FabSwingers.com > Forums > The Lounge > Winter of Discontent II
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"So the Big 3 unions are planning a winter of strikes across the UK huh? And we're going to see the biggest financial-gathering exercise by the trade unions so that they can keep people out on strike. Hmmm.. are we indeed. Lemme get this straight: The militant basta... um... unions, are planning to take people OUT of work, then pay them to keep them OUT of work, then sit by idly while their jobs are taken over by whoever is already OUT of work and looking for a job (read: polish immigrants), thus making their members permanently OUT of work. Is there a pattern emerging here? I feel sorry for anyone in a union these days as they're paying their union dues and getting fuck all out of it. They even turned on Millibanter this week. Aren't they all supposed to be lovey-dovey in bed together?" Would you get in bed with Millibanter? | |||
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"It just goes to showwhat a fuckup the Tories have created so far, riots, strikes and the rest. while the rich get richer and the deluded still delve deep with tongue in arse. ![]() ![]() Um.. the unions aren't Tory. It's the unions taking people out on strike. All the govt is doing is saying, 'look, if you are gonna live longer, we cant afford to pay you the pension you bought when the govt at the time thought you were gonna snuff it soon after retiring.' We all want to live longer and healthier lives. Well, the flip side of that is that it has to be funded and those recieving it should pay for it. If you think I'm being harsh then you're damn right I am. I don't particularly vare a hoot for the govt jobsworths that try to dictate what you do etc but as I'm retraining at the moment (which means I haven't worked since April and, more importantly, paid no N.I. since April) I have been advised that I need to go to the JobCentre and sign on. Loada bollox is you ask me, total waste of time I said to Siren. I'm a white British male - bottom of the food chain in this country, and, sure enough, I gets a letter back: "Dear Mr XXXX, you ain't getting fuck all mate. Sign on as usual though of we'll be after ya for some N.I. payments. btw, go and get 'Gullible Wanker' tattooed on ya forehead. Dickhead." And the govt want me to subsidise public sector pensions. Like hell I will. I'll be self employed soon and the taxman will be getting the absolute minimum I can legally get away with. | |||
"It just goes to showwhat a fuckup the Tories have created so far, riots, strikes and the rest. while the rich get richer and the deluded still delve deep with tongue in arse. ![]() ![]() I am well aware the govt have no control over the unions if you care to read again what i put i was insinuateing the curent goverment is driveing people to act. And an attitude of paying as little tax as possible speaks wonders about your atttude to the rest of society. If you had children going to university i am sure your attitude would be vastly different. | |||
"It just goes to showwhat a fuckup the Tories have created so far, riots, strikes and the rest. while the rich get richer and the deluded still delve deep with tongue in arse. ![]() ![]() In many respects, I really do share your comments. The whole system is on its knees, and is being f****d up by PC constraints. Over the past 6 months in particular, but wth experience over the past 6 years plus, what really has made my blood boil is that when you get a job application form, it asks you for proof that you are eligible to work in this country! I was born here, I was brought up in this country! So, why the hell should I have to prove that I can work here? In the past two months I've been fighting the Dept of Work and Pensions, over Housing Assistance costs. Unfortunately, as a single guy, with no dependents, I did not earn enough "brownie points" to qualify for masses of public handouts. I was offerred £25 per month Mortgage Assistance costs. It kind of makes you wonder whether I should have come into the country illegally, claimed asylum, got a house rent free, got benefits, free handouts etc, or have a criminal record, sired numerous kids across the town and am shacked up on some sink estate, up to my neck in cigs, drugs and so on. I'd get plenty of help then! Sorry, rant over! But it just seems so unjust when decent people try to do the best they can when the freeloaders and spongers get away with all the handouts. | |||
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"I am well aware the govt have no control over the unions if you care to read again what i put i was insinuateing the curent goverment is driveing people to act. And an attitude of paying as little tax as possible speaks wonders about your atttude to the rest of society. If you had children going to university i am sure your attitude would be vastly different. " Society? That's a word banded about by people trying to extricate value from another under the guise of 'honour' and 'duty'. It's absolute nonsense to believe that 'society' gives a damn because I'm yet to see someone from 'society' inviting people down on their luck into their homes for a nice meal, bath and bed until they get back on their feet. It is not my responsibility to pay for some schmuck I don't even know. If he can't get off his lazy arse and make something of his life why am I expected to put food in his disrepectful gob? | |||
"Not another blummin Wishy government slant thread. blummin obsessed man. ![]() Feel strongly about it. Means I wanna talk about it. | |||
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"I did not earn enough "brownie points" to qualify for masses of public handouts. I was offerred £25 per month Mortgage Assistance costs." They told me it was because I didn't pay enough N.I. in 2010 - total bollox as I was in full time work then. When I queried it they said, um. "your wife is in full time employment. Ha, you're out mate." Any cap that fits is the one they make you wear. | |||
"Not another blummin Wishy government slant thread. blummin obsessed man. ![]() Let's talk football. you watching the match tomorrow? weekend could be interesting against Chelsea too. ![]() | |||
"Not another blummin Wishy government slant thread. blummin obsessed man. ![]() ![]() Sorry, I'd rather talk on any other subject than that most boring of all invented games.....Yeah, Football! | |||
"I did not earn enough "brownie points" to qualify for masses of public handouts. I was offerred £25 per month Mortgage Assistance costs. They told me it was because I didn't pay enough N.I. in 2010 - total bollox as I was in full time work then. When I queried it they said, um. "your wife is in full time employment. Ha, you're out mate." Any cap that fits is the one they make you wear." Yeah. And they make sure there are plenty of different sized caps that will fit them. In other words, they toss a coin; Tails I lose, Heads they win! Simples! | |||
"I did not earn enough "brownie points" to qualify for masses of public handouts. I was offerred £25 per month Mortgage Assistance costs. They told me it was because I didn't pay enough N.I. in 2010 - total bollox as I was in full time work then. When I queried it they said, um. "your wife is in full time employment. Ha, you're out mate." Any cap that fits is the one they make you wear. Yeah. And they make sure there are plenty of different sized caps that will fit them. In other words, they toss a coin; Tails I lose, Heads they win! Simples!" I tempted to go down there and when they ask, "have you done anything to find a job sinced you last signed on?" I'll reply, "Yes, I worked for 25 feckin years and have paid approximately £100,000 in tax over that period, as well as around £20,000 in National Insurance contributions." I bet the dopey bint will go glassy-eyed, coo over to her colleague, wink, and that will be the signal for security to escort me out the building. | |||
"I am well aware the govt have no control over the unions if you care to read again what i put i was insinuateing the curent goverment is driveing people to act. And an attitude of paying as little tax as possible speaks wonders about your atttude to the rest of society. If you had children going to university i am sure your attitude would be vastly different. Society? That's a word banded about by people trying to extricate value from another under the guise of 'honour' and 'duty'. It's absolute nonsense to believe that 'society' gives a damn because I'm yet to see someone from 'society' inviting people down on their luck into their homes for a nice meal, bath and bed until they get back on their feet. It is not my responsibility to pay for some schmuck I don't even know. If he can't get off his lazy arse and make something of his life why am I expected to put food in his disrepectful gob?" I agree with some things about the work shy. There sre far to many lazy men living off benifits or wifes earnings. IThe rest and what society is, means and the rest you seem to have little concept of so there is no point continueing debateing issues with you at all. | |||
"I agree with some things about the work shy. There sre far to many lazy men living off benifits or wifes earnings. IThe rest and what society is, means and the rest you seem to have little concept of so there is no point continueing debateing issues with you at all." Oh ok then. Ta ta. | |||
"Queen Bee. Sorry, but you haven't grasped what has been said in the Media over the past few years. The Tories inherited the mess from Labour's government. Even senior Labour politicians have gone on record lately, saying they got things wrong, that they underestimated things. The world is changing; it is in recessionary times; that doesn't help either, but to heap all of what you say on the Tories, is just utterley incorrect. Put it this way, and given your way of thinking through your postings above, would you still be saying the same if Labour was still in power? As for Miliband, only today, he was appealing to the Unions NOT to strike; he is not cosying up to them, he abhors what the Unions are demanding through this coming winter. " Strangely enough there are issues with most of Europe and the US now lets be honest that isn't all down to labor is it. The unions are thretening to strike not because of the economic situation we are in butr are objecting to the solution, i am sure you can understand that. | |||
" I agree with some things about the work shy. There sre far to many lazy men living off benifits or wifes earnings. IThe rest and what society is, means and the rest you seem to have little concept of so there is no point continueing debateing issues with you at all." Regarding that last line, what the heck did that mean? ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
"I am well aware the govt have no control over the unions if you care to read again what i put i was insinuateing the curent goverment is driveing people to act. And an attitude of paying as little tax as possible speaks wonders about your atttude to the rest of society. If you had children going to university i am sure your attitude would be vastly different. Society? That's a word banded about by people trying to extricate value from another under the guise of 'honour' and 'duty'. It's absolute nonsense to believe that 'society' gives a damn because I'm yet to see someone from 'society' inviting people down on their luck into their homes for a nice meal, bath and bed until they get back on their feet. It is not my responsibility to pay for some schmuck I don't even know. If he can't get off his lazy arse and make something of his life why am I expected to put food in his disrepectful gob? I agree with some things about the work shy. There sre far to many lazy men living off benifits or wifes earnings. IThe rest and what society is, means and the rest you seem to have little concept of so there is no point continueing debateing issues with you at all." You can't claim much if your wife is working, tax credits best. | |||
" You can't claim much if your wife is working, tax credits best. " But, Tax Credits are all means tested too, based on the previous Tax Year. In the Tax Year 2011-2011, I was in F/T employment, so that impacts over onto this current Tax Year. Or so I've been told! | |||
" You can't claim much if your wife is working, tax credits best. But, Tax Credits are all means tested too, based on the previous Tax Year. In the Tax Year 2011-2011, I was in F/T employment, so that impacts over onto this current Tax Year. Or so I've been told!" Well even if they were 100k a year i wouldn't have the ex back ![]() | |||
" The unions are thretening to strike not because of the economic situation we are in butr are objecting to the solution, i am sure you can understand that. " I think you are confusing ‘solution’ with ‘necessity’ The current pension scheme is not self funding,it doesn't need a solution... it's fucked... regardless of global economics, regardless of which party is in power, regardless of what the Unions want to do as a last show of abridged power. The only 'solution' for a fucked public sector pension scheme is in the pockets of the tax payer. That is not a feasible solution, so it becomes a 'necessity' to change the scheme. | |||
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"You can't claim much if your wife is working, tax credits best. " I don't actually need the money the JSA provides (or doesn't in my case) and I expected it as it was exactly the same 25 years ago under a different govt in a different town. Any excuse to not pay Dole/JSA and they'll use it - they just happened to use the same excuse twice over 25 years which I find amusing actually. I've paid £5k for my retraining course out of my own pocket and I wouldn't have even bothered going to the KnobCentre had the N.I. Rob You Blind Office hadn't sent me a letter saying, "Oi! Where the fuck are ya! If you're working we want our cut, if ya ain't working then feckin well tell us will ya!" ... and that's why I have to disturb some quality sleeping time to get out of bed and trapse down to the KnobCentre and fight my way through the throng of chavs in hoodies who hang out there trying to arrange a sitter for Friday night so they can go out and get wankered on other people's money. | |||
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"If someone has paid NI I thought they were entitled to JSA for a certain time, wether they lived with someone who worked or not. Back to the OP...I don't know enough about unions, but don't the people in the union have to vote wether they strike or not? if so, does that mean they are voting from their own free will and if the vote is to strike it means they are not happy? or are they all sheep." Well, it should all be that way! ![]() | |||
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"If someone has paid NI I thought they were entitled to JSA for a certain time, wether they lived with someone who worked or not. Back to the OP...I don't know enough about unions, but don't the people in the union have to vote wether they strike or not? if so, does that mean they are voting from their own free will and if the vote is to strike it means they are not happy? or are they all sheep." JSA entitlement is determined by the previous year's N.I. contributions. If you haven't paid enough (a yardstick I have yet to determine the limits of) then you cannot get Contributions Based JSA, and if your spouse is working you cannot get Income Based JSA. If you've never worked and neither has your spouse, they can't determine what you are capable of earning and so give you a house. That's my understanding of it. Tongue firmly in cheek. As for the unions, yes they have to ballot their membership as it would be an illegal strike if they didn't, as Excite found out a couple of years ago with the BA fiasco, but it seems they only need a certain % of those that bother to vote and not a % of the entire membership to call for industrial action. "from Dept of Business & Innovation: Industrial Action and The Law "The law gives every union member the right to apply to the court for an order to restrain his union from inducing him and other members to take any kind of industrial action in the absence of a properly conducted secret ballot, in which the majority of those voting indicate they support the action." " | |||