FabSwingers.com > Forums > The Lounge > Anders Behring Breivik - A Nazi?
Anders Behring Breivik - A Nazi?
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Media, in various places over the last few days, have said that this fellow is a Nazi.
At first, this seemed reasonable to me until; I actually read his posts on document.no and skimmed his 1500 odd page manifesto "A+European+Declaration+of+Independence".
He hates Muslims, Socialists and Communists for sure.
But a Nazi?
- He is pro-Israel.
- He is in favour of homosexuality.
- He is against centralised government.
I quote from document.no: (rough translation from Norwegian to English)
"2009-11-04 17:07:25
National Socialism has always been an extreme left ideology then why are they trying constantly to strategically place it on the right side?
If you hate capitalism and the free market, such as Marxists, Nazis and Islamists do, attained the left side, period. -- Anders Breivik"
This guy might be a lot of things, including a mass murderer and a child killer on a one man jihad (the irony), but he doesn't exactly fit the description of a Nazi. Nazi's don't have an identity crisis about what they are, whatsoever.
The word is used too frequently as a kind of bogeyman, I think people are forgetting the reality of what the Nazi's were about.
Also; while he was a Christian, I quite honestly don't think this had as much to do with the killings as is being made out to be (and I'm an Atheist). Nor do I think he is insane or suffered psychological illness. I think he was as angry as hell, but I don't think throwing various labels onto him makes the situation any better.
I'll reiterate, I'm not a fan of the guy at all, but quite frankly we're being told more than a few porkies by the media right now. Read up on the direct sources yourself and see. |
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not sure it matters what he is or how he is labelled, it certainly doesn't matter he wrote some stuff down before he started his murdering rampage. He is a mass murderer, they all have their own justification for satisfying their urge to kill, this guys was just much more elaborate than most. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
He sounds more like a Crusader in his own warped version of what it is/was.
He clearly lacked the moral code that allows people to differentiate between what is the correct way to bring about change and achieving that same result via the slaughter of innocent people he percieved to be a future threat.
Did he feel as though his idea of what Norway should be was irrevocably altered and that this was the only way he could see to initiate a return to a more purist society? Only he knows that I guess.
He has done one thing though - he's focused the entire world to looking at his politics and I'm positive that others who uphold the same hard right ideaology will begin to look at him as some sort of messiah. Events like this always bring out the wierdos. Raoul Moat proved that not so long ago up here. |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"not sure it matters what he is or how he is labelled, it certainly doesn't matter he wrote some stuff down before he started his murdering rampage. He is a mass murderer, they all have their own justification for satisfying their urge to kill, this guys was just much more elaborate than most."
It does matter, mores the pity, because smear tactics are being used to advance political objectives. Politicians, they pretty much live off the fears a population has. Look at all that damn money wasted on 'Terrorism'. And for what? You feel any safer in the world today?
Perceptions matter because if they are incorrect we may make bad decisions as individuals or as a collective group. |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
He clearly lacked the moral code that allows people to differentiate between what is the correct way to bring about change and achieving that same result via the slaughter of innocent people he percieved to be a future threat.
He had few qualms about killing socialists, but you'll notice that he was extremely specific with his targets. It is highly unlikely he would have killed anybody remotely supportive of his views, given the way he approached the bombing in Oslo and killing of the children on the island. That leads me to suspect he would be anguished if he hit the wrong target.
As opposed to the London bombers or the attacks on the Twin Towers, which very likely killed a fair few Muslims in the process. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
He clearly lacked the moral code that allows people to differentiate between what is the correct way to bring about change and achieving that same result via the slaughter of innocent people he percieved to be a future threat.
He had few qualms about killing socialists, but you'll notice that he was extremely specific with his targets. It is highly unlikely he would have killed anybody remotely supportive of his views, given the way he approached the bombing in Oslo and killing of the children on the island. That leads me to suspect he would be anguished if he hit the wrong target.
As opposed to the London bombers or the attacks on the Twin Towers, which very likely killed a fair few Muslims in the process. "
A terrorist's bomb has no way of insuring the people it kills are the people it was targetting. Similarly, he had no way of identifying which of those teenagers were Party activists and which were there simply for a good weekend with their mates. |
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the OP says: Media, in various places over the last few days, have said that this fellow is a Nazi.
At first, this seemed reasonable to me until; I actually read his posts on document.no and skimmed his 1500 odd page manifesto "A+European+Declaration+of+Independence".
He hates Muslims, Socialists and Communists for sure.
But a Nazi?
I can understand the need for accuracy and your worries that with every new atrocity committed by a mass murderer our governments use the opportunity to restrict our freedoms. I don't feel any safer that's true, but I don't feel any more less free either. The media will us the word NAZI as short hand for fanatical racist, this is a term that people recognise to mean that, its shorthand I suppose. Whether this guy was a NAZI in the historical sense or a just a different type of fanatical racist, everyone has the gist of what he was about. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
The youngest daughter of a Norwegian friend of mine was among those gunned down by this man. When I spoke to him over the telephone earlier today, he spoke, through his tears, about many things, such as the kind, gentle nature of his daughter, the fact that it would have been her birthday tomorrow, and that the present he had bought her lay unopened on the table in front of him. But he did not speak of whether or not her killer was a Nazi or a Christian fundamentalist and I doubt whether anyone else in his position would either. All he said about him was that he was inhuman.
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
An animal doesn't kill for pleasure, only to survive. This piece of flotsam isn't worthy of the title 'man' or 'animal'. He won't survive prison, that much is pretty well assured once the hardcore perps get hold of him - and guards do turn a blind eye.  |
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"The youngest daughter of a Norwegian friend of mine was among those gunned down by this man. When I spoke to him over the telephone earlier today, he spoke, through his tears, about many things, such as the kind, gentle nature of his daughter, the fact that it would have been her birthday tomorrow, and that the present he had bought her lay unopened on the table in front of him. But he did not speak of whether or not her killer was a Nazi or a Christian fundamentalist and I doubt whether anyone else in his position would either. All he said about him was that he was inhuman.
and that is all that needs to be said in reality, who cares what 'cause' he did it for the fact is that so many families are without their loved ones because of him |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"should not be put on trial, just shoot him and save all the hassel"
Absolutely, they have him bang to rights.
Give him a bullet and save anguish for the murdered peoples families plus time and money!
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"should not be put on trial, just shoot him and save all the hassel"
I'm quite sure that thought went through the minds of the armed response police who arrested him, seeing the evidence of what he had done all around them. |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"The youngest daughter of a Norwegian friend of mine was among those gunned down by this man. When I spoke to him over the telephone earlier today, he spoke, through his tears, about many things, such as the kind, gentle nature of his daughter, the fact that it would have been her birthday tomorrow, and that the present he had bought her lay unopened on the table in front of him. But he did not speak of whether or not her killer was a Nazi or a Christian fundamentalist and I doubt whether anyone else in his position would either. All he said about him was that he was inhuman.
Sorry to hear about your friend |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
i dont listen to the news as i get way to stressed with it all , and if its something big normally its all over social networking sites in status updates
but i only found out this happend yesterday its so sad and such a HUGE loss of so many cant belive someone can be so evil and do such evil things
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"should not be put on trial, just shoot him and save all the hassel
Absolutely, they have him bang to rights.
Give him a bullet and save anguish for the murdered peoples families plus time and money!
I disagree. Let him do hard time for the rest of his life and if he takes a savage beating from the other hardended crims on a daily basis then so be it.  |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"should not be put on trial, just shoot him and save all the hassel
Absolutely, they have him bang to rights.
Give him a bullet and save anguish for the murdered peoples families plus time and money!
I disagree. Let him do hard time for the rest of his life and if he takes a savage beating from the other hardended crims on a daily basis then so be it. "
You must be joking wishy, unfortunately.
Try Googling "norway prison" with Google's image search. That's what's waiting for him. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"should not be put on trial, just shoot him and save all the hassel
Absolutely, they have him bang to rights.
Give him a bullet and save anguish for the murdered peoples families plus time and money!
I disagree. Let him do hard time for the rest of his life and if he takes a savage beating from the other hardended crims on a daily basis then so be it.
You must be joking wishy, unfortunately.
Try Googling "norway prison" with Google's image search. That's what's waiting for him."
Not only that, there is NO life sentence in Norway. The MAXIMUM he'll get for these atrocities under their current laws is 21 years!
The Norwegians hadn't the need for long sentences: I think this awful episode will change that!  |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
There is no evil. Only our choices.
If Anders had murdered everyone at a Nazi Summer Camp, thus relieving the world of Hitler and his cohorts, we'd be laughing all the way to the bank and taking the view that any dead children were collateral damage for the 'greater good'. Analogies about broken eggs would be repetitively mentioned at dinner tables across the land. Hell, in fact it probably wouldn't even get reported in case it spoilt the party later. You even read the old newspapers on Dresden? We burnt a whole lot of civilian people to death, thousands of families barbecued in their basements. That was the plan, they were not even collateral damage. Then there's the atom bombing of Japan.
All for the 'Greater Good'. The rationale for the first was exactly the same for the Americans on the second.
I'm goddamn sick of hearing about 'evil'. There is only what you consider to be right or wrong. Murder is wrong, but there's many situations in which you'd push the button, and you know this.
This, is the reality:
Everyone thinks like this, on both sides from 'freedom fighters' to 'terrorists'. Let's not be so high minded as to imagine we're superior beings for being on Team A instead of Team B.
You agree killing Osama was the right thing to do? Well, we're indirectly killing a whole lot of children because of the technique used to search the Pakistani population for him using faked vaccination programmes. His blood, in one of his nieces or nephews, that's what got him killed. And this isn't happening yesterday, it's happening RIGHT NOW, and nobody really gives a flying fuck.
It's hard to know which is the more pathetic really. But for sure, we are not using universal standards of good or evil, right or wrong. Nor would the world really be a better place if we were. |
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your comparison of the nazi party and the young people is quite frankly obscene..
it did,nt happen 'then' and looking back through history and saying 'if this, if that' is not a logical argument.
what next, if amy winehouse had been born decades ago and she and stalin had met up and overdosed together there would have been no mass slaughter in russia???
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"your comparison of the nazi party and the young people is quite frankly obscene..
it did,nt happen 'then' and looking back through history and saying 'if this, if that' is not a logical argument.
what next, if amy winehouse had been born decades ago and she and stalin had met up and overdosed together there would have been no mass slaughter in russia???
What on earth are you talking about? |
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"your comparison of the nazi party and the young people is quite frankly obscene..
it did,nt happen 'then' and looking back through history and saying 'if this, if that' is not a logical argument.
what next, if amy winehouse had been born decades ago and she and stalin had met up and overdosed together there would have been no mass slaughter in russia???
What on earth are you talking about?"
thats what i was wondering about your previous posts tbh.
your logic is flawed, the 'what if' points you make are puzzling. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Why does everyone always bash the Nazis? They had excellent health-care, wonderful building programmes and education. Apart from a few "off" years and a couple of ill-advised policies, they were no different to most other modern governments. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
In my lifetime I have witnessed more and more loners acting independently and going on random killing sprees for a variety of reasons. He may have prepared a manifesto but it was still on a personal whim he killed the innocent. His opinions and furstration was not going to be satiated by a 'letter to the editor'. He just chose innocent victims and is nothing more than a nutter if you want to label him anything.
You cannot fight a war on terrorism or protect anyone from random attacks. You can just engage an enemy you can see attacking you so I fail to see why we are at war with anyone unless they invade our or our allies soil as a united army approved by the countries leaders.
In my opinion, having a military presence in unstable weak countries is not a war on terrorism its a desire to be controlling in affairs that dont really concern the welfare of the world as a whole, because the powers that be can get intelligence without this presence. You needn't tell me other countries not involved in action aren't still collecting intelligence in the background? This world runs on espionage and a lot better than in James Bonds day...
The problem with a so called democratic and civilised country imposing its will on those living in the dark ages is a task that is stupid to undertake because the people of these countries will be ruled by tradition no matter how much we try to tell them how 'good' the way of the western developed world is compared to their way. You cannot show the way by destroying their culture mindset and tradition.
I think Britain and USA like playing cat and mouse with so called terrorist threats. Theyre not happy unless theyre fighting a lost cause with someone.
As for the loners on killing sprees - also uncontrollable. They will always exist, unfortunately. |
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"Why does everyone always bash the Nazis? They had excellent health-care, wonderful building programmes and education. Apart from a few "off" years and a couple of ill-advised policies, they were no different to most other modern governments."
Not even remotely funny, a pretty moronic and pathetic attempt at irony. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Why does everyone always bash the Nazis? They had excellent health-care, wonderful building programmes and education. Apart from a few "off" years and a couple of ill-advised policies, they were no different to most other modern governments.
Not even remotely funny, a pretty moronic and pathetic attempt at irony."
You obviously only have a limited knowledge of original national socialist policies then? There's more to history than John Wayne films you know! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Why does everyone always bash the Nazis? They had excellent health-care, wonderful building programmes and education. Apart from a few "off" years and a couple of ill-advised policies, they were no different to most other modern governments.
Not even remotely funny, a pretty moronic and pathetic attempt at irony."
despite the fact that i think it was an attempt at bad taste humour and the comment made primarily to provoke a 'reaction', in all fairness some of what he said is actually true.
the fact remains however that whatever accomplishments were made, they have been completely overshadowed (and quite rightly so) by the wider legacy - and that, as a subject, is a discussion far and beyond the remit of this forum |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"your comparison of the nazi party and the young people is quite frankly obscene..
it did,nt happen 'then' and looking back through history and saying 'if this, if that' is not a logical argument.
what next, if amy winehouse had been born decades ago and she and stalin had met up and overdosed together there would have been no mass slaughter in russia???
What on earth are you talking about?
thats what i was wondering about your previous posts tbh.
your logic is flawed, the 'what if' points you make are puzzling. "
Is this what you're referring to:
"If Anders had murdered everyone at a Nazi Summer Camp, thus relieving the world of Hitler and his cohorts, we'd be laughing all the way to the bank and taking the view that any dead children were collateral damage for the 'greater good'."
Because it'd be somewhat incredible if that were not true. Hardly a what-if scenario, closer to a statement of fact.
I think you're over looking my main point in that post, which is that morality is entirely relative to your position.
Incidents such as the recent one will always remain mysterious unless you can accept that. People are not evil, nor are they good. But of course it's entirely up to you what your opinion is on anything. |
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"Why does everyone always bash the Nazis? They had excellent health-care, wonderful building programmes and education. Apart from a few "off" years and a couple of ill-advised policies, they were no different to most other modern governments.
Not even remotely funny, a pretty moronic and pathetic attempt at irony.
despite the fact that i think it was an attempt at bad taste humour and the comment made primarily to provoke a 'reaction', in all fairness some of what he said is actually true.
the fact remains however that whatever accomplishments were made, they have been completely overshadowed (and quite rightly so) by the wider legacy - and that, as a subject, is a discussion far and beyond the remit of this forum"
one can hardly justify the mass slaughter of millions of innocent people because they had an effective transport system.
the post was made to get a reaction yes, this type of 'fishing for reactions' on such subjects is usually by someone whose politics is extreme right and a sympathiser of such regimes.
they just dont have the bollocks to come out and say so.
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
In my opinion, having a military presence in unstable weak countries is not a war on terrorism its a desire to be controlling in affairs that dont really concern the welfare of the world as a whole, because the powers that be can get intelligence without this presence.
The problem with a so called democratic and civilised country imposing its will on those living in the dark ages is a task that is stupid to undertake because the people of these countries will be ruled by tradition no matter how much we try to tell them how 'good' the way of the western developed world is compared to their way. You cannot show the way by destroying their culture mindset and tradition.
I agree completely with those two points, which more or less prevents me turning into a neo-conservative. I understand their thinking and agree with their aims, but disagree completely with the implementation.
The West's soft power is dramatically more important than our hard power. Our soft power is highly non-obvious and non-trivial. If only Tony Blair had understood this. What a waste of life and money his actions have wrought. That prime minister damaged the country better than any terrorist could. |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"Why does everyone always bash the Nazis? They had excellent health-care, wonderful building programmes and education. Apart from a few "off" years and a couple of ill-advised policies, they were no different to most other modern governments.
Not even remotely funny, a pretty moronic and pathetic attempt at irony.
despite the fact that i think it was an attempt at bad taste humour and the comment made primarily to provoke a 'reaction', in all fairness some of what he said is actually true.
the fact remains however that whatever accomplishments were made, they have been completely overshadowed (and quite rightly so) by the wider legacy - and that, as a subject, is a discussion far and beyond the remit of this forum
one can hardly justify the mass slaughter of millions of innocent people because they had an effective transport system.
the post was made to get a reaction yes, this type of 'fishing for reactions' on such subjects is usually by someone whose politics is extreme right and a sympathiser of such regimes.
they just dont have the bollocks to come out and say so.
You're being trolled. Trolling is nothing to do with the Right or Left. It's just that they're attracted to hot button topics like this one. |
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"your comparison of the nazi party and the young people is quite frankly obscene..
it did,nt happen 'then' and looking back through history and saying 'if this, if that' is not a logical argument.
what next, if amy winehouse had been born decades ago and she and stalin had met up and overdosed together there would have been no mass slaughter in russia???
What on earth are you talking about?
thats what i was wondering about your previous posts tbh.
your logic is flawed, the 'what if' points you make are puzzling.
Is this what you're referring to:
"If Anders had murdered everyone at a Nazi Summer Camp, thus relieving the world of Hitler and his cohorts, we'd be laughing all the way to the bank and taking the view that any dead children were collateral damage for the 'greater good'."
Because it'd be somewhat incredible if that were not true. Hardly a what-if scenario, closer to a statement of fact.
I think you're over looking my main point in that post, which is that morality is entirely relative to your position.
Incidents such as the recent one will always remain mysterious unless you can accept that. People are not evil, nor are they good. But of course it's entirely up to you what your opinion is on anything."
how you can say that its a statement of fact is beyond me, its the flawed logic of if this had happened then that would not have happened.
whilst recognising where you may be coming from i cant relate to how you have twisted this thread to bring in the links to the fascist regime of pre war germany.
imho its an insult to the families still arranging the funerals of their children.
as to the mystery of such incidents and people 'accepting such', i have dealt with such incidents and seen and smelt the consequences of the nutters who carried them out.
please dont try and assume that your view of good and evil is shared by everyone, the nutter in Oslo is as evil as the rest that have gone before and sadly will occur again.
there is no good at all in such people. again just my opinion |
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"Why does everyone always bash the Nazis? They had excellent health-care, wonderful building programmes and education. Apart from a few "off" years and a couple of ill-advised policies, they were no different to most other modern governments.
Not even remotely funny, a pretty moronic and pathetic attempt at irony.
despite the fact that i think it was an attempt at bad taste humour and the comment made primarily to provoke a 'reaction', in all fairness some of what he said is actually true.
the fact remains however that whatever accomplishments were made, they have been completely overshadowed (and quite rightly so) by the wider legacy - and that, as a subject, is a discussion far and beyond the remit of this forum
one can hardly justify the mass slaughter of millions of innocent people because they had an effective transport system.
the post was made to get a reaction yes, this type of 'fishing for reactions' on such subjects is usually by someone whose politics is extreme right and a sympathiser of such regimes.
they just dont have the bollocks to come out and say so.
You're being trolled. Trolling is nothing to do with the Right or Left. It's just that they're attracted to hot button topics like this one."
why thank you for your insight lol, some trolls need to be told that their views are beyond the pale and not acceptable by the majority. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Why does everyone always bash the Nazis? They had excellent health-care, wonderful building programmes and education. Apart from a few "off" years and a couple of ill-advised policies, they were no different to most other modern governments.
Not even remotely funny, a pretty moronic and pathetic attempt at irony.
despite the fact that i think it was an attempt at bad taste humour and the comment made primarily to provoke a 'reaction', in all fairness some of what he said is actually true.
the fact remains however that whatever accomplishments were made, they have been completely overshadowed (and quite rightly so) by the wider legacy - and that, as a subject, is a discussion far and beyond the remit of this forum
one can hardly justify the mass slaughter of millions of innocent people because they had an effective transport system.
the post was made to get a reaction yes, this type of 'fishing for reactions' on such subjects is usually by someone whose politics is extreme right and a sympathiser of such regimes.
they just dont have the bollocks to come out and say so.
can i just say for the record that if my views were to the extreme, i would have the bollocks to stand up and be counted.
at no point was i trying to compare welfare systems, transport or architecture to genocide hence why my response was worded to that effect.
what occurred between 1933 & 1945 is unjustifiable under anything but the the most extreme mindset - as is the neo nazi subculture that pervades in much of Eastern Europe to this day |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Am surprised why no one is calling him a 'terrorist'. I think they would have done so if he had brown skin and an asian name though. "
i think you have a valid point |
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"Am surprised why no one is calling him a 'terrorist'. I think they would have done so if he had brown skin and an asian name though. "
He's a terrorist.....make you feel any better?
If you watch the Sky coverage in Oslo today the Norwegians interviewed have often reffered to him as a 'terrorist'.
So you can sleep easier knowing that. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Am surprised why no one is calling him a 'terrorist'. I think they would have done so if he had brown skin and an asian name though.
He's a terrorist.....make you feel any better?
If you watch the Sky coverage in Oslo today the Norwegians interviewed have often reffered to him as a 'terrorist'.
So you can sleep easier knowing that."
i have rarely seen anyone who can convey venom in the written word to such a degree jane.
sometimes, i think you are justified, sometimes you have had me crying laughing but there's no need to lay into the lad like that surely ! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Am surprised why no one is calling him a 'terrorist'. I think they would have done so if he had brown skin and an asian name though.
He's a terrorist.....make you feel any better?
If you watch the Sky coverage in Oslo today the Norwegians interviewed have often reffered to him as a 'terrorist'.
So you can sleep easier knowing that."
Thanks. I will sleep well tonight  |
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"Am surprised why no one is calling him a 'terrorist'. I think they would have done so if he had brown skin and an asian name though.
He's a terrorist.....make you feel any better?
If you watch the Sky coverage in Oslo today the Norwegians interviewed have often reffered to him as a 'terrorist'.
So you can sleep easier knowing that.
i have rarely seen anyone who can convey venom in the written word to such a degree jane.
sometimes, i think you are justified, sometimes you have had me crying laughing but there's no need to lay into the lad like that surely !"
I disagree with anyone trying to play the race card with regards to something as terrible as these killings....all you have to do is listen to what Norwegians are saying on TV interviews, and lets face it it's their personal grief which should be foremost in our minds, not the British tabloid press headlines.
The Norwegians constantly refer to this a terrorist act....that's who I listen to, not someone trying to make racial points over the issue. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Am surprised why no one is calling him a 'terrorist'. I think they would have done so if he had brown skin and an asian name though. "
He's been referred to as that, but yes I totally agree - a lot of people stereotype certain races... same as in movies or dramas spies always seem to have a russian accent... I wouldnt let stereotypes worry you - apparently being geordie I have a whippet and my boyfriend is Gazza.
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Am surprised why no one is calling him a 'terrorist'. I think they would have done so if he had brown skin and an asian name though.
He's a terrorist.....make you feel any better?
If you watch the Sky coverage in Oslo today the Norwegians interviewed have often reffered to him as a 'terrorist'.
So you can sleep easier knowing that.
i have rarely seen anyone who can convey venom in the written word to such a degree jane.
sometimes, i think you are justified, sometimes you have had me crying laughing but there's no need to lay into the lad like that surely !
I disagree with anyone trying to play the race card with regards to something as terrible as these killings....all you have to do is listen to what Norwegians are saying on TV interviews, and lets face it it's their personal grief which should be foremost in our minds, not the British tabloid press headlines.
The Norwegians constantly refer to this a terrorist act....that's who I listen to, not someone trying to make racial points over the issue."
although i can see where you think where the 'race card' has been played, his point does have some credence though
i bet most people would rush to say 'oh no, not me' if asked they thought it was an islamic terror attack when the news was initially breaking (before the first facts were known) - whereas in their heart of hearts, they know that's exactly what they thought
i am ashamed to say i include myself in that group too |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
The Daily Mail reported that the Oslo terrorist is an anti-Muslim extremist who posts lunatic right-wing nonsense on the Internet.
And they printed that without a hint of irony  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
although i can see where you think where the 'race card' has been played, his point does have some credence though
i bet most people would rush to say 'oh no, not me' if asked they thought it was an islamic terror attack when the news was initially breaking (before the first facts were known) - whereas in their heart of hearts, they know that's exactly what they thought
i am ashamed to say i include myself in that group too "
I thought that but Im not ashamed of it being my first thought. These days had it happened in the uk I might have thought 'the troubles' as these are rearing their ugly head again..... My second thought was In Norway - what on earth would that country be terrorised for? We do naturally stereotype consciously or subconciously
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
TERRORISTS: white black brown whatever....religious views...whatever...
these arseholes think their views outweigh that of the world, even in some of the far off countries that dont recieve much "free" information...there is still normal people who just want to get on in life and dont have the "1 person can change everything" approach, granted it would be great to do something POSITIVE to change the world, but when u know its pretty NEGATIVE (ie killing)its never gonna win u much praise...apart from the idiots who share the views...and they are in the minority |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
" The Daily Mail reported that the Oslo terrorist is an anti-Muslim extremist who posts lunatic right-wing nonsense on the Internet.
And they printed that without a hint of irony "
American news reported it as the 'Twin attacks on Oslo' so they were happy to regurgitate that phrase and apply it to the Norwegian attacks.... |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
" The Daily Mail reported that the Oslo terrorist is an anti-Muslim extremist who posts lunatic right-wing nonsense on the Internet.
And they printed that without a hint of irony
American news reported it as the 'Twin attacks on Oslo' so they were happy to regurgitate that phrase and apply it to the Norwegian attacks...."
The Americans are being particularly moronic these days. I for one, would be positively delighted if Glenn Beck 'got a cap in his ass'. I'm home with the downies [sic]. |
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