FabSwingers.com > Forums > The Lounge > Just how much information do you openly share online?
Just how much information do you openly share online?
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Pretty much what is says on the tin really.... how much personal information do you share on a site like this?
I have already mentioned today in another thread how innocent chit chat about young children could have implications far from the thoughts of the typing parent, but that same familiarity and comfort with our surroundings... the familiar forum usernames, our favourite chatroom... could it or does it lead us to unwittingly give out a bit too much info? Something you really wouldn't want a nutter to know?
If someone knew what village you lived in and what car you drove for example.... how hard would it be for a complete stranger to track you down?
I’m quite astounded by just how many people will tell you who they work for if you ask them what they do for a living.
I am not so astounded when someone tells me they had a bunny boiler turn up on their doorstep.
So how much do you protect your safety…. when you log on to your favourite haunt?
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By *ugby 123Couple
over a year ago
Forum Mod O o O oo |
The only people who know our names are the people we have met and a couple of trusted people who have proved to be discrete.
No number has been given out apart from a playphone number.
No one ones know where either of us work .
A couple of people may know the area we live in, but it is a big area so my bunny is safe.
So all in all......none. |
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"I have created an elaborate web of lies.
Full of red herrings and other colourful fish."
You mean your real name isn't Fonzie?
But actually on a serious note.... that's another one.... when people start using other people's real names. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Pretty much what is says on the tin really.... how much personal information do you share on a site like this?
I have already mentioned today in another thread how innocent chit chat about young children could have implications far from the thoughts of the typing parent, but that same familiarity and comfort with our surroundings... the familiar forum usernames, our favourite chatroom... could it or does it lead us to unwittingly give out a bit too much info? Something you really wouldn't want a nutter to know?
If someone knew what village you lived in and what car you drove for example.... how hard would it be for a complete stranger to track you down?
I’m quite astounded by just how many people will tell you who they work for if you ask them what they do for a living.
I am not so astounded when someone tells me they had a bunny boiler turn up on their doorstep.
So how much do you protect your safety…. when you log on to your favourite haunt?
I keep details to a minimum, no need to shout about this and that. So many say stuff about kids, what they do, where they work, what they drive etc. I tend to put it down to naivety myself.  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"I have created an elaborate web of lies.
Full of red herrings and other colourful fish.
You mean your real name isn't Fonzie?
But actually on a serious note.... that's another one.... when people start using other people's real names."
Its not good and says a lot about the person doing it.  |
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"I have created an elaborate web of lies.
Full of red herrings and other colourful fish.
You mean your real name isn't Fonzie?
But actually on a serious note.... that's another one.... when people start using other people's real names."
Ermmmm... yes, it is Fonzie, I wouldn't lie to you! I like my testicles where they are.
Seriously though I think it's a hard call to give out personal information. I think to not give and take at all means things would be stilted and no one would ever make friends.
Saying that I hope my judgement is good enough that when I do blab it's to the right people. |
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Where do you draw the line?
When does explaining you work nights become and open invite to case your house and rob it?
I'd want to know (or at least have a good idea) just who knew my house might be empty.
I'd certainly never post or openly discuss in the chatroom that I was going on holiday for however long and from whatever date.
If I were a parent I'd be devastated if a meet turned up or I got chatting to someone at a club and they started referring to my children by name.
But it is so easy to join in a conversation or a thread and forget just how many people might be reading it.
On another site there was a thread asking to make up porn names from your pets name and the street you live on.... it had over 50 replies. Tie that in with another thread a few weeks earlier asking what car you drive.... it's all very innocent on the face of it.
People will even discuss who they bank with.... if the thread seems innocent enough.
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
i dont really care what people are gonna do / say to me if they found out my identity on this to be honest. The worst they can do is what tell friends and family or something? I dunno i have nothing to really hide so i dont care |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Those that i play with know where i live as i tend to meet here. But i go with my gut instinct everytime and its served me well over the years. No one has ever turned up unannounced or took liberties in anyway.
But thats also after getting to know someone re phone and email etc.
Its no short process...
And i can honestly say that those who know , i can trust.
Mind they aint having me pin numbers  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"So you don't mind giving out your address to people on the net , they turn up when only the female half is in the house and frightens the life out of her?"
my female half doesnt live with me just my big dog so aye go for it :P |
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"Where do you draw the line?
When does explaining you work nights become and open invite to case your house and rob it?
I'd want to know (or at least have a good idea) just who knew my house might be empty.
I'd certainly never post or openly discuss in the chatroom that I was going on holiday for however long and from whatever date.
If I were a parent I'd be devastated if a meet turned up or I got chatting to someone at a club and they started referring to my children by name.
But it is so easy to join in a conversation or a thread and forget just how many people might be reading it.
On another site there was a thread asking to make up porn names from your pets name and the street you live on.... it had over 50 replies. Tie that in with another thread a few weeks earlier asking what car you drive.... it's all very innocent on the face of it.
People will even discuss who they bank with.... if the thread seems innocent enough.
The "porn name" thing has been bandied around in one shape or form on a number of forums, and it seems innocent enough, until you realise that much of the info you are giving out actually has a dual purpose, for example, one time part of the porn name was your mothers maiden name... also used as a security question especially by banks.
When you actually think about it, its scary how much info some give out.
We dont even use our real first names, as to do so would mean anyone who became a member from our neck of the woods would easily be able to recognise us. Same goes for our actual location, the one we use is close enough to give folks an idea where we live, but thats as close as it gets.
Those we get to know and become friends with we trust to chat openly with about jobs etc, but casual or first time aquaintences we are more guarded with. |
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By *yrdwomanWoman
over a year ago
Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum |
"I have created an elaborate web of lies.
Full of red herrings and other colourful fish."
Thought I could smell something!
There are some weirdos on here (and I have unfortunately met one, although he doesn't know where I live), but I am fine with people knowing my first name and where I work because I am quite open with what I do. I have met men at home but I have pretty good intuition. I NEVER meet when the daughter is at home though, and I don't discuss her on here either. |
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"if you invite someone to your house surely your possibly running the same risk?"
Sure there's always some element of risk, very little in life is completely risk free, but at least you are likely to have a trail... IP address left on the site, phone number etc... and so you have a pretty good idea just how many people do know because you invited them.
However, if people collect this and that from snippets here and there...... there's a big difference in risk between 1 person with a trail knowing and 2000+ completely anonymous people knowing.
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A good question we should all ask ourselves from time to time is.....
If a stranger messaged me and asked me for this information directly, would I be comfortable telling them? If the answer is 'no'.... should I really be posting it or discussing it in open chat.
If I got a pm from someone asking for my mother's maiden name, my street name, my kids name, what car I drove, who I banked with and when would my house be empty.... one or two alarm bells would be ringing. Yet from time to time.... there it is for all to see.... and you have no idea who the fuck is reading it. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
You can become paranoid if you're not careful and only partake in "would you fuck" threads for fear of divulging anything. My house was burgled not by some dodgy people I spoke to on the net but neighbourhood kids. £15,000 was pilfered from my account not by playing a "what's your porn name" game, but a programme on my pc, skillfully written by professionals.
There are people here that divulge their swinging life to all and sundry, even their kids. Those people I wouldn't confirm the time of day to.
One of the reasons I met people that also accommodated: don't turn up uninvited at mine, I won't turn up in full Domme gear with chin dildo in place at yours!  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Our life is open, so I don`t fear discovery..
We are Dave and Sharon, and from Taunton....shrugs..
I don`t reveal much else..don`t buy online..theres no personal info on my pc...no bank details..no address etc...I don`t trust anything online..
Not from a paradigm of fear...my life isn`t fear based...more a sense of being private in nature, and wise to degenerates fucking with something....
I like to keep life simple...leaves a clear mind..
That said...some people are criminally stupid I agree... |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"So you don't mind giving out your address to people on the net , they turn up when only the female half is in the house and frightens the life out of her?"
I would phone the police if someone turned up at my house uninvited. I'm very open, probably too open about stuff online and offline but I'll not change. There are nutters everywhere, if you happen to attract one, which you could in every day life(that's happened to me, never had a nutter from the net annoy me to any serious degree yet) you just have to do your best to deal with them using the law and um, well whatever means are required to get em out of your face It's bad luck if it happens and it's not the "victims" fault, it's the nutters fault and it's just a part of life. I prefer not to get overly paranoid, otherwise I'd avoid every human on earth -- I watch too much CSI!  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"You can become paranoid if you're not careful and only partake in "would you fuck" threads for fear of divulging anything. My house was burgled not by some dodgy people I spoke to on the net but neighbourhood kids. £15,000 was pilfered from my account not by playing a "what's your porn name" game, but a programme on my pc, skillfully written by professionals.
There are people here that divulge their swinging life to all and sundry, even their kids. Those people I wouldn't confirm the time of day to.
One of the reasons I met people that also accommodated: don't turn up uninvited at mine, I won't turn up in full Domme gear with chin dildo in place at yours! "
I'm not ashamed of my swinging life and I prefer to be honest with my family and friends. The alternative is to sneak around and lie, no thanks! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"My question was more to the previous post tbh and more would anyone give their address out to someone they hadn't arranged a meet with because the poster said he had nothing to hide."
I'm pretty sure anyone would phone the police if someone turned up at their door in any threatening manner, if they just turned up at the door and weren't being threatning then it's easy enough to tell them to sod off. I was just making the point that just because it's the internet doesn't mean all weirdos hide on here, plenty of them walk amongst us in day to day life. Apologies for quoting you, I was just responding to your post, to be honest  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"My question was more to the previous post tbh and more would anyone give their address out to someone they hadn't arranged a meet with because the poster said he had nothing to hide."
I won't even give my address to people unless i meet them in person before hand and even then they don't usually get it.
Have wondered sometimes when playing the forum games, after being at a social and told your on my hotlist
also why when people ask for my name i just use big girl |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I do not give any persoal information out on here
I dont accommodate so never give out my address
I have a mobile phone thats pay as you go and unregistared that i gove to meets on here
I never give out my full name and dont even give out my first name till we have met lol
I tell people i have kids as its the reason i dont acccommdate and lots do ask why but thats all, i dont go into what sex they are, how old they are etc
I dont tell people where i work, tho lots ask thro chit chat
I dont really tell anyone anything, im a single mum and mine and my childrens safty comes first....always
People dont need to know the ins and outs of your personal life to shag you, i tell people what they need to know and how i based that in on what i liked to know about others before i decided to meet and i dont ask anyone personal stuff, i dont care if a guy has kids, i dont need to know where he works etc so i dont feel they have any reason to know that about me |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Very little, i find it surprising that so many people share so much of themselves in a public forum and online in general, i prefer to air on the side of caution, but each to their own.  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I dont even tell people what area i live in
Just for the record i dont live in Dudley lol
But seeing as they not coming to my house anyway i dont see what it matters where i live  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
A few FAB friends have my mobile number, they do not know where I life or work, however, they know the type of work that I do.
I don't give out my address unless they are playmates.  |
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By *andKCouple
over a year ago
Norfolk |
you mean like leaving our address and telling folks exactly when we are going on holiday and how long we will be away so that they can come and ransack our gaff?
Ohh we only have to tell our son and he will do that for us  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"I dont even tell people what area i live in
Just for the record i dont live in Dudley lol
Fake !! "
haha no to be honest where i live is close to dudley but unless your local and know the area people had never heard of it so i ended up just saying to people all the time, its near dudley
So now i just put dudley to save me going tro it all the time  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
we have our names on profile but that is all, we dont meet at our house so no need to give out the address to anybody like to keep personal life ie work and our house and any family seperate fom what we do  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Well I'm new to all this and learning as I go and I must admit I'm very reluctant to give any info about myself and my home life to all and sundry, other than the fact I'm self employed as it will give me more flexibility to meet.
As to where I live? It's lovely, full of the sweetest Pixi's that make shoes for me..red ones.. I love red ones. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"it is staggering what people give away.."
oh yeah i was in the chat room once and a lady that was a couple was on cam and people was asking how comes she was now a single woman and she just told them everything, all the private stuff about how her marrage went wrong, what happened during the split, who got the kids, where she was staying the lot, i was gob smacked
When i split from my hubby the last thing i would have done was go into a chat room and tell a load of strangers my most personal stuff who was only showing interest because they was after a shag  |
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"Pretty much what is says on the tin really.... how much personal information do you share on a site like this?
I have already mentioned today in another thread how innocent chit chat about young children could have implications far from the thoughts of the typing parent, but that same familiarity and comfort with our surroundings... the familiar forum usernames, our favourite chatroom... could it or does it lead us to unwittingly give out a bit too much info? Something you really wouldn't want a nutter to know?
If someone knew what village you lived in and what car you drove for example.... how hard would it be for a complete stranger to track you down?
I’m quite astounded by just how many people will tell you who they work for if you ask them what they do for a living.
I am not so astounded when someone tells me they had a bunny boiler turn up on their doorstep.
So how much do you protect your safety…. when you log on to your favourite haunt?
Re the first point, i recently got called bitchy for refusing to talk with a man whose opening lime was to ask me about my kids .i dont care, we have to be careful,there are a lot of sick ppl online. i never mention my kids names or ages here or in chat.
i dont work But wudnt mention kevs job.Once i know ppl as friends then that sort of info comes naturally, but i dont see why someone we are looking to fuck need know anything but our first names, address(if meeting here) and moby number.
They just seem sensible precautions to me. |
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