By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Interesting thread for me. I was diagnosed with sinus desease a few months ago. This was after 3 years of visits to the doctor. Culminating in a CT scan. Every part of every sinus in my head is completely blocked. I can't remember the last time I could breath through my nose or smell anything. I am now on a waiting list to have an operation to clear the sinuses and to get rid of polyps in my nose. I've be told, it'll be at least a year! It started with a bit of a blocked nose and bunged up feeling. After a week or so. Doc gave me some hay fever tablets etc. Since then, I've been prescribed every steroid, antihistamine and nasal drops/sprays that are available. I go through a forest of tissues everyday to try and contend with a never ending stream of nose crap. It even dribbles!! The problem I have is that the doctors and NRT specialists have told me that even after the op it will start again after a while. The thing is, our medical professionals treat the symptoms and do not try to ascertain the cause. I have read everything on this subject. I believe that it is my body's way of telling me that there is something that needs to change in my lifestyle and diet. I went and got tested for food intolerances. Turns out I am highly sensitive to wheat, dairy, pork and chocolate. Now this pretty much effects my whole diet!! I've been playing about with this for the past few months. It has been crazy. Different foods will instantly make my symptoms worse. We can pick up intolerances or sensitivities for foods at anytime in our lives. I would definitely look into this route. I'm going go ultra clean with my diet from the start of March. Fresh and unprocessed food daily. Ingredients that haven't had any intervention or alteration from humans. Fresh fruit, veg and fish. Green tea, water. Sounds simple but just have a look at the labels of your food intake today or take a note of what you're eating. You would be surprised how much is not fresh food. How much has been processed in some shape or form. Our bodies are not designed for artificial products. Over time, the body will show signs of the abuse we do to it. The medical profession largely treat symptoms not causes. Treating the true cause does not make pharmaceutical companies money. My brother is a doctor and explained that nutrition is glanced over in study and training in medicine. This should not be the case.
My advice. Look at you diet. Read about food. Your body will react to the shit that we eat. If we really feed and nourish ourselves with fresh food, adjust to a healthier lifestyle. We will see the benefits and the change will be remarkable. I guarantee it. Even those who think they eat healthily. Just have a look at your food today. Mornings; milk, juice, cereals, toasted bread(any kind). These are all processed, all touched by human intervention and changed. Lunch; sandwiches, soups, crisps, healthy snacks. Al this can include bread, processed hams and other sandwich fillings. Butter. Soups from a tin will mostly contain wheat flour. Same with crisps and healthy packaged snacks. They're all subject to processing. You see where I'm going with this. Any human processing of food degrades that food. Reduces the nutrients that are in those foods. If you have a look at the food you eat on an average day. You'll find that little is untouched. Ideally, if you have to check a label, put it back. Apart from toiletries and other things like bin bags, cleaning products. Try to shop for your food from just three aisles in the supermarket. Fruit, veg and butchery/fish. Prepare and cook your food from fresh. This will take preparation and thought. Have a read online, get your cook books out. Don't use any product that have been produced or processed. I am willing to bet that you will all see a marked change in yourselves. Clearer smoother skin, more energy, better thoughts in general. Along with this change. Get out for daily exercise. This could be a walk for 30 mins a day. I challenge you all to give it a try.
To the OP. Do not worry about your taste or smell. They will return. Do go to your GP. Do read more about nutrition and learn what is really in your plate.
There is so much more that we can do to change our lifestyles. So turn your television off at night and read more, go out for walks. Prepare your food for the following day. Visit friends and family.
Mind, Body and Soul.....
Have a great day folks |