By *heWolfMan
over a year ago
warwickshire |
"One of the things that bothered me was there were 4 Men stood there watching but said or did nothing, I understand not everyone would step in but when it's a young Girl on her own I was surprised "
Unfortunately, stepping in to get a young scrote to calm down is the classic time to find yourself tickled with a craft knife or stabbed in the kidneys.
My friend was cut from ear to ear, didn't even see a blade, no threats, no waving it about, the idiot just sliced him and was back in his car and away before my friend realised he had a BIG problem. All he had done was stepped up to volunteer as a witness between two arguing motorists.
Luckily, he survived, by a whisker, but it's a cautionary tale. The more scrawny and feckless they are, rather than being a brawny bloke who will square up to you, the more chance you have of being knifed. Especially if there's a young lady in the vicinity, they don't like being shown up as the immature idiots they are.
Me, I'd stay out of it, until the point of no return is reached, ie. he steps over the line with the young lady. Then I'd jump in and clatter him, no discussions, no warnings, and I'd be sure I was not going to be be injured by a halfwit with a knife. Obviously, care has to be taken, you can't go banging people out for getting noisy and foul-mouthed, but then you can't let him smack the young lady before you act. Tough call...
Mind you, I cannot stop myself wading into gangs of youths when I see them littering and make them bin it. A stupid trick, but impossible to let it pass. |