Now I do know that this subject is very very very close to people's hearts.... So I won't go on about too much....when I saw it on the news that Saturday night.... I just couldn't believe it.... So so upsetting n so so distressing... God bless to the people who suffered n the owner that sad nite. .
Not sure how it happened but I think I saw smoke coming out of the back before it took off. I don't know but it is just so sad.
R.I.P to the family.
" Now I do know that this subject is very very very close to people's hearts.... So I won't go on about too much....when I saw it on the news that Saturday night.... I just couldn't believe it.... So so upsetting n so so distressing... God bless to the people who suffered n the owner that sad nite. .
Not sure how it happened but I think I saw smoke coming out of the back before it took off. I don't know but it is just so sad.
R.I.P to the family."
Iv seen a video of it taking off and there does appear to be smoke coming from the back