FabSwingers.com > Forums > The Lounge > A disgrace to the people of england
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"I wouldnt get out of bed for that" haha,,,,,,, hey,,,,, Wayne Rooney does...... ![]() | |||
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"heard a bit on radio the other day say ing that about 30 years ago a bank manager was earning 29 times the pay of his his fellow worker but now it is 3,000 times!,did i really hear that correctly?." The average wage for a Branch Manager for a high street bank in the UK is under £40,000. That would make the average wage for a Bank Clerk around £13.35 per annum..... Sod that for a job! | |||
"i dont know the answer to that but come on 35,00 A DAY is stupid money!!!! worse thing is you know he gets a massive xmas bonus aswell!!!!!" no doubt you support a premier league footie team too.. ![]() | |||
"i dont know the answer to that but come on 35,00 A DAY is stupid money!!!! worse thing is you know he gets a massive xmas bonus aswell!!!!!" Bet you wish you had tried harder at school now?..... ![]() | |||
"Yeah, it's a silly amount of money. But at the end of the day, he's worked his way up either through uni, or just sheer hard work from a Saturday boy, why shouldn't he reap the rewards? I'm pretty sure if you was in his shoes, you wouldn't sit there and say "no, please don't pay me so much, the people of the UK are struggling, I can manage on £1,500 a month." " Sorry but i completely disagree with that there are familys struggling to put food on the table for their children who go out and work their arse' off for measly minimum wage how you can say fair play to him i dont know!!! ![]() | |||
"Yeah, it's a silly amount of money. But at the end of the day, he's worked his way up either through uni, or just sheer hard work from a Saturday boy, why shouldn't he reap the rewards? I'm pretty sure if you was in his shoes, you wouldn't sit there and say "no, please don't pay me so much, the people of the UK are struggling, I can manage on £1,500 a month." Sorry but i completely disagree with that there are familys struggling to put food on the table for their children who go out and work their arse' off for measly minimum wage how you can say fair play to him i dont know!!! ![]() So what do you suggest?.....that we have no company executives?.....that we have no industry leaders?....that no-one is encouraged to better themselves in life? Maybe we should live like they do in North Korea.... Burn all the universities, send all graduates down the coalmines? | |||
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"so we should all be paid the same no matter how much experience/education we've recieved... nothing to aim for? no chance of promotions? id not wanna be in charge of a bank with all that responsibility for no extra cash" And all the hard work they have done!!!what put this country in the shit!! why should others suffer because they get the big wages and have no money issues for putting us in the situation we are in???? | |||
"If I had worked my butt off to get to the stage that they want to pay me that amount I wouldn't be refusing it.....but I can understand what you mean OP...it sounds a huge amount when most people are on normal wages ( whatever normal is to them of course)" I watched a program little while ago that proves you dont have to have the best education to get the top jobs its all about who you know!!! and who mummy and daddy knows i know people that have worked there arse's off only to be told their is no work for them in their line of work!! straight into Min Wage jobs the whole point of the thread was jsut shock of how any one can say they deserve 35,000 POUND A DAY!!!!!! thats more than my house hold income a year | |||
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"so we should all be paid the same no matter how much experience/education we've recieved... nothing to aim for? no chance of promotions? id not wanna be in charge of a bank with all that responsibility for no extra cash And all the hard work they have done!!!what put this country in the shit!! why should others suffer because they get the big wages and have no money issues for putting us in the situation we are in????" i wouldnt soley blame a banker for the state of 'our countries' financial matters. | |||
"'We' (The British Public) are in the trouble we are in partly because we allowed our collective personal spending get out of control, there was a time (before the OP's time) when people spent what they earned, if they wanted a luxury they saved up for it out of their wages until they could afford it. Credit, be it personal credit or commercial credit has got out of hand in the UK, you can't only blame the banks for offering ridiculous credit limits....you also have to blame the individuals for accepting that credit and spending money like water....as if it was compulsory. If it wasn't for consumer demand spiralling out of control then banks also wouldn't have lent ridiculous amounts for all these tens of thousands of empty holiday homes in the sun being built, they were built to satisfy demand partly from a greedy British public. We have lived through the time when Credit was King....now we will have to revert back to only spending what we have earned and not what we dream of earning in the future." well said and very accurate, sadly... my old mum bless her instilled in all of her children that if you cant afford 'it' you either dont have it or save till you can afford 'it'.. something we have all passed on to our own kids the amount of people splashing out on store and credit cards beyond their means to live the dream without the means then going 'bankrupt' is disgracefull and far too easy to do | |||
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" A short while ago i was reading of one bank boss ( could've been Lloyds TSB ) where the top man was off work ill with stress. he was quoted as earning £12m a year. Fuck me, i'd have employed 11 colleagues at a £1m each and taken it easier. " Which equates to more than this guy- based on a 48 wk year and a 5 day week he earns 8.4 million. I would take that if it was offered, and this is a capitalist economy afterall- what other options are there- communism? That works!! ![]() | |||
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" A short while ago i was reading of one bank boss ( could've been Lloyds TSB ) where the top man was off work ill with stress. he was quoted as earning £12m a year. Fuck me, i'd have employed 11 colleagues at a £1m each and taken it easier. Which equates to more than this guy- based on a 48 wk year and a 5 day week he earns 8.4 million. I would take that if it was offered, and this is a capitalist economy afterall- what other options are there- communism? That works!! ![]() O yeah and he pays 3.6 million in taxes too- thats giving back to society too ![]() | |||
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"Honestly - there's no point in moaning about how much top execs get paid! - It doesn't matter how much it is people will always see it as more than they get. If firms want to pay that then that's up to them - it's called capitalism... something that is a major foundation of the society we live in... In many cases these people have worked hard - and some of that is social networking. There is nothing wrong in taking advantage of the introductions that may be provided by friends, family or colleagues... I myself would do what I could for my friends and family whether it's to help them earn more or further their education - it's called being loyal. Here's the thing though - quit moaning about it, and get of your backside and change your position - do that extra study that gives you better chances - make an effort to get to know the right people and your life will improve.. sitting there complaining is what makes things so wrong with this country - a bit of hard work never hurt anyone. " Nah...its called the old boy network....or lobbying... Ask Liam Fox..etc, etc,.. So tell me....over the years..economists that have won the Nobel Prize....how many have come up with models of capitalism ? | |||
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"Honestly - there's no point in moaning about how much top execs get paid! - It doesn't matter how much it is people will always see it as more than they get. If firms want to pay that then that's up to them - it's called capitalism... something that is a major foundation of the society we live in... In many cases these people have worked hard - and some of that is social networking. There is nothing wrong in taking advantage of the introductions that may be provided by friends, family or colleagues... I myself would do what I could for my friends and family whether it's to help them earn more or further their education - it's called being loyal. Here's the thing though - quit moaning about it, and get of your backside and change your position - do that extra study that gives you better chances - make an effort to get to know the right people and your life will improve.. sitting there complaining is what makes things so wrong with this country - a bit of hard work never hurt anyone. " yet again another person thinking they know what situation everyone else is in! | |||
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"neoliberalism" ~ A political movement beginning in the 1960s that blends traditional liberal concerns for social justice with an emphasis on economic growth. ~ Sounds very much like capitalism but with an thin kagool type overcoat of socialism to me. "Look at America, losing its AAA credit rating ? Massive debt, as has Britain...?" Nothing can perpetually rise and nothing can perpetually fall. Economies are broken by fools who believe a gravy train cannot derail. America has a strong market base and leads the world in many things, and you can be as sure as the sun rising tomorrow that a falling market in America, whether bt design or accident, will have it's winners and it's losers but it will bounce. That's for sure. " To my mind....a brain surgeon or their like deserve high wages, thats training, skill, responsibilty... A bean counter has his place fer sure....but so ludicrously disproportionately, in the matter of renumeration...is in my mind ....immoral and macarbe... There are alternative forms of capitalism.....mayhaps they will come to pass....everything is fashion eh ?" Without the money men making our markets that allow companies to grow and develop - such as GlaxoSmithKline - the world's third-largest pharmaceutical company measured by revenues (after Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer) - who are continually developing new medicines and equipment that allow brain surgeons to perform more intricate operations with a much higher chance of success, well, a brain surgeon would still be digging around in the mass of squidge that is the brain with no way of assuring the patient he'll still be alive afterwards. A spurious link? Not really when you consider how our markets are affected in all business sectors when a major catastrophy happens. Without an oscillating market, and without competitors continually snapping at the heels of the biggest and the best, companies would stagnate under an avalanche of apathy and workers would go to work knowing that that day will be exactly the same as every other day, ad infinitum until they die. I'd rather live in a society where I can strive to be rich regardless of whether I actually obtain wealth or not, than live in a society where that dream is ripped from me and I must slog my way through my life for next to nothing. Where am I on life's ten-rung ladder at the moment? Fourth step up, I'd say, but the next step is attainable. | |||
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"The point is - irrespective of everything is.... "Get off your arse and do some work" Being envious and moaning isn't going to do anything more than make you look like a cretin. As to the Nobel Prize... you are aware there are different areas... but to answer your question all the economists that have won this... e.g. Thomas Sargent are hardly paupers - partly because of the prize money - but I'm sure they are very very well paid on account of their qualifications, reputation and of course their ability to secure good position based on who they know. (which is their hard work)" You don`t have to give me foolish advice on the merits of hard work...jeez lol... The point was...as you missed it... You strongly appear to favour Miltons brand of capitalism....in fact you described it nearly in terms of being THE capitalism... I was infering to other models of capitalism...Which would you deduce with due reflection, best suited to our needs ? Do you favour a mixed economy ? Do you not find some of the pay of some individuals as being somewhat obscene..? Therein lies the rub.... | |||
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"neoliberalism ~ A political movement beginning in the 1960s that blends traditional liberal concerns for social justice with an emphasis on economic growth. ~ Sounds very much like capitalism but with an thin kagool type overcoat of socialism to me. Look at America, losing its AAA credit rating ? Massive debt, as has Britain...? Nothing can perpetually rise and nothing can perpetually fall. Economies are broken by fools who believe a gravy train cannot derail. America has a strong market base and leads the world in many things, and you can be as sure as the sun rising tomorrow that a falling market in America, whether bt design or accident, will have it's winners and it's losers but it will bounce. That's for sure. To my mind....a brain surgeon or their like deserve high wages, thats training, skill, responsibilty... A bean counter has his place fer sure....but so ludicrously disproportionately, in the matter of renumeration...is in my mind ....immoral and macarbe... There are alternative forms of capitalism.....mayhaps they will come to pass....everything is fashion eh ? Without the money men making our markets that allow companies to grow and develop - such as GlaxoSmithKline - the world's third-largest pharmaceutical company measured by revenues (after Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer) - who are continually developing new medicines and equipment that allow brain surgeons to perform more intricate operations with a much higher chance of success, well, a brain surgeon would still be digging around in the mass of squidge that is the brain with no way of assuring the patient he'll still be alive afterwards. A spurious link? Not really when you consider how our markets are affected in all business sectors when a major catastrophy happens. Without an oscillating market, and without competitors continually snapping at the heels of the biggest and the best, companies would stagnate under an avalanche of apathy and workers would go to work knowing that that day will be exactly the same as every other day, ad infinitum until they die. I'd rather live in a society where I can strive to be rich regardless of whether I actually obtain wealth or not, than live in a society where that dream is ripped from me and I must slog my way through my life for next to nothing. Where am I on life's ten-rung ladder at the moment? Fourth step up, I'd say, but the next step is attainable." Bollocks..... Good businessmen and leaders of international successful long term business, understand completely , that free market capitalism, is only good for short term goals, it doesn`t plan 20 years ahead, with R&D, investment, infrastructure etc etc... It circles Italy, Spain, France, America..looking for the kill.. As happened to us when George Soros wiped out the Bank of England ... Ludicruos... | |||
"What the rub actually is - and apologies if you can't seem to get the inference, is the complaints of the few that feel the world owes them something will never out weigh those that desire the freedom to forge their own destinies. Above all else we value that we can choose how to lead our lives - if we placed restrictions on what we could achieve based on the complaints of those that don't have the same dreams, goals, aspirations or expectations then we have lost before we begin. It's not about how the world is - accept it, and learn to live in it - because it won't just change unless you can become a major force within it, and to do that, you first have to learn to be part of it." You seem to be in some dual reality with yerself..... Do know how to read...with some critical awareness ? I haven`t yet said theres no room for aspiration and a paradigm of self bettterment... I`ll ignore yer rambling methinks .. | |||
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"Milton Friedman, the economist who gave Reagan and Thatcher their ideaology was a Nobel Prize winner ! Any more ? Some capitalists would help.." T W U N and T again? If economists are so good and valuable, how come the vast maority ( let's say 99% ) only see what's happening after the event? | |||
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"Milton Friedman, the economist who gave Reagan and Thatcher their ideaology was a Nobel Prize winner ! Any more ? Some capitalists would help.. T W U N and T again? If economists are so good and valuable, how come the vast maority ( let's say 99% ) only see what's happening after the event? " Quo erat demonstrandum... My point made obliquely... Yet the majority still worship at the altar of Friedman....madness.. | |||
"The Chief Execs are not the highest paid bankers in their organisations, the real 'wealth creaters are on much more than them. It's not going to change without a complete collapse of the banking system, and I'm sure non of us really want that. As for the old chestnut of the banks not lending, the problems of the credit crunch was based on risky lending often against assets with inflated value which when reality kicked in turned toxic. We can't have it both ways, lending criteria will never be as loose as it once was. " Liquidity was never really the problem...solvency was... | |||
"The Chief Execs are not the highest paid bankers in their organisations, the real 'wealth creaters are on much more than them. It's not going to change without a complete collapse of the banking system, and I'm sure non of us really want that. As for the old chestnut of the banks not lending, the problems of the credit crunch was based on risky lending often against assets with inflated value which when reality kicked in turned toxic. We can't have it both ways, lending criteria will never be as loose as it once was. Liquidity was never really the problem...solvency was..." Liquidity was and still is the problem for lots of business' out there, what are you referring to? | |||
"As happened to us when George Soros wiped out the Bank of England ... " The Bank of England was still operating as of 5pm this evening I believe, and as rich as George Soros may be, his wealth is mere pocket money when compared to wealth of the Bank of England. Methinks you believe what you say simply because you say it. | |||
"The Chief Execs are not the highest paid bankers in their organisations, the real 'wealth creaters are on much more than them. It's not going to change without a complete collapse of the banking system, and I'm sure non of us really want that. As for the old chestnut of the banks not lending, the problems of the credit crunch was based on risky lending often against assets with inflated value which when reality kicked in turned toxic. We can't have it both ways, lending criteria will never be as loose as it once was. Liquidity was never really the problem...solvency was... Liquidity was and still is the problem for lots of business' out there, what are you referring to?" Yeah, tis a thorn to alot of businesses Spice...the liquidity that is...and the cost ?.. Iwas referring to the fixation I saw in pumping money into things that should of been allowed to fail....that I think is in line with free market neo liberal policies ....yet pump money in we did..rather than see the problem was solvency...the sub prime was all about insolvency as I understand it... I`m only a layman, who reads the odd bit here and there... Thinking about credit ! Is it just me that thinks its all a little ironic... For years it was al about unlimited credit....it seems to me...for the forseeable future it will be the West who will be impoverished by lack of credit, unless there books are glowing..call it regulation of credit to countries...national soveriengty will come under intense scrutiny by markets and financiers... A anaethamna fer alot of hard liners, but the only outcome surely... How the emerging economies in Asia must be _iewing this..I wonder .. I`m waffling and knackered...hope ITS lucid ! | |||
"As happened to us when George Soros wiped out the Bank of England ... The Bank of England was still operating as of 5pm this evening I believe, and as rich as George Soros may be, his wealth is mere pocket money when compared to wealth of the Bank of England. Methinks you believe what you say simply because you say it." I what....what the hell does that mean....fuck me.. A more foolish thing to say...I can`t imagine... Lets call this straight....! You`re calling me unprincipled ? | |||
" I`m waffling and knackered...hope ITS lucid !" Yep, as lucid as ever. | |||
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" I`m waffling and knackered...hope ITS lucid ! Yep, as lucid as ever. " haha....yer a droll fucker %* | |||
"oh dearie me........" Keep smiling View....it`ll wash out %* | |||
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" I`m waffling and knackered...hope ITS lucid ! Yep, as lucid as ever. haha....yer a droll fucker %*" Dave, genuine question, does "%*" have a specific meaning, i notice you use it a lot? | |||
"oh dearie me........ Keep smiling View....it`ll wash out %*" I was enjoying the debate ![]() | |||
"Yeah, it's a silly amount of money. But at the end of the day, he's worked his way up either through uni, or just sheer hard work from a Saturday boy, why shouldn't he reap the rewards? I'm pretty sure if you was in his shoes, you wouldn't sit there and say "no, please don't pay me so much, the people of the UK are struggling, I can manage on £1,500 a month." " Come on, dont you know how it works? You get born into a rich family, go to eaton (or rugby if your family only got rich in 19th century) go to oxbridge then daddies friends give you a job..... Work hard, realy..... | |||
" I`m waffling and knackered...hope ITS lucid ! Yep, as lucid as ever. haha....yer a droll fucker %* Dave, genuine question, does "%*" have a specific meaning, i notice you use it a lot?" I like it cos it`s pretty Mushy... Seriously dunno...I think back in the days before emoticons...it kinda mean`t a wink....I like to think mine is twinkly %*.. | |||
" I`m waffling and knackered...hope ITS lucid ! Yep, as lucid as ever. haha....yer a droll fucker %* Dave, genuine question, does "%*" have a specific meaning, i notice you use it a lot? I like it cos it`s pretty Mushy... Seriously dunno...I think back in the days before emoticons...it kinda mean`t a wink....I like to think mine is twinkly %*.." The wink from yer twinkle galdly accepted, ta ![]() ![]() | |||
"oh dearie me........ Keep smiling View....it`ll wash out %* I was enjoying the debate ![]() Its good to toss it out ...as it were ![]() | |||
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" I`m waffling and knackered...hope ITS lucid ! Yep, as lucid as ever. haha....yer a droll fucker %* Dave, genuine question, does "%*" have a specific meaning, i notice you use it a lot? I like it cos it`s pretty Mushy... Seriously dunno...I think back in the days before emoticons...it kinda mean`t a wink....I like to think mine is twinkly %*.. The wink from yer twinkle galdly accepted, ta ![]() ![]() My pleasure %* | |||
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"oh dearie me........ Keep smiling View....it`ll wash out %* I was enjoying the debate ![]() ![]() don't be giving me your smutty talk bad boy... and back to the Wank of England, oops Bank of England | |||
"It's ok.....calling other members a 'Poxy Skank' is now considered acceptable in the forums, it adds a little colour to the debate. ![]() yup. it is all about preference... there is someone for everyone on here.... even poxy skanks get meets. This is a non discrimination site | |||
"As happened to us when George Soros wiped out the Bank of England ... The Bank of England was still operating as of 5pm this evening I believe, and as rich as George Soros may be, his wealth is mere pocket money when compared to wealth of the Bank of England. Methinks you believe what you say simply because you say it. I what....what the hell does that mean....fuck me.. A more foolish thing to say...I can`t imagine... Lets call this straight....! You`re calling me unprincipled ?" No, I'm saying that if someone has a different point of _iew to you, you rubbish it with comments like 'bollocks'. When you say things like that I tend to disregard anything else you say. In actual fact I think you come across as intelligent, but you are also opinionated to the point where the only valid argument is your own. I've seen successive govts come and go in my 46 years and none of them have got it 100% right - yet progress from the way of life they lived in the 60s to how we live today has been quite prolific. Today, most of us own at least one car whereas 50 years ago owning a car was a luxury. We enjoy foreign holidays booked from the comfort of our armchairs yet 50 years ago only the rich holidayed abroad. Home-ownership? No need to even go into details with that one. Who generated all this wealth to allow us to have cars, holidays and homes? The banks did, as they knew without taking risks and opening up markets in areas they'd never have dreamed of entering before was the only way to pay for all this new style of living. But the banks aren't infallible, neither are politicians - and that can be attributed to the inescapable truth that men make mistakes, always have, always will. | |||
"It's ok.....calling other members a 'Poxy Skank' is now considered acceptable in the forums, it adds a little colour to the debate. ![]() Funnily enough if his 'Poxy Skank' post had included an unacceptable link it would have been pulled within a minute or two.... ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
"It's ok.....calling other members a 'Poxy Skank' is now considered acceptable in the forums, it adds a little colour to the debate. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() aye ![]() ![]() | |||
"It's ok.....calling other members a 'Poxy Skank' is now considered acceptable in the forums, it adds a little colour to the debate. ![]() So not fair, i wanna be a poxy skank too, is it better than a ham shank? | |||
"It's ok.....calling other members a 'Poxy Skank' is now considered acceptable in the forums, it adds a little colour to the debate. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() + a few | |||
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"As happened to us when George Soros wiped out the Bank of England ... The Bank of England was still operating as of 5pm this evening I believe, and as rich as George Soros may be, his wealth is mere pocket money when compared to wealth of the Bank of England. Methinks you believe what you say simply because you say it. I what....what the hell does that mean....fuck me.. A more foolish thing to say...I can`t imagine... Lets call this straight....! You`re calling me unprincipled ? No, I'm saying that if someone has a different point of _iew to you, you rubbish it with comments like 'bollocks'. When you say things like that I tend to disregard anything else you say. In actual fact I think you come across as intelligent, but you are also opinionated to the point where the only valid argument is your own. I've seen successive govts come and go in my 46 years and none of them have got it 100% right - yet progress from the way of life they lived in the 60s to how we live today has been quite prolific. Today, most of us own at least one car whereas 50 years ago owning a car was a luxury. We enjoy foreign holidays booked from the comfort of our armchairs yet 50 years ago only the rich holidayed abroad. Home-ownership? No need to even go into details with that one. Who generated all this wealth to allow us to have cars, holidays and homes? The banks did, as they knew without taking risks and opening up markets in areas they'd never have dreamed of entering before was the only way to pay for all this new style of living. But the banks aren't infallible, neither are politicians - and that can be attributed to the inescapable truth that men make mistakes, always have, always will. " Fair enough.... I did think it was bollocks tho... You`re the arch defender....I ain`t.... I do have strong opinions....I often change my mind tho.... I consciously put my opinions strongly tonight...to make clear a point....I really think wether I should of bothered tho... You still havent answered properly ... I...dear Wishy...will always put my principles before personalities....I`ve many stories..I`ll tell you what I think...regardless of who you are....and it will....always be MY truth....often wrong...but my truth...not somebody elses.. Anyway... | |||
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"www.poxyskanks.com " oooooo that sounds strangely sexual, and more than a little kinky. thanks jane.xx ![]() | |||
"www.poxyskanks.com oooooo that sounds strangely sexual, and more than a little kinky. thanks jane.xx ![]() It's my new fan site.... ![]() | |||
"www.poxyskanks.com oooooo that sounds strangely sexual, and more than a little kinky. thanks jane.xx ![]() ![]() lol well it sure works,this stiffy didnt get there,all by itself.xx ![]() | |||
"It's ok.....calling other members a 'Poxy Skank' is now considered acceptable in the forums, it adds a little colour to the debate. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Happily for the mods they have lives and are not on at all times. Posts will be removed and posters dealt with when they do log in. In the meantime the REPORT button is useful for all concerned. | |||
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