victims one iota! - its only making their situation worse!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Well said

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Strange how this thread doesn't make any real attempt to find answers to protect the victims

But finds multiple arguments to protect the perpetrators

Which probably explains why you have an endemic problem of child r@pe in your country

I haven't seen any arguments to protect perpetrators. I have given suggestions as to how to protect victims, but many are ideologically opposed to helping them.

What evidence do you have to support your claim of an epidemic of child r@pe in the UK?

Sadly you are part of the problem - 270 child r@pes amongst one gang alone! and there are clearly many similar gangs operating in your country

You are asking me what evidence I have? - perhaps you should ask the thousands of young female victims that same question

My country doesn't have this problem - not because it has less potential rapists but thankfully it has less people like you

Well said

How does asking for evidence make a problem worse? I guess you don't have much experience of strategic needs assements or commissioning services.

By definition - asking me for evidence, shows you don't believe you have a major problem of organised child grooming and r@pe in your country

You follow this up with some pompous statement about - "strategic needs assessments and commissioning services"

And then ask me why I consider people like you are part of the problem? ... I think you have quite clearly answered your own question!

If you want to help these young victims I suggest you at least acknowledge their plight and if you really need evidence of the size of the problem, so you can carry out a "strategic needs assessment" I suggest you start in Newcastle, Rotherham, Rochdale, Halifax, Oldham, Leeds, Manchester Bradford, Leicester and Derby - to name but a few

We don't have this problem in Southern Europe, not because we have more money or more police or better social services or have better parental skills or less vulnerable youngsters - because we clearly have none of those advantages - but what we do have - is zero tolerance for domestic and sexual abuse and fortunately that zero tolerance extends to the likes of you and your ilk, whose self-absorbed political correctness allows the perpetrators to flourish and the victims to go unheard

It's nothing to do with political correctness. They people were arrested, charged, tried and found guilty.

I have acknowledged the plight of the victims, and advocated solutions to help these victims, and to stop more people becoming victims in the future. Something that you have failed to do. You and others on this thread think that your moral indignation will stop the next girl being attacked. I've got news for you, it won't. Then when it happens again, you will wring your hands again and cry "something must be done!" When you and others have done nothing to help the situation, or perhaps even made it worse by voting for a party that will strip support services that are designed to stop this from happening.

Your sexual abuse problem has been going on for years - it has nothing to do with which political party is in power or how many police you have on the street

And for the record - I don't have any particular preference for any of your political parties

I'm just pointing out which members of your society and which mind-set is responsible for your problem - You unfortunately belong to both

Until you accept the only way forward is to have zero tolerance agsinst sexual abuse and accept that zero tolerance is more important than political correctness or squabbling about party politics - Your sexual abuse problem will not only exist - but will thrive and people like you are fully responsible

I don't have a sexual abuse problem, I have never sexually abused anyone. For you to say that I have, and that I am the reason these victims have been r@ped is vile.

Trying to twist words and pretend you are the victim to win sympathy doesn't cut any ice - The real victims are the tens of thousands of young girls - and you and your mind-set must take some responsibility

Until both the perpetrators and the likes of you are educated - your problem will not only persist but escalate

What mind set? What exactly have I said that you find so egregious???? I haven't denied it has happened, all I have done is ask you for evidence that it is an epidemic. What proof do you have, if any, to support this? I haven't even denied it, all I have done is ask for proof. If you can show me evidence that in 2000 there were 1,000 attacks, and in 2005 there were 1,200, in 2010 there were 1,500, yet in 2015 there were 75,000, then yes I would agree with you. However if the numbers have said the same, reduced, or only slightly increased, then I would call it a tragedy, but not an epidemic.

My first language isn't English but even I know the difference between endemic (the word I used) and epidemic

The only tragedy here is you refuse to acknowlege the size of the problem

Until you accept zero tolerance for abuse and r@pe of children - it's never going to subside

How many cities, how many paedophile rings, how many thousands of young girls have to be violated before you accept the size of the problem?

While you argue about the specific terminology of whether it's endemic or an epidemic or if it's a tragedy? - girls are being abused on a large scale every day in every major city

Asking for more evidence, numbers and statistics to carry out a "strategic needs analysis' to prove one political party is better than another - isn't helping the victims one iota! - its only making their situation worse!


What level of abuse are you saying that I am tolerating?

You are saying i am not accepting the size of the problem, when you dont even know what the size is!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"What level of abuse are you saying that I am tolerating?

You are saying i am not accepting the size of the problem, when you dont even know what the size is! "


Firstly I don't think that anyone is saying you personally, but is using you to refer to us as a society. Secondly I for one think that Boubepo may have a valid point.

As a society we are sexually repressed, we here being the liberated exceptions that prove this. Just think of how many of us need to hide our totally legal sexual preferences for fear of the repercussions should our sexlives become public knowlege? How often have we heard r@pists use the defence of look at how she was dressed, look at her sexual past, she was asking for it? How often do we hear of judges reducing sentences because the woman was in part responsible? How many column inches of national papers front pages are filled with sexual scandals every year?Why is it we need to have TV adds running daily to say if a girl says no or is d*unk so cant say no it is r@pe?

Personally I think our Victorian morally upright self image and our belief that 'We're British and only johnny foreigners do that sort of thing' along with the 'good girls don't get into those situation' (so when this sort of aborition does surface we need to sweep it under the carpet) attitude are responsible for much of our problems in this area. I would further point out that it seems to me that all sexually repressed societies have exactly the same sort of problems.

Having said all that, I do think we are moving in the right direction and i think that in another 20 or 30 years the problem will be one consigned to history unless the repressive conservative right get an opportunity to roll back the advances that have been made so far.

This is just my opinion, but I would be interested in hearing if others agree or not and any counter arguments.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ouple in LancashireCouple  over a year ago

in Lancashire

"Strange how this thread doesn't make any real attempt to find answers to protect the victims

But finds multiple arguments to protect the perpetrators

Which probably explains why you have an endemic problem of child r@pe in your country

I haven't seen any arguments to protect perpetrators. I have given suggestions as to how to protect victims, but many are ideologically opposed to helping them.

What evidence do you have to support your claim of an epidemic of child r@pe in the UK?

Sadly you are part of the problem - 270 child r@pes amongst one gang alone! and there are clearly many similar gangs operating in your country

You are asking me what evidence I have? - perhaps you should ask the thousands of young female victims that same question

My country doesn't have this problem - not because it has less potential rapists but thankfully it has less people like you "

Not sure why you think your country does not have 'this problem' because a very quick search online shows that both Spain and Portugal do have the problem..

one would be naive to think that the issue is not a problem in pretty much every country..

one can argue that there has been more of a problem of late with gangs of mainly Asian men but it has always gone on sadly..

As to singling out individuals and blaming them well that is patently ridiculous and not sure it adds to any debate or maybe that's its not meant to do..?

Yes we all have responsibilities to report to the Authorities when we suspect something and i'm speaking from experience both in a professional and personal capacity in relation to that..

but to suggest that a person on a site who is debating the complex issue is to blame for the levels of this vile crime is bizarre..

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"Not sure why you think your country does not have 'this problem' because a very quick search online shows that both Spain and Portugal do have the problem..

one would be naive to think that the issue is not a problem in pretty much every country..

one can argue that there has been more of a problem of late with gangs of mainly Asian men but it has always gone on sadly..

As to singling out individuals and blaming them well that is patently ridiculous and not sure it adds to any debate or maybe that's its not meant to do..?

Yes we all have responsibilities to report to the Authorities when we suspect something and i'm speaking from experience both in a professional and personal capacity in relation to that..

but to suggest that a person on a site who is debating the complex issue is to blame for the levels of this vile crime is bizarre.. "

Surry, may I point out that Spain and Portugal are deeply conservative Catholic countries and are just as sexually repressed as us (if not more so) and that sexual abuse and exploitation of the vulnerable is prevalent in all Catholic communities across the world. Further I expect that if it were possible to examine conservative Islamic communities in the detail the same would also be found to be true.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ouple in LancashireCouple  over a year ago

in Lancashire

"Not sure why you think your country does not have 'this problem' because a very quick search online shows that both Spain and Portugal do have the problem..

one would be naive to think that the issue is not a problem in pretty much every country..

one can argue that there has been more of a problem of late with gangs of mainly Asian men but it has always gone on sadly..

As to singling out individuals and blaming them well that is patently ridiculous and not sure it adds to any debate or maybe that's its not meant to do..?

Yes we all have responsibilities to report to the Authorities when we suspect something and i'm speaking from experience both in a professional and personal capacity in relation to that..

but to suggest that a person on a site who is debating the complex issue is to blame for the levels of this vile crime is bizarre..

Surry, may I point out that Spain and Portugal are deeply conservative Catholic countries and are just as sexually repressed as us (if not more so) and that sexual abuse and exploitation of the vulnerable is prevalent in all Catholic communities across the world. Further I expect that if it were possible to examine conservative Islamic communities in the detail the same would also be found to be true. "

Control and repression by the state and the established religions are par for the course..

my point to Boupepo is that he seems to think it doesn't happen or is so small an issue but simple research tells otherwise..

we may have a bigger or smaller problem but countries like Portugal are way behind us in gathering data and available statistics, also maybe its the case that the recent spike in such crimes is down to some people now coming forward as they feel they may be believed. Certainly in some of the historical cases..

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"my point to Boupepo is that he seems to think it doesn't happen or is so small an issue but simple research tells otherwise..

we may have a bigger or smaller problem but countries like Portugal are way behind us in gathering data and available statistics, also maybe its the case that the recent spike in such crimes is down to some people now coming forward as they feel they may be believed. Certainly in some of the historical cases.."

Fair point, for some reason I had assumed he was referring to France when he was saying no real problem.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"my point to Boupepo is that he seems to think it doesn't happen or is so small an issue but simple research tells otherwise..

we may have a bigger or smaller problem but countries like Portugal are way behind us in gathering data and available statistics, also maybe its the case that the recent spike in such crimes is down to some people now coming forward as they feel they may be believed. Certainly in some of the historical cases..

Fair point, for some reason I had assumed he was referring to France when he was saying no real problem. "

Don't ask about data or statistics or you are part of the problem, where as all you need to do to be part of the solution is call the perpetrators "scum". Easy peasy

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ouple in LancashireCouple  over a year ago

in Lancashire

"my point to Boupepo is that he seems to think it doesn't happen or is so small an issue but simple research tells otherwise..

we may have a bigger or smaller problem but countries like Portugal are way behind us in gathering data and available statistics, also maybe its the case that the recent spike in such crimes is down to some people now coming forward as they feel they may be believed. Certainly in some of the historical cases..

Fair point, for some reason I had assumed he was referring to France when he was saying no real problem.

Don't ask about data or statistics or you are part of the problem, where as all you need to do to be part of the solution is call the perpetrators "scum". Easy peasy "

maybe if there were more attacks on Paediatricians properties it may assuage the communal guilt ..

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago



I have just received 2 private mails followed by a block.

First one:

You really are out of order calling that couple racist. Its all true

Second one:

In the asian gang topic

It does not matter who they are from. What matters is what they accuse me of. I think this relates to what I said in regards to post by another forumite about the attitude CLCC, where I thought that poor phraseology had led to misinterpretation (mainly because I make the same grammatical error regularly). If I have inadvertently accused you of racism or there is any couple here who thinks I have written anything that could be interpreted as calling them racist please accept my apologies and let me know how I have done so, because to my knowledge the only people i accuse of racism are far right blowhards who wrap themselves in the flag and use the race card at every opportunity to attack anyone who is not British white living in the UK.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oubepoMan  over a year ago

Spain Portugal France

"Not sure why you think your country does not have 'this problem' because a very quick search online shows that both Spain and Portugal do have the problem..

one would be naive to think that the issue is not a problem in pretty much every country..

one can argue that there has been more of a problem of late with gangs of mainly Asian men but it has always gone on sadly..

As to singling out individuals and blaming them well that is patently ridiculous and not sure it adds to any debate or maybe that's its not meant to do..?

Yes we all have responsibilities to report to the Authorities when we suspect something and i'm speaking from experience both in a professional and personal capacity in relation to that..

but to suggest that a person on a site who is debating the complex issue is to blame for the levels of this vile crime is bizarre..

Surry, may I point out that Spain and Portugal are deeply conservative Catholic countries and are just as sexually repressed as us (if not more so) and that sexual abuse and exploitation of the vulnerable is prevalent in all Catholic communities across the world. Further I expect that if it were possible to examine conservative Islamic communities in the detail the same would also be found to be true.

Control and repression by the state and the established religions are par for the course..

my point to Boupepo is that he seems to think it doesn't happen or is so small an issue but simple research tells otherwise..

we may have a bigger or smaller problem but countries like Portugal are way behind us in gathering data and available statistics, also maybe its the case that the recent spike in such crimes is down to some people now coming forward as they feel they may be believed. Certainly in some of the historical cases.."

The reason the UK has this massive problem is complex - but in a nutshell a vicious circle has been formed between the perpetrators, vulnerable girls, an ineffective system and those wishing to play down the problem or ignore it

It all stems from a history of victims not being able to report sexual abuse - either because they are not believed or the offence is not taken seriously, so it all gets brushed under the carpet in a Jimmy Saville'esque way

The perpetrators know there is little chance of being caught, so this vile crime flourishes in all your major cities

Anyone who tries to deny you have a major national sexual abuse problem or plays it down or denies it completely are all responsible for the continuation of this vicious circle and absolutely part of the problem

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Not sure why you think your country does not have 'this problem' because a very quick search online shows that both Spain and Portugal do have the problem..

one would be naive to think that the issue is not a problem in pretty much every country..

one can argue that there has been more of a problem of late with gangs of mainly Asian men but it has always gone on sadly..

As to singling out individuals and blaming them well that is patently ridiculous and not sure it adds to any debate or maybe that's its not meant to do..?

Yes we all have responsibilities to report to the Authorities when we suspect something and i'm speaking from experience both in a professional and personal capacity in relation to that..

but to suggest that a person on a site who is debating the complex issue is to blame for the levels of this vile crime is bizarre..

Surry, may I point out that Spain and Portugal are deeply conservative Catholic countries and are just as sexually repressed as us (if not more so) and that sexual abuse and exploitation of the vulnerable is prevalent in all Catholic communities across the world. Further I expect that if it were possible to examine conservative Islamic communities in the detail the same would also be found to be true.

Control and repression by the state and the established religions are par for the course..

my point to Boupepo is that he seems to think it doesn't happen or is so small an issue but simple research tells otherwise..

we may have a bigger or smaller problem but countries like Portugal are way behind us in gathering data and available statistics, also maybe its the case that the recent spike in such crimes is down to some people now coming forward as they feel they may be believed. Certainly in some of the historical cases..

The reason the UK has this massive problem is complex - but in a nutshell a vicious circle has been formed between the perpetrators, vulnerable girls, an ineffective system and those wishing to play down the problem or ignore it

It all stems from a history of victims not being able to report sexual abuse - either because they are not believed or the offence is not taken seriously, so it all gets brushed under the carpet in a Jimmy Saville'esque way

The perpetrators know there is little chance of being caught, so this vile crime flourishes in all your major cities

Anyone who tries to deny you have a major national sexual abuse problem or plays it down or denies it completely are all responsible for the continuation of this vicious circle and absolutely part of the problem


Yet you call people who want to improve the "ineffective system" part of the problem.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oubepoMan  over a year ago

Spain Portugal France

"Not sure why you think your country does not have 'this problem' because a very quick search online shows that both Spain and Portugal do have the problem..

one would be naive to think that the issue is not a problem in pretty much every country..

one can argue that there has been more of a problem of late with gangs of mainly Asian men but it has always gone on sadly..

As to singling out individuals and blaming them well that is patently ridiculous and not sure it adds to any debate or maybe that's its not meant to do..?

Yes we all have responsibilities to report to the Authorities when we suspect something and i'm speaking from experience both in a professional and personal capacity in relation to that..

but to suggest that a person on a site who is debating the complex issue is to blame for the levels of this vile crime is bizarre..

Surry, may I point out that Spain and Portugal are deeply conservative Catholic countries and are just as sexually repressed as us (if not more so) and that sexual abuse and exploitation of the vulnerable is prevalent in all Catholic communities across the world. Further I expect that if it were possible to examine conservative Islamic communities in the detail the same would also be found to be true.

Control and repression by the state and the established religions are par for the course..

my point to Boupepo is that he seems to think it doesn't happen or is so small an issue but simple research tells otherwise..

we may have a bigger or smaller problem but countries like Portugal are way behind us in gathering data and available statistics, also maybe its the case that the recent spike in such crimes is down to some people now coming forward as they feel they may be believed. Certainly in some of the historical cases..

The reason the UK has this massive problem is complex - but in a nutshell a vicious circle has been formed between the perpetrators, vulnerable girls, an ineffective system and those wishing to play down the problem or ignore it

It all stems from a history of victims not being able to report sexual abuse - either because they are not believed or the offence is not taken seriously, so it all gets brushed under the carpet in a Jimmy Saville'esque way

The perpetrators know there is little chance of being caught, so this vile crime flourishes in all your major cities

Anyone who tries to deny you have a major national sexual abuse problem or plays it down or denies it completely are all responsible for the continuation of this vicious circle and absolutely part of the problem

Yet you call people who want to improve the "ineffective system" part of the problem."

Before you can improve the ineffective system you first have to acknowledge the seriousness of the problem, the size of the problem and accept that perhaps you might be part of it

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Not sure why you think your country does not have 'this problem' because a very quick search online shows that both Spain and Portugal do have the problem..

one would be naive to think that the issue is not a problem in pretty much every country..

one can argue that there has been more of a problem of late with gangs of mainly Asian men but it has always gone on sadly..

As to singling out individuals and blaming them well that is patently ridiculous and not sure it adds to any debate or maybe that's its not meant to do..?

Yes we all have responsibilities to report to the Authorities when we suspect something and i'm speaking from experience both in a professional and personal capacity in relation to that..

but to suggest that a person on a site who is debating the complex issue is to blame for the levels of this vile crime is bizarre..

Surry, may I point out that Spain and Portugal are deeply conservative Catholic countries and are just as sexually repressed as us (if not more so) and that sexual abuse and exploitation of the vulnerable is prevalent in all Catholic communities across the world. Further I expect that if it were possible to examine conservative Islamic communities in the detail the same would also be found to be true.

Control and repression by the state and the established religions are par for the course..

my point to Boupepo is that he seems to think it doesn't happen or is so small an issue but simple research tells otherwise..

we may have a bigger or smaller problem but countries like Portugal are way behind us in gathering data and available statistics, also maybe its the case that the recent spike in such crimes is down to some people now coming forward as they feel they may be believed. Certainly in some of the historical cases..

The reason the UK has this massive problem is complex - but in a nutshell a vicious circle has been formed between the perpetrators, vulnerable girls, an ineffective system and those wishing to play down the problem or ignore it

It all stems from a history of victims not being able to report sexual abuse - either because they are not believed or the offence is not taken seriously, so it all gets brushed under the carpet in a Jimmy Saville'esque way

The perpetrators know there is little chance of being caught, so this vile crime flourishes in all your major cities

Anyone who tries to deny you have a major national sexual abuse problem or plays it down or denies it completely are all responsible for the continuation of this vicious circle and absolutely part of the problem

Yet you call people who want to improve the "ineffective system" part of the problem.

Before you can improve the ineffective system you first have to acknowledge the seriousness of the problem, the size of the problem and accept that perhaps you might be part of it "

Don't think they have ever denied there's a problem...on solutions to try to solve it

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ouple in LancashireCouple  over a year ago

in Lancashire

"Not sure why you think your country does not have 'this problem' because a very quick search online shows that both Spain and Portugal do have the problem..

one would be naive to think that the issue is not a problem in pretty much every country..

one can argue that there has been more of a problem of late with gangs of mainly Asian men but it has always gone on sadly..

As to singling out individuals and blaming them well that is patently ridiculous and not sure it adds to any debate or maybe that's its not meant to do..?

Yes we all have responsibilities to report to the Authorities when we suspect something and i'm speaking from experience both in a professional and personal capacity in relation to that..

but to suggest that a person on a site who is debating the complex issue is to blame for the levels of this vile crime is bizarre..

Surry, may I point out that Spain and Portugal are deeply conservative Catholic countries and are just as sexually repressed as us (if not more so) and that sexual abuse and exploitation of the vulnerable is prevalent in all Catholic communities across the world. Further I expect that if it were possible to examine conservative Islamic communities in the detail the same would also be found to be true.

Control and repression by the state and the established religions are par for the course..

my point to Boupepo is that he seems to think it doesn't happen or is so small an issue but simple research tells otherwise..

we may have a bigger or smaller problem but countries like Portugal are way behind us in gathering data and available statistics, also maybe its the case that the recent spike in such crimes is down to some people now coming forward as they feel they may be believed. Certainly in some of the historical cases..

The reason the UK has this massive problem is complex - but in a nutshell a vicious circle has been formed between the perpetrators, vulnerable girls, an ineffective system and those wishing to play down the problem or ignore it

It all stems from a history of victims not being able to report sexual abuse - either because they are not believed or the offence is not taken seriously, so it all gets brushed under the carpet in a Jimmy Saville'esque way

The perpetrators know there is little chance of being caught, so this vile crime flourishes in all your major cities

Anyone who tries to deny you have a major national sexual abuse problem or plays it down or denies it completely are all responsible for the continuation of this vicious circle and absolutely part of the problem


Not aware anyone has certainly in any debate on this site denied it or played it down, people have differing views politically but there is one this a very shared view that it is a problem..

Why do you say that there is no problem with this in your country, patently that's not true..

using the different levels of what we all would agree is a vile and abhorrent crime to try and lecture or castigate others is very bizarre..

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Not sure why you think your country does not have 'this problem' because a very quick search online shows that both Spain and Portugal do have the problem..

one would be naive to think that the issue is not a problem in pretty much every country..

one can argue that there has been more of a problem of late with gangs of mainly Asian men but it has always gone on sadly..

As to singling out individuals and blaming them well that is patently ridiculous and not sure it adds to any debate or maybe that's its not meant to do..?

Yes we all have responsibilities to report to the Authorities when we suspect something and i'm speaking from experience both in a professional and personal capacity in relation to that..

but to suggest that a person on a site who is debating the complex issue is to blame for the levels of this vile crime is bizarre..

Surry, may I point out that Spain and Portugal are deeply conservative Catholic countries and are just as sexually repressed as us (if not more so) and that sexual abuse and exploitation of the vulnerable is prevalent in all Catholic communities across the world. Further I expect that if it were possible to examine conservative Islamic communities in the detail the same would also be found to be true.

Control and repression by the state and the established religions are par for the course..

my point to Boupepo is that he seems to think it doesn't happen or is so small an issue but simple research tells otherwise..

we may have a bigger or smaller problem but countries like Portugal are way behind us in gathering data and available statistics, also maybe its the case that the recent spike in such crimes is down to some people now coming forward as they feel they may be believed. Certainly in some of the historical cases..

The reason the UK has this massive problem is complex - but in a nutshell a vicious circle has been formed between the perpetrators, vulnerable girls, an ineffective system and those wishing to play down the problem or ignore it

It all stems from a history of victims not being able to report sexual abuse - either because they are not believed or the offence is not taken seriously, so it all gets brushed under the carpet in a Jimmy Saville'esque way

The perpetrators know there is little chance of being caught, so this vile crime flourishes in all your major cities

Anyone who tries to deny you have a major national sexual abuse problem or plays it down or denies it completely are all responsible for the continuation of this vicious circle and absolutely part of the problem

Yet you call people who want to improve the "ineffective system" part of the problem.

Before you can improve the ineffective system you first have to acknowledge the seriousness of the problem, the size of the problem and accept that perhaps you might be part of it "

You think that I personally am responsible for child sex abuse?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oubepoMan  over a year ago

Spain Portugal France

"Not sure why you think your country does not have 'this problem' because a very quick search online shows that both Spain and Portugal do have the problem..

one would be naive to think that the issue is not a problem in pretty much every country..

one can argue that there has been more of a problem of late with gangs of mainly Asian men but it has always gone on sadly..

As to singling out individuals and blaming them well that is patently ridiculous and not sure it adds to any debate or maybe that's its not meant to do..?

Yes we all have responsibilities to report to the Authorities when we suspect something and i'm speaking from experience both in a professional and personal capacity in relation to that..

but to suggest that a person on a site who is debating the complex issue is to blame for the levels of this vile crime is bizarre..

Surry, may I point out that Spain and Portugal are deeply conservative Catholic countries and are just as sexually repressed as us (if not more so) and that sexual abuse and exploitation of the vulnerable is prevalent in all Catholic communities across the world. Further I expect that if it were possible to examine conservative Islamic communities in the detail the same would also be found to be true.

Control and repression by the state and the established religions are par for the course..

my point to Boupepo is that he seems to think it doesn't happen or is so small an issue but simple research tells otherwise..

we may have a bigger or smaller problem but countries like Portugal are way behind us in gathering data and available statistics, also maybe its the case that the recent spike in such crimes is down to some people now coming forward as they feel they may be believed. Certainly in some of the historical cases..

The reason the UK has this massive problem is complex - but in a nutshell a vicious circle has been formed between the perpetrators, vulnerable girls, an ineffective system and those wishing to play down the problem or ignore it

It all stems from a history of victims not being able to report sexual abuse - either because they are not believed or the offence is not taken seriously, so it all gets brushed under the carpet in a Jimmy Saville'esque way

The perpetrators know there is little chance of being caught, so this vile crime flourishes in all your major cities

Anyone who tries to deny you have a major national sexual abuse problem or plays it down or denies it completely are all responsible for the continuation of this vicious circle and absolutely part of the problem

Not aware anyone has certainly in any debate on this site denied it or played it down, people have differing views politically but there is one this a very shared view that it is a problem..

Why do you say that there is no problem with this in your country, patently that's not true..

using the different levels of what we all would agree is a vile and abhorrent crime to try and lecture or castigate others is very bizarre.. "

So your Google search has shown Spain and Portugal have the same problem?

I wasn't aware that for 15 years,

organised Asian gangs have been r@ping children in thousands, possibly tens of thousands in all our major cities

In which Spanish and Portuguese cities did these atrocities take place?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ouple in LancashireCouple  over a year ago

in Lancashire

"Not sure why you think your country does not have 'this problem' because a very quick search online shows that both Spain and Portugal do have the problem..

one would be naive to think that the issue is not a problem in pretty much every country..

one can argue that there has been more of a problem of late with gangs of mainly Asian men but it has always gone on sadly..

As to singling out individuals and blaming them well that is patently ridiculous and not sure it adds to any debate or maybe that's its not meant to do..?

Yes we all have responsibilities to report to the Authorities when we suspect something and i'm speaking from experience both in a professional and personal capacity in relation to that..

but to suggest that a person on a site who is debating the complex issue is to blame for the levels of this vile crime is bizarre..

Surry, may I point out that Spain and Portugal are deeply conservative Catholic countries and are just as sexually repressed as us (if not more so) and that sexual abuse and exploitation of the vulnerable is prevalent in all Catholic communities across the world. Further I expect that if it were possible to examine conservative Islamic communities in the detail the same would also be found to be true.

Control and repression by the state and the established religions are par for the course..

my point to Boupepo is that he seems to think it doesn't happen or is so small an issue but simple research tells otherwise..

we may have a bigger or smaller problem but countries like Portugal are way behind us in gathering data and available statistics, also maybe its the case that the recent spike in such crimes is down to some people now coming forward as they feel they may be believed. Certainly in some of the historical cases..

The reason the UK has this massive problem is complex - but in a nutshell a vicious circle has been formed between the perpetrators, vulnerable girls, an ineffective system and those wishing to play down the problem or ignore it

It all stems from a history of victims not being able to report sexual abuse - either because they are not believed or the offence is not taken seriously, so it all gets brushed under the carpet in a Jimmy Saville'esque way

The perpetrators know there is little chance of being caught, so this vile crime flourishes in all your major cities

Anyone who tries to deny you have a major national sexual abuse problem or plays it down or denies it completely are all responsible for the continuation of this vicious circle and absolutely part of the problem

Not aware anyone has certainly in any debate on this site denied it or played it down, people have differing views politically but there is one this a very shared view that it is a problem..

Why do you say that there is no problem with this in your country, patently that's not true..

using the different levels of what we all would agree is a vile and abhorrent crime to try and lecture or castigate others is very bizarre..

So your Google search has shown Spain and Portugal have the same problem?

I wasn't aware that for 15 years,

organised Asian gangs have been r@ping children in thousands, possibly tens of thousands in all our major cities

In which Spanish and Portuguese cities did these atrocities take place? "

you may want to read again what i said rather than just make something up..?

you seem to be wanting to score points for some bizarre reason on the numbers, every individual crime is equally wrong..

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Not sure why you think your country does not have 'this problem' because a very quick search online shows that both Spain and Portugal do have the problem..

one would be naive to think that the issue is not a problem in pretty much every country..

one can argue that there has been more of a problem of late with gangs of mainly Asian men but it has always gone on sadly..

As to singling out individuals and blaming them well that is patently ridiculous and not sure it adds to any debate or maybe that's its not meant to do..?

Yes we all have responsibilities to report to the Authorities when we suspect something and i'm speaking from experience both in a professional and personal capacity in relation to that..

but to suggest that a person on a site who is debating the complex issue is to blame for the levels of this vile crime is bizarre..

Surry, may I point out that Spain and Portugal are deeply conservative Catholic countries and are just as sexually repressed as us (if not more so) and that sexual abuse and exploitation of the vulnerable is prevalent in all Catholic communities across the world. Further I expect that if it were possible to examine conservative Islamic communities in the detail the same would also be found to be true.

Control and repression by the state and the established religions are par for the course..

my point to Boupepo is that he seems to think it doesn't happen or is so small an issue but simple research tells otherwise..

we may have a bigger or smaller problem but countries like Portugal are way behind us in gathering data and available statistics, also maybe its the case that the recent spike in such crimes is down to some people now coming forward as they feel they may be believed. Certainly in some of the historical cases..

The reason the UK has this massive problem is complex - but in a nutshell a vicious circle has been formed between the perpetrators, vulnerable girls, an ineffective system and those wishing to play down the problem or ignore it

It all stems from a history of victims not being able to report sexual abuse - either because they are not believed or the offence is not taken seriously, so it all gets brushed under the carpet in a Jimmy Saville'esque way

The perpetrators know there is little chance of being caught, so this vile crime flourishes in all your major cities

Anyone who tries to deny you have a major national sexual abuse problem or plays it down or denies it completely are all responsible for the continuation of this vicious circle and absolutely part of the problem

Yet you call people who want to improve the "ineffective system" part of the problem.

Before you can improve the ineffective system you first have to acknowledge the seriousness of the problem, the size of the problem and accept that perhaps you might be part of it

You think that I personally am responsible for child sex abuse? "

Dont have the balls to answer me?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Not sure why you think your country does not have 'this problem' because a very quick search online shows that both Spain and Portugal do have the problem..

one would be naive to think that the issue is not a problem in pretty much every country..

one can argue that there has been more of a problem of late with gangs of mainly Asian men but it has always gone on sadly..

As to singling out individuals and blaming them well that is patently ridiculous and not sure it adds to any debate or maybe that's its not meant to do..?

Yes we all have responsibilities to report to the Authorities when we suspect something and i'm speaking from experience both in a professional and personal capacity in relation to that..

but to suggest that a person on a site who is debating the complex issue is to blame for the levels of this vile crime is bizarre..

Surry, may I point out that Spain and Portugal are deeply conservative Catholic countries and are just as sexually repressed as us (if not more so) and that sexual abuse and exploitation of the vulnerable is prevalent in all Catholic communities across the world. Further I expect that if it were possible to examine conservative Islamic communities in the detail the same would also be found to be true.

Control and repression by the state and the established religions are par for the course..

my point to Boupepo is that he seems to think it doesn't happen or is so small an issue but simple research tells otherwise..

we may have a bigger or smaller problem but countries like Portugal are way behind us in gathering data and available statistics, also maybe its the case that the recent spike in such crimes is down to some people now coming forward as they feel they may be believed. Certainly in some of the historical cases..

The reason the UK has this massive problem is complex - but in a nutshell a vicious circle has been formed between the perpetrators, vulnerable girls, an ineffective system and those wishing to play down the problem or ignore it

It all stems from a history of victims not being able to report sexual abuse - either because they are not believed or the offence is not taken seriously, so it all gets brushed under the carpet in a Jimmy Saville'esque way

The perpetrators know there is little chance of being caught, so this vile crime flourishes in all your major cities

Anyone who tries to deny you have a major national sexual abuse problem or plays it down or denies it completely are all responsible for the continuation of this vicious circle and absolutely part of the problem

Not aware anyone has certainly in any debate on this site denied it or played it down, people have differing views politically but there is one this a very shared view that it is a problem..

Why do you say that there is no problem with this in your country, patently that's not true..

using the different levels of what we all would agree is a vile and abhorrent crime to try and lecture or castigate others is very bizarre..

So your Google search has shown Spain and Portugal have the same problem?

I wasn't aware that for 15 years,

organised Asian gangs have been r@ping children in thousands, possibly tens of thousands in all our major cities

In which Spanish and Portuguese cities did these atrocities take place?

you may want to read again what i said rather than just make something up..?

you seem to be wanting to score points for some bizarre reason on the numbers, every individual crime is equally wrong..


He only cares about children attacked by muslims, not Christians.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ouple in LancashireCouple  over a year ago

in Lancashire

"Not sure why you think your country does not have 'this problem' because a very quick search online shows that both Spain and Portugal do have the problem..

one would be naive to think that the issue is not a problem in pretty much every country..

one can argue that there has been more of a problem of late with gangs of mainly Asian men but it has always gone on sadly..

As to singling out individuals and blaming them well that is patently ridiculous and not sure it adds to any debate or maybe that's its not meant to do..?

Yes we all have responsibilities to report to the Authorities when we suspect something and i'm speaking from experience both in a professional and personal capacity in relation to that..

but to suggest that a person on a site who is debating the complex issue is to blame for the levels of this vile crime is bizarre..

Surry, may I point out that Spain and Portugal are deeply conservative Catholic countries and are just as sexually repressed as us (if not more so) and that sexual abuse and exploitation of the vulnerable is prevalent in all Catholic communities across the world. Further I expect that if it were possible to examine conservative Islamic communities in the detail the same would also be found to be true.

Control and repression by the state and the established religions are par for the course..

my point to Boupepo is that he seems to think it doesn't happen or is so small an issue but simple research tells otherwise..

we may have a bigger or smaller problem but countries like Portugal are way behind us in gathering data and available statistics, also maybe its the case that the recent spike in such crimes is down to some people now coming forward as they feel they may be believed. Certainly in some of the historical cases..

The reason the UK has this massive problem is complex - but in a nutshell a vicious circle has been formed between the perpetrators, vulnerable girls, an ineffective system and those wishing to play down the problem or ignore it

It all stems from a history of victims not being able to report sexual abuse - either because they are not believed or the offence is not taken seriously, so it all gets brushed under the carpet in a Jimmy Saville'esque way

The perpetrators know there is little chance of being caught, so this vile crime flourishes in all your major cities

Anyone who tries to deny you have a major national sexual abuse problem or plays it down or denies it completely are all responsible for the continuation of this vicious circle and absolutely part of the problem

Not aware anyone has certainly in any debate on this site denied it or played it down, people have differing views politically but there is one this a very shared view that it is a problem..

Why do you say that there is no problem with this in your country, patently that's not true..

using the different levels of what we all would agree is a vile and abhorrent crime to try and lecture or castigate others is very bizarre..

So your Google search has shown Spain and Portugal have the same problem?

I wasn't aware that for 15 years,

organised Asian gangs have been r@ping children in thousands, possibly tens of thousands in all our major cities

In which Spanish and Portuguese cities did these atrocities take place?

you may want to read again what i said rather than just make something up..?

you seem to be wanting to score points for some bizarre reason on the numbers, every individual crime is equally wrong..

He only cares about children attacked by muslims, not Christians. "

does appear to be the case..

the reality with the faux outrage lot is that they don't give a fuck about the crime unless its an excuse to use it to have a go at someone or something..

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oubepoMan  over a year ago

Spain Portugal France

"Not sure why you think your country does not have 'this problem' because a very quick search online shows that both Spain and Portugal do have the problem..

one would be naive to think that the issue is not a problem in pretty much every country..

one can argue that there has been more of a problem of late with gangs of mainly Asian men but it has always gone on sadly..

As to singling out individuals and blaming them well that is patently ridiculous and not sure it adds to any debate or maybe that's its not meant to do..?

Yes we all have responsibilities to report to the Authorities when we suspect something and i'm speaking from experience both in a professional and personal capacity in relation to that..

but to suggest that a person on a site who is debating the complex issue is to blame for the levels of this vile crime is bizarre..

Surry, may I point out that Spain and Portugal are deeply conservative Catholic countries and are just as sexually repressed as us (if not more so) and that sexual abuse and exploitation of the vulnerable is prevalent in all Catholic communities across the world. Further I expect that if it were possible to examine conservative Islamic communities in the detail the same would also be found to be true.

Control and repression by the state and the established religions are par for the course..

my point to Boupepo is that he seems to think it doesn't happen or is so small an issue but simple research tells otherwise..

we may have a bigger or smaller problem but countries like Portugal are way behind us in gathering data and available statistics, also maybe its the case that the recent spike in such crimes is down to some people now coming forward as they feel they may be believed. Certainly in some of the historical cases..

The reason the UK has this massive problem is complex - but in a nutshell a vicious circle has been formed between the perpetrators, vulnerable girls, an ineffective system and those wishing to play down the problem or ignore it

It all stems from a history of victims not being able to report sexual abuse - either because they are not believed or the offence is not taken seriously, so it all gets brushed under the carpet in a Jimmy Saville'esque way

The perpetrators know there is little chance of being caught, so this vile crime flourishes in all your major cities

Anyone who tries to deny you have a major national sexual abuse problem or plays it down or denies it completely are all responsible for the continuation of this vicious circle and absolutely part of the problem

Not aware anyone has certainly in any debate on this site denied it or played it down, people have differing views politically but there is one this a very shared view that it is a problem..

Why do you say that there is no problem with this in your country, patently that's not true..

using the different levels of what we all would agree is a vile and abhorrent crime to try and lecture or castigate others is very bizarre..

So your Google search has shown Spain and Portugal have the same problem?

I wasn't aware that for 15 years,

organised Asian gangs have been r@ping children in thousands, possibly tens of thousands in all our major cities

In which Spanish and Portuguese cities did these atrocities take place?

you may want to read again what i said rather than just make something up..?

you seem to be wanting to score points for some bizarre reason on the numbers, every individual crime is equally wrong..


Okay as requested - I've read what you said and I quote

"Not sure why you think your country does not have 'this problem' because a very quick search online shows that both Spain and Portugal do have the problem..

I'm not sure what I've made up there?

Either you haven't grasped the topic in discussion or the serious nature of it, or both

But clearly Spain and Portugal don't have the same problem, apart from Sweden it's difficult to think of another European country which does

I'm not in any way trying to score points - Just trying to raise awareness to the seriousness of this crime, which has gone unchecked for 15 years, in a very similar fashion to the Jimmy Saville situation

I'm sure at the end of the day - we all want what's best and we want our children to be safe - I've enjoyed our discussion - sometimes heated but thought provoking all the same. On that score I wish you gentlemen a good night

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Not sure why you think your country does not have 'this problem' because a very quick search online shows that both Spain and Portugal do have the problem..

one would be naive to think that the issue is not a problem in pretty much every country..

one can argue that there has been more of a problem of late with gangs of mainly Asian men but it has always gone on sadly..

As to singling out individuals and blaming them well that is patently ridiculous and not sure it adds to any debate or maybe that's its not meant to do..?

Yes we all have responsibilities to report to the Authorities when we suspect something and i'm speaking from experience both in a professional and personal capacity in relation to that..

but to suggest that a person on a site who is debating the complex issue is to blame for the levels of this vile crime is bizarre..

Surry, may I point out that Spain and Portugal are deeply conservative Catholic countries and are just as sexually repressed as us (if not more so) and that sexual abuse and exploitation of the vulnerable is prevalent in all Catholic communities across the world. Further I expect that if it were possible to examine conservative Islamic communities in the detail the same would also be found to be true.

Control and repression by the state and the established religions are par for the course..

my point to Boupepo is that he seems to think it doesn't happen or is so small an issue but simple research tells otherwise..

we may have a bigger or smaller problem but countries like Portugal are way behind us in gathering data and available statistics, also maybe its the case that the recent spike in such crimes is down to some people now coming forward as they feel they may be believed. Certainly in some of the historical cases..

The reason the UK has this massive problem is complex - but in a nutshell a vicious circle has been formed between the perpetrators, vulnerable girls, an ineffective system and those wishing to play down the problem or ignore it

It all stems from a history of victims not being able to report sexual abuse - either because they are not believed or the offence is not taken seriously, so it all gets brushed under the carpet in a Jimmy Saville'esque way

The perpetrators know there is little chance of being caught, so this vile crime flourishes in all your major cities

Anyone who tries to deny you have a major national sexual abuse problem or plays it down or denies it completely are all responsible for the continuation of this vicious circle and absolutely part of the problem

Not aware anyone has certainly in any debate on this site denied it or played it down, people have differing views politically but there is one this a very shared view that it is a problem..

Why do you say that there is no problem with this in your country, patently that's not true..

using the different levels of what we all would agree is a vile and abhorrent crime to try and lecture or castigate others is very bizarre..

So your Google search has shown Spain and Portugal have the same problem?

I wasn't aware that for 15 years,

organised Asian gangs have been r@ping children in thousands, possibly tens of thousands in all our major cities

In which Spanish and Portuguese cities did these atrocities take place?

you may want to read again what i said rather than just make something up..?

you seem to be wanting to score points for some bizarre reason on the numbers, every individual crime is equally wrong..

Okay as requested - I've read what you said and I quote

"Not sure why you think your country does not have 'this problem' because a very quick search online shows that both Spain and Portugal do have the problem..

I'm not sure what I've made up there?

Either you haven't grasped the topic in discussion or the serious nature of it, or both

But clearly Spain and Portugal don't have the same problem, apart from Sweden it's difficult to think of another European country which does

I'm not in any way trying to score points - Just trying to raise awareness to the seriousness of this crime, which has gone unchecked for 15 years, in a very similar fashion to the Jimmy Saville situation

I'm sure at the end of the day - we all want what's best and we want our children to be safe - I've enjoyed our discussion - sometimes heated but thought provoking all the same. On that score I wish you gentlemen a good night "

How have you heard about it? Is it because they were tried in open court? Yes, yes it was. So to say it's gone unchecked is BULLSHIT.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago



He only cares about children attacked by muslims, not Christians.

does appear to be the case..

the reality with the faux outrage lot is that they don't give a fuck about the crime unless its an excuse to use it to have a go at someone or something.. "

Exactly, the kind of mentality that are outraged by some terrorist attacks, but not by others. They don't give a shit about the victims, just the perpetrators.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

All Terorist attacks are wrong !

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ouple in LancashireCouple  over a year ago

in Lancashire

"Not sure why you think your country does not have 'this problem' because a very quick search online shows that both Spain and Portugal do have the problem..

one would be naive to think that the issue is not a problem in pretty much every country..

one can argue that there has been more of a problem of late with gangs of mainly Asian men but it has always gone on sadly..

As to singling out individuals and blaming them well that is patently ridiculous and not sure it adds to any debate or maybe that's its not meant to do..?

Yes we all have responsibilities to report to the Authorities when we suspect something and i'm speaking from experience both in a professional and personal capacity in relation to that..

but to suggest that a person on a site who is debating the complex issue is to blame for the levels of this vile crime is bizarre..

Surry, may I point out that Spain and Portugal are deeply conservative Catholic countries and are just as sexually repressed as us (if not more so) and that sexual abuse and exploitation of the vulnerable is prevalent in all Catholic communities across the world. Further I expect that if it were possible to examine conservative Islamic communities in the detail the same would also be found to be true.

Control and repression by the state and the established religions are par for the course..

my point to Boupepo is that he seems to think it doesn't happen or is so small an issue but simple research tells otherwise..

we may have a bigger or smaller problem but countries like Portugal are way behind us in gathering data and available statistics, also maybe its the case that the recent spike in such crimes is down to some people now coming forward as they feel they may be believed. Certainly in some of the historical cases..

The reason the UK has this massive problem is complex - but in a nutshell a vicious circle has been formed between the perpetrators, vulnerable girls, an ineffective system and those wishing to play down the problem or ignore it

It all stems from a history of victims not being able to report sexual abuse - either because they are not believed or the offence is not taken seriously, so it all gets brushed under the carpet in a Jimmy Saville'esque way

The perpetrators know there is little chance of being caught, so this vile crime flourishes in all your major cities

Anyone who tries to deny you have a major national sexual abuse problem or plays it down or denies it completely are all responsible for the continuation of this vicious circle and absolutely part of the problem

Not aware anyone has certainly in any debate on this site denied it or played it down, people have differing views politically but there is one this a very shared view that it is a problem..

Why do you say that there is no problem with this in your country, patently that's not true..

using the different levels of what we all would agree is a vile and abhorrent crime to try and lecture or castigate others is very bizarre..

So your Google search has shown Spain and Portugal have the same problem?

I wasn't aware that for 15 years,

organised Asian gangs have been r@ping children in thousands, possibly tens of thousands in all our major cities

In which Spanish and Portuguese cities did these atrocities take place?

you may want to read again what i said rather than just make something up..?

you seem to be wanting to score points for some bizarre reason on the numbers, every individual crime is equally wrong..

Okay as requested - I've read what you said and I quote

"Not sure why you think your country does not have 'this problem' because a very quick search online shows that both Spain and Portugal do have the problem..

I'm not sure what I've made up there?

Either you haven't grasped the topic in discussion or the serious nature of it, or both

But clearly Spain and Portugal don't have the same problem, apart from Sweden it's difficult to think of another European country which does

I'm not in any way trying to score points - Just trying to raise awareness to the seriousness of this crime, which has gone unchecked for 15 years, in a very similar fashion to the Jimmy Saville situation

I'm sure at the end of the day - we all want what's best and we want our children to be safe - I've enjoyed our discussion - sometimes heated but thought provoking all the same. On that score I wish you gentlemen a good night "

every country has child abuse..

pretty much every country, including the ones you state don't have a problem has trafficking of vulnerable people being used in the sex industry and other area's..

you have not read properly what i said, i never stated that Spain and Portugal have the same level of vile crime by gangs of which the majority are Asian..

your playing specifics and trying to score some sort of sick points because what?

the numbers or the perpetrators..?

a victim in Spain, Portugal and the UK is still sadly a victim..

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *imiUKMan  over a year ago


All of the victims in this were known to social services, and vulnerab;e - if only the budget hadn't been cut and these young people could have been protected...

Abusers always target the vulnerable, this includes the white peado rings who Theresa May is covering up for than those in the Catholic CHurch (neither of these groups are Asian, btw).

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *andS66Couple  over a year ago


"That's the point we AV gone to far with being politicallyracist correct 278 girls in Newcastle thousands mor cross the uk because the police and social services were scared of being labels racist were do we draw the line

No, we have got to this point by underfunding services. If there were no vulnerable girls, who would they have attacked?"

So if we rid ourselves of the causes of vulnerability, there would be no vulnerable people in our society, and therefore the people perpetrating crimes against the vulnerable would not be able to commit such crimes, and would become 'good people'?

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By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Well said . As if ppl on here think if you solve one problem the other one goes away ffs they will target some other poor lasses probs pick them up d*unk outside nite clubs and such . They are predator low life scum there the problem not the girls

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

They were Pakistani therefore anyone commenting on this thread against them is a bigoted racist

- Mrs. J -

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Explain ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Explain ? "

The SJWs and the PC brigade will be along shortly to 'explain'

- Mrs. J -

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *lem-H-FandangoMan  over a year ago


"Explain ? "

She means it was the girls fault for being trashy. Nothing to do with the gangs ethnicity.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"They were Pakistani therefore anyone commenting on this thread against them is a bigoted racist

- Mrs. J -"

And they all wasn't Pakistani...so maybe you need to do more research

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"They were Pakistani therefore anyone commenting on this thread against them is a bigoted racist

- Mrs. J -

And they all wasn't Pakistani...so maybe you need to do more research "

No, I don't

I am more concerned about the women they abused

- Mrs. J -

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"They were Pakistani therefore anyone commenting on this thread against them is a bigoted racist

- Mrs. J -

And they all wasn't Pakistani...so maybe you need to do more research

No, I don't

I am more concerned about the women they abused

- Mrs. J -"

As am i but you generalised by saying they were all Pakistanis and they wasn't

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"They were Pakistani therefore anyone commenting on this thread against them is a bigoted racist

- Mrs. J -

And they all wasn't Pakistani...so maybe you need to do more research

No, I don't

I am more concerned about the women they abused

- Mrs. J -

As am i but you generalised by saying they were all Pakistanis and they wasn't "

There was one white woman too; but the rest were Asian men; I can't tell a Pakistani from an Indian

What is the point you are making other than nit-picking?

- Mrs. J -

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ercuryMan  over a year ago


"They were Pakistani therefore anyone commenting on this thread against them is a bigoted racist

- Mrs. J -

And they all wasn't Pakistani...so maybe you need to do more research

No, I don't

I am more concerned about the women they abused

- Mrs. J -

As am i but you generalised by saying they were all Pakistanis and they wasn't "

Mainly British born, they were from the Bangladeshi, Indian, Pakistani, Turkish, Iranian and Iraqi communities.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"They were Pakistani therefore anyone commenting on this thread against them is a bigoted racist

- Mrs. J -

And they all wasn't Pakistani...so maybe you need to do more research

No, I don't

I am more concerned about the women they abused

- Mrs. J -

As am i but you generalised by saying they were all Pakistanis and they wasn't

There was one white woman too; but the rest were Asian men; I can't tell a Pakistani from an Indian

What is the point you are making other than nit-picking?

- Mrs. J -"

I do think Harrow is a considerable way away from Newcastle so im not really surprised you cant tell...and tbh a little ignorant in generalising like i said maybe you should had researched it more...but im certainly not nit picking just pointing out your mistake

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"They were Pakistani therefore anyone commenting on this thread against them is a bigoted racist

- Mrs. J -

And they all wasn't Pakistani...so maybe you need to do more research

No, I don't

I am more concerned about the women they abused

- Mrs. J -

As am i but you generalised by saying they were all Pakistanis and they wasn't

There was one white woman too; but the rest were Asian men; I can't tell a Pakistani from an Indian

What is the point you are making other than nit-picking?

- Mrs. J -

I do think Harrow is a considerable way away from Newcastle so im not really surprised you cant tell...and tbh a little ignorant in generalising like i said maybe you should had researched it more...but im certainly not nit picking just pointing out your mistake "

Gee, thanks a million

- Mrs. J -

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *lem-H-FandangoMan  over a year ago


Were all the men Muslim?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Were all the men Muslim?


Were they it hasn't said if they were or not...BUT they wasn't all Pakistanis

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *lem-H-FandangoMan  over a year ago


"Were all the men Muslim?

Were they it hasn't said if they were or not...BUT they wasn't all Pakistanis


You can often tell by their names.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"They were Pakistani therefore anyone commenting on this thread against them is a bigoted racist

- Mrs. J -

And they all wasn't Pakistani...so maybe you need to do more research

No, I don't

I am more concerned about the women they abused

- Mrs. J -

As am i but you generalised by saying they were all Pakistanis and they wasn't

There was one white woman too; but the rest were Asian men; I can't tell a Pakistani from an Indian

What is the point you are making other than nit-picking?

- Mrs. J -

I do think Harrow is a considerable way away from Newcastle so im not really surprised you cant tell...and tbh a little ignorant in generalising like i said maybe you should had researched it more...but im certainly not nit picking just pointing out your mistake

Gee, thanks a million

- Mrs. J -"

Your welcome i don't mind pointing out your errors in getting races wrong

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


The point is the police and social services knew about it for a while but as in all the other cases in the uk involving Asian grooming gangs they were scared to act incase they were accused of racism that's the whole point if it had been a white grooming gang it would of been dealt with straight away the country's gone mad with PC

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"The point is the police and social services knew about it for a while but as in all the other cases in the uk involving Asian grooming gangs they were scared to act incase they were accused of racism that's the whole point if it had been a white grooming gang it would of been dealt with straight away the country's gone mad with PC "

Thats crap the police paid an informer to get details about them

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


It was first reported in 2012 I believe they AV only just been sentenced lmao did u wach the documentary or read the papers the informant was a convicted repeat offender it took the police 5 yrs mate

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It was first reported in 2012 I believe they AV only just been sentenced lmao did u wach the documentary or read the papers the informant was a convicted repeat offender it took the police 5 yrs mate "

Yes i did read it thats why i mentioned it lol.....but the point is you said they never did anything about it....clearly they did by your own admission

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Bloody hell mate if u think 5 yrs is not a long time for them

Poor lasses to wait for justice there's something wrong with you

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ercuryMan  over a year ago


"It was first reported in 2012 I believe they AV only just been sentenced lmao did u wach the documentary or read the papers the informant was a convicted repeat offender it took the police 5 yrs mate

Yes i did read it thats why i mentioned it lol.....but the point is you said they never did anything about it....clearly they did by your own admission "

Operation Sanctuary took place over several years, and it stemmed from a couple of complaints from victims to social workers.

It was extremely complex, had to be handled sensitively and correctly. The police used a convicted paedophile to gather identities and movements of these men. His evidence was not used in court.

The police did a magnificent job, and these criminals now await sentencing.

Bottom line is they are criminals and now behind bars.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oxychick35 OP   Couple  over a year ago


As you say sensitively that's because or there race and neighbours ad complain lots it times to the council about Asian men partying with young girls nothing was done about it tho as in all the cases in the uk untill yrs later . I agree the police did a great job

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Bloody hell mate if u think 5 yrs is not a long time for them

Poor lasses to wait for justice there's something wrong with you "

Justice delayed is justice denied

- Mrs. J -

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Bloody hell mate if u think 5 yrs is not a long time for them

Poor lasses to wait for justice there's something wrong with you "

Were have i said its not a longtime....but i think another poster has adequately answered you

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Sarah Champion....forced to resign for speaking the truth?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Were all the men Muslim?

Were they it hasn't said if they were or not...BUT they wasn't all Pakistanis



No it used to be all Pakistanis but now it's Bangladeshi, Iraqis, Afghans, Iranians.... That multiculturalism sure does spread well

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