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Slim people issues

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Question for the slim/ skinny/ thin people. Have you ever been made fun of for being too thin?

Have people commented on what you eat in a mean or negative way?

There's been threads about non-slim people having the piss taken out of them. But my slim friends say they get negative comments too. Have you experienced this?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

No, being slim has never resulted in negative comments, well, so far anyway.

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By *rumpyMcFuckNuggetMan  over a year ago

Den of Iniquity

Yes . I used to be called Stick Man up until my 20s. Now I'm known as Rain Man to mates

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By *ranny-CrumpetWoman  over a year ago

Crumpet Castle

The slim don't get derogatory comments made or questions about their food intake. The skinny do.

Seems we don't like anything either side of the perceived norm.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm not in this position at the moment. But when I am in a size 8-10 I have lots of comments about me looking Ill. That I need to eat something and that I look like I'm going to break.

Never ever get comments saying I should loose a bit when I have extra fat though. I blame societal norms for this.

It can be very hurtful. Especially when you eat healthily and exercise to feel strong, what gives people he right to tell me that I don't conform to their views??

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I used to be 8st and 6ft tall..

Had a high metabolism too so i ate like a horse and never put any weight on..

Was often called Olive Oyl but nothing more derogatory, thank god

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By *crumdiddlyumptiousMan  over a year ago


I was on top of a Woman once and she made a comment about me "needing to put some weight on"

I just told her I don't really gain weight and don't have the time or commitment to go the gym regularly,

I go through phases about my size and weight, Usually in the summer

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I have a very close friend who constantly gets remarks concerning how thin he is, he wont even wear t-shirts and I find it disgusting that anyone would pass comments on another person's weight or appearance big or small.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Use to when I was younger. Used to be called skeleton with swag

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By *ranny-CrumpetWoman  over a year ago

Crumpet Castle

"I was on top of a Woman once and she made a comment about me "needing to put some weight on"

I just told her I don't really gain weight and don't have the time or commitment to go the gym regularly,

I go through phases about my size and weight, Usually in the summer "

That's funny.

Hump , Hump, and then a protracted convo about metabolism .......

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Body shaming happens to all sizes unfortunately

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By *wisted999Man  over a year ago

North Bucks

Yes I was very skinny used to try and bulk myself out wearing a couple of T shirts under my shirts etc. Used to be called twiggy etc.

Worked out a bit changed it. Then kept getting told off for whipping my top off at every opportunity.

It was easy to change but I did it for my own confidence not because of the Mickey taking. Motivation comes from within to change fuck what everybody else thinks.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I work in a office with a fair share of overweight people who while they talk a good diet, that's all it ever is. I get snide comments from them occasionally as apparently "itls easy for people like me that never put weight on" but there is a complete failing to see the reasons for that (namely I exercise hard). It doesn't really get to me but it wpuldn;t be accepted the other way round

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By *wisted999Man  over a year ago

North Bucks

"I work in a office with a fair share of overweight people who while they talk a good diet, that's all it ever is. I get snide comments from them occasionally as apparently "itls easy for people like me that never put weight on" but there is a complete failing to see the reasons for that (namely I exercise hard). It doesn't really get to me but it wpuldn;t be accepted the other way round"

I get told it’s because I have a fast metabolism all the time.

Um no it’s because I exercise and don’t eat shit.

I don’t surmise why they are how they are but they think it’s ok to do the same to me.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I work in a office with a fair share of overweight people who while they talk a good diet, that's all it ever is. I get snide comments from them occasionally as apparently "itls easy for people like me that never put weight on" but there is a complete failing to see the reasons for that (namely I exercise hard). It doesn't really get to me but it wpuldn;t be accepted the other way round"

I have a couple of friends that do masses of exercise/ marathons etc and they get this too. It's mean.

No-one ever says to me "bloody hell you've put weight on, you shouldn't be eating that!"

Actually one friend did say I'd put weight on but he was the only one to day anything. I love him for it because he wasn't being snide at all. He was kind of checking if I was ok.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I'm not in this position at the moment. But when I am in a size 8-10 I have lots of comments about me looking Ill. That I need to eat something and that I look like I'm going to break.

Never ever get comments saying I should loose a bit when I have extra fat though. I blame societal norms for this.

It can be very hurtful. Especially when you eat healthily and exercise to feel strong, what gives people he right to tell me that I don't conform to their views??"

People seem to think that slim people don't get hurt by comments on their weight/ size the same way a larger person would if they got called fat.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I lost some weight recently due to health problems, and the amount of comments from people! Especially at work, passing someone in the corridor and they'd have no problem commenting on it or telling me that I shouldn't lose anymore weight. Gotta say it began to grate on me, especially as it's not in my control. It just shows if you're overweight people are careful what they say, if it's the other way they have no issue with pointing it out

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By *orticiaWoman  over a year ago


"I was on top of a Woman once and she made a comment about me "needing to put some weight on"

I just told her I don't really gain weight and don't have the time or commitment to go the gym regularly,

I go through phases about my size and weight, Usually in the summer "

I’m happy to recreate the experiment if you like ... look pretty fine to me!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I have.

As a child I was stick thin and bony. My sister's used to tell me to get out of the bath before I pulled the plug out, or I'd go down the drain.

As an adult my husband's friend asked him if he fed me, because I was so thin.

My mum used to call me tin ribs.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I have.

As a child I was stick thin and bony. My sister's used to tell me to get out of the bath before I pulled the plug out, or I'd go down the drain.

As an adult my husband's friend asked him if he fed me, because I was so thin.

My mum used to call me tin ribs. "

My sister in law said I looked like a rat when I got ill and went under 8 stone.

No one says anything now I'm fat Funny that.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

My wife has been a size 10 since we meet but as a choc o holic my weight is up and down would make my day if someone said I was too slim oh happy days

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

When large people are negative to slim people it's almost always based on jealousy and their own insecurity, it's a twisted self defence mechanism. The overwhelming majority of people would rather be slim than fat.

When slim athletic people are negative to skinny people it's from a body shaming mentality, these are often the same people who attack fat people.

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By *alking DisasterWoman  over a year ago

South Oxfordshire

I describe myself as average, I'm just under 10 stone and 5" 2. That is the top end of normal bmi. Wearing clothes, I don't look fat.

However, I have an issue in every office that I work in that I don't like sitting in draughts (windows or air con). I have been told in the past the reason I'm like this is because I don't have enough meat on my bones! (The real reason is that I regulate my body temperature better than most people!)

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By *eep.Man  over a year ago

Just a background character

My granny usde to say my muscles were like knots in a black thread.

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By *radleywigginsMan  over a year ago


I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

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By *rincess peachWoman  over a year ago

shits creek

I get told I don't need to lose anymore weight or I'll be too bony.

I also got asked if I had AIDS due to my weight loss being so rapid.

Guess what, according to my BMI I still have a stone n half to drop to hit the top marker of healthy. I'm still overweight.

I was at a club the other week and yes, I got a lot of attention, but I was well aware that some people's perceptions were that I was possibly stuck up, that larger girls with bigger boobs are much more fun etc.

Knowing I still have weight to lose to be healthy but also feeling unattractive due to being smaller than most there was a bit of a mind fuck.

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By *icecouple561Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

"Question for the slim/ skinny/ thin people. Have you ever been made fun of for being too thin?

Have people commented on what you eat in a mean or negative way?

There's been threads about non-slim people having the piss taken out of them. But my slim friends say they get negative comments too. Have you experienced this?"

Yes. I know I'm classed as average now but I was very slim until late middle age. Some people would hang over my food commenting on it and drawing attention to the content, if I'd done that to them there would have been outrage!

This type of thing was worse for our daughter who was frequently accused of being anorexic etc. I think it was worse for her because obesity is more common now and the contrast is greater.

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By *ig1gaz1Man  over a year ago


"Question for the slim/ skinny/ thin people. Have you ever been made fun of for being too thin?

Have people commented on what you eat in a mean or negative way?

There's been threads about non-slim people having the piss taken out of them. But my slim friends say they get negative comments too. Have you experienced this?"

yes had a few comments even at the doctors

im classified as under weight by docs and also by friends

ive been asked why dont you eat more theres no weight to you

skinny blimp

from the ladies comments

id break you whilst being on top.

you cant handle other people as your too small and skinny to protect me.

I can eat what I want to eat and still not put an ounce of weight on, except for winter I put on 1/2 a stone thats it.

Im also from the building trade so im far from being a weakling as some would put it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I've always been skinny no matter how much I eat. I've been accused of being anorexic, disbelief when I say not the case! I used to run a leisure centre and amazingly that's where I received the most amount of comments regarding my weight; clients asking for other instructors, refusal to take any information regarding healthy eating and fitness as what would I know being skin and bones!

It doesn't bother me now but when I was younger I hated myself!

Peach x

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By *rincess peachWoman  over a year ago

shits creek

"I get told I don't need to lose anymore weight or I'll be too bony.

I also got asked if I had AIDS due to my weight loss being so rapid.

Guess what, according to my BMI I still have a stone n half to drop to hit the top marker of healthy. I'm still overweight.

I was at a club the other week and yes, I got a lot of attention, but I was well aware that some people's perceptions were that I was possibly stuck up, that larger girls with bigger boobs are much more fun etc.

Knowing I still have weight to lose to be healthy but also feeling unattractive due to being smaller than most there was a bit of a mind fuck."

My apologies, I just did the BMI calculator. 5lbs to top line, 2 stone 3 to be bottom line healthy.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I get told I don't need to lose anymore weight or I'll be too bony.

I also got asked if I had AIDS due to my weight loss being so rapid.

Guess what, according to my BMI I still have a stone n half to drop to hit the top marker of healthy. I'm still overweight.

I was at a club the other week and yes, I got a lot of attention, but I was well aware that some people's perceptions were that I was possibly stuck up, that larger girls with bigger boobs are much more fun etc.

Knowing I still have weight to lose to be healthy but also feeling unattractive due to being smaller than most there was a bit of a mind fuck.

My apologies, I just did the BMI calculator. 5lbs to top line, 2 stone 3 to be bottom line healthy. "

These calculators are ridiculous! I've put on a bit of weight but still too low, everytime I'm weighed at the gp or clinic it flashes up as refer for eating disorder! I tell them the only way I put on weight is if I lay in bed all day everyday being fed lol if the NHS wants to pay for that for me I might just tick the correct boxes!

Peach x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I've always been skinny no matter how much I eat. I've been accused of being anorexic, disbelief when I say not the case! I used to run a leisure centre and amazingly that's where I received the most amount of comments regarding my weight; clients asking for other instructors, refusal to take any information regarding healthy eating and fitness as what would I know being skin and bones!

It doesn't bother me now but when I was younger I hated myself!

Peach x"

We both commented to each other in Birmingham what a gorgeous and healthy looking figure you have.

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By *oserMan  over a year ago

where the wild roses grow

"I used to be 8st and 6ft tall..

Had a high metabolism too so i ate like a horse and never put any weight on..

Was often called Olive Oyl but nothing more derogatory, thank god "

What height are you now?

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By *rincess peachWoman  over a year ago

shits creek

"I get told I don't need to lose anymore weight or I'll be too bony.

I also got asked if I had AIDS due to my weight loss being so rapid.

Guess what, according to my BMI I still have a stone n half to drop to hit the top marker of healthy. I'm still overweight.

I was at a club the other week and yes, I got a lot of attention, but I was well aware that some people's perceptions were that I was possibly stuck up, that larger girls with bigger boobs are much more fun etc.

Knowing I still have weight to lose to be healthy but also feeling unattractive due to being smaller than most there was a bit of a mind fuck.

My apologies, I just did the BMI calculator. 5lbs to top line, 2 stone 3 to be bottom line healthy.

These calculators are ridiculous! I've put on a bit of weight but still too low, everytime I'm weighed at the gp or clinic it flashes up as refer for eating disorder! I tell them the only way I put on weight is if I lay in bed all day everyday being fed lol if the NHS wants to pay for that for me I might just tick the correct boxes!

Peach x"

I do need to exercise more. Yes I run around at work but I don't do much else. Need to work on my belly and bingo wings, and tone my thighs too.

The comments like "I could fling you about in the bedroom" don't bother me as such, but it makes me worry the person may assume I'm weak, and think they could bully me.

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By *oodnitegirlWoman  over a year ago


I used to be this way. Filled out a bit now I’ve gotten a bit older.

It used to really bug me (coupled with being 4’11) as I always felt child-like compared to the curvier ladies

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"When large people are negative to slim people it's almost always based on jealousy and their own insecurity, it's a twisted self defence mechanism. The overwhelming majority of people would rather be slim than fat.

When slim athletic people are negative to skinny people it's from a body shaming mentality, these are often the same people who attack fat people."

Sadly I think this can be true. Not always, but I think this hits the nub of some of the cruel commentary people can give each other.

I think unsolicited commentary and body shaming is incredibly hurtful and damaging. There’s so much more complexity tied up in people’s weight conscious and unconscious patterns being played out - and a lot of pushing projections and single viewpoints on others. Bodies are funny old things. And our learned scripts, often harmful.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I get told I don't need to lose anymore weight or I'll be too bony.

I also got asked if I had AIDS due to my weight loss being so rapid.

Guess what, according to my BMI I still have a stone n half to drop to hit the top marker of healthy. I'm still overweight.

I was at a club the other week and yes, I got a lot of attention, but I was well aware that some people's perceptions were that I was possibly stuck up, that larger girls with bigger boobs are much more fun etc.

Knowing I still have weight to lose to be healthy but also feeling unattractive due to being smaller than most there was a bit of a mind fuck."

You... unattractive !

You’re utterly delicious

In every way.

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By *ammers43Man  over a year ago


Ive recently lost weight 2 and a half stone and for first time in years felt good about myself and my body,i started meeting again and met a lady who left saying i was too thin and looked un healthy , confidence knocked again

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm just jealous, wish I was slimmer x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The BMI charts aren't really used much outside of newspapers and social meeja nowadays.

Waist to hip ratio for health risks is used by insurance companies now.

Another accepted measurement now is waist to height ratio, where if your waist is less than half your height then health risks are lower.

The ratios are based on abdominal obesity and visceral fat being more dangerous to health.

Nowt to do with skinnymalinks really, they're much less likely to have heart problems or diabetes.

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By *alking DisasterWoman  over a year ago

South Oxfordshire

"Ive recently lost weight 2 and a half stone and for first time in years felt good about myself and my body,i started meeting again and met a lady who left saying i was too thin and looked un healthy , confidence knocked again "

I just looked at your pictures on your profile, you don't look unhealthy to me!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Obviously can't speak for now as I'm a fatty. But I wasn't always and used to get comments when I was thin, a couple of people asked me if I was anorexic (which I wasn't, not even close), and a "friend" of mine used to call me "ribs" cos they stuck out. Many times I was told to eat something.

Now I'm told to stop eating...I can't win! Lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

My hubby is extremely skinny and underweight. Always has been. Always gets the piss taken out of him. We do a boxing class together and he has a hard punch, but the guy who runs the class (my father, shockingly) takes the mick a lot. Hubby doesn’t mind too much - all his family are fat, so just somehow went the other way

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By *ammers43Man  over a year ago


"Ive recently lost weight 2 and a half stone and for first time in years felt good about myself and my body,i started meeting again and met a lady who left saying i was too thin and looked un healthy , confidence knocked again

I just looked at your pictures on your profile, you don't look unhealthy to me!"

Thank you, did knock me a bit but guess different people like different things

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I've always been skinny no matter how much I eat. I've been accused of being anorexic, disbelief when I say not the case! I used to run a leisure centre and amazingly that's where I received the most amount of comments regarding my weight; clients asking for other instructors, refusal to take any information regarding healthy eating and fitness as what would I know being skin and bones!

It doesn't bother me now but when I was younger I hated myself!

Peach x

We both commented to each other in Birmingham what a gorgeous and healthy looking figure you have.


Thank you x Being on fab has actually boosted my body confidence by miles! Not necessarily the compliments (which are always appreciated) but that every shape, size, fitness level etc is seen here.

Peach x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Body shaming happens to all sizes unfortunately "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I've always been skinny no matter how much I eat. I've been accused of being anorexic, disbelief when I say not the case! I used to run a leisure centre and amazingly that's where I received the most amount of comments regarding my weight; clients asking for other instructors, refusal to take any information regarding healthy eating and fitness as what would I know being skin and bones!

It doesn't bother me now but when I was younger I hated myself!

Peach x

We both commented to each other in Birmingham what a gorgeous and healthy looking figure you have.

Thank you x Being on fab has actually boosted my body confidence by miles! Not necessarily the compliments (which are always appreciated) but that every shape, size, fitness level etc is seen here.

Peach x"

You're lush peach! Gorgeous inside and out, just as you are and would be at any size

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Last year's weight loss resulted in close one suggesting I looked like I'd suffered an illness but then they never lost any weight, put on in fact!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Body shaming happens to all sizes unfortunately


Yup. You can be average and be ridiculed for having small boobs, a big nose, wonky teeth.

Sadly, it's in a lot of people to be a cunt.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I lost some weight recently due to health problems, and the amount of comments from people! Especially at work, passing someone in the corridor and they'd have no problem commenting on it or telling me that I shouldn't lose anymore weight. Gotta say it began to grate on me, especially as it's not in my control. It just shows if you're overweight people are careful what they say, if it's the other way they have no issue with pointing it out "


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By *iffaWoman  over a year ago


Unfortunately yes. I lost quite a bit of weight a few years ago and people loved to comment negatively. Even started a rumuer that I had an eating disorder.

We live in such a weight obsessed society you can’t win.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I have.

As a child I was stick thin and bony. My sister's used to tell me to get out of the bath before I pulled the plug out, or I'd go down the drain.

As an adult my husband's friend asked him if he fed me, because I was so thin.

My mum used to call me tin ribs. "

I used to be so thin when i was a teen that if you saw pictures of me you would swear i starved myself (in fact teachers contacted my parents thinking i did too) the result was all i ever did was stuff my face with rubbish trying to get to a normal weight... havent been able to curb that habit and now gone the other way and pretty over weight now

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Body shaming happens to all sizes unfortunately

Yup. You can be average and be ridiculed for having small boobs, a big nose, wonky teeth.

Sadly, it's in a lot of people to be a cunt. "

You’re not wrong

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By *pider-WomanWoman  over a year ago

Exeter, Bristol, Plymouth, Truro

As far as foods concerned the only comments I get are "do you actually stop eating" as I try to eat something at least every two hrs.

I dont own a pair of scales as they send my head crazy in a bad way.

Im heavy for my height which is only 5ft 2. I don't get comments about being to slim either.

Before I had my son 11 years ago I was a size 6 very self conscious about my body image in everyway, no self worth, no belief I was attractive to anyone.

But now I understand that its all in our minds its not about how we actually look more about how we feel about ourselfs, excepting to like yourself brings inner freedom and confidence or maybe Im just to old to care.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I have.

As a child I was stick thin and bony. My sister's used to tell me to get out of the bath before I pulled the plug out, or I'd go down the drain.

As an adult my husband's friend asked him if he fed me, because I was so thin.

My mum used to call me tin ribs.

I used to be so thin when i was a teen that if you saw pictures of me you would swear i starved myself (in fact teachers contacted my parents thinking i did too) the result was all i ever did was stuff my face with rubbish trying to get to a normal weight... havent been able to curb that habit and now gone the other way and pretty over weight now "

I didn't have much of an appetite as a child. I filled out during puberty and became average looking with big boobs and bum. Then, when I was 19, I became thin again and stayed thin until I was 34, when I put on 9 stone in a year.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure. "

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I lost some weight recently due to health problems, and the amount of comments from people! Especially at work, passing someone in the corridor and they'd have no problem commenting on it or telling me that I shouldn't lose anymore weight. Gotta say it began to grate on me, especially as it's not in my control. It just shows if you're overweight people are careful what they say, if it's the other way they have no issue with pointing it out


Yes. If I put on weight and was walking around at work i don't think people would comment the way they did when I lost the weight. I know people can be nasty about weight generally but I was just making a point using my own experience

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I have.

As a child I was stick thin and bony. My sister's used to tell me to get out of the bath before I pulled the plug out, or I'd go down the drain.

As an adult my husband's friend asked him if he fed me, because I was so thin.

My mum used to call me tin ribs.

I used to be so thin when i was a teen that if you saw pictures of me you would swear i starved myself (in fact teachers contacted my parents thinking i did too) the result was all i ever did was stuff my face with rubbish trying to get to a normal weight... havent been able to curb that habit and now gone the other way and pretty over weight now

I didn't have much of an appetite as a child. I filled out during puberty and became average looking with big boobs and bum. Then, when I was 19, I became thin again and stayed thin until I was 34, when I put on 9 stone in a year. "

I swear puberty never started for me i got larger very gradually only a little bit at a time and for a while was happier not to be "a stick" but i still never had the womanly shape i had wanted and even now overweight my boobs are barely a handful ... then the gradual weight gain continued and so slowly and now i look at pictures now and pictures from years ago and wonder how it got so bad and how it creeped up unnoticed ... triuble is my terrible eating habits are now so well ingrained that even 2 pt sessions a week and extra running on top of that has only kept me from getting bigger because i still eat so badly i never lose weight

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I have a little before but nothing too serious.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I've always been skinny no matter how much I eat. I've been accused of being anorexic, disbelief when I say not the case! I used to run a leisure centre and amazingly that's where I received the most amount of comments regarding my weight; clients asking for other instructors, refusal to take any information regarding healthy eating and fitness as what would I know being skin and bones!

It doesn't bother me now but when I was younger I hated myself!

Peach x

We both commented to each other in Birmingham what a gorgeous and healthy looking figure you have.

Thank you x Being on fab has actually boosted my body confidence by miles! Not necessarily the compliments (which are always appreciated) but that every shape, size, fitness level etc is seen here.

Peach x

You're lush peach! Gorgeous inside and out, just as you are and would be at any size "

As you are too strumps you little beaut

Peach x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure. "

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By * and M lookingCouple  over a year ago


My girlfriends are pretty honest and tell me if I am too thin.

I watch what I eat when I am on one but other than that love my food.

Mrs M

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I lost some weight recently due to health problems, and the amount of comments from people! Especially at work, passing someone in the corridor and they'd have no problem commenting on it or telling me that I shouldn't lose anymore weight. Gotta say it began to grate on me, especially as it's not in my control. It just shows if you're overweight people are careful what they say, if it's the other way they have no issue with pointing it out


Yes. If I put on weight and was walking around at work i don't think people would comment the way they did when I lost the weight. I know people can be nasty about weight generally but I was just making a point using my own experience "

Thats understandable.. I think people make assumptions about what they feel they can comment on about someones appearence.. if they feel its positive they just think its ok to comment.. easiest thing is not to make reference to someones physical appearence

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I had a neighbor once who was shall we say portly, about 4 stone overweight.

Anyhow he went on this diet and did really well and lost about 3 and a half stone, not quite at his optimal weight, ie normal, however at this point the woman across the road (always on a diet) started making remarks that "he's gone too far" "looks ill" "he was never made to be this slim".

Anyway a year later he's back up in weight (not quite as fat as he was) but she's at least stopped calling him ill.

I wouldn't mind so much if he was on one these stupid diets but it was just a simple eat less, more fish and veg diet,I think that's what actually brought out her vicious comments

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I know what I notice when abroad or Im watching old documentaries, how much slimmer everybody was.

And men these days are either massively muscular or fat, the middle section of "normal" no longer exists

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I get told I don't need to lose anymore weight or I'll be too bony.

I also got asked if I had AIDS due to my weight loss being so rapid.

Guess what, according to my BMI I still have a stone n half to drop to hit the top marker of healthy. I'm still overweight.

I was at a club the other week and yes, I got a lot of attention, but I was well aware that some people's perceptions were that I was possibly stuck up, that larger girls with bigger boobs are much more fun etc.

Knowing I still have weight to lose to be healthy but also feeling unattractive due to being smaller than most there was a bit of a mind fuck."

It really hits home when you've seen it from 'both sides. I once lost a lot of weight and people just kept wittering on at me saying I'd lost too much and commenting every time I so much as ate a chocolate bar that I'd get fat again. I did get fat again because when I'm fat I'm 'invisible' and they leave me alone.

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By *rincess peachWoman  over a year ago

shits creek

"I get told I don't need to lose anymore weight or I'll be too bony.

I also got asked if I had AIDS due to my weight loss being so rapid.

Guess what, according to my BMI I still have a stone n half to drop to hit the top marker of healthy. I'm still overweight.

I was at a club the other week and yes, I got a lot of attention, but I was well aware that some people's perceptions were that I was possibly stuck up, that larger girls with bigger boobs are much more fun etc.

Knowing I still have weight to lose to be healthy but also feeling unattractive due to being smaller than most there was a bit of a mind fuck.

It really hits home when you've seen it from 'both sides. I once lost a lot of weight and people just kept wittering on at me saying I'd lost too much and commenting every time I so much as ate a chocolate bar that I'd get fat again. I did get fat again because when I'm fat I'm 'invisible' and they leave me alone. "

Big time. I'm aware I have food issues. I won't eat for at least 24 hours before a meet. I can go days without eating then binge for a full day. Comments really don't help. I know my weight loss hasn't been healthy, it was stress induced but I do feel better for it until I feel inferior coz of lack of boobage etc. It passes but I do get confused about what I "should" look like. The fuck it's kick in and the whole I'm me, whatever shape or size I am thoughts come to the fore, but it doesn't stop my confidence crashing a while.

I don't have what I would consider an eating disorder, but I do have issues I'm not afraid to talk about. I can have spates where I do eat healthily, and I exercise - Oddly enough it was when I was off work sick!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I get told I don't need to lose anymore weight or I'll be too bony.

I also got asked if I had AIDS due to my weight loss being so rapid.

Guess what, according to my BMI I still have a stone n half to drop to hit the top marker of healthy. I'm still overweight.

I was at a club the other week and yes, I got a lot of attention, but I was well aware that some people's perceptions were that I was possibly stuck up, that larger girls with bigger boobs are much more fun etc.

Knowing I still have weight to lose to be healthy but also feeling unattractive due to being smaller than most there was a bit of a mind fuck.

It really hits home when you've seen it from 'both sides. I once lost a lot of weight and people just kept wittering on at me saying I'd lost too much and commenting every time I so much as ate a chocolate bar that I'd get fat again. I did get fat again because when I'm fat I'm 'invisible' and they leave me alone.

Big time. I'm aware I have food issues. I won't eat for at least 24 hours before a meet. I can go days without eating then binge for a full day. Comments really don't help. I know my weight loss hasn't been healthy, it was stress induced but I do feel better for it until I feel inferior coz of lack of boobage etc. It passes but I do get confused about what I "should" look like. The fuck it's kick in and the whole I'm me, whatever shape or size I am thoughts come to the fore, but it doesn't stop my confidence crashing a while.

I don't have what I would consider an eating disorder, but I do have issues I'm not afraid to talk about. I can have spates where I do eat healthily, and I exercise - Oddly enough it was when I was off work sick!


Hope you figure out what size *you* like yourself to be. I'm happier chubby- I'll never be 'slim' or shapely. I find the better weather helps.

One thing I do know is there's no end to the dieting lark. I always thought when I hit my goal weight there would be fireworks, dancing bluebirds and the world would suddenly be wonderful. It sodding well wasn't.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *rincess peachWoman  over a year ago

shits creek

"I get told I don't need to lose anymore weight or I'll be too bony.

I also got asked if I had AIDS due to my weight loss being so rapid.

Guess what, according to my BMI I still have a stone n half to drop to hit the top marker of healthy. I'm still overweight.

I was at a club the other week and yes, I got a lot of attention, but I was well aware that some people's perceptions were that I was possibly stuck up, that larger girls with bigger boobs are much more fun etc.

Knowing I still have weight to lose to be healthy but also feeling unattractive due to being smaller than most there was a bit of a mind fuck.

It really hits home when you've seen it from 'both sides. I once lost a lot of weight and people just kept wittering on at me saying I'd lost too much and commenting every time I so much as ate a chocolate bar that I'd get fat again. I did get fat again because when I'm fat I'm 'invisible' and they leave me alone.

Big time. I'm aware I have food issues. I won't eat for at least 24 hours before a meet. I can go days without eating then binge for a full day. Comments really don't help. I know my weight loss hasn't been healthy, it was stress induced but I do feel better for it until I feel inferior coz of lack of boobage etc. It passes but I do get confused about what I "should" look like. The fuck it's kick in and the whole I'm me, whatever shape or size I am thoughts come to the fore, but it doesn't stop my confidence crashing a while.

I don't have what I would consider an eating disorder, but I do have issues I'm not afraid to talk about. I can have spates where I do eat healthily, and I exercise - Oddly enough it was when I was off work sick!

Hope you figure out what size *you* like yourself to be. I'm happier chubby- I'll never be 'slim' or shapely. I find the better weather helps.

One thing I do know is there's no end to the dieting lark. I always thought when I hit my goal weight there would be fireworks, dancing bluebirds and the world would suddenly be wonderful. It sodding well wasn't. "

Thank you. I wanna be a size 8, know I'm fit n healthy and then tell those that comment to go whistle. I know proper exercise will get me there, just need the mindset to do it. Being so short any and all weight I'm carrying glows like a beacon.

And for those that aren't aware... I was in an abusive relationship for 11 years. I gained weight throughout that time and my ex enjoyed nothing more than taking the piss.

When I would eat, I was called names. He would grab and twist my flesh and yes... my fat. I was obese. I'm in a far better place, a far happier place, but I have deep scars. Part of my weight loss is determination to beat him even though I don't see him. I want him to hear through the grapevine that I'm back to the person I was before him and that I look AWESOME.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I get told I don't need to lose anymore weight or I'll be too bony.

I also got asked if I had AIDS due to my weight loss being so rapid.

Guess what, according to my BMI I still have a stone n half to drop to hit the top marker of healthy. I'm still overweight.

I was at a club the other week and yes, I got a lot of attention, but I was well aware that some people's perceptions were that I was possibly stuck up, that larger girls with bigger boobs are much more fun etc.

Knowing I still have weight to lose to be healthy but also feeling unattractive due to being smaller than most there was a bit of a mind fuck.

It really hits home when you've seen it from 'both sides. I once lost a lot of weight and people just kept wittering on at me saying I'd lost too much and commenting every time I so much as ate a chocolate bar that I'd get fat again. I did get fat again because when I'm fat I'm 'invisible' and they leave me alone.

Big time. I'm aware I have food issues. I won't eat for at least 24 hours before a meet. I can go days without eating then binge for a full day. Comments really don't help. I know my weight loss hasn't been healthy, it was stress induced but I do feel better for it until I feel inferior coz of lack of boobage etc. It passes but I do get confused about what I "should" look like. The fuck it's kick in and the whole I'm me, whatever shape or size I am thoughts come to the fore, but it doesn't stop my confidence crashing a while.

I don't have what I would consider an eating disorder, but I do have issues I'm not afraid to talk about. I can have spates where I do eat healthily, and I exercise - Oddly enough it was when I was off work sick!

Hope you figure out what size *you* like yourself to be. I'm happier chubby- I'll never be 'slim' or shapely. I find the better weather helps.

One thing I do know is there's no end to the dieting lark. I always thought when I hit my goal weight there would be fireworks, dancing bluebirds and the world would suddenly be wonderful. It sodding well wasn't.

Thank you. I wanna be a size 8, know I'm fit n healthy and then tell those that comment to go whistle. I know proper exercise will get me there, just need the mindset to do it. Being so short any and all weight I'm carrying glows like a beacon.

And for those that aren't aware... I was in an abusive relationship for 11 years. I gained weight throughout that time and my ex enjoyed nothing more than taking the piss.

When I would eat, I was called names. He would grab and twist my flesh and yes... my fat. I was obese. I'm in a far better place, a far happier place, but I have deep scars. Part of my weight loss is determination to beat him even though I don't see him. I want him to hear through the grapevine that I'm back to the person I was before him and that I look AWESOME. "

You're awesome already. You're free.

Presumably you know that the main reason many people are abusive is because they are shit scared of losing the person they are abusing. They scare the person into staying, and being abusive makes them feel better about themselves.

He lost you. You already won.

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By *JB1954Man  over a year ago


Been slim all my life. I was called bean pole and a lot of other things at school. Did a lot of sport, so was fit. Yet i can eat and drink what i like. Weight only changes by 2 or 3 pounds.Sometimes envy guys who are my height and more well built.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Difficult to say .... I followed the thread yesterday. - I stopped judging people a long time ago- we never know what another person is going through or been through.... ( walk a mile in my shoes) as they quote!! I only sit at 47kg. But I’m 5ft 2. 4 kids,who keep my fridge empty and me running around. I enjoy being active with them and if I couldn’t do things with them yes, I would feel gutted. My work is physical a hard job..and I often have to work with guys and girls half my age and keep up!!. I can smash a good tub of Ben and jerry’s With the best of you and dark salted caramel chocolate is a essential purchase!! Yeah.... I guess it’s all about balance!!

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By *tace 309TV/TS  over a year ago


Nothing wrong with being slim .its kept me lean mean and keen and super fit

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Yes I got bullied at school for being tiny and slim and even on here a hurtful idiot decided to contact me to tell me he thought I had a body build like a 14yr old boy.

I take no notice as they want to hurt you with words so I concentrate on love and smiles not hate.

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By *ficouldMan  over a year ago

a quandary, could you change my mind?

Have been told I need to add a few pounds, I've never noticed that people are taking the #iss. But if they did it's probably people I wouldn't pay attention to anyway

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I used to get a lot of negative comments back when I was at school and I was really slim back then

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

What I find funny is my regular partners have all told me to not lose too much weight. Because I'll lose my boobs.

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By *radleywigginsMan  over a year ago


"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy "

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

In my opinion it’s the failure to, or the fear of acknowledging this in society which leads to the type of weight issues this thread is talking about. It cannot, or should not be blamed on anything else.

Disrespectful? Perhaps if was telling people that they’re lucky that they are overweight. Or, more pertinently that they’re lucky that they don’t give a shit about their health or what they look like. But I’m not, I’m just sticking to the science.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.


I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *radleywigginsMan  over a year ago


"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them. "

What else could it possibly be?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?"

You’re terrible Muriel.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?"

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


You’re terrible Muriel. "

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *radleywigginsMan  over a year ago


"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert "

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices."

I’m sorry I’ve bruised your ego. Please keep insulting me/the ether to make yourself feel better.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *radleywigginsMan  over a year ago


"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices.

I’m sorry I’ve bruised your ego. Please keep insulting me/the ether to make yourself feel better. "

What insults you there?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

ps. You can even google to realise your use of *only* is incorrect. It’s the absolutism of your post I challenged.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices.

I’m sorry I’ve bruised your ego. Please keep insulting me/the ether to make yourself feel better.

What insults you there?"

Your inability to accept you’re wrong.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices."

Take a break is a great toilet read

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

No, I've been told I don't need to lose fat when I want to be shredded by people saying you will be unhealthy. But apart from the obsession remarks I haven't had anything.

I had a female friend who would get slim shamed because she looked unhealthily thin, but she would go to Mcdonalds and eat 5 bigmac meals in one sitting. I just laughed at them. She then went on to build a bit of muscle to not look like skin and bone. Didn't help she had A to low B cups at most.

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By *radleywigginsMan  over a year ago


"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices.

I’m sorry I’ve bruised your ego. Please keep insulting me/the ether to make yourself feel better.

What insults you there?

Your inability to accept you’re wrong. "

If you actually think that...

But I doubt it, nothing I’ve said was designed to insult or offend anyone. This after all is a thread about the issues slim people face. There are hundreds of other threads about being overweight.

No other causes of weight gain rather than eating spring to mind..

I’m using my training rather than google here, but I’m sure you’ve got some ideas

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

In my opinion it’s the failure to, or the fear of acknowledging this in society which leads to the type of weight issues this thread is talking about. It cannot, or should not be blamed on anything else.

Disrespectful? Perhaps if was telling people that they’re lucky that they are overweight. Or, more pertinently that they’re lucky that they don’t give a shit about their health or what they look like. But I’m not, I’m just sticking to the science."

That might be the science of it but not necessarily the reason

People can have medical conditions that speed up or slow down their metabolism

Eating disorders that make them eat more ir less than they should

Emotional issues that make their appetite increase or go away

Even on this thread someine said they put back on the weight because it made them "invisible" to others and their comments

So i dont think its quite as simple as saying these people are just lazy and greedy and dont give a shit about their health

Its also incredibly unhelpful when someone who is fit and healthy from working hard at exercising just puts people down rather than try to encourage and help ... im sure your comments have motivated so many of these "fat lazy greedy people" to join you and others with your attitude at the gym to improve themselves

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Body shaming happens to all sizes unfortunately "

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *gnitemybodyWoman  over a year ago


Yeah used to p*ss me off.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices.

I’m sorry I’ve bruised your ego. Please keep insulting me/the ether to make yourself feel better.

What insults you there?

Your inability to accept you’re wrong.

If you actually think that...

But I doubt it, nothing I’ve said was designed to insult or offend anyone. This after all is a thread about the issues slim people face. There are hundreds of other threads about being overweight.

No other causes of weight gain rather than eating spring to mind..

I’m using my training rather than google here, but I’m sure you’ve got some ideas


Yep, you’re absolutely right. Uh huh. You trainer, you!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices.

I’m sorry I’ve bruised your ego. Please keep insulting me/the ether to make yourself feel better.

What insults you there?

Your inability to accept you’re wrong.

If you actually think that...

But I doubt it, nothing I’ve said was designed to insult or offend anyone. This after all is a thread about the issues slim people face. There are hundreds of other threads about being overweight.

No other causes of weight gain rather than eating spring to mind..

I’m using my training rather than google here, but I’m sure you’ve got some ideas


"Pick me up" is pretty good too

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Question for the slim/ skinny/ thin people. Have you ever been made fun of for being too thin?

Have people commented on what you eat in a mean or negative way?

There's been threads about non-slim people having the piss taken out of them. But my slim friends say they get negative comments too. Have you experienced this?"

I have experienced this but not aimed at me. My UK dress size 16 self does not fall into this category but have heard the horrible comments and looks one of my friends who does gets.

She is five one tall and a UK dress size six. Her engagement ring doesn't even go all the way down on my little finger and no, I don't have large hands

People incorrectly assume and sometimes actually say to her face or within earshot that she obviously has an eating disorder, etc . I have seen how she's watched when ordering food and going to the restrooms.

She looks like most other women - just smaller proportions.

She doesn't have bones poking through her skin, has breasts, booty and a tiny belly. She eats meat, doesn't abstain from all (white) carbs. She has had two healthy pregnancies, with each baby being over six/seven pounds.

I know women who have two or three more dress sizes on her but look bony in places.

I'm sure someone will say bad things about me for my next comment but it's my experience. I find that often nowadays, there are worse comments for those at the smaller than the larger end of sizes.

Derogatory comments are wrong. Fullstop.

I also dislike the term "real woman". I know that often people say it as a compliment but I feel it just puts down those who are naturally slim.

None of us are figments of the imagination or holograms. We are all real women

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *radleywigginsMan  over a year ago


"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices.

I’m sorry I’ve bruised your ego. Please keep insulting me/the ether to make yourself feel better.

What insults you there?

Your inability to accept you’re wrong.

If you actually think that...

But I doubt it, nothing I’ve said was designed to insult or offend anyone. This after all is a thread about the issues slim people face. There are hundreds of other threads about being overweight.

No other causes of weight gain rather than eating spring to mind..

I’m using my training rather than google here, but I’m sure you’ve got some ideas

Yep, you’re absolutely right. Uh huh. You trainer, you! "


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices.

I’m sorry I’ve bruised your ego. Please keep insulting me/the ether to make yourself feel better.

What insults you there?

Your inability to accept you’re wrong.

If you actually think that...

But I doubt it, nothing I’ve said was designed to insult or offend anyone. This after all is a thread about the issues slim people face. There are hundreds of other threads about being overweight.

No other causes of weight gain rather than eating spring to mind..

I’m using my training rather than google here, but I’m sure you’ve got some ideas


“Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.”

You don’t think that comment would offend anyone?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices.

I’m sorry I’ve bruised your ego. Please keep insulting me/the ether to make yourself feel better.

What insults you there?

Your inability to accept you’re wrong.

If you actually think that...

But I doubt it, nothing I’ve said was designed to insult or offend anyone. This after all is a thread about the issues slim people face. There are hundreds of other threads about being overweight.

No other causes of weight gain rather than eating spring to mind..

I’m using my training rather than google here, but I’m sure you’ve got some ideas

Yep, you’re absolutely right. Uh huh. You trainer, you!


Just amused. You’re amusing.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices.

I’m sorry I’ve bruised your ego. Please keep insulting me/the ether to make yourself feel better.

What insults you there?

Your inability to accept you’re wrong.

If you actually think that...

But I doubt it, nothing I’ve said was designed to insult or offend anyone. This after all is a thread about the issues slim people face. There are hundreds of other threads about being overweight.

No other causes of weight gain rather than eating spring to mind..

I’m using my training rather than google here, but I’m sure you’ve got some ideas

Yep, you’re absolutely right. Uh huh. You trainer, you!


Just amused. You’re amusing. "

I bet he reads Bella

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The world now is all about the gym fit look and anyone who doesn't fit into that category get shit for it. They get called too fat if they don't have a half visible six pack and too thin if they don't have any visibility build muscle and are skinny.

But if you let the remarks effect you then you need to look at your insecurities and think. Why do I care? I am comfortable in my own body and someone will love me.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *alking DisasterWoman  over a year ago

South Oxfordshire

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?"

There are certain types of medication that cause weight gain, or at least change your metabolism which means that you eat the same amount but put weight on. Often people on this type of medication don't realise how much weight has crept on until it's too late. So saying overeating/underexercising is the only cause is incorrect.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

There are certain types of medication that cause weight gain, or at least change your metabolism which means that you eat the same amount but put weight on. Often people on this type of medication don't realise how much weight has crept on until it's too late. So saying overeating/underexercising is the only cause is incorrect."

But instead of them accepting it and feeling shit then they should make changes to their diet.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Should they? Thank fuck you're here

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

There are certain types of medication that cause weight gain, or at least change your metabolism which means that you eat the same amount but put weight on. Often people on this type of medication don't realise how much weight has crept on until it's too late. So saying overeating/underexercising is the only cause is incorrect.

But instead of them accepting it and feeling shit then they should make changes to their diet. "

Are you medically qualified too?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Body shaming happens to all sizes unfortunately "

Love your profile pic.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *alking DisasterWoman  over a year ago

South Oxfordshire

"Question for the slim/ skinny/ thin people. Have you ever been made fun of for being too thin?

Have people commented on what you eat in a mean or negative way?

There's been threads about non-slim people having the piss taken out of them. But my slim friends say they get negative comments too. Have you experienced this?

I have experienced this but not aimed at me. My UK dress size 16 self does not fall into this category but have heard the horrible comments and looks one of my friends who does gets.

She is five one tall and a UK dress size six. Her engagement ring doesn't even go all the way down on my little finger and no, I don't have large hands

People incorrectly assume and sometimes actually say to her face or within earshot that she obviously has an eating disorder, etc . I have seen how she's watched when ordering food and going to the restrooms.

She looks like most other women - just smaller proportions.

She doesn't have bones poking through her skin, has breasts, booty and a tiny belly. She eats meat, doesn't abstain from all (white) carbs. She has had two healthy pregnancies, with each baby being over six/seven pounds.

I know women who have two or three more dress sizes on her but look bony in places.

I'm sure someone will say bad things about me for my next comment but it's my experience. I find that often nowadays, there are worse comments for those at the smaller than the larger end of sizes.

Derogatory comments are wrong. Fullstop.

I also dislike the term "real woman". I know that often people say it as a compliment but I feel it just puts down those who are naturally slim.

None of us are figments of the imagination or holograms. We are all real women


I was a size 6 about 18 months ago. I'm now a size 10 and about a stone (or a stone and a half) heavier. At the time, I felt like I could have got to a size 4 and still had a podgy tummy!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Question for the slim/ skinny/ thin people. Have you ever been made fun of for being too thin?

Have people commented on what you eat in a mean or negative way?

There's been threads about non-slim people having the piss taken out of them. But my slim friends say they get negative comments too. Have you experienced this?

I have experienced this but not aimed at me. My UK dress size 16 self does not fall into this category but have heard the horrible comments and looks one of my friends who does gets.

She is five one tall and a UK dress size six. Her engagement ring doesn't even go all the way down on my little finger and no, I don't have large hands

People incorrectly assume and sometimes actually say to her face or within earshot that she obviously has an eating disorder, etc . I have seen how she's watched when ordering food and going to the restrooms.

She looks like most other women - just smaller proportions.

She doesn't have bones poking through her skin, has breasts, booty and a tiny belly. She eats meat, doesn't abstain from all (white) carbs. She has had two healthy pregnancies, with each baby being over six/seven pounds.

I know women who have two or three more dress sizes on her but look bony in places.

I'm sure someone will say bad things about me for my next comment but it's my experience. I find that often nowadays, there are worse comments for those at the smaller than the larger end of sizes.

Derogatory comments are wrong. Fullstop.

I also dislike the term "real woman". I know that often people say it as a compliment but I feel it just puts down those who are naturally slim.

None of us are figments of the imagination or holograms. We are all real women

I was a size 6 about 18 months ago. I'm now a size 10 and about a stone (or a stone and a half) heavier. At the time, I felt like I could have got to a size 4 and still had a podgy tummy!"

How did you gain that much weight?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *alking DisasterWoman  over a year ago

South Oxfordshire

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

There are certain types of medication that cause weight gain, or at least change your metabolism which means that you eat the same amount but put weight on. Often people on this type of medication don't realise how much weight has crept on until it's too late. So saying overeating/underexercising is the only cause is incorrect.

But instead of them accepting it and feeling shit then they should make changes to their diet. "

They can't. Hormone induced weight gain is very difficult to lose. Because you are fighting against the drug and your own metabolism. Or should they starve just to fit into your ideal?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

There are certain types of medication that cause weight gain, or at least change your metabolism which means that you eat the same amount but put weight on. Often people on this type of medication don't realise how much weight has crept on until it's too late. So saying overeating/underexercising is the only cause is incorrect.

But instead of them accepting it and feeling shit then they should make changes to their diet.

They can't. Hormone induced weight gain is very difficult to lose. Because you are fighting against the drug and your own metabolism. Or should they starve just to fit into your ideal?"

You can get medication to balance the hormone levels in your body.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Always been told I look like a skeleton when I was younger. I still am very skinny but find it very hard to put on weight .

I used to weight 65kg (143lbs) at my current height and now I'm around 74kg (163lbs).

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *alking DisasterWoman  over a year ago

South Oxfordshire

"Question for the slim/ skinny/ thin people. Have you ever been made fun of for being too thin?

Have people commented on what you eat in a mean or negative way?

There's been threads about non-slim people having the piss taken out of them. But my slim friends say they get negative comments too. Have you experienced this?

I have experienced this but not aimed at me. My UK dress size 16 self does not fall into this category but have heard the horrible comments and looks one of my friends who does gets.

She is five one tall and a UK dress size six. Her engagement ring doesn't even go all the way down on my little finger and no, I don't have large hands

People incorrectly assume and sometimes actually say to her face or within earshot that she obviously has an eating disorder, etc . I have seen how she's watched when ordering food and going to the restrooms.

She looks like most other women - just smaller proportions.

She doesn't have bones poking through her skin, has breasts, booty and a tiny belly. She eats meat, doesn't abstain from all (white) carbs. She has had two healthy pregnancies, with each baby being over six/seven pounds.

I know women who have two or three more dress sizes on her but look bony in places.

I'm sure someone will say bad things about me for my next comment but it's my experience. I find that often nowadays, there are worse comments for those at the smaller than the larger end of sizes.

Derogatory comments are wrong. Fullstop.

I also dislike the term "real woman". I know that often people say it as a compliment but I feel it just puts down those who are naturally slim.

None of us are figments of the imagination or holograms. We are all real women

I was a size 6 about 18 months ago. I'm now a size 10 and about a stone (or a stone and a half) heavier. At the time, I felt like I could have got to a size 4 and still had a podgy tummy!

How did you gain that much weight? "

I used to regularly run half marathon distances, then stopped running and ate crap. I've actually lost 1 stone since I've been on my diet.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

There are certain types of medication that cause weight gain, or at least change your metabolism which means that you eat the same amount but put weight on. Often people on this type of medication don't realise how much weight has crept on until it's too late. So saying overeating/underexercising is the only cause is incorrect.

But instead of them accepting it and feeling shit then they should make changes to their diet.

They can't. Hormone induced weight gain is very difficult to lose. Because you are fighting against the drug and your own metabolism. Or should they starve just to fit into your ideal?

You can get medication to balance the hormone levels in your body. "

I repeat, are you medically qualified?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *alking DisasterWoman  over a year ago

South Oxfordshire

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

There are certain types of medication that cause weight gain, or at least change your metabolism which means that you eat the same amount but put weight on. Often people on this type of medication don't realise how much weight has crept on until it's too late. So saying overeating/underexercising is the only cause is incorrect.

But instead of them accepting it and feeling shit then they should make changes to their diet.

They can't. Hormone induced weight gain is very difficult to lose. Because you are fighting against the drug and your own metabolism. Or should they starve just to fit into your ideal?

You can get medication to balance the hormone levels in your body. "

I know people who have had this medication. It doesn't work.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *radleywigginsMan  over a year ago


"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices.

I’m sorry I’ve bruised your ego. Please keep insulting me/the ether to make yourself feel better.

What insults you there?

Your inability to accept you’re wrong.

If you actually think that...

But I doubt it, nothing I’ve said was designed to insult or offend anyone. This after all is a thread about the issues slim people face. There are hundreds of other threads about being overweight.

No other causes of weight gain rather than eating spring to mind..

I’m using my training rather than google here, but I’m sure you’ve got some ideas

“Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.”

You don’t think that comment would offend anyone? "

What do you mean? This thread is about the negative attitudes faced by slim people. I think it’s disrespectful to think of it as some stroke of luck rather than acknowledge the effort that it requires.

Again, I stress, this a thread about the issues faced by slim people, and by extension the negative attitudes against them from fatter people. I’ve said, that can me managed, and I believe simply, by eating less or better by exercising more.

The thread has already talked about negative attitudes directed against slim people. These are just opinions, in my case, hopefully backed up with a little science. There are plenty of other places on this website, the internet in general and out daily lives where slim people are made to apologise for the embarrassment felt by far people.

Weight, obesity, and for fucks sake, your health are huge issues. Everyone is already aware of the dangers of sedentary lifestyles and terrible diets. I don’t think sympathising has worked. I hope that application was of some simple ideas and basic principles might be more beneficial. People might then feel more empowered. Even if that’s empowered to put down the ice cream or get off the sofa. But empowered to make a change that’s likely to improve their health.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I have a very close friend who constantly gets remarks concerning how thin he is, he wont even wear t-shirts and I find it disgusting that anyone would pass comments on another person's weight or appearance big or small. "

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *radleywigginsMan  over a year ago


"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

There are certain types of medication that cause weight gain, or at least change your metabolism which means that you eat the same amount but put weight on. Often people on this type of medication don't realise how much weight has crept on until it's too late. So saying overeating/underexercising is the only cause is incorrect.

But instead of them accepting it and feeling shit then they should make changes to their diet.

They can't. Hormone induced weight gain is very difficult to lose. Because you are fighting against the drug and your own metabolism. Or should they starve just to fit into your ideal?

You can get medication to balance the hormone levels in your body.

I repeat, are you medically qualified? "


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ringles0510Woman  over a year ago

Central Borders

Doesn't happen nowadays now i put some weight on, but used to get the occasional anorexic comments. When i was 14 i went to doctor and told him i wanted to go on the pill to gain weight. He gave me it, but unfortunately didn't make me gain a single pound.

An old boss of mine once said he didn't envy my boyfriend and he'd would be worried he'd poke right through. Told him he's an ugly bastard and wouldn't dream of ever doing anything with a fat lazy cunt like him and quit my job x

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices.

I’m sorry I’ve bruised your ego. Please keep insulting me/the ether to make yourself feel better.

What insults you there?

Your inability to accept you’re wrong.

If you actually think that...

But I doubt it, nothing I’ve said was designed to insult or offend anyone. This after all is a thread about the issues slim people face. There are hundreds of other threads about being overweight.

No other causes of weight gain rather than eating spring to mind..

I’m using my training rather than google here, but I’m sure you’ve got some ideas

“Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.”

You don’t think that comment would offend anyone?

What do you mean? This thread is about the negative attitudes faced by slim people. I think it’s disrespectful to think of it as some stroke of luck rather than acknowledge the effort that it requires.

Again, I stress, this a thread about the issues faced by slim people, and by extension the negative attitudes against them from fatter people. I’ve said, that can me managed, and I believe simply, by eating less or better by exercising more.

The thread has already talked about negative attitudes directed against slim people. These are just opinions, in my case, hopefully backed up with a little science. There are plenty of other places on this website, the internet in general and out daily lives where slim people are made to apologise for the embarrassment felt by far people.

Weight, obesity, and for fucks sake, your health are huge issues. Everyone is already aware of the dangers of sedentary lifestyles and terrible diets. I don’t think sympathising has worked. I hope that application was of some simple ideas and basic principles might be more beneficial. People might then feel more empowered. Even if that’s empowered to put down the ice cream or get off the sofa. But empowered to make a change that’s likely to improve their health.


Can you recommend any new coffee table magazines. I'm out of ideas

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

There are certain types of medication that cause weight gain, or at least change your metabolism which means that you eat the same amount but put weight on. Often people on this type of medication don't realise how much weight has crept on until it's too late. So saying overeating/underexercising is the only cause is incorrect.

But instead of them accepting it and feeling shit then they should make changes to their diet.

They can't. Hormone induced weight gain is very difficult to lose. Because you are fighting against the drug and your own metabolism. Or should they starve just to fit into your ideal?

You can get medication to balance the hormone levels in your body.

I repeat, are you medically qualified?


Didn’t know you knew him?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 02/04/18 16:59:10]

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

There are certain types of medication that cause weight gain, or at least change your metabolism which means that you eat the same amount but put weight on. Often people on this type of medication don't realise how much weight has crept on until it's too late. So saying overeating/underexercising is the only cause is incorrect.

But instead of them accepting it and feeling shit then they should make changes to their diet.

They can't. Hormone induced weight gain is very difficult to lose. Because you are fighting against the drug and your own metabolism. Or should they starve just to fit into your ideal?

You can get medication to balance the hormone levels in your body.

I repeat, are you medically qualified?


ahhh. I knew the magazine reference came from somewhere. Must be the waiting room

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Question for the slim/ skinny/ thin people. Have you ever been made fun of for being too thin?

Have people commented on what you eat in a mean or negative way?

There's been threads about non-slim people having the piss taken out of them. But my slim friends say they get negative comments too. Have you experienced this?

I have experienced this but not aimed at me. My UK dress size 16 self does not fall into this category but have heard the horrible comments and looks one of my friends who does gets.

She is five one tall and a UK dress size six. Her engagement ring doesn't even go all the way down on my little finger and no, I don't have large hands

People incorrectly assume and sometimes actually say to her face or within earshot that she obviously has an eating disorder, etc . I have seen how she's watched when ordering food and going to the restrooms.

She looks like most other women - just smaller proportions.

She doesn't have bones poking through her skin, has breasts, booty and a tiny belly. She eats meat, doesn't abstain from all (white) carbs. She has had two healthy pregnancies, with each baby being over six/seven pounds.

I know women who have two or three more dress sizes on her but look bony in places.

I'm sure someone will say bad things about me for my next comment but it's my experience. I find that often nowadays, there are worse comments for those at the smaller than the larger end of sizes. ***

Derogatory comments are wrong. Fullstop.

I also dislike the term "real woman". I know that often people say it as a compliment but I feel it just puts down those who are naturally slim.

None of us are figments of the imagination or holograms. We are all real women



I agree with this. Seems like being fat is some kind of protected state these days. Everything always turns back to fat chat.

So much for there being a discussion on the issues that slim people face, when people still just argue about being fat!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

You are what you are it's that simple.Ive always been slim and my birth mom is still slim I think.some people want to be bigger some want to be smaller and some are never happy.Just be happy with what you are and don't care what other people think.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *radleywigginsMan  over a year ago


"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

There are certain types of medication that cause weight gain, or at least change your metabolism which means that you eat the same amount but put weight on. Often people on this type of medication don't realise how much weight has crept on until it's too late. So saying overeating/underexercising is the only cause is incorrect.

But instead of them accepting it and feeling shit then they should make changes to their diet.

They can't. Hormone induced weight gain is very difficult to lose. Because you are fighting against the drug and your own metabolism. Or should they starve just to fit into your ideal?

You can get medication to balance the hormone levels in your body.

I know people who have had this medication. It doesn't work."

Yes, to an extent there are all sorts of disease processes which might reduce the amount of food you need to eat.

These include all the metabolic diseases, and there are lots of medications which have side effects of increasing appetite or slowing metabolism. But, people aren’t taking these things for that reason. Treatment of the underlying disease is more important, and often necessary to sustain life. In that case you have to accept the effects of a disease or to accept the side effects of a medication. It’s not about ‘starving’ someone. It’s about appreciating you now need to eat less calories.

If you sprain your ankle and can’t walk you’ll need less calories too.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *alking DisasterWoman  over a year ago

South Oxfordshire

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices.

I’m sorry I’ve bruised your ego. Please keep insulting me/the ether to make yourself feel better.

What insults you there?

Your inability to accept you’re wrong.

If you actually think that...

But I doubt it, nothing I’ve said was designed to insult or offend anyone. This after all is a thread about the issues slim people face. There are hundreds of other threads about being overweight.

No other causes of weight gain rather than eating spring to mind..

I’m using my training rather than google here, but I’m sure you’ve got some ideas

“Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.”

You don’t think that comment would offend anyone?

What do you mean? This thread is about the negative attitudes faced by slim people. I think it’s disrespectful to think of it as some stroke of luck rather than acknowledge the effort that it requires.

Again, I stress, this a thread about the issues faced by slim people, and by extension the negative attitudes against them from fatter people. I’ve said, that can me managed, and I believe simply, by eating less or better by exercising more.

The thread has already talked about negative attitudes directed against slim people. These are just opinions, in my case, hopefully backed up with a little science. There are plenty of other places on this website, the internet in general and out daily lives where slim people are made to apologise for the embarrassment felt by far people.

Weight, obesity, and for fucks sake, your health are huge issues. Everyone is already aware of the dangers of sedentary lifestyles and terrible diets. I don’t think sympathising has worked. I hope that application was of some simple ideas and basic principles might be more beneficial. People might then feel more empowered. Even if that’s empowered to put down the ice cream or get off the sofa. But empowered to make a change that’s likely to improve their health.


I think the offense was taken was the use of the word only in your original post. You then wouldn't listen to anyone who said "actually, there are other reasons why people gain weight".

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

There are certain types of medication that cause weight gain, or at least change your metabolism which means that you eat the same amount but put weight on. Often people on this type of medication don't realise how much weight has crept on until it's too late. So saying overeating/underexercising is the only cause is incorrect.

But instead of them accepting it and feeling shit then they should make changes to their diet.

They can't. Hormone induced weight gain is very difficult to lose. Because you are fighting against the drug and your own metabolism. Or should they starve just to fit into your ideal?

You can get medication to balance the hormone levels in your body.

I repeat, are you medically qualified?


Is the drug expensive?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices.

I’m sorry I’ve bruised your ego. Please keep insulting me/the ether to make yourself feel better.

What insults you there?

Your inability to accept you’re wrong.

If you actually think that...

But I doubt it, nothing I’ve said was designed to insult or offend anyone. This after all is a thread about the issues slim people face. There are hundreds of other threads about being overweight.

No other causes of weight gain rather than eating spring to mind..

I’m using my training rather than google here, but I’m sure you’ve got some ideas

“Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.”

You don’t think that comment would offend anyone?

What do you mean? This thread is about the negative attitudes faced by slim people. I think it’s disrespectful to think of it as some stroke of luck rather than acknowledge the effort that it requires.

Again, I stress, this a thread about the issues faced by slim people, and by extension the negative attitudes against them from fatter people. I’ve said, that can me managed, and I believe simply, by eating less or better by exercising more.

The thread has already talked about negative attitudes directed against slim people. These are just opinions, in my case, hopefully backed up with a little science. There are plenty of other places on this website, the internet in general and out daily lives where slim people are made to apologise for the embarrassment felt by far people.

Weight, obesity, and for fucks sake, your health are huge issues. Everyone is already aware of the dangers of sedentary lifestyles and terrible diets. I don’t think sympathising has worked. I hope that application was of some simple ideas and basic principles might be more beneficial. People might then feel more empowered. Even if that’s empowered to put down the ice cream or get off the sofa. But empowered to make a change that’s likely to improve their health.


I’m completely aware what the thread is about. As with any thread, people add or reply to comments from other users. I was addressing your reply.

You won’t motivate people to change their lifestyles by calling them greedy and lazy. The only way you empower people is to fully understand the whole issue.

You clearly have a look no way to go before you understand how to truly empower anyone.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *tonMessCouple  over a year ago

Slough Windsor ish

Im fat now but have been very slim, indeed at 18 to 24ish I was a tiny and very boney looking size 8. I was so self concious, my hip bones jutted out, my bottom was boney and I had no boobs. I was always cold and people would say I looked ill.

As I gradually gained weight my confidence took a real beating. Every lb just sat there making me lookand feel ugly.

Personally I felt I looked my best at around a size 16 to 18 but I still had no confidence and would hate seeing myself in the mirror. Post childbirth I never really lost my weight... it just climbed. At my biggest I was a uk size 26/28.

Now I eat healthily and whilst Im no fan of the gym I am very active and have a very active job.

Confidence wise I feel way better in my own skin now.

Its sad that society needs to shame people for their size or how they look. Slim or big, we are all different and all deserve to be accepted by society. Of course we all have preferences for the size and shape of those we hose to be intimate with but there is no right or wrong.

I think I only really began to accept my body as it is (size 20/22) when I started swinging and enjoyong naturism. It taught me everyone is unique and special in their own way.

For those slimmer ladies who feel shamed for being how they are, hold your head high. We are all perfectly perfect.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices.

I’m sorry I’ve bruised your ego. Please keep insulting me/the ether to make yourself feel better.

What insults you there?

Your inability to accept you’re wrong.

If you actually think that...

But I doubt it, nothing I’ve said was designed to insult or offend anyone. This after all is a thread about the issues slim people face. There are hundreds of other threads about being overweight.

No other causes of weight gain rather than eating spring to mind..

I’m using my training rather than google here, but I’m sure you’ve got some ideas

“Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.”

You don’t think that comment would offend anyone?

What do you mean? This thread is about the negative attitudes faced by slim people. I think it’s disrespectful to think of it as some stroke of luck rather than acknowledge the effort that it requires.

Again, I stress, this a thread about the issues faced by slim people, and by extension the negative attitudes against them from fatter people. I’ve said, that can me managed, and I believe simply, by eating less or better by exercising more.

The thread has already talked about negative attitudes directed against slim people. These are just opinions, in my case, hopefully backed up with a little science. There are plenty of other places on this website, the internet in general and out daily lives where slim people are made to apologise for the embarrassment felt by far people.

Weight, obesity, and for fucks sake, your health are huge issues. Everyone is already aware of the dangers of sedentary lifestyles and terrible diets. I don’t think sympathising has worked. I hope that application was of some simple ideas and basic principles might be more beneficial. People might then feel more empowered. Even if that’s empowered to put down the ice cream or get off the sofa. But empowered to make a change that’s likely to improve their health.

I’m completely aware what the thread is about. As with any thread, people add or reply to comments from other users. I was addressing your reply.

You won’t motivate people to change their lifestyles by calling them greedy and lazy. The only way you empower people is to fully understand the whole issue.

You clearly have a *long way to go before you understand how to truly empower anyone. "

I fixed it!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Question for the slim/ skinny/ thin people. Have you ever been made fun of for being too thin?

Have people commented on what you eat in a mean or negative way?

There's been threads about non-slim people having the piss taken out of them. But my slim friends say they get negative comments too. Have you experienced this?

I have experienced this but not aimed at me. My UK dress size 16 self does not fall into this category but have heard the horrible comments and looks one of my friends who does gets.

She is five one tall and a UK dress size six. Her engagement ring doesn't even go all the way down on my little finger and no, I don't have large hands

People incorrectly assume and sometimes actually say to her face or within earshot that she obviously has an eating disorder, etc . I have seen how she's watched when ordering food and going to the restrooms.

She looks like most other women - just smaller proportions.

She doesn't have bones poking through her skin, has breasts, booty and a tiny belly. She eats meat, doesn't abstain from all (white) carbs. She has had two healthy pregnancies, with each baby being over six/seven pounds.

I know women who have two or three more dress sizes on her but look bony in places.

I'm sure someone will say bad things about me for my next comment but it's my experience. I find that often nowadays, there are worse comments for those at the smaller than the larger end of sizes.

Derogatory comments are wrong. Fullstop.

I also dislike the term "real woman". I know that often people say it as a compliment but I feel it just puts down those who are naturally slim.

None of us are figments of the imagination or holograms. We are all real women

I was a size 6 about 18 months ago. I'm now a size 10 and about a stone (or a stone and a half) heavier. At the time, I felt like I could have got to a size 4 and still had a podgy tummy!

How did you gain that much weight?

I used to regularly run half marathon distances, then stopped running and ate crap. I've actually lost 1 stone since I've been on my diet."

You're on your way then. Congrats.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *hoenixAdAstraWoman  over a year ago

Hiding in the shadows


In my life, I've gone from looking completely emaciated due to thyroid/hormone issues as a teenager & 20s.

To being morbidly obese through my 30s

Both from issues I had no control over, but people's comments.... Heartbreaking.

In my cf forties now, and finally happy how I look, a huge part of which, is finally saying "I don't give a fuck"

Wish I'd like known back then that no one else's opinion mattered

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *radleywigginsMan  over a year ago


"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices.

I’m sorry I’ve bruised your ego. Please keep insulting me/the ether to make yourself feel better.

What insults you there?

Your inability to accept you’re wrong.

If you actually think that...

But I doubt it, nothing I’ve said was designed to insult or offend anyone. This after all is a thread about the issues slim people face. There are hundreds of other threads about being overweight.

No other causes of weight gain rather than eating spring to mind..

I’m using my training rather than google here, but I’m sure you’ve got some ideas

“Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.”

You don’t think that comment would offend anyone?

What do you mean? This thread is about the negative attitudes faced by slim people. I think it’s disrespectful to think of it as some stroke of luck rather than acknowledge the effort that it requires.

Again, I stress, this a thread about the issues faced by slim people, and by extension the negative attitudes against them from fatter people. I’ve said, that can me managed, and I believe simply, by eating less or better by exercising more.

The thread has already talked about negative attitudes directed against slim people. These are just opinions, in my case, hopefully backed up with a little science. There are plenty of other places on this website, the internet in general and out daily lives where slim people are made to apologise for the embarrassment felt by far people.

Weight, obesity, and for fucks sake, your health are huge issues. Everyone is already aware of the dangers of sedentary lifestyles and terrible diets. I don’t think sympathising has worked. I hope that application was of some simple ideas and basic principles might be more beneficial. People might then feel more empowered. Even if that’s empowered to put down the ice cream or get off the sofa. But empowered to make a change that’s likely to improve their health.

I think the offense was taken was the use of the word only in your original post. You then wouldn't listen to anyone who said "actually, there are other reasons why people gain weight"."

I think the phrase ‘the only causes of weight gain are overeating or underexercing’ is a pretty neutral statement.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So we have a medically trained doctor in the house that states weight gain is only ever a case of over-eating or under-exercising.

I feel safe. "

Me too, all better now

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm a ghost and invisible lol

Byeeeeee PMSL

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *alking DisasterWoman  over a year ago

South Oxfordshire

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices.

I’m sorry I’ve bruised your ego. Please keep insulting me/the ether to make yourself feel better.

What insults you there?

Your inability to accept you’re wrong.

If you actually think that...

But I doubt it, nothing I’ve said was designed to insult or offend anyone. This after all is a thread about the issues slim people face. There are hundreds of other threads about being overweight.

No other causes of weight gain rather than eating spring to mind..

I’m using my training rather than google here, but I’m sure you’ve got some ideas

“Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.”

You don’t think that comment would offend anyone?

What do you mean? This thread is about the negative attitudes faced by slim people. I think it’s disrespectful to think of it as some stroke of luck rather than acknowledge the effort that it requires.

Again, I stress, this a thread about the issues faced by slim people, and by extension the negative attitudes against them from fatter people. I’ve said, that can me managed, and I believe simply, by eating less or better by exercising more.

The thread has already talked about negative attitudes directed against slim people. These are just opinions, in my case, hopefully backed up with a little science. There are plenty of other places on this website, the internet in general and out daily lives where slim people are made to apologise for the embarrassment felt by far people.

Weight, obesity, and for fucks sake, your health are huge issues. Everyone is already aware of the dangers of sedentary lifestyles and terrible diets. I don’t think sympathising has worked. I hope that application was of some simple ideas and basic principles might be more beneficial. People might then feel more empowered. Even if that’s empowered to put down the ice cream or get off the sofa. But empowered to make a change that’s likely to improve their health.

I think the offense was taken was the use of the word only in your original post. You then wouldn't listen to anyone who said "actually, there are other reasons why people gain weight".

I think the phrase ‘the only causes of weight gain are overeating or underexercing’ is a pretty neutral statement. "

It most definitely is not a neutral statement. You are fat shaming

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices.

I’m sorry I’ve bruised your ego. Please keep insulting me/the ether to make yourself feel better.

What insults you there?

Your inability to accept you’re wrong.

If you actually think that...

But I doubt it, nothing I’ve said was designed to insult or offend anyone. This after all is a thread about the issues slim people face. There are hundreds of other threads about being overweight.

No other causes of weight gain rather than eating spring to mind..

I’m using my training rather than google here, but I’m sure you’ve got some ideas

“Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.”

You don’t think that comment would offend anyone?

What do you mean? This thread is about the negative attitudes faced by slim people. I think it’s disrespectful to think of it as some stroke of luck rather than acknowledge the effort that it requires.

Again, I stress, this a thread about the issues faced by slim people, and by extension the negative attitudes against them from fatter people. I’ve said, that can me managed, and I believe simply, by eating less or better by exercising more.

The thread has already talked about negative attitudes directed against slim people. These are just opinions, in my case, hopefully backed up with a little science. There are plenty of other places on this website, the internet in general and out daily lives where slim people are made to apologise for the embarrassment felt by far people.

Weight, obesity, and for fucks sake, your health are huge issues. Everyone is already aware of the dangers of sedentary lifestyles and terrible diets. I don’t think sympathising has worked. I hope that application was of some simple ideas and basic principles might be more beneficial. People might then feel more empowered. Even if that’s empowered to put down the ice cream or get off the sofa. But empowered to make a change that’s likely to improve their health.

I think the offense was taken was the use of the word only in your original post. You then wouldn't listen to anyone who said "actually, there are other reasons why people gain weight".

I think the phrase ‘the only causes of weight gain are overeating or underexercing’ is a pretty neutral statement. "

What’s that word? Oh yes, backpedaling.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So we have a medically trained doctor in the house that states weight gain is only ever a case of over-eating or under-exercising.

I feel safe.

Seriously. If the weight doesn’t come from the food where does it come from?"

I've lost ten stones and know exactly how to lose weight but I have medical issues which, a CONSULTANT has told me will cause me issues getting rid of the last bit that I want to use and I would much rather listen to her

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Im fat now but have been very slim, indeed at 18 to 24ish I was a tiny and very boney looking size 8. I was so self concious, my hip bones jutted out, my bottom was boney and I had no boobs. I was always cold and people would say I looked ill.

As I gradually gained weight my confidence took a real beating. Every lb just sat there making me lookand feel ugly.

Personally I felt I looked my best at around a size 16 to 18 but I still had no confidence and would hate seeing myself in the mirror. Post childbirth I never really lost my weight... it just climbed. At my biggest I was a uk size 26/28.

Now I eat healthily and whilst Im no fan of the gym I am very active and have a very active job.

Confidence wise I feel way better in my own skin now.

Its sad that society needs to shame people for their size or how they look. Slim or big, we are all different and all deserve to be accepted by society. Of course we all have preferences for the size and shape of those we hose to be intimate with but there is no right or wrong.

I think I only really began to accept my body as it is (size 20/22) when I started swinging and enjoyong naturism. It taught me everyone is unique and special in their own way.

For those slimmer ladies who feel shamed for being how they are, hold your head high. We are all perfectly perfect."

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *radleywigginsMan  over a year ago


"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices.

I’m sorry I’ve bruised your ego. Please keep insulting me/the ether to make yourself feel better.

What insults you there?

Your inability to accept you’re wrong.

If you actually think that...

But I doubt it, nothing I’ve said was designed to insult or offend anyone. This after all is a thread about the issues slim people face. There are hundreds of other threads about being overweight.

No other causes of weight gain rather than eating spring to mind..

I’m using my training rather than google here, but I’m sure you’ve got some ideas

“Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.”

You don’t think that comment would offend anyone?

What do you mean? This thread is about the negative attitudes faced by slim people. I think it’s disrespectful to think of it as some stroke of luck rather than acknowledge the effort that it requires.

Again, I stress, this a thread about the issues faced by slim people, and by extension the negative attitudes against them from fatter people. I’ve said, that can me managed, and I believe simply, by eating less or better by exercising more.

The thread has already talked about negative attitudes directed against slim people. These are just opinions, in my case, hopefully backed up with a little science. There are plenty of other places on this website, the internet in general and out daily lives where slim people are made to apologise for the embarrassment felt by far people.

Weight, obesity, and for fucks sake, your health are huge issues. Everyone is already aware of the dangers of sedentary lifestyles and terrible diets. I don’t think sympathising has worked. I hope that application was of some simple ideas and basic principles might be more beneficial. People might then feel more empowered. Even if that’s empowered to put down the ice cream or get off the sofa. But empowered to make a change that’s likely to improve their health.

I think the offense was taken was the use of the word only in your original post. You then wouldn't listen to anyone who said "actually, there are other reasons why people gain weight".

I think the phrase ‘the only causes of weight gain are overeating or underexercing’ is a pretty neutral statement.

What’s that word? Oh yes, backpedaling."

But you think it’s actully offensive?


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I'm a ghost and invisible lol

Byeeeeee PMSL "

I see you. x

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

There are certain types of medication that cause weight gain, or at least change your metabolism which means that you eat the same amount but put weight on. Often people on this type of medication don't realise how much weight has crept on until it's too late. So saying overeating/underexercising is the only cause is incorrect.

But instead of them accepting it and feeling shit then they should make changes to their diet.

They can't. Hormone induced weight gain is very difficult to lose. Because you are fighting against the drug and your own metabolism. Or should they starve just to fit into your ideal?

You can get medication to balance the hormone levels in your body.

I know people who have had this medication. It doesn't work.

Yes, to an extent there are all sorts of disease processes which might reduce the amount of food you need to eat.

These include all the metabolic diseases, and there are lots of medications which have side effects of increasing appetite or slowing metabolism. But, people aren’t taking these things for that reason. Treatment of the underlying disease is more important, and often necessary to sustain life. In that case you have to accept the effects of a disease or to accept the side effects of a medication. It’s not about ‘starving’ someone. It’s about appreciating you now need to eat less calories.

If you sprain your ankle and can’t walk you’ll need less calories too."

not true. I have more time to wank. Calories burnt and expelled. FACT!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So we have a medically trained doctor in the house that states weight gain is only ever a case of over-eating or under-exercising.

I feel safe.

Me too, all better now

Impeccable bedside manner.

I’m wondering if it’s all a bit more sports science and personal trainer medical background. "


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" People might then feel more empowered. Even if that’s empowered to put down the ice cream or get off the sofa. But empowered to make a change that’s likely to improve their health.


Oh our mistake ... you were just empowering people by calling them lazy ... got it!

Actually all your "empowerment" does is put people off joining a gym for fear all the members have your stinking attitude and will look down on them

Thats kind of what I meant earlier by it would be more helpful to encourage and be constructive ... your "harsh truth" of eat less move more isnt news to anyone ... nor is it helpful as your high horse position would attempt to suggest to justify it

Also as you said the thread was about the body shaming comments slim people face ... people who cannot seem to put on weight and its commented on in a hurtful manner ... therefore your rant about people not appreciating how much exercise you do to keep in shape wasnt really relevant either ...

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *wisted999Man  over a year ago

North Bucks

So who is on these drugs and who just eats too much?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So we have a medically trained doctor in the house that states weight gain is only ever a case of over-eating or under-exercising.

I feel safe.

Seriously. If the weight doesn’t come from the food where does it come from?"

There are various reasons. My niece is overweight. She doesn't overeat. She had a benign tumour on her pituitary gland as a child. She is on steroids for the rest of her life and has to take tablets because her immune systen will always be compromised as a result of her life saving operation. Long term medical steroid use, causes weight gain. Please don't assume that all overweight people are that way because of overeating. You can't know that every person has weight issues for that reason only.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

All the issues and drugs do is make it harder. Its not impossible. Medical issues are irrelevant in this conversation so don't jump on that wagon.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I slim. But when fat people call me skinny I assume it’s jealousy.

I also think one of the most disrespectful things a slim person can be told is that ‘they’re lucky to be slim’. This totally disregards the effort that I make to balance the amount of exercise I do (a lot) to the amount of food I eat (a lot, but healthy). Or that I’m lucky to be able to ‘eat whatever I want’, which again isn’t true.

Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.

Would that be more or less disrespectful than you assuming they are fat because they are just lazy and greedy

Er.. the only reason for being overweight is not balancing the amount of energy you conserve with that which you expend. So it’s either overeating or underexercising. Take your pick.

I’d be interested in hearing from a medically qualified doctor to correct your *only* there, and then watching you *correct* them.

What else could it possibly be?

Absolutely nothing, you’re an expert

Hopefully outside of the confines of this forum at least some of the people will feel they can trust me. The others can stick with Take a Break Magazine to guide their choices.

I’m sorry I’ve bruised your ego. Please keep insulting me/the ether to make yourself feel better.

What insults you there?

Your inability to accept you’re wrong.

If you actually think that...

But I doubt it, nothing I’ve said was designed to insult or offend anyone. This after all is a thread about the issues slim people face. There are hundreds of other threads about being overweight.

No other causes of weight gain rather than eating spring to mind..

I’m using my training rather than google here, but I’m sure you’ve got some ideas

“Again I see this as disrespectful from people that clearly are too lazy or too greedy to balance their calorie intake to their energy expenditure.”

You don’t think that comment would offend anyone?

What do you mean? This thread is about the negative attitudes faced by slim people. I think it’s disrespectful to think of it as some stroke of luck rather than acknowledge the effort that it requires.

Again, I stress, this a thread about the issues faced by slim people, and by extension the negative attitudes against them from fatter people. I’ve said, that can me managed, and I believe simply, by eating less or better by exercising more.

The thread has already talked about negative attitudes directed against slim people. These are just opinions, in my case, hopefully backed up with a little science. There are plenty of other places on this website, the internet in general and out daily lives where slim people are made to apologise for the embarrassment felt by far people.

Weight, obesity, and for fucks sake, your health are huge issues. Everyone is already aware of the dangers of sedentary lifestyles and terrible diets. I don’t think sympathising has worked. I hope that application was of some simple ideas and basic principles might be more beneficial. People might then feel more empowered. Even if that’s empowered to put down the ice cream or get off the sofa. But empowered to make a change that’s likely to improve their health.

I think the offense was taken was the use of the word only in your original post. You then wouldn't listen to anyone who said "actually, there are other reasons why people gain weight".

I think the phrase ‘the only causes of weight gain are overeating or underexercing’ is a pretty neutral statement.

What’s that word? Oh yes, backpedaling.

But you think it’s actully offensive?

How? "

Oh dear, what don’t you get?

I just pointed out you’re wrong. I’m not offended. I’m perfectly fine.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So we have a medically trained doctor in the house that states weight gain is only ever a case of over-eating or under-exercising.

I feel safe.

Seriously. If the weight doesn’t come from the food where does it come from?

There are various reasons. My niece is overweight. She doesn't overeat. She had a benign tumour on her pituitary gland as a child. She is on steroids for the rest of her life and has to take tablets because her immune systen will always be compromised as a result of her life saving operation. Long term medical steroid use, causes weight gain. Please don't assume that all overweight people are that way because of overeating. You can't know that every person has weight issues for that reason only. "


It’s the absolutism that is offensive and misinformed.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *imandHerNottsCouple  over a year ago

North Notts

No and no.

The way we see it everyone has the right to and an opinion. It just takes tact and decorum to think it and not write it or say it in a Tourette’s fashion!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" Seems like being fat is some kind of protected state these days. Everything always turns back to fat chat.

So much for there being a discussion on the issues that slim people face, when people still just argue about being fat!"

To be fair ... people are only responding to someone whos attempt to "stand up for his skinny physique" was to fat shame ... it kind if has to work both eays and everyone needs to stop body shaming each other

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 02/04/18 17:14:39]

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" Seems like being fat is some kind of protected state these days. Everything always turns back to fat chat.

So much for there being a discussion on the issues that slim people face, when people still just argue about being fat!

To be fair ... people are only responding to someone whos attempt to "stand up for his skinny physique" was to fat shame ... it kind if has to work both eays and everyone needs to stop body shaming each other "

Body shaming in every way is hideous and speaks to the person doing it. Yes.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"All the issues and drugs do is make it harder. Its not impossible. Medical issues are irrelevant in this conversation so don't jump on that wagon. "

Did you not just say "You can get medication to balance the hormone levels in your body."

Make up your mind fella

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

All the time as a teen,and at school would be stick or beanpole or ironing board as flat chested too.

Have always been able to eat like a horse and never put weight on. It caught up with me a bit in my 30's after having kids and then people notice and start mentioning you getting 'fatter'as if its now a bad thing. Lost a stone or two recently due to an on going thing and now im too skinny again

Cant win either way and I'm old enough now not to care but it hurts when your younger and more impressionable

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By *radleywigginsMan  over a year ago


"So we have a medically trained doctor in the house that states weight gain is only ever a case of over-eating or under-exercising.

I feel safe.

Seriously. If the weight doesn’t come from the food where does it come from?

There are various reasons. My niece is overweight. She doesn't overeat. She had a benign tumour on her pituitary gland as a child. She is on steroids for the rest of her life and has to take tablets because her immune systen will always be compromised as a result of her life saving operation. Long term medical steroid use, causes weight gain. Please don't assume that all overweight people are that way because of overeating. You can't know that every person has weight issues for that reason only. "

If you are on steroids you need to eat less, yes.

Sorry to hear about your niece. Glad the tumour was benign. Some pituitary rumours do secrete steroid hormones which affect the secretion of steroids which control carbohydrate and protein metabolism. This can increase propensity to eat more because your blood glucose levels are higher and intracellual levels are low making you feel hungry.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So we have a medically trained doctor in the house that states weight gain is only ever a case of over-eating or under-exercising.

I feel safe.

Seriously. If the weight doesn’t come from the food where does it come from?

There are various reasons. My niece is overweight. She doesn't overeat. She had a benign tumour on her pituitary gland as a child. She is on steroids for the rest of her life and has to take tablets because her immune systen will always be compromised as a result of her life saving operation. Long term medical steroid use, causes weight gain. Please don't assume that all overweight people are that way because of overeating. You can't know that every person has weight issues for that reason only.


It’s the absolutism that is offensive and misinformed. "

It's a drives me crazy that it's a presumption that weight is down to what you eat. My sis has been underweight all her life and spent years of people telling me she's aneroxic!! Hate how people are so quick to judge without knowing the facts

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

So to some this up:

1. People are mean to each other for lots of reasons

2. Some people are over/underweight for reasons then CAN control

3. Some people are over/underweight for reasons then CAN NOT control.

4. Some people can not distingusish a difference between point 2 and point 3. Or they get get so entrenched in their point they ignore it.

Did I cover everything? Can we go back to snog fuck avoid, facepic fuckday and talking about the best brand of strap ons

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So we have a medically trained doctor in the house that states weight gain is only ever a case of over-eating or under-exercising.

I feel safe.

Seriously. If the weight doesn’t come from the food where does it come from?

There are various reasons. My niece is overweight. She doesn't overeat. She had a benign tumour on her pituitary gland as a child. She is on steroids for the rest of her life and has to take tablets because her immune systen will always be compromised as a result of her life saving operation. Long term medical steroid use, causes weight gain. Please don't assume that all overweight people are that way because of overeating. You can't know that every person has weight issues for that reason only.


It’s the absolutism that is offensive and misinformed.

It's a drives me crazy that it's a presumption that weight is down to what you eat. My sis has been underweight all her life and spent years of people telling me she's aneroxic!! Hate how people are so quick to judge without knowing the facts "

Agreed. There’s a way of sharing insights and then a way of parading ego-stroking self important patronising insults. Some people can be deft, empowering and contribute to the world meaningfully, some are just attitudinal.

I don’t get it right all the time, but I’m always willing to reflect on that.

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By *radleywigginsMan  over a year ago


" People might then feel more empowered. Even if that’s empowered to put down the ice cream or get off the sofa. But empowered to make a change that’s likely to improve their health.

Oh our mistake ... you were just empowering people by calling them lazy ... got it!

Actually all your "empowerment" does is put people off joining a gym for fear all the members have your stinking attitude and will look down on them

Thats kind of what I meant earlier by it would be more helpful to encourage and be constructive ... your "harsh truth" of eat less move more isnt news to anyone ... nor is it helpful as your high horse position would attempt to suggest to justify it

Also as you said the thread was about the body shaming comments slim people face ... people who cannot seem to put on weight and its commented on in a hurtful manner ... therefore your rant about people not appreciating how much exercise you do to keep in shape wasnt really relevant either ..."

No. I said that my experience says that fat people would rather consider weight as a quirk if nature or a blessing from above rather than a case of balancing your diet with your activity.

You say that is not new news, but look at the number of [fat] people in this thread saying otherwise

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" People might then feel more empowered. Even if that’s empowered to put down the ice cream or get off the sofa. But empowered to make a change that’s likely to improve their health.

Oh our mistake ... you were just empowering people by calling them lazy ... got it!

Actually all your "empowerment" does is put people off joining a gym for fear all the members have your stinking attitude and will look down on them

Thats kind of what I meant earlier by it would be more helpful to encourage and be constructive ... your "harsh truth" of eat less move more isnt news to anyone ... nor is it helpful as your high horse position would attempt to suggest to justify it

Also as you said the thread was about the body shaming comments slim people face ... people who cannot seem to put on weight and its commented on in a hurtful manner ... therefore your rant about people not appreciating how much exercise you do to keep in shape wasnt really relevant either ...

No. I said that my experience says that fat people would rather consider weight as a quirk if nature or a blessing from above rather than a case of balancing your diet with your activity.

You say that is not new news, but look at the number of [fat] people in this thread saying otherwise"


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

" Seems like being fat is some kind of protected state these days. Everything always turns back to fat chat.

So much for there being a discussion on the issues that slim people face, when people still just argue about being fat!

To be fair ... people are only responding to someone whos attempt to "stand up for his skinny physique" was to fat shame ... it kind if has to work both eays and everyone needs to stop body shaming each other "

I agree. But there's always threads discussing the larger size of the body scale.

I wanted an adult debate about the body shaming issues that slim people face - they very rarely get their voice heard because the larger people take over the threads.

So no change there then.

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By *wisted999Man  over a year ago

North Bucks

" Seems like being fat is some kind of protected state these days. Everything always turns back to fat chat.

So much for there being a discussion on the issues that slim people face, when people still just argue about being fat!

To be fair ... people are only responding to someone whos attempt to "stand up for his skinny physique" was to fat shame ... it kind if has to work both eays and everyone needs to stop body shaming each other

I agree. But there's always threads discussing the larger size of the body scale.

I wanted an adult debate about the body shaming issues that slim people face - they very rarely get their voice heard because the larger people take over the threads.

So no change there then. "

If often find hat those who preach tolerance and understanding often lack it themselves.

Hence the body shaming irony.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So we have a medically trained doctor in the house that states weight gain is only ever a case of over-eating or under-exercising.

I feel safe.

Seriously. If the weight doesn’t come from the food where does it come from?

There are various reasons. My niece is overweight. She doesn't overeat. She had a benign tumour on her pituitary gland as a child. She is on steroids for the rest of her life and has to take tablets because her immune systen will always be compromised as a result of her life saving operation. Long term medical steroid use, causes weight gain. Please don't assume that all overweight people are that way because of overeating. You can't know that every person has weight issues for that reason only.

If you are on steroids you need to eat less, yes.

Sorry to hear about your niece. Glad the tumour was benign. Some pituitary rumours do secrete steroid hormones which affect the secretion of steroids which control carbohydrate and protein metabolism. This can increase propensity to eat more because your blood glucose levels are higher and intracellual levels are low making you feel hungry. "

As said above. She doesn't overeat. In fact, she doesn't eat enough.... The reason why she is chubby and not fat. I'll be sure to let my insecure 15 year old niece know that she needs to eat even less than she already does though. Seriously, what are you chatting??

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" People might then feel more empowered. Even if that’s empowered to put down the ice cream or get off the sofa. But empowered to make a change that’s likely to improve their health.

Oh our mistake ... you were just empowering people by calling them lazy ... got it!

Actually all your "empowerment" does is put people off joining a gym for fear all the members have your stinking attitude and will look down on them

Thats kind of what I meant earlier by it would be more helpful to encourage and be constructive ... your "harsh truth" of eat less move more isnt news to anyone ... nor is it helpful as your high horse position would attempt to suggest to justify it

Also as you said the thread was about the body shaming comments slim people face ... people who cannot seem to put on weight and its commented on in a hurtful manner ... therefore your rant about people not appreciating how much exercise you do to keep in shape wasnt really relevant either ...

No. I said that my experience says that fat people would rather consider weight as a quirk if nature or a blessing from above rather than a case of balancing your diet with your activity.

You say that is not new news, but look at the number of [fat] people in this thread saying otherwise"

Did you? Pretry sure thats not how it read to anyone else

You were purposefully being inflammatory and you know it ... there are ways of saying things and you chose to offend and then have back pedalled with more diplomatic wording

Also like i already said too many calories in vs not enough out might be the science of being overweight but it is very often not the "reason" behind it and the same can be said for people who are underweight too ... wether it be medical, emotional, chemical, hormonal, mental ... its not always quite as simple as you have suggested and any real medical professional worth their credentials would appreciate and be able to empathise with that

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Fat people just like smokers and drinkers always find excuses for they're behaviour, I'm perfectly happy that fat people are happy being fat just like I'm happy smoking cigars but let's no bullshit ourselves over the outcome

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" Seems like being fat is some kind of protected state these days. Everything always turns back to fat chat.

So much for there being a discussion on the issues that slim people face, when people still just argue about being fat!

To be fair ... people are only responding to someone whos attempt to "stand up for his skinny physique" was to fat shame ... it kind if has to work both eays and everyone needs to stop body shaming each other

I agree. But there's always threads discussing the larger size of the body scale.

I wanted an adult debate about the body shaming issues that slim people face - they very rarely get their voice heard because the larger people take over the threads.

So no change there then. "

I do think you will find plenty slim people posting on threads about larger people to be fair...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


" Seems like being fat is some kind of protected state these days. Everything always turns back to fat chat.

So much for there being a discussion on the issues that slim people face, when people still just argue about being fat!

To be fair ... people are only responding to someone whos attempt to "stand up for his skinny physique" was to fat shame ... it kind if has to work both eays and everyone needs to stop body shaming each other "

I agree. But there's always threads discussing the larger size of the body scale.

I wanted an adult debate about the body shaming issues that slim people face - they very rarely get their voice heard because the larger people take over the threads.

So no change there then.


Again it was a slimmer person who changed the topic to fat shame ... you cant hold it against people for being body shamed more often than you are and then wanting to defend their position ... and yes while your dislike of thinner people being body shamed is legitimate its unfortunately the case that overweight people are fat shamed much more often and via more channels ... in the media, advertising and on catwalks , thin is still very much the aspired to body shape for women

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Question for the slim/ skinny/ thin people. Have you ever been made fun of for being too thin?

Have people commented on what you eat in a mean or negative way?

There's been threads about non-slim people having the piss taken out of them. But my slim friends say they get negative comments too. Have you experienced this?

I have experienced this but not aimed at me. My UK dress size 16 self does not fall into this category but have heard the horrible comments and looks one of my friends who does gets.

She is five one tall and a UK dress size six. Her engagement ring doesn't even go all the way down on my little finger and no, I don't have large hands

People incorrectly assume and sometimes actually say to her face or within earshot that she obviously has an eating disorder, etc . I have seen how she's watched when ordering food and going to the restrooms.

She looks like most other women - just smaller proportions.

She doesn't have bones poking through her skin, has breasts, booty and a tiny belly. She eats meat, doesn't abstain from all (white) carbs. She has had two healthy pregnancies, with each baby being over six/seven pounds.

I know women who have two or three more dress sizes on her but look bony in places.

I'm sure someone will say bad things about me for my next comment but it's my experience. I find that often nowadays, there are worse comments for those at the smaller than the larger end of sizes. ***

Derogatory comments are wrong. Fullstop.

I also dislike the term "real woman". I know that often people say it as a compliment but I feel it just puts down those who are naturally slim.

None of us are figments of the imagination or holograms. We are all real women


I agree with this. Seems like being fat is some kind of protected state these days. Everything always turns back to fat chat.

So much for there being a discussion on the issues that slim people face, when people still just argue about being fat!"


Witnessing the mean and negative comments she faces first hand and not saying anything to those people used to be hard for me. She said I shouldn't bother, as not it and they are worth the time and she's used to it but it still irritates me. I only say nothing because it's what she wants but don't see why her and others in the same position should have to put up with it.

I have another couple of friends who fall into this category. A brother and sister. Same as their mum buildwise. Mum has been the same for the last forty years. The other sibling is like the dad and not. They also take the, "it's not worth replying" stance when people are mean. So I just bite my tongue as requested and enjoy the time with my friends.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago


" Seems like being fat is some kind of protected state these days. Everything always turns back to fat chat.

So much for there being a discussion on the issues that slim people face, when people still just argue about being fat!

To be fair ... people are only responding to someone whos attempt to "stand up for his skinny physique" was to fat shame ... it kind if has to work both eays and everyone needs to stop body shaming each other "

I agree. But there's always threads discussing the larger size of the body scale.

I wanted an adult debate about the body shaming issues that slim people face - they very rarely get their voice heard because the larger people take over the threads.

So no change there then.

Again it was a slimmer person who changed the topic to fat shame ... you cant hold it against people for being body shamed more often than you are and then wanting to defend their position ... and yes while your dislike of thinner people being body shamed is legitimate its unfortunately the case that overweight people are fat shamed much more often and via more channels ... in the media, advertising and on catwalks , thin is still very much the aspired to body shape for women "

I agree, hence my OP. People seem to think that slim people are the 'ideal' and ignore the fact that they can be body shamed too.

I'm not ignoring fat shaming. I was just asking people to acknowledge and consider the other side for a change.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


" Seems like being fat is some kind of protected state these days. Everything always turns back to fat chat.

So much for there being a discussion on the issues that slim people face, when people still just argue about being fat!

To be fair ... people are only responding to someone whos attempt to "stand up for his skinny physique" was to fat shame ... it kind if has to work both eays and everyone needs to stop body shaming each other "

I agree. But there's always threads discussing the larger size of the body scale.

I wanted an adult debate about the body shaming issues that slim people face - they very rarely get their voice heard because the larger people take over the threads.

So no change there then.

Again it was a slimmer person who changed the topic to fat shame ... you cant hold it against people for being body shamed more often than you are and then wanting to defend their position ... and yes while your dislike of thinner people being body shamed is legitimate its unfortunately the case that overweight people are fat shamed much more often and via more channels ... in the media, advertising and on catwalks , thin is still very much the aspired to body shape for women

I agree, hence my OP. People seem to think that slim people are the 'ideal' and ignore the fact that they can be body shamed too.

I'm not ignoring fat shaming. I was just asking people to acknowledge and consider the other side for a change."

That is purely to the fact that the media projects the slim gym fit body as being the ideal.

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By *inkyLondonpairCouple  over a year ago


As the saying goes, haters gonna hate. Anyone can find something in anyone to be gratuitously negative about.

Just don't do it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


I agree. But there's always threads discussing the larger size of the body scale.

I wanted an adult debate about the body shaming issues that slim people face - they very rarely get their voice heard because the larger people take over the threads.

So no change there then.

Again it was a slimmer person who changed the topic to fat shame ... you cant hold it against people for being body shamed more often than you are and then wanting to defend their position ... and yes while your dislike of thinner people being body shamed is legitimate its unfortunately the case that overweight people are fat shamed much more often and via more channels ... in the media, advertising and on catwalks , thin is still very much the aspired to body shape for women "

Of course it is and it shapes the whole debate and probably always will.

Approximately size 8-14 for women or for men six pack and V shape for men. That's what everyone is conditioned to want or aspire to.

Those that don't or can't are deemed less attractive by the majority and often insecure as a result because they themselves often believe the hype.

Fat shaming used to be common, I think it's reduced dramatically. Slim shaming from large people seems to have increased. That's just my opinion.

I just choose not to believe that slim shaming has the same level of effect as fat shaming because slim people are closer to the perceived ideal.

I dont want to offend but the nature of this topic is that the insecure will find offence anyway.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


I just choose not to believe that slim shaming has the same level of effect as fat shaming because slim people are closer to the perceived ideal.


While that seems logical its not really how it works ... low self esteem is awful no matter what size you are

I was as equally unhappy when underweight as i am now that i am overweight and i honestly think once you have this negative body image of yourself it wont matter what weight / dress size you get yourself to ... its very hard to ever look in the mirror again and not find something to pick fault with

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


I just choose not to believe that slim shaming has the same level of effect as fat shaming because slim people are closer to the perceived ideal.


While that seems logical its not really how it works ... low self esteem is awful no matter what size you are

I was as equally unhappy when underweight as i am now that i am overweight and i honestly think once you have this negative body image of yourself it wont matter what weight / dress size you get yourself to ... its very hard to ever look in the mirror again and not find something to pick fault with "

I think everyone can look in the mirror and find reasons to pick faults in themselves.

The key to shaming is not what they do to themselves but what others attempt to do to them.

The further they are away from the perceived ideal the more others will find fault. That's the reality.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

And the more you are / have been shamed ... the more you will find fault in yourself ... vicious circle

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