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JSA? What's all that about then?
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
I've just had half an hour that I'll never get back sitting in front of a 300y/o crusty old windbag who was reading through a mental script for processing my claim for JobSeeker's Allowance.
You could tell when she was in 'script' mode when she put her fingertips together and said, "Now, Mr. *******..."
She did this a few times because I'd thrown her into a total state of confusion by informing her I'd already had a letter from the Benefits people saying I hadn't paid enough N.I. for the last two years and was entitled to sod all. (I've been in continuous employment for the years in question and have paid more than enough N.I. contribs, but hey, I'm a white, British male so that's me at the bottom of the pile).
The funny part was that she dropped back into 'script' mode when she started telling me what I had to in order to qualify for JSA - at which point I reminded her I wasn't getting any - and then the fingertips again, "Now, Mr. *******...."
The whole experience left me with the impression that when someone walks through their door who is obviously educated and has worked all his life but for one reason or another finds himself out of work, they don't have a fookin clue how to deal with him, or her. Confront them with a dopey chav who's never worked, is a career criminal and couldn't add 2 + 2 together and come up with answer that didn't include the words: "But when's me benefit coming, like?" and they will put their Smug Coat on and dictate to the dopey prat what he has to do to get his cash.
For people like me, it's a case of, "Sorry, shouldn't you be working?"
(I'm retraining at the moment as some of you already know, but I have to go to the KnobCentre once a fortnight to make sure my N.I. contribs are kept up to date).
As I left, you could tell the silly old dear was breathing a sigh of relief that she'd got through the interview in one piece. |
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she sounds pretty useless and ive always wondered what they say to the totally unemployable who you see sitting in pubs, in the day ,day after day,every day who havent any intention of searching for work.In my personal experience the job centre is a waste of time |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"she sounds pretty useless and ive always wondered what they say to the totally unemployable who you see sitting in pubs, in the day ,day after day,every day who havent any intention of searching for work.In my personal experience the job centre is a waste of time"
It exists purely to give the unemployable a place to go and sit in front of a person who couldn't relate to any other type of person in a professional capacity. It benefits both of them. The chav to get his dosh, and the 'advisor', for want of a better description, to have a job. That's what Job Centre means. THEIR Job Centre - where THEY work.  |
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By *ustyWoman
over a year ago
inverclyde |
wishy i got that as well when i moved back to scotland, but funny thing was a number of years ago i was in a bad accident and off work so went to see about sickness benefit, was told yes i could get some then told no, a few weeks before xmas i got a letter telling i was no longer entitiled to the money and would have to pay it back,cant give back what you never got in the first place.... makes me wonder when a person really needs the help they cant the works and milk the system then the genuine ones suffer  |
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Know how you feel, I was made redundant last month, so went to sign on. I've worked since I was 16, apart from 1 period of 2 months.
I was given no help with writing a CV., no help with job searches etc, and told that I had to apply for the bar job they offered me, 20 miles from my home, and I cannot drive, I have a push bike, or they'd stop my money for 2 weeks.
Whereas the "person" in the next booth was asking for money towards a new car because the job that they were making him apply for was 10 minutes down the road on the bus.
Because I have a degree, I'm not entitled to any help with writing a CV., nor am I given any lee way because I am studying with the OU, because it's "not proper learning". |
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"Know how you feel, I was made redundant last month, so went to sign on. I've worked since I was 16, apart from 1 period of 2 months.
I was given no help with writing a CV., no help with job searches etc, and told that I had to apply for the bar job they offered me, 20 miles from my home, and I cannot drive, I have a push bike, or they'd stop my money for 2 weeks.
Whereas the "person" in the next booth was asking for money towards a new car because the job that they were making him apply for was 10 minutes down the road on the bus.
Because I have a degree, I'm not entitled to any help with writing a CV., nor am I given any lee way because I am studying with the OU, because it's "not proper learning"." thats a disgusting way to be treated...and so typical  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Its not the people at the job centre that are at fault.. they are just following guidelines..
I hate it when I have to have anything to do with them.. I to am degree educated but have at a few points in my life needed to go and get the help that my NI contributions pay for.
I got pushed and spoke down to.. so I let them fill in my form for me.. as they said can you fill the form in and I said no.. when it got to educational level. I gave my huge loads of qualifications... to which she asked me if I have all these, how come I couldnt fill in my form...
I said "Oh I couldn, but I figured I would let you do your job"
not smart but I had already been spoke down to three times before I got to that part.
Cali |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Oh and actually did the training to work as a supervisor at the job centre and its actually a very intensive interview.. I cant work out how half of them got the job to be honest.
Cali |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
You have to fit a very slim criteria to qualify for JSA - and that is to be just a little bit dopier than the person advising you. I'm sure most of them that work down there are former clients! |
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"Its not the people at the job centre that are at fault.. they are just following guidelines..
I hate it when I have to have anything to do with them.. I to am degree educated but have at a few points in my life needed to go and get the help that my NI contributions pay for.
I got pushed and spoke down to.. so I let them fill in my form for me.. as they said can you fill the form in and I said no.. when it got to educational level. I gave my huge loads of qualifications... to which she asked me if I have all these, how come I couldnt fill in my form...
I said "Oh I couldn, but I figured I would let you do your job"
not smart but I had already been spoke down to three times before I got to that part.
Cali " why should they be allowed to talk down to anyone?I work in customer services and we would be reprimanded if we did that |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"Cali why should they be allowed to talk down to anyone?I work in customer services and we would be reprimanded if we did that"
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.   |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
She thought she was superior to me.. they really do have that attitude and forget that some people in there are hard working people that have fallen on hard times..
Like for me my ex had walked out.. I couldnt get childcare for one of my children as no where close does disabled childcare... and I had 3 kids two of which with special needs to look after..
I have worked for most of my adult life and was more qualified than anyone working there..
I am lucky that I did qualify but it still took me 6 weeks to get a payment...
cali |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I was made redundant 4 months ago and since then I've only received one job lead from the Job Centre.
Have to say though, that the staff have spoken to me and treated me as I expect to be treated on a personal level.
I'm just dissappointed that they haven't really helped me to find a job.
Fingers crossed, I think I've got myself sorted now  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
been on jsa for a while not my fault - hard to get back into a market when there is no jobs - tried to get training but can't unless there is a job at the end of it - tyvm tories - thank god i can do part time |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"been on jsa for a while not my fault - hard to get back into a market when there is no jobs - tried to get training but can't unless there is a job at the end of it - tyvm tories - thank god i can do part time "
How is it the Tories fault after 13 years of B.Liar and Gordy the Gaffe?
Thank them for you current predicament. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"been on jsa for a while not my fault - hard to get back into a market when there is no jobs - tried to get training but can't unless there is a job at the end of it - tyvm tories - thank god i can do part time
How is it the Tories fault after 13 years of B.Liar and Gordy the Gaffe?
Thank them for you current predicament." very easy its there fault due to the massive cuts they did in public sector - ie job training update skills but cant now - under labour we could |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"been on jsa for a while not my fault - hard to get back into a market when there is no jobs - tried to get training but can't unless there is a job at the end of it - tyvm tories - thank god i can do part time
How is it the Tories fault after 13 years of B.Liar and Gordy the Gaffe?
Thank them for you current predicament.very easy its there fault due to the massive cuts they did in public sector - ie job training update skills but cant now - under labour we could"
Because Labour were spending money they didn't have to buy votes.. and still lost the election. What does that tell you?
Look at Greece at the moment and you'll see where we would have been had Osbourne not put a stop to the spending and introduced swingeing cuts. It had to be done and it's going to hurt a lot of people, but the alternative will be a lost generation as it would take 30 years to claw our way out of a hole such as the one Greece is in right now. |
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Wishy if you have paid enough NI over the last years from being in employment, then sometimes you have to go back to them, prove them wrong & get what youre entitled to even if it involves hitting them oveer the head(metaphorically of course ) with the info till it sinks in. Or appeal the decision..a very high percentage of appeals succeed because the idiots at the DWP have no clue how to do things right
(Unless that Tribunal thing is about your ex boss not playing NI, then Im not so sure, but you might have a case if you thought it was being paid! I wont suggest the CAB lol) |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Wishy if you dont qualify on contributions maybe you could qualify on an income basis. Could be worth a try.
One thing that you may fall foul of is if your retraining takes too many hours up as they will deem you not looking for work.
Good luck with it. The system is very frustrating and many of the staff have the attitude of "if you're so clever why havent you got a job?" |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"Wishy if you dont qualify on contributions maybe you could qualify on an income basis. Could be worth a try.
One thing that you may fall foul of is if your retraining takes too many hours up as they will deem you not looking for work.
Good luck with it. The system is very frustrating and many of the staff have the attitude of "if you're so clever why havent you got a job?""
Income JSA is out cos Siren's working full time. The hours I study are less than the 16 hours stipulated by their rules. ... well, they are now I know what the limit is.
As for you last sentence. Spot on. That's exactly the attitude they have as they know full well that if they hinder you endlessly you'll tell them to fuck off and go get a job.
Cash in hand contracting would be nice.  |
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By *he tactile technicianMan
over a year ago
the good lands, the bad lands, the any where you may want me lands |
"But they had little choice but to make the cuts after the last fiasco of a government. its all gone quiet with them expenses cheats " OH has it? You evidently missed the news update on Margaret Moran )lab) earlier this week, 61 charges including Fraud? Hmmm send her down with the rest of the stinking lab rats!!!
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over a year ago
Hull |
I have seen the various postings here on this subject, and I've been treated the opposite way.
As you know, I'm getting back into work after 6.5 months out of work; in that time, I have applied for 591 jobs and had responses from only 12.
But unlike everyone else on here, I've had help from the Job Centre.
There used to be a time when Job Centre personnel used to help you every fortnight or so when you signed on. But those days have changed. From Tony Blair's time in office, governments have cut back on J.C Staffing levels and today's personnel have to meet targets themselves, or they are out of work too!
The onus is on you to look for work, via whatever sources you have. At your 3 monthly reviews, the case worker will be able to give advice, might be able to provide work types you may nopt have heard of etc.
But the system is weighted against the job seeker, as there are no up to date guideleines as to what is available, in terms of training oportunities, courses, alternative careers and 1001 other issues, because no one individual organisation appears to know best.
I was lucky; here in Hull, there were 4 Job Clubs, and they gave me invaluable advice before 3 closed down due to local government cuts.
Yes, a lot of the Job Centre personnel get the same shit verbally spewed out at them each and every day, but they are only doing their job, and can only do it with the rescources they are given.
There are jobs out there; you just have to know where to look! |
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I like the teleportation machines.
Seeking a job within tewnty miles? Here's a (non existent) job in Cardiff.
Yeah, like i've just moved 200 miles by pressing a button.
Perhaps it's Funky who really runs the show? |
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