
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Politics > Firearms; Should UK Gun Laws be Relaxed

Firearms; Should UK Gun Laws be Relaxed

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Are Gun Laws in UK far to Strict


Should access to firearms be more relaxed


Should it be easier to purchase and own a handgun in UK, especially when its an Olympic shooting event


more than 700,000 firearm owners live in England and Wales and 75,000 in Scotland

There are more than 1.8 million firearms - the most since records began - according to Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC).


Every time there's an incident the government go after legitimate licence holders, tighten the rules up and force a few more people out of the sport, rather than go after the criminal who owns an illegal firearm or the gangs who import illegal firearms.

so? are the Laws & regulations on firearm ownership in the UK just about right, to tight or not tight enough?


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Why did you have to do this?

This is an open invitation for a certain forum troll to come on and tell us all what an expert in firearms he is, which gun is best for the 'double tap' and how to make your own ammunition.

You have been warned.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Are Gun Laws in UK far to Strict


Should access to firearms be more relaxed


Should it be easier to purchase and own a handgun in UK, especially when its an Olympic shooting event


more than 700,000 firearm owners live in England and Wales and 75,000 in Scotland

There are more than 1.8 million firearms - the most since records began - according to Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC).


Every time there's an incident the government go after legitimate licence holders, tighten the rules up and force a few more people out of the sport, rather than go after the criminal who owns an illegal firearm or the gangs who import illegal firearms.

so? are the Laws & regulations on firearm ownership in the UK just about right, to tight or not tight enough?


Why do we want to loosen it? In the UK we had high knife crimes. I remember the knife amnesty.

When I was young I lived by a gun shop. Never needed it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Waits for grrrreat tony

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Waits for grrrreat tony"

Obviously not online atm.

Otherwise we'd have had at least 3 posts in a row.

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By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


No OP.

We have strict fire arms laws because of past outrages when our laws were more relaxed. The idea of effectively suggesting that as we have not had a case of mass murder with a fire arm since Dunblane 11 years ago, we should now relax the laws so we can have another one just days after the Westminster killings has to be crass to say the least.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"No OP.

We have strict fire arms laws because of past outrages when our laws were more relaxed. The idea of effectively suggesting that as we have not had a case of mass murder with a fire arm since Dunblane 11 years ago, we should now relax the laws so we can have another one just days after the Westminster killings has to be crass to say the least."

Fair enough;


Should we BAN Olympic Shooting

Both Rifle & Pistol

I mean we don't want to put a wrong opinion over to the public that such sport should be welcomed


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By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"Fair enough;


Should we BAN Olympic Shooting

Both Rifle & Pistol

I mean we don't want to put a wrong opinion over to the public that such sport should be welcomed

. "

Why would you suggest that?

do you not think your use of such hyperbole is equally as crass as your opening statement?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Law is fine as it is, although we could still increase the penalty for being in possession or handling illegal weapons or ammunition.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Law is fine as it is, although we could still increase the penalty for being in possession or handling illegal weapons or ammunition."

What would you suggest

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By *anes HubbyCouple  over a year ago

Babbacombe Torquay

After Dunblane and Hungerford I think the current law speaks for itself, we particularly owe it to the memories of those tiny children of Dunblane, your home country, to never go down that road again.

I'm surprised you need reminding Op....

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"No OP.

We have strict fire arms laws because of past outrages when our laws were more relaxed. The idea of effectively suggesting that as we have not had a case of mass murder with a fire arm since Dunblane 11 years ago, we should now relax the laws so we can have another one just days after the Westminster killings has to be crass to say the least."

Why Crass? we are talking about firearms not knives & cars

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"After Dunblane and Hungerford I think the current law speaks for itself, we particularly owe it to the memories of those tiny children of Dunblane, your home country, to never go down that road again.

I'm surprised you need reminding Op...."

so are you saying that the ban of certain handguns in the UK has stopped the murder of children, and that they cannot be shot with presently legally owned firearms including handguns

I am not sure what you are getting at? Surely the only way would be a full out ban with regards to what you stated above.

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By *anes HubbyCouple  over a year ago

Babbacombe Torquay

"After Dunblane and Hungerford I think the current law speaks for itself, we particularly owe it to the memories of those tiny children of Dunblane, your home country, to never go down that road again.

I'm surprised you need reminding Op....

so are you saying that the ban of certain handguns in the UK has stopped the murder of children, and that they cannot be shot with presently legally owned firearms including handguns

I am not sure what you are getting at? Surely the only way would be a full out ban with regards to what you stated above. "

Maybe you should ask one of the Dunblane parents.....face to face would be preferable.

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By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"Law is fine as it is, although we could still increase the penalty for being in possession or handling illegal weapons or ammunition."

Isn't the maximum sentence already life?

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By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"Why Crass? we are talking about firearms not knives & cars"

May I ask you a question warchild...

Has someone upset you today? Or have you just decided to live under a bridge for a while?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I don't see why a ban on the Olympic sports should be necessary but if individuals want to participate, the weapons should only be available at a secure location for both storage and practice. There is no need to keep them at home.

If you're a track cyclist or a swimmer, you have to go to a suitable location to train. Nobody has a velodrome or Olympic pool at home. Why should shooters (or whatever you call them)not do similarly?

The only legally held firearms should be shotguns for vermin control or hunting rifles held by registered gamekeepers for deer control and even those should be held at a secure location and collected at a pre-arranged time.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I don't see why a ban on the Olympic sports should be necessary but if individuals want to participate, the weapons should only be available at a secure location for both storage and practice. There is no need to keep them at home.

If you're a track cyclist or a swimmer, you have to go to a suitable location to train. Nobody has a velodrome or Olympic pool at home. Why should shooters (or whatever you call them)not do similarly?

The only legally held firearms should be shotguns for vermin control or hunting rifles held by registered gamekeepers for deer control and even those should be held at a secure location and collected at a pre-arranged time. "

Tina, I thought you would have more understanding of the countryside with you living in rural Perthshire

you will be aware "gamekeepers" do not control deer on forestry commission land, and who would be called out to an incident on the A9 should a 250lb+ red deer run out and collide with a car, perhaps a broken back but still alive, who would the police call to humanly put it down

and are you saying the sport involved with shooting should be banned.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Why Crass? we are talking about firearms not knives & cars

May I ask you a question warchild...

Has someone upset you today? Or have you just decided to live under a bridge for a while?"


perhaps Jane too;

You will be fully aware that the instrument used to save lives and prevent further killings at Westminster on 22nd March was indeed a handgun

the weapon's used were one Hyundai 4x4 and a 8" kitchen knife (both legal to purchase)

whilst 3 policemen ran away to avoid the terrorist as seen today on ITV news, the terrorist was eventually stopped due to a bodyguard shooting him with a handgun, this saving lives.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I don't see why a ban on the Olympic sports should be necessary but if individuals want to participate, the weapons should only be available at a secure location for both storage and practice. There is no need to keep them at home.

If you're a track cyclist or a swimmer, you have to go to a suitable location to train. Nobody has a velodrome or Olympic pool at home. Why should shooters (or whatever you call them)not do similarly?

The only legally held firearms should be shotguns for vermin control or hunting rifles held by registered gamekeepers for deer control and even those should be held at a secure location and collected at a pre-arranged time.

Tina, I thought you would have more understanding of the countryside with you living in rural Perthshire

you will be aware "gamekeepers" do not control deer on forestry commission land, and who would be called out to an incident on the A9 should a 250lb+ red deer run out and collide with a car, perhaps a broken back but still alive, who would the police call to humanly put it down

and are you saying the sport involved with shooting should be banned."

Having been brought up in the highlands, I'm well aware that the FC uses hunters. In fact, I lived on venison until about the age of 12, I just felt it was too difficult to explain that and used the term 'gamekeeper' in the broader sense.

I'm sure a policeman could dispatch an injured deer on the A9 and yes, I would ban bloodsports. I must stress I've lived in the countryside my entire life and appreciate the concerns of the rural environment. I don't feel there is a need for hunting in it. It's not a sport, it's just a bunch of gun happy idiots going out killing wild animals.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I'm sure a policeman could dispatch an injured deer on the A9 and yes, I would ban bloodsports. I must stress I've lived in the countryside my entire life and appreciate the concerns of the rural environment. I don't feel there is a need for hunting in it. It's not a sport, it's just a bunch of gun happy idiots going out killing wild animals."

No, you are incorrect, a policeman cannot dispatch an injured deer on the A9, lets say the incident happens at Pitlochry, the incident is called in, police arrive at the scene, they see the injured deer, they call into Perth headquarters, where a register is held of firearm holders - volunteers, the nearest postcode is called, if available, you pick up firearm and head out, you see the deer, you walk up to it, you cut it throat and hold it until it bleeds out, firearm still in car.

That is normally what happens and fact is, a firearm is rarely used unless a large 8 point stag with sharp antlers

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I'm sure a policeman could dispatch an injured deer on the A9 and yes, I would ban bloodsports. I must stress I've lived in the countryside my entire life and appreciate the concerns of the rural environment. I don't feel there is a need for hunting in it. It's not a sport, it's just a bunch of gun happy idiots going out killing wild animals.

No, you are incorrect, a policeman cannot dispatch an injured deer on the A9, lets say the incident happens at Pitlochry, the incident is called in, police arrive at the scene, they see the injured deer, they call into Perth headquarters, where a register is held of firearm holders - volunteers, the nearest postcode is called, if available, you pick up firearm and head out, you see the deer, you walk up to it, you cut it throat and hold it until it bleeds out, firearm still in car.

That is normally what happens and fact is, a firearm is rarely used unless a large 8 point stag with sharp antlers"

Well, in that case all the police need to do is call the nearest deer dispatcher. No need for a gun. And I know at least half a dozen gameies around Pitlochry.

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By *anes HubbyCouple  over a year ago

Babbacombe Torquay

"Why Crass? we are talking about firearms not knives & cars

May I ask you a question warchild...

Has someone upset you today? Or have you just decided to live under a bridge for a while?


perhaps Jane too;

You will be fully aware that the instrument used to save lives and prevent further killings at Westminster on 22nd March was indeed a handgun

the weapon's used were one Hyundai 4x4 and a 8" kitchen knife (both legal to purchase)

whilst 3 policemen ran away to avoid the terrorist as seen today on ITV news, the terrorist was eventually stopped due to a bodyguard shooting him with a handgun, this saving lives.


What the hell has that got to do with your fascination with gun control?, all you are doing here is proving that an armed police officer carried out the duty he was trained for.....quite how you feel that allowing more civilians (fellow gun-nuts) to have more access to firearms solves ANYTHING, Dunblane.....Hungerford.....to normal people that signifies why gun control is fine as it is.

If that means a few competitors can't compete in the bloody Olympics then who really gives a damn?

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By *mmabluTV/TS  over a year ago

upton wirral

No no no they should be even tougher

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

outright ban on all firearms

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Given that sports we are reasonably successful at (badminton, wheelchair tennis etc) appear to be getting their funding cut I don't see why shooting which were're not very good at (and I exclude trap shooting here) should have any funding if, indeed, they do.

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By *mmabluTV/TS  over a year ago

upton wirral

"Given that sports we are reasonably successful at (badminton, wheelchair tennis etc) appear to be getting their funding cut I don't see why shooting which were're not very good at (and I exclude trap shooting here) should have any funding if, indeed, they do."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This should give you all the info you need on why our gun laws are fine just the way they are.

Interesting observations about Crime Murders with firearms per million

United States ranked second for murders with firearms per million amongst High income OECD countries in 2002.

Slovakia ranked first for murders with firearms per million amongst European Union in 2002.

All of the top 3 countries by murders with firearms per million are Christian.

United Kingdom ranked last for murders with firearms per million amongst Group of 7 countries (G7) in 2002.

South Africa ranked first for murders with firearms per million amongst Emerging markets in 2002.

26 of the bottom 36 countries by murders with firearms per million are European.

Albania ranked second for murders with firearms per million amongst NATO countries in 2002.

5 of the top 7 countries by murders with firearms per million are Hot countries.

Colombia ranked first for murders with firearms per million amongst Catholic countries in 2002.

Spain ranked second last for murders with firearms per million amongst Eurozone in 2002.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Given that sports we are reasonably successful at (badminton, wheelchair tennis etc) appear to be getting their funding cut I don't see why shooting which were're not very good at (and I exclude trap shooting here) should have any funding if, indeed, they do."

Alistair Allan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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By *onyxptMan  over a year ago

st neots, living in Albufeira-Algarve-Portugal

" You will be fully aware that the instrument used to save lives and prevent further killings at Westminster on 22nd March was indeed a handgun

the weapon's used were one Hyundai 4x4 and a 8" kitchen knife (both legal to purchase)

whilst 3 policemen ran away to avoid the terrorist as seen today on ITV news, the terrorist was eventually stopped due to a bodyguard shooting him with a handgun, this saving lives."


I am wondering why you bother !

A HOPLOPHOBE Is just that ! You cant reason with sick people , zealots , or just pure ignorance !

No going to name the "intelligent" posters on here , that absent coherent arguments , will resort to name calling, so I will just put on a few quotes that apply instead of bothering to respond to each one !

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

? Mark Twain

Or ....

“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

? Martin Luther King Jr.

And .... warchild ..

"When Did Ignorance Become A Point Of View"

You are dealing with people Who mostly have never touched a gun in their life !

"The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about." Wayne Dyer

Its useless telling them that guns save lives , or it was due to guns that they today have the freedom to express their views.

These people hold opinions that would put them in the company of some of humanity's "great" figures who also strongly believed in absolute gun control, such as Putin, Stalin or Adolph Hitler ! Oh and not to mention the slave owners, or any other monarch ,Dictator or form of totalitarian regime present or past!

"With guns in the hands of the public, sure there will be tragedies, but without them there will be genocides."

Unknown source

"You may not like guns, and choose not to own one. That is your right. You might not believe in God. That is your choice. However, if someone breaks into your home the first two things you're going to do are: 1) Call someone with a gun. 2) Pray they get there in time." - Unknown

"Gun control? Its the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. I'm a bad guy; I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We’ll see who wins." – Sammy The Bull Gravano, whose testimony convicted John Gotti.

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." (Thomas Jefferson).

These people are so anti democratic that they presume to tell you what you like or should do in your spare time , demanding you live like them !

"Democracy is when 2 wolves and a lamb vote for what to put on the dinner table; Liberty is when the lamb is well-armed." unknown source

These people, Warchild , are not like you or me !

They are like sheep !

I expect that you would agree when I say ; " would rather howl on the hill with the wolves , then bleat with the sheep in the valley ! "

I apologise Warchild for the long post and rant but, I have no patience for stupidity and ignorance ! Both are not inevitable , they are a choice , and a dangerous one too !

Yes I feel strongly about gun ownership , and am fortunate enough to live in a country (Portugal) that has strict and stupid guns laws , but that compared to Britain are better and not as HOPLOPHOBIC!

It would not make sense for me not to be pro gun , as I owe my life to guns !

Unlike most on here ,my position does not stem from theory, or a mere opinion based statistics or "opinion" makers or hysteria flamed up by the media BS !

Its based on a lived experience where at the early age of 8 years old , I learned a simple lesson : "have a gun you live, if you don't have a gun you die! "

I also saw first hand what happens when The "authorities" ( police) go house to house with a list and confiscate guns, leaving people defenceless, resulting in the death and serious harm of some !

"If you believe in the right to life, then you must believe in the right to have the means to defend that life." - Charley Reese

"An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it." Lt.Col. Jeff Cooper

Mmmm... this last one sounds strangely familiar to London last week!

mmmm.... back to sexy chat & messaging to set up some hot meets ....lol...

Thats what I´m on Fab for !

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Its based on a lived experience where at the early age of 8 years old , I learned a simple lesson : "have a gun you live, if you don't have a gun you die! "


Well, I'm not sure which part of the world you claim to have gained that experience from but it certainly isn't the UK and unless I'm mistaken, the UK gun controls are whats being discussed here.

Nobody is disputing the fact that there are some parts of the world where guns might be an essential part of life but the UK isn't one of them.

And, please, stop shouting the word HOPLOPHOBE! You've used it on a number of threads and nobody is impressed. It's a made up word, FFS not a condition.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I can just imagine what would happen around my way if guns were easier to buy

There would be shootings every weekend when the fickwits get d*unk and start arguing

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By *ty31Man  over a year ago

NW London

I do think that more police should have access to firearms and I so think that the law should be relaxed for sporting purposes in controlled environments (shooting clubs).

Private ownership by members of the public should remain illegal as it does save lives.

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By *ammskiMan  over a year ago

lytham st.annes

"" You will be fully aware that the instrument used to save lives and prevent further killings at Westminster on 22nd March was indeed a handgun

the weapon's used were one Hyundai 4x4 and a 8" kitchen knife (both legal to purchase)

whilst 3 policemen ran away to avoid the terrorist as seen today on ITV news, the terrorist was eventually stopped due to a bodyguard shooting him with a handgun, this saving lives."


I am wondering why you bother !

A HOPLOPHOBE Is just that ! You cant reason with sick people , zealots , or just pure ignorance !

No going to name the "intelligent" posters on here , that absent coherent arguments , will resort to name calling, so I will just put on a few quotes that apply instead of bothering to respond to each one !

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

? Mark Twain

Or ....

“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

? Martin Luther King Jr.

And .... warchild ..

"When Did Ignorance Become A Point Of View"

You are dealing with people Who mostly have never touched a gun in their life !

"The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about." Wayne Dyer

Its useless telling them that guns save lives , or it was due to guns that they today have the freedom to express their views.

These people hold opinions that would put them in the company of some of humanity's "great" figures who also strongly believed in absolute gun control, such as Putin, Stalin or Adolph Hitler ! Oh and not to mention the slave owners, or any other monarch ,Dictator or form of totalitarian regime present or past!

"With guns in the hands of the public, sure there will be tragedies, but without them there will be genocides."

Unknown source

"You may not like guns, and choose not to own one. That is your right. You might not believe in God. That is your choice. However, if someone breaks into your home the first two things you're going to do are: 1) Call someone with a gun. 2) Pray they get there in time." - Unknown

"Gun control? Its the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. I'm a bad guy; I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We’ll see who wins." – Sammy The Bull Gravano, whose testimony convicted John Gotti.

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." (Thomas Jefferson).

These people are so anti democratic that they presume to tell you what you like or should do in your spare time , demanding you live like them !

"Democracy is when 2 wolves and a lamb vote for what to put on the dinner table; Liberty is when the lamb is well-armed." unknown source

These people, Warchild , are not like you or me !

They are like sheep !

I expect that you would agree when I say ; " would rather howl on the hill with the wolves , then bleat with the sheep in the valley ! "

I apologise Warchild for the long post and rant but, I have no patience for stupidity and ignorance ! Both are not inevitable , they are a choice , and a dangerous one too !

Yes I feel strongly about gun ownership , and am fortunate enough to live in a country (Portugal) that has strict and stupid guns laws , but that compared to Britain are better and not as HOPLOPHOBIC!

It would not make sense for me not to be pro gun , as I owe my life to guns !

Unlike most on here ,my position does not stem from theory, or a mere opinion based statistics or "opinion" makers or hysteria flamed up by the media BS !

Its based on a lived experience where at the early age of 8 years old , I learned a simple lesson : "have a gun you live, if you don't have a gun you die! "

I also saw first hand what happens when The "authorities" ( police) go house to house with a list and confiscate guns, leaving people defenceless, resulting in the death and serious harm of some !

"If you believe in the right to life, then you must believe in the right to have the means to defend that life." - Charley Reese

"An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it." Lt.Col. Jeff Cooper

Mmmm... this last one sounds strangely familiar to London last week!

mmmm.... back to sexy chat & messaging to set up some hot meets ....lol...

Thats what I´m on Fab for ! "

So why bore people with all that shit you,ve posted

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"" You will be fully aware that the instrument used to save lives and prevent further killings at Westminster on 22nd March was indeed a handgun

the weapon's used were one Hyundai 4x4 and a 8" kitchen knife (both legal to purchase)

whilst 3 policemen ran away to avoid the terrorist as seen today on ITV news, the terrorist was eventually stopped due to a bodyguard shooting him with a handgun, this saving lives."


I am wondering why you bother !

A HOPLOPHOBE Is just that ! You cant reason with sick people , zealots , or just pure ignorance !

No going to name the "intelligent" posters on here , that absent coherent arguments , will resort to name calling, so I will just put on a few quotes that apply instead of bothering to respond to each one !

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

? Mark Twain

Or ....

“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

? Martin Luther King Jr.

And .... warchild ..

"When Did Ignorance Become A Point Of View"

You are dealing with people Who mostly have never touched a gun in their life !

"The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about." Wayne Dyer

Its useless telling them that guns save lives , or it was due to guns that they today have the freedom to express their views.

These people hold opinions that would put them in the company of some of humanity's "great" figures who also strongly believed in absolute gun control, such as Putin, Stalin or Adolph Hitler ! Oh and not to mention the slave owners, or any other monarch ,Dictator or form of totalitarian regime present or past!

"With guns in the hands of the public, sure there will be tragedies, but without them there will be genocides."

Unknown source

"You may not like guns, and choose not to own one. That is your right. You might not believe in God. That is your choice. However, if someone breaks into your home the first two things you're going to do are: 1) Call someone with a gun. 2) Pray they get there in time." - Unknown

"Gun control? Its the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. I'm a bad guy; I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We’ll see who wins." – Sammy The Bull Gravano, whose testimony convicted John Gotti.

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." (Thomas Jefferson).

These people are so anti democratic that they presume to tell you what you like or should do in your spare time , demanding you live like them !

"Democracy is when 2 wolves and a lamb vote for what to put on the dinner table; Liberty is when the lamb is well-armed." unknown source

These people, Warchild , are not like you or me !

They are like sheep !

I expect that you would agree when I say ; " would rather howl on the hill with the wolves , then bleat with the sheep in the valley ! "

I apologise Warchild for the long post and rant but, I have no patience for stupidity and ignorance ! Both are not inevitable , they are a choice , and a dangerous one too !

Yes I feel strongly about gun ownership , and am fortunate enough to live in a country (Portugal) that has strict and stupid guns laws , but that compared to Britain are better and not as HOPLOPHOBIC!

It would not make sense for me not to be pro gun , as I owe my life to guns !

Unlike most on here ,my position does not stem from theory, or a mere opinion based statistics or "opinion" makers or hysteria flamed up by the media BS !

Its based on a lived experience where at the early age of 8 years old , I learned a simple lesson : "have a gun you live, if you don't have a gun you die! "

I also saw first hand what happens when The "authorities" ( police) go house to house with a list and confiscate guns, leaving people defenceless, resulting in the death and serious harm of some !

"If you believe in the right to life, then you must believe in the right to have the means to defend that life." - Charley Reese

"An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it." Lt.Col. Jeff Cooper

Mmmm... this last one sounds strangely familiar to London last week!

mmmm.... back to sexy chat & messaging to set up some hot meets ....lol...

Thats what I´m on Fab for ! So why bore people with all that shit you,ve posted "

Because Tony's a little bit edgy and he knows more than you!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"" You will be fully aware that the instrument used to save lives and prevent further killings at Westminster on 22nd March was indeed a handgun

the weapon's used were one Hyundai 4x4 and a 8" kitchen knife (both legal to purchase)

whilst 3 policemen ran away to avoid the terrorist as seen today on ITV news, the terrorist was eventually stopped due to a bodyguard shooting him with a handgun, this saving lives."


I am wondering why you bother !

A HOPLOPHOBE Is just that ! You cant reason with sick people , zealots , or just pure ignorance !

No going to name the "intelligent" posters on here , that absent coherent arguments , will resort to name calling, so I will just put on a few quotes that apply instead of bothering to respond to each one !

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

? Mark Twain

Or ....

“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

? Martin Luther King Jr.

And .... warchild ..

"When Did Ignorance Become A Point Of View"

You are dealing with people Who mostly have never touched a gun in their life !

"The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about." Wayne Dyer

Its useless telling them that guns save lives , or it was due to guns that they today have the freedom to express their views.

These people hold opinions that would put them in the company of some of humanity's "great" figures who also strongly believed in absolute gun control, such as Putin, Stalin or Adolph Hitler ! Oh and not to mention the slave owners, or any other monarch ,Dictator or form of totalitarian regime present or past!

"With guns in the hands of the public, sure there will be tragedies, but without them there will be genocides."

Unknown source

"You may not like guns, and choose not to own one. That is your right. You might not believe in God. That is your choice. However, if someone breaks into your home the first two things you're going to do are: 1) Call someone with a gun. 2) Pray they get there in time." - Unknown

"Gun control? Its the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. I'm a bad guy; I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We’ll see who wins." – Sammy The Bull Gravano, whose testimony convicted John Gotti.

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." (Thomas Jefferson).

These people are so anti democratic that they presume to tell you what you like or should do in your spare time , demanding you live like them !

"Democracy is when 2 wolves and a lamb vote for what to put on the dinner table; Liberty is when the lamb is well-armed." unknown source

These people, Warchild , are not like you or me !

They are like sheep !

I expect that you would agree when I say ; " would rather howl on the hill with the wolves , then bleat with the sheep in the valley ! "

I apologise Warchild for the long post and rant but, I have no patience for stupidity and ignorance ! Both are not inevitable , they are a choice , and a dangerous one too !

Yes I feel strongly about gun ownership , and am fortunate enough to live in a country (Portugal) that has strict and stupid guns laws , but that compared to Britain are better and not as HOPLOPHOBIC!

It would not make sense for me not to be pro gun , as I owe my life to guns !

Unlike most on here ,my position does not stem from theory, or a mere opinion based statistics or "opinion" makers or hysteria flamed up by the media BS !

Its based on a lived experience where at the early age of 8 years old , I learned a simple lesson : "have a gun you live, if you don't have a gun you die! "

I also saw first hand what happens when The "authorities" ( police) go house to house with a list and confiscate guns, leaving people defenceless, resulting in the death and serious harm of some !

"If you believe in the right to life, then you must believe in the right to have the means to defend that life." - Charley Reese

"An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it." Lt.Col. Jeff Cooper

Mmmm... this last one sounds strangely familiar to London last week!

mmmm.... back to sexy chat & messaging to set up some hot meets ....lol...

Thats what I´m on Fab for ! So why bore people with all that shit you,ve posted

Because Tony's a little bit edgy and he knows more than you!"

Tony knows more about everything than anybody!

He's my hero

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I was brought up with guns from a very early age and you were taught to respect it. Anything we killed, we ate (I'm now veggie!).

I don't fear them, don't get phased by them and have no problem at all with cops being routinely armed here (though appreciate that's probably another discussion altogether). We all go abroad and probably don't bat an eyelid nor really notice that most cops abroad are armed.

I do feel that no matter what the laws are, people who want to find away round it, for ill gain, will do so. Zoomers gonna zoom 'n' all that.

I saw my folks had given up my air gun recently for the amnesty in Scotland and was gutted. Was actually pretty angry. That was part of my life as a kid growing up in the country. That side of the ban is too far in my view. There are other instruments that can cause way more damage than an air powered gun that are still perfectly legal.

I'm pro Scottish Government but they went too far on that one.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Tony knows more about everything than anybody!

He's my hero "

Tony got me to bet my life against Trump being intelligent and playing the long political game...he's my hero too!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *anes HubbyCouple  over a year ago

Babbacombe Torquay

Victoria Elizabeth Clydesdale (age 5)

Emma Elizabeth Crozier (age 5)

Melissa Helen Currie (age 5)

Charlotte Louise Dunn (age 5)

Kevin Allan Hasell (age 5)

Ross William Irvine (age 5)

David Charles Kerr (age 5)

Mhairi Isabel MacBeath (age 5)

Gwen Mayor (age 45) (teacher)

Brett McKinnon (age 6)

Abigail Joanne McLennan (age 5)

Emily Morton (age 5)

Sophie Jane Lockwood North (age 5)

John Petrie (age 5)

Joanna Caroline Ross (age 5)

Hannah Louise Scott (age 5)

Megan Turner (age 5)

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"No OP.

We have strict fire arms laws because of past outrages when our laws were more relaxed. The idea of effectively suggesting that as we have not had a case of mass murder with a fire arm since Dunblane 11 years ago, we should now relax the laws so we can have another one just days after the Westminster killings has to be crass to say the least."


Im with him

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I don't see why a ban on the Olympic sports should be necessary but if individuals want to participate, the weapons should only be available at a secure location for both storage and practice. There is no need to keep them at home.

If you're a track cyclist or a swimmer, you have to go to a suitable location to train. Nobody has a velodrome or Olympic pool at home. Why should shooters (or whatever you call them)not do similarly?

The only legally held firearms should be shotguns for vermin control or hunting rifles held by registered gamekeepers for deer control and even those should be held at a secure location and collected at a pre-arranged time. "


And him

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *anes HubbyCouple  over a year ago

Babbacombe Torquay

Thomas Hamilton walked into that Primary school and using two legally owned 9mm Browning pistols and Two legally owned .357 Smith & Wesson revolvers he executed these tiny children.

Shame on anyone who try's to defend a relaxation of our gun laws.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


I think our laws are too strict and think that they were knee jerk reactions to terrible tragedies. America on the other hand is far too lax in my opinion. I find it crazy that in America that have a list of people too dangerous to board a plane under any circumstances, however those people can buy as many guns as they want.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think our laws are too strict and think that they were knee jerk reactions to terrible tragedies. America on the other hand is far too lax in my opinion. I find it crazy that in America that have a list of people too dangerous to board a plane under any circumstances, however those people can buy as many guns as they want. "

I dont think there strict enough, what was the number quoted 1.6 million firearms? Wtf

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I would make laws tougher.Sentences longer.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"After Dunblane and Hungerford I think the current law speaks for itself, we particularly owe it to the memories of those tiny children of Dunblane, your home country, to never go down that road again.

I'm surprised you need reminding Op....

so are you saying that the ban of certain handguns in the UK has stopped the murder of children, and that they cannot be shot with presently legally owned firearms including handguns

I am not sure what you are getting at? Surely the only way would be a full out ban with regards to what you stated above. "

Have you actually checked the current legislation....? On handguns?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"I think our laws are too strict and think that they were knee jerk reactions to terrible tragedies. America on the other hand is far too lax in my opinion. I find it crazy that in America that have a list of people too dangerous to board a plane under any circumstances, however those people can buy as many guns as they want. .

I dont think there strict enough, what was the number quoted 1.6 million firearms? Wtf "

Which bit of the law would you make tougher?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The private ownership of handguns, semi automatic and non rimfire weapons was banned in 1997.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I was brought up with guns from a very early age and you were taught to respect it. Anything we killed, we ate (I'm now veggie!).

I don't fear them, don't get phased by them and have no problem at all with cops being routinely armed here (though appreciate that's probably another discussion altogether). We all go abroad and probably don't bat an eyelid nor really notice that most cops abroad are armed.

I do feel that no matter what the laws are, people who want to find away round it, for ill gain, will do so. Zoomers gonna zoom 'n' all that.

I saw my folks had given up my air gun recently for the amnesty in Scotland and was gutted. Was actually pretty angry. That was part of my life as a kid growing up in the country. That side of the ban is too far in my view. There are other instruments that can cause way more damage than an air powered gun that are still perfectly legal.

I'm pro Scottish Government but they went too far on that one.


true Jack, I agree with regards to airguns, most kids in the 60's/70's/80's grew up with air guns, I guess I have put my views to the snp, its all you can really do, it will probably go into English law in a few years time too

There is a lot of things I disagree with regarding SNP, but I still think they are the best party for Scotland's interests.

on a whole, I think the Law and legislation is reasonable with regards to firearms too, although banning certain handguns was a bit over the top but the government at the time had to be shown to be doing something and acting immediate.

Before Dunblane I owned a smith & Wesson Wilson Match master .357 magnum

now I own a

smith & Wesson Wilson Match master .357 magnum LBR

difference in shooting, very little, some may say the LBR has more velocity, possibly longer range

Accuracy, possibly better, but at 35 - 50 yards its difficult to miss.

possible noise reduction

cost; LBR much more expensive,

again the ban on shorter barrels was only the government being seen to be doing something at the time, and taking some action.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Thomas Hamilton walked into that Primary school and using two legally owned 9mm Browning pistols and Two legally owned .357 Smith & Wesson revolvers he executed these tiny children.

Shame on anyone who try's to defend a relaxation of our gun laws."

Totally appreciate that. I genuinely do. Most of us have kids, and there's no way on earth you'd want that happening to ours.

You still can't account for the nutters of the world though. They're going to do what they're going to do. If guns had been banned he would have gone another route - a car maybe? Who knows.

In inner cities there's still gun crime that's gang and territory related. You'll never stamp that out. If they want weapons they find them and they wouldn't be walking into a gun store anytime soon to buy a legal fire arm.

Banning doesn't stop it. Like large jail time for drugs doesn't stop people taking or distributing it. How many kids die from drug misuse or alcohol related incidents? More than have died through fire arms over the years. What about knives? Again way more than fire arms and probably a daily occurance in places like Manchester and London. We don't ban those. (I believe you can carry a knife in the Uk so long as the blade doesn't have the ability to be 'locked' - may be wrong but that was my understanding). They are illegal for people under age but they find ways round it.

I honestly don't know the solution. I do know that a blanket ban doesn't ever work.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"The private ownership of handguns, semi automatic and non rimfire weapons was banned in 1997."


let me adjust your statement;

The private ownership of SOME handguns, semi automatic and non rimfire weapons was banned in 1997

there, that's better, don't you agree

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think our laws are too strict and think that they were knee jerk reactions to terrible tragedies. America on the other hand is far too lax in my opinion. I find it crazy that in America that have a list of people too dangerous to board a plane under any circumstances, however those people can buy as many guns as they want. .

I dont think there strict enough, what was the number quoted 1.6 million firearms? Wtf

Which bit of the law would you make tougher? "


All of it,i dont think theres a need for any guns, 99% of people who use them use them for pleasure and unfortunately for them for the good of the rest they will have to find another hobby

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"After Dunblane and Hungerford I think the current law speaks for itself, we particularly owe it to the memories of those tiny children of Dunblane, your home country, to never go down that road again.

I'm surprised you need reminding Op....

so are you saying that the ban of certain handguns in the UK has stopped the murder of children, and that they cannot be shot with presently legally owned firearms including handguns

I am not sure what you are getting at? Surely the only way would be a full out ban with regards to what you stated above.

Have you actually checked the current legislation....? On handguns?"

Aren't the vast majority of legally owned handguns in this country historical, muzzle-loading pistols and therefore, unlikely to be used in a moment of passion or on a spree-killing?

Jim Jeffries said it best in his piece on gun-control...



Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Badminton maybe?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Thomas Hamilton walked into that Primary school and using two legally owned 9mm Browning pistols and Two legally owned .357 Smith & Wesson revolvers he executed these tiny children.

Shame on anyone who try's to defend a relaxation of our gun laws.

Totally appreciate that. I genuinely do. Most of us have kids, and there's no way on earth you'd want that happening to ours.

You still can't account for the nutters of the world though. They're going to do what they're going to do. If guns had been banned he would have gone another route - a car maybe? Who knows.

In inner cities there's still gun crime that's gang and territory related. You'll never stamp that out. If they want weapons they find them and they wouldn't be walking into a gun store anytime soon to buy a legal fire arm.

Banning doesn't stop it. Like large jail time for drugs doesn't stop people taking or distributing it. How many kids die from drug misuse or alcohol related incidents? More than have died through fire arms over the years. What about knives? Again way more than fire arms and probably a daily occurance in places like Manchester and London. We don't ban those. (I believe you can carry a knife in the Uk so long as the blade doesn't have the ability to be 'locked' - may be wrong but that was my understanding). They are illegal for people under age but they find ways round it.

I honestly don't know the solution. I do know that a blanket ban doesn't ever work."

Of course a blanket ban works, look at our gun crime statistics.

Arguing that knives and cars are equally as dangerous is a moot point, there are genuine reasons for owning cars and knives in this country, their are no reasons to own a gun, unless you are one of those that can currently legally possess one anyway.

As for knives, current UK legislation is fairly strict, no open knives over 3" long in public places (and public places can include your car) and folding knives up to 3" long as long as they're not automatic and can't be locked. Any type of 'combat' knife is also restricted, regardless of size.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Badminton maybe?"

Ha, my friend nearly chocked when she got hit in the mouth with a shuttlecock and one end went down her throat and the other end lodged behind her teeth and got stuck!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I think our laws are too strict and think that they were knee jerk reactions to terrible tragedies. America on the other hand is far too lax in my opinion. I find it crazy that in America that have a list of people too dangerous to board a plane under any circumstances, however those people can buy as many guns as they want. .

I dont think there strict enough, what was the number quoted 1.6 million firearms? Wtf

Which bit of the law would you make tougher? .

All of it,i dont think theres a need for any guns, 99% of people who use them use them for pleasure and unfortunately for them for the good of the rest they will have to find another hobby"


not in Scotland mate


Deer can cause damaging

impacts to trees and ground

flora at any time of year.

We therefore need to monitor this and ensure

protection of the NFE’s biological resources

throughout the year.

Out of season and night shooting

are essential in helping us

manage damage impacts.

All of our out of season and night shooting

activity is discussed with the statutory deer

authority, SNH. All applications are based on an

objective justification and require authorisation

by SNH. We adhere to any conditions set.

The culling of deer outwith their open seasons

in enclosed woodland is covered by a ‘General

Authorisation’ under Section 5.6 of the Deer

(Scotland) Scotland 1996. For unenclosed

woodland, a specific Section 5.6 authorisation is

required from SNH.

Approximately 80 per cent of the total cull

on the NFE is achieved between 1 October

and 31 March.

We do not cull female deer

from 1 April to 30 September,

except for Sika for which we might make

applications from 15 September.

Night shooting - using spotlights to illuminate

animals - has been used for many years when

necessary, for culling deer to reduce damage

impacts on the NFE and to undertake deer

management in heavily used forests where

public safety and operational activity is a major

consideration. Local police are informed before

we carry out night shooting activities.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Aren't the vast majority of legally owned handguns in this country historical, muzzle-loading pistols and therefore, unlikely to be used in a moment of passion or on a spree-killing?


to answer your question in one word


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think our laws are too strict and think that they were knee jerk reactions to terrible tragedies. America on the other hand is far too lax in my opinion. I find it crazy that in America that have a list of people too dangerous to board a plane under any circumstances, however those people can buy as many guns as they want. .

I dont think there strict enough, what was the number quoted 1.6 million firearms? Wtf

Which bit of the law would you make tougher? .

All of it,i dont think theres a need for any guns, 99% of people who use them use them for pleasure and unfortunately for them for the good of the rest they will have to find another hobby


not in Scotland mate


Deer can cause damaging

impacts to trees and ground

flora at any time of year.

We therefore need to monitor this and ensure

protection of the NFE’s biological resources

throughout the year.

Out of season and night shooting

are essential in helping us

manage damage impacts.

All of our out of season and night shooting

activity is discussed with the statutory deer

authority, SNH. All applications are based on an

objective justification and require authorisation

by SNH. We adhere to any conditions set.

The culling of deer outwith their open seasons

in enclosed woodland is covered by a ‘General

Authorisation’ under Section 5.6 of the Deer

(Scotland) Scotland 1996. For unenclosed

woodland, a specific Section 5.6 authorisation is

required from SNH.

Approximately 80 per cent of the total cull

on the NFE is achieved between 1 October

and 31 March.

We do not cull female deer

from 1 April to 30 September,

except for Sika for which we might make

applications from 15 September.

Night shooting - using spotlights to illuminate

animals - has been used for many years when

necessary, for culling deer to reduce damage

impacts on the NFE and to undertake deer

management in heavily used forests where

public safety and operational activity is a major

consideration. Local police are informed before

we carry out night shooting activities."

Are you not going to quote the other 22 pages of that document?

It's irrelevant anyway, those that are involved in the culling of deer and killing for humane remains have legal access to firearms and require no changes in firearms legislation.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Aren't the vast majority of legally owned handguns in this country historical, muzzle-loading pistols and therefore, unlikely to be used in a moment of passion or on a spree-killing?

to answer your question in one word


Really? Where are the other legally held handguns in this country then?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Thomas Hamilton walked into that Primary school and using two legally owned 9mm Browning pistols and Two legally owned .357 Smith & Wesson revolvers he executed these tiny children.

Shame on anyone who try's to defend a relaxation of our gun laws.

Totally appreciate that. I genuinely do. Most of us have kids, and there's no way on earth you'd want that happening to ours.

You still can't account for the nutters of the world though. They're going to do what they're going to do. If guns had been banned he would have gone another route - a car maybe? Who knows.

In inner cities there's still gun crime that's gang and territory related. You'll never stamp that out. If they want weapons they find them and they wouldn't be walking into a gun store anytime soon to buy a legal fire arm.

Banning doesn't stop it. Like large jail time for drugs doesn't stop people taking or distributing it. How many kids die from drug misuse or alcohol related incidents? More than have died through fire arms over the years. What about knives? Again way more than fire arms and probably a daily occurance in places like Manchester and London. We don't ban those. (I believe you can carry a knife in the Uk so long as the blade doesn't have the ability to be 'locked' - may be wrong but that was my understanding). They are illegal for people under age but they find ways round it.

I honestly don't know the solution. I do know that a blanket ban doesn't ever work.

Of course a blanket ban works, look at our gun crime statistics.

Arguing that knives and cars are equally as dangerous is a moot point, there are genuine reasons for owning cars and knives in this country, their are no reasons to own a gun, unless you are one of those that can currently legally possess one anyway.

As for knives, current UK legislation is fairly strict, no open knives over 3" long in public places (and public places can include your car) and folding knives up to 3" long as long as they're not automatic and can't be locked. Any type of 'combat' knife is also restricted, regardless of size.


Primary school in Glasgow a few months back? Shots fired. Blanket bans do not and never will stop people who are hell bent on finding one and using it.

Half of all homicides in Scotland were carried out by a bladed instrument. Doesn't need to be a big blade to kill or maim. So, really, yes that arguement does stand up and I can't see any real reason for anyone to be walking around openly carrying a knife, as you suggest.

The gun laws were ok as they stood and to my knowledge there has only been one air Gun death in Scotland (yes still too many, I do get it).

2014 (only stats I can find) show only 374 recorded air weapon crimes. Now that can be anything from bodily harm to breaking a window. That's hardly a merit for a blanket ban.

In the same period violent incidents with bladed weapons were recorded at 256.000.

Don't get me wrong here. I support gun control. I don't support air weapon bans as it seems pretty pointless.

My point of blanket banning anything not working still stands.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think our laws are too strict and think that they were knee jerk reactions to terrible tragedies. America on the other hand is far too lax in my opinion. I find it crazy that in America that have a list of people too dangerous to board a plane under any circumstances, however those people can buy as many guns as they want. .

I dont think there strict enough, what was the number quoted 1.6 million firearms? Wtf

Which bit of the law would you make tougher? .

All of it,i dont think theres a need for any guns, 99% of people who use them use them for pleasure and unfortunately for them for the good of the rest they will have to find another hobby


not in Scotland mate


Deer can cause damaging

impacts to trees and ground

flora at any time of year.

We therefore need to monitor this and ensure

protection of the NFE’s biological resources

throughout the year.

Out of season and night shooting

are essential in helping us

manage damage impacts.

All of our out of season and night shooting

activity is discussed with the statutory deer

authority, SNH. All applications are based on an

objective justification and require authorisation

by SNH. We adhere to any conditions set.

The culling of deer outwith their open seasons

in enclosed woodland is covered by a ‘General

Authorisation’ under Section 5.6 of the Deer

(Scotland) Scotland 1996. For unenclosed

woodland, a specific Section 5.6 authorisation is

required from SNH.

Approximately 80 per cent of the total cull

on the NFE is achieved between 1 October

and 31 March.

We do not cull female deer

from 1 April to 30 September,

except for Sika for which we might make

applications from 15 September.

Night shooting - using spotlights to illuminate

animals - has been used for many years when

necessary, for culling deer to reduce damage

impacts on the NFE and to undertake deer

management in heavily used forests where

public safety and operational activity is a major

consideration. Local police are informed before

we carry out night shooting activities."


Your telling me in a world that can drill oil in 800m of sea water with all that technology required to do it.

The only way to manage deer is for you to shoot them at night?.

Lets boil this down to its truth, you like shooting deer?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Aren't the vast majority of legally owned handguns in this country historical, muzzle-loading pistols and therefore, unlikely to be used in a moment of passion or on a spree-killing?

to answer your question in one word


Really? Where are the other legally held handguns in this country then?"

Obviously there are police and military handguns, but we'll exclude those because we're not talking about them. You have historic and muzzle loading as you mention which can be small enough to conceal, but muzzle loaders are a a pain in the arse to load and as you said unlikely to be used in spree killing as you say.

You also have long barrel pistols (LBP) and revolvers (LBR) which have to be at least around 2ft long, so as to make them difficult to conceal, however it could be argued that someone on a spree killing is unlikely to care about concealment once it starts.

LBP and LBR make up the bulk of "handguns" in private ownership in England, Wales and Scotland since 1997. Northern Ireland however has no such restriction on hanguns, neither does the Isle of Man.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Aren't the vast majority of legally owned handguns in this country historical, muzzle-loading pistols and therefore, unlikely to be used in a moment of passion or on a spree-killing?

to answer your question in one word


Really? Where are the other legally held handguns in this country then?

Obviously there are police and military handguns, but we'll exclude those because we're not talking about them. You have historic and muzzle loading as you mention which can be small enough to conceal, but muzzle loaders are a a pain in the arse to load and as you said unlikely to be used in spree killing as you say.

You also have long barrel pistols (LBP) and revolvers (LBR) which have to be at least around 2ft long, so as to make them difficult to conceal, however it could be argued that someone on a spree killing is unlikely to care about concealment once it starts.

LBP and LBR make up the bulk of "handguns" in private ownership in England, Wales and Scotland since 1997. Northern Ireland however has no such restriction on hanguns, neither does the Isle of Man. "

It could also be argued that no-one has used a LBP or LBR on a spree killing prior to, or post Dunblane and therefore, the legislation is fit for purpose and not overly draconian.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

They also don't tend to be used by da boyz in da hoodz of Britain's major cities and firearm crime hotspots (which is a misnomer in itself, given the relative paucity of incidents).

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago


Your telling me in a world that can drill oil in 800m of sea water with all that technology required to do it.

The only way to manage deer is for you to shoot them at night?.

Lets boil this down to its truth, you like shooting deer?"

no, not just at night, ideally the best time is just when the sun is going down, or before it comes up.

and yes, I do love stalking, I have my DSC1 & II, and deer management is essential in Scotland for forestry commission, for road safety and for the health of deer themselves.

oh, and as you mention it: in this world that can drill oil in 800m of sea water with all that technology required to do it: how do you think we light the flare????


yes that's right, we light the flare using a shotgun; fact.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Aren't the vast majority of legally owned handguns in this country historical, muzzle-loading pistols and therefore, unlikely to be used in a moment of passion or on a spree-killing?

to answer your question in one word


Really? Where are the other legally held handguns in this country then?

Obviously there are police and military handguns, but we'll exclude those because we're not talking about them. You have historic and muzzle loading as you mention which can be small enough to conceal, but muzzle loaders are a a pain in the arse to load and as you said unlikely to be used in spree killing as you say.

You also have long barrel pistols (LBP) and revolvers (LBR) which have to be at least around 2ft long, so as to make them difficult to conceal, however it could be argued that someone on a spree killing is unlikely to care about concealment once it starts.

LBP and LBR make up the bulk of "handguns" in private ownership in England, Wales and Scotland since 1997. Northern Ireland however has no such restriction on hanguns, neither does the Isle of Man.

It could also be argued that no-one has used a LBP or LBR on a spree killing prior to, or post Dunblane and therefore, the legislation is fit for purpose and not overly draconian."

do you realise how stupid you sound with that comment!!!

tell me, whats your views on section 1 semi automatic shotguns firing single slug ammunition, are these also fit for purpose as they have never been used post Dunblane

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Aren't the vast majority of legally owned handguns in this country historical, muzzle-loading pistols and therefore, unlikely to be used in a moment of passion or on a spree-killing?

to answer your question in one word


Really? Where are the other legally held handguns in this country then?

Obviously there are police and military handguns, but we'll exclude those because we're not talking about them. You have historic and muzzle loading as you mention which can be small enough to conceal, but muzzle loaders are a a pain in the arse to load and as you said unlikely to be used in spree killing as you say.

You also have long barrel pistols (LBP) and revolvers (LBR) which have to be at least around 2ft long, so as to make them difficult to conceal, however it could be argued that someone on a spree killing is unlikely to care about concealment once it starts.

LBP and LBR make up the bulk of "handguns" in private ownership in England, Wales and Scotland since 1997. Northern Ireland however has no such restriction on hanguns, neither does the Isle of Man.

It could also be argued that no-one has used a LBP or LBR on a spree killing prior to, or post Dunblane and therefore, the legislation is fit for purpose and not overly draconian."

It could, however I dont believe that LBP/LBR existed prior to the ban. It could equally be argued that as there have been no spree killings involving handguns in NI and IoM since the ban it is indeed overly draconian.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Aren't the vast majority of legally owned handguns in this country historical, muzzle-loading pistols and therefore, unlikely to be used in a moment of passion or on a spree-killing?

to answer your question in one word


Really? Where are the other legally held handguns in this country then?

Obviously there are police and military handguns, but we'll exclude those because we're not talking about them. You have historic and muzzle loading as you mention which can be small enough to conceal, but muzzle loaders are a a pain in the arse to load and as you said unlikely to be used in spree killing as you say.

You also have long barrel pistols (LBP) and revolvers (LBR) which have to be at least around 2ft long, so as to make them difficult to conceal, however it could be argued that someone on a spree killing is unlikely to care about concealment once it starts.

LBP and LBR make up the bulk of "handguns" in private ownership in England, Wales and Scotland since 1997. Northern Ireland however has no such restriction on hanguns, neither does the Isle of Man.

It could also be argued that no-one has used a LBP or LBR on a spree killing prior to, or post Dunblane and therefore, the legislation is fit for purpose and not overly draconian.

It could, however I dont believe that LBP/LBR existed prior to the ban. It could equally be argued that as there have been no spree killings involving handguns in NI and IoM since the ban it is indeed overly draconian. "

Thanks for the intelligent, reasoned response, rather than the one from the OP above you, who started this thread by chucking in a grenade, and apart from the odd interjection regarding deer control in Scotland has neither added to the debate nor given his own opinions on, or reasons for, relaxing our (well, not his, he's from Scotland and they have a separate CJS) current firearms legislation.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Your telling me in a world that can drill oil in 800m of sea water with all that technology required to do it.

The only way to manage deer is for you to shoot them at night?.

Lets boil this down to its truth, you like shooting deer?

no, not just at night, ideally the best time is just when the sun is going down, or before it comes up.

and yes, I do love stalking, I have my DSC1 & II, and deer management is essential in Scotland for forestry commission, for road safety and for the health of deer themselves.

oh, and as you mention it: in this world that can drill oil in 800m of sea water with all that technology required to do it: how do you think we light the flare????


yes that's right, we light the flare using a shotgun; fact."


So you like shooting deer, thats fine i can get that, killing things and particularly hunting is a very primitive instinct like fucking thats not easily just dismissed as just dont do it!.

I have another suggestion that could help though, if through honestly we now except theres an awful lot of people that just like hunting and killing, why dont we just stick you all on a big remote piece of land with a nice big electrical fence round in Scotland once a month, you can all take in whatever guns you like and winner takes all, after a good weekend being both shot and killing i doubt any of you would feel the need to shoot deer afterwards

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago


Thanks for the intelligent, reasoned response, rather than the one from the OP above you, who started this thread by chucking in a grenade, and apart from the odd interjection regarding deer control in Scotland has neither added to the debate nor given his own opinions on, or reasons for, relaxing our (well, not his, he's from Scotland and they have a separate CJS) current firearms legislation."

Zappa, if you had actually read the thread then you would have realised I have already given my view

you should also read the OP and you will realise what is being asked.

now, no offence but it is obvious from your comments through out this thread that you know absolutely nothing with regards to firearms licencing, firearms handling & control and zero about deer management

again apologies if I come down hard on you but its simply because you are jumping in telling us we should read the law on handguns, when actually we own handguns, abide by the law and its actually yourself who has no idea.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago


So you like shooting deer, thats fine i can get that, killing things and particularly hunting is a very primitive instinct like fucking thats not easily just dismissed as just dont do it!.

I have another suggestion that could help though, if through honestly we now except theres an awful lot of people that just like hunting and killing, why dont we just stick you all on a big remote piece of land with a nice big electrical fence round in Scotland once a month, you can all take in whatever guns you like and winner takes all, after a good weekend being both shot and killing i doubt any of you would feel the need to shoot deer afterwards "

proves you have no idea on Scottish Natural Heritage, forestry commission or the importance of deer cull

once you educate yourself perhaps we can debate further, feel free to mail me private if any questions need answered without embarrassment

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Thanks for the intelligent, reasoned response, rather than the one from the OP above you, who started this thread by chucking in a grenade, and apart from the odd interjection regarding deer control in Scotland has neither added to the debate nor given his own opinions on, or reasons for, relaxing our (well, not his, he's from Scotland and they have a separate CJS) current firearms legislation.

Zappa, if you had actually read the thread then you would have realised I have already given my view

you should also read the OP and you will realise what is being asked.

now, no offence but it is obvious from your comments through out this thread that you know absolutely nothing with regards to firearms licencing, firearms handling & control and zero about deer management

again apologies if I come down hard on you but its simply because you are jumping in telling us we should read the law on handguns, when actually we own handguns, abide by the law and its actually yourself who has no idea."

The question was should the laws be relaxed, not a statement on you owning guns and knowing how to handle and use them correctly.

I've given my opinion on why the laws shouldn't be relaxed.

I'm just about to finish a degree in criminology, and therefore study the effects of firearm ownership and their effects on crime figures on a wider scale than just the UK, so I'm not a complete fucknut...however, we have opposing views on the subject and are never likely to find a middle ground.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


So you like shooting deer, thats fine i can get that, killing things and particularly hunting is a very primitive instinct like fucking thats not easily just dismissed as just dont do it!.

I have another suggestion that could help though, if through honestly we now except theres an awful lot of people that just like hunting and killing, why dont we just stick you all on a big remote piece of land with a nice big electrical fence round in Scotland once a month, you can all take in whatever guns you like and winner takes all, after a good weekend being both shot and killing i doubt any of you would feel the need to shoot deer afterwards

proves you have no idea on Scottish Natural Heritage, forestry commission or the importance of deer cull

once you educate yourself perhaps we can debate further, feel free to mail me private if any questions need answered without embarrassment"


Im happy taking on here, thats what the forums are for?.

You like shooting deer, you already said that,i said i can appreciate that argument, i looked for another way for you to appease your primitive side that the other people might be more happy with!.

Unless like that Bruce Lee line, "sticks dont hit back" strikes a fear in you

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


The majority of gun owners have nothing to do what so ever with shooting deer or Scottish heritage practices or whatever, so to link all discussions on gun control to those two things is quite frankly daft.

In this country gun ownership is a privilege and not a right, and most gun owners take it seriously and know that if you misbehave then privileges get taken away, there are however dipshits in any community.

Gun ownership has its quirks in the UK, for example when you apply for your licence you have to state how many firearms you are applying to have, what category (ie rifle, handgun, shotgun (only some of which require a firearms licence rather than a shotgun licence)), what caliber, if you want a surpressor etc. They can approve all of it, or just some of it, or in some cases they even ask if you want more than you have applied for. You are then given these as "slots" on your licence, and can only buy what will fit on your slots. So if you have 1 slot for a .22 rifle and 1 slot for a .308 rifle you are obviously allowed two rifles, but you can't buy 2 .22 rifles, or 2 .308 rifles, or a .38 rifle. So before you even buy a gun, you have to tell them in advance all the guns you will want to have in the next 5 years.

Imagine if we did the same with a driver's licence and before you took your test you had to decide if you wanted to buy a 1.6 or a 1.8 car, if you wanted a 2 door or a 4 door car, if you wanted a 4x4 or a saloon car.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago


Im happy taking on here, thats what the forums are for?.

You like shooting deer, you already said that,i said i can appreciate that argument, i looked for another way for you to appease your primitive side that the other people might be more happy with!.

Unless like that Bruce Lee line, "sticks dont hit back" strikes a fear in you"

that's cool, great answer, so tell me

what action should be taken when you come across a 3 legged deer due to the leg being ripped off from fencing

whats the "other" way other than shoot it

whats the answer for a red deer hit by a car when it ran out in front of the car, it has a broken back but the police do nothing about it

A vet will not come out without being paid up front first, so what do you do, what action is taken, what is the "other way"

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"The majority of gun owners have nothing to do what so ever with shooting deer or Scottish heritage practices or whatever, so to link all discussions on gun control to those two things is quite frankly daft.

In this country gun ownership is a privilege and not a right, and most gun owners take it seriously and know that if you misbehave then privileges get taken away, there are however dipshits in any community.

Gun ownership has its quirks in the UK, for example when you apply for your licence you have to state how many firearms you are applying to have, what category (ie rifle, handgun, shotgun (only some of which require a firearms licence rather than a shotgun licence)), what caliber, if you want a surpressor etc. They can approve all of it, or just some of it, or in some cases they even ask if you want more than you have applied for. You are then given these as "slots" on your licence, and can only buy what will fit on your slots. So if you have 1 slot for a .22 rifle and 1 slot for a .308 rifle you are obviously allowed two rifles, but you can't buy 2 .22 rifles, or 2 .308 rifles, or a .38 rifle. So before you even buy a gun, you have to tell them in advance all the guns you will want to have in the next 5 years.

Imagine if we did the same with a driver's licence and before you took your test you had to decide if you wanted to buy a 1.6 or a 1.8 car, if you wanted a 2 door or a 4 door car, if you wanted a 4x4 or a saloon car."


Then to them its a fucking hobby like i play badminton as a hobby, if tomorrow badminton was banned because some whack job killed primary school kids with a shuttlecock i could easily just give up my hobby of badminton and take up squash instead.

Of course badminton players arent obsessed with there racquet, they dont sit around naked polishing it at night looking at other badminton players using they're racquets in glossy magazines, we dont stalk squash players and its not a "heritage" obsession were desperate to cling onto!.

Theres massive dishonesty when taking about guns and how much there actually needed

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"The majority of gun owners have nothing to do what so ever with shooting deer or Scottish heritage practices or whatever, so to link all discussions on gun control to those two things is quite frankly daft.

In this country gun ownership is a privilege and not a right, and most gun owners take it seriously and know that if you misbehave then privileges get taken away, there are however dipshits in any community.

Gun ownership has its quirks in the UK, for example when you apply for your licence you have to state how many firearms you are applying to have, what category (ie rifle, handgun, shotgun (only some of which require a firearms licence rather than a shotgun licence)), what caliber, if you want a surpressor etc. They can approve all of it, or just some of it, or in some cases they even ask if you want more than you have applied for. You are then given these as "slots" on your licence, and can only buy what will fit on your slots. So if you have 1 slot for a .22 rifle and 1 slot for a .308 rifle you are obviously allowed two rifles, but you can't buy 2 .22 rifles, or 2 .308 rifles, or a .38 rifle. So before you even buy a gun, you have to tell them in advance all the guns you will want to have in the next 5 years.

Imagine if we did the same with a driver's licence and before you took your test you had to decide if you wanted to buy a 1.6 or a 1.8 car, if you wanted a 2 door or a 4 door car, if you wanted a 4x4 or a saloon car."

now, you say you are a firearm owner, so you should know, what you have said is not specifically true, you might have to read your comments again and you will find the obvious mistake

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"The majority of gun owners have nothing to do what so ever with shooting deer or Scottish heritage practices or whatever, so to link all discussions on gun control to those two things is quite frankly daft.

In this country gun ownership is a privilege and not a right, and most gun owners take it seriously and know that if you misbehave then privileges get taken away, there are however dipshits in any community.

Gun ownership has its quirks in the UK, for example when you apply for your licence you have to state how many firearms you are applying to have, what category (ie rifle, handgun, shotgun (only some of which require a firearms licence rather than a shotgun licence)), what caliber, if you want a surpressor etc. They can approve all of it, or just some of it, or in some cases they even ask if you want more than you have applied for. You are then given these as "slots" on your licence, and can only buy what will fit on your slots. So if you have 1 slot for a .22 rifle and 1 slot for a .308 rifle you are obviously allowed two rifles, but you can't buy 2 .22 rifles, or 2 .308 rifles, or a .38 rifle. So before you even buy a gun, you have to tell them in advance all the guns you will want to have in the next 5 years.

Imagine if we did the same with a driver's licence and before you took your test you had to decide if you wanted to buy a 1.6 or a 1.8 car, if you wanted a 2 door or a 4 door car, if you wanted a 4x4 or a saloon car.

now, you say you are a firearm owner, so you should know, what you have said is not specifically true, you might have to read your comments again and you will find the obvious mistake"

Why don't you just tell us all what mistake I have made and save us all the time?

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple  over a year ago

in Lancashire

The present law seems to be working, its not stopped our Olympians from competing nor the use of the appropriate weapon for those who need them to control vermin etc..

So i see no valid reason for them to be relaxed, the reasons why we have them and yes like all legislation that's brought in on the back of an atrocity there may be minor issue's depending on ones perspective..

fact is the weapons held illegally are more of a threat day to day to the majority of us, its where the resources should be increased to the police etc to address it..

disclaimer to some of the experts, writing this post and still can't recall the muzzle velocity, it's serial number and the name of the persons cat who issued my SLR that i had to my shoulder with one in the chamber and just about to flick the safety off and engage someone who we thought had sniped us from the South one sunny day in south Armagh ..

but didn't ..

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Im happy taking on here, thats what the forums are for?.

You like shooting deer, you already said that,i said i can appreciate that argument, i looked for another way for you to appease your primitive side that the other people might be more happy with!.

Unless like that Bruce Lee line, "sticks dont hit back" strikes a fear in you

that's cool, great answer, so tell me

what action should be taken when you come across a 3 legged deer due to the leg being ripped off from fencing

whats the "other" way other than shoot it

whats the answer for a red deer hit by a car when it ran out in front of the car, it has a broken back but the police do nothing about it

A vet will not come out without being paid up front first, so what do you do, what action is taken, what is the "other way""


Put less fencing up and reverse back over it

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By *onyxptMan  over a year ago

st neots, living in Albufeira-Algarve-Portugal

"The majority of gun owners have nothing to do what so ever with shooting deer or Scottish heritage practices or whatever, so to link all discussions on gun control to those two things is quite frankly daft.

In this country gun ownership is a privilege and not a right, and most gun owners take it seriously and know that if you misbehave then privileges get taken away, there are however dipshits in any community.

Gun ownership has its quirks in the UK, for example when you apply for your licence you have to state how many firearms you are applying to have, what category (ie rifle, handgun, shotgun (only some of which require a firearms licence rather than a shotgun licence)), what caliber, if you want a surpressor etc. They can approve all of it, or just some of it, or in some cases they even ask if you want more than you have applied for. You are then given these as "slots" on your licence, and can only buy what will fit on your slots. So if you have 1 slot for a .22 rifle and 1 slot for a .308 rifle you are obviously allowed two rifles, but you can't buy 2 .22 rifles, or 2 .308 rifles, or a .38 rifle. So before you even buy a gun, you have to tell them in advance all the guns you will want to have in the next 5 years.

Imagine if we did the same with a driver's licence and before you took your test you had to decide if you wanted to buy a 1.6 or a 1.8 car, if you wanted a 2 door or a 4 door car, if you wanted a 4x4 or a saloon car..

Then to them its a fucking hobby like i play badminton as a hobby, if tomorrow badminton was banned because some whack job killed primary school kids with a shuttlecock i could easily just give up my hobby of badminton and take up squash instead.

Of course badminton players arent obsessed with there racquet, they dont sit around naked polishing it at night looking at other badminton players using they're racquets in glossy magazines, we dont stalk squash players and its not a "heritage" obsession were desperate to cling onto!.

Theres massive dishonesty when taking about guns and how much there actually needed"

I love a good comparison !

Never has a nick defined someone so well !.....Sick-boy

Who gave you the right to judge what hobbies other people choose to have ?

How arrogant does one need to be to presume to tell others what to think or feel about their options , and classify and label them ?

How do you ,or anybody else define "need" ?

We measure distance in miles, Kilometres, mass in pounds and Kilos !

But how do you measure need ??

Sick-boy.... little wannabe PC police dictators like you should have no place in a free society !

But Britain has long ceased to be a free

society !

So you probably represent the status quo pretty well !

The old saying " An English man´s home is his castle" in no longer true , its more like "an English man´s home is his jail"

As Cooper said "we live in the age of the wimp"

Wake up Sick-Boy !

"Gun control? Its the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. I'm a bad guy; I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We’ll see who wins." – Sammy The Bull Gravano, whose testimony convicted John Gotti.

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." (Thomas Jefferson).

I wonder what condition you have Sick....Boy ?

Besides Hoplophobia , that is !

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *onyxptMan  over a year ago

st neots, living in Albufeira-Algarve-Portugal


Its based on a lived experience where at the early age of 8 years old , I learned a simple lesson : "have a gun you live, if you don't have a gun you die! "

Well, I'm not sure which part of the world you claim to have gained that experience from but it certainly isn't the UK and unless I'm mistaken, the UK gun controls are whats being discussed here.

Nobody is disputing the fact that there are some parts of the world where guns might be an essential part of life but the UK isn't one of them.

And, please, stop shouting the word HOPLOPHOBE! You've used it on a number of threads and nobody is impressed. It's a made up word, FFS not a condition."


" hoplophobia

n. Irrational, morbid fear of guns (coined by Col. Jeff Cooper, from the Greek "hoplites," weapon). May cause sweating, faintness, discomfort, rapid pulse, nausea, sleeplessness, more, at mere thought of guns. Hoplophobes are common and should never be involved in setting gun policies. Point out hoplophobic behavior when noticed, it is dangerous, sufferers deserve pity, and should seek treatment. When confronted, hoplophobes typically go into denial, a common characteristic of the affliction. Often helped by training, or by coaching at a range, a process known to psychiatry as "desensitization," often useful in treating many phobias. Also: Hoplophobe, hoplophobic. "

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By *onyxptMan  over a year ago

st neots, living in Albufeira-Algarve-Portugal

"" You will be fully aware that the instrument used to save lives and prevent further killings at Westminster on 22nd March was indeed a handgun

the weapon's used were one Hyundai 4x4 and a 8" kitchen knife (both legal to purchase)

whilst 3 policemen ran away to avoid the terrorist as seen today on ITV news, the terrorist was eventually stopped due to a bodyguard shooting him with a handgun, this saving lives."


I am wondering why you bother !

A HOPLOPHOBE Is just that ! You cant reason with sick people , zealots , or just pure ignorance !

No going to name the "intelligent" posters on here , that absent coherent arguments , will resort to name calling, so I will just put on a few quotes that apply instead of bothering to respond to each one !

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

? Mark Twain

Or ....

“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

? Martin Luther King Jr.

And .... warchild ..

"When Did Ignorance Become A Point Of View"

You are dealing with people Who mostly have never touched a gun in their life !

"The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about." Wayne Dyer

Its useless telling them that guns save lives , or it was due to guns that they today have the freedom to express their views.

These people hold opinions that would put them in the company of some of humanity's "great" figures who also strongly believed in absolute gun control, such as Putin, Stalin or Adolph Hitler ! Oh and not to mention the slave owners, or any other monarch ,Dictator or form of totalitarian regime present or past!

"With guns in the hands of the public, sure there will be tragedies, but without them there will be genocides."

Unknown source

"You may not like guns, and choose not to own one. That is your right. You might not believe in God. That is your choice. However, if someone breaks into your home the first two things you're going to do are: 1) Call someone with a gun. 2) Pray they get there in time." - Unknown

"Gun control? Its the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. I'm a bad guy; I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We’ll see who wins." – Sammy The Bull Gravano, whose testimony convicted John Gotti.

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." (Thomas Jefferson).

These people are so anti democratic that they presume to tell you what you like or should do in your spare time , demanding you live like them !

"Democracy is when 2 wolves and a lamb vote for what to put on the dinner table; Liberty is when the lamb is well-armed." unknown source

These people, Warchild , are not like you or me !

They are like sheep !

I expect that you would agree when I say ; " would rather howl on the hill with the wolves , then bleat with the sheep in the valley ! "

I apologise Warchild for the long post and rant but, I have no patience for stupidity and ignorance ! Both are not inevitable , they are a choice , and a dangerous one too !

Yes I feel strongly about gun ownership , and am fortunate enough to live in a country (Portugal) that has strict and stupid guns laws , but that compared to Britain are better and not as HOPLOPHOBIC!

It would not make sense for me not to be pro gun , as I owe my life to guns !

Unlike most on here ,my position does not stem from theory, or a mere opinion based statistics or "opinion" makers or hysteria flamed up by the media BS !

Its based on a lived experience where at the early age of 8 years old , I learned a simple lesson : "have a gun you live, if you don't have a gun you die! "

I also saw first hand what happens when The "authorities" ( police) go house to house with a list and confiscate guns, leaving people defenceless, resulting in the death and serious harm of some !

"If you believe in the right to life, then you must believe in the right to have the means to defend that life." - Charley Reese

"An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it." Lt.Col. Jeff Cooper

Mmmm... this last one sounds strangely familiar to London last week!

mmmm.... back to sexy chat & messaging to set up some hot meets ....lol...

Thats what I´m on Fab for ! So why bore people with all that shit you,ve posted "

I am sorry, my intention was not to "bore people with all that shit" !

My post was directed at intelligent people capable of rational thought and reflection , and able to read and comprehend a bit beyond a tabloid headline !

So apparently not directed at you !

So my apology for boring you !

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *onnyJohnMan  over a year ago


"I can just imagine what would happen around my way if guns were easier to buy

There would be shootings every weekend when the fickwits get d*unk and start arguing "

Hahahaha yeah, same here probably.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *onnyJohnMan  over a year ago


I think Iraq has it just about right... each household can legally own one AK... seems reasonable to me.

I am of course being a twat... the AK whilst being robust and reliable is notoriously inaccurate..

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *onyxptMan  over a year ago

st neots, living in Albufeira-Algarve-Portugal

"I think Iraq has it just about right... each household can legally own one AK... seems reasonable to me.

I am of course being a twat... the AK whilst being robust and reliable is notoriously inaccurate..


Indeed !

Thats why they ...Spray and pray !

Full auto bursts ...then pray they hit

something !

A waste of ammo..... but 7,62x39 is plentiful and cheap

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *onnyJohnMan  over a year ago


"I think Iraq has it just about right... each household can legally own one AK... seems reasonable to me.

I am of course being a twat... the AK whilst being robust and reliable is notoriously inaccurate..

Indeed !

Thats why they ...Spray and pray !

Full auto bursts ...then pray they hit

something !

A waste of ammo..... but 7,62x39 is plentiful and cheap "

There's nothing like a good waste of ammo.... until you have to pick up the brass.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *onyxptMan  over a year ago

st neots, living in Albufeira-Algarve-Portugal

"I think Iraq has it just about right... each household can legally own one AK... seems reasonable to me.

I am of course being a twat... the AK whilst being robust and reliable is notoriously inaccurate..

Indeed !

Thats why they ...Spray and pray !

Full auto bursts ...then pray they hit

something !

A waste of ammo..... but 7,62x39 is plentiful and cheap

There's nothing like a good waste of ammo.... until you have to pick up the brass. "

Well....In my case ... I am happy to !

I reload

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago



" hoplophobia

n. Irrational, morbid fear of guns (coined by Col. Jeff Cooper, from the Greek "hoplites," weapon). May cause sweating, faintness, discomfort, rapid pulse, nausea, sleeplessness, more, at mere thought of guns. Hoplophobes are common and should never be involved in setting gun policies. Point out hoplophobic behavior when noticed, it is dangerous, sufferers deserve pity, and should seek treatment. When confronted, hoplophobes typically go into denial, a common characteristic of the affliction. Often helped by training, or by coaching at a range, a process known to psychiatry as "desensitization," often useful in treating many phobias. Also: Hoplophobe, hoplophobic. "


Yes Tony.

I can use wikipedia too!

It's still a made up word and not a medically recognised condition.

A bit like fuckwit which could be applied to certain trolls prone to SHOUTING and using every smiley they can lay their hands on.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"I think Iraq has it just about right... each household can legally own one AK... seems reasonable to me.

I am of course being a twat... the AK whilst being robust and reliable is notoriously inaccurate..


Yeah, because most British people sit around thinking, I wish the UK was a bit more like Iraq

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I think Iraq has it just about right... each household can legally own one AK... seems reasonable to me.

I am of course being a twat... the AK whilst being robust and reliable is notoriously inaccurate..

Indeed !

Thats why they ...Spray and pray !

Full auto bursts ...then pray they hit

something !

A waste of ammo..... but 7,62x39 is plentiful and cheap

There's nothing like a good waste of ammo.... until you have to pick up the brass. "

British soldiers don't waste brass, on practice range they sign for 10 rounds and once fired must return the 10 spent shells

if they are lucky they will get another 10 rounds before going into combat

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

No, but they should arm the police like in france, where they walk with them openly.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"The majority of gun owners have nothing to do what so ever with shooting deer or Scottish heritage practices or whatever, so to link all discussions on gun control to those two things is quite frankly daft.

In this country gun ownership is a privilege and not a right, and most gun owners take it seriously and know that if you misbehave then privileges get taken away, there are however dipshits in any community.

Gun ownership has its quirks in the UK, for example when you apply for your licence you have to state how many firearms you are applying to have, what category (ie rifle, handgun, shotgun (only some of which require a firearms licence rather than a shotgun licence)), what caliber, if you want a surpressor etc. They can approve all of it, or just some of it, or in some cases they even ask if you want more than you have applied for. You are then given these as "slots" on your licence, and can only buy what will fit on your slots. So if you have 1 slot for a .22 rifle and 1 slot for a .308 rifle you are obviously allowed two rifles, but you can't buy 2 .22 rifles, or 2 .308 rifles, or a .38 rifle. So before you even buy a gun, you have to tell them in advance all the guns you will want to have in the next 5 years.

Imagine if we did the same with a driver's licence and before you took your test you had to decide if you wanted to buy a 1.6 or a 1.8 car, if you wanted a 2 door or a 4 door car, if you wanted a 4x4 or a saloon car..

Then to them its a fucking hobby like i play badminton as a hobby, if tomorrow badminton was banned because some whack job killed primary school kids with a shuttlecock i could easily just give up my hobby of badminton and take up squash instead.

Of course badminton players arent obsessed with there racquet, they dont sit around naked polishing it at night looking at other badminton players using they're racquets in glossy magazines, we dont stalk squash players and its not a "heritage" obsession were desperate to cling onto!.

Theres massive dishonesty when taking about guns and how much there actually needed

I love a good comparison !

Never has a nick defined someone so well !.....Sick-boy

Who gave you the right to judge what hobbies other people choose to have ?

How arrogant does one need to be to presume to tell others what to think or feel about their options , and classify and label them ?

How do you ,or anybody else define "need" ?

We measure distance in miles, Kilometres, mass in pounds and Kilos !

But how do you measure need ??

Sick-boy.... little wannabe PC police dictators like you should have no place in a free society !

But Britain has long ceased to be a free

society !

So you probably represent the status quo pretty well !

The old saying " An English man´s home is his castle" in no longer true , its more like "an English man´s home is his jail"

As Cooper said "we live in the age of the wimp"

Wake up Sick-Boy !

"Gun control? Its the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. I'm a bad guy; I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We’ll see who wins." – Sammy The Bull Gravano, whose testimony convicted John Gotti.

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." (Thomas Jefferson).

I wonder what condition you have Sick....Boy ?

Besides Hoplophobia , that is !



Hello my thats a lot of points your making.

Firstly this how much "you need it" , its just total nonsense,i could use that for anything, i need anthrax, i need an Apache helicopter i need a nuclear weapon, society restricts all sorts of things for the benefit of society, like drugs or smoking, sometimes we ban things outright like marrying your sister! Tell me do you want the right to marry your sister because you feel you need to?? Im guessing not but im not entirely sure in your case.

Next we'll take this your gun will save you from bad guys with guns and that bad guys always have guns, firstly 99% of bad guys as you like to call them dont carry guns in this country because there hard to get hold of and if there caught with them, they face a long sentence just for that. Secondly what and where do you carry this gun for defending yourself against this intruder? In a safe, in a locked cabinet to stop your children getting at it, how does your guns being locked away for safely reasons help you when your woken by armed robbers, what do you say, stop... wait till i get my guns, your in for it!!

No this is just more bullshit dishonesty by gun owners, they like them because they're on a power trip on them, what you have my friend is blue steel! Wiki that

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"British soldiers don't waste brass, on practice range they sign for 10 rounds and once fired must return the 10 spent shells

if they are lucky they will get another 10 rounds before going into combat "


In my day, I would fire 600 to 1000 rounds just to properly zero and carbon up my competition weapon before the start of the season. Of course if I had to split it because an ejector or firing pin broke I would be out blatting sludge at 300 mtrs for a day before even thinking blacking up the iron sights to re-zero the weapon...

And I used to be out on a 600 mtr range for a couple of hours at least once a week just to keep my eye in...

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"The majority of gun owners have nothing to do what so ever with shooting deer or Scottish heritage practices or whatever, so to link all discussions on gun control to those two things is quite frankly daft.

*****many of the 75,000 firearms in Scotland, whether it be rifle or shotgun are owned for deer management, countryside conservation, vermin control and other farming requirements including estate management, this is specifically true in Scotland, to say it is "frankly daft" shows the person has no knowledge of Scottish countryside.

I cannot speak 700,000 owned in England & wales as they have different firearm legislation and I do not keep up with the English way of life*******

In this country gun ownership is a privilege and not a right, and most gun owners take it seriously and know that if you misbehave then privileges get taken away, there are however dipshits in any community.


Gun ownership has its quirks in the UK, for example when you apply for your licence you have to state how many firearms you are applying to have, what category (ie rifle, handgun, shotgun (only some of which require a firearms licence rather than a shotgun licence))

*********Some shotguns - section-1 shoguns must go on a firearms certificate and not allowed on a shotgun certificate**************

, what caliber, if you want a surpressor etc. They can approve all of it, or just some of it, or in some cases they even ask if you want more than you have applied for. You are then given these as "slots" on your licence, and can only buy what will fit on your slots. So if you have 1 slot for a .22 rifle and 1 slot for a .308 rifle you are obviously allowed two rifles, but you can't buy 2 .22 rifles, or 2 .308 rifles, or a .38 rifle. So before you even buy a gun, you have to tell them in advance all the guns you will want to have in the next 5 years.

********** partly true; but realistically if you wish to purchase a firearm that is not on your certificate you put in what is called a "variation" to enable you to amend your certificate, this is done frequently.

To say you have to tell the police what guns you wish to have for the next 5 years, is nonsense and anyone with common sense could understand why********

Imagine if we did the same with a driver's licence and before you took your test you had to decide if you wanted to buy a 1.6 or a 1.8 car, if you wanted a 2 door or a 4 door car, if you wanted a 4x4 or a saloon car."

What is actually missing, is that before you apply for your firearms certificate, before you fill it in, before you complete it,

you must complete a form and take it direct to your doctor, on the form the doctor receives it asks if the patient has suffered in the last 5 years of various illnesses.

This form is completed by your doctor and sent direct to the police headquarters firearms department.

The police take a serious look at this and then call and speak to your doctor direct.

Once all of the above has taken place, the police will call you, arrange a time to visit you at home, check your home, check your locks, your home alarm if fitted and check your gun cabinets

he will then sit down with you, read through your application and take it away with him for processing.

This is the way it is done, the doctors permission has just been introduced, so many firearm holders will not know of this until they apply for renewal.

If your name is also held on Police file for call outs for the "Human Killing of Animals" and for the "Shooting of animals for the protection of other animals or humans" they will at this time ask you if you wish your name to remain on this register or if you wish to have it removed, if your name is on the register you have to sign the form for this also.

Also on the form is the amount of ammunition and type of ammunition you can purchase at one time, normally you can purchase 250 rounds and hold in total 300 rounds.

ammo size can range from;

.22 buy 500 own 800

.38/357 buy 250 own 300

9mm buy 250 own 300

.308 / 7.62 buy 250 own 300

obviously there are a vast range of calibres the above is just an example of what I have

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"British soldiers don't waste brass, on practice range they sign for 10 rounds and once fired must return the 10 spent shells

if they are lucky they will get another 10 rounds before going into combat


In my day, I would fire 600 to 1000 rounds just to properly zero and carbon up my competition weapon before the start of the season. Of course if I had to split it because an ejector or firing pin broke I would be out blatting sludge at 300 mtrs for a day before even thinking blacking up the iron sights to re-zero the weapon...

And I used to be out on a 600 mtr range for a couple of hours at least once a week just to keep my eye in..."

yes indeed as you say "In your day"

this has all changed now and RO's will confirm this

you should also be aware of this if you keep in touch with present serving men

oh and should I say women too

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"The majority of gun owners have nothing to do what so ever with shooting deer or Scottish heritage practices or whatever, so to link all discussions on gun control to those two things is quite frankly daft.

*****many of the 75,000 firearms in Scotland, whether it be rifle or shotgun are owned for deer management, countryside conservation, vermin control and other farming requirements including estate management, this is specifically true in Scotland, to say it is "frankly daft" shows the person has no knowledge of Scottish countryside.

I cannot speak 700,000 owned in England & wales as they have different firearm legislation and I do not keep up with the English way of life*******

In this country gun ownership is a privilege and not a right, and most gun owners take it seriously and know that if you misbehave then privileges get taken away, there are however dipshits in any community.


Gun ownership has its quirks in the UK, for example when you apply for your licence you have to state how many firearms you are applying to have, what category (ie rifle, handgun, shotgun (only some of which require a firearms licence rather than a shotgun licence))

*********Some shotguns - section-1 shoguns must go on a firearms certificate and not allowed on a shotgun certificate**************

, what caliber, if you want a surpressor etc. They can approve all of it, or just some of it, or in some cases they even ask if you want more than you have applied for. You are then given these as "slots" on your licence, and can only buy what will fit on your slots. So if you have 1 slot for a .22 rifle and 1 slot for a .308 rifle you are obviously allowed two rifles, but you can't buy 2 .22 rifles, or 2 .308 rifles, or a .38 rifle. So before you even buy a gun, you have to tell them in advance all the guns you will want to have in the next 5 years.

********** partly true; but realistically if you wish to purchase a firearm that is not on your certificate you put in what is called a "variation" to enable you to amend your certificate, this is done frequently.

To say you have to tell the police what guns you wish to have for the next 5 years, is nonsense and anyone with common sense could understand why********

Imagine if we did the same with a driver's licence and before you took your test you had to decide if you wanted to buy a 1.6 or a 1.8 car, if you wanted a 2 door or a 4 door car, if you wanted a 4x4 or a saloon car.

What is actually missing, is that before you apply for your firearms certificate, before you fill it in, before you complete it,

you must complete a form and take it direct to your doctor, on the form the doctor receives it asks if the patient has suffered in the last 5 years of various illnesses.

This form is completed by your doctor and sent direct to the police headquarters firearms department.

The police take a serious look at this and then call and speak to your doctor direct.

Once all of the above has taken place, the police will call you, arrange a time to visit you at home, check your home, check your locks, your home alarm if fitted and check your gun cabinets

he will then sit down with you, read through your application and take it away with him for processing.

This is the way it is done, the doctors permission has just been introduced, so many firearm holders will not know of this until they apply for renewal.

If your name is also held on Police file for call outs for the "Human Killing of Animals" and for the "Shooting of animals for the protection of other animals or humans" they will at this time ask you if you wish your name to remain on this register or if you wish to have it removed, if your name is on the register you have to sign the form for this also.

Also on the form is the amount of ammunition and type of ammunition you can purchase at one time, normally you can purchase 250 rounds and hold in total 300 rounds.

ammo size can range from;

.22 buy 500 own 800

.38/357 buy 250 own 300

9mm buy 250 own 300

.308 / 7.62 buy 250 own 300

obviously there are a vast range of calibres the above is just an example of what I have"

None of that goes against what I said and doesn't add anything to my post.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

you specifically said you must write down all guns you wish to own for the next 5 years, that is not factual.

and you missed out a lot of the procedure, but all in all, it was a good attempt

good try, well done

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"yes indeed as you say "In your day"

this has all changed now and RO's will confirm this

you should also be aware of this if you keep in touch with present serving men

oh and should I say women too"

I dropped/lost all contact with everyone about 10 years ago when I lost my business.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"you specifically said you must write down all guns you wish to own for the next 5 years, that is not factual.

and you missed out a lot of the procedure, but all in all, it was a good attempt

good try, well done"

Do you, or do you not have to write down all the guns you wish to own in the next 5 years?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"you specifically said you must write down all guns you wish to own for the next 5 years, that is not factual.

and you missed out a lot of the procedure, but all in all, it was a good attempt

good try, well done"

Do you, or do you not have to write down all the guns you wish to own in the next 5 years?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"you specifically said you must write down all guns you wish to own for the next 5 years, that is not factual.

and you missed out a lot of the procedure, but all in all, it was a good attempt

good try, well done

Do you, or do you not have to write down all the guns you wish to own in the next 5 years?"

That is why we have Variation certificates

if you had read where I specifically commented to CLCC with the comments within *********reply comment********

on the post above, you will have read this

here it is again

********** partly true; but realistically if you wish to purchase a firearm that is not on your certificate you put in what is called a "variation" to enable you to amend your certificate, this is done frequently.

To say you have to tell the police what guns you wish to have for the next 5 years, is nonsense and anyone with common sense could understand why********

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"yes indeed as you say "In your day"

this has all changed now and RO's will confirm this

you should also be aware of this if you keep in touch with present serving men

oh and should I say women too

I dropped/lost all contact with everyone about 10 years ago when I lost my business."

sorry to hear that (truthfully).

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"you specifically said you must write down all guns you wish to own for the next 5 years, that is not factual.

and you missed out a lot of the procedure, but all in all, it was a good attempt

good try, well done

Do you, or do you not have to write down all the guns you wish to own in the next 5 years?

That is why we have Variation certificates

if you had read where I specifically commented to CLCC with the comments within *********reply comment********

on the post above, you will have read this

here it is again

********** partly true; but realistically if you wish to purchase a firearm that is not on your certificate you put in what is called a "variation" to enable you to amend your certificate, this is done frequently.

To say you have to tell the police what guns you wish to have for the next 5 years, is nonsense and anyone with common sense could understand why******** "

Yeah, and you have to apply for it and pay for it and it can be declined.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *onyxptMan  over a year ago

st neots, living in Albufeira-Algarve-Portugal



" hoplophobia

n. Irrational, morbid fear of guns (coined by Col. Jeff Cooper, from the Greek "hoplites," weapon). May cause sweating, faintness, discomfort, rapid pulse, nausea, sleeplessness, more, at mere thought of guns. Hoplophobes are common and should never be involved in setting gun policies. Point out hoplophobic behavior when noticed, it is dangerous, sufferers deserve pity, and should seek treatment. When confronted, hoplophobes typically go into denial, a common characteristic of the affliction. Often helped by training, or by coaching at a range, a process known to psychiatry as "desensitization," often useful in treating many phobias. Also: Hoplophobe, hoplophobic. "

Yes Tony.

I can use wikipedia too!

It's still a made up word and not a medically recognised condition.

A bit like fuckwit which could be applied to certain trolls prone to SHOUTING and using every smiley they can lay their hands on."

No, No Wikipedia used ! In fact the term precedes the existence of the Internet itself !

And your response confirms you have the disease big time !

I wonder what is worse ? Using smileys or resorting to calling someone a troll when you have no valid argument to reply with...

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *onyxptMan  over a year ago

st neots, living in Albufeira-Algarve-Portugal

"The majority of gun owners have nothing to do what so ever with shooting deer or Scottish heritage practices or whatever, so to link all discussions on gun control to those two things is quite frankly daft.

In this country gun ownership is a privilege and not a right, and most gun owners take it seriously and know that if you misbehave then privileges get taken away, there are however dipshits in any community.

Gun ownership has its quirks in the UK, for example when you apply for your licence you have to state how many firearms you are applying to have, what category (ie rifle, handgun, shotgun (only some of which require a firearms licence rather than a shotgun licence)), what caliber, if you want a surpressor etc. They can approve all of it, or just some of it, or in some cases they even ask if you want more than you have applied for. You are then given these as "slots" on your licence, and can only buy what will fit on your slots. So if you have 1 slot for a .22 rifle and 1 slot for a .308 rifle you are obviously allowed two rifles, but you can't buy 2 .22 rifles, or 2 .308 rifles, or a .38 rifle. So before you even buy a gun, you have to tell them in advance all the guns you will want to have in the next 5 years.

Imagine if we did the same with a driver's licence and before you took your test you had to decide if you wanted to buy a 1.6 or a 1.8 car, if you wanted a 2 door or a 4 door car, if you wanted a 4x4 or a saloon car..

Then to them its a fucking hobby like i play badminton as a hobby, if tomorrow badminton was banned because some whack job killed primary school kids with a shuttlecock i could easily just give up my hobby of badminton and take up squash instead.

Of course badminton players arent obsessed with there racquet, they dont sit around naked polishing it at night looking at other badminton players using they're racquets in glossy magazines, we dont stalk squash players and its not a "heritage" obsession were desperate to cling onto!.

Theres massive dishonesty when taking about guns and how much there actually needed

I love a good comparison !

Never has a nick defined someone so well !.....Sick-boy

Who gave you the right to judge what hobbies other people choose to have ?

How arrogant does one need to be to presume to tell others what to think or feel about their options , and classify and label them ?

How do you ,or anybody else define "need" ?

We measure distance in miles, Kilometres, mass in pounds and Kilos !

But how do you measure need ??

Sick-boy.... little wannabe PC police dictators like you should have no place in a free society !

But Britain has long ceased to be a free

society !

So you probably represent the status quo pretty well !

The old saying " An English man´s home is his castle" in no longer true , its more like "an English man´s home is his jail"

As Cooper said "we live in the age of the wimp"

Wake up Sick-Boy !

"Gun control? Its the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. I'm a bad guy; I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We’ll see who wins." – Sammy The Bull Gravano, whose testimony convicted John Gotti.

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." (Thomas Jefferson).

I wonder what condition you have Sick....Boy ?

Besides Hoplophobia , that is !


Hello my thats a lot of points your making.

Firstly this how much "you need it" , its just total nonsense,i could use that for anything, i need anthrax, i need an Apache helicopter i need a nuclear weapon, society restricts all sorts of things for the benefit of society, like drugs or smoking, sometimes we ban things outright like marrying your sister! Tell me do you want the right to marry your sister because you feel you need to?? Im guessing not but im not entirely sure in your case.

Next we'll take this your gun will save you from bad guys with guns and that bad guys always have guns, firstly 99% of bad guys as you like to call them dont carry guns in this country because there hard to get hold of and if there caught with them, they face a long sentence just for that. Secondly what and where do you carry this gun for defending yourself against this intruder? In a safe, in a locked cabinet to stop your children getting at it, how does your guns being locked away for safely reasons help you when your woken by armed robbers, what do you say, stop... wait till i get my guns, your in for it!!

No this is just more bullshit dishonesty by gun owners, they like them because they're on a power trip on them, what you have my friend is blue steel! Wiki that"

Sick boy ... thank you !

You actually support my points entirely in regards to ;

The ridiculous notion to prove need !

The need to have a gun easily accessible , for defence of self or property !

But it seems you never heard of this :


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


If the police read some of these threads some posters may have their licences revoked.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"If the police read some of these threads some posters may have their licences revoked. "

What do you mean 'if'.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"The majority of gun owners have nothing to do what so ever with shooting deer or Scottish heritage practices or whatever, so to link all discussions on gun control to those two things is quite frankly daft.

In this country gun ownership is a privilege and not a right, and most gun owners take it seriously and know that if you misbehave then privileges get taken away, there are however dipshits in any community.

Gun ownership has its quirks in the UK, for example when you apply for your licence you have to state how many firearms you are applying to have, what category (ie rifle, handgun, shotgun (only some of which require a firearms licence rather than a shotgun licence)), what caliber, if you want a surpressor etc. They can approve all of it, or just some of it, or in some cases they even ask if you want more than you have applied for. You are then given these as "slots" on your licence, and can only buy what will fit on your slots. So if you have 1 slot for a .22 rifle and 1 slot for a .308 rifle you are obviously allowed two rifles, but you can't buy 2 .22 rifles, or 2 .308 rifles, or a .38 rifle. So before you even buy a gun, you have to tell them in advance all the guns you will want to have in the next 5 years.

Imagine if we did the same with a driver's licence and before you took your test you had to decide if you wanted to buy a 1.6 or a 1.8 car, if you wanted a 2 door or a 4 door car, if you wanted a 4x4 or a saloon car..

Then to them its a fucking hobby like i play badminton as a hobby, if tomorrow badminton was banned because some whack job killed primary school kids with a shuttlecock i could easily just give up my hobby of badminton and take up squash instead.

Of course badminton players arent obsessed with there racquet, they dont sit around naked polishing it at night looking at other badminton players using they're racquets in glossy magazines, we dont stalk squash players and its not a "heritage" obsession were desperate to cling onto!.

Theres massive dishonesty when taking about guns and how much there actually needed

I love a good comparison !

Never has a nick defined someone so well !.....Sick-boy

Who gave you the right to judge what hobbies other people choose to have ?

How arrogant does one need to be to presume to tell others what to think or feel about their options , and classify and label them ?

How do you ,or anybody else define "need" ?

We measure distance in miles, Kilometres, mass in pounds and Kilos !

But how do you measure need ??

Sick-boy.... little wannabe PC police dictators like you should have no place in a free society !

But Britain has long ceased to be a free

society !

So you probably represent the status quo pretty well !

The old saying " An English man´s home is his castle" in no longer true , its more like "an English man´s home is his jail"

As Cooper said "we live in the age of the wimp"

Wake up Sick-Boy !

"Gun control? Its the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. I'm a bad guy; I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We’ll see who wins." – Sammy The Bull Gravano, whose testimony convicted John Gotti.

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." (Thomas Jefferson).

I wonder what condition you have Sick....Boy ?

Besides Hoplophobia , that is !


Hello my thats a lot of points your making.

Firstly this how much "you need it" , its just total nonsense,i could use that for anything, i need anthrax, i need an Apache helicopter i need a nuclear weapon, society restricts all sorts of things for the benefit of society, like drugs or smoking, sometimes we ban things outright like marrying your sister! Tell me do you want the right to marry your sister because you feel you need to?? Im guessing not but im not entirely sure in your case.

Next we'll take this your gun will save you from bad guys with guns and that bad guys always have guns, firstly 99% of bad guys as you like to call them dont carry guns in this country because there hard to get hold of and if there caught with them, they face a long sentence just for that. Secondly what and where do you carry this gun for defending yourself against this intruder? In a safe, in a locked cabinet to stop your children getting at it, how does your guns being locked away for safely reasons help you when your woken by armed robbers, what do you say, stop... wait till i get my guns, your in for it!!

No this is just more bullshit dishonesty by gun owners, they like them because they're on a power trip on them, what you have my friend is blue steel! Wiki that

Sick boy ... thank you !

You actually support my points entirely in regards to ;

The ridiculous notion to prove need !

The need to have a gun easily accessible , for defence of self or property !

But it seems you never heard of this :

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bf5fZQf0bms "


No it means your needs dont mean shit in a democracy, this aint the states with Constitutional rights in lots of ways thats bad but on this particular subject it's good coz quite frankly people with gun obsessions tend to go nuts sooner or later and id much prefer they attack me with a saucepan than a 9mm

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *onyxptMan  over a year ago

st neots, living in Albufeira-Algarve-Portugal

"The majority of gun owners have nothing to do what so ever with shooting deer or Scottish heritage practices or whatever, so to link all discussions on gun control to those two things is quite frankly daft.

In this country gun ownership is a privilege and not a right, and most gun owners take it seriously and know that if you misbehave then privileges get taken away, there are however dipshits in any community.

Gun ownership has its quirks in the UK, for example when you apply for your licence you have to state how many firearms you are applying to have, what category (ie rifle, handgun, shotgun (only some of which require a firearms licence rather than a shotgun licence)), what caliber, if you want a surpressor etc. They can approve all of it, or just some of it, or in some cases they even ask if you want more than you have applied for. You are then given these as "slots" on your licence, and can only buy what will fit on your slots. So if you have 1 slot for a .22 rifle and 1 slot for a .308 rifle you are obviously allowed two rifles, but you can't buy 2 .22 rifles, or 2 .308 rifles, or a .38 rifle. So before you even buy a gun, you have to tell them in advance all the guns you will want to have in the next 5 years.

Imagine if we did the same with a driver's licence and before you took your test you had to decide if you wanted to buy a 1.6 or a 1.8 car, if you wanted a 2 door or a 4 door car, if you wanted a 4x4 or a saloon car..

Then to them its a fucking hobby like i play badminton as a hobby, if tomorrow badminton was banned because some whack job killed primary school kids with a shuttlecock i could easily just give up my hobby of badminton and take up squash instead.

Of course badminton players arent obsessed with there racquet, they dont sit around naked polishing it at night looking at other badminton players using they're racquets in glossy magazines, we dont stalk squash players and its not a "heritage" obsession were desperate to cling onto!.

Theres massive dishonesty when taking about guns and how much there actually needed

I love a good comparison !

Never has a nick defined someone so well !.....Sick-boy

Who gave you the right to judge what hobbies other people choose to have ?

How arrogant does one need to be to presume to tell others what to think or feel about their options , and classify and label them ?

How do you ,or anybody else define "need" ?

We measure distance in miles, Kilometres, mass in pounds and Kilos !

But how do you measure need ??

Sick-boy.... little wannabe PC police dictators like you should have no place in a free society !

But Britain has long ceased to be a free

society !

So you probably represent the status quo pretty well !

The old saying " An English man´s home is his castle" in no longer true , its more like "an English man´s home is his jail"

As Cooper said "we live in the age of the wimp"

Wake up Sick-Boy !

"Gun control? Its the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. I'm a bad guy; I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We’ll see who wins." – Sammy The Bull Gravano, whose testimony convicted John Gotti.

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." (Thomas Jefferson).

I wonder what condition you have Sick....Boy ?

Besides Hoplophobia , that is !


Hello my thats a lot of points your making.

Firstly this how much "you need it" , its just total nonsense,i could use that for anything, i need anthrax, i need an Apache helicopter i need a nuclear weapon, society restricts all sorts of things for the benefit of society, like drugs or smoking, sometimes we ban things outright like marrying your sister! Tell me do you want the right to marry your sister because you feel you need to?? Im guessing not but im not entirely sure in your case.

Next we'll take this your gun will save you from bad guys with guns and that bad guys always have guns, firstly 99% of bad guys as you like to call them dont carry guns in this country because there hard to get hold of and if there caught with them, they face a long sentence just for that. Secondly what and where do you carry this gun for defending yourself against this intruder? In a safe, in a locked cabinet to stop your children getting at it, how does your guns being locked away for safely reasons help you when your woken by armed robbers, what do you say, stop... wait till i get my guns, your in for it!!

No this is just more bullshit dishonesty by gun owners, they like them because they're on a power trip on them, what you have my friend is blue steel! Wiki that

Sick boy ... thank you !

You actually support my points entirely in regards to ;

The ridiculous notion to prove need !

The need to have a gun easily accessible , for defence of self or property !

But it seems you never heard of this :

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bf5fZQf0bms .

No it means your needs dont mean shit in a democracy, this aint the states with Constitutional rights in lots of ways thats bad but on this particular subject it's good coz quite frankly people with gun obsessions tend to go nuts sooner or later and id much prefer they attack me with a saucepan than a 9mm"

Really ? sick...Boy !

LOL...you keep burying yourself!

The obsessed one here is you!

Showing off you ignorance on the dynamics of force , blunt force trauma and ballistics now !

Also telling the fact that you are happy the UK doesn't have a modern constitution that guaranties freedom ,and respects and protects its citizens from tyranny , including the government itself !

"No it means your needs dont mean shit in a democracy"

Actually that is a factor,one that distinguishes a democracy from a socialist collective is precisely

the fact that individual rights are respected , as opposed to a totalitarian collective where the "benefit" of some are privileged above all others!

But Hitler and Stalin would agree with you !

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"coz quite frankly people with gun obsessions tend to go nuts sooner or later and id much prefer they attack me with a saucepan than a 9mm"

That is not so. Very few who become obsessional with fire arms go nuts.

Truth is shooting is for most is a highly disciplined art and the obsessional behaviour that goes with it is to do with shooting is to do with perfecting the art. Shooting is in many ways like yoga it requires total focus and control of breathing and movement as well as the technical skills required to operate the weapon being fired. It is not surprising that that sort of inner focus leads to an equal obsession with the maintenance and condition of the weapons used by shooters.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *onyxptMan  over a year ago

st neots, living in Albufeira-Algarve-Portugal

"coz quite frankly people with gun obsessions tend to go nuts sooner or later and id much prefer they attack me with a saucepan than a 9mm

That is not so. Very few who become obsessional with fire arms go nuts.

Truth is shooting is for most is a highly disciplined art and the obsessional behaviour that goes with it is to do with shooting is to do with perfecting the art. Shooting is in many ways like yoga it requires total focus and control of breathing and movement as well as the technical skills required to operate the weapon being fired. It is not surprising that that sort of inner focus leads to an equal obsession with the maintenance and condition of the weapons used by shooters. "

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Yes Tony.

I can use wikipedia too!

It's still a made up word and not a medically recognised condition.

A bit like fuckwit which could be applied to certain trolls prone to SHOUTING and using every smiley they can lay their hands on.

No, No Wikipedia used ! In fact the term precedes the existence of the Internet itself !

And your response confirms you have the disease big time !

I wonder what is worse ? Using smileys or resorting to calling someone a troll when you have no valid argument to reply with... "

Tony. Get this into your head. It's not a disease. It's a word made up by some gun mad ex US military fruit loop who wanted a term to apply to anyone who didn't share his obsession. There is absolutely no clinical basis in referring to it as a 'disease' nor is it recognised as a phobia apart from by similarly minded idiots.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"The private ownership of handguns, semi automatic and non rimfire weapons was banned in 1997.


let me adjust your statement;

The private ownership of SOME handguns, semi automatic and non rimfire weapons was banned in 1997

there, that's better, don't you agree"

Firearms (amendment) (No2) Act1997

Only ones allowed are antique, black powder etc. Or weapons for which ammunition is no longer available.

Unless you are serving or retired police, armed services, certain prison officers or specifically classed as 'at risk' because of your status.

Private citizens....it's a no!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago



Yes Tony.

I can use wikipedia too!

It's still a made up word and not a medically recognised condition.

A bit like fuckwit which could be applied to certain trolls prone to SHOUTING and using every smiley they can lay their hands on.

No, No Wikipedia used ! In fact the term precedes the existence of the Internet itself !

And your response confirms you have the disease big time !

I wonder what is worse ? Using smileys or resorting to calling someone a troll when you have no valid argument to reply with...

Tony. Get this into your head. It's not a disease. It's a word made up by some gun mad ex US military fruit loop who wanted a term to apply to anyone who didn't share his obsession. There is absolutely no clinical basis in referring to it as a 'disease' nor is it recognised as a phobia apart from by similarly minded idiots.


Well you certainly wont find it in the DSM5 or the ICD10 that's for sure!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"The private ownership of handguns, semi automatic and non rimfire weapons was banned in 1997.


let me adjust your statement;

The private ownership of SOME handguns, semi automatic and non rimfire weapons was banned in 1997

there, that's better, don't you agree

Firearms (amendment) (No2) Act1997

Only ones allowed are antique, black powder etc. Or weapons for which ammunition is no longer available.

Unless you are serving or retired police, armed services, certain prison officers or specifically classed as 'at risk' because of your status.

Private citizens....it's a no!"

There is no point in arguing with him, the OP is the only person in the whole of the world that knows about guns, none of us can possibly hope to match his majestic intellect on any thing that goes 'pop', 'bang' or "pew pew pew'

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Simple Answer , NO Never !!!

If Anything they should be toughened !

How can a sane person think otherwise !!!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Simple Answer , NO Never !!!

If Anything they should be toughened !

How can a sane person think otherwise !!!"

I think otherwise, but not many people would call me sane! That might be the first thing I've written on here that everyone can agree on!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *onnyJohnMan  over a year ago


"I think Iraq has it just about right... each household can legally own one AK... seems reasonable to me.

I am of course being a twat... the AK whilst being robust and reliable is notoriously inaccurate..

Indeed !

Thats why they ...Spray and pray !

Full auto bursts ...then pray they hit

something !

A waste of ammo..... but 7,62x39 is plentiful and cheap

There's nothing like a good waste of ammo.... until you have to pick up the brass.

British soldiers don't waste brass, on practice range they sign for 10 rounds and once fired must return the 10 spent shells

if they are lucky they will get another 10 rounds before going into combat "

I've never signed for any rounds... I have however been given a number of rounds and then carried out the required format on the range, I.e. loaded the weapon, adopted whichever shooting position was required, tested and adjusted said position, made ready the weapon then carried out the required shoot be it deliberate shots to achieve a grouping such as in a APWT or in burst of three... and also never had to hand in the same number of spent cases, we just picked up ALL the brass.. there is a declaration that we must make at the end of the range exercise though.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *onnyJohnMan  over a year ago


"I think Iraq has it just about right... each household can legally own one AK... seems reasonable to me.

I am of course being a twat... the AK whilst being robust and reliable is notoriously inaccurate..

Yeah, because most British people sit around thinking, I wish the UK was a bit more like Iraq "

I take it you missed the "I am of course being a twat" and the smiley face at the end indicating that it was in fact a rather tongue in cheek comment..

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"I've never signed for any rounds... I have however been given a number of rounds and then carried out the required format on the range, I.e. loaded the weapon, adopted whichever shooting position was required, tested and adjusted said position, made ready the weapon then carried out the required shoot be it deliberate shots to achieve a grouping such as in a APWT or in burst of three... and also never had to hand in the same number of spent cases, we just picked up ALL the brass.. there is a declaration that we must make at the end of the range exercise though. "

That sounds more like range time to me...

In my day the declaration was:

"Sir, I have no live round, blank rounds (if issued), empty cases, grenades (if issued) or pyrotechnics (if issued) in my possession, Sir. It was made after all weapons and bullet boxes were inspected to make sure they were unloaded and safe, and each shooter on the range had to make the declaration to the range officer individually while being searched before leaving the range.

Is that still the same?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"I think Iraq has it just about right... each household can legally own one AK... seems reasonable to me.

I am of course being a twat... the AK whilst being robust and reliable is notoriously inaccurate..


Since when?

When I fired one I put it on a par with the SLR. Of course I was firing single shots with standard Iron sights at 300 mtrs.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Yes Tony.

I can use wikipedia too!

It's still a made up word and not a medically recognised condition.

A bit like fuckwit which could be applied to certain trolls prone to SHOUTING and using every smiley they can lay their hands on.

No, No Wikipedia used ! In fact the term precedes the existence of the Internet itself !

And your response confirms you have the disease big time !

I wonder what is worse ? Using smileys or resorting to calling someone a troll when you have no valid argument to reply with...

Tony. Get this into your head. It's not a disease. It's a word made up by some gun mad ex US military fruit loop who wanted a term to apply to anyone who didn't share his obsession. There is absolutely no clinical basis in referring to it as a 'disease' nor is it recognised as a phobia apart from by similarly minded idiots.

Well you certainly wont find it in the DSM5 or the ICD10 that's for sure! "

I was stupid enough to check both earlier today, as well as trying to find some kind of etymology of the word...it's not in either and the word only seems to exist in the fevered minds of a certain sub-section of gun-nuts that have no fear of the Confederate flag and always forget to put suntan lotion on their necks.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


Just a little titbit I heard a few years ago that some may consider relevant to this discussion:

The majority of illegal weapons held by criminals started life as legally held firearms and were stolen in targeted raids on known gun owners.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *onyxptMan  over a year ago

st neots, living in Albufeira-Algarve-Portugal


Yes Tony.

I can use wikipedia too!

It's still a made up word and not a medically recognised condition.

A bit like fuckwit which could be applied to certain trolls prone to SHOUTING and using every smiley they can lay their hands on.

No, No Wikipedia used ! In fact the term precedes the existence of the Internet itself !

And your response confirms you have the disease big time !

I wonder what is worse ? Using smileys or resorting to calling someone a troll when you have no valid argument to reply with...

Tony. Get this into your head. It's not a disease. It's a word made up by some gun mad ex US military fruit loop who wanted a term to apply to anyone who didn't share his obsession. There is absolutely no clinical basis in referring to it as a 'disease' nor is it recognised as a phobia apart from by similarly minded idiots.

Well you certainly wont find it in the DSM5 or the ICD10 that's for sure!

I was stupid enough to check both earlier today, as well as trying to find some kind of etymology of the word...it's not in either and the word only seems to exist in the fevered minds of a certain sub-section of gun-nuts that have no fear of the Confederate flag and always forget to put suntan lotion on their necks."

Very "humble" of you admit your stupidity !

Is that why you couldn't find anything?

Please let me help !

Try the Greek word for weapon ! òplo or Hoplon ! and you will get there !

Here ia a link :

http://members.tripod.com/~S_van_Dorst/Ancient_Warfare/Greece/greek_glossary.html Click on H !

Got it ? now read these :



Medical references and studies :





Always ready to Help !

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Yes Tony.

I can use wikipedia too!

It's still a made up word and not a medically recognised condition.

A bit like fuckwit which could be applied to certain trolls prone to SHOUTING and using every smiley they can lay their hands on.

No, No Wikipedia used ! In fact the term precedes the existence of the Internet itself !

And your response confirms you have the disease big time !

I wonder what is worse ? Using smileys or resorting to calling someone a troll when you have no valid argument to reply with...

Tony. Get this into your head. It's not a disease. It's a word made up by some gun mad ex US military fruit loop who wanted a term to apply to anyone who didn't share his obsession. There is absolutely no clinical basis in referring to it as a 'disease' nor is it recognised as a phobia apart from by similarly minded idiots.

Well you certainly wont find it in the DSM5 or the ICD10 that's for sure!

I was stupid enough to check both earlier today, as well as trying to find some kind of etymology of the word...it's not in either and the word only seems to exist in the fevered minds of a certain sub-section of gun-nuts that have no fear of the Confederate flag and always forget to put suntan lotion on their necks.

Very "humble" of you admit your stupidity !

Is that why you couldn't find anything?

Please let me help !

Try the Greek word for weapon ! òplo or Hoplon ! and you will get there !

Here ia a link :

http://members.tripod.com/~S_van_Dorst/Ancient_Warfare/Greece/greek_glossary.html Click on H !

Got it ? now read these :



Medical references and studies :





Always ready to Help !


These are, of course, all American based links. The home of crass stupidity, ignorance and gun mania. This is a country that can't pronounce the word Jaguar and insist that 'you do the math'!

The word doesn't exist in either the Oxford or Cambridge English Dictionaries.

If there IS a condition associated with it, it's in the mind of weapon obsessed idiots like you.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago



Yes Tony.

I can use wikipedia too!

It's still a made up word and not a medically recognised condition.

A bit like fuckwit which could be applied to certain trolls prone to SHOUTING and using every smiley they can lay their hands on.

No, No Wikipedia used ! In fact the term precedes the existence of the Internet itself !

And your response confirms you have the disease big time !

I wonder what is worse ? Using smileys or resorting to calling someone a troll when you have no valid argument to reply with...

Tony. Get this into your head. It's not a disease. It's a word made up by some gun mad ex US military fruit loop who wanted a term to apply to anyone who didn't share his obsession. There is absolutely no clinical basis in referring to it as a 'disease' nor is it recognised as a phobia apart from by similarly minded idiots.

Well you certainly wont find it in the DSM5 or the ICD10 that's for sure!

I was stupid enough to check both earlier today, as well as trying to find some kind of etymology of the word...it's not in either and the word only seems to exist in the fevered minds of a certain sub-section of gun-nuts that have no fear of the Confederate flag and always forget to put suntan lotion on their necks.

Very "humble" of you admit your stupidity !

Is that why you couldn't find anything?

Please let me help !

Try the Greek word for weapon ! òplo or Hoplon ! and you will get there !

Here ia a link :

http://members.tripod.com/~S_van_Dorst/Ancient_Warfare/Greece/greek_glossary.html Click on H !

Got it ? now read these :



Medical references and studies :





Always ready to Help !


Tony do you even read the links you post? Just take the last one, it's about does your body respond differently to different stimuli such as flowers and gun. Every soldier and policeman (and a whole host more professions) are trained to make this distinction. Would you want an armed policeman at Heathrow to have the same reaction to someone carrying a bunch of flowers as to someone carrying a gun? How about a checkpoint in Afghan? Do you think soldiers would react the same way to flowers and guns?

Guns can obviously be threats, and people are trained to recognise them as such. This is not the same as an irrational fear which is what a phobia is. There are many many circumstances where it is entirely rational to fear guns.

This phobia that you speak of isn't in the ICD10 or the DSM5, so it's not a recognised medical condition.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Yes Tony.

I can use wikipedia too!

It's still a made up word and not a medically recognised condition.

A bit like fuckwit which could be applied to certain trolls prone to SHOUTING and using every smiley they can lay their hands on.

No, No Wikipedia used ! In fact the term precedes the existence of the Internet itself !

And your response confirms you have the disease big time !

I wonder what is worse ? Using smileys or resorting to calling someone a troll when you have no valid argument to reply with...

Tony. Get this into your head. It's not a disease. It's a word made up by some gun mad ex US military fruit loop who wanted a term to apply to anyone who didn't share his obsession. There is absolutely no clinical basis in referring to it as a 'disease' nor is it recognised as a phobia apart from by similarly minded idiots.

Well you certainly wont find it in the DSM5 or the ICD10 that's for sure!

I was stupid enough to check both earlier today, as well as trying to find some kind of etymology of the word...it's not in either and the word only seems to exist in the fevered minds of a certain sub-section of gun-nuts that have no fear of the Confederate flag and always forget to put suntan lotion on their necks.

Very "humble" of you admit your stupidity !

Is that why you couldn't find anything?

Please let me help !

Try the Greek word for weapon ! òplo or Hoplon ! and you will get there !

Here ia a link :

http://members.tripod.com/~S_van_Dorst/Ancient_Warfare/Greece/greek_glossary.html Click on H !

Got it ? now read these :



Medical references and studies :





Always ready to Help !


Always ready to help prove my point actually...

It's a made up word, it has no basis in medicine or psychology, it's a made up word, it has no scientific validity, it's a made up word.

Now I know all words are 'made up' but eventually they end up in the lexicon of language, which this word has singularly failed to do, because of its lack of scientific validity or common usage.

It's not a 'disease' and it's not a recognised phobia.

Or are you suggesting the good people of the Oxford dictionary and the eminent psychologists and physicians that write the ICD and DSM are all too terrified of guns to admit the phobia into their areas of expertise?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *UNKIEMan  over a year ago

south east

"Are Gun Laws in UK far to Strict - NO


Should access to firearms be more relaxed - NO


Should it be easier to purchase and own a handgun in UK, especially when its an Olympic shooting event - NO

so? are the Laws & regulations on firearm ownership in the UK just about right, to tight or not tight enough? - Not tight enough

Just my opinion


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *onyxptMan  over a year ago

st neots, living in Albufeira-Algarve-Portugal


Yes Tony.

I can use wikipedia too!

It's still a made up word and not a medically recognised condition.

A bit like fuckwit which could be applied to certain trolls prone to SHOUTING and using every smiley they can lay their hands on.

No, No Wikipedia used ! In fact the term precedes the existence of the Internet itself !

And your response confirms you have the disease big time !

I wonder what is worse ? Using smileys or resorting to calling someone a troll when you have no valid argument to reply with...

Tony. Get this into your head. It's not a disease. It's a word made up by some gun mad ex US military fruit loop who wanted a term to apply to anyone who didn't share his obsession. There is absolutely no clinical basis in referring to it as a 'disease' nor is it recognised as a phobia apart from by similarly minded idiots.

Well you certainly wont find it in the DSM5 or the ICD10 that's for sure!

I was stupid enough to check both earlier today, as well as trying to find some kind of etymology of the word...it's not in either and the word only seems to exist in the fevered minds of a certain sub-section of gun-nuts that have no fear of the Confederate flag and always forget to put suntan lotion on their necks.

Very "humble" of you admit your stupidity !

Is that why you couldn't find anything?

Please let me help !

Try the Greek word for weapon ! òplo or Hoplon ! and you will get there !

Here ia a link :

http://members.tripod.com/~S_van_Dorst/Ancient_Warfare/Greece/greek_glossary.html Click on H !

Got it ? now read these :



Medical references and studies :





Always ready to Help !

Always ready to help prove my point actually...

It's a made up word, it has no basis in medicine or psychology, it's a made up word, it has no scientific validity, it's a made up word.

Now I know all words are 'made up' but eventually they end up in the lexicon of language, which this word has singularly failed to do, because of its lack of scientific validity or common usage.

It's not a 'disease' and it's not a recognised phobia.

Or are you suggesting the good people of the Oxford dictionary and the eminent psychologists and physicians that write the ICD and DSM are all too terrified of guns to admit the phobia into their areas of expertise?"

So.... lets recap :

Its made up, it doesn't exist , there is no etymology !

Gave you proof of the etymology , but you ignore it !

For a "made up word" that as you say , like other make up words, will end up in the lexicon of language ,its amazing how easy it it to come across it when you

make a search for it !

Now, it seems its another of those stupid American creations !

But isn't it arrogant to assume that just because Cambridge or Oxford dictionaries , don't include it it doesn't exist !

That ICD10 or DSM5 don't include it not surprising as it takes along time for certain conditions to be accepted and included. In regards to Hoplophbia this is made worse by the fact of its political implication !

However it has made it into the Phobia list , has it not ?

PTSD was termed as shell shock, in WW1 and not studied and recognised as medical condition for decades until the Vietnam war ! we are talking 50 years !

Some gastroenterologists today still don't recognise that stomach ulcers are caused by a bacteria called Helicobacter pylori, and instead of prescribing meds to cure it , still use anti acids as treatment! This in spite of its discovery in 1985 ,and the Nobel prize awarded to the doctor that discovered it !

Just because you keep repeating that its a made up word , and the condition doesn't exist , doesn't make it so , but Josef Goebells would be proud of you !

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Wow, you went Godwin on my ass!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


How about we just agree that it's not a medically recognised condition? Surely we can all agree on that?

Or, we could even go one step further and say, even if it was a medically recognised condition, Tony would not be able to diagnose it based on forum posts, how about that? Surely that's common ground we all agree on?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"How about we just agree that it's not a medically recognised condition? Surely we can all agree on that?

Or, we could even go one step further and say, even if it was a medically recognised condition, Tony would not be able to diagnose it based on forum posts, how about that? Surely that's common ground we all agree on? "

You can try

I certainly wouldn't say that I was, I just see no need for guns, unless they're absolutely necessary and I don't consider (consider, just my opinion) the use of firearms in this country to be necessary for protection.

I have no 'fear' of guns per se and my aversion is perfectly rational.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *onyxptMan  over a year ago

st neots, living in Albufeira-Algarve-Portugal

"How about we just agree that it's not a medically recognised condition? Surely we can all agree on that?

Or, we could even go one step further and say, even if it was a medically recognised condition, Tony would not be able to diagnose it based on forum posts, how about that? Surely that's common ground we all agree on?

You can try

I certainly wouldn't say that I was, I just see no need for guns, unless they're absolutely necessary and I don't consider (consider, just my opinion) the use of firearms in this country to be necessary for protection.

I have no 'fear' of guns per se and my aversion is perfectly rational."

Well ... it seems we are getting somewhere more productive now !

So lets see ;

You are entitled to your opinion, and views of need or not, of guns for self protection or other purposes!

But that does not give you the right to impose those restrictions on others that don't share you view or opinion !

As for "diagnosing" you as a Hoplophobe, I concede it would be iffey by posts alone , but you do show symptoms , and those can be an indicator !

Case in point , your stated aversion to guns is one !.... And you complement it by justifying its perfectly rational !

So what is rational about having an aversion to guns ?

Do you own one ?

Have you handled one ?

Have you fired one ?

Have you been defended or harmed by one?

What is the logic behind your aversion ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

You don't get any of that info, it wasn't part of the deal.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

End of the day, you like guns, I see no need for them except in certain circumstances. We'll never agree or meet in the middle, so why continue to try to psychoanalyse me to fit into an unrecognised phobia, it's entirely fucking pointless.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *onyxptMan  over a year ago

st neots, living in Albufeira-Algarve-Portugal

"You don't get any of that info, it wasn't part of the deal.


I see !

We retreat and clam up when no rational valid reason exists to support the argument !

So you are simply mouthing of your "superior" view and opinion ,and trying to impose it on everybody else !

Your lack of response is telling indeed !

The questions were simple enough and not invasive at all ! But .... you thus admit that had you replied , the answers would probably be so weak that they would not support your.... "rational" aversion .....

Baseless hot air.... nothing more !

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

According to Tony, I'm a Hoplophobe (made up word alert) too.

Strange, considering I own a licensed air rifle (for pest control) along with a hunting bow and a competition bow.

But apparently, because I voice my opinions on gun control, I have a fear of weapons?

Not sure how that works

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

No, it means I don't consider the subject worth debating any longer when there's obviously no common ground. It's not a difficult concept to understand.

Don't read things that aren't there.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *UNKIEMan  over a year ago

south east

I must be 1 of those made up words too as i dont believe there is a need for MOST people to own a firearm and certainly DO NOT believe laws should EVER be relaxed

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I must be 1 of those made up words too as i dont believe there is a need for MOST people to own a firearm and certainly DO NOT believe laws should EVER be relaxed "

Do you own one ?

Have you handled one ?

Have you fired one ?

Have you been defended or harmed by one?


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I must be 1 of those made up words too as i dont believe there is a need for MOST people to own a firearm and certainly DO NOT believe laws should EVER be relaxed "

Must be quite a few of us.

Imagine the strain this is going to cause to the NHS?

Wonder what the waiting times for Hoplophobia (made up word alert) treatment is likely to be?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *UNKIEMan  over a year ago

south east

"I must be 1 of those made up words too as i dont believe there is a need for MOST people to own a firearm and certainly DO NOT believe laws should EVER be relaxed

Must be quite a few of us.

Imagine the strain this is going to cause to the NHS?

Wonder what the waiting times for Hoplophobia (made up word alert) treatment is likely to be?


I'm already at the doctors to find out.. before the mad rush

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *UNKIEMan  over a year ago

south east

"I must be 1 of those made up words too as i dont believe there is a need for MOST people to own a firearm and certainly DO NOT believe laws should EVER be relaxed

Must be quite a few of us.

Imagine the strain this is going to cause to the NHS?

Wonder what the waiting times for Hoplophobia (made up word alert) treatment is likely to be?


Thankgod for scotlands free prescriptions can you imagine all those poor english patients and how much its gonna cost them for repeat prescriptions

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I must be 1 of those made up words too as i dont believe there is a need for MOST people to own a firearm and certainly DO NOT believe laws should EVER be relaxed

Must be quite a few of us.

Imagine the strain this is going to cause to the NHS?

Wonder what the waiting times for Hoplophobia (made up word alert) treatment is likely to be?


Not long at all, it can be fixed with one bullet...yee-haw, motherfuckers!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *UNKIEMan  over a year ago

south east

"I must be 1 of those made up words too as i dont believe there is a need for MOST people to own a firearm and certainly DO NOT believe laws should EVER be relaxed

Must be quite a few of us.

Imagine the strain this is going to cause to the NHS?

Wonder what the waiting times for Hoplophobia (made up word alert) treatment is likely to be?

Not long at all, it can be fixed with one bullet...yee-haw, motherfuckers!"

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I must be 1 of those made up words too as i dont believe there is a need for MOST people to own a firearm and certainly DO NOT believe laws should EVER be relaxed

Must be quite a few of us.

Imagine the strain this is going to cause to the NHS?

Wonder what the waiting times for Hoplophobia (made up word alert) treatment is likely to be?

Thankgod for scotlands free prescriptions can you imagine all those poor english patients and how much its gonna cost them for repeat prescriptions "

£345 million per week? (contentious issue alert)

Good job we've left the EU.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *hetalkingstoveMan  over a year ago


Hoplophobia is a hilariously desperate attempt to demonise wholly appropriate concerns about guns. Things that are intended to kill and injure cannot be irrationally feared.

You might as well invent 'cancerophobe' or 'drowningophobe'.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right? "

A little bit

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Simple Answer , NO Never !!!

If Anything they should be toughened !

How can a sane person think otherwise !!!

I think otherwise, but not many people would call me sane! That might be the first thing I've written on here that everyone can agree on! "

No you are sane lol but your like me you like to provoke a discussion now wrong with that

You know my position on this one ad we've spoke one to one on it

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ammskiMan  over a year ago

lytham st.annes

"A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right? "

You do talk some bullshit,it,s called being scared shitless,some people suffer from it,obviously you don,t but are scared shitless about a bag of snakes

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right? You do talk some bullshit,it,s called being scared shitless,some people suffer from it,obviously you don,t but are scared shitless about a bag of snakes "

Yeah, because of course you wouldn't move a muscle if someone upended a bag of snakes over you

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


And still not a single comment from either side of the debate about the origins of most illegal fire arms in this country.

Guess what is and is not a recognised illness or condition is a lot more important than the reasons we need strict fire arms control.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ammskiMan  over a year ago

lytham st.annes

"A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right? You do talk some bullshit,it,s called being scared shitless,some people suffer from it,obviously you don,t but are scared shitless about a bag of snakes

Yeah, because of course you wouldn't move a muscle if someone upended a bag of snakes over you "

you said threw a bag of snakes at you,now you are saying upended a bag of snakes,you clearly have no clue what you write

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oi_LucyCouple  over a year ago


"A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right? You do talk some bullshit,it,s called being scared shitless,some people suffer from it,obviously you don,t but are scared shitless about a bag of snakes

Yeah, because of course you wouldn't move a muscle if someone upended a bag of snakes over you you said threw a bag of snakes at you,now you are saying upended a bag of snakes,you clearly have no clue what you write "

Seriously? That is the level of your argument here? What about if the snakes were gently tipped onto you? Artistically placed? or how about catapulted one by one with a note tied around their neck saying 'you are a smelly poo'?

Good grief.


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ammskiMan  over a year ago

lytham st.annes

"A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right? You do talk some bullshit,it,s called being scared shitless,some people suffer from it,obviously you don,t but are scared shitless about a bag of snakes

Yeah, because of course you wouldn't move a muscle if someone upended a bag of snakes over you you said threw a bag of snakes at you,now you are saying upended a bag of snakes,you clearly have no clue what you write

Seriously? That is the level of your argument here? What about if the snakes were gently tipped onto you? Artistically placed? or how about catapulted one by one with a note tied around their neck saying 'you are a smelly poo'?

Good grief.


WTF has their bullshit posts got to do with you Matt

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oi_LucyCouple  over a year ago


"A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right? You do talk some bullshit,it,s called being scared shitless,some people suffer from it,obviously you don,t but are scared shitless about a bag of snakes

Yeah, because of course you wouldn't move a muscle if someone upended a bag of snakes over you you said threw a bag of snakes at you,now you are saying upended a bag of snakes,you clearly have no clue what you write

Seriously? That is the level of your argument here? What about if the snakes were gently tipped onto you? Artistically placed? or how about catapulted one by one with a note tied around their neck saying 'you are a smelly poo'?

Good grief.

-MattWTF has their bullshit posts got to do with you Matt "

Oh, it's like that is it? Fair enough


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ammskiMan  over a year ago

lytham st.annes

"A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right? You do talk some bullshit,it,s called being scared shitless,some people suffer from it,obviously you don,t but are scared shitless about a bag of snakes

Yeah, because of course you wouldn't move a muscle if someone upended a bag of snakes over you you said threw a bag of snakes at you,now you are saying upended a bag of snakes,you clearly have no clue what you write

Seriously? That is the level of your argument here? What about if the snakes were gently tipped onto you? Artistically placed? or how about catapulted one by one with a note tied around their neck saying 'you are a smelly poo'?

Good grief.

-MattWTF has their bullshit posts got to do with you Matt

Oh, it's like that is it? Fair enough


They tried to call some posts I made a lot earlier bullshit about a doctor I saw in a hospital,I am now partially sighted due to my last stroke on Dec 8th,so I call them out on bullshit at every opportunity I get ,sorry for any offence caused

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"And still not a single comment from either side of the debate about the origins of most illegal fire arms in this country.

Guess what is and is not a recognised illness or condition is a lot more important than the reasons we need strict fire arms control."

what is it ? Not taking the the piss ! Genunily interested

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right? You do talk some bullshit,it,s called being scared shitless,some people suffer from it,obviously you don,t but are scared shitless about a bag of snakes

Yeah, because of course you wouldn't move a muscle if someone upended a bag of snakes over you you said threw a bag of snakes at you,now you are saying upended a bag of snakes,you clearly have no clue what you write

Seriously? That is the level of your argument here? What about if the snakes were gently tipped onto you? Artistically placed? or how about catapulted one by one with a note tied around their neck saying 'you are a smelly poo'?

Good grief.


Thanks Matt, I think it was pretty clear what I was getting at.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ammskiMan  over a year ago

lytham st.annes

"A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right? You do talk some bullshit,it,s called being scared shitless,some people suffer from it,obviously you don,t but are scared shitless about a bag of snakes

Yeah, because of course you wouldn't move a muscle if someone upended a bag of snakes over you you said threw a bag of snakes at you,now you are saying upended a bag of snakes,you clearly have no clue what you write

Seriously? That is the level of your argument here? What about if the snakes were gently tipped onto you? Artistically placed? or how about catapulted one by one with a note tied around their neck saying 'you are a smelly poo'?

Good grief.


Thanks Matt, I think it was pretty clear what I was getting at. "

But it wasn't was it

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ouple in LancashireCouple  over a year ago

in Lancashire

"And still not a single comment from either side of the debate about the origins of most illegal fire arms in this country.

Guess what is and is not a recognised illness or condition is a lot more important than the reasons we need strict fire arms control."

I mentioned illegal weapons and that more resources need to be applied to that, it's a lot more commonplace now days as opposed to 20 years ago that emergency services will come into contact with live or replica weapons on a daily basis in some of our cities..

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right? You do talk some bullshit,it,s called being scared shitless,some people suffer from it,obviously you don,t but are scared shitless about a bag of snakes

Yeah, because of course you wouldn't move a muscle if someone upended a bag of snakes over you you said threw a bag of snakes at you,now you are saying upended a bag of snakes,you clearly have no clue what you write

Seriously? That is the level of your argument here? What about if the snakes were gently tipped onto you? Artistically placed? or how about catapulted one by one with a note tied around their neck saying 'you are a smelly poo'?

Good grief.


Thanks Matt, I think it was pretty clear what I was getting at. But it wasn't was it "

Fine, just to clarify, I meant a bag of snakes where the snakes could get out. Now thats cleared up, would you agree that most people would have a dramatic reaction to that event, and that that would be a normal and appropriate response to stimuli?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ouple in LancashireCouple  over a year ago

in Lancashire

This has now descended into something akin to that film, snakes on a plane..

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"And still not a single comment from either side of the debate about the origins of most illegal fire arms in this country.

Guess what is and is not a recognised illness or condition is a lot more important than the reasons we need strict fire arms control. what is it ? Not taking the the piss ! Genunily interested "

The majority of illegally held fire arms in the UK were originally legal fire arms but were stolen in targeted violent raids on private homes where the weapons were stored.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ammskiMan  over a year ago

lytham st.annes

"A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right? You do talk some bullshit,it,s called being scared shitless,some people suffer from it,obviously you don,t but are scared shitless about a bag of snakes

Yeah, because of course you wouldn't move a muscle if someone upended a bag of snakes over you you said threw a bag of snakes at you,now you are saying upended a bag of snakes,you clearly have no clue what you write

Seriously? That is the level of your argument here? What about if the snakes were gently tipped onto you? Artistically placed? or how about catapulted one by one with a note tied around their neck saying 'you are a smelly poo'?

Good grief.


Thanks Matt, I think it was pretty clear what I was getting at. But it wasn't was it

Fine, just to clarify, I meant a bag of snakes where the snakes could get out. Now thats cleared up, would you agree that most people would have a dramatic reaction to that event, and that that would be a normal and appropriate response to stimuli? "

No ,do not try and move the goalposts,just stop posting bullshit,that is easier

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right? You do talk some bullshit,it,s called being scared shitless,some people suffer from it,obviously you don,t but are scared shitless about a bag of snakes

Yeah, because of course you wouldn't move a muscle if someone upended a bag of snakes over you you said threw a bag of snakes at you,now you are saying upended a bag of snakes,you clearly have no clue what you write

Seriously? That is the level of your argument here? What about if the snakes were gently tipped onto you? Artistically placed? or how about catapulted one by one with a note tied around their neck saying 'you are a smelly poo'?

Good grief.


Thanks Matt, I think it was pretty clear what I was getting at. But it wasn't was it

Fine, just to clarify, I meant a bag of snakes where the snakes could get out. Now thats cleared up, would you agree that most people would have a dramatic reaction to that event, and that that would be a normal and appropriate response to stimuli? No ,do not try and move the goalposts,just stop posting bullshit,that is easier "

very grown up

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right? You do talk some bullshit,it,s called being scared shitless,some people suffer from it,obviously you don,t but are scared shitless about a bag of snakes

Yeah, because of course you wouldn't move a muscle if someone upended a bag of snakes over you you said threw a bag of snakes at you,now you are saying upended a bag of snakes,you clearly have no clue what you write

Seriously? That is the level of your argument here? What about if the snakes were gently tipped onto you? Artistically placed? or how about catapulted one by one with a note tied around their neck saying 'you are a smelly poo'?

Good grief.


Thanks Matt, I think it was pretty clear what I was getting at. But it wasn't was it

Fine, just to clarify, I meant a bag of snakes where the snakes could get out. Now thats cleared up, would you agree that most people would have a dramatic reaction to that event, and that that would be a normal and appropriate response to stimuli? "

What kind of snakes? If its jelly snakes in a sweet bag then all is fine and dandy Grass snakes no problem but I wont eat them raw. You need to define it far better.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right? You do talk some bullshit,it,s called being scared shitless,some people suffer from it,obviously you don,t but are scared shitless about a bag of snakes

Yeah, because of course you wouldn't move a muscle if someone upended a bag of snakes over you you said threw a bag of snakes at you,now you are saying upended a bag of snakes,you clearly have no clue what you write

Seriously? That is the level of your argument here? What about if the snakes were gently tipped onto you? Artistically placed? or how about catapulted one by one with a note tied around their neck saying 'you are a smelly poo'?

Good grief.


Thanks Matt, I think it was pretty clear what I was getting at. But it wasn't was it

Fine, just to clarify, I meant a bag of snakes where the snakes could get out. Now thats cleared up, would you agree that most people would have a dramatic reaction to that event, and that that would be a normal and appropriate response to stimuli?

What kind of snakes? If its jelly snakes in a sweet bag then all is fine and dandy Grass snakes no problem but I wont eat them raw. You need to define it far better. "

Real, live, moving about snakes, of assorted shapes, sizes and species.

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By *ammskiMan  over a year ago

lytham st.annes

"A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right? You do talk some bullshit,it,s called being scared shitless,some people suffer from it,obviously you don,t but are scared shitless about a bag of snakes

Yeah, because of course you wouldn't move a muscle if someone upended a bag of snakes over you you said threw a bag of snakes at you,now you are saying upended a bag of snakes,you clearly have no clue what you write

Seriously? That is the level of your argument here? What about if the snakes were gently tipped onto you? Artistically placed? or how about catapulted one by one with a note tied around their neck saying 'you are a smelly poo'?

Good grief.


Thanks Matt, I think it was pretty clear what I was getting at. But it wasn't was it

Fine, just to clarify, I meant a bag of snakes where the snakes could get out. Now thats cleared up, would you agree that most people would have a dramatic reaction to that event, and that that would be a normal and appropriate response to stimuli? No ,do not try and move the goalposts,just stop posting bullshit,that is easier

very grown up "

About as grown up as you were when calling my posts about foreign doctors bullshit

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right? You do talk some bullshit,it,s called being scared shitless,some people suffer from it,obviously you don,t but are scared shitless about a bag of snakes

Yeah, because of course you wouldn't move a muscle if someone upended a bag of snakes over you you said threw a bag of snakes at you,now you are saying upended a bag of snakes,you clearly have no clue what you write

Seriously? That is the level of your argument here? What about if the snakes were gently tipped onto you? Artistically placed? or how about catapulted one by one with a note tied around their neck saying 'you are a smelly poo'?

Good grief.


Thanks Matt, I think it was pretty clear what I was getting at. But it wasn't was it

Fine, just to clarify, I meant a bag of snakes where the snakes could get out. Now thats cleared up, would you agree that most people would have a dramatic reaction to that event, and that that would be a normal and appropriate response to stimuli? No ,do not try and move the goalposts,just stop posting bullshit,that is easier

very grown up About as grown up as you were when calling my posts about foreign doctors bullshit "

Well I wasn't the only one calling bullshit on that if I remember correctly. I can't remember the full story but wasn't it something along the lines of you claiming to be treated by an imposter posing as a Dr yet you never alerted the authorities?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ammskiMan  over a year ago

lytham st.annes

"A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right? You do talk some bullshit,it,s called being scared shitless,some people suffer from it,obviously you don,t but are scared shitless about a bag of snakes

Yeah, because of course you wouldn't move a muscle if someone upended a bag of snakes over you you said threw a bag of snakes at you,now you are saying upended a bag of snakes,you clearly have no clue what you write

Seriously? That is the level of your argument here? What about if the snakes were gently tipped onto you? Artistically placed? or how about catapulted one by one with a note tied around their neck saying 'you are a smelly poo'?

Good grief.


Thanks Matt, I think it was pretty clear what I was getting at. But it wasn't was it

Fine, just to clarify, I meant a bag of snakes where the snakes could get out. Now thats cleared up, would you agree that most people would have a dramatic reaction to that event, and that that would be a normal and appropriate response to stimuli? No ,do not try and move the goalposts,just stop posting bullshit,that is easier

very grown up About as grown up as you were when calling my posts about foreign doctors bullshit

Well I wasn't the only one calling bullshit on that if I remember correctly. I can't remember the full story but wasn't it something along the lines of you claiming to be treated by an imposter posing as a Dr yet you never alerted the authorities? "

Then go back and read it,I never mentioned an imposter posing as a doctor

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right? You do talk some bullshit,it,s called being scared shitless,some people suffer from it,obviously you don,t but are scared shitless about a bag of snakes

Yeah, because of course you wouldn't move a muscle if someone upended a bag of snakes over you you said threw a bag of snakes at you,now you are saying upended a bag of snakes,you clearly have no clue what you write

Seriously? That is the level of your argument here? What about if the snakes were gently tipped onto you? Artistically placed? or how about catapulted one by one with a note tied around their neck saying 'you are a smelly poo'?

Good grief.


Thanks Matt, I think it was pretty clear what I was getting at. But it wasn't was it

Fine, just to clarify, I meant a bag of snakes where the snakes could get out. Now thats cleared up, would you agree that most people would have a dramatic reaction to that event, and that that would be a normal and appropriate response to stimuli? No ,do not try and move the goalposts,just stop posting bullshit,that is easier

very grown up About as grown up as you were when calling my posts about foreign doctors bullshit

Well I wasn't the only one calling bullshit on that if I remember correctly. I can't remember the full story but wasn't it something along the lines of you claiming to be treated by an imposter posing as a Dr yet you never alerted the authorities? Then go back and read it,I never mentioned an imposter posing as a doctor "

Ok, well whatever it was if I called it bullshit at the time I'm sure its still bullshit if its re-read again today, which I have no inclination to do.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right? You do talk some bullshit,it,s called being scared shitless,some people suffer from it,obviously you don,t but are scared shitless about a bag of snakes

Yeah, because of course you wouldn't move a muscle if someone upended a bag of snakes over you you said threw a bag of snakes at you,now you are saying upended a bag of snakes,you clearly have no clue what you write

Seriously? That is the level of your argument here? What about if the snakes were gently tipped onto you? Artistically placed? or how about catapulted one by one with a note tied around their neck saying 'you are a smelly poo'?

Good grief.


Thanks Matt, I think it was pretty clear what I was getting at. But it wasn't was it

Fine, just to clarify, I meant a bag of snakes where the snakes could get out. Now thats cleared up, would you agree that most people would have a dramatic reaction to that event, and that that would be a normal and appropriate response to stimuli? No ,do not try and move the goalposts,just stop posting bullshit,that is easier

very grown up About as grown up as you were when calling my posts about foreign doctors bullshit

Well I wasn't the only one calling bullshit on that if I remember correctly. I can't remember the full story but wasn't it something along the lines of you claiming to be treated by an imposter posing as a Dr yet you never alerted the authorities? Then go back and read it,I never mentioned an imposter posing as a doctor "

Hope you get better soon

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ammskiMan  over a year ago

lytham st.annes

"A phobia is an irrational fear. Im not scared of snakes, I dont have a phobia of them, if I see one on TV or in a zoo or pet shop, no problem at all. If you threw a bag full of snakes on my whilst I'm in bed, I'm going to have a fairly large reaction to them. That is perfectly rationable.

Now to all of you who have been diagnosed with this terrible affliction by Tony correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to assume that you are perfectly calm if you were to see on TV, or a policeman carrying one in real life, however if you were woken in the middle of the night to find a intruder pointing a shotgun at your face, thats when you would probably get a little more worried, right? You do talk some bullshit,it,s called being scared shitless,some people suffer from it,obviously you don,t but are scared shitless about a bag of snakes

Yeah, because of course you wouldn't move a muscle if someone upended a bag of snakes over you you said threw a bag of snakes at you,now you are saying upended a bag of snakes,you clearly have no clue what you write

Seriously? That is the level of your argument here? What about if the snakes were gently tipped onto you? Artistically placed? or how about catapulted one by one with a note tied around their neck saying 'you are a smelly poo'?

Good grief.


Thanks Matt, I think it was pretty clear what I was getting at. But it wasn't was it

Fine, just to clarify, I meant a bag of snakes where the snakes could get out. Now thats cleared up, would you agree that most people would have a dramatic reaction to that event, and that that would be a normal and appropriate response to stimuli? No ,do not try and move the goalposts,just stop posting bullshit,that is easier

very grown up About as grown up as you were when calling my posts about foreign doctors bullshit

Well I wasn't the only one calling bullshit on that if I remember correctly. I can't remember the full story but wasn't it something along the lines of you claiming to be treated by an imposter posing as a Dr yet you never alerted the authorities? Then go back and read it,I never mentioned an imposter posing as a doctor

Ok, well whatever it was if I called it bullshit at the time I'm sure its still bullshit if its re-read again today, which I have no inclination to do. "

so you calling my posts bullshit and me calling your posts bullshit should not effect you one way or the other,yet every time I reply to you,you try to defend your bullshit posts,we could leave it at that but I,m sure you won't,so I will continue to pull you up

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


The difference is though, that my posts aren't bullshit

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