By *eeside OP Man
over a year ago
margate sumwear by the sea |
It's Wednesday.
So you no wot time it is........
WHY BOTHER ? No one is interested.
We'll ill tell you why.
I'm trying to help people to get meets as,we all no how hard it is to get a meet on hear.
But I can't do it all by my self. The club only works if other people are willing to help to.
People willing to meet thos that find it hard to get any meet wot so ever. Even if it's just a social. Seriously wots rong with meeting someone for a coffee if it gives them a mutch needed very ?
and most importantly thos that want a meet put in just a,little bit of effort. You are not going to get a meet on your dor step unless your really lucky. So be willing to travel just a little bit. If someone has offered a social sumwear and you can get to it then take it. Don't wate hopeing sumthing will pop up on your dor step then complain about the club not working just cos a meet offor is not a 5 minute walk away.
My 1st meet wos a social in London. That wos a 60 + mile trip by train so it wosount even cheep. But a little bit of effort goes a long long way and now i got close to 40 verys.
Rant over. Sorry to start with a rant but it had to be sed.
Rite you shood all now the rules by now.
But ill post them in the next post just in case.
Sumwear in tenterden
Wednesday is 0 meet club BIG SOCIAL #2
All Other 0 meet club social dates for this year.
Saturday 15th of June.
Sumwear in royal Tunbridge wells.
meet thread not running yet.
Saturday 24th of august
Sumwear in Leicester.
(you don't want to miss this 1 as its a very special 1)
meet thread not running yet.
Happy meeting.
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By *eeside OP Man
over a year ago
margate sumwear by the sea |
###########CLUB RULES ########
Please read all of them properly.
A social is classed as a meet !
You can join under 1 of 3 simpall rules.
#*RULE 1*#
You have had no meets for over a month or since joining fab. So grab a seet, have a drink and a chat and post a meet add on the thread and hope sumone well help you out of the club or look throw the rule 2 meet offers in the thread
## if sumone aspects your meet offor but you don't want to meet them for sum resoun then just politely turn them down. ##
#*RULE 2*#
You have had a meet in the larst month and thar for to join YOU MUST meet a rule 1 (you go to them) or YOU MUST put up a meet offer on the thread in your location so a rule 1 can come to you if thay wish to.
## if sumone aspects your meet offor but you don't want to meet them for sum resoun then just politely turn them down.##
#*RULE 3*#
Just hear to chat at the moment.
This is a serous club and The point of this club it to find and get meets. Even if its just a social.
If your not going to meet or not interested in meeting this thread is not for you. so pleas don't wast other peoples time pretending you want to meet sumone.
Stuff off fab dus not count.
Have fun everyone and happy meeting
By joining this club there is no guarantee that you or anyone affliated with you will get a meet/social.
The OP is not Cupid,
therefore cannot personally put your arrow into someone else.
If you follow the rules properly you might just get a meet.
Those that do not follow the club rules properly can not complain about not getting any meets.
To have/get a meet you may need to travel. Thar is not a hi chance a meet offor will turn up on your doorstep.
You don't have to meet only on a Wednesday. You can plan to meet someone on other days.
Happy meeting.
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