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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Glaswegian dictionary, some of our 'T's are silent in maist wurds:-
Aboot About
Aff Off
Ah I
Ahmur I am
Ahmurny I am not
Ain Own
Alang Along
Alane Alone
Alwiz Always
An'all And all
Arnae Aren't
Aroon' Around
Auld Old
Aw / Awe All
Awe / Aw All
Awfy Awful
Awright All right
Aye Yes
Baccy Tobaco
Backie Help a friend climb a wall or to carry a passenger on a bicycle
Bahookie Bum / Bottom
Baltic Really cold
Bampot Derogatory term / Person of an unstable nature
Bamstick Akin to a bampot, perhaps a litle more complex
Banjo Hit someone
Banjoed Getting hit, Punched
Banter Talk (usually describe interesting talk)
Bar L Barlinnie jail
Barney Fight
Barras The barrows market
Barrbru, Babru Irn Bru
Bass, Ya Bastard, word originally used by the Gorbals gangs from the 1960s
Bawbag Ballbag, term of endearment.
Baws Balls
Bead Rattler Catholic
Bedraggled In deplorable condition
Bealin / Beelin Angry
Beelin / Bealin' Angry
Belly Stomach
Beezer Something good
Beltar, or Beltur Super duper.
Belter Something that is good / good looking
Besom / Bizzum Obstreperous / Annoying person
Bevvie / Bevvy Achoholic beverage
Bevvy / Bevvie Achoholic beverage
Bidyin Rent-free cohabiter
Big Hoose Prison
Big Man A general term used in greeting to a male friend.
Bile Boil
Bingo Bus Police Van
Bint Derogatory term for girlfriend
Birl Spin your body round.
Bizzum / Besom Obstreperous / Annoying person
Black Affronted Very Embarrassed
Black Maria The large black police bus that takes neds to court from police offices
Black necks Dirty Person
Blaw Blow
Blazin D*unk
Bleach or bleached to hit or repeatedly hit with blunt instrument i.e a bottle
Blether Gossip / chat
Blootered D*unk
Blotto D*unk
Blow Hash
Boabie Penis
Boak Vomit
Boak (eg "It wud gae yeh ra boak - so it wud") Sick
Boatle a' soup. Buckfast wine
Boattle Bottle
Boax Box
Bog Toilet
Boggin Filthy, Dirty
Bolt Run, Flee
Bonce Head
Bonnie Pretty
Bookie Bookmaker
Boozers Pub
Bottle Merchant Coward
Boufin’ Indescribably Smelly
Brass Monkey Junkie
Braw Good / pleasant
Brekk Break
Bucket Bucket-bong, water implement used to smoke hash.
Buckfast Commando intoxicated, aggressive yet fearless individual
Buckfast Triangle Airdrie, Bellshill, Coatbridge
Buckfast Valley Lower Clyde valley, Lanarkshire
Bucky Buckfast Tonic Wine
Budgies Wearing your socks over your tracksuit trousers
Bufter Homosexual
Bufty Homosexual
Bum A person who can't fight
Bump/ Bumped Steal, Stolen
Bunty Someone who gets bullied
Burds Females
Buroo Social Security
Buzzin Stoned, d*unk
Byraway Used instead of a full stop at the end of every sentence byraway
Cafefy Careful
Calley Can of Carlsberg Special Brew
Canae Can't
Cargo Carry Out - essentials from off licence
Cargo Shop Off Sales
Cauld Cold
Caulder Colder
Chanty Rastler Plumber
Charred D*unk
Cheeba Dope, Hash
Cheeky water Alcohol
Cheers Often used in place of the words like “hello,” “goodbye,” and “thank you”
Chib Knife, any weapon carried by a thug
Chibbed Being like hit or cut with a weapon
Chippie Chip shop
Chong Hash
Claes Clothes
Claim Claim
Clatty Dirty / Rude
Clockwork Orange The Glasgow Underground Train System
Close Communal entrance to a tenement building
Clout Hit (usually on head)
Cludgie Toilet
Clype To grass (tell tales) on someone
C'mon Come on
Connle Candle
Coo Cow
Corpy Glasgow Corporation (Glasgow City Council)
Couldnae Couldn't
Coupon Face
Couthie Amiable person
Crabbit Ill tempered / grumpy
Cradle Snatcher Taking a (much) younger partner
Cratur Creature
Cumbie Gang name
Da Father
Dae Do
Daein' Doing
Daeing Doing
Daftie Daft person, Idiot
Dain't Don't
Dancer, ya Really good
Dancin, The Disco or nightclub
Dauds Bits
Deed Dead
Deid Dead
Diddies Womens breasts
Diddy Idiot or fool
Dingy To ignore; or clatty - dirty.
Disnae Doesn't
Diz Does
Dizn't Doesn't
Dizzy The act of being stood up
Doacter Doctor
Dobber Penis
Doin, Doing A beating
Doon Down
Dosser Down and Out
Dreich Drab / Wet weather
Drookit Soaked through
Droont Drowned
Drum, The Drumchapel, area of Glasgow
Duck's Arse A hairstyle (consisting of greased hair piled high on top and swept back at the sides to form a ridge or seam at the back)
Duds Trousers
Dug Dog
Dug Van Small Police ' Wagon '
Dunted A wee bit d*unk
Edgie Keep a look out
Eejit Idiot / simpleton
Eff and Blind Swear
Efter After
Efternin Afternoon
Electric Soup Cheap strong wine. e.g El Dorado or Buckfast
Emdy Anybody
Er the Polis There's the police
Erra There's eg. Erra ten bob Ah owe ye.
Erse Backside
Every fart's end Every last detail
Eye ball Meet someone face to face
Fae From
Faither Father
Fancy Bit A mistress
Fancy Wumman A mistress
Fankle In a knot / confused
Fanny-Struck In love
Faw Fall
Feart Scared / Frightened
Fearty Coward
Feegie Ferguslie Park area
Fella Man / Boyfriend
Ferr (eg Ferr enough) Fair
Filth, The The police
Fit Good looking or sexy. (Usually used to describe a girl)
Fitba Football
Fleeing Mad wth Ecstacy
Fleeto Gang name
Fling Throw
Flooer Flower
Flutter A bet (on the horses)
Foalian Following
Foot Meddle
Fossill Park Possilpark
Frae From
Frichted Frightened
Fuck wit Idiot
Fud Vagina
Ful eh it D*unk
Fur For
Gallus Self-confident, daring, cheeky. / Stylish
Gawk Stare (in a stupid way)
Gaun / Gawn Gone / Going
Gawn / Gaun Gone / Going
Geeing Hurrying someone up
Geeza May I please have?
Geezeabrek Give me a break (chance)
Gemme Game / Up for it
Get lifted To be arrested by the police
Gibbering Talking nonsense
Gie Give
Gies Give me
Ginger Boatles Lemonade or irn Bru bottles
Girn Moan
Glaikit Stupid / silly
Glesca Glasgow
Glesca Kiss / Glasgow Kiss A headbut
Glasgow Kiss / Glesca Kiss A headbut
Gleasga Glasgow
G'night Goodnight
Gonny / gonnae Going to / Will you
Gonnae / gonny Going to / Will you
Greet Cry / weep
Greetin' face Someone who is moaning
Greetin' Crying
Gret Cried
Groggy Light headed / faint
Grot Derogatory term for girl/boy friend
Guid Good
Hackit Ugly
Hairy Deregatory term for girl
Half shut knife Looking depressed, annoyed or tired.
Halfwye Half Way
Ham Shank Wank
Hame Home
Hampden Roar Score
Haun Hand
Haud / Hawd Hold
Haw Hey
Hawd / Haud Hold
Hawd On Hold on
Hawfwit A simple person, A moron.
Healthy Good looking
Heavy Bongoed D*unk, Intoxicated
Heavy Scran Good food.
Hee Haw Nothing, eg.you're getting hee haw
Heehaw Nothing at all
Heid Head
Heidache Headache
Heider To head a ball or a Glasgow kiss
Heidy Header, the ball
Hen Something all girls get called, substitute for sweetheart', 'doll' etc.
Here you To demand someones attention
Hid Had
Hingoot Whore, woman of ill-repute
Hings Hangs
Hoachie Unusually lucky
Hoachin Full of, bursting at the seems
Hoarses Horses
Hoat Hot
Hon, Hawn Hand
Honkin Smelling
Honner (Hander) - people that step in for you in a fight.
Hoose House
Horti A form given to motorist by the Police (HORT1)
Hotty A weirdo
How? Used instead of why
Huckled Arrested by the Police
Hud Had
Huey (eg “Shouting on Huey”) Projectile vomit
Humpin’ Procreating up a back close
Hun Rangers supporter / Protestant
Hunner Hundred
Huv Have
Huz Has
Huznae Hasn't
In't Is not
In't Ah Am I not
Intae Into
Isnae Isn't
Jaggey Bunnet A Hat
Jaggy Supporter of Partick Thistle Football Club
Jaiket Jacket
Jake Cheap Cider
Jake, jakie A tramp
Jars Womens breasts
Jay A Joint (Hash)
Jeely Jam
Jen up Honest
Jesusjonny For goodness sake (exclamation)
Jigging (The) The dancing / Dance (eg Ur ye goin' tae the jigging?)
Jile Prison
Jimmy Riddle Piddle, Piss, Pee
Jist Just
Joab Job
Joaby Excretement/Shit
Joby Jabber Homosexual
Johnny Bags Condoms
Jubilee Iced carton drink
Juke of Montrose A Dose
KB'd To get knocked back
Keech Excrement
Keek Look / Spy on
Keeching Shitting
Keep the heid Don't got annoyed or frightened
Keepy uppy To keep the ball in the air
Ken To know
Kerry oot A Carry Out
Kerpet Carpet
Keys Call a truce
Kinna ? Can I ?
Laddie Boy
Laldie A beating / Give it your best shot
Lang Long
Lassie Girl
Lavvie / Lavvy Toilet
Lavvy / Lavvie Toilet
Lecky Electricity
Lend of (a) To take advantage of / Make a fool of
Links Sausages
Loast Lost
Loupin Throbing with pain
Loupin' Throbbing
Lum Chimney
Ma Mother / My
Mackie Hit with a stick
Mad wae it D*unk or drugged
Mair More
Maist Most
Malky To headbut or slash someone
Manky Dirty
Manky Matress Horrible, dirty people
Margarine Fanny A girl who has sex with anyone who asks
Maself Myself
Mate Friend
Mauchit Dirty / filthy
Maw Mum
Max'd Modified Car
Meat Wagon Police Van
Melt Face
Menchy Writing on a wall
Messages Groceries
Mibbe Maybe
Midden Garbage bins
Midgie Bin
Midgie Raker A person who rakes through bins.
Mince Nonsense, talking mince
Mincy Heid Crazy person
Minger Smelly Ugly person
Mingin Ugly, disgusting
Mingin’ Unclean
Missis Mrs
Mither Mother
Moan, C'moan Come on
Moarnin' Morning
Mob, The Police
Mockit, Mocket Filthy, dirty
Monday Book Child Benefit book, usually cashed at the post office on a Monday.
Mooch To ask for something (repeatedly)
Moolurd To be completely pished.
Motur Motor, Car
Mucca, Mucker Friend
Munter A real skinking burd (girl)
Munter Hunter Man who seeks ugly ladies
Muppet Stupid, thick
Mutted, Mut'it Very very d*unk
Nae bother No problem
Nae, Naw No
Naebody Nobody
Nane None
Napper Head
Nat King Cole Sex
Naw, Nae No
Ned A thug / Scottish version of chav
Nick To steal / Prison
Nip (eg Nip doon) Go
Nolly,Naully Forth and Clyde Canal
Noo Now
Nookie Sex
Nowt Nothing
Nugget A piece of faeces or someone who isn't too clever
Numptiejobby Person of dubious intelligence and/or character.
Numpty Idiot
Numpty-heided Derogatory term.
Nyaff (eg Ya wee nyaff.) Scruff / Irritating person.
O' Off
Oan On /Own
Offies Off-sales
Offy Awfully
On the panel To be off sick from work???
Oor Our
'oor Hour
Oor bit The area where we live
Oose Dustball
Oot Out
Oooside Outside
Our bit The area where we live
Ower Over
Pad aboot walk around
Paddy Wagon Police riot van
Pal Friend
Paps Breasts, from Gaelic as in the Paps of Jura
Paradise Celtic Park
Pat and Mick,The On the 'Sick' (off work)
Patter Humorous chat / funny stories
Pearl diver Fiver, Five pounds
Peg To have sexual intercourse
Pennie Apron
Perr Pair (That's a rerr perr o jeans.)
Piece Sandwich
Pish To urinated / Something that's not good
Pish Pundit Bookmaker
Pished D*unk
Pit Put
Plank To hide something
Plook Facial spot / Acne
Plug To stab someone
Plunged Stabbed
Poaket Money Weekly allowance a child is given
Poke Paper bag
Pokey hat Ice Cream Cone
Polis Police
Prick Someone not liked
Puff Hash
Puggy Fruit machine/pinball
Puke Vomit
Pure Very, pure dead good
Rammie Square go, Fight.
Randan (eg Go on the randan) Drinking binge
Rank, Rank Rotten Smells or tastes bad
Rat That
Reekin Stinkin
Rerr Rare / very good
Riddy Being embarrised, going red in the face
Rigoot Outfit
Rinoo Right now
Rocket Daft Person
Rockies Rockport boots
Roon Round
Roond Round
Rubber Really d*unk or full of drugs
Rubbery Gub Big Mouth
Sae So
Sannie Sandwich
Sannies Sand shoe, Trainers
Saunter Walk in an unhurried manner
Scadge Tramp / Tobacco and hash crumbs for building a joint
Scaff Scruffy, scavenger
Scants Underpants
Scheme Housing Estate
Schemebo Someone from the housing schemes
Schemey Person from housing estate (scheme) of an undesirable nature
Scoff Eat
Scoobies Police
Scooby Clue, ryhming slang (Scooby Doo)
Scooter Gay person
Scran Food
Scratchcer Bed
Screws Police
Scud Cider / Naked
Scud book Porno magazine
Scum Police
Scunner An annoying person / To sicken
Scunnered Feel annoyed / Fed-up / a strong dislike
Scuntted To Hit (someone)
Seen Used instead of saw
Shitebag Coward / General derogatory term
Shoot the craw Leave in a hurry
Shoot the Craw Travel fast in the other direction
Shouldnae Shouldn't
Sid, The C.I.D, criminal investigation division or undercover police
Single End One room tenement flat
Single fish Pish
Skank Pure stinkin
Skelp To Slap, Hit
Skins Rizla cigarette papers for rolling joints.
Skint To have no money
Skite Slip
Skiver One who avoids tasks or work in general
Skunk Type of cannabis
Skunner Annoying person
Skunnered Annoyed / Fed up
Slabber To drool over something
Slapper Woman of ill repute
Slash To piss
Slasha Hat Ned's skip Cap
Slaverin' (at the mouth) Dripping from the mouth
Slever To talk nonsense
Smidgeon A small piece
Snaster Treat such as a cake
Snaw Snow
Sneck To kiss someone
Snib,The Prison
Snibbed Grounded by parents! (Kept In)
Snog Heavy kissing
Soap dodger Dirty person
Sodjer Soldier
Somedae Some day
Sooky Blow Job
Sowel (eg wee sowel) Soul
Spam Valley Area of cheap housing eg Duntocher - owners live on spam so they can pay the mortgage
Spent Worn out
Sponny Unbelievably lucky
Square go An even fight / fight without weapons
Stane Stone
Stank Drain
Stank monster Ugly person
Stappit Fu Full right up
Staund, Staun Stand
Stauner Erection
Steaky Knife
Steamboats D*unk
Steamin D*unk
Stoaner An erection
Stoap Stop
Stoap Stop
Stoat Bounce
Stoated Pissed out yer nut
Stoater A Sound Person, a person who's "okay"
Stoater (eg “She’s a wee stoater – so she is”) Very pretty girl
Stoating (eg That's a stoating car ye've goat.) Very good
Stoatter (eg “Whit a stoatter - that joke wus”) Clever play on words
Stoaturs (eg Yon burds ur a right pair of stoaturs.) Very good / Very pretty girls
Stoavin to Stoavin to be extremely d*unk
Stocky Big built (person)
Stooky Plaster cast ie. for broken limb
Stoor Dust
Stoshus Very d*unk
Stramash Argument or fight
Swadger Sweets
Swallied Swollowed
Swagger A motion of moving arms
Swamp Donkey Unattractive Woman
Swankin Joking
Swatch Look
Tackety Boot A heavy boot with studs.
Tadger Penis
Tae To
Taenight Tonight
Tagz Writing on walls
Tally Count money / Italian
Tally Van Ice cream Van ( Tally = Italian)
Tan To smash a window / To drink your booze very quickly
Tanner Sixpence (in old money)
Tap Top, Football top, t-shirt / A loan of money
Tarrier A catholic, usually of irish descent
Taxed Reserved
Teetered (eg He teetered along the road) Moved carefully
Telt Told
Ten Club Ned Girl
Ten Bob Ten shillings in ‘old’ money
Teuchter Anyone outside Glasgow who does not have a Glasgow accent.
The boak (eg You gae me ra boak) Sick or feeling sick
The day Today
The gether Together
The morra / morro Tomorrow
The morro / morra Tomorrow
Therr There
Therr's There is
Thir There
Thruppence A three pence piece (Old Money)
Thur There /Their
Tick Credit (usually from the local shop)
Tim Celtic fan / Catholic
Tink Poor person
Tinnies Tin Cans
Toaty Very small
Toffs Rich people
Toley Jobby
Tonic Buckfast Wine
Tool Idiot,(you're a tool)
Toon Town or City Center
Toutin Smoking
Trackies Tracksuit bottoms
Tramcaur Tramcar
Trippen Having a laugh
Troopettes A group of female friends
Troops, The Group of friends
Tube Idiot
Tumshie Turnip (Also used as derogatory term eg "Ya big tumshie."
Turn, a (eg Doing a turn) Criminal act / Providing sex
Um Am
Ur / Urr Are
Urnae Aren't
Urr / Ur Are
Wa' Wall
Wacky Baccy Cannabis
Wae With
Wagon, or Meat Wagon Large Police van
Walk, The Orange Parade
Wallies False teeth
Wally Close A tenement close with tiled walls
Walopper Penis
Wan One
Wance Once
Wankered D*unk
Watter Water
Wean Baby / child
Wee G Glasweigens
Wee man Small person
Wee Small/Short
Weech Fling
Wee donner To take a walk
Weegi Protestant Glaswegian
Weegie Roman Catholic Glaswegian
Weekender Arrested, Friday for court on the Monday.
Wet Fart Unpleasant
Wheesht Be quiet
Whit What
Whitever Whatever
Whitey Sick
Wi' With
Wid Would
Widden Wooden
Wide-o Untrustworthy person
Widnae Wouldn't
Willnae / Wullnae Will not
Winch (pron. whinsh) Kiss
Winching Snogging, Kissing
Windae Window
Windae licker Person with mental disabilities
Wine Buckfast (Tonic wine)
Wino A heavy drinker / alchoholic
Wisnae Wasn't
Wiz Was
Wizn't Wasn't
Wud Would
Wull Will
Wullnae / Willnae Will not/Won't
Wumman Woman
Wur Our or were
Wye Way
Yah (eg Yah shitbag) You
Ye You
Yer Your
Yersel Yourself
Ye's You
Yin One
Yon Them / That
Young team. A young ned gang.
Youse Used as plural of you
Yur Your |