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Licencing Dangerous Dogs

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Should they be micro chipped what about the owners surely they are as much to blame as the dogs.

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By *etillanteWoman  over a year ago


Oh Matching Micro Chips what a good idea

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Should they be micro chipped what about the owners surely they are as much to blame as the dogs."

I think they are saying all dogs on that list have to be licenced.. I thought they already had to be to be fair.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm all for licencing the owners rather than the dogs. They are a far bigger problem

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Should they be micro chipped what about the owners surely they are as much to blame as the dogs."

as much to blame as the dogs???

can you blame a dog for being a DOG!!!

(her again)

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By *empting Devil.Woman  over a year ago


I think getting rid of dog licenses wad a bad idea in the first place. If all dogs had to be registered and chipped then if anyone had an aggressive dog and it wasn't registered it would be easier to remove.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I'm all for licencing the owners rather than the dogs. They are a far bigger problem "

Right on!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I'm all for licencing the owners rather than the dogs. They are a far bigger problem "


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Like someone said on the news, the people who are irresponsible owners arent going to bother...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I have a dog that is a bit bigger than a Jack Russell he was attacked by a very much larger dog which my dog ended up with stiches inside and out all because that dog was not on a lead.

Dogs should also be on leads in public places and owners responsible for cleaning up behind them.

Cats should also be licenced ask any gardner

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Like someone said on the news, the people who are irresponsible owners arent going to bother..."

they will when they're gettin their prison pocket felt up in the nic'!


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Cats should also be licenced ask any gardner"

cats are not owned.. just free spirits.. so would be impossible. and at least they bury their dirt.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Should they be micro chipped what about the owners surely they are as much to blame as the dogs."

i think thats the whole point of micro-chipping! with the owners details in the chip in case of unruly dogs goin ballistic! that way the owners are prosecuted!

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By *umourCouple  over a year ago


This is a whole can of worms! As I understand it, all dogs would possibly have to be chipped and that in my opinion is a good thing. I have always thought dogs should be licenced, but they never will as the cost of admin would be too high.

Chipping is the next best thing as it is a one off payment but makes dogs traceable! Where the problem lies is with the ones who won't have it done, or at least won't want to register their name against "that" chip! They are the ones that are, generally, causing the problems now.

It will be left to the good dog owners to pay the £20 or £30 pounds and comply and the ne’er do wells of this world will flout the law as normal.. Although… Most towns now have dog wardens who have a pretty easy time of things (my distant neighbour is one) and he will quite happily tell you that he swans about from one area to another, looking for what he calls “poop offenders”! Perhaps we can arm them with a scanner and he scans every dog he sees! No chip, dog taken from owner..

And to all you who say it is not the dogs fault? The dog does the mauling and no matter how a dog is trained, some are fighting and hunting dogs by nature and that cannot be “trained” out of them! Instinct is instinct! Yes the dog owner is responsible as well, but there have been cases where the dog owner was good and the dogs still turned!

Not easy, I know.. I love dogs, well most pets actually, but we have to realise that we are the dominant race and we must do all possible to protect people from dangerous animals. Or are those advocating the dogs innocent happy to have a person living next door with a “trained” tiger?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

As I understand it the chips will have all the owners details and if that dog is loose and attacks someone or another dog the owner can be prosecuted, that's ok if they catch the dog or aslong as the owner doesn't leg it with the dog then what use is the chip as they don't have the dog to trace anyone, or moves house without informing the database

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

What is a 'dangerous' dog ?

I assume that again this is going to be a case of breed over temperament ?

So a staffie or a rottweiler with an excellent temperament will need to be chipped, leaving that cuddly looking labrador free to bite or attack as it chooses and it's owner £30 better off than the owner of the 'dangerous' breed.

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By *umourCouple  over a year ago


"What is a 'dangerous' dog ?

I assume that again this is going to be a case of breed over temperament ?

So a staffie or a rottweiler with an excellent temperament will need to be chipped, leaving that cuddly looking labrador free to bite or attack as it chooses and it's owner £30 better off than the owner of the 'dangerous' breed. "

Although I do agree with you, I have personally never heard of a raged attack by a Labrador! But all dogs should be chipped before they go off to their first owner if it is from a breeder. That way it is incorporated into the price and there is no problem. But that still leaves the unlicenced breeders, so perhaps dogs should come under the dangerous animals banner and people have to have a licence to keep one.... Oh!!! I think that is a full circle!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

vets can monitor the chipping! if a dog goes to the vet for treatment of some sort and it isnt chipped then the owner could be made liable and fined 10 times amount of chipping plus pay for chipping there and then! all animals need a vet some time in its life!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think all dogs should be chipped and licenced and the owners held responsable for any bad behaviour from the dogs.

If the dog is behaving badly then take a look at the other end of the lead.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"What is a 'dangerous' dog ?

I assume that again this is going to be a case of breed over temperament ?

So a staffie or a rottweiler with an excellent temperament will need to be chipped, leaving that cuddly looking labrador free to bite or attack as it chooses and it's owner £30 better off than the owner of the 'dangerous' breed.

Although I do agree with you, I have personally never heard of a raged attack by a Labrador! But all dogs should be chipped before they go off to their first owner if it is from a breeder. That way it is incorporated into the price and there is no problem. But that still leaves the unlicenced breeders, so perhaps dogs should come under the dangerous animals banner and people have to have a licence to keep one.... Oh!!! I think that is a full circle! "

Here are some dog attack statistics from 2007 by breed :

Akita 48

Bulldog (English) 16

Bull mastiff 30

Boxer 31

Chow 49

Doberman 11

Dogue de Bordeaux 2

German shepherd 63

Great Dane 24

Husky 39

Labrador 26

Mastiff 16

Pit bull terrier 1110

Rottweiler 409

Who would have thought the teddy bear looking Chow would be 3 times more likely to attack than the Bulldog ?

Would you be more scared being faced by a Dogue de Bordeaux or a labrador ?

Probably, but who who have thought that you were 10 times more likely to be attacked by a lab.

And labradors attacked twice as many times as dobermans.

The figures for pit bulls and rottweilers are alarming in comparison to the others however.

Obviously these are just figures, but what they do demonstrate is that dogs that are seen as 'non dangerous' and nice friendly family pets DO attack too !

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By *umourCouple  over a year ago


"Here are some dog attack statistics from 2007 by breed :

Akita 48

Bulldog (English) 16

Bull mastiff 30

Boxer 31

Chow 49

Doberman 11

Dogue de Bordeaux 2

German shepherd 63

Great Dane 24

Husky 39

Labrador 26

Mastiff 16

Pit bull terrier 1110

Rottweiler 409

Who would have thought the teddy bear looking Chow would be 3 times more likely to attack than the Bulldog ?

Would you be more scared being faced by a Dogue de Bordeaux or a labrador ?

Probably, but who who have thought that you were 10 times more likely to be attacked by a lab.

And labradors attacked twice as many times as dobermans.

The figures for pit bulls and rottweilers are alarming in comparison to the others however.

Obviously these are just figures, but what they do demonstrate is that dogs that are seen as 'non dangerous' and nice friendly family pets DO attack too !"

Now that is interesting! Thanks for taking the trouble. You can certainly see where the rage against Pit Bull type dogs and Rottweiler’s comes from. We have a friend with a Rotty and it is soft as.. errr… poo! Just shows you never can tell.

I had a thought re my last comment on my big post, about having a Tiger next door… To keep a dangerous animal in any circumstance in the UK, you have to be checked and licenced. If at least certain breeds are seen as dangerous, why not those too? After all, you can’t keep a Lynx in captivity without have its conditions of health and accommodation checked regularly and a Pit Bull can do way more damage than a Lynx! Just a thought…

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By *ewels74Woman  over a year ago


"Should they be micro chipped what about the owners surely they are as much to blame as the dogs."

If you didnt know this already but those who actually show dogs, also micro chip there dogs also, we do this and when new owners come to us for a pup we actually are checking them out as they are checking us out, also when any of the pups we have had do get this done and also 1st innoculations, and also some German Shepherds used to get there ears tattooed.

The problem is the owners who are pet owners

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By *ewels74Woman  over a year ago


"As I understand it the chips will have all the owners details and if that dog is loose and attacks someone or another dog the owner can be prosecuted, that's ok if they catch the dog or aslong as the owner doesn't leg it with the dog then what use is the chip as they don't have the dog to trace anyone, or moves house without informing the database"

Yes the Chip has the owners details and also the breeders details as a few years back one of our pups went missing and was found and then traced back to us the breeder in which then we managed to contact the owner.

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By *ewels74Woman  over a year ago


Oh just to say the great thing about Chipping btw in case anyone wonders - i have been showing and breeding(the breeding not piles and piles of dogs i might add lol) but anyhoo for over 25 yrs now

But was going to add that the added benefit of microchipping is if your dog is stolen ie taken out of your garden which happened to someone we know and luckily the pup had been microchipped, seems it was traced back to someone across the road from the people, and they had to hand the pup back otherwise - the dog was in its very own garden i might add. so another benefit of micro chipping.

And on another note...German shepherds are the most sweetest dogs going so never blame them, as said every owner creates the way a dog is and things for fighting and in breeding

sorry just passionate about dogs and animals in general

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By *ucsparkMan  over a year ago


"What is a 'dangerous' dog ?

I assume that again this is going to be a case of breed over temperament ?

So a staffie or a rottweiler with an excellent temperament will need to be chipped, leaving that cuddly looking labrador free to bite or attack as it chooses and it's owner £30 better off than the owner of the 'dangerous' breed. "

Microchip ping cost £14.95 at our vets and the idea is every new born dog will be done, how it will work is up for debate. But think those lovely guide dogs you see about by eight of them on average are attacked every month. I know most owners are responsible but it the ones that are not that do the damage for everyone else

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"What is a 'dangerous' dog ?

I assume that again this is going to be a case of breed over temperament ?

So a staffie or a rottweiler with an excellent temperament will need to be chipped, leaving that cuddly looking labrador free to bite or attack as it chooses and it's owner £30 better off than the owner of the 'dangerous' breed.

Microchip ping cost £14.95 at our vets and the idea is every new born dog will be done, how it will work is up for debate. But think those lovely guide dogs you see about by eight of them on average are attacked every month. I know most owners are responsible but it the ones that are not that do the damage for everyone else"

My dog is micro-chipped

Doesn't stop him being a complete nutcase when another dog approaches us.

He has behavioural issues - albeit towards other dogs as opposed to humans - but they are controlled !

As much as it would pain me, one sign of aggression towards a human and he would be having his paw shaved.

Micro chipping alone will solve little, other making already responsible owners more accountable.

Is it the responsible owners we want to target ?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Should they be micro chipped what about the owners surely they are as much to blame as the dogs."

Its so easy for the chips to be blown its pointless if someone wants the dogs for bad reasons.

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By *ucsparkMan  over a year ago


"What is a 'dangerous' dog ?

I assume that again this is going to be a case of breed over temperament ?

So a staffie or a rottweiler with an excellent temperament will need to be chipped, leaving that cuddly looking labrador free to bite or attack as it chooses and it's owner £30 better off than the owner of the 'dangerous' breed.

Microchip ping cost £14.95 at our vets and the idea is every new born dog will be done, how it will work is up for debate. But think those lovely guide dogs you see about by eight of them on average are attacked every month. I know most owners are responsible but it the ones that are not that do the damage for everyone else

My dog is micro-chipped

Doesn't stop him being a complete nutcase when another dog approaches us.

He has behavioural issues - albeit towards other dogs as opposed to humans - but they are controlled !

As much as it would pain me, one sign of aggression towards a human and he would be having his paw shaved.

Micro chipping alone will solve little, other making already responsible owners more accountable.

Is it the responsible owners we want to target ?"

It is the ones with no moral responsibility towards themselves or there dogs, but so I have been told it is not good form to shoot either.

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By *ushroom7Man  over a year ago


All aggressive dogs, and let's face it, pseudo aggressive owners, should be chipped.

And then deep fried.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Cats should also be licenced ask any gardner

cats are not owned.. just free spirits.. so would be impossible. and at least they bury their dirt.

Cali "

my cats are micro chipped, not because i care about your garden but because if anything happens to them i want them back

but cali is right, cats arnt like dogs you cant say where they go

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Should they be micro chipped what about the owners surely they are as much to blame as the dogs.

Its so easy for the chips to be blown its pointless if someone wants the dogs for bad reasons. "

chips to be blown?

please explain this?

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By *emmefataleWoman  over a year ago


In the eyes of the law it is recognised that the owner of a cat cannot be responsible for its actions

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By *ushroom7Man  over a year ago


"In the eyes of the law it is recognised that the owner of a cat cannot be responsible for its actions"

Curious that because if say a keen gardener did some harm to any cat, said "owner" can then take action.

Ps Cali, if you seriously believe cats bury their shit then please come and clean upmy garden, daily. Ta.

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By *emmefataleWoman  over a year ago


"In the eyes of the law it is recognised that the owner of a cat cannot be responsible for its actions

Curious that because if say a keen gardener did some harm to any cat, said "owner" can then take action.

Ps Cali, if you seriously believe cats bury their shit then please come and clean upmy garden, daily. Ta. "

Yes exactly

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"In the eyes of the law it is recognised that the owner of a cat cannot be responsible for its actions"

there are no laws at all really regards cats. if you hit a cat in a car you can just drive off and leave it, if you hit a dog by law you must report it so the dog can get help

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Curious that because if say a keen gardener did some harm to any cat, said "owner" can then take action.


take it from me the police do not give a shit about cats getting hurt, i has 3 cats shot with pellet guns last year, 2 lived after many trips to the vet but sadly one of my cats died, i know who was shoting them, someone much like yourself, he didnt like my cats going on his garden so he took it upon himself to shoot them, when i reported it to the police they didnt even come out to my house

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By *ushroom7Man  over a year ago



Curious that because if say a keen gardener did some harm to any cat, said "owner" can then take action.

take it from me the police do not give a shit about cats getting hurt, i has 3 cats shot with pellet guns last year, 2 lived after many trips to the vet but sadly one of my cats died, i know who was shoting them, someone much like yourself, he didnt like my cats going on his garden so he took it upon himself to shoot them, when i reported it to the police they didnt even come out to my house"

OI any chance of you moving the "much like yourself" from the shooting cats bit to the "didn't like my cats going on his garden" bit?

I have never harmed a cat at any time in my life, never will do either.

Thank you.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Curious that because if say a keen gardener did some harm to any cat, said "owner" can then take action.

take it from me the police do not give a shit about cats getting hurt, i has 3 cats shot with pellet guns last year, 2 lived after many trips to the vet but sadly one of my cats died, i know who was shoting them, someone much like yourself, he didnt like my cats going on his garden so he took it upon himself to shoot them, when i reported it to the police they didnt even come out to my house

OI any chance of you moving the "much like yourself" from the shooting cats bit to the "didn't like my cats going on his garden" bit?

I have never harmed a cat at any time in my life, never will do either.

Thank you. "

lol didnt suggest you did harm cats, i said he was much like yourself as in he didnt like the cats going on his garden

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By *ovedupstillCouple  over a year ago


rspca dude on radio today, said toy dogs attack more people year on year than bull breeds, its just the attacks vary in ferocity and obviously the end result is worse with a bull breed.

as has beensaid, the owners of illegal dogs wont comply as they never have.

our neighbour, when i was a kid, had a jack. most viscious dog i have ever met.

and i find that with a lot of small dogs. a napolean complex, if thats possible lol.

so bring back the licences (have them in most of europe anyway so we may as well, they are telling us how to do everything else) and do the microchipping alongside.

and bring back the death penalty lol

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By *ucsparkMan  over a year ago


"In the eyes of the law it is recognised that the owner of a cat cannot be responsible for its actions

Curious that because if say a keen gardener did some harm to any cat, said "owner" can then take action.

Ps Cali, if you seriously believe cats bury their shit then please come and clean upmy garden, daily. Ta. "

Try lion manure keePs them off the garden worked on mine

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By *ovedupstillCouple  over a year ago


"In the eyes of the law it is recognised that the owner of a cat cannot be responsible for its actions

Curious that because if say a keen gardener did some harm to any cat, said "owner" can then take action.

Ps Cali, if you seriously believe cats bury their shit then please come and clean upmy garden, daily. Ta.

Try lion manure keePs them off the garden worked on mine"

or an english bull terrier with an intense dislike for anything catshaped.

had one for a few months and she almost made a dog shaped hole in the fence when she caught sight of one.

laughed my bollocks off a fair few times.

cats havent been in my backyard since, so they arent stupid.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

For me no breed of dog is dangerous. Having spent most my life working with all different breeds it's always down to the owners or the breeders who breed dogs with bad traits I have come across toy dogs who are more dangerous than the traditionally scary breeds. But the ultimate problem is no control over breeding if we get that things could be improved

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Its all a political move, did you know more Labradors and Retrievers inflict bites than all the so called dangerous breeds put together even taking into account the numbers? Yes I appreciate dangerous breeds are very powerful dogs and can do more damage but still, even a jack russell could kill a baby!

I firmly agree there needs to be a control measure but this really will not do anything to dramatically change things now. The micro chipping will identify the owners but by then its too late surely? The dog has attacked someone.

There needs to be a serious clamp down on the breeders and they need to bring licencing back fo all dogs. I dont see any other way around it but even that wont prevent attacks completely.

And yes I do have dogs and I would galdly pay a licence fee as would the vast majority of responsible dog owners.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Its all a political move, did you know more Labradors and Retrievers inflict bites than all the so called dangerous breeds put together even taking into account the numbers? Yes I appreciate dangerous breeds are very powerful dogs and can do more damage but still, even a jack russell could kill a baby!

I firmly agree there needs to be a control measure but this really will not do anything to dramatically change things now. The micro chipping will identify the owners but by then its too late surely? The dog has attacked someone.

There needs to be a serious clamp down on the breeders and they need to bring licencing back fo all dogs. I dont see any other way around it but even that wont prevent attacks completely.

And yes I do have dogs and I would galdly pay a licence fee as would the vast majority of responsible dog owners."

Yep totally agree when we breed our dogs we do home visits interviews and chip all our pups and record details of who takes them. So should anything happen with one of ours and they havent sorted out the chip paperwork we can point the police/dog warden in the right direction

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By *oantrimcpl2010Couple  over a year ago


Its already compulsary here. I think its a good thing. Any responsible owner will not think twice about having their dog chipped.

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