By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"1. Applying for public housing ( with kids)?"
When i split with a previous partner i've applied pregnant and with one son and got nothing, ended up homeless but unable to be offered homeless accommodation. I got offered the homeless hostel when my male ex was released from prison and for that reason. Gender didn't really come into it, the release from prison did.
When i split with my other ex i applied years before he did, he got lucky and was offered a home within a few months of applying, i was offered one the month after (years later). This was after they changed the rules to stop giving teenage parents priority for housing. Make of that what you will, am sure there's some stereotype to pander to in there.
"2. Applying for housing ( without kids)
- applying for housing as a single young adult."
Nothing here either. I moved away from my home town into a b&b instead. Was alright, i missed my friends and cousin and that though.
There were 4 flats for singles in the whole town so i didn't really expect to be given anything if i'm honest.
"3. Marital / partnership breakdown ( kids or no kids); who is told/ encouraged to leave the house?"
Nobody was encouraged to leave it or you'd be classed as homeless.
"4. Police treatment during whatever scenario."
Some police are dicks and some aren't. I've been arrested at 17 for something i didn't get charged with, the officer wouldn't even let me go to the toilet for a wee.
Got arrested as a mum of 4 kids for non-payment of council tax (that i shouldn't have been charged even), the police arresting me helped me get the kids ready for school and were nice.
Mostly they're alright, other family members have been involved with them and they've been ok with me. Yes one has chatted me up as well, but most of them are professional and don't do that.
"5. Reintegration into society following incarceration.
6. Physical abuse( assault).
7. Sexual abuse of any kind."
"8. Being assigned difficult / unpleasant tasks at work."
Both these examples were in catering.
Actual jobs i got good experience and a variety of things to do and was considered capable of doing any type of work within the workplace.
YTS/Training, got treated like a skivvy and most of my work experience was washing up.
"9. Footing the bill ( lion's share of) during a romantic liaison."
Nobody pays/paid for me, even when i was younger, nobody liked me. Been bought drinks many times with the presumption i would fuck that person.
I'd rather go halves, don't want anyone scrounging off of me and vice versa.
"10. Receiving assistance of any kind in public ( losing your way, losing your bus fare, needing a lift, looking for a shop, looking for a shop assistant, etc)"
People are usually happy to help where they can, men or women.
"11. Asking for a job application form."
Can't remember, lucky me. Always used to get offered jobs when i was younger though, i looked like a hard worker i reckon.
"12. Likelihood of being dismissed from work for a bust up with the boss."
I got sacked for something i didn't do. My boss actually said once that he didn't think women should work and should be at home but because of equality laws he had to employ some women. His wife was lovely and always hugging and cuddling me, they were nice people really just he was old fashioned and didn't think women couldn't do the work just that they shouldn't.
"13. Receiving med treatment on the nhs"
Nurses are lovely aren't they. Long live the NHS.
"14. Receiving full pay for(despite) half a job.
15 receiving a refund( for whatever excuse)"
Some people are snotty about refunds but mostly people are trained to be polite to customers.
"16. Being offered a job despite not being exactly qualified."
Oops i answered above. Been offered loads of jobs, even a couple working for famous footballers coz they fancied me. I don't think i'm all that but was nice they did.
"17. Being offered managerial positions.
18. More likely to be believed when calling in sick at work."
Lol i got sacked from my YTS for pulling a sickie, was glad, had passed my washing up certificate anyway.
"19. Receiving recognition for personal effort / endeavours."
no-one gives a shit when you're a mum and achieve mum stuff.
"20. Promotion at work for same work done and time spent in the job role."
Never happened. I didn't used to be lazy either. |