
FabSwingers.com > Forums > The Lounge > Just how strongly do you feel about benefit cheats? DialEmma

Just how strongly do you feel about benefit cheats? DialEmma

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By *he_original_polo OP   Woman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

So you arrange a meet, turn up, have a chat and at some point find out your meet claims unemplyment benefits but earns a fair bit more than the odd tenner cash in hand.

Would you report them?

Woud it make a difference what they did to make the cash in hand money?

Would it make a difference whether you clicked or not?

Would it make a difference whether you had a bonk or not?

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By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

Zero tolerance for them to be honest.

It is shocking, others knocking their pans in paying tax to fund those thieves.

Jail everyone.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The system should be monitoring peeps on benefits not us.

As a teacher I am being incessantly monitored and I work for my living.

Seriously considering trying for the sack these days.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I wouldn't know what to do to be honest but as I hate thieves and this person sounds like it.

I'd suck his cock and nick his job seekers allowance lol

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By *onConformistLikeUMan  over a year ago


on the face of it, string em up. but in practice a lot of people were fucked over when they had to pay back some family benefits after a cock up. Getting by can be hard but doing nothing about it earns no sympathy.

The whole system is screwed so much that a lot of people would only be a couple of quid better off if they got off their arse's and got a job. It's no wonder people try to squeeze a little more out of the welfare system cos that's all they've ever known as a source of income.

disability takes the piss too. it's not carefully monitored, there are far too many doctors willing to nod and sign a form for friends and family, there are too many disable badge users who are perfectly capable of walking as far as anyone.

There's too many people who think living here in Britain means working for a living and being treated the same as everyone else is optional.

I was out of a job for 3 weeks once in my life. I've had some crap jobs to tide me over, but I've never just sat on my arse and ate pot noodles till the next time I have to drag my carcase to the job centre.

Anyhow. As someone in a similar job roll I empathise completely with you.

Give half of the unemployed jobs kicking the other half's arse's in to getting a job, then sack them and give their job to the other lot for a while. At least then everyone will have a turn and know the difference between having a job and being a slob.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

CHEAT is the word alright

[albeit a bit soft IMHO, "Benefit Thief" ismore fitting and appropriate!]

Unfortunatly there are thousands of them up, down and across the country! They need to be caught and stopped. If not, then why do we bother to go and work everyday to fund them?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" ....................

Woud it make a difference what they did to make the cash in hand money?

.................. "

I'm not so much concerned about how they earned the money assuming everything, apart from the DWP knowing, is legal. It's more about how they spend the money.

Someone struggling to keep a roof over their heads, put food in their bairns' mouths or pay off debts that maybe weren't of their making is one thing.

Someone injecting it up their arm, snorting it up their nose or chucking it down their throat while sunning themselves in Tenerife half the year is altogether different.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I wouldn't know what to do to be honest but as I hate thieves and this person sounds like it.

I'd suck his cock and nick his job seekers allowance lol"

naaa nick his cock job seekers allowance already sucks.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

if they were nice and everyone "clicked" and the sex was great - shag em .......then grass em up - thieving scrounging feckers

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"if they were nice and everyone "clicked" and the sex was great - shag em .......then grass em up - thieving scrounging feckers "

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman  over a year ago

little house on the praire

Depends how much they where cheating, whether it was an odd few quid to make ends meet or if they did it as a full time occupation

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

A benefits cheat is a cheat regardless of how much they claim - it is illegal and immoral and should be reported

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Also immoral is the millions that go unclaimed for those in need by the practice of misinforming claiments that are genuine and deserving.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I wouldn't report them but I would find it hard to be civil if they went on the defensive for their actions. This sticks in my throat more than the thieving - their moral high ground that its there for the taking if they can get away with it.

I think everyone needs lessons in not abusing the benefits system - start by pulling up those you know who use the a&e deparments to sleep off drinking and drug binges or end up there after d*unken brawls. Or getting prescriptions for medicines you have no intention of taking. Many do that or don't finish courses.

As tesco says every little helps and every little unneccesary claim on public funds helps to bring our system down. Its no better than the mp's defrauding the system in my eyes and plenty kicked up about that.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

No I wouldn't report them, DWP would probably tell them who grassed them up and give my address.

I'd rather not work thanks but Santander would like their money back in a timely manner, so it would matter as I loathe freeloaders!

It would make a difference as I would not be impressed with someone who was in effect stealing from me.

All the above is academic as my fantasy men don't claim JSA and work cash in hand, so a social meet wouldn't be on the cards let alone a bonk!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We all not all as fussy as you sassy lol

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By *aucy3Couple  over a year ago


yep,go after the benefit cheats.it's paramount to theft,but should'nt we be going after the tax evaders just as vigorously.

tax evasion,costs the country,much more than benefit fraud,but nobody seems to bothered about it.

is it ok,for the rich to steal,but not the poor.

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By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

"yep,go after the benefit cheats.it's paramount to theft,but should'nt we be going after the tax evaders just as vigorously.

tax evasion,costs the country,much more than benefit fraud,but nobody seems to bothered about it.

is it ok,for the rich to steal,but not the poor. "

do em both........

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Also immoral is the millions that go unclaimed for those in need by the practice of misinforming claiments that are genuine and deserving. "

Good job part of my job is to inform and help deserving people claim the benefits they are entitled to then isnt it!! I have no problem with people claiming benefits legally.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think theres a big difference between people like us and those who claim and work, or claim for family or expenses they dont have, or even own houses in different names.

We are on benefits, Mart has a bad back so is very limited in what he can do for a living, he had to give up pest control a couple of years ago and has been trying to get back into IT (after a ten year gap, not good in that industry) ever since, I also have a special needs child.

we live within our means and dont have lots of things on credit, we have made a nice house by buying second hand or bartering services with our friends.

Occasionally Mart can make a few quid fixing a PC or may make a bit of cash buying and selling somthing on at a profit, but we dont "cheat"

We still have two cars but both are paid for and both worth probably a £1000 put together, and both were bought with money from cars we had when we were working that were worth a lot more.

please dont tar us all with the same brush, it feels bad enough knowing we are living off the state without knowing that other people think we are ALL cheats, Mart worked full time for 25 years (left school at 15) the last ten of which were in pain from his back before he couldnt cope with it, and i gave up work when my second child was born and it became obvious he needed extra care.

A lot of us are decent paople as well, and we have had to cope with overpayments for family credit being demanded back, the first bill was for £1200, we didnt know we were being overpaid, they worked out the payments and we didnt know any better, after a year they told us we owned them all that money back.

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By *ustyWoman  over a year ago


they totally disgust me

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think theres a big difference between people like us and those who claim and work, or claim for family or expenses they dont have, or even own houses in different names.

We are on benefits, Mart has a bad back so is very limited in what he can do for a living, he had to give up pest control a couple of years ago and has been trying to get back into IT (after a ten year gap, not good in that industry) ever since, I also have a special needs child.

we live within our means and dont have lots of things on credit, we have made a nice house by buying second hand or bartering services with our friends.

Occasionally Mart can make a few quid fixing a PC or may make a bit of cash buying and selling somthing on at a profit, but we dont "cheat"

We still have two cars but both are paid for and both worth probably a £1000 put together, and both were bought with money from cars we had when we were working that were worth a lot more.

please dont tar us all with the same brush, it feels bad enough knowing we are living off the state without knowing that other people think we are ALL cheats, Mart worked full time for 25 years (left school at 15) the last ten of which were in pain from his back before he couldnt cope with it, and i gave up work when my second child was born and it became obvious he needed extra care.

A lot of us are decent paople as well, and we have had to cope with overpayments for family credit being demanded back, the first bill was for £1200, we didnt know we were being overpaid, they worked out the payments and we didnt know any better, after a year they told us we owned them all that money back."

There is a world of difference between people who generally need help and benefit cheats, and most people know the difference. But for the grace of God etc.

Saw a case recently, man claiming disability allowance but was competing at a high level in judo: now I ask you!

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By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

"I think theres a big difference between people like us and those who claim and work, or claim for family or expenses they dont have, or even own houses in different names.

We are on benefits, Mart has a bad back so is very limited in what he can do for a living, he had to give up pest control a couple of years ago and has been trying to get back into IT (after a ten year gap, not good in that industry) ever since, I also have a special needs child.

we live within our means and dont have lots of things on credit, we have made a nice house by buying second hand or bartering services with our friends.

Occasionally Mart can make a few quid fixing a PC or may make a bit of cash buying and selling somthing on at a profit, but we dont "cheat"

We still have two cars but both are paid for and both worth probably a £1000 put together, and both were bought with money from cars we had when we were working that were worth a lot more.

please dont tar us all with the same brush, it feels bad enough knowing we are living off the state without knowing that other people think we are ALL cheats, Mart worked full time for 25 years (left school at 15) the last ten of which were in pain from his back before he couldnt cope with it, and i gave up work when my second child was born and it became obvious he needed extra care.

A lot of us are decent paople as well, and we have had to cope with overpayments for family credit being demanded back, the first bill was for £1200, we didnt know we were being overpaid, they worked out the payments and we didnt know any better, after a year they told us we owned them all that money back."

people without a shadow of a doubt, need help, support and benefits they are legally entitled to.

sadly again, it is the ones that exploit it that tarnish it for others.

the abusers of the system... deserve the punishment.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Also immoral is the millions that go unclaimed for those in need by the practice of misinforming claiments that are genuine and deserving. "

Here here, we have tenants we know desperately need disability benefits but they are fighting to get it and others that claim they are disabled and seem to get it without question, we have reported them but Ive been working there 3 yrs and still this man is being "investigated" yea right

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

grass them up me dnt shag them lol......ffs i have worked hard for what i have and get bugger all cos i have a private pension ....but if didnt i would get kept from state ...dis it really pay to work all u life when you have scroungers get it handed to them on a plate .....think should make them sweep streets or do old people gardens for there benefits to be honest or make them bin men then you will feel there not scrounging .assholes he he

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think theres a big difference between people like us and those who claim and work, or claim for family or expenses they dont have, or even own houses in different names.

We are on benefits, Mart has a bad back so is very limited in what he can do for a living, he had to give up pest control a couple of years ago and has been trying to get back into IT (after a ten year gap, not good in that industry) ever since, I also have a special needs child.

we live within our means and dont have lots of things on credit, we have made a nice house by buying second hand or bartering services with our friends.

Occasionally Mart can make a few quid fixing a PC or may make a bit of cash buying and selling somthing on at a profit, but we dont "cheat"

We still have two cars but both are paid for and both worth probably a £1000 put together, and both were bought with money from cars we had when we were working that were worth a lot more.

please dont tar us all with the same brush, it feels bad enough knowing we are living off the state without knowing that other people think we are ALL cheats, Mart worked full time for 25 years (left school at 15) the last ten of which were in pain from his back before he couldnt cope with it, and i gave up work when my second child was born and it became obvious he needed extra care.

A lot of us are decent paople as well, and we have had to cope with overpayments for family credit being demanded back, the first bill was for £1200, we didnt know we were being overpaid, they worked out the payments and we didnt know any better, after a year they told us we owned them all that money back."

Wholly understand all except the 2 cars bit, surely if you are not working, you dont need both, would it not help to sell one to pay back some of the family credit overpayment thereby decreasing perhaps the payment to them you have to make?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Also immoral is the millions that go unclaimed for those in need by the practice of misinforming claiments that are genuine and deserving.

Good job part of my job is to inform and help deserving people claim the benefits they are entitled to then isnt it!! I have no problem with people claiming benefits legally."

its a shame you are not working in gloucester then as that way we might have a good contact to help those that really deserve benefits as opposed to it being given to those that can build a shed, mow the lawn but claim they cant walk far

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I dislike benefit cheats if that's what they're actually doing

I dislike grasses more

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Zero tolerance for them to be honest.

It is shocking, others knocking their pans in paying tax to fund those thieves.

Jail everyone."

If you ever want to be PM.....then you have my vote

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

They take advantage of a system rightly or wrongly

But if the system was sound then surely they couldn't do that?

There are unfortunately a lot of peeps that will take what they can

So maybe whats needed is a big hammer and nails ta make it more difficult ta take these things?? x

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By *he_original_polo OP   Woman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

"No I wouldn't report them, DWP would probably tell them who grassed them up and give my address.


Oh no Sassy, gone are those days. You can make a call in complete confidence of anonymity.

It’s a bit like the CrimeStoppers line… but it’s not called ClaimStoppers.. they missed a trick there with the name.

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By *obletonMan  over a year ago

A Home Among The Woodland Creatures

"yep,go after the benefit cheats.it's paramount to theft,but should'nt we be going after the tax evaders just as vigorously.

tax evasion,costs the country,much more than benefit fraud,but nobody seems to bothered about it.

is it ok,for the rich to steal,but not the poor. "

This is exactly how I feel about it.

As soon I see adverts in on the telly asking me to shop the tax evaders who cost the tax payer £20 billion a year as well as the benefit cheats who cost us £2 Billion a year, I'll begin to take the issue seriously

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By *he_original_polo OP   Woman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

"yep,go after the benefit cheats.it's paramount to theft,but should'nt we be going after the tax evaders just as vigorously.

tax evasion,costs the country,much more than benefit fraud,but nobody seems to bothered about it.

is it ok,for the rich to steal,but not the poor.

This is exactly how I feel about it.

As soon I see adverts in on the telly asking me to shop the tax evaders who cost the tax payer £20 billion a year as well as the benefit cheats who cost us £2 Billion a year, I'll begin to take the issue seriously"

Aren't the benefit cheats also tax evaders if they are working cash in hand?

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By *atureFem4FunWoman  over a year ago

Petts Wood

Send EVERYONE to prison who buys 'cheap' rolling tobacco and cigarettes 'under the table' at their local pub, or out the boot of a car.....They cost the treasury between £2.5 billion and £3 billion a year in lost duty.

Maybe a short spell in a prison cell would stop many of them moaning about benefits cheats.

The trouble is many people break the law but think 'it's not that serious', but in truth they are every bit as bad as benefits cheats.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

i worked for many years in the benefit system, and i am sorry to say the number who work the system far out weigh the genuine ones these days!!! If there is a loop hole in the system they will find it, and it was actually these very people who were the ones who would threaten the staff when there was a problem with their benefits.In the years i worked in benefits i was spat at, constantly verbally abused and even followed to my car after work with yet more threats of violence.Personally i have no time for them,after all it is hard working folk who are keeping them.!!!!!!!!

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By *rumalexMan  over a year ago


i know a few people that can be classed as benefit cheats, i would never grass them up, after all what crap would the government waste the extra money on? as far as i'm concerned the MP's that claim dodgy expenses are far worse.

when a benefits cheat start spending thousands to clean their swimming pools then i may change my mind.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Send EVERYONE to prison who buys 'cheap' rolling tobacco and cigarettes 'under the table' at their local pub, or out the boot of a car.....They cost the treasury between £2.5 billion and £3 billion a year in lost duty.

Maybe a short spell in a prison cell would stop many of them moaning about benefits cheats.

The trouble is many people break the law but think 'it's not that serious', but in truth they are every bit as bad as benefits cheats."

Yeah can see ya point on the criminal aspect of that Jane

But logically speaking if the system was watertight maybe the revenue lost through contraband wouldn't be missed so much

And prices for everything including all VAT would be less?? xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

For me it's an attitude thing. I saw a programme about single mums and trying to get them off benefits. This one lady was debt upto here eyeballs. When her finances were assessed one thing that was noticed was she had the full virgin media package. When she was questioned about the need to have it she replied "I don't go out on the beer every night, it's my privilage". I'm sorry but if you can't afford things you have to go without. That is the downfall of this country at the moment too many people think they should have everything.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I was out of a job for 3 weeks once in my life. I've had some crap jobs to tide me over, but I've never just sat on my arse and ate pot noodles till the next time I have to drag my carcase to the job centre.


NonConformistLikeU, Is that how you see everyone that is claiming ?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"i know a few people that can be classed as benefit cheats, i would never grass them up, after all what crap would the government waste the extra money on? as far as i'm concerned the MP's that claim dodgy expenses are far worse.

when a benefits cheat start spending thousands to clean their swimming pools then i may change my mind."

One benefit cheat claims enough money in one year to clean a swimming pool twice over. Multiply that by thousands of cheats and the pot for the really deserving cases - you know poverty stricken people who need it - gets smaller and smaller. If everyone had this attitude the welfare system is going to break then there will be nothing for anyone in times of need.

All cheating is wrong from the smallest fiddle to the largest one. It affects everyone who contributes into the system and those who need to ask for help in the future.

This welfare benefit system was not set up for those who do not need the money. Nor is it a pot to buy luxuries like cable television, cars and foreign holidays that I know a lot of people on benefits can afford. Its to buy food and shelter and clothing in times of hardship.

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

I wouldn't grass them up... however i would certainly question their integrity....

the thought of my hard working taxes going to support there lifestyle rather than those most needy certainly would make me think twice....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I was out of a job for 3 weeks once in my life. I've had some crap jobs to tide me over, but I've never just sat on my arse and ate pot noodles till the next time I have to drag my carcase to the job centre.

NonConformistLikeU, Is that how you see everyone that is claiming ?"

Of course there are genuine claimants. The OP asked about the morality of those claiming benefits while working who do not need it. Some people at the end of their tether who work hard and are bound to make inflammatory remarks about how they _iew some of the unemployed and its a fact that slackers are within society and their habits and lifestyle are there for all to see and comment on.

I don't think any of us are silly enough to apply it to all on benefits - we never know when we will be in that situation ourselves, but feel angered that some openly abuse it thus reducing the pot for genuine claims.

I have done the maths many a time and I don't know how anyone on benefits alone can have a decent standard of living that includes luxuries. So perhaps if these people on benefits who also display wealth (bling, cars etc) are such economic eggheads that can make 100 quid buy 500 quids worth of lifestyle should be advising the government on spending cuts?

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By *he tactile technicianMan  over a year ago

the good lands, the bad lands, the any where you may want me lands

"I was out of a job for 3 weeks once in my life. I've had some crap jobs to tide me over, but I've never just sat on my arse and ate pot noodles till the next time I have to drag my carcase to the job centre.

NonConformistLikeU, Is that how you see everyone that is claiming ?

Of course there are genuine claimants. The OP asked about the morality of those claiming benefits while working who do not need it. Some people at the end of their tether who work hard and are bound to make inflammatory remarks about how they _iew some of the unemployed and its a fact that slackers are within society and their habits and lifestyle are there for all to see and comment on.

I don't think any of us are silly enough to apply it to all on benefits - we never know when we will be in that situation ourselves, but feel angered that some openly abuse it thus reducing the pot for genuine claims.

I have done the maths many a time and I don't know how anyone on benefits alone can have a decent standard of living that includes luxuries. So perhaps if these people on benefits who also display wealth (bling, cars etc) are such economic eggheads that can make 100 quid buy 500 quids worth of lifestyle should be advising the government on spending cuts? "

I completely agree

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Wholly understand all except the 2 cars bit, surely if you are not working, you dont need both, would it not help to sell one to pay back some of the family credit overpayment thereby decreasing perhaps the payment to them you have to make?"

Its paid back now so thats not an issue, and yes we could do without 2 cars, almost impossible to get our lad on public transport though as crowds freak him out so we will hang onto one as long as possible.

Actually (This is Mart now) mine has been sitting on the driveway untaxed and unused since before xmas, main reason we are keeping it ready to go is that I am waiting to take an IT proffesionals exam, and once thats done i should be able to get back into work pretty quickly, cant rely on finding a job easily accessible by public transport, often IT engineers are based out in units full of servers on industrial estates.

Currently my battered old Suzuki Vitara owes me about £250 so hardly worth selling on compared to the convenience of being able to work anywhere.

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By *rumalexMan  over a year ago


i work in accounts and one thing baffles me, if they know how much money benefits cheats are getting, then they must know who the cheats are, otherwise the figures that they are quoting is just a made up number, how do we know that £x million is being fiddled?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I dislike grasses more"

Me too.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I dislike grasses more

Me too."

ALL grasses?

What about the grass who stops the paedophile from re-offending?

Or the passer-by who recognises the c*nt who's just attacked your granny?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I dislike grasses more

Me too.

ALL grasses?

What about the grass who stops the paedophile from re-offending?

Or the passer-by who recognises the c*nt who's just attacked your granny?"

Okay, you got me. Not all grasses. Just most of them

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Personally I would stop there benefits for life why should we pay our taxes when you get work shy people who don’t want to work or scumbags who cheat the system this might sound nasty but they should stoop given them handout make them all work for the benefits 7 days a week voluntary, I know a woman who lives in our street she has a mobility car and a walking stick the other week she was going out with her friends no stick and 4 am she got out of the taxi dancing in the street people like her makes me fucking mad I wish I had the guts to grass but I don’t do grassing

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By *emima_puddlefuckCouple  over a year ago


Depends,do you know they are a benifit cheat,they could be a dealer

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By *atureFem4FunWoman  over a year ago

Petts Wood

"Personally I would stop there benefits for life why should we pay our taxes when you get work shy people who don’t want to work or scumbags who cheat the system this might sound nasty but they should stoop given them handout make them all work for the benefits 7 days a week voluntary, I know a woman who lives in our street she has a mobility car and a walking stick the other week she was going out with her friends no stick and 4 am she got out of the taxi dancing in the street people like her makes me fucking mad I wish I had the guts to grass but I don’t do grassing "

Grass her for what?

She is registered disabled, must be on the higher rate of DLA in order to have been given the Mobility car, you have no idea what her medical situation is.

In short....you are guessing and making judgements made on your assumptions.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 03/03/11 13:44:29]

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By *emima_puddlefuckCouple  over a year ago


"Personally I would stop there benefits for life why should we pay our taxes when you get work shy people who don’t want to work or scumbags who cheat the system this might sound nasty but they should stoop given them handout make them all work for the benefits 7 days a week voluntary, I know a woman who lives in our street she has a mobility car and a walking stick the other week she was going out with her friends no stick and 4 am she got out of the taxi dancing in the street people like her makes me fucking mad I wish I had the guts to grass but I don’t do grassing

Grass her for what?

She is registered disabled, must be on the higher rate of DLA in order to have been given the Mobility car, you have no idea what her medical situation is.

In short....you are guessing and making judgements made on your assumptions."

Totally,it amazes me how quick ppl are to think the worst,she could have MS,couldnt u think,ohhh thats lovely she is in remission.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 03/03/11 13:48:45]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"[Removed by poster at 03/03/11 13:48:45]"

This oversized lady was bragging to her friends she has nothing wrong with her, and last summer she was in the garden drinking can of lager and boasting about how easy it was to screw the benefits so how that I made assumptions. If she boasting about screwing the system?????????Omg you don’t half get some people who are do gooders anyway cant be arsed with you cya blocked

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Personally I would stop there benefits for life why should we pay our taxes when you get work shy people who don’t want to work or scumbags who cheat the system this might sound nasty but they should stoop given them handout make them all work for the benefits 7 days a week voluntary, I know a woman who lives in our street she has a mobility car and a walking stick the other week she was going out with her friends no stick and 4 am she got out of the taxi dancing in the street people like her makes me fucking mad I wish I had the guts to grass but I don’t do grassing

Grass her for what?

She is registered disabled, must be on the higher rate of DLA in order to have been given the Mobility car, you have no idea what her medical situation is.

In short....you are guessing and making judgements made on your assumptions.

Totally,it amazes me how quick ppl are to think the worst,she could have MS,couldnt u think,ohhh thats lovely she is in remission."

ms lol i know she not ill she has the Lazyitis i think most of you rae benefit cheats to have ago what i have put into this forum i pay my tax and want it to go to needy people i.e oaps not scum who dont work

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By *atureFem4FunWoman  over a year ago

Petts Wood

Yeah ok.....whatever you say.

Anecdotal evidence about benefit scroungers is rampant on here, they could write a book on the heresay of Fab Swingers.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Yeah ok.....whatever you say.

Anecdotal evidence about benefit scroungers is rampant on here, they could write a book on the heresay of Fab Swingers."

yeah what ever i say just for that i think i will dail the benefits hot line it might make me feel good yes i am a grass

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By *atureFem4FunWoman  over a year ago

Petts Wood

"Yeah ok.....whatever you say.

Anecdotal evidence about benefit scroungers is rampant on here, they could write a book on the heresay of Fab Swingers.yeah what ever i say just for that i think i will dail the benefits hot line it might make me feel good yes i am a grass "

Don't forget to tell them she was drinking a can of beer....might tip the balance

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 03/03/11 14:02:36]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"[Removed by poster at 03/03/11 14:02:36]"

Someone doesn't seem to have the courage of their convictions.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"CHEAT is the word alright

[albeit a bit soft IMHO, "Benefit Thief" ismore fitting and appropriate!]

Unfortunatly there are thousands of them up, down and across the country! They need to be caught and stopped. If not, then why do we bother to go and work everyday to fund them?well said i agree somebody with brains


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"CHEAT is the word alright

[albeit a bit soft IMHO, "Benefit Thief" ismore fitting and appropriate!]

Unfortunatly there are thousands of them up, down and across the country! They need to be caught and stopped. If not, then why do we bother to go and work everyday to fund them?well said i agree somebody with brains


If, as you say, it might make you feel good, why not do it.

Moaning about a situation you feel so strongly about won't change anything. If it's that important to you - do something about it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I know 2 separate couples who live near me.

1) She has bever worked a day in her life, Parents died leaving her estate....house with mortgage all paid etc....He an alcoholic..they have 2 disabled children for which they receive respite care ie someone else looks after their needs. Every summer they receive cash to take the kids on holiday..LOL dumped with neighbour for fortnight whilst said couple go on Caribbean cruise.

2) He on disability pension though feck all wrong with him runs a computer business from home, she is a fat lazy bastard who works 2 hrs per morning firing up ovens in a local bakers. They have 3 grown up kids living at home who are each charged £200 a month to live there. Also her brother died this year through alcohol poison and her mother is at death's door with lung cancer. Said female is counting down the days when she can inherit her mothers house as it is all biought and paid for and gives her security for future.

Couple 2 also make a living grassing off benefit cheats. £100 for each conviction... they think that justifies them.

I have just recently been made redundant after 30 odd years hard work. Been out of work now 5 weeks and still not visited the job centre both out of pride and desparate need to find a job before my redundancy runs out.........

Hope the bank does not chase me for my mortgage this week or I will be selling the Big Issue next month

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By *atureFem4FunWoman  over a year ago

Petts Wood

Anecdotal evidence again.....no way of knowing the medical history or DLA history of these people.

Otherwise known as Curtain Twitching

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Anecdotal evidence again.....no way of knowing the medical history or DLA history of these people.

Otherwise known as Curtain Twitching"

We should never allow such minor considerations as the truth get in the way of a (not very) good rant.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Anecdotal evidence again.....no way of knowing the medical history or DLA history of these people.

Otherwise known as Curtain Twitching"

Unless your a mind reader like most on here your never going to know unless you stalk them.And remember not all disabilities are physical so someone might look well but could have mental health problems.

As Jane said earlier to qualify for mobility allowence is done by Doctors. My mom had it done and as the higher rate disability living allowance and attendance allowance. Sorry but they don't just hand it out you need to be examined by a Doctor from DWP.

So not everyone on these benefits is on the take. There are some genuine ones who really need it.

Get the facts straight please.

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By *ustyWoman  over a year ago


have a friend with a daughter partly sighted, all she gets is carers allowance and thats it nothing else not even a blue badge as she can walk

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

But people that are slightly impared can still work.

But as we don't have the facts none of us can comment.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"have a friend with a daughter partly sighted, all she gets is carers allowance and thats it nothing else not even a blue badge as she can walk"

and as for the blue badge again that is assessed they don't just hand them out. My mom gets one no she doesn't drive but her condition allows for one. So my dad is her carer and gets attendance allowance for that they also have the higher rate of disabilty allowance so that allows them to have a car.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"have a friend with a daughter partly sighted, all she gets is carers allowance and thats it nothing else not even a blue badge as she can walk

and as for the blue badge again that is assessed they don't just hand them out. My mom gets one no she doesn't drive but her condition allows for one. So my dad is her carer and gets attendance allowance for that they also have the higher rate of disabilty allowance so that allows them to have a car. "

yep they are pretty tight on the blue badges, took us three years of no to get one fer me ol mam. She kept telling them she walked 3 miles to the shops and back and carried the shopping (that was when she was in her 40's - she's 88 now) bless her.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'f shop her (or him) but only after I'd bonked her (or him) if she (or he) was a hottie!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think it's depends on the Council as the blue badge is issued by your district council. Must admit they have been great

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This has been intresting reading I am on benifits I recive HRD and LRC alonge with Income support. Now it wasn't till 2009 I was paid of from the NHS for ill health. I struggled on my child tax credits for about 4 months till I broke down with all the pressur (sp) I went crawling with cap in hand to the DWP and had to go through a lengthy process to claim money I was ashamed to claim and still am. I recive my disablity money but for the mobility componant I use this for my car as I know if I didn't have that I would be House bound. Now I recived my Blue badge before I recuved my DLA and it had been a god send to me I only use it on really bad days or if I know I am going to use my wheelchair. I would love to go back to work and if I could find a job that could take me on knowing that on some days I won't be there or that at times I can be off for months at a time I would work for them. This is because of the nature of my illness. I have worked all my days and always paid my taxes. I hate being on social but it is the only thing that I can do. We go on holiday every two years to Spain but we save really hard for that we do without things so that the kids have a good holiday. My kids come first and if they need anything they get but if I need I say I can do without. I have walked about with holes in my shoes to make sure that the kids are well fed and well dressed and every two years they know they will go on holiday to somewhere nice I will do with out.

The thing is people have reported me and I have been under investigation for the last two years I am not worrying about it as I know I have done nothing wrong and I know that they are doing their jobs but I just wish that people would look at me on a bad day when I can't get out of bed or even on a good day when I do get out to pick my kids up from school I always have my stick or crutches. Am I wrong for claiming for money that I am entilted to?

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By *aucy3Couple  over a year ago


"yep,go after the benefit cheats.it's paramount to theft,but should'nt we be going after the tax evaders just as vigorously.

tax evasion,costs the country,much more than benefit fraud,but nobody seems to bothered about it.

is it ok,for the rich to steal,but not the poor.

This is exactly how I feel about it.

As soon I see adverts in on the telly asking me to shop the tax evaders who cost the tax payer £20 billion a year as well as the benefit cheats who cost us £2 Billion a year, I'll begin to take the issue seriously

Aren't the benefit cheats also tax evaders if they are working cash in hand?"

you seem to have,a bit of a hard on,for benefit cheats polo.

anyone stealing money from the country.poor or rich.should be prosecuted

it seems strange,you want those stealing the least.to be hunted down and prosecuted the most.hmmmm

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

".............Am I wrong for claiming for money that I am entilted to?"

Nobody is wrong for claiming what they're entitled to.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"yep,go after the benefit cheats.it's paramount to theft,but should'nt we be going after the tax evaders just as vigorously.

tax evasion,costs the country,much more than benefit fraud,but nobody seems to bothered about it.

is it ok,for the rich to steal,but not the poor.

the powers that be will not chase the high earning tax evaders , they will keep these loopholes open for their own benefit!

on another line , im a self employed bloke and whenever i go to peoples houses to price work they all ask the cash price...yes thats all you teachers policemen and butchers bakers and candle stick makers...is that also not robbing the system?...were all guilty to some degree but we do agree that pure benefit cheats should be strung up

do em both........ "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Report them, they're the problem and by doing nothing means you are part of the problem too.

You'd rather be part of the solution right?

I think we should speak out about anyone who fiddles the system whether benefit cheats or corrupt MPs grabbing what they can under the guise of 'expenses'.

There are people who really do need benefits, cheats are a minority but that money could help the needy elsewhere.

I don't agree with ridiculously high taxes, if OUR money was redistributed fairly and effectively I wouldn't mind the 20% VAT increase.

It's not though, so I do mind and so does your benefits scammer.

The 2 options are; Speak Out! educate yourselves about politics, etc and engage people in politics and stop these cuts, tax hikes, etc OR Cheat.

Unfortunately as a society we're so dumbed down with reality TV and consumerist lifestyles that we're now apolitical, clueless or just passive. People cast their votes based on the cult of personality, as they do in the States, rather than an agenda of reform, It's style over substance

Why should people have a vote if they cast it based on whether they like someone's smile or colour of tie?

Should those people even have a vote?

Problem is people aren't that bothered about the 'society' as a collective, they're just interested in themsleves.

The 'Big Society' is big bullshit.

The bigger picture is that government reflects society It's our own fault - selfish, passive society = selfish, oppressive government. Corruption is accepted at the top of tree and MPs, bankers get away with it, just as it is in wider society, your man is just following a bad example. Shit society, shit happens.

Governements don't change society, people do.

Voting Yes in the AV Referendum would be a start in getting real change and the Tories out.

Don't believe what the media says about AV, at present your vote doesn't count for shit.

Only by achieving electoral reform and implementing a true democracy will we get a fair and just system, then in your locality you should expect an MP who is accountable and not a puppet of the London banking system... and then you might see an effective system that deals with benefit cheats and helps those who are struglling financially, on the poverty line, etc

Might actually eliminate child poverty.

It won't happen under this government or under Labour. Same system, just dfferent packaging.

I'm pro PR but AV is a step in the right direction.

If it doesn't happen and the cuts get worse expect anarchy and then benefit cheats might get a different form of punishment, rough justice.

Interesting times, at least a good shag is some escapism!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think it's depends on the Council as the blue badge is issued by your district council. Must admit they have been great "

Glasgow's rules are

"3.1 Automatic criteria

You will automatically receive a Blue Badge on application if you:

receive the higher rate of the mobility component of Disability Living Allowance

are registered blind

receive a War Pensioner's Mobility Supplement

have a vehicle supplied through the Motability Scheme

3.2 Discretionary criteria

If you do not automatically qualify for a Blue Badge, you may be entitled to a Badge under the discretionary criteria if your disability causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking.

New Scottish Executive regulations on 1 April 2007 introduced a new category for people with a temporary mobility impairment which makes it impossible or unreasonably difficult to walk and which is likely to last for a period of at least 12 months.

You will be required to provide additional medical information from your doctor for a discretionary application."

It may be different elsewhere.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Aren't the benefit cheats also tax evaders if they are working cash in hand?

you seem to have,a bit of a hard on,for benefit cheats polo.

anyone stealing money from the country.poor or rich.should be prosecuted

it seems strange,you want those stealing the least.to be hunted down and prosecuted the most.hmmmm "

Strange it is indeed.

It's almost as if being wealthy enough to worry about tax avoidance is somehow aspirational whilst being in a position to have to rely on benefits is possibly contageous and, in time, might affect them.

Whilst on the subject of strange, it never ceases to amaze me that tens (hundreds?) of thousands who claim to be prepared to take to the barricades over a few pence on the price of a gallon of fuel or VAT going up to 20% are often the first in line at the lottery terminal 2 or 3 times week or can't wait to pay their £30-£40 every weekend to make the Rooneys of this world even wealthier than they already are.

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By *he_original_polo OP   Woman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

"yep,go after the benefit cheats.it's paramount to theft,but should'nt we be going after the tax evaders just as vigorously.

tax evasion,costs the country,much more than benefit fraud,but nobody seems to bothered about it.

is it ok,for the rich to steal,but not the poor.

This is exactly how I feel about it.

As soon I see adverts in on the telly asking me to shop the tax evaders who cost the tax payer £20 billion a year as well as the benefit cheats who cost us £2 Billion a year, I'll begin to take the issue seriously

Aren't the benefit cheats also tax evaders if they are working cash in hand?

you seem to have,a bit of a hard on,for benefit cheats polo.

anyone stealing money from the country.poor or rich.should be prosecuted

it seems strange,you want those stealing the least.to be hunted down and prosecuted the most.hmmmm "

I don't see where I say others should be let off for ripping off the system... whichever one?

However, as it is a question about finding something out on a meet... it is unlikely you will uncover many cases of tax evasion and off-shore investment scams over a cuppa.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Wholly understand all except the 2 cars bit, surely if you are not working, you dont need both, would it not help to sell one to pay back some of the family credit overpayment thereby decreasing perhaps the payment to them you have to make?

Its paid back now so thats not an issue, and yes we could do without 2 cars, almost impossible to get our lad on public transport though as crowds freak him out so we will hang onto one as long as possible.

Actually (This is Mart now) mine has been sitting on the driveway untaxed and unused since before xmas, main reason we are keeping it ready to go is that I am waiting to take an IT proffesionals exam, and once thats done i should be able to get back into work pretty quickly, cant rely on finding a job easily accessible by public transport, often IT engineers are based out in units full of servers on industrial estates.

Currently my battered old Suzuki Vitara owes me about £250 so hardly worth selling on compared to the convenience of being able to work anywhere. "

Now that makes sense and i hope you pass your course

A shame some people though are not more tolerant of disabilities though but at least in a car, youve no need to worry about what people say

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So you arrange a meet, turn up, have a chat and at some point find out your meet claims unemplyment benefits but earns a fair bit more than the odd tenner cash in hand.

Would you report them?

Woud it make a difference what they did to make the cash in hand money?

Would it make a difference whether you clicked or not?

Would it make a difference whether you had a bonk or not?"

no i wouldnt report them, nut i think it would make a difference to how i _iewed them and wether we had a bonk or not

i work my bollocks off as a single mum looking after one school age child and paying two teenagers thro uni and it fucks me off when people are taking tax payers money when they are working as well

what state would the country be in if we all did that?

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By *rumalexMan  over a year ago


i think the question to ask yourself is why would you grass on them, is it because you work for what you have and they dont? or you realy think that if they weren't getting that money then the government would be reducing taxes?

either way i work for what i have, how others get what they have isnt my concern, as long as they're not breaking into my or my families property or mugging us, because one way or another i'd still be paying tax anyway, so it makes no difference to me

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

During the war we had various motto's in this country "Loose lips sink ships", "Careless talk costs lives", "Walls have ears" etc.

It was drummed into the country to keep mum and after the war that habit was carried over by the criminal element and most of the public at large, a "grass" was someone to be scorned.

The last couple of governments though have turned all that around and turned Britain into a nation of informants.

Benefits, Car Tax, T.V Licence etc, they're pitting the nation against itself.

Do people seriously think that if all the benefit cheats were nailed tomorrow that they'd reduce tax the week after?

Of course not, it wouldn't make a bit of difference, they'd only have more money to waste on some other dubious schemes that didn't benefit the people of this country.

Its not the so called scroungers that are to blame, its the system that enables them to do it that should make sure the benefits go to the needy not the greedy.

As someone said previously, there are Fat Cat bosses who get away with thousands in unpaid taxes and various other scams which costs the country £12 billion (just this second mentioned on TV).

We wouldn't grass and no we aren't on benefits!


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Why do people counter-argue in favour of benefit cheats by saying tax evasion costs this country more. They're both robbing the honest hardworking taxpayer blind and they should all be strung up by their tits or their balls until they scream for mercy.

I see no distinction between the two. They are both breaking the law.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"i think the question to ask yourself is why would you grass on them, is it because you work for what you have and they dont? or you realy think that if they weren't getting that money then the government would be reducing taxes?


As I said last night

"I'm not so much concerned about how they earned the money assuming everything, apart from the DWP knowing, is legal. It's more about how they spend the money.

Someone struggling to keep a roof over their heads, put food in their bairns' mouths or pay off debts that maybe weren't of their making is one thing.

Someone injecting it up their arm, snorting it up their nose or chucking it down their throat while sunning themselves in Tenerife half the year is altogether different."

So no, I don't imagine shopping a 'benefit cheat' will bring down the amount of tax I pay.

Benefit cheating is always wrong. It's just that sometimes it's understandable.

Tax evasion is always wrong but it's never understandable.

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By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

yeah........ it is the system that is at fault and not the people who are 'signing on' saying they aren't working and then sneaking off to get cash in hand payments.. and obviously the employers who are paying them, they are also totally at fault. These poor claimants must so very confused and bewildered at why they are put in such an awful predicament OF FORCED WRONG DOING..

as for those tax payers only paying 20%, 40% & 50% of their total earnings.. greedy selfish bastards they are.. up the taxes and give more to these bewildered fools........

because people will always find reasons to deflect the blame..


the teachers

the social workers

the government

the police

the local council

the big bosses

the fat cats

anyone and everyone else.....


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well said View

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"yeah........ it is the system that is at fault and not the people who are 'signing on' saying they aren't working and then sneaking off to get cash in hand payments.. and obviously the employers who are paying them, they are also totally at fault. These poor claimants must so very confused and bewildered at why they are put in such an awful predicament OF FORCED WRONG DOING..

as for those tax payers only paying 20%, 40% & 50% of their total earnings.. greedy selfish bastards they are.. up the taxes and give more to these bewildered fools........

because people will always find reasons to deflect the blame..


the teachers

the social workers

the government

the police

the local council

the big bosses

the fat cats

anyone and everyone else.....


{Whistles loudly, clapping & cheering} Woooooo! Yeah! Go that man. Bang on!

Best post I've read in here in a long while.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

ITV 1 on now (7.30) might raise a few answers. R

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Also immoral is the millions that go unclaimed for those in need by the practice of misinforming claiments that are genuine and deserving.

Good job part of my job is to inform and help deserving people claim the benefits they are entitled to then isnt it!! I have no problem with people claiming benefits legally.

its a shame you are not working in gloucester then as that way we might have a good contact to help those that really deserve benefits as opposed to it being given to those that can build a shed, mow the lawn but claim they cant walk far "

More than happy to help if I can - private message me if you want to discuss it xx

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By *atureFem4FunWoman  over a year ago

Petts Wood

Agree with you View, it is only the people cheating benefits who are to blame.....when they are caught they should be dealt with accordingly.

But.....this whole culture of people spouting out unsubstantiated, anecdotal rot about people they (supposedly) know of who are only pretending to be disabled...or who was standing in the jobcentre and heard someone boasting to all and sundry that they are proud to cheat the system, or who they have 'witnessed' walking out of the jobcentre and getting into a brand new BMW.....is sickening to the stomach.

It's all done to stoke up public opinion about those on benefits using 'evidence' that is often full of half truths or hearsay.

Going for the throat of the weakest in our society is shameful, particularly as many of these 'witnesses' are in all likelyhood guilty themselves of minor crimes and tax evasion that they see as irrelevant.

I would like to see people being honest on here for once and owning up to tax evasion or duty evasion themselves, considering that up to 75% of all rolling tobacco and 30% of all cigarettes are brought without paying UK duty.....

I won't hold my breath though

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well i shall stand up and be counted and admit to buying knock off cigarettes, i once worked, claimed some benefits but also cleaned an old mans house for a fiver a week and didnt tell anyone, in my defence, my ex, their dad was an alcoholic and when he left us, his parting gift was thousands of pounds of debt that i had to pay because he put everything in my name unbeknown to me, that includes almost getting us evicted because of lies he told to claim money from a college course he did. So forgive me for trying to bring up 2 kids on my own, on a part time wage with no help from him and this was all before tax credits.

As to other comments ive made, i work for a housing association, im not making up any of what i have said i just cannot say more, afterall he could be on here couldnt he

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Agree with you View, it is only the people cheating benefits who are to blame.....when they are caught they should be dealt with accordingly.

But.....this whole culture of people spouting out unsubstantiated, anecdotal rot about people they (supposedly) know of who are only pretending to be disabled...or who was standing in the jobcentre and heard someone boasting to all and sundry that they are proud to cheat the system, or who they have 'witnessed' walking out of the jobcentre and getting into a brand new BMW.....is sickening to the stomach.

It's all done to stoke up public opinion about those on benefits using 'evidence' that is often full of half truths or hearsay.

Going for the throat of the weakest in our society is shameful, particularly as many of these 'witnesses' are in all likelyhood guilty themselves of minor crimes and tax evasion that they see as irrelevant.

I would like to see people being honest on here for once and owning up to tax evasion or duty evasion themselves, considering that up to 75% of all rolling tobacco and 30% of all cigarettes are brought without paying UK duty.....

I won't hold my breath though"

I`ll keep my gag reflex under control whilst I witness the hypocrisy all around me ....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Agree with you View, it is only the people cheating benefits who are to blame.....when they are caught they should be dealt with accordingly.

But.....this whole culture of people spouting out unsubstantiated, anecdotal rot about people they (supposedly) know of who are only pretending to be disabled...or who was standing in the jobcentre and heard someone boasting to all and sundry that they are proud to cheat the system, or who they have 'witnessed' walking out of the jobcentre and getting into a brand new BMW.....is sickening to the stomach.

It's all done to stoke up public opinion about those on benefits using 'evidence' that is often full of half truths or hearsay.

Going for the throat of the weakest in our society is shameful, particularly as many of these 'witnesses' are in all likelyhood guilty themselves of minor crimes and tax evasion that they see as irrelevant.

I would like to see people being honest on here for once and owning up to tax evasion or duty evasion themselves, considering that up to 75% of all rolling tobacco and 30% of all cigarettes are brought without paying UK duty.....

I won't hold my breath though

I`ll keep my gag reflex under control whilst I witness the hypocrisy all around me ...."

Witness above then or is that not good enough?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I would like to see people being honest on here for once and owning up to tax evasion or duty evasion themselves, considering that up to 75% of all rolling tobacco and 30% of all cigarettes are brought without paying UK duty....."

If those figures could be substantiated then HMC&R would know precisely who, when and where and would be able to catch them. Wouldn't they?

I mean, how can you put a figure on undetectable crime?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Witness above then or is that not good enough?"

It wasn`t aimed at any individual poster gal.....if I had anything to say to an individual I`d say it clearly ...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Well i shall stand up and be counted and admit to buying knock off cigarettes, i once worked, claimed some benefits but also cleaned an old mans house for a fiver a week and didnt tell anyone, in my defence, my ex, their dad was an alcoholic and when he left us, his parting gift was thousands of pounds of debt that i had to pay because he put everything in my name unbeknown to me, that includes almost getting us evicted because of lies he told to claim money from a college course he did. So forgive me for trying to bring up 2 kids on my own, on a part time wage with no help from him and this was all before tax credits.

As to other comments ive made, i work for a housing association, im not making up any of what i have said i just cannot say more, afterall he could be on here couldnt he "

Holding hands up to recieving "knocked off fags"

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Agree with you View, it is only the people cheating benefits who are to blame.....when they are caught they should be dealt with accordingly.

But.....this whole culture of people spouting out unsubstantiated, anecdotal rot about people they (supposedly) know of who are only pretending to be disabled...or who was standing in the jobcentre and heard someone boasting to all and sundry that they are proud to cheat the system, or who they have 'witnessed' walking out of the jobcentre and getting into a brand new BMW.....is sickening to the stomach.

It's all done to stoke up public opinion about those on benefits using 'evidence' that is often full of half truths or hearsay.

Going for the throat of the weakest in our society is shameful, particularly as many of these 'witnesses' are in all likelyhood guilty themselves of minor crimes and tax evasion that they see as irrelevant.

I would like to see people being honest on here for once and owning up to tax evasion or duty evasion themselves, considering that up to 75% of all rolling tobacco and 30% of all cigarettes are brought without paying UK duty.....

I won't hold my breath though

I`ll keep my gag reflex under control whilst I witness the hypocrisy all around me ...."

shit ! we better take up smoking to feel the benefits of evading taxes

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By *atureFem4FunWoman  over a year ago

Petts Wood

"I would like to see people being honest on here for once and owning up to tax evasion or duty evasion themselves, considering that up to 75% of all rolling tobacco and 30% of all cigarettes are brought without paying UK duty.....

If those figures could be substantiated then HMC&R would know precisely who, when and where and would be able to catch them. Wouldn't they?

I mean, how can you put a figure on undetectable crime?"

EXACTLY the same as benefit fraud Wishy...if the government know exactly how much it is costing the treasury and who is doing it....they should be arrested like the duty evaders.

When government Treasury departments talk tax evasion, duty evasion or benefit fraud they can NEVER substantiate the figures.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Witness above then or is that not good enough?

It wasn`t aimed at any individual poster gal.....if I had anything to say to an individual I`d say it clearly ..."

Yes i know but i wanted to say that i am quite happy to be counted and admit i did something i shouldnt and why

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

No one in their right mind is gonna say NO to something "cheaper"

Things cost a fortune and if someone says to me...

wanna buy 200 ciggies for £20 im gonna rip their hand off.

Same goes for anything.

Dont look a gift horse in the mouth ..as the saying goes.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I would like to see people being honest on here for once and owning up to tax evasion or duty evasion themselves, considering that up to 75% of all rolling tobacco and 30% of all cigarettes are brought without paying UK duty.....

If those figures could be substantiated then HMC&R would know precisely who, when and where and would be able to catch them. Wouldn't they?

I mean, how can you put a figure on undetectable crime?

EXACTLY the same as benefit fraud Wishy...if the government know exactly how much it is costing the treasury and who is doing it....they should be arrested like the duty evaders.

When government Treasury departments talk tax evasion, duty evasion or benefit fraud they can NEVER substantiate the figures.


Well, yeah, the same applies. If they KNOW the true cost then they must KNOW who is perpetrating it. So it's all soundbites really, isn't it?

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By *atureFem4FunWoman  over a year ago

Petts Wood

When I visit my accountant to submit my records for my tax return he feeds me with information about how I can avoid tax on purchases in my small business.

And it's not all legal

Very few of us can honestly say that we haven't avoided tax or duty on a one off or regular basis....I certainly won't pretend not to have.

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By *atureFem4FunWoman  over a year ago

Petts Wood


Well, yeah, the same applies. If they KNOW the true cost then they must KNOW who is perpetrating it. So it's all soundbites really, isn't it?"

It is Wishy, governments of all political persuasion in the UK have in the past, and will in the future, use figures as scare tactics or to wind up the electorate....

They are professional manipulators

Times are hard, people are getting shafted all over the country, but by highlighting benefit fraud the government (and previous governments) will try to persuade the electorate that benefit fraud is the big enemy of the people......it is a big enemy, but they don't want us to know it isn't the BIGGEST by a long way.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

What about the likes of Philip Green from Topshop who pays nothing in taxes as all his buisnesses are in his wifes name who lives in tax exile. He get away with that so does Sean Connery.

No that winds me up they are loaded and still won't pay.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Witness above then or is that not good enough?

It wasn`t aimed at any individual poster gal.....if I had anything to say to an individual I`d say it clearly ...

Yes i know but i wanted to say that i am quite happy to be counted and admit i did something i shouldnt and why "

Bless you ....my reply was unintentionally harsh ...I didn`t intend it that way ....sorry ...and yes alot of us if we`re honest ...look after ourselves in some ways that avoid the true cost of living ....especially in times of hardship ..

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By *rumalexMan  over a year ago



Well, yeah, the same applies. If they KNOW the true cost then they must KNOW who is perpetrating it. So it's all soundbites really, isn't it?

It is Wishy, governments of all political persuasion in the UK have in the past, and will in the future, use figures as scare tactics or to wind up the electorate....

They are professional manipulators

Times are hard, people are getting shafted all over the country, but by highlighting benefit fraud the government (and previous governments) will try to persuade the electorate that benefit fraud is the big enemy of the people......it is a big enemy, but they don't want us to know it isn't the BIGGEST by a long way."

Very true when the government start spouting figures i never believe them

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Well, yeah, the same applies. If they KNOW the true cost then they must KNOW who is perpetrating it. So it's all soundbites really, isn't it?

It is Wishy, governments of all political persuasion in the UK have in the past, and will in the future, use figures as scare tactics or to wind up the electorate....

They are professional manipulators

Times are hard, people are getting shafted all over the country, but by highlighting benefit fraud the government (and previous governments) will try to persuade the electorate that benefit fraud is the big enemy of the people......it is a big enemy, but they don't want us to know it isn't the BIGGEST by a long way."

Well said ...its been like it for so long ....I think people have forgotten the truth amidst the spin ....

Its the distorted social values applied to various cheats ...some called scum ....others tacitly accepted...thats irks me and others

What also saddens and angers me is peeps coming on to the thread ...struggling to defend their dignity in the face of stigma thats so widespread ....some of the posts on here are despicably bigoted...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"What about the likes of Philip Green from Topshop who pays nothing in taxes as all his buisnesses are in his wifes name who lives in tax exile. He get away with that so does Sean Connery.

No that winds me up they are loaded and still won't pay."

Exactly, and its only in recent years that the Queen started paying tax.

Mind you she didn't offer, they had to get her arm up her back first!


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Cheeky mare do they think they are too rich to pay taxes Grrrrrrr x

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By *obletonMan  over a year ago

A Home Among The Woodland Creatures

"Why do people counter-argue in favour of benefit cheats by saying tax evasion costs this country more. They're both robbing the honest hardworking taxpayer blind and they should all be strung up by their tits or their balls until they scream for mercy.

I see no distinction between the two. They are both breaking the law."

I dont see anyone arguing in favour of benefit cheats (might have missed it tho).

Quite a few people have put it into appropriate perspective tho

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman  over a year ago

little house on the praire

All my tobacco comes from out of the country. Tax evasion yes illegal no. I never bring back more than my quoto. Also i never sell it on but do give some away sometimes

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

All my fags are brought cheap and I know what's illegal too

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

good forum this.

i was unemployed a few years ago,its not good running out of gas and electric.

so if your offered a few quid you gotta do it anyone would.

its the full time cheats that milk the system,who dont want work that should be stopped.

i know peeps wont agree but thats life

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

and send some cheap cigs our way janelle lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

What do we start with? pitchforks and torches or perhaps the knock at the door at 3am followed by a session of waterboarding?. I never thought id say this in a forum but some folk need to get a grip! if it becomes a pack mentality about this subject and people go along with the mob what happens then? if your accused the only thing you get is a blondfold, cigarette and last request?.

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By *he_original_polo OP   Woman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

"yeah........ it is the system that is at fault and not the people who are 'signing on' saying they aren't working and then sneaking off to get cash in hand payments.. and obviously the employers who are paying them, they are also totally at fault. These poor claimants must so very confused and bewildered at why they are put in such an awful predicament OF FORCED WRONG DOING..

as for those tax payers only paying 20%, 40% & 50% of their total earnings.. greedy selfish bastards they are.. up the taxes and give more to these bewildered fools........

because people will always find reasons to deflect the blame..


the teachers

the social workers

the government

the police

the local council

the big bosses

the fat cats

anyone and everyone else.....


I owe you a pint.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

In answer to Polo`s question ...yes it would make me think a little..if a potential meet bragged and had a jack the lad attitude towards working on the side ...

Hopefully society will readress the distortion in the model of rugged individualism Thatcher and Reagan sold to us ....make sure aspiration fer success and bettering oneself is encouraged alongside a more benevolent and philantropic society ....where social values are encouraged ....and citizens can feel they own society again ..

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By *aucy3Couple  over a year ago


these forums,really are fantastic.

till now we've had 122 post argument.

where everybody agrees,to argue,about agreeing.

the minutest,degree of difference,in agreement.sets of a storm of protest.

loving you'se all.xxxx

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By *he_original_polo OP   Woman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

"What do we start with? "

The freephone number.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"What do we start with?

The freephone number."

Yep ....how about we all make 50 bogus calls to the hotline and give the bastards summat to do ....instant investigations ....

While Barclays can have 120 holding companies in offshore tax havens ....and suchlike where investigations are deemed not in the public interest ....

This all came about ..by wealthy unscruplous organisations exploiting the poor with dodgy mortgages .....the world goes tits up ....capitalism nearly fails .....and then we get the poor to pay to clean up the fucking mess ..while the wealthy get us to look at each other ..done fucking deal ....

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By *aucy3Couple  over a year ago


"What do we start with?

The freephone number."

you know the rules.

no phone numbers.tut tut tut.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The expenses scandal: Do we consider that benefit fraud of sorts?

Just putting it out there.

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By *he_original_polo OP   Woman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

"What do we start with?

The freephone number.

Yep ....how about we all make 50 bogus calls to the hotline and give the bastards summat to do ....instant investigations ....

While Barclays can have 120 holding companies in offshore tax havens ....and suchlike where investigations are deemed not in the public interest ....

This all came about ..by wealthy unscruplous organisations exploiting the poor with dodgy mortgages .....the world goes tits up ....capitalism nearly fails .....and then we get the poor to pay to clean up the fucking mess ..while the wealthy get us to look at each other ..done fucking deal .... "

Yeah whilst the big companies avoid tax we should not care.... if the mugger only gets £20 off of you or the yobs only kick down £40 quids worth of fence... it's peanuts in the grand scheme of things.

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By *aucy3Couple  over a year ago


"What do we start with?

The freephone number.

Yep ....how about we all make 50 bogus calls to the hotline and give the bastards summat to do ....instant investigations ....

While Barclays can have 120 holding companies in offshore tax havens ....and suchlike where investigations are deemed not in the public interest ....

This all came about ..by wealthy unscruplous organisations exploiting the poor with dodgy mortgages .....the world goes tits up ....capitalism nearly fails .....and then we get the poor to pay to clean up the fucking mess ..while the wealthy get us to look at each other ..done fucking deal .... "

barclays paid less than 2%,tax on over 11 billion pounds profits.

hmmm some people seem to think this is acceptable practice.

i say pursue all who are cheating.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"What do we start with?

The freephone number.

Yep ....how about we all make 50 bogus calls to the hotline and give the bastards summat to do ....instant investigations ....

While Barclays can have 120 holding companies in offshore tax havens ....and suchlike where investigations are deemed not in the public interest ....

This all came about ..by wealthy unscruplous organisations exploiting the poor with dodgy mortgages .....the world goes tits up ....capitalism nearly fails .....and then we get the poor to pay to clean up the fucking mess ..while the wealthy get us to look at each other ..done fucking deal ....

Yeah whilst the big companies avoid tax we should not care.... if the mugger only gets £20 off of you or the yobs only kick down £40 quids worth of fence... it's peanuts in the grand scheme of things."

Lol I wouldn`t say this social anarchist doesn`t care about yer community ...anything but ....

I`d tear down the cctc cameras ..use the 500 million putting bobbies on the beat ....and implement restorative justice .....at all levels ....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I care more about having to pay 20% VAT to the biggest crooks of them all who no doubt would still be fiddling their expenses if they hadn't been caught

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By *aucy3Couple  over a year ago


"What do we start with?

The freephone number.

Yep ....how about we all make 50 bogus calls to the hotline and give the bastards summat to do ....instant investigations ....

While Barclays can have 120 holding companies in offshore tax havens ....and suchlike where investigations are deemed not in the public interest ....

This all came about ..by wealthy unscruplous organisations exploiting the poor with dodgy mortgages .....the world goes tits up ....capitalism nearly fails .....and then we get the poor to pay to clean up the fucking mess ..while the wealthy get us to look at each other ..done fucking deal ....

Yeah whilst the big companies avoid tax we should not care.... if the mugger only gets £20 off of you or the yobs only kick down £40 quids worth of fence... it's peanuts in the grand scheme of things."

eh so now all benefit cheats are,muggers and vandals.

a bit sweeping,especially from you polo.

i have also heard people boast,about how they evade tax.

whats the hotline number,pm me and i'll give it a call.

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By *he_original_polo OP   Woman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

"What do we start with?

The freephone number.

Yep ....how about we all make 50 bogus calls to the hotline and give the bastards summat to do ....instant investigations ....

While Barclays can have 120 holding companies in offshore tax havens ....and suchlike where investigations are deemed not in the public interest ....

This all came about ..by wealthy unscruplous organisations exploiting the poor with dodgy mortgages .....the world goes tits up ....capitalism nearly fails .....and then we get the poor to pay to clean up the fucking mess ..while the wealthy get us to look at each other ..done fucking deal ....

Yeah whilst the big companies avoid tax we should not care.... if the mugger only gets £20 off of you or the yobs only kick down £40 quids worth of fence... it's peanuts in the grand scheme of things.

eh so now all benefit cheats are,muggers and vandals.

a bit sweeping,especially from you polo.

i have also heard people boast,about how they evade tax.

whats the hotline number,pm me and i'll give it a call."

Ermmmm did I say that?

I think you'll find I didn't did I?

I am following the arguement presented by some other people (all be it with sarcasm).... If we shouldn't be concerned with benefit cheats because there are companies out there evading tax (which isn't actually breaking any rules in many cases)... then may be we should not have any concern with other low cost crime.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"What do we start with?

The freephone number.

Yep ....how about we all make 50 bogus calls to the hotline and give the bastards summat to do ....instant investigations ....

While Barclays can have 120 holding companies in offshore tax havens ....and suchlike where investigations are deemed not in the public interest ....

This all came about ..by wealthy unscruplous organisations exploiting the poor with dodgy mortgages .....the world goes tits up ....capitalism nearly fails .....and then we get the poor to pay to clean up the fucking mess ..while the wealthy get us to look at each other ..done fucking deal ....

Yeah whilst the big companies avoid tax we should not care.... if the mugger only gets £20 off of you or the yobs only kick down £40 quids worth of fence... it's peanuts in the grand scheme of things.

eh so now all benefit cheats are,muggers and vandals.

a bit sweeping,especially from you polo.

i have also heard people boast,about how they evade tax.

whats the hotline number,pm me and i'll give it a call."

Benefit cheats are the underclass...neerdowells ...bane of all evil ..fusty nuts wid no kernel ...Judas own children ....Beezelbubs spawn .....I`m kidding on ....wheres the same negative language to describe organisations that contribute diddly shit to the social harmony in our society ...none ...instead we laud and venerate rugged individualism at the corperate level ....double standards et al...

Seriously I`ve no time fer the exploiter whatever their ilk ....but jeez ...some perspective please...

I`ve never presented an arguement suggesting that two wrongs make a right ...thats irredeemably stupid ..the arguement I would present is the values inherent in society ...better made by others than myself possibly ...

Although its rather unwise to take that arguement in isolation ....restorative justice of ALL cheats and fiddlers would go along way to reclaiming faith and trust etc blah blah ..

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By *aucy3Couple  over a year ago


"What do we start with?

The freephone number.

Yep ....how about we all make 50 bogus calls to the hotline and give the bastards summat to do ....instant investigations ....

While Barclays can have 120 holding companies in offshore tax havens ....and suchlike where investigations are deemed not in the public interest ....

This all came about ..by wealthy unscruplous organisations exploiting the poor with dodgy mortgages .....the world goes tits up ....capitalism nearly fails .....and then we get the poor to pay to clean up the fucking mess ..while the wealthy get us to look at each other ..done fucking deal ....

Yeah whilst the big companies avoid tax we should not care.... if the mugger only gets £20 off of you or the yobs only kick down £40 quids worth of fence... it's peanuts in the grand scheme of things.

eh so now all benefit cheats are,muggers and vandals.

a bit sweeping,especially from you polo.

i have also heard people boast,about how they evade tax.

whats the hotline number,pm me and i'll give it a call.

Ermmmm did I say that?

I think you'll find I didn't did I?

I am following the arguement presented by some other people (all be it with sarcasm).... If we shouldn't be concerned with benefit cheats because there are companies out there evading tax (which isn't actually breaking any rules in many cases)... then may be we should not have any concern with other low cost crime."

theres a long way between benefit fraud,and mugging and vandalism.

i recognised it as sarcasm,with a strong inference.

they may not be braking any rules,in many cases,but in many cases,they are breaking the rules.

and as such should be pursued as vigorously,as any one else breaking the rules.

you shouldnt be exempt,because you are rich.

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By *he_original_polo OP   Woman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

"What do we start with?

The freephone number.

Yep ....how about we all make 50 bogus calls to the hotline and give the bastards summat to do ....instant investigations ....

While Barclays can have 120 holding companies in offshore tax havens ....and suchlike where investigations are deemed not in the public interest ....

This all came about ..by wealthy unscruplous organisations exploiting the poor with dodgy mortgages .....the world goes tits up ....capitalism nearly fails .....and then we get the poor to pay to clean up the fucking mess ..while the wealthy get us to look at each other ..done fucking deal ....

Yeah whilst the big companies avoid tax we should not care.... if the mugger only gets £20 off of you or the yobs only kick down £40 quids worth of fence... it's peanuts in the grand scheme of things.

eh so now all benefit cheats are,muggers and vandals.

a bit sweeping,especially from you polo.

i have also heard people boast,about how they evade tax.

whats the hotline number,pm me and i'll give it a call.

Ermmmm did I say that?

I think you'll find I didn't did I?

I am following the arguement presented by some other people (all be it with sarcasm).... If we shouldn't be concerned with benefit cheats because there are companies out there evading tax (which isn't actually breaking any rules in many cases)... then may be we should not have any concern with other low cost crime.

theres a long way between benefit fraud,and mugging and vandalism.

i recognised it as sarcasm,with a strong inference.

they may not be braking any rules,in many cases,but in many cases,they are breaking the rules.

and as such should be pursued as vigorously,as any one else breaking the rules.

you shouldnt be exempt,because you are rich.


I don't argue with that.

But on a meet over a cuppa how many international business leaders are going to discuss their corporate tax payments?

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By *aucy3Couple  over a year ago


"What do we start with?

The freephone number.

Yep ....how about we all make 50 bogus calls to the hotline and give the bastards summat to do ....instant investigations ....

While Barclays can have 120 holding companies in offshore tax havens ....and suchlike where investigations are deemed not in the public interest ....

This all came about ..by wealthy unscruplous organisations exploiting the poor with dodgy mortgages .....the world goes tits up ....capitalism nearly fails .....and then we get the poor to pay to clean up the fucking mess ..while the wealthy get us to look at each other ..done fucking deal ....

Yeah whilst the big companies avoid tax we should not care.... if the mugger only gets £20 off of you or the yobs only kick down £40 quids worth of fence... it's peanuts in the grand scheme of things.

eh so now all benefit cheats are,muggers and vandals.

a bit sweeping,especially from you polo.

i have also heard people boast,about how they evade tax.

whats the hotline number,pm me and i'll give it a call.

Ermmmm did I say that?

I think you'll find I didn't did I?

I am following the arguement presented by some other people (all be it with sarcasm).... If we shouldn't be concerned with benefit cheats because there are companies out there evading tax (which isn't actually breaking any rules in many cases)... then may be we should not have any concern with other low cost crime.

theres a long way between benefit fraud,and mugging and vandalism.

i recognised it as sarcasm,with a strong inference.

they may not be braking any rules,in many cases,but in many cases,they are breaking the rules.

and as such should be pursued as vigorously,as any one else breaking the rules.

you shouldnt be exempt,because you are rich.

I don't argue with that.

But on a meet over a cuppa how many international business leaders are going to discuss their corporate tax payments?"

it was over a cuppa,a lot of them would have got their information,on how to avoid tax.

likely some whilst swinging.

as likely as,a benefit cheat confessing all.over a cuppa on a meet.

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By *he_original_polo OP   Woman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester


it was over a cuppa,a lot of them would have got their information,on how to avoid tax.

likely some whilst swinging.

as likely as,a benefit cheat confessing all.over a cuppa on a meet."

I doubt it, corporate taxation is a complex issue... they employ experts on international tax laws to find the best deals.

I don't see why it would be so unlikely for a meet to let slip how they earn cash in hand money... there are a few who have not been that bothered about letting it slip in the forums... and I don't mean this thread.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Little ol me ain`t gona know about corporate tax evasion ....I watched the select commitees grilling of Barclays ...frankly a miasma of evasion of another kind .....

Its an example of the political will to persue the tax evaders ....but isn`t given the prominence that benefit fraud attracts ...I remember party Tory conferences of old in times of mass unemployment ....until the political class (with full resources that include a social morality) tackle companies like Vodaphone and Barclays ....and a myriad others..then I for one won`t buy into the propoganda ..

Tis a good post tho Polo ...makes me think...wether I would shop a flagrant benefit cheat ....pondering !..

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