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"Death sentence? ![]() capital punishment,its the deterant needed to stop things like this happening! | |||
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"does the age of the person being mugged make a difference to how we look on these crimes? The reason I ask is because last year, a 40 yr old was mugged in broad daylight from behind for £2.27 and 3 cigs, she was beating to shit and ended up in hospital for over a week. I know, cos that person was me!!!" i am very sorry to hear that and i hope you are ok now in answer to your question no the age doesnt make a difference people who do things like this clearly have no respect for human life and therefore in my eyes do not deserve the right to be treated as humans,if a dog viciously attacked somebody the law says it must be put down,this should also apply to some people! i know its an extreme measure but if it stopped these awful things happening then the streets would be a lot safer place for all of us | |||
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"does the age of the person being mugged make a difference to how we look on these crimes? The reason I ask is because last year, a 40 yr old was mugged in broad daylight from behind for £2.27 and 3 cigs, she was beating to shit and ended up in hospital for over a week. I know, cos that person was me!!! i am very sorry to hear that and i hope you are ok now in answer to your question no the age doesnt make a difference people who do things like this clearly have no respect for human life and therefore in my eyes do not deserve the right to be treated as humans,if a dog viciously attacked somebody the law says it must be put down,this should also apply to some people! i know its an extreme measure but if it stopped these awful things happening then the streets would be a lot safer place for all of us " is it ever likely to stop though??? the way our society is today, it is safer to walk away from what you see rather than get involved. You do not not what anyone is carrying. Although, I've had it done to me, I know i would rather walk away than risk being threatened with a knife or gun, and I am not a person that backs down when i see someone in trouble. But in my village alone, since Christmas Eve there have been 3 murders and 2 rapes. I do NOT want to be the next on that list of statisticts. I want to see my daughter grow up!!! | |||
"does the age of the person being mugged make a difference to how we look on these crimes? The reason I ask is because last year, a 40 yr old was mugged in broad daylight from behind for £2.27 and 3 cigs, she was beating to shit and ended up in hospital for over a week. I know, cos that person was me!!!" bastards... they had 3 of ur fags...xx | |||
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"and so says Ayatollah Funlad" no i just think people in this country need to stop accepting these crimes as part of every day life,its wrong and something needs to change otherwise it will just get worse!!!!! | |||
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"What greater way to show respect for human life than to kill people!! ![]() ![]() what would you have done with people like this? give them slap on the wrist and told not to do it again because thats all they get these days,there is no deterant at all! take a look at the pictures of the old lady that wiil be more than likely all over tommorrows papers and ask yourself ,should this be allowed to happen? | |||
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"What greater way to show respect for human life than to kill people!! ![]() ![]() Let me ask you a question to try and answer yours...would you beat up an old woman for a few pounds?...if not - why? | |||
"The age old and insurmountable problem with the death sentence is that it is irreversible! Everybody says that if a person kills/maims/rapes my wife/mum//dad/child/sibling/friend etc they deserve to be executed. The problem is ...what if they are innocent? What if they were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time and the physical evidence is compelling but not conclusive ? My argument has always been that if the state executes 1000 people and 999 of them are guilty but 1 is innocent, then you don't do it. The reason being that the one innocent person could be me or mine or you or yours. There is simply no argument against this." i agree with you totally with what you are saying about some people being innocent,the people i am talking about are the people that commit these crimes and boast about it, as they will do in time, as they know they will get no serious punishment its these people that there is no doubt of there guilt and the world would be a safer place without | |||
"What greater way to show respect for human life than to kill people!! ![]() ![]() thats a no brainer... cause u would beat up an old woman for a few pounds.... | |||
"What greater way to show respect for human life than to kill people!! ![]() ![]() is that a serious question? i wouldnt beat up an old woman full stop!!!!!!! | |||
"I can only agree with you there. Getting behind the police forces and stopping the cuts to basic police enforcement might be a more practical option. A bit more community concern might not go amiss." True If it wasnt for the lack of trust in the justice system including the police. Years ago my best mate was bieng attacked and harrassed by another neighbour. The other neighbour had moved in and she did what she liked , when she liked and when the police were called in she played the race card (she was from asian parentage) After my mates son was beaten to a pulp by her boyfriend all hell broke loose in the street. All the neighbours were out in protest and when the coppers came , we were then threatened with arrest if we didnt go indoors and leave the "poor woman" alone ![]() ![]() | |||
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"The age old and insurmountable problem with the death sentence is that it is irreversible! Everybody says that if a person kills/maims/rapes my wife/mum//dad/child/sibling/friend etc they deserve to be executed. The problem is ...what if they are innocent? What if they were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time and the physical evidence is compelling but not conclusive ? My argument has always been that if the state executes 1000 people and 999 of them are guilty but 1 is innocent, then you don't do it. The reason being that the one innocent person could be me or mine or you or yours. There is simply no argument against this. i agree with you totally with what you are saying about some people being innocent,the people i am talking about are the people that commit these crimes and boast about it, as they will do in time, as they know they will get no serious punishment its these people that there is no doubt of there guilt and the world would be a safer place without" That doesn't work! There is either a death penalty or not. If you believe that executing the odd innocent person is acceptable in order to use the ultimate deterrent to prevent violent crime then fair enough, but please don't try to suggest that is a morally acceptable practice. | |||
"What greater way to show respect for human life than to kill people!! ![]() ![]() It is a totally serious question...you didn't answer why you wouldn't | |||
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"What greater way to show respect for human life than to kill people!! ![]() ![]() read the question again. It is a question designed not to get at you or anyone personally but designed to provoke people into thinking about the reasons why they could not do this and provide some clues as to what is lacking in the upbringing and training of the "inhuman" people who can do this. For goodness sakes, take a moment to reflect on things. (sighs) | |||
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"i have morals and human life is precious thats how i have been raised,but to me these people who commit these crimes are not human,yes admittedly they may have had serious problems and issues whilst growing up and may not know right from wrong but its no excuse to do this kind of thing and clearly giving these people a 'slap on the wrist' isnt the answer! i am sorry if i have offended anybody with my views on this subject but it just irratates me that it constantly gets pushed under the carpet because of the 'as long as it doesnt happen to me' attitude that society has these days! it could happen to any of us!" YES and it has!!!! | |||
"i have morals and human life is precious thats how i have been raised,but to me these people who commit these crimes are not human,yes admittedly they may have had serious problems and issues whilst growing up and may not know right from wrong but its no excuse to do this kind of thing and clearly giving these people a 'slap on the wrist' isnt the answer! " Therefore society needs to work to help babies and children and help them not to grow up in this way. Could be a place to start? | |||
"funlad, having been one of the first that answered you, and went into detail and answered you... Is taking the guilty person's life really the answer??? what does that solve?? will either the victim's or perpertrator's family get any satisfaction from it??? as I said, i don't think there is any answer at this time x " its not about revenge or getting any satisfaction and you are right there is no obvious solution to this problem,the point i am trying to make is that the thought of capital punishment may make the kind of people who commit these crimes think twice about doing it x | |||
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"I say again...if the state executes 1000 people and just 1 of them is innocent then the practice is morally unjustifiable! And for all of you who dismiss me as a bleeding heart liberal, the one innocent person could be you or yours. Is there any of you pro capital punishment crowd who is prepared to say , here and now, that you would be prepared to accept the death penalty knowing that you were innocent of the crime you had been convicted of for the greater good of society?" you are totally right and i appreciate your views,however what is the alternative? things to carry on as they are with people to scared to leave their homes? the old lady i spoke about in my OP didnt even leave her house all she did was answer the door and that happened to her it just deeply saddens me that this type of thing is allowed to happen its truly awful and needs to be stopped | |||
"glad you posted this one though, Funlad, makes a change to have a bit of discourse instead of "would you ..." posts. ![]() i know what you mean ![]() ![]() | |||
"I say again...if the state executes 1000 people and just 1 of them is innocent then the practice is morally unjustifiable! And for all of you who dismiss me as a bleeding heart liberal, the one innocent person could be you or yours. Is there any of you pro capital punishment crowd who is prepared to say , here and now, that you would be prepared to accept the death penalty knowing that you were innocent of the crime you had been convicted of for the greater good of society? you are totally right and i appreciate your views,however what is the alternative? things to carry on as they are with people to scared to leave their homes? the old lady i spoke about in my OP didnt even leave her house all she did was answer the door and that happened to her it just deeply saddens me that this type of thing is allowed to happen its truly awful and needs to be stopped " Whilst that is deplorable and tragic it does not in any way justify capital punishment. People continuously point to heinous crimes, particularly those committed against the most vulnerable people in our society, in an attempt to justify the death penalty. But it is inescapable that there is always the possibility that you will execute an innocent party. Now if you are prepared to accept the death of the odd innocent person in order to deter violent criminals then that is fair enough, we are after all a democracy. However please be prepared to accept publicly that it is a flawed system and not the panacea for all socially abhorrent behaviour. | |||
" Maybe then we can rid our prisons and mental institutes of all the sick and evil bastards who presently live quite comfortably at everyones expense ." Are you serious? Kill of the mentally ill and those in prison? Even those there for not paying their council tax? Whoa! And I thought Shiria law was harsh! ![]() | |||
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"its my opinion that these animals should serve a proper prison sentence then microchipped on release so they can be located any time of day or night" Sounds good in theory but who would monitor them, and at what cost etc. What's to stop them staying at home but still conducting their nefarious business using friends that are not tagged and under curfew. As I said, sounds good, but impossible to put into practice I'd have thought. | |||
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"What greater way to show respect for human life than to kill people!! ![]() ![]() And how much respect does the villian have for "human life" if they are willing to risk beating someone to death for a pittance? Killing someone by accident during a fight between to well matched individuals is one thing (which I still dont condone), but targeting a weaker individual, and risking killing them just for pennies? Perhaps the death penalty is a bit harsh, maybe you would prefer my alternative, knee-cap the scum, teach them what its like to be weaker and vunerable, having to hobble around leaning on a stick? | |||
"i saw on the news today about a 92 year old lady beaten up outside her home in gorton,manchester,the report said "it was done to steal just £30"! my view on this is it doesnt matter if it was £30 or £30,000,000 things like this shouldnt happen it sickens me to the bone i hope the evil bastards who did this burn in hell!!!! crimes like this i think deserve the death sentence and its for crimes such as this it should re-instated! what does everybody else think? " There is just no respect for old people or anyone if it comes to it these days. | |||
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"We have lost the right to re instate the death penalty in this country. It wont ever happen. If it could be, yes i would want it . Maybe then we can rid our prisons and mental institutes of all the sick and evil bastards who presently live quite comfortably at everyones expense ." Mental Institutes you say? You would execute someone that is deemed mentally ill? Wow... | |||
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"I think they should have their crime tattooed on their foreheads - then we can all see them for what they really are! ![]() I agree ![]() | |||
"We have lost the right to re instate the death penalty in this country. It wont ever happen. If it could be, yes i would want it . Maybe then we can rid our prisons and mental institutes of all the sick and evil bastards who presently live quite comfortably at everyones expense . Mental Institutes you say? You would execute someone that is deemed mentally ill? Wow..." seems that way lol, and here was me thinking the asylums of years gone by where bad enough, now mentally ill people to be executed lol ![]() | |||
"That, with respect, is nonesense." Unless it was your mother/grandmother eh? ![]() | |||
"i saw on the news today about a 92 year old lady beaten up outside her home in gorton,manchester,the report said "it was done to steal just £30"! my view on this is it doesnt matter if it was £30 or £30,000,000 things like this shouldnt happen it sickens me to the bone i hope the evil bastards who did this burn in hell!!!! crimes like this i think deserve the death sentence and its for crimes such as this it should re-instated! what does everybody else think? " So why did crimes like this happen when we had the death sentence? | |||
"That, with respect, is nonesense. Unless it was your mother/grandmother eh? ![]() If you are going to 'quote' me then at least make your point about what I said ![]() | |||
""I say again...if the state executes 1000 people and just 1 of them is innocent then the practice is morally unjustifiable! And for all of you who dismiss me as a bleeding heart liberal, the one innocent person could be you or yours." What about the fact that, on a daily basis, this is happening? (British) State sanctioned executions, some of whom are innocent? AND there is no trial, no judge, no jury, just an executioner. I dont here you commenting on that? I am talking about the war in Afghanistan, which I fully support, and may even take part in. When the situation is different, people have a different view on things. In this case, the criminals are the Taliban, or AlQaeda, or unfortunately innocent civilians who are caught up in the fighting. The executioners are.... well, you and me ultimately, as all of this is being done by the agents of our democracy. Yes, the parameters of that situation are very different, but the basics are the same, a crime is committed, someone pulls the trigger, someone dies. You cannot moralise about the death penaly on one hand, saying its morally reprehensable, whilst our armed forces are taking lives on our behalf on the other. The world is an imperfect place, and society sometimes has to put up with the fact that the solution to a problem is sometimes a bitter pill to swallow, but you have to bite the bullet and take the actions that, eventually, will lead to others having second thoughts about committing these crimes. " If you are in the services, and you don't know the difference between an execution and the justifiable use of appropriate levels of force in a time of war, I suggest you have a chat with one of your officers. They'll explain the terms of engagement for each zone of operation you enter into, and the rules as to when you can and can't use force. | |||
"That, with respect, is nonesense. Unless it was your mother/grandmother eh? ![]() ![]() The point is that every bleeding heart and "they need help not punishment" type person thinks that capital and corporal punishment is wrong............until the crime happens to them or theirs that is. There are times when only "knee jerk reactions" and zero tolerance will work. | |||
"That, with respect, is nonesense. Unless it was your mother/grandmother eh? ![]() ![]() Try going back and reading what I said properly...maybe it will be third time lucky for you ![]() | |||
"That, with respect, is nonesense. Unless it was your mother/grandmother eh? ![]() ![]() I think I've just won this round of cliche bingo... | |||
""I say again...if the state executes 1000 people and just 1 of them is innocent then the practice is morally unjustifiable! And for all of you who dismiss me as a bleeding heart liberal, the one innocent person could be you or yours." What about the fact that, on a daily basis, this is happening? (British) State sanctioned executions, some of whom are innocent? AND there is no trial, no judge, no jury, just an executioner. I dont here you commenting on that? I am talking about the war in Afghanistan, which I fully support, and may even take part in. When the situation is different, people have a different view on things. In this case, the criminals are the Taliban, or AlQaeda, or unfortunately innocent civilians who are caught up in the fighting. The executioners are.... well, you and me ultimately, as all of this is being done by the agents of our democracy. Yes, the parameters of that situation are very different, but the basics are the same, a crime is committed, someone pulls the trigger, someone dies. You cannot moralise about the death penaly on one hand, saying its morally reprehensable, whilst our armed forces are taking lives on our behalf on the other. The world is an imperfect place, and society sometimes has to put up with the fact that the solution to a problem is sometimes a bitter pill to swallow, but you have to bite the bullet and take the actions that, eventually, will lead to others having second thoughts about committing these crimes. If you are in the services, and you don't know the difference between an execution and the justifiable use of appropriate levels of force in a time of war, I suggest you have a chat with one of your officers. They'll explain the terms of engagement for each zone of operation you enter into, and the rules as to when you can and can't use force." "Yes, the parameters of that situation are very different, but the basics are the same, a crime is committed, someone pulls the trigger, someone dies. You cannot moralise about the death penaly on one hand, saying its morally reprehensable, whilst our armed forces are taking lives on our behalf on the other." Read and digest the full post, and understand the point that I am trying to make. Its all about the moralising of the situation, sometimes you have to think outside the box to make the point. | |||
""I say again...if the state executes 1000 people and just 1 of them is innocent then the practice is morally unjustifiable! And for all of you who dismiss me as a bleeding heart liberal, the one innocent person could be you or yours." What about the fact that, on a daily basis, this is happening? (British) State sanctioned executions, some of whom are innocent? AND there is no trial, no judge, no jury, just an executioner. I dont here you commenting on that? I am talking about the war in Afghanistan, which I fully support, and may even take part in. When the situation is different, people have a different view on things. In this case, the criminals are the Taliban, or AlQaeda, or unfortunately innocent civilians who are caught up in the fighting. The executioners are.... well, you and me ultimately, as all of this is being done by the agents of our democracy. Yes, the parameters of that situation are very different, but the basics are the same, a crime is committed, someone pulls the trigger, someone dies. You cannot moralise about the death penaly on one hand, saying its morally reprehensable, whilst our armed forces are taking lives on our behalf on the other. The world is an imperfect place, and society sometimes has to put up with the fact that the solution to a problem is sometimes a bitter pill to swallow, but you have to bite the bullet and take the actions that, eventually, will lead to others having second thoughts about committing these crimes. If you are in the services, and you don't know the difference between an execution and the justifiable use of appropriate levels of force in a time of war, I suggest you have a chat with one of your officers. They'll explain the terms of engagement for each zone of operation you enter into, and the rules as to when you can and can't use force. "Yes, the parameters of that situation are very different, but the basics are the same, a crime is committed, someone pulls the trigger, someone dies. You cannot moralise about the death penaly on one hand, saying its morally reprehensable, whilst our armed forces are taking lives on our behalf on the other." Read and digest the full post, and understand the point that I am trying to make. Its all about the moralising of the situation, sometimes you have to think outside the box to make the point." 'think outside the box' gets me the cliche snowball as well... | |||