So, the day draws its way towards its conclusion... the sun sets on another day here in Fabland.
What have we learned today?
Well, for one, we have learned that they yodel, ski and eat fondue style in Walsall.
We have learned that Benidorm is NOT near Stockport, which I say is a shame, cos I always wanted to go to Benidorm on a day trip.
We have delved into the history of Viking weaponry, and discussed the origins of such weapons as the War Hammer, the Battle Axe and the War Saw, but we DONT mention the Battle sander.
We mentioned old films, starring young-at-heart pop singers, and even sang a few lines of one of his songs. This led us to hypothesising about whether we could organise a double decker bus tour of various locations.
We formed a club of like-minded individuals, and, whilst some struggled to get into said club, it none-the-less drew us closer together.
We discussed our school days, and some of the well known people we knew in school, like Groucho Marx, and other not-so well known, like his brother Skid.
We discussed Polish geography, well, when I say geography, I mean erm, erm, well, we mistook Warsaw for Walsall.
We took a look at Middle east politics, and in particular the War on Terror, and discovered that it was all a mis-understanding about DIY.
We learned the screwdriver and screw driver are completely different, and confoosing the two can have dire consequences.
We took names off lists, then started new lists, and hopefully talked our way back into various pairs of knickers.
And finally, we learned that you should not poke the crazy people with sharp sticks, unless you can run very, very fast!!
So, as the last rays of the Fab sun cross our faces, lets all gather together for a group hug, and try to be nicer people.
Finally, look after each other, play safe, and lets be careful out there, dont do anything silly, unless you are being framed!