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Ever been attacked

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Putting this thread up as there are many who have messaged me regarding the thread playing at home and playing with a young family at home.

Now fabsters in all my years I've never been attacked, never been forced to do anything against my will, never had a visitor turn up announced.

Why you ask well I meet people I get to know properly. Don't do quick meets.

So why does it happen to some and not others.

My answer your meeting the wrong people. I've know of girls meets a guy in a hotel to be faced with 5 of his friends which wasn't part of the deal.

What's your thoughts?

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By *oantrimcpl2010Couple  over a year ago


thankfully never been in that situation.

we always have to have been chatting for a while and always meet for a social coffee/drink 1st

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I have yet to encounter any unpleasantries, touch wood!

I would like to believe it is down to my stringent vetting process, and careful meeting arrangements etc...

Touch wood for safe playing in the future!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

You could ask the same question regarding a lot of situations. Why is it some women always attract men that beat them up, or men that cheat etc. How is it some people come across so many timewasters, meets that beat them up etc?

I've never encountered any unpleasantness from any meet. The way I play although I'm the Domme, it's my subs who need to trust me. They are the one's that are putting themselves in vulnerable positions. There's nothing to prevent me having a few "friends" around when they're hog tied and blind folded and relieving them of their money. They'd hardly be in a position to report me, and it would be my word against theirs.

One of my playmates drove me from his home in Wilmslow to my dad's bedside in Chorley when he was dying. I stayed at his home while he went to work. That is trust, and it was a humbling experience.

Another of my playmates put up my lounge and dining room curtains for me, and will do my garden for me when the weather gets a bit better. I've accompanied playmates to works functions, weddings etc...we are playmates and friends yet I don't let them stay over when my daughter's are likely to be around - and my daughter's are all adults.

I read the post from someone who turned up at a hotel to meet a guy and five of his friends...unbelievable - but that's the kind of scenario you have to think about sometimes and really think about who you invite into your home when you have children.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Ok someone who as casual sex then

If by having casual sex it caused me more harm then good I'd stop. Me for one I'm no ones punching bag

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This thread just brings home the dangers of swinging.

You f**k with strangers, its not only your sexual health you take into your hands.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"This thread just brings home the dangers of swinging.

You f**k with strangers, its not only your sexual health you take into your hands."

That's why I started it. It's to bring home the dangers and to do your homework on potential meets.

The guy that messages you fancy a fuck slag really isn't going to cut the mustard for me.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


i dont class myself as a swinger

Ugh, does that mean I have to wine and dine you to get in your pants "


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago




But on topic, there's nutters in all walks of life, meeting someone in a club, walking down the street.

I'm not trying to be fox news and scaremongering, but the same common sense vigilance that should be used in real life should be used in swinging.

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By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago


i've had lots of spur of the moment meets, often late night driving out to someones home or even somewhere remote and not once have i ever had someone attack me

of course i am not saying you shouldnt get to know someone before meeting them but i just wanted to point out that not all drop of the hat meets result in someone being attacked.

its all so easy to believe that our way of swinging or having casual sex is the best way but truth is what works for you works for YOU and is not the ultimate way of swinging.

also, why stop swinging off the back of one dickhead?? ok it may force you to re evaluate where and who and how you meet etc but why stop something you enjoy because of someone elses lack of judgement on what is and isnt appropriate behaviour?

if you got mugged while out shopping would you stop shopping??

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago




But on topic, there's nutters in all walks of life, meeting someone in a club, walking down the street.

I'm not trying to be fox news and scaremongering, but the same common sense vigilance that should be used in real life should be used in swinging. "

The thing is a lot of people don't. They assume because they've "spoken" to someone a couple of times they're friends!

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo


Threads we remove

Threads containing racism, threats, nasty stuff like that will be removed and the posters banned or given timeouts. We also don't want discussions of serious illegal subjects like rape, child abuse, illegal drugs because inevitably someone will post about their own crimes / experiences of crimes and we can get hauled up in court to provide evidence. We do this for fun and we don't want the hassle, sorry.

There has been too many "experiences" that have had to be removed, please read the rules before starting a thread.

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