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Films and TV that scared you as a kid...
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
I was watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang the other day - no judging, it's still one of my favourite films! - and I remembered that the Child Catcher never scared me (though, one shot of where he peers into the basement window and stared straight into the camera gives me a shiver now) but the part where Truly & Mr Potts had to dress up as dolls to rescue the kids did scare me!
So what scared you? |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"Stephen Kings It....Clowns, I'm absolutely petrified of them...
Congo...gorillas, cannot watch planet of the apes either
If it makes you feel better about It... Tim Curry has a phobia of clowns so he couldn't look in mirrors while he was wearing his full make up  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
The film about Hans Christian Anderson starring Danny Kaye.
All of his characters came to life and appeared to him on his death bed. Scared the beejazus out of me. I was only little! Probably my first trip to the cinema.
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Stephen Kings It....Clowns, I'm absolutely petrified of them...
Congo...gorillas, cannot watch planet of the apes either
If it makes you feel better about It... Tim Curry has a phobia of clowns so he couldn't look in mirrors while he was wearing his full make up "
Wonder if he could bare to sneak a peek when he made Legend, cause that was a costume and a half! |
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Maniac cop!
My older sister told me to leave the room i was too young to watch it i didn't listen had nightmares for weeks and got my sister in trouble with mum which got me in trouble with her
never seen it since might check it out sometime |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
The Incredible Hulk tv series - used to scare the crap out of me when he started to change into the Hulk. I give side eyes to men wearing ripped jeans to this day.
The Day of the Triffids (the old to version). Just nasty. I blame that programme for me hating gardening.
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"ITV "Armchair Theatre" with the episode about the nun with no face, utter terror as a 7/8 year old
Definitely! Used to scare the poop out of me :0)" phew not just me then! Every time I see a nun these days it takes me right back! I sneaked out of bed to watch that in the 70s and wish to god I hadn't! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Entity. Still refuse to watch it now. Not sure my Aunt ought to of allowed her 10 year old niece watch that .
A friend said I'd laugh at it if I watched it now. Some how I doubt that  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
The original Omen movies, couldn't bare the sight or Sam Neil or Billy Whitelaw for several years...got them on DVD but don't watch em
And for a while The Howling |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Fenella the witch off Chorlton and the Wheelies terified me! "
God I remember that well. I used to cry like anything when that program came on
I was scared so much x |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"I was watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang the other day - no judging, it's still one of my favourite films! - and I remembered that the Child Catcher never scared me (though, one shot of where he peers into the basement window and stared straight into the camera gives me a shiver now) but the part where Truly & Mr Potts had to dress up as dolls to rescue the kids did scare me!
So what scared you?"
I once met a guy who looked like the child catcher
He wanted to give me his special lollypop
I was outta there that quick I may have left skidmarks |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"The Dark Crystal and Terrahawks? what twisted person thought they were kids films/programs??!!! X "
Dark crystal is brilliant. Same as Labyrinth. I'm in talks to have both tattoo'd on me. They're very popular movies . Considering the decade they shown in, they are really well made films  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Some episodes of the twilight zone haunted me for years after. One in particular was where a prison doctor would help prisoners escape by concealing them in the coffin of dead prisoners, they would get buried and the doctor would dig them up again after dark, this one guy paid for the service, was buried but waited too long, he struck a match and looked at the body who's coffin he was sharing and it was the doctor, gives me the creeps even now.  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Sadly this is a true story. When I was very small I was shit scared of the rocket in Button Moon (you know the beans can). I used to make for the back of the sofa when it started. Still a topic of hilarity at family gatherings. |
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"The Dark Crystal and Terrahawks? what twisted person thought they were kids films/programs??!!! X
Dark crystal is brilliant. Same as Labyrinth. I'm in talks to have both tattoo'd on me. They're very popular movies . Considering the decade they shown in, they are really well made films "
I was just scared senseless. I watched it at the pics with my dad and my best mate aged about 9!  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Stephen Kings It....Clowns, I'm absolutely petrified of them...
Congo...gorillas, cannot watch planet of the apes either
Those two films terrified me as a kid. I point blank refused to go to the circus or the zoo for years x |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
The Medusa Touch starring Richard Burton .
Watched Poltergeist at a friends when I was about 17 and walked home in the dark and rain about 11 at night.....absolutely sitting myself as I had a few really dark alleyways to go down |
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"It had to be Tales of the Unexpected
Th titles had to give me the heebie jeebies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oc46Gk-6qrA "
I was talking about this at work only yesterday!!! There was 1 episode where a female prisoner was having an affair with the prison Dr. He was going to break her out in a coffin but he was dead & in the coffin with her!!! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Stephen King's It and Salem's Lot...one of my friend's does face painting and her Pennywise is terrifying!
American Werewolf in London and the Howling...watched both with my younger sister when our parents were out and our nan was asleep, and we had nightmares for months.
Watership Down...I had to be taken out of the cinema I was hysterical, and made my dad get rid of our 2 rabbits the next day. I've never watched it since
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"Definitely Salems Lot, when he floats outside that fricking window, scared me to death and still cant watch it and never want to"
Oh bloody hell! I was always scared of that scene in the book, but Ralphie, the younger boy in the film... *shivers* |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Sapphire and Steel. That bloody army ghosts in the train station episode. And the one where they ended up in some petrol station in a time bubble (or something like that)... "
Oops. Glad I wasnt the only one. |
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The BBC did a long since forgotten series of The Invisible Man back in the early 80's. I'd have been about six years old at the time. I can't remember a whole lot about it now, other than it gave me nightmares and still gives me a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach to this day when I think about it. Creepy  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I watched aliens when I was about 13 and it scared the shit out of me for years!! Nightmares for years and years. I finally watched it again after and it's hilarious in places, now I love it.
Other things were doctor who, the child snatcher... Generally the usual suspects |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
The Twilight Zone.
Tales of the Unexpected.
The Hand.
Any film with vampires.
Dr Who.
The Day of the Triffids.
Journey to the centre of the Earth.
Any film with people and dinosaurs.
The Fly.
Hammer House of Horror.
The Carry on film with the lavatory attendant and odd bod.
Pretty much everything scared me as a kid. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"I was watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang the other day - no judging, it's still one of my favourite films! - and I remembered that the Child Catcher never scared me (though, one shot of where he peers into the basement window and stared straight into the camera gives me a shiver now) but the part where Truly & Mr Potts had to dress up as dolls to rescue the kids did scare me!
So what scared you?"
The childcatcher gave me nightmares as a kid, coincidentally I went to see chitty chitty bang bang in my local cinema on Saturday morning, 30mins in and there was a power cut affecting a large part of the city centre
I wasnt a happy bunny. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Salems lot...... Excellent tv film.David Soul and James Mason,he was well creepy."
Creepy!!!! I can't watch it now without first checking the house, the last I watched it I locked myself in the bedroom so afterwards I didn't have to walk down the hall way. Apart from Nosferatu the scariest "dracula" there's every been, oh hell soon will have to turn light off and go to bed and its windly outside. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"The one with those little hamster like creatures with spikes . They rolled when moved.
Critters "
Yes them, the one in the toilet scared the shit out of me, no 0un intended. What's worse we actually had a hamster at the time and he would escape his cage and run around at night  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Sapphire and Steel. That bloody army ghosts in the train station episode. And the one where they ended up in some petrol station in a time bubble (or something like that)...
Oops. Glad I wasnt the only one."
The army ghosts one was brilliant, remember the tune the ghost whistled. Pack up you're troubles in your old kit bag n smile, smile, smile. |
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Metal Mickey.
I could watch all sorts of 'scary' kids stuff, adult horrors etc. when I was kid but...
Just not Metal Mickey. Even as a 37 year bloke who is a smidge under 6' and 14 stone...
The theme tune still gives me the willies.
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Sapphire and Steel"
Just looked it up on Youtube and got that instant recognition of the opening titles!
More scary now that I'm old enough to remember it - vaguely!  |
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By *ark074Man
over a year ago
nottingham |
"Worzel Gummidge when he changed his head, absolutely terrified me "
Filthy bastard. Hated him with a vengeance. How the hell the BBC thought that would entertain kids is beyond me. Dirty tramp bastard.
Oops, just remembered what went on at the BBC during that time.
As for Basil Brush, I'd bring back fox hunting and gladly set a beagle on the cunt.
Peace and love. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Darby O'Gill & the little people, whenever I saw, no whenever I heard the banshee fuckin terrified me.
Still makes hairs on back of ma neck stand up but wouldn't say afraid anymore |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
If you've ever seen Dougal and the Blue Cat
For some reason we had the LP record of this, and it used to scare me silly
And the Blue Meanies in the Yellow Submarine too, gave me nightmares  |
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By *lla_maiWoman
over a year ago
staffordshire |
Jurassic park.....after pestering to watch it, I didnt get far past the opening credits before I screamed the cinema down and had to be taken out. Parents werent impressed.......still to this day havent watched it  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"The Tripods. And the library ghost in Ghostbusters.
I still can't watch that bit in Ghostbusters!"
Exactly the same for me...I remember hiding behind the settee during that scene in Ghostbusters!
Also terminator..I have a robot phobia.
Also that old film where the lorry is trying to kill a man and it appears to have no driver...caused a slight lorry phobia in me. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Like a twat when I was about 7/8 I snuck the "a nightmere on elm Street" vhs out of the video box,then went down stairs after every one was asleep.i still havent recoverd, I didnt sleep for weeks  |
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By *lue NarwhalMan
over a year ago
Iceland, but Aldi is closer.. |
"Deliverance. " Deliverance still scares the crap outta me now!!!
Not exactly the best advert for white water rafting in America!!
Wouldn't suggest it child friendly though....
Just that one line..
Boy, you got a purdy face... Now squeal like a pig boy.
Just bloody chilling
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
" Also that old film where the lorry is trying to kill a man and it appears to have no driver...caused a slight lorry phobia in me.
Maximum Overdrive. or Duel. "
Duel rings a bell. One scene the man is in a phone box and just jumps out the way in time before the lorry plows through it. I was in single figures watching it. |
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By *azNdavCouple
over a year ago
barnsley |
When I was very young the ones I remember that used to scare me was the Child catcher in chitty chitty and the bit in Charley and the chocolate factory on the boat.
There's no earthly way of knowing
Which direction we are going
There's no knowing where we're rowing
Or which way the river's flowing
Is it raining, is it snowing
Is a hurricane a–blowing
Not a speck of light is showing
So the danger must be growing
Are the fires of Hell a–glowing
Is the grisly reaper mowing
Yes, the danger must be growing
For the rowers keep on rowing
And they're certainly not showing
Any signs that they are slowing. |
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By *lue NarwhalMan
over a year ago
Iceland, but Aldi is closer.. |
"Also the music video to thriller used to terrify me. Which is strange considering TWD is one of my favourite shows lol" glad I am not alone in this world..
When Michael Jackson changes... It was the whiskers growing from his face.. Still dislike facial hair to this day.
Fortunately bearded ladies are not as popular as they used to be. |
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By *ewels74Woman
over a year ago
Dundee/Angus/Blackpool |
I honestly can't remember if I was scared of certain programs when i was younger,but what I do know is certain type of horror films,heck I love nightmare on Elm Street and i think I must have been 12 watching the first one and it may have been scary but even watching jonney depp being sucked inside a bed then blood covering the whole bedroom never put me off scary films...but now possibly in the last 10 yrs I cannot watch really gory horror films I sort of turn head a lot, and just can't stand films such as Saw franchise and final destination types... |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Nothing really.
I was de sensitised as a kid..used to watch all kinds of horror.
When i was in primary school my mum bought me the howling and hellraiser on video.
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